Thursday, September 25, 2014

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 | September 1, 2014 
The following is an NTEB Original Story. Please provide a link back when reposting this.


And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:3
In one press conference after another, when referring to the Muslim terror super-group ISIS, United States President Barack Obama will use the term ISIL instead of their former name ISIS or current name Islamic State. Have you ever wondered about that? We have.
What makes up the near exact center of the Muslim Levant? Israel.
ISIL stands for the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant. Now, to us Westerners we don’t really make much of a distinction, do we? No, honestly from our perspective its all about the same. But how would a Muslim living in the Middle East view it? Just what is the Levant anyway? Let’s take a look.
The geographical term LEVANT refers to a multi-nation region in the Middle East. It’s a land bridge between Turkey to the north and Egypt to the south. If you look on a map, however, in the near exact middle of the nations that comprise the Levant, guess what you see? Come on, guess!
It’s Israel.
When Barack Obama refers over and over to the Islamic State as ISIL, he is sending a message to Muslims all over the Middle East that he personally does not recognize Israel as a sovereign nation, but as territory belonging to the Islamic State.
Now you know why Obama says that he has no plan, no goal, and no stated aim for dealing with ISIS. But he does have a plan, and it’s a really nasty, diabolical one. Obama’s plan is to drag his feet for as long as he can, doing only the bare minimum that Congress forces him to do. His “plan”to buy ISIS as much time as possible to make as many gains as they can.
Listen as Obama painstakingly spells out the letters I-S-I-L so there is no doubt in your mind:
And it’s working.
The Islamic State has garnered millions of dollars, a vast cache of weapons, and in their latest foray have captured Syrian fighter jets. With each passing day that Obama fulfills his stated aim of doing nothing, the Islamic State grows by leaps and bounds. The ultimate goal, of course, has not changed and will never change.
The ultimate goal is the destruction of Israel.

Now you know a little bit more why Obama chooses his words so carefully, and what’s really in a name. Shakespeare had it right.

How a Pakistani Muslim Became a Zionist

How a Pakistani Muslim Became a Zionist

JERUSALEM, Israel -- The recent Israeli-Hamas war sparked huge protests in Europe and exposed a growing epidemic of anti-Semitism. But in an interview with CBN News before the summer war between Israel and Hamas, one British Muslim explained how he became a Zionist just by checking out the facts.
Kasim Hafeez is a Pakistani Muslim born, raised and living in the United Kingdom.
"I was brought up around a lot of anti-Israel feeling and especially from my dad, very blatant and direct Israel hatred and anti-Semitism," Hafeez told CBN News.
As a university student, Hafeez campaigned against the Jewish state, joined protests and called for boycotts of Israel. He said he was even willing to die to free Palestine and rid the world of Israel.
"My narrative was this: there was a Palestinian state, the Jews came from Europe, stole the land, and voila - Israel," Hafeez said.
Then he found Alan Dershowitz' book, The Case for Israel and decided to read it so he could refute what he thought was "Zionist propaganda."
"I thought I'll buy it and be able to disprove it because Israel has no case. I know the history. I'm an expert in it all," he said.
"So I start reading this book, and the most basic of facts about Israel and the Jewish people I had no clue about. I mean one of the most basic ones I came across was a Palestinian state has never existed," he added.
Profiles in Racism
And that was just the beginning. Two years later Hafeez visited Israel but got himself into trouble before he ever entered the country.
"When you go to passport control and they say, 'What is the purpose of your visit?' just say you're here for a holiday. Don't say, 'Well, I used to be anti-Semitic and anti-Israel, now I'm not quite sure so I thought I'd come and see what it's like,'" he explained.
After eight hours in airport security, Hafeez was allowed into Israel despite his confession. But the time spent in airport security was a real eye opener.
"It highlighted Israel's unique security situation," he said. "Look it's not politically correct to say this, it's not nice to say this, but people from my background, people with my kind of name have an awful tendency of blowing stuff up in Israel."
Kasim said he was also "treated with a lot of respect" from the security agent who repeatedly offered him coffee and was very apologetic. He compared it to a trip he had taken to Saudi Arabia four years earlier.
"You want to see racism, go to Saudi Arabia as a non-Arab," he said.
A Huge Surprise
After leaving the airport, Hafeez encountered his next surprise when he arrived in Jerusalem and saw the different ethnic and religious groups mixing in the city.
"Be it Muslims, be it people from African heritage, be it European, be it people from the Middle East -- it's just such a crazy mix of people. And then you see the signs in English and Hebrew and Arabic and it straight away blows away that idea of apartheid and racism," he recalled.
Hafeez said he wanted to know how people from Arab backgrounds really felt about living in Israel, so he asked various people, saying it must be "so difficult for you here."
"They look [at you] like you're mentally ill. They look at you as if you have some sort of problem because they look at you like 'no it's actually fine here, we have no problems here,'" he said, smiling.
He was even more confused when he spoke to people who are Druze, a group that has traditionally been persecuted in the Middle East, he said. They told him, "We love it here. You know, this is our home. My son's in the IDF."
He realized he was seeing "the real Israel you won't see in a lot of the Western mainstream media."
He said nothing changes your mind like seeing it for yourself.
Pro-Israel vs. Anti-Arab?
According to Hafeez, family and friends initially thought Israel's Mossad secret service had recruited him. Now some have come around.
"There's this awful idea that people think it's a zero-sum game, that if you stand up for Israel, you're instantly anti-Arab. It's ridiculous," he said.
"I have members of my family who are quite supportive of Israel now, which is nice. But with friends who have now turned their views to be more supportive of Israel, [they] wouldn't say it publicly," he added.
Hafeez said Muslims refuse to accept Israel's existence in the middle of the Arab world. Then there are conspiracy theories and the pack mentality.
"It's kind of ingrained that there's this global conspiracy by the Jews to destroy Islam and take over the world," he said.
"It's really sad but this whole anti-Israel cause has become very popular. It's seen as the cool cause almost, and nobody wants to kind of break off from the kind of pack and be seen as an outsider," he added, saying it was very difficult for him to admit that he had been wrong.
A Revelation about Israel
Nevertheless, Hafeez said, he believes it's possible for Muslims to have a revelation about the Jews and Israel. But to do so they must honestly assess what they believe and be willing to embrace reality.
They need to take a step back and look at the world and what they stand for, he said, and ask themselves if this "irrational hatred over a group of myths" they've been told is really worth giving their lives for it. They need to ask themselves if they really want peace.
"One of the most frustrating things for me is within the Muslim community. We have a double standard," he said. "We judge Israel and America by one standard, which we refuse to apply to ourselves."
Asked if he thought God had played a role in opening his eyes or giving him the desire to ask questions, Hafeez said his "a-ha" moment came at the Western Wall in Jerusalem.
"I sincerely believe that things don't just happen, everything happens for a reason. I believe I'm on a particular path, I don't know where the destination will end, but I feel I'm very blessed to be where I am," he told CBN News.
"Because it has changed my life for the better, you know. It's beautiful to wake up without this hatred, without this anger, you know and I feel so lucky and so blessed," he said. "Is it God? I don't know. Maybe. It's very difficult to say."
Watch the interview: CBN Video Interview

CBN Rosh Hashanah - full program

Gordon Robertson

Watch now: CBN Rosh Hashanah - full program

Paul Wilbur

Watch now: CBN Rosh Hashanah - full program

Twelve tribes of Israel flags


Pat Robertson

Celebrating the 'Fall Feasts' in Israel


Celebrating the 'Fall Feasts' in Israel

By C. Hart
CBN News Middle East Correspondent – In Israel today, there are set feasts - or appointed seasons of the Lord - that are proclaimed as holy convocations. The first of the Fall Feasts is the Feast of Trumpets, as recorded in Leviticus, Chapter 23. This particular feast is also called Rosh Hashanah. Jews all over the world consider this time to be the Jewish New Year, celebrated by eating apples and honey, and recalling sweet memories.
They greet one another by saying, "Shana Tovah!" This means "Happy New Year." But, the biblical New Year actually begins at Passover, in early spring.
Israelis see themselves as fitting into three categories, spiritually. They consider themselves to be either religious, traditional, or secular Jews. The majority of Israelis fit into the traditional category, and 50 percent are reported to keep a kosher home. Most Israelis seek some way of celebrating the major feasts in Israel, especially the Fall Feasts.
Leviticus 23:23-25:
And, the Lord said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, on the first day of the seventh month (roughly, October), you shall observe a day of solemn (sabbatical) rest, a memorial day announced by blowing of trumpets, a holy, called assembly. You shall do no servile work on it, but you shall present an offering made by fire to the Lord.
Messianic Jewish Bible teacher, Neil Cohen, says he celebrates this holiday by going to a Messianic congregation on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, and then spending the next day at home. "It is a Shabbat; a biblical injunction; a day of no work. Leviticus 23:23 makes it quite clear. It's a solemn assembly."
Jewish people, today, see this feast as a new beginning. They hope, by their work and good deeds, their names will be written in the Book of Life. There are 10 days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement) that are holy days to most religious Jews, worldwide. They call these the "Days of Awe." It's a time of personal evaluation, and Cohen explains, it's also a time of repentance and turning from sin. "The 10 days of Awe are a reflection of the relationship with God and with family."
Today, many Israelis are not assured that their sins have been forgiven. They realize that, because the temple in Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D., there is no place for the high priest to conduct the sacrificial offerings to God for the atonement of their sins. There is no blood sacrifice. So, when Yom Kippur comes, Jews often spend the holiday fasting and repenting, but without assurance of salvation. "The majority of Israelis don't believe in the Messiah. If they have any concept at all, it's in a Messianic age," says Cohen. "Yom Kippur has almost no meaning for the Jews today, because the whole principle of Yom Kippur was the blood sacrifice. Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness. It's become a ritual day and a day of hope instead of expectation," he adds.
For Messianic Jews, their faith in Yeshua, Jesus, as the Messiah gives them hope. "For us, the blood has been shed. Although not shed on Yom Kippur, the death of Yeshua fulfills the requirement," claims Cohen.
The rabbinical leaders in Israel today teach that Rosh Hashanah was the day that God created Adam, and the day that God gave the gift of motherhood to Sarah and Hanna.
According to Cohen, the focus for Bible believers is that it is the day the trumpet is sounded, heralding the coming of the expected Messiah. "And, that's the connection," Cohen said, "because of Thessalonians 4:14-18– the great trumpet call and Messiah's return – that's the trumpet call that the Jews are waiting for."
When you talk to many religious Israelis today, they answer your questions by explaining what the rabbis say, and not by giving their own personal opinions, formed by their reading of the Holy Scriptures. In fact, they will often explain that the oral law (the Talmud) is just as inspired by God as is the written law (the Tenach, or the Old Testament). But, the oral law is the rabbinical interpretation of the written law, and Messianic Jews disagree that it holds the same weight as the God-inspired Bible.
One of the problems, according to Cohen, is that a basic portion of scripture relating to the suffering Messiah is never heard in synagogues. And the rabbis who read a section of the Holy Scriptures on a weekly basis, called the Haftorah Portion, actually leave out Isaiah Chapter 53.
"The Haftorah portions, five weeks before Rosh Hashanah begins, are from Isaiah Chapters 40 through 60; bits and pieces from there. But, they pass over Isaiah Chapter 53. These are the passages of comforting His people. And the most comforting thing is that the Messiah is coming, and He'll suffer on our behalf and release us from all the pain and suffering. Rabbis don't like that scripture. Messiah is hidden from the Jews by the rabbis, just as He is hidden from the Jews by God, Himself," explains Cohen who also admits that, in this case, the rabbis are actually helping God in fulfilling the prophetic scriptures.
Isaiah Chapter 53 (Amplified Bible):
"Who has believed – trusted in, relied upon and clung to – our message of that which was revealed to us? And, to whom has the arm of the Lord been disclosed?
For (the Servant of God) grew up before Him like a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground; He has no (royal, kingly pomp) form or comeliness that we should look at Him, and no beauty that we should desire Him.
He was despised and rejected and forsaken by men, a Man of sorrows and pains, and acquainted with grief and sickness; and, as One from whom men hide their faces.
He was despised, and we did not appreciate His worth or have any esteem for Him. Surely, He has born our griefs – sickness, weakness and distress – and carried our sorrows and pain (of punishment). Yes, we ignorantly considered Him stricken, smitten and afflicted by God. But He was wounded for our transgressions. He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement needful to obtain peace and wellbeing for us was upon Him, and with the stripes that wounded Him, we are healed and made whole.
All we like sheep have gone astray, we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has made to light on Him the guilt and iniquity of us all.
He was oppressed, yet when He was afflicted, He was submissive and opened not His mouth; as a lamb that is led to the slaughter, and as a sheep that before her shearers is dumb, so He opened not His mouth.
By oppression and judgment, He was taken away; and as for His generation, who among them considered that He was cut off out of the land of the living for the transgression of my people, to whom the stroke was due – stricken to His death?
And, they assigned Him a grace with the wicked and with a rich man in His death, although He had done no violence, neither was any deceit in His mouth.
Yet, it was the will of the Lord to bruise Him; He has put Him to grief and made Him sick. When You and He make Him an offering for sin (and He has risen from the dead, in time to come), He shall see His spiritual offspring. He shall prolong His days, and the will and the pleasure of the Lord shall prosper in His hand.
He shall see the fruit of the travail of His soul and be satisfied; by His knowledge of Himself (which He possesses and imparts to others), shall My (uncompromisingly) righteous One, My Servant, justify and make many righteous – upright and in right standing with God; for He shall bear their iniquities and their guilt (with the consequences, says the Lord).
Therefore, will I divide Him a portion with the great (kinds and rulers), and He shall divide the spoil with the mighty; because He poured out His life unto death, and He let Himself be regarded as a criminal and be numbered with the transgressors, yet He bore (and took away) the sin of many and makes intercession for the transgressors – the rebellious."
Watch CBN's Rosh Hashana Celebration with Pat and Gordon Robertson with Paul Wilbur.

God and Atheists in Hollywood by Geoff McClelland

God and Atheists in Hollywood 

by Geoff McClelland

Identity Network
Hollywood's Year of the Bible
Earlier this year Hollywood released the Bible-based blockbuster Noah to the tune of $100 million in box office receipts. Christians gleefully anticipated the epic ark-building adventure. But glee quickly turned to ire once the movie premiered. The Noah character was wrong, God was misrepresented, and fallen angels were portrayed as good guys - a few heresy issues.
In retrospect, this shouldn't have been terribly surprising. A self-proclaimed atheist wrote, produced, and directed the movie. Darren Aronofsky is a filmmaker - a great one at that. But a theologian? Not so much.
Another Bible-based movie is slated for release later this year - Exodus: Gods and Kings - which is based on, as you might have guessed, the story of Moses and the Hebrews' flight from Egypt. An even bigger Hollywood talent is producing and directing this one: Sir Ridley Scott. He is not just a great director - he's legendary! However, he is also a self-proclaimed atheist.
What's Going on Here?
The question we ought to be asking here is, "What is provoking Hollywood moguls to produce Bible-based films?" Some suggest it's for the love of money. After all, who in Hollywood doesn't love money? But there are hundreds of movies that don't mention God and still make a lot of money (you may have noticed this.) There's a trend in Hollywood to produce established, epic stories right now. What is more established and epic than the story of Noah's ark? But I don't think this is it either. The answer may not be what you think.
Think about this: The great flood is a testament. Four thousand years of literature across multiple cultures (plus archeology and geology) all indicate that something profound occurred. Aronofsky's movie, in spite of artistic license and flawed biblical accuracy, is one more testament of the flood. Every testimony of God's sovereignty is a strike against the enemy. One of two key factors in overcoming the enemy is "the word of our testimony." Jesus put it more poetically, but He basically said the devil doesn't do the work of God. So it doesn't make sense to hold the position that the devil prompted the making of a movie that testifies against him. That would indicate a house divided.
Likewise, the Exodus narrative testifies of God's faithfulness to deliver His people out of slavery from Egypt. God told the Israelites to remember this throughout their generations by writing it on their doorposts, talking of it often with their children, and setting up stones as a reminder of all that He had done. What is the enemy's best strategy regarding this story? Deny, deny, deny! But make it a major Hollywood movie? Hardly. Any error caused by the enemy in these films is damage control, not strategy.
Are We Living in the Last Days?
The prophet Joel said in the last days God would pour out His Spirit on all flesh! How much flesh?  All flesh.  That possibly includes everything that has breath. Is God pouring out His Spirit on believers in these days? Of course He is. But everyone is eligible to hear the Spirit of God in the last days (this does not imply salvation.) If "all flesh" includes unbelievers, it would seem even they have the ability to pick up on the unction of the Holy Spirit.  Albeit they may neither recognize the source or properly steward the call. Atheists don't believe in God, but that doesn't mean God doesn't believe in them. Could it be that God is planting the desire to retell these biblical stories into the hearts of Hollywood kings who don't even acknowledge His existence?
Let's interpret the times. Jesus compared the days prior to His second coming to the days of Noah. The ark underwent construction for the better part of a century, serving as a sign for that generation. The plagues of Egypt were signs to the Egyptians, but they serve as signs to us as well. God used Moses to demonstrate to Pharaoh that the Egyptians' resistance to His will is futile. For some reason, God has chosen at this time in history to highlight these historical events once again as a testimony to the world. And He has made use of the multi-billion dollar worldwide distribution system of the film industry to help with this task.
God is Sovereign
Psalm 135 tells us that the Lord does whatever He pleases, in heaven and on earth. To use an atheist to accomplish His will is not beyond the scope and ability of God. Just ask Cyrus the Great. Over a century before the birth of Cyrus, Isaiah prophesied that he would perform all God's desire; he would declare Jerusalem to be rebuilt and the foundations of the temple to be laid again (Isaiah 44:28). It all came to pass, just as God had foretold, but Cyrus was a Persian king, not a Hebrew. He worshiped false gods - Marduk, Bel, and Nabu - not the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Yet God still chose to use him to fulfill His plans of restoration for that generation.
I can hear some Christians protesting, "What about the bad doctrine and biblical inaccuracy in these movies?" Thankfully God isn't hung up on bad doctrine. We should all cultivate sound biblical doctrine, but we also must realize that everyone is in process. Nobody on earth has infallible doctrine, yet everyone seems to think of himself as the one person closest to it. Pope Francis recently said that if we try to build unity around doctrinal issues, we will only achieve it after the apocalypse. When the criminal hanging on the cross next to Jesus said, "Remember me when You come into Your kingdom," Jesus didn't respond with, "Well, first let's examine your theology and see if you hold correct beliefs."
In fact, the religious leaders in Jesus's day were so hung up on correct doctrine that they couldn't accept Jesus as the Messiah when He was standing right before their very eyes. They said, "No one will know where the Messiah comes from, but this guy is from Bethlehem." "Nothing good can come from Nazareth," others suggested. Some even asked, "Would the Savior touch lepers or heal on the Sabbath?"
What about today? Could strict adherence to doctrinal beliefs blind us from seeing the work of the Spirit as it did to religious leaders in Jesus's day? Oddly enough, prostitutes and tax collectors didn't have a problem with Jesus. They were open to His genuine love and divine wisdom.
The Bottom Line
I believe Noah and Exodus are modern-day testaments to a lost world at a key time in history. But I also believe God is trying to provoke His own people to jealousy through them. In the first century, God used Paul as an apostle to the Gentiles in order that the Jews might be provoked to jealousy. This was His wake-up call to break old mindsets and be open to the greater revelation of His purposes. New wine can only be put into new wineskins. And today is no different. God's ways are still higher than our ways, and He shakes our beliefs once in a while to separate that which is divine from that which is human.
If we want to see Bible-based movies made by Christians that will more closely adhere to the biblical narrative, then we must stop cursing the film industry (which is essentially just handing it over to the enemy). Instead, we should bless it and pray for those God has placed in its midst. This will bring it back under His authority and move us closer to "on earth as it is in heaven." Let him who has an eye keep watch. I believe God has much more to say through the film industry - hopefully through his people, not in spite of them.
Geoff McClelland

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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Paul Wilbur: Celebrating a Life of Worship - ROSH HASHANAH Celebration

Paul Wilbur: Celebrating a Life of Worship MUSIC CAREER
In the mid-seventies Paul was a young college student studying to be an opera singer and cantor. In Judaism, a cantor leads liturgical prayer and chanting during the service. While he was pursuing his Master’s degree, Paul recalls when he would ask a girl out for a date they would invite him to go to church. During one of those church dates Paul met a man named Jerry Williams. Jerry’s passion for the Lord as he sang drew Paul back to church week after week. Soon, Paul joined a Bible study in his graduate dorm eager to know more about the God of the Bible. A few weeks later on a fishing trip with Jerry, Paul became a Christian and his life took him in a radically new direction. 
He started Harvest, an early Jesus Movement band, and then formed Israel’s Hope, dedicated to bringing the message of the gospel back to the Jewish people. In 1994, Paul finished his fourth year at Midwest Christian Center in Tinley Park, Illinois when the Lord spoke to him very clearly and said, “Ask of me and I will give you the nations.” After much prayer and fasting, Paul and his wife left their local ministry to answer the call of God to the nations. They sold their home, cars, furniture and Baldwin piano. Then they received a call from Don Moen of Integrity Music. Don wanted Paul to record a new project in the land of Israel. The breakout recording, “Shalom Jerusalemwas recorded live in 1995. Then Don asked Paul to do a two week tour with him in the Philippines. That was the beginning of Paul’s international, cross-cultural, multi lingual ministry that continues to this day. 
“The heart of worship is communication from our hearts to God. You can’t expect people to reach out to God in a language they can’t understand. Our goal quickly became to carry the music, message and ministry of the Kingdom to the nations in their own language,” shares Paul. Some of his other releases such as 2005’s “The Watchman,” 2008’s “Paul Wilbur Live and 2010’s acclaimed “Desert Rain,” were often recorded in a variety of languages. Paul uses the universal language of music to proclaim God’s love for His people. He says, “Singing songs in different language can be challenging at times, but when you are passionate about something it makes the work light.” To date, Paul and his team have recorded twenty projects with Integrity in four different languages (English, Spanish, German and Portuguese). He says, “I am humbled that the Lord trusts me with these opportunities.”
Integrity Music recently released Paul’s latest cd, “Ultimate Collection” which consists of some of his most popular worship songs. One of the songs on the CD is called “Adonai.” The song came out originally in 2006 and was nominated as one of the worship songs of the year and continues to be a favorite with his audiences. In Hebrew,   “Adonai” means “you own it all.” The song is a declaration that Jesus is Lord of all of you. Paul chose the song for this CD because it was important for the Christian community to make a statement that, “Jesus is Lord.”
Paul first led worship for Rosh Hashanah at CBN in 2008. He says it has been a “great honor” to lead worship for this celebration. Paul appreciates the way Pat affirms this celebration for messianic believers each year with such honor. Year after year, worship has been the focal point of this event. “Pat’s vision for this celebration has impacted millions around the world,” shares Paul.
Once again, Paul and his band will be performing at CBN’s Rosh Hashanah event, Wednesday, Sept 24, 2014.  This will be streamed live at 7:00 – 8:30 pm ET on

Your Daily Prophetic Word - Jeremy Lopez- 9-24-14

Your Daily Prophetic Word - Jeremy Lopez- 9-24-14

'Seasons come and seasons go. You MUST let go of the way you did things last season. It will not work that way anymore. YOU don't function that way anymore. Let go and let.....well, you know.'  - God

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Jeremy Lopez
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Prophetic Legitimacy (MP3  2 Teaching Download) by Jeremy Lopez

Prophetic Legitimacy
(MP3 2 Teaching Download)
by Jeremy Lopez

Israel's Population Nears 9 Million

Israel's Population Nears 9 Million

AP file photo

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israelis will welcome in Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, with the population topping 8.9 million, according to the Population and Immigration Authority's report, released Sunday.  For the first time, more than six million Jews will be living in the modern State of Israel.
Nearly 25,000 Jews immigrated to Israel from all over the world, including France and Ukraine, where an increase in anti-Semitism and war, respectively, have contributed to Jewish residents no longer feeling safe in these countries.
Meanwhile, of the 176,230 Israeli babies born this past year, there were 5,062 more boys than girls.
Tamar (which means "date" as in the fruit) topped the list of the 10 most popular names for girls, which included Noa, Shira, Adelle, Talia, Yael, Leanne, Miriam, Maya and Avigail.
Yosef (Joseph) was the most popular boy's name, followed by Daniel and Ori, Itai, Omer, Adam, Noam, Ariel, Eitan and David.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel's growing population is evidence of its victory over the Holocaust and over those who tried to stamp out the Jewish people over the centuries.
"No less important, for the first time in the history of the State of Israel, more than six million Jews live here. This number has great significance in light of our people's history in the previous century as well as in the current one," Netanyahu told ministers at the start of Sunday's cabinet meeting. "While we never lack constant challenges from all sides, I think that we proved over the past year that we can overcome them."

Great Revival Fire Will Now Begin to Burn - Tim Sheets

The alarm clock of heaven is now ringing on the night stand of a sleeping church; time to rise, time to rise to the occasion, time to get up! The Lord says, "I have lions hidden in My remnant, not wolves. They will now rise to patrol and remove the defeated ones, wolf packs, that have come to scatter My flocks. My lions will be fierce, bold, aggressive and unintimidated. They will not flinch when adversaries advance. They will stand strong," says the Lord, "and fearless. 
"A new roar will be heard from My tribe announcing territorial dominion. A roar claiming geographical and spiritual jurisdiction shall now sound from My remnant; a roar establishing that the throne of the territory is occupied and guarded. A rule against hell's power shall be sounded. A roar of authority in My Name shall come against hell's intrusions. My called-out ones, My sent ones, will now become step-forward ones.
"They will move forward in My power. They will manifest their rights as sons and daughters of God ruling and reigning with Me. As intended, My heirs are stepping from the shadows of cultural bondage. They shall now display disdain of enemy princes, mights, thrones, dominions and rulers of darkness. No longer will they compromise in shared rule; no longer settling for cohabitation, no longer accepting shared occupancy.

"Passive appeasement has now been replaced with backbones of steel, lips set on fire with Holy ingots, and a shout of the King is in their voice indeed. Jericho's shout decree is in their mouth. Determined faith shall now be seen in My faithful ones as they march to remove demon philosophies and doctrines of devils from the land. No shared rule," says the Lord.
"My rule, My rule shall prevail. My words shall prevail. Power to prevail is being poured out. Power to prevail is soaking My remnant. Power to overcome hell's strategies; power to overcome demon doctrine and rebel government; power to more than conquer demon tactics is being released. Those who stand with Me shall see hell's fire misfire.
"So arise and rule. Rise and roar with My authority. I will fill your enemy's mouth with sand and their hearts with quicksand. They will find themselves stuck in their own mire. Roar with My freedom. Roar with My liberty. Let rejoicing roar out of Zion. March in to battle with confident peace.
"Great revival fire will now begin to burn through intercession-soaked regions as My awakening begins to roll. The regions will now become activated by My glory. My shaking has come. I am shaking earth. I am shaking heaven. Walls, strongholds, obstacles and hell's defenses are being shaken down, and My remnant is being shaken free. My shaking will open ancient wells of revival. The revival in the womb of My intercessors will now be birthed.
"The revivalist mantle is descending upon My righteous evangelists. The fire shut up in their bones will now become words of fiery passion. With My gospel, I will shake open the capped wells of evangelism. I will shake open the ancient healing wells. Miracles will multiply. My angels are pumping those wells and they are opening new wells, new roads, new inroads, new mantles, new vision, new harvest. Behold I will do a new thing, and you will see it. Now it will spring forth.
"Because your cries have come before Me, because you have pursued My Presence," says the Lord, "because your worship has become sweet savor—the Lord of angel armies decrees over His remnant people, you shall now begin reality church—no more acting, no more actors, no more pretending. Real church, real disciples, real Christianity, real worship, real power, real glory, real miracles, real healings. It is ordained reality church.

"I am now removing arrows shot into My royal priesthood. Arrows of betrayal, arrows of Jezebel, arrows of Absalom, arrows of deceit and gossip borne by lying spirits, arrows shot by those bound by religious demons. I Your God am removing arrows. You will be free. You will be healed. You will be restored, and you will be on fire with My Presence for I have said 'I will make My ministers a flame of fire.' It is ordained, your place of pain shall now be gain, and where you reign you will rise and rule with Me.
"I am now coming to My remnant. And I am now coming as Lord Sabaoth-Lord of Angel Armies. Because of alignment with My purpose, I will now align My hosts to assist aggressively. There is now a convergence of the angel armies and the church's prayer army into a divine coalition; the coalition of My willing; those who run to battle, not from it.
"My earth and My heaven's armies will now challenge thrones of iniquity, thrones of idolatry, thrones of rebellion, thrones of witchcraft, thrones of humanism and antichrist dominions. Battalions are dispatched and await the decrees of My word through the saints to overthrow iniquitous thrones so My saints can sit with Me.
"My greatest campaign on Earth is due. Decree it," says the Lord. "Align your words with Mine, and angel forces shall align with you. Align with angel forces in your regions, and I will accelerate an alignment within your nation. Yes, revival is now. The harvest is now," says the Lord. "Victory is now," says the Lord. "Arise and pursue My cause. Arise and roar. Arise and fight. Arise and shine. Your light has come, and the glory of your God shines upon you."
Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor and author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis, a CityGate Church, in Middletown, Ohio. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries and conferences. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the church on the Earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. He has written three books, Armed and Battle ReadyBeing Led by the Spirit and Heaven Made Real. Dr. Tim Sheets resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio.
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