Thursday, February 6, 2014

From sun rise to sundown...

We stand with 
our friends in Israel!

Steve Hill: The Problem With Tumbleweed Believers

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Steve Hill: The Problem With 

Tumbleweed Believers

Last week, hundreds of thousands of tumbleweeds blew into Clovis, N.M., but didn’t blow back out. This small town was buried under an avalanche of tumbleweeds. Residents had to call 911 for help getting out of their homes. The problem was so big, the National Guard was called in to help battle the tumbleweed invasion. (If you haven’t seen this, click here and prepare to be astonished.)

Having spent several years in Texas, I know a little about these pesky plants. A tumbleweed is an unattractive, troublesome bush that rolls around, having snapped loose from its roots. It’s simply tossed about by the wind.
Paul referred to believers that behave like tumbleweeds in Ephesians 4:14 when he said, “We henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive” (KJV).
I continually meet believers who are "tossed about to and fro," and that concerns me because so often these dear people end up spiritually shipwrecked. Let me share with you a few thoughts about "tumbleweed believers."
1. Tumbleweed believers have not allowed their roots to sink deep into the truth.
There is nothing on Planet Earth that gets blown around more than a tumbleweed. Just a little wind, and off it goes. But these pesky plants don’t start out this way. When growing, a tumbleweed is firmly planted in the soil. But at the end of its growth season, it breaks loose, never to be planted again.
Spiritually speaking, this is what happens to many believers. They encounter a difficult test or trial, and suddenly they stop growing. My friend, you should never stop growing in the Lord! If you do, it’s just a matter of time before you begin to tumble in your Christian walk.
The reason Paul was so adamant that believers be established in the truth is because false doctrine was sweeping through the church, causing many to fall away. It’s no different today. False doctrine will blow you off course and leave you hundreds of miles from where you want to be spiritually. Becoming firmly grounded in God’s Word is one of the primary ways to ensure that you stay on course and remain spiritually strong and healthy.
2. Tumbleweed believers begin to roam when confronted.
Over the years, I have seen people who refuse to deal with their sin. In fact, a lot of pastors are afraid to talk about sin from their pulpits. Some even refuse to use the word. Why? Because people will pack up their marbles and leave if confronted.
My friend, we need to speak about backsliding and the devastating consequences of sin. These things will destroy you. However, those who don’t want to hear the truth will get offended, and off they go like a tumbleweed.
3. Tumbleweed believers blown by the wind are helpless to decide their own route.
Tumbleweed believers can’t decide where to go. They are in and out, this way then that way, totally at the mercy of the wind. They go whichever way it happens to be blowing today.
Believers who find themselves at a loss of direction need only look back to where they disconnected themselves from the kingdom. 
Are you spending time in His Word? This is important to keep you rooted in His truth! His word is a “lamp unto [your] feet, and a light unto [your] path” (Ps. 119:105).
Are you listening to the Holy Spirit? God sent the Spirit to teach, comfort and correct us. You should welcome His activity in your life and not run from it, for when He has come into your life, “he will guide you into all truth” (John 16:13).
Are you connected to a body of believers? So many are in the habit of forsaking the assembly of the saints. They say, “I don’t need the church to make it to heaven.” But friend, you need the church to make it here on earth. 
This is precisely what Paul is saying in Ephesians 4. Christ gave us the church and the fivefold ministry gifts “for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man” (Eph. 4:12-13, NKJV).
Feeling tossed around in the world? Get reconnected to His Word, the Spirit, and the body.
4. Tumbleweed believers spread their unwanted seeds at random.
One of the reasons farmers hate tumbleweeds is because each one has about 250,000 seeds that can grow in a wide range of temperatures. Imagine that. As a tumbleweed blows across the land, it scatters a quarter of a million seeds that potentially become tumbleweeds. So all year long, farmers have to put up with this nuisance.
How many tumbleweed believers do you suppose we have in America, rolling around the landscape of Christianity, spreading bad seed?
I can’t tell you how many unhealthy, anemic, cancerous individuals have come across my path attempting to scatter their bad seed in the garden of my life. Someone hurt them, so they want to plant that bad seed in my soil. They are bitter about an event that took place, and they want me to accept that seed of bitterness. The list goes on and on. Let’s not allow these seeds to take root. Shake off everything that happened in the past, settle in, and begin to grow again.
My friend, let us determine to allow our roots to grow deep in Christ. Know what you believe, and don’t let anything or anyone blow you off course. When you are confronted by an attack from the enemy, resist him. When temptation comes your way, stand strong. Let’s be believers who are deeply rooted, continually growing, and ever producing fruit for the kingdom.
Evangelist Steve Hill preached the Brownsville Revival for five years, is pastor emeritus of Heartland World Ministries Church and has authored 13 books, including Spiritual Avalanche. He can be reached at
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Haifa - A Beautiful City in Israel on the Mediterranean Sea


Storm Rages Over Status of Israeli Christians

Storm Rages Over Status of Israeli Christians

Thursday, February 06, 2014 |  Ryan Jones ISRAEL TODAY 
The Knesset's Labor, Welfare and Health Committee held a very stormy debate on Wednesday over the proposed recognition of local Christians as a minority separate from the rest of the Arab population.
The debate centered around a new bill sponsored by Member of Knesset Yariv Levin (Likud) that would acknowledge Christians as their own independent minority for the purpose of representation on local councils and the Advisory Committee for Equal Opportunity.
In effect, such a law would legally differentiate between Chrisitans and Arabs, most of whom are Muslims.
In an interview earlier this month, Levin said that his proposed legislation makes perfect sense because "we (Jews) have much in common with the Christians. They are our natural allies, and a counterweight to the Muslims who want to destroy the country from within."
Arab MKs on the committee (all of them Muslim) responded with predictable outrage.
"Levin wants to divide the Arab public, which is already oppressed. We won’t be his slaves," insisted MK Jamal Zahalka (Balad), while MK Hanin Zoabi (pictured) said the bill would only increase Arab hostility toward the Jewish state.
To counter the arguments of the Muslims, the committee also heard from Shadi Haloul, who has been at the forefront of a Nazareth-based movement that is encouraging young local Christians to join the Israeli army and embrace their Aramaic heritage, rather than an imposed Arab identity.
"I'm proud to be Christian," Haloul told the committee. "We have a right to self-definition as well." Pointing to the Muslim representatives, Haloul went on to urge the committee's Jewish members, "Don't listen to those racists."
At that point, Zoabi reportedly called Haloul a "coward," and dared him to take this message to the streets of Nazareth, where local Muslims and unsympathetic Christians would "give you the proper response."
The thinly-veiled threat earned Zoabi ejection from the hearing.
The reality is that Haloul and others involved in the movement have been taking this message to the streets of Nazareth and many other Arab towns for well over a year now.
At times that effort has brought violence against them, but more often than not young Christians are identifying with the message and throwing off the hatred for Israel with which their previous "Arab" identity had saddled them.
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Elevation Church Donates $300,000 to Fight Homelessness in Charlotte (CP)

Elevation Church Donates $300,000 to Fight Homelessness in Charlotte; 'I Can't Thank You Enough,' Says Mayor

  • Steven Furtick
  • (Photo: Elevation Church video screen grab)
    Pastor Steven Furtick meets with Charlotte city officials.
February 6, 2014|12:18 pm
Elevation Church, the Charlotte, N.C. multi-site worship community led by pastor Steven Furtick, recently donated $300,000 towards a $20-million city fund to fight homelessness.
The proceeds will help fight the rise of homelessness in Charlotte through the Social Impact Housing Fund, created to provide short-term rental assistance for families and veterans, and assist residents who earn less than 50 percent of the area's median income.
"I can't thank you enough for hearing my cry on the trail as I talked about how important this subject matter is to me," said Charlotte Mayor Patrick Cannon to Furtick in a video interview. "$300,000, that's a big deal and you do it with humbleness and without asking for anything back. Charlotte will be set up as a place for best practices, where we can be looked upon by other places in this country, if not the world."
The $20-million housing fund endowment also includes a $10 million dollar commitment from the city of Charlotte over the next five years, in addition to $10 million being raised by the Foundation for the Carolinas, a philanthropic organization and other faith-based institutions similar to Elevation.
"From day one, our motto was partnership," said Furtick, in the video. "We never wanted as a church to create our own ministries but partner with people…Our church is a generous church and the thing I always teach when we hear of needs that are happening in our city, down the street or across the world, [is that] there seems to be three basic responses and the first one is greed then guilt…but generosity is God's answer."
According to a recent report by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, homelessness among families in Charlotte rose 10 percent in 2012. The report also noted that area shelters had to turn away individuals due to overcrowding at times. Tragically, nearly 5,000 city children were reported to be homeless. 
In response to the problem, Elevation Church gives to non-profits throughout the city each year. Furtick also donates 12 percent of the church's giving to support outreach efforts nationally and globally.
Since Elevation was founded in 2006, they have given over $11 million to 84 outreach partners. During LOVE week in 2013, a community initiative to help the underserved, Elevation gave away $400,000 to charitable causes and throughout the year, they gave $2.5 million to efforts across North Carolina and the world.
"Out of what God has given me and has given the church, we hope to live in such a way that if Elevation Church died, the city would cry at our funeral," said Furtick.
Cannon praised Elevation for their help and said it was "refreshing" to see churches respond to Charlotte's growing social issue. 
"At the end of the day, we're all God's children and there should be somebody out there to help those in less favorable situations that we might be," said Cannon. "If others follow that same lead, what a great community we'll be overall."
In addition to making headlines for his church's generosity, Furtick drew criticism late last year when a local North Carolina news outlet revealed that he was building a 16,000-square-foot gated estate. The news promoted curiosity from the community about his salary and how he handled the church's finances.   
Furtick addressed the concerns during a sermon last October and emphasized that he believes in a "ministry of integrity that has not changed, and that will not change."

In the Zone - Al Wood (former NC Tarheels, now pastor) with Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Al Wood #30 for NC Tarheels - 1983 ACC Tournament
 - toal of 39 points which still stands

In the Zone - Rick Joyner Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

In the Zone
Rick Joyner
Al Wood

Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Al Wood teaches that some of the greatest leadership of the last days will come out of professional sports. Teamwork is the main thing if we want to be successful in building the body of Christ. We must have a bigger vision than our own church.
Rick Joyner and All Wood

Al Wood - taking the shot

God is Moving - We Are at the Beginning of Something Beyond Anything We've Ever Seen - Robert Hotchkin

Robert Hotchkin:
God is Moving - We Are at the 
Beginning of Something 
Beyond Anything We've Ever Seen
(The Elijah List)

All around the world the Body of Christ can feel the stirrings of a great move of God. We are at the beginning of something awesome, something global, something beyond anything we have ever seen. For years now, we have been believing for it, praying into it, and declaring it. 

God is moving. The key for the Body in this hour, is to discover how to move with Him and follow Him into all He has for us.

It may sound simple: We pray for God to move, He begins to move, we move with Him. But actually the early stages of a move of God can be the most challenging part. So often when God begins to move the response of the Body is not, "Yay! God is moving!" but instead, "Hey! God where did You go?!"

Seeing New Aspects of His Fullness

A move of God by definition involves God moving. Which means we may not "find" Him exactly where (or how) we have in the past – because He is doing a new thing. Mind you, He is not changing, God never changes (Malachi 3:6). He is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). But He loves to reveal more of Himself to us in greater and greater depths and dimensions so that we can know more of Him (and thus make more of Him known to the world around us).

Often the way He does this is by blessing us with a season where He seems to not be doing things (or even meeting with us) the way He has in the past. He does not stop being who He "has been," but He adds to our revelation of all that He is by helping us see new aspects of His fullness.

He woos us into a greater revelation of all He is by leading us from the comfort zone of what we have already come to know of Him.

Think of the Israelites in the desert. They knew the Lord as Deliverer, the One who brought them up out of Egypt. And now He was leading them – cloud by day, fire by night – across the wilderness into all He had spoken to them of in the Promised Land. Day by day the Israelites learned to look for and follow the presence of the Lord. Sometimes, for days, He would remain in one place with them, helping them to see and know Him as Provider, Healer, or some other aspect of I AM.

Cloud by DayBut then a day would come when the cloud would move. The Israelites had to be in active relationship with the Lord to realize He was not "where" He had been; they had to be looking for the cloud of His presence each day. When the cloud moved they had to trust that He was still with them and seek where He had moved to, so that they could follow.

It is the same for us today. God is moving. The key to following Him into all He is bringing us into begins with us trusting that – even if we are not finding Him where He "was," He is still present. After all, He never leaves us nor forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5-6).

God is wooing the Body right now in a powerful way. There is a great grace for increased intimacy and relationship with Him – a great grace to know Him in new ways and follow Him into new depths.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

A Place of Song of Solomon

Prophetically speaking, I believe we are in a place similar to the end of Song of Solomon 2 and the beginning of Song of Solomon 3.

In Song of Solomon 2, the Lover is wooing His Beloved to a new place in verse 10, "Rise up, my beloved, my fair one, and come away," he invites. He then goes on to declare that "the winter is past…the flowers are springing up, and the time of singing birds has come…the fig trees are budding, and the grapevines are in blossom," and then he repeats his invitation for her to arise and come away with him (Song of Solomon 2:13).

God's Arrow of LoveThe Lover is announcing that it is a new hour, a new season, and that he has new things to show her, new places to take her, new heights for them to soar to together. 

She is hearing him on some level (SoS 2:8), and yet at the beginning of Song of Solomon 3 we see that while she is yearning for her Lover, she is still reaching out for him where she has always found him – and discovers that he is no longer there (SoS 3:1).

She has a choice to make. She can continue to search for him where he has been, or she can respond to the invitation to arise and step into the uncertainty of the unknown, discovering him in new places and in new ways (SoS 3:2-4).

She chooses the latter, and in doing so embarks on a journey with her Lover in which she comes to know him, rely on him, and lean into him to such a degree that she is completely transformed – so much so that her peers do not even recognize her when she returns (SoS 8:5).

Like in the Song of Solomon, we have entered into a new season.

The Lord is beckoning us, wooing us, inviting us to come away from where we have been and arise into a new place with Him – a place of greater revelation and demonstration of all that He is.

If you have noticed lately that things seem different, or you're not quite finding God "how" or "where" you have in the past, do not despair; do not be discouraged. He is simply answering your prayers. He is moving. He is inviting you to come along with Him.

Arise Beloved!

Prayer Directives:

So let's pray this for the Body of Christ:

1. Our hearts will be fully His, and we will follow where He is leading.

2. We will discern the times, know His intentions, hear His voice, and follow His lead.

God's Arrow of Love3. We will value what has been and all that He has done to date, but we will also be excited and expectant about what He is doing and what is breaking forth in the earth.

4. None will be left behind, and all will hear and respond to His invitation to arise and come away with Him into this new time, this new season, this new move.

5. That we will love one another as He loves us, so even if some respond to His beckoning at a different pace or in different ways than we do, we will respond in love and with encouragement.

6. And most of all, that the fullness of what He has planned for this season will come forth and that He will receive all the glory and all He is due!

Robert Hotchkin


Robert Hotchkin fervently believes every Christian is a miracle-working explosion of the Kingdom waiting to happen. His ministry empowers Believers to live fully from their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross. His preaching, teaching, and ministry inspires Believers to grab hold of their restored relationship with the Father through the finished work of the Cross and walk the earth as Jesus did – destroying every work of darkness everywhere they go!

Rob is a passionate lover of Jesus Christ and that passion is truly contagious! He ministers with strong faith, releasing revelation, prophetic decrees, healings, miracles, and the love of God. He is a true carrier of the glory and revival. People have been healed, refreshed, set free, and empowered through his life. He believes for Heaven to impact lives and regions everywhere he goes.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources