Sunday, February 16, 2014

Israel, trust in the Lord. He is their help and their shield. (PSALMS 115:9)

Israel, trust in the Lord. 

He is their help and their shield.

PSALMS (115:9)

יִשְׂרָאֵל בְּטַח  בַּי-הוה

 עֶזְרָם וּמַָגִנָּם הוּא

תהילים קטו:ט

yees-ra-ALE be-TAKH
ba-ah-doe-NIE ez-RAHM
oo-mah-gee-NAHM hoo

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse from Psalm 115 appears not just once, 
but three times throughout the Psalm. This hints at 
three different motives for serving the Almighty: 
fear (awe), love, or both (from the Maharal of Prague). 

The Israel Defense Forces combine their strengths 
on all accounts to serve and protect all of God's people, 
wherever they are situated. Support their humanitarian 
missions and help the IDF help others, whether 
Syrian refugees or victims of natural disasters 
around the world.

Interactive Tour Video of Israel!
Jump into this amazing interactive video for the journey of a lifetime.
For the first time, Israel's Tourism Ministry has launched a video
that puts you in the driver's seat as you explore the entire
Land of Israel.

Watch the Interactive Tour Video »

Jerusalem Daily Photo
Israeli soldiers join together in prayer at the Western Wall.
Each wears a beret of a unique color, representing the diverse
battalions in which they serve.
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Saturday, February 15, 2014

French vigilance on anti-Israel speech provoking backlash - THE TIMES OF ISRAEL

French vigilance on anti-Israel speech 
provoking backlash

France’s law, one of world’s most potent legislative tools to fight pro-Palestinian BDS movement, sees some 20 activists convicted


Farida Trichine (third from right) and fellow activists
advocating a boycott of Israel in Mulhouse, France, Sept. 11, 2010. (photo credit: Collectif Palestine 68)

JTA — When Farida Trichine and 11 of her friends burst into a French supermarket in 2009 and began applying stickers with anti-Israel slogans to vegetables imported from the Jewish state, she expected to be escorted from the store by police.

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What she didn’t expect was to be convicted of inciting racial hatred and slapped with a $650 fine.

Three months ago, a court in Colmar convicted the 12 activists under a French law that extended the definition of discrimination beyond the expected parameters of race, religion and sexual orientation to include members of national groups.

What Trichine, who was wearing a “boycott Israel” shirt during the protest, saw as a protected act of political speech was being treated by the authorities like a hate crime.

“It’s surprising that our actions are considered a crime when the real criminals are the colonists, the butchers of Gaza,” Trichine said in a video message in 2011, soon after her legal troubles began.

Trichine, 54, is one of approximately 20 anti-Israel activists who have been convicted under France’s so-called Lellouche law. Named for the Jewish parliamentarian who introduced it in 2003, the law is among the world’s most potent legislative tools to fight the growing Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, or BDS, and has catapulted France to the forefront of efforts to counter the movement through legal means.

“The French government and judiciary’s determination in fighting discrimination, and the Lellouche law especially, are exemplary for Belgium and other nations where discriminatory BDS is happening,” said Joel Rubinfeld, co-chair of the European Jewish Parliament and president of the Belgian League Against Anti-Semitism.

French authorities have acted aggressively in recent weeks to crack down on anti-Israel and anti-Jewish speech, most prominently by banning a tour by the comedian Dieudonne M’bala M’bala, who has been convicted multiple times of belittling the Holocaust and alleging that a Jewish mafia runs France, among other offenses. But the dragnet has also swept up BDS protesters whose actions have targeted Israel, not Jews.

Pro-Israel activists in neighboring Belgium are pushing for a similar law to Lellouche, hoping it might also put a dent in BDS activities in that country. No other countries have followed France’s lead.

In France, the official crackdown is sparking a backlash from activists who argue that the Lellouche law is too restrictive of free speech.

Before the convictions of Trichine and her associates, a solidarity petition by pro-Palestinian activists failed to garner more than 1,500 signatures. After the convictions, 51 groups — among them several labor unions and political parties with hundreds of thousands of supporters combined — condemned the verdict as “an unbearable attack on freedom of expression.” Three short documentaries have been made about the case, which has been covered in dozens of articles in leading French publications.

“These convictions are unconscionable,” Nicole Kiil-Nielsen, a French member of the European Parliament, said at a special session on the case in Strasbourg in 2011. “Governments are doing nothing to end Israel’s illegal occupation and the French court is wrongfully denying citizens from acting through BDS.”

Pascal Markowicz, the head of the BDS legal task force of the CRIF umbrella group of French Jewish communities, said the Lellouche law was enacted not because of the lawmakers’ desire to protect Israel, but because they sought to strengthen French republican values and counter sectarian tendencies. The law was passed in 2003, shortly after unprecedented gains by the far right National Front party in the presidential election.

The measure was designed to respond to a social climate of not only mounting anti-Semitism, but also anti-Arab discrimination and xenophobia. Nevertheless, it has been invoked repeatedly against anti-Israel activists. France has seen 10 trials against BDS supporters based on Lellouche.

Markowicz says the law is “the most effective legislation on BDS today.”

“We had only one acquittal, so the statistics are looking good,” he said.

Elsewhere in Europe, in countries where free speech traditions are more robust, laws like Lellouche are a much tougher sell. But that hasn’t stopped pro-Israel activists from trying to fight BDS with existing anti-discrimination laws.

In 2007, the British University and College Union said it would drop plans to boycott Israeli institutions after legal advisers said doing so would violate anti-discrimination laws. Last year, a British court threw out a discrimination case against the union brought by a pro-Israel activist in what Jonathan Goldberg, one of Britain’s leading trial lawyers, called “a legal and public relations disaster” for pro-Israel forces.

In the Netherlands, legal efforts to curb the anti-immigrant politician Geert Wilders, a supporter of Israel, have been largely unsuccessful.

“The French legislation is effective there but would be too unpopular here,” said Gidi Markuszower, a prominent pro-Israel activist.

In recent months, the Netherlands has seen several large divestments from Israel, including the Vitens water company and PGGM, the country’s largest pension fund. Similar divestments were announced recently by the largest pension fund in Norway and Danske Bank, Denmark’s largest.

But in France, despite its reputation as a hotbed of anti-Israel activity, there has been no divestment from Israel of late, a fact Markowicz attributes largely to the Lellouche law.

Still, Markowicz acknowledges that the law is a double-edged sword, not least of which is the “I boycott too” campaign to support Trichine and her associates. The Lellouche law also precludes calls for a boycott against Iran over its nuclear program, requiring the Jewish community to take care in how it expresses itself on the issue.

Despite the costs, Markowics is willing to pay the price. As for the backlash, Markowicz says the issues are so removed from the lives of ordinary Frenchmen that it’s not a major concern.

“For us, BDS is a big issue, so we must fight,” he said. “But in French society it’s just not big enough of an issue to provoke a strong, popular reaction one way or another.”

Read more: French vigilance on anti-Israel speech provoking backlash | The Times of Israel
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Friday, February 14, 2014

Respond to Your Call to Influence by Ed Silvoso (Women)

Respond to Your Call to Influence by Ed Silvoso - Identity Network

The church has not always recognized the spiritual gifts of women. But God has fashioned them to be key players in His kingdom.
Men possess these same qualities but in smaller supply; women, on the other hand, overflow with them. Without women the world would look like an army base where everything's painted white or gray and designed for efficiency at the expense of beauty. An awful sense of incompleteness would permeate the planet. 

Women have many qualities unique to their gender, one of the grandest being the ability to host life. This privilege to shelter another life at such an intimate level has been granted exclusively to Eve and her daughters. 

Women can nurture their newborns through the most intimate interaction between a female adult and a child: breastfeeding. The image of a baby being nursed by a loving mother is a picture of total dependency, perfect care and the most sublime transfer of nurture from one being to another. 

Women are also the ones who predominantly shape the character of their children during their crucial early years. They plant tender gestures in the inner layer of a child's malleable soul and watch as, like the seeds in a flowerbed, the spiritual seeds sprout, spreading beauty over the adult landscape in the form of noble deeds.
When were the seeds planted? During the nurturing years when a child spends most of his time with a woman: his mother! 

Jesus' First Teacher 

It was a woman, young Mary, who first heard beating within her the heart of God Incarnate when she was pregnant with Jesus. It was her hands that first touched Jesus' body and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes. 

Think for a moment what this reflects: God Almighty, Creator and Preserver of the universe, took the form of a baby and became dependent on the care of one of His creatures. When God experienced human flesh, with all its limitations, who was there to meet His needs? A woman. 
Jesus' mother, Mary, was His first teacher and also later His first disciple. No other human knew Jesus as intimately as Mary did. 

Ponder for a moment the scene at Calvary. While most of Jesus' frightened disciples hid at a distance, Mary and a group of faithful women gathered at the foot of the cross. Despite the pain and suffering Jesus endured, His last earthly concern was for a woman - His mother. 
He could not forget that she had taken care of Him when His earthly life began. And now, as His life was about to end, Jesus lovingly turned her over to the care of His beloved disciple (see John 19:26-27). 

Women's Hall of Fame 

Throughout the Bible are inspiring testimonies of other brave and brilliant women who were not mere privates in God's army but key players who were given pivotal assignments at strategic points and in crucial times. 

Moses' mother challenged the pharaoh's genocidal decree when she preserved the life of the one who would eventually lead millions of Hebrews to freedom (see Ex. 2). 

Rahab held the keys to the taking of Jericho. By turning them in the right direction she assured the fall of the fortress city (see Joshua 2). 

Hannah cried out to God for Samuel to be born, and he went on to become the greatest prophet and judge Israel ever knew (see 1 Samuel 1).
Deborah was an illustrious judge and a proven prophetess who delivered Israel from the mighty chariots of Jabin, the oppressing king of Canaan. Another woman, Jael, helped to bring total destruction to Jabin and his leading general, Sisera (see Judges 4-5). 

Esther courageously risked her life to save her nation, God's people, when they were in danger of being exterminated. 

Sarah was called "mother of nations" by God Himself (see Gen. 17:16) and is listed among the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11. 

Priscilla and her husband, Aquila, instructed and guided Apollos, who had been preaching less-than-perfect theology (see Acts 18: 24-26). The fact that in most translations, Priscilla is listed first in this passage signifies the prominence of her role. 

On the shoulders of these women - and countless more down through the ages - rested the fate of cities, tribes and nations. 

Pillars of the Early Church 

One of the main reasons Christianity spread so rapidly in the early years is because its message restored honor and self-worth to half the world's population: women. Romans had such a low view of women that some men engaged in sex with other men. Jewish rabbis completely silenced women inside the synagogue, and pagans used them as temple prostitutes. 

However, early church leaders dignified women by teaching that in Christ "there is neither male nor female" and we "are all one in Christ Jesus" (Gal. 3:28, NKJV). Women were also given positions of honor and leadership. 

Priscilla, for instance, was part of the team that founded the church in Ephesus - site of the greatest power encounter recorded in the book of Acts. She was there, inside the crux of God's power, when God dethroned Artemis and brought down the demonic socioeconomic structure that had controlled Ephesus. 

Throughout the epistles women are unapologetically exalted as pillars of the faith. Paul identified two women as the headwaters of Timothy's faith: his mother and his grandmother (see 2 Tim. 1:5). In Romans, a letter intended for wide circulation and public reading, Paul praised several women as people of faith and proven ministry (see Rom. 16:1-15). 

The first European convert was a woman, Lydia, and hers was the first household to be baptized (see Acts 16:14-15). She was very assertive in her interaction with the apostles: "She begged us, saying, 'If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay.' So she persuaded us" (v. 15). 

Three centuries later, the driving force behind Constantine's conversion and the subsequent Christianization of the Roman Empire was another woman, Helena, the emperor's mother. 

Extraordinary Sensitivity 

Women have an extraordinary sensitivity to spiritual things. I am not saying that they are more godly than men, but I believe they are definitely more spiritual. This is why Jesus was able to reveal two of the most powerful truths in the gospels to women. 

He told Martha that He is the resurrection and the life (see John 11:25-27). To the Samaritan woman Jesus explained that He is the living water (see John 4:7-15). These women were in a state of confusion when Jesus found them, but both were able to hear, understand and believe these profound truths. 

Women also have the ability to express a greater range of emotions, an ability which enables them to experience worship in a more intense way. Many times female acts of worship are dismissed as emotional and disruptive. 

The men at Simon the leper's house who were watching the sublime act of worship of a woman who was ministering to Jesus accused her of wasting a very valuable flask of perfume. They judged her actions from a financial, cost-effective perspective (see Mark 14). 

But Jesus rebuked these men and declared that she had exhibited great spiritual foresight - she had prepared His body for the sepulcher. As He anticipated His imminent betrayal and rejection, Jesus was overwhelmed by sorrow. 

His heart was taxed with pain; He needed someone to minister to Him. It was a woman who sensed the urgency and spent everything of value she had to comfort Him. 

Women in the church are often accused of being excitable, but this is not necessarily true. Eli, for example, accused Hannah of being drunk when in fact she was genuinely broken before the Lord (see 1 Sam.1: 5-17). 

Many times God has turned to female generosity when needs have emerged in His kingdom. Amid a terrible famine He sent Elijah to the house of a widow to ask for everything she had - and she gave it to him! (See 1 Kin. 17.) 

In another instance, a group of women used their personal resources to support Jesus' ministry (see Luke 8:2-3). Interestingly, no man is explicitly identified in the Gospels as a financial supporter of Jesus. 

Courage Under Fire 

Women in the Bible also showed remarkable courage, even risking their own lives. On Resurrection morning, for instance, it was the women who ventured out to visit Jesus' tomb, even though as a "convicted criminal" He was under constant military guard. 

The disciples, after seeing the same empty tomb, locked themselves up for fear of the Jews (see John 20:19). Later, Thomas demanded tangible proof of Jesus' resurrection even though Jesus was standing right there! Jesus was probably thinking of the women when He rebuked Thomas, saying, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed" (John 20:29). 

By appearing first to women on Resurrection Sunday, Jesus made them the first messengers, the first evangelists, the first prophetesses, the first teachers and the first witnesses of His resurrection. This was no small privilege! 

In my opinion, women are more prone to believe God and with greater ease than men. They are following the example from Acts 12:12 when Mary, mother of Mark, fearlessly hosted a large prayer meeting while Herod was shedding apostolic blood all over town. Likewise, Lydia made her house available to the entire church at a time of violent opposition (see Acts 16:40). 

When God spoke, Deborah had no doubt that God could deliver the Israelites from Sisera's army. Likewise, Mary stood firm in her faith that she could bear a child despite being a virgin; and the women at the tomb, deep in sorrow, accepted the resurrection message without hesitation. 

It's Time for a Change 

For far too long the devil has haunted women with a negative portrayal of Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan wants Eve to be seen as the weak link, the one who brought so much misery to the human race. Even though she was deceived and fell into transgression, let us not miss an important point: Eve was the one who identified the enemy! 

In spite of the shame she felt, Eve understood and described accurately what had happened and who the instigator was, setting the stage for God to announce the rematch. 

Let us be strengthened by the Genesis 3 passage and view it without the distorting lens the enemy has used for so long. Like Eve, women know who the enemy is. Furthermore, Satan knows that her seed will eventually destroy him. 

It is time for a change. It is time for women to stop paying attention to Satan's demeaning remarks, so often channeled through those who look at the exterior and miss the wealth stored inside them. 

Women do not need a human platform to be heard because God has given them considerable spiritual height from which to speak. They are designed to be influencers and shapers. No wonder God has called them to play key roles in His strategic plans! 

Ed Silvoso
Anointed For Business
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Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson Join Spiritual Leaders in Honoring the Late Prophet Bob Jones

Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson Join Spiritual Leaders in Honoring the Late Prophet Bob Jones

Mike Bickle
Mike Bickle
Bob Jones has gone home to be with the Lord after more than four decades of prophetic ministry. Spiritual leaders from various camps in the body of Christ are mourning his loss and praying for his family. Here are a few of the early reactions to Jones' passing:
"I am deeply indebted to Bob Jones for how the Lord used him in my early ministry. I loved him more than he ever knew and often told my friends stories about him," says Mike Bickle, director of International House of Prayer in Kansas City. "I am very sad for Bonnie and his son, Wayne, and for so many of us to hear of his departure, but I am so happy for him. I remember Bob as a man who loved people deeply and served them tirelessly for so many years. Bob was well-known for his remarkable love for Jesus and His Word—he devoured the Bible for 40 years."
"Bob passed away at 6:22 this morning, peacefully and smiling," says Rick Joyner, founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries. "Bob was known around the world for his prophetic gift, but he was also the greatest lover of God and people that I ever knew. It seems fitting that he would pass on a day that celebrates love."
“Our wonderful friend and prophet Bob Jones went home to be with Jesus today, his first love, on Valentines a Day,” tweeted Bill Johnson, founder of Bethel Church.
'Bob Jones said, ‘I don't see anything prophetically after 94'. So either Jesus is returning then or I'm going home then.’ Rest in Peace Bob,” tweeted Robby Dawkins of Vineyard Church of Aurora, Ill.
“Just heard that the prophetic voice of Bob Jones is for heavens ears only. That man prophesied to me in my 20's that I would sing,” tweeted singer Rita Springer.
“Just heard that Bob Jones passed into glory today. He was a grandfather prophet to me, the movement and many. He will be missed,” said Matt Lockett, director of Bound4LIFE. ‏
Click here to read more about the life and legacy of Bob Jones.

Prophet Bob Jones Passes Away - CharismaNews

Prophet Bob Jones Passes Away

Bob and Bonnie Jones
Bob and Bonnie Jones
Bob Jones, who operated in prophetic ministry for more than four decades, has gone home to be with the Lord. 
"Bob passed away at 6:22 this morning, peacefully and smiling," says Rick Joyner, founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries. "Bob was known around the world for his prophetic gift, but he was also the greatest lover of God and people that I ever knew. It seems fitting that he would pass on a day that celebrates love."
According to Jones’ website, when he was only 7 years old and walking on a dirt road in Arkansas, the archangel Gabriel appeared to him on a white horse and blew a double silver trumpet in his face. 
“[Gabriel] then threw an old bull skin mantle at Bob’s feet. Although fearful at the time he ran, however, many years later he returned to pick up that old mantle which is that of a Seer Prophet. Bob Jones is known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. His prophecies have spanned over four decades as the Lord has enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well as the interpretation,” his bio reads.

“After his death experience in 1975," the bio continues, "God sent him back to minister to church leadership and reach the multitudes with His love, truth and equipping the saints with understanding of the spiritual gifts. God promised Bob that he would see the beginning of one billion souls coming into the kingdom in one great wave of the end time harvest. Bob moves with a clear revelatory gifting, accompanied by gifts of healing and miracles.”
Jones is survived by his wife, Bonnie.
Click here to read tributes from Mike Bickle, Bill Johnson, Rick Joyner and others.