Monday, December 30, 2013


Wall Street Journal

Israel's Christian 


A Controversial New Movement Wants to 

Cooperate More Closely With the Jewish State


Dec. 27, 2013 

As Christmas neared, an 85-foot-high tree presided over the 
little square in front of the Greek Orthodox Church of the 
Annunciation in Nazareth. Kindergarten children with Santa Claus 
hats entered the church and listened to their teacher explain in 
Arabic the Greek inscriptions on the walls, while a group of 
Russian pilgrims knelt on their knees and whispered in prayer. 
In Nazareth's old city, merchants sold the usual array of 
Christmas wares.

This year, however, the familiar rhythms of Christmas season 
in the Holy Land have been disturbed by a new development: 
the rise of an independent voice for Israel's Christian community, 
which is increasingly trying to assert its separate identity. For 
decades, Arab Christians were considered part of Israel's 
sizable Palestinian minority, which comprises both Muslims 
and Christians and makes up about a fifth of the country's 
citizens, according to the Israeli government.

But now, an informal grass-roots movement, prompted in 
part by the persecution of Christians elsewhere in the region 
since the Arab Spring, wants to cooperate more closely with 
Israeli Jewish society—which could mean a historic change in 
attitude toward the Jewish state. 

"Israel is my country, and I 
want to defend it," says Henry Zaher, an 18-year-old 
Christian from the village of Reineh who was visiting Nazareth. 
"The Jewish state is good for us."

LOOKING UP: Celebrating Christmas in Nazareth, 
December 2012 Reuters

The Christian share of Israel's population has decreased 
over the years—from 2.5% in 1950 to 1.6% today, according 
to Israel's Central Bureau of Statistics—because of migration 
and a low birthrate. Of Israel's 8 million citizens, about 
130,000 are Arabic-speaking Christians (mostly Greek 
Catholic and Greek Orthodox), and 1.3 million are 
Arab Muslims.

In some ways, Christians in Israel more closely resemble 
their Jewish neighbors than their Muslim ones, says 
Amnon Ramon, a lecturer at the Hebrew University of 
Jerusalem and a specialist on Christians in Israel at the 
Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies. In a recent book, 
he reports that Israeli Christians' median age is 30, 
compared with 31 for Israeli Jews and only 19 for 
Israeli Muslims. 

Israeli Christian women marry later than 
Israeli Muslims, have significantly fewer children and participate 
more in the workforce. Unemployment is lower among 
Israeli Christians than among Muslims, and life expectancy 
is higher. Perhaps most strikingly, Israeli Christians actually 
surpass Israeli Jews in educational achievement.

As a minority within a minority, Christians in Israel have 
historically been in a bind. Fear of being considered 
traitors often drove them to proclaim their full support 
for the Palestinian cause. Muslim Israeli leaders say that 
all Palestinians are siblings and deny any Christian-Muslim 
rift. But in mixed Muslim-Christian cities such as Nazareth, 
many Christians say they feel outnumbered and insecure.

"There is a lot of fear among Christians from Muslim reprisals,
" says Dr. Ramon. "In the presence of a Muslim student in one 
of my classes, a Christian student will never say the same things
 he would say were the Muslim student not there."

"Many Christians think like me, but they keep silent," says 
the Rev. Gabriel Naddaf, who backs greater Christian 
integration into the Jewish state. "They are simply too afraid." 

In his home in Nazareth, overlooking the fertile hills of the 
Galilee, the 40-year-old former spokesman of the Greek Orthodox 
Patriarchate in Jerusalem is tall and charismatic, dressed in a 
spotless black cassock. "Israel is my country," he says. "We 
enjoy the Israeli democracy and have to respect it and fight for it."

That is the idea behind the new Forum for Drafting the 
Christian Community, which aims to increase the number of 
Christians joining the Israel Defense Forces. 

It is an extremely 
delicate issue: Israeli Arabs are generally exempt from military duty, 
because the state doesn't expect them to fight their brethren among 
the Palestinians or in neighboring Arab countries. Israeli Palestinians, 
who usually don't want to enlist, say they often face discrimination
 in employment and other areas because they don't serve.

"We were dragged into a conflict that wasn't ours," says 
Father Naddaf. "Israel takes care of us, and if not Israel, 
who will defend us? We love this country, and we see the 
army as a first step in becoming more integrated with the state."

According to Shadi Khaloul, a forum spokesperson, the total 
number of Christians serving in the Israeli military has more than 
quadrupled since 2012, from 35 to nearly 150. This may seem a 
drop in the ocean, but it was enough to enrage many Palestinian 
Israelis. Father Naddaf says that his car's tires were punctured 
and that he received death threats, worrying him enough that he 
got bodyguards. 

Hanin Zoabi, an Arab-Muslim member of the 
Israeli parliament, wrote Father Naddaf a public letter calling him 
a collaborator and accusing him of putting young Christians 
"in danger." "Arab Palestinians, regardless of their religion, should 
not join the Israeli army," Ms. Zoabi told me. "We are a national 
group, not a religious one. Any attempt to enlist Christians is part 
of a strategy of divide-and-rule."

Many Arab Christians don't see it that way. "We are not mercenaries," 
says Mr. Khaloul, who served as a captain in an IDF paratrooper 
brigade. "We want to defend this country together with the Jews. 
We see what is happening these days to Christians around us—
in Iraq, Syria and Egypt."

Since the Arab revolutions began in Tunisia in 2011, many 
Christians in the region have felt isolated and jittery. Coptic 
churches have been attacked in Egypt, and at least 26 Iraqis 
leaving a Catholic church in Baghdad on Christmas Day were
 killed by a car bomb. Islamists continue to threaten to enforce 
Shariah law wherever they gain control.

The Christian awakening in Israel goes beyond joining the IDF. 
Some Israeli Christian leaders now demand that their history and 
heritage be taught in state schools. "Children in Arab schools in 
Israel learn only Arab-Muslim history," says a report prepared 
by Mr. Khaloul and submitted to Israel's Ministry of Education, 
"and this causes the obliteration of Christian identity."

Some Israeli Christians even recently established a new 
political party, headed by Bishara Shlayan, a stocky, blue-eyed 
former captain in the Israeli navy who told me that he once beat 
up an Irish sailor in Londonderry who called him an "[expletive] 

The new party is puckishly called B'nai Brith ("Children of 
the Covenant"), and Shlayan says it will have Jewish as well as 
Christian members. Nazareth's mayor, Ramez Jaraisy, recently 
told the Times of Israel that Shlayan was a "collaborator" with 
the Israeli authorities.

"The current Arab political establishment only brought us hate and 
rifts," says Mr. Shlayan. "The Arab-Muslim parties didn't take care 
of us. We are not brothers with the Muslims; brothers take care of 
each other." 

Mr. Shlayan, who advocates better education, housing 
and employment for Israeli Christians, says he also dreams of turning 
Nazareth into an even busier tourist spot by erecting the world's 
biggest statue of Jesus.

Should this Christian awakening succeed, it would be yet another
 notable shift in the balance of power among religious groups 
in the Middle East.

—Mr. Schwartz is a former staff writer and senior editor 
for the Israeli newspaper Haaretz.

A Sick Development Coming Out of Europe, ‘disgusting’ Nazi-like salute

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Click here to watch: France deplores soccer player’s
 ‘disgusting’ Nazi-like salute

The French sports minister accused top French soccer
player Nicolas Anelka of anti-Semitism and “disgusting”
behavior on Saturday night, hours after Anelka made
what is regarded as a neo-Nazi-style, anti-Semitic
salute to celebrate scoring a goal in the English Premier

The “quenelle” signal is rapidly spreading
among anti-Semites in Europe and is being used by
individuals to fly under the radar of strict anti-hate
speech laws in parts of the continent.

The signal, extending one’s right hand toward the ground while
the left hand grasps the shoulder, was devised by Dieudonné
M’bala M’bala, a controversial French comedian who has been
 condemned in court several times for anti-Semitic remarks.
“Anelka’s gesture is a shocking, disgusting provocation.
There’s no place for anti-Semitism and incitement to hatred
on the soccer field,” said the French sports minister, Valerie
Fourneyron, in a tweet.

Over the past two months, the “quenelle” trend has gained
popularity, prompting hundreds of Europeans to post pictures
of themselves online performing the heil-like salute. Many of
the images were taken at sensitive sites such as in the
Auschwitz concentration camp, the Anne Frank House and
even the Western Wall.

Dr. Moshe Kantor, president of the European Jewish Congress,
said it was “sickening that such a well-known footballer would
make such an abusive and hateful gesture in front of tens of
thousands of spectators.”

“This salute is merely a lesser-known Nazi salute and we
expect the same kind of punishment to be handed down by
the authorities as if Anelka had made the infamous outstretched
arm salute.

“This salute was created by a well-known extreme
anti-Semite who has displayed his hatred of Jews, mocked
the Holocaust and Jewish suffering.” Use of the “quenelle” is
“gaining more and more momentum, is very pervasive on the
internet and social networks, and is increasingly becoming a
symbol of the Nazi regime, and does not look like a passing
phenomenon,” Yaakov Hagouel, the Head of the World Zionist
Organization’s Department for Combating Antisemitism, told
Hebrew website Ynet earlier this month.


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Israeli Experts Challenge Double Standards on 'Occupation' - Israel Today

Israeli Experts Challenge Double Standards on 'Occupation'

Sunday, December 29, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Two leading experts on international law, a former Israeli ambassador and a Jewish-American professor, are taking the European Union to task over the double standard it applies to the so-called Israeli “occupation.”
Professor Eugene Kontorovich of Northwestern University and former Israeli Ambassador to Canada Alan Baker have demanded to know why the EU recently signed a new fishing agreement with Morocco that included the waters of the Western Sahara, a territory that Morocco illegally occupies.
In remarks to The Times of Israel, both men noted that the EU’s approach to the fishing agreement is hypocritical just months after it published guidelines forbidding business dealings with Jewish businesses operating out of territories claimed by the Palestinians.
Baker and Kontorovich sent a letter to EU Foreign Policy chief Catherine Ashton insisting on clarification, but instead received a response stating that her office views the two occupations as being different. No explanation was provided.
The two experts noted that Western Sahara is not the only example of this double standard. For instance, the EU continues to do business with Turks living in Cyprus, even though Turkey’s occupation of the northern portion of the island nation is not recognized by the international community.
The full Times of Israel article is worth a read. Click here to do so.
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Saturday, December 28, 2013

Know God

"Pressing On With Encouragement for the Long Haul” - Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)


               "Pressing On – Encouragement for the Long Haul”

“My times are in Your hands…” (Psalm 31:15 NAS)

Dear family of friends,

As I sat in my prayer chair that Saturday morn, having already read the Lord’s Word which I keep beside me on the lamp stand, and now accompanied with a fresh cup of java my good wife had brought me, I pondered on what the new year would bring. Weariness had taken a bit of a toll on my body, my mind and even my spirit. I looked forward to the road ahead, but as many of us do, we wonder what is on that road. Is it good? Will we make it? Will our faith be strong enough? And so I asked Him for more strength and hope.

In a brief message I had written to one of my five sisters that week, who was anxious about an upcoming job situation, I encouraged her to daily pray His words, one of many given to us in His Book of Promises. He simply says for us to believe, “My times are in Your hands.” 

I found myself praying that same prayer again – for her, others on my prayer list, and for myself. As Derek Prince once said about receiving Scripture, it is like taking daily medicine. Here is an excerpt from a devotional he wrote.

Daily Devotional by Derek Prince.

God’s Medicine Bottle

Proverbs 4:20–22
“My son, attend to my words; incline thine ear unto my sayings. Let them not depart from thine eyes; keep them in the midst of thine heart. For they are life unto those that find them, and health to all their flesh.” KJV

For many years I have known those three verses from the fourth chapter of Proverbs as “God’s medicine bottle.” God declares that if we will rightly receive His words and His sayings, they will be life to us and health to all our flesh. The marginal translation for the word that is translated “health” is “medicine.” That’s why I say it’s “God’s medicine bottle.”

And God says His medicine will provide us with health in all our flesh. In every area of our physical body it will provide health, but remember, the directions are on the bottle. The medicine only works if you take it according to the directions. There are four directions.

First, attend to God’s word.
Second, incline or bow down your ear and listen to His sayings.
Third, let them not depart from your eyes, keep them before your eyes continually.
And fourth, let them settle and abide in the midst of your heart.

If you take the Word of God according to those fourfold directions, you will find, as I did many years ago, that God’s medicine bottle produces just the results that He claims. It brings life and health to all our flesh. I found that after a year on end in a hospital when doctors couldn’t heal me, God’s medicine did the job.

Whitaker House Publishers, 1996

Personally I can’t comprehend how people who do not know the Lord God of Israel, Yeshua (Jesus), make it through their day to day life. It astounds me how many keep trusting in their own abilities or someone else’s, which will ultimately fail, when they too could be having an ongoing faith in their Creator, and Knower of the road ahead for them. I am so thankful we can know His will, walk in His ways, and gain daily encouragement through His Holy Spirit.

For the long haul, for the marathon we run, we must keep pressing on in our faith and hope in Him. Our Good Lord will see us through. He will provide daily strength for the journey, to the end of time. His reward will be great.

Keep your eyes fixed on Him, the Author and Finisher of our faith. Keep pressing on to the mark He has set before us. His promises are sure. We can count on Him. Thank you Lord.

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin
Founder, Love For His People

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

I hope you read my first two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through Xulon, plus other website book stores.

You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for$14.90, plus $3.80) or you can get both from our office for $29. Send check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
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           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #96   “Pressing On”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (12.28.13 Saturday at 8:00 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters

Friday, December 27, 2013

Did 2013’s Prophetic Words Ring True? - Jennifer LeClaire (CharismaNews)

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

In the days and weeks ahead, prophetic voices around the world will release prophecies for 2014. You’ll read a handful of them on the "Prophetic Insight" section of
But before we charge ahead to weigh prophetic mandates, directives and warnings for 2014, let’s take a minute to look back at the prophetic words declared over 2013. After all, you can’t always limit God’s words to a 12-month timeline. Indeed, it’s possible that some 2013 prophecies won’t be relevant for years and others will remain relevant for years to come. So, again, before we move on to the next new word, let’s review what the Lord said last year and respond according to His Spirit.
The Spiritual Avalanche That Could Kill Millions
About this time last year, evangelist Steve Hill had a vision. He saw a massive, majestic mountain covered in glistening snow. It turned out to be an avalanche of heretical teachings, including universal reconciliation, the deification of man, a challenge against the validity of the Word of God including His judgments, and even the lifting of any boundaries, claiming His amazing grace is actually amazing freedom. We’ve certainly seen a rise in heretical teachings in 2013. But I believe the avalanche has yet to completely fall. Have you girded the loins of your mind for the onslaught in the years ahead?
Be Free of Satan’s False Accusations in 2013
Sandie Freed, founder and director of the School of the Prophets and Apostolic Training Center in Bedford, Texas, declared freedom from Satan’s false accusations in 2013. She charged us to “step into 2013 with an understanding of who God is and with the revelation that He is not a God that lies.” This was less of a prophetic word and more of an apostolic decree. Did you heed the call?
'My Hand Is Moving Across Your Nation in a Miraculous Way'
Eileen Fisher, author of Embracing the Prophetic, released a prophetic word declaring, “My hand is moving across your nation in a miraculous way.” The conclusion of the prophecy proclaimed, “You will hear a miraculous report of the Lord. You will dance in the streets and you will sing and you will declare, 'All is well!' I will say until you, sing it in faith, sing it when you are alone, declare it, decree it, and so it shall be: All shall be well because the well of salvation is going to be poured out fresh over your nation. I am causing places that have been dry to open up to My reign. I will come down and you will hear, 'Let us go to the sanctuary of the Lord our God and be dipped in the well of our own salvation,' says the Lord your God.” Did you experience this in your life, family or church?
Return to Antioch
The Lord told Jennifer LeClaire (that’s me) to issue a prophetic directive. It came to my spirit in three words: “Return to Antioch.” In my article, I wrote, “We need to ‘return to Antioch.’ We need to return to sound doctrine that strengthens the spirits and souls of the disciples, encourages them to contend for the true faith, and refuses to sugar coat the Christian walk. We need to ‘return to Antioch’ and leave behind the Hollywood Christianity, the pillow prophets, the prosper-me gospel and the other foolish practices that have crept into the 21st century church while we were sleeping. We need to ‘return to Antioch’ and walk with Christ no matter what it costs us. We need to be found faithful when the Lord returns.” I believe this is still true for 2014.
Cry Out for a Youth Awakening
Former Charisma editor J. Lee Grady believed God had redemption in mind for 2013. Lee says God told him, "Pray for a great awakening in the younger generation.” He offered three Spirit-led prayer points and concluded, “God wants to give America another chance. The prophet Jeremiah pronounced many words of judgment on wayward Israel, yet he prayed this: 'Restore us to You, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old' (Lam. 5:21). God loves to answer that prayer! His desire is to restore—and He can orchestrate a great turnaround in our nation if we will humble ourselves and cry to Him with all our hearts.” Amen. I believe this prophetic word is still relevant today.
13 Prophecies for 2013
The most-shared 2013 prophecy article on Charisma magazine last year was revivalist Matt Sorger’s "13 Prophecies for 2013." He shared a number of visions, from stagnant waters being stirred in a fresh way to a prophetic ear to comprehend to a new God-given language to communicate His truths clearly to blueprints for a new wineskin. Sorger encouraged us to pursue these things aggressively as invitations to lay hold of.
Stay tuned in the coming days and weeks as we’ll share more prophetic words. In the meantime, review these decrees, announcements, insights and directives. Grab what rings with your spirit even as you prepare your heart to receive what God has for you in the new year.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta) - David Street in the Old City of Jerusalem

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

David Street, inside the Jaffa Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. The picture appears to have been taken prior to 1898 when the moat on the right was filled in and the road widened to allow entry of the German emperor.  
(Credit: Keystone-Mast Collection, California Museum of Photography at UCR ARTSblock, University of California, Riverside)
Traffic jam on the expanded David Street in 1898
(Credit: Library of Congress)

Welcome to David Street just inside the Jaffa Gate of Jerusalem's Old City. Like today, it was a center for tourism over 100 years ago which explains the hotels, the signs in English, the sale of photographs, and a tourist office.

No date is provided for the picture in the UCR files, but looking at another picture probably taken during the visit of Kaiser Wilhelm in 1898, this scene predates the visit.

We found one of the photographs on sale of particular interest. (See the bottom left of the photo at the top.)  We've seen that picture before -- in the Library of Congress collection.

Photographs for sale in the 1890s.

Jew of Jerusalem The Library of Congress dates the
picture as being taken between 1900 and 1910. It was 
almost certainly taken in the 19th century, however.

A sign on the street advertises "Bonfils," one of the leading photographers in the Near East at the end of the 19th century. Many of his pictures appear in Israel Daily Picture.

Photographs for sale to tourists

The Keystone collection photo from UCR also shows a prominent sign for the Cook's World Ticket Office, the leading travel agency for tourists and pilgrims to Palestine and Syria in the 19th century.  The bottom sign offers guides and camp equipment.

For more information on Cook's role in investment and development of tourism in Jerusalem and Jaffa, read Ruth Kark's From Pilgrimage to Budding Tourism: The role of Thomas Cook in the rediscovery of the Holy Land in the 19th Century.

Strangely, Cook's signs cannot be seen in the photograph of the German emperor's arrival. Cook had supplied dozens of large tents for the emperor's entourage, but the signs were covered over.

The name "Assad C. Kayat" appears on a sign in the UCR photo.  Ruth Kark's book on Sephardi Entrepreneurs in Jerusalem shows a 1903 check from the Jewish banker, Jacob Valero, to Kayat, but we have not discovered his profession or why he hung a sign in the Old City.