Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Netanyahu Stands Up to Obama - BIN

Netanyahu Stands Up to Obama

Netanyahu Stands Up to Obama's Pressure
Obama and Netanyahu meet for bilateral talks at the Oval Office, March 3, 2014. 
(Photo: Moshe Milner/ Official Facebook Page of Benjamin Netanyahu)
After private talks at the White House that lasted nearly three hours between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one of the main messages the United States is sending to Israel is that now is the time to make tough decisions when it comes to peace.
As the deadline for completing the framework peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians fast approaches, Obama stated that he still believes a two state solution is possible.
“It is still possible to create two states, a Jewish state of Israel and a state of Palestine, which people living side by side in peace and security,” Obama said. “But it’s difficult. It requires compromise on all sides.”
Obama praised Netanyahu for taking part in “very lengthy, painstaking negotiations.” Over the last eight months, U.S. brokered negotiations have hit some highs and lows. Obama urged Netanyahu to put Israel’s differences aside when it comes to the Palestinians.
“The time frame that we have set up for completing these negotiations is coming near and some tough decision are going to have to be made,” Obama stated. “But I know that, regardless of the outcome, the prime minister will make those decisions based on his absolute commitment to Israel’s security and his recognition that ultimately Israel’s security will be enhanced by peace with his neighbors.”
Netanyahu did not mince words when it came to responding to Obama, especially after an explosive interview with Bloomberg in which Obama threatened Israel with international isolation.
Netanyahu stated that Israel was doing as much as it could to pursue peace, but the job is made more difficult with a partner that refuses to negotiate and responds with “incessant violence.”
“Twenty years of peace process were marked by many Israeli steps for peace, but we got suicide bombers and rockets in return,” the prime minister explained.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has stated numerous times that the PA would never recognize Israel’s right to exist. Israel has consistently maintained that recognition from the PA is a “minimal requirement” for peace.
“Israel has been doing its part, and I regret to say that the Palestinians haven’t,” Netanyahu told Obama. “The people of Israel know that it’s the case. What we want is peace – not a piece of paper.”
Netanyahu urged for “real peace…based on mutual recognition.”
“It’s about time the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state – we have only been there for 4,000 years,” Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu made it clear that he would never compromise Israel’s security. “The only peace that will endure is a peace that we can defend,” he added.
During the meeting, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden were present in the room. Netanyahu thanks Kerry for his “tireless” efforts to broker peace.
“When I say tireless,” Netanyahu joked, “I mean tireless.”
Obama and Netanyahu briefly touched upon the topic of a nuclear Iran. Netanyahu affirmed Israel’s stance that it would never allow the Islamic Republic to obtain the “ability” to acquire nuclear weapons. Obama reassured Netanyahu that Israel has “my absolute commitment that Iran does not acquire a nuclear weapon.”
Click here to watch the meeting between Obama and Netanyahu

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/11754/netanyahu-stands-obama/#bZrCok6sJcfrfLRy.99

Creation Museum near Cincinnati - Kids FREE

Days of Elisha - Rick Joyner & Ricky Skaggs - Includes Standing for Israel

Ricky Skaggs on Rick Joyner's Prophetic Perspective

Watch here:

Days of Elisha

Rick Joyner
Ricky Skaggs

Friday, February 28, 2014
Ricky Skaggs and Rick Joyner discuss the impact of Bob Jones. They also share important revelation for our time.

Ricky Skaggs speaks about our relationship with Israel 
and this administration pushing for division in their Land

Monday, March 3, 2014

So y’all think God is sleeping?

So y’all think God is sleeping?

So y’all think God is sleeping?
Posted by Stan in Battle for the land, Israel and the Gentiles

Strengthen the weak hands, and make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are fearful-hearted, “Be strong, do not fear! Behold, your God will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; He will come and save you.” (Isaiah 35:3-4)

You who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, do not be afraid; say to the towns of Judah, “Behold your God!” (Isaiah 40:9)

Israelis lacking in faith were feeling a little shaky following an interview that US President Barack Obama gave to an American writer, and which was published overnight Sunday as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was winging his way abroad.

Locally the statements made by Obama were seen as a warning directed at Israel’s leader: Blared the headlines in the Times of Israel (March 3, 2014) “For Netanyahu, a bombshell battering by Obama.”

I will not reproduce here the menacing rhetoric the American president (once regarded as the most powerful man in the world) employed in a transparent attempt to turn up the heat on Bibi. I will not quote it, and this article will not react to it.

Netanyahu, though, is ready for whatever reception he might receive at the White House. When he departed Ben Gurion Airport en route to Washington, the Israeli leader set his jaw as he spoke to the cameras at the foot of the gangway:

“In recent years the State of Israel has been under various pressures,” he said. “We have rejected them in the face of the unprecedented storm and unrest in the region and are maintaining stability and security.

“This is what has been and what will be.”

And as he left Israel, the organisation “Women for Israel’s Tomorrow” (WFIT) published an open letter with words of exhortation to strengthen the PM’s resolve.

“He Who turns the wheels of history has presented you with the challenge of your life at an optimum point in time,” it began, sounding reminiscent of the words Mordechai spoke to Esther.

Until now, the letter continued, the prime minister had “maneuvered wisely” through the shark-infested waters of US-led diplomacy vis-à-vis the Jewish state. Now Israel has reached a decisive moment, when it was possible “to strengthen our position.” A realistic “Zionist” alternative could be made to the US-pushed land-for-peace approach: Israel should extend its sovereignty over Judea and Samaria and the Jordan Valley.

Conceding that such a course of action would not be easy, these women of faith were nonetheless sure that “the difficulties associated with sovereignty are preferable to the physical and spiritual destruction entailed in the establishment of a terrorist Palestinian state in the heart of our Land.”

It is quite certain that the overwhelming majority of people reading that letter would roll their eyebrows at the ‘naïveté’ of it all.

Benjamin Netanyahu, with all his astonishing accomplishments despite the realpolitik universe in which he has to operate, is in no way, shape or form going to act on that advice. Far, far too many currents are at work behind the scenes, currents “ordinary” people know nothing about. Indeed, as a former senior advisor to Netanyahu told me, deceptive diplomacy conceals an unimaginable amount of arm twisting, dark threats, manipulation, and blackmailing of Israeli leaders who pass through the doors of the Oval Office.

Oh, how very much we would want the prime minister to seize the initiative in this war for the security and existence of his people.

But we have no illusions here. Or let me personalize this: I have no illusions.

Over the years he has been in office, my observations of Prime Minister Netanyahu have led me to assess him as the best man for the job and, more importantly, that he was appointed to this position “for such a time as this.”

This does not at all mean that I expect him to be able, in and of himself, to find a way through the serpent’s looped coils.

Not to forget, either, the findings of a national poll published as Netanyahu was packing his suitcase for this trip, according to which 73 percent of Israelis would support the signing of an agreement with PLO chief Mahmoud Abbas. (The leftist press frequently crosses ethical lines to try influence the outcome on the political landscape here.)

But for the same reason that my faith in Israel’s future is not in this man, I do not fear the wily machinations of the officials who have been working around the clock to lay the snare into which they hope to have lured the Israeli. Nor are opinion polls causing me sleepless nights.

On top of that, does Ha’aretz journalist Chemi Shalev really think that people of faith are intimidated by the mocking way in which he sought to pre-empt an assessment of the kind I am making here?

God is fighting for Israel. And as the good Book says: He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps.

In His world, and thus in mine, coincidences don’t exist – especially when it comes to the fate of the Jewish people and their land.

Whether through political upheavals and global threats of war, such as the one being witnessed in the Ukraine, by weather systems, like those today smothering Washington DC, or by vainglorious distractions like Sunday night’s Oscar Awards, or in any one of numerous other ways – there is no doubt Who sits on the throne.

And there is no doubting His power.

Or do we really think that He is going to let the Obama administration get away with rolling back the miraculous restoration of the Jews to their land that He has been overseeing now for more than 150 years?

Millennia ago, when the Israelites were standing shaking in fear on the shores of the Red Sea as Pharaoh his chariots and his horsemen raced furiously towards them, a strong voice – filled with unreasonable and unshakeable faith – called reassuringly to them:

“Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today. For the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall see again no more forever.” (Exodus 14:13)

In this way we who believe in the God of Israel can encourage His people today.

“Don’t fear or be anxious, Israel. Just stand and watch Him at work. He is your God, mighty to save.”

Remember your prophetic words? Praying them through? Steve Martin, Love For His People

Love For His People Editor's Note: More and more the Lord will be speaking and directing us in the days ahead, through supernatural gifts and methods. And Lord knows we need it!

Are you still believing Him for the words He spoke to you? Last month, last year, 10 or 20 years ago? 

I encourage you to re-read or re-listen to the ones you have. You will need them. And as you receive them in the future, write them down, record them, and pray through them.

Below is a word I received four years ago. It is coming to fulfillment now, as I note behind each one. I share this with you in order to encourage you in the word that was given to you.


Steve Martin
Love For His People

P.S. For those who think these Holy Spirit gifts were for only the first century believers, I fear you are missing a lot of what the Lord has for you now.

Prophetic Words to Steve Martin
Jan. 22, 2010
Global Kingdom Business Conference at MorningStar Ministries

Friday, 6 pm    Prophetic Team - Becky, Morgan, KJ (all in their late teens or early twenties)

Morgan:  What I get, is that I just great sense of happiness, kind of like a personality that a lot of people want to be around. I feel like you bring this into your business which sets the atmosphere for the whole place. It makes it a fun place to be.

Becky: I really felt that you have a real gift for college student age people. I felt that you were somebody in a university setting, an opportunity to really be an impact in. I felt that you were going to be somebody who was going to teach in those places, somebody that could impart knowledge that you had gained from the world, from being in business, being successful, and that you could go and impart that to students. That might be an opportunity the Lord is opening up for you to do. (Steve: I now work with interns in the business office.)

KJ:  I saw you have great management with your team members, people on your team and people in your employment. You are a great manager because you are encouraging instead of demanding. They really feel  that you care about them, and they in return care about  you. You both support each others’ visions in life, for the business itself as well. (Steve: I speak a lot about leading and managing people in my 3rd book, LEADERSHIP THROUGH LOVE - Martin Lighthouse Publishing, 2013)

Morgan:  There is a strong anointing on your business, and I feel that God is going to even expand that and make it bigger, and use you in a huge way to … expand it and keep blessing you and keep pouring on the anointing.

Becky:  I felt like the Lord is saying there is a holiday (vacation) coming.  You and your wife are going to go away and spend some time together and enjoy a rest time. I feel like it has been a crazy time of work, a lot going on, a lot of things you have been involved in, and that He is going to bless you with a really nice vacation. (Steve - we were able to go to Boston on our 35th anniversary in 2012.)

KJ:  God told me one time, “Adam saw his world as a garden; Jesus saw His world as kingdom, and we see our world as a business opportunity.” What that means in, your business is going to be a place where the Lord can rest, where people can rest. It is going to have fruit, it is going to have trees, it is going to be a garden. It is going to be a place of rest, it is going to be a place of success.   It is going to expand. It is going to multiply. Much like the calling of Adam and mankind in itself, to subdue and multiply and replenish the earth.  Also replenishing other businesses as well. Kind of taking them under your wing.

Becky: You have a very good head for numbers, for problem solving, and that you are somebody that can take a situation that looks difficult and you can find a solution for it. Other people come to you as a consultant for problem solving for solutions, to find solutions. You are going to be, the Lord is continuing you in, He’s gifted you in. He really is blessing that. (Steve: My "day job" is as an Accountant in the marketplace. These giving me this word didn't know that. I also give advice to those with ministries.)

Have you come from a different state to be here? Have you travelled? I really felt that He was telling me that there was a state, a very northern state, northwest of here. There is a connection for you there. I felt that you were  travelling there, that you have done or a travelling that you are going to do to that place. I feel like it may be something He is giving you an opportunity in, that He is releasing. There is going to be a person there, like a contact for you there, that you are really going to be able to connect with. (Steve: This one was very exciting for me. I see it happening this month - March, 2014.)

I encourage you to keep on believing. We serve a faithful God.
Steve Martin

Now Is the Time To Claim God's Promises! by Carol Kelley

Carol Kelley:
Now Is the Time 
To Claim God's Promises!
The Elijah List

Carol Kelley
It's Time!

Recently, I had two dreams about claiming God's prophetic promises. In the first, four wristwatches were in a dish with some other jewelry, set atop a night stand. I awoke, immediately fell back asleep, and had a second dream. In it I saw a newspaper headline that read, "Redeem."

I awoke from the second dream, asked the Lord what He was seeking to communicate to me, and pondered several of the symbols represented in this pair of dreams:
• Jewelry – something precious; gifts from God.
• Clocks in dreams and visions represent time, so a wristwatch symbolizes the present time.
• Four – reigning; God's Kingdom, God's creation.
          • Five (the total number of wristwatches, including the one I was wearing) – grace, redemption.

          • Night stand – God's promises will stand, even when all is dark and daylight seems a long way off.
• Newspaper – prophecy.

This is the interpretation that He showed me:

It's time to claim God's promisesGod has valuable, precious gifts for every Believer. Some we are already aware of, while others await our discovery. Now is the time to reign with Christ and live in His Kingdom, not just in the future in Heaven. God has redeemed us through His grace; His promises will stand. 

He will help us redeem and make the most of our NOW time (see Ephesians 5:16). Now is the time to claim His prophetic promises! 

(Photo via Stock.xchange by skingolf)

Here are some Biblical references about God's words:
• Psalm 119:130 – "The unfolding of Your words gives light...[and] understanding..."
• Psalm 119:140 – "Your word (promise) is very pure..."
• Isaiah 40:8 – "The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever."
• Isaiah 55:11 – "So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."
• Luke 1:20, 30 – God's words WILL be fulfilled in their proper time. His favor and approval lessens our fear.
• 2 Timothy 3:16 – "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness..."
How Can You Know If A Prophetic Word Is Really From God?

You may be wondering, "How can I know if a prophetic word is really from God?" 

This is an excellent question. When my husband Dave and I teach others about prophecy, we use numerous Scriptures, especially 1 Corinthians 14:3 – "One who prophesies speaks...for edification and exhortation and consolation," and 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 – "Do not quench the Spirit; do not despise prophetic utterances. But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good." 

There is nothing wrong with testing prophetic words that are spoken to you; in fact, it is a wise practice.

Does not the ear test words?Testing a word does not mean that you are questioning the Lord or the person who prophesied it, but that you are seeking confirmation. "Does not the ear test words...?"(Job 12:11). 

(Photo via Stock.xchange by 13dede)
• Does a word meet the test of 1 Corinthians 14:3 – edification, exhortation, and comfort? 
Prophecies should never be used as a vehicle for controlling or condemning others. "There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus" (Romans 8:1). God's words bring us hope. "'For I know the plans I have for you,' says the Lord, 'plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope'" (Jeremiah 29:11).
• Does a prophetic word given to you line up with the truth of God as expressed in His written Word, the Bible? 
The Lord will not contradict Himself. "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should repent. Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?" (Numbers 23:19).
• Does a prophetic word bear witness with your own spirit, or does something about it seem "off"? "
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God..." (1 John 4:1). In the New Testament model of prophecy God primarily uses prophetic words to confirm what you're already hearing from Him. He doesn't expect you to make a major life change on the basis of one word prophesied to you. Even in the Old Testament the Lord confirmed His words. Abraham (see Genesis 15 & 17), Moses (see Exodus 3-4), and Gideon (see Judges 6-7) all received multiple confirmations from God.
• Does a prophetic word exalt or glorify an individual or group, or does it exalt and glorify Jesus Christ by helping propel others forward in their walk with God? 
Encouragement, exhortation, and comfort (see 1 Corinthians 14:3) are key elements in prophecy. Reject words that are manipulative. God desires for us to walk in confidence, avoiding both condemnation and conceit."For through the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think; but to think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith" (Romans 12:3).
Worship by Marybeth StaffordUse these various tests to confirm if a word is from the Lord. If so, then CLAIM it, DECLARE it, BELIEVE it, and REST in His truth and faithfulness (see Lamentations 3:22-23; I Thessalonians 5:24). God's words WILL be fulfilled at the proper time (see Luke 1:20)!

For the vision is yet for the appointed time; it hastens toward the goal, and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; for it will certainly come, it will not delay. Habakkuk 2:3

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

How To Claim And Wait Patiently In Rest For the Lord's Promises

Commit your way to the Lord; trust also in Him, and He will do it...Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently (or longingly) for Him...Psalm 37:5, 7

Resting may sometimes seem counterproductive. We can become distracted by "much service," like Martha, during the times Jesus wants us to rest in His presence and listen to Him (see Luke 10:38-42). Yes, it's important to confirm and follow God's directions to us, while also realizing it's up to Him to fulfill His words; we can't make them happen through our own effort or striving. God's grace and His acceptance of us enable us to rest in Him. And when we rest, it's often easier to hear from the Lord. When Elisha rested, he received a God-inspired idea and further direction for ministry (see 2 Kings 4:8-17).

Last summer I had a dream about studying a five-word phrase in the Bible. But the location of this phrase did not appear in the dream. I awoke and asked the Lord where to read, and heard,"Exodus 5." (Keep in mind that five prophetically represents God's grace. Here were two fives – Exodus chapter 5, and a five-word phrase.)

God met with usExodus 5 is the account of Moses and Aaron going to Pharaoh, and declaring that God said to release His people from bondage (see verse 1). Pharaoh was unimpressed, saying, "Who is the Lord that I should obey His voice to let Israel go? I do not know the Lord, and besides, I will not let Israel go" (verse 2). Then Pharaoh added, "Moses and Aaron, why do you draw the people away from their work? Get back to your labors!" (verse 4).

He accused the Israelites of being lazy (see verses 8, 17), and gave the people an added burden of labor (see verses 9-19). The elders of Israel blamed Moses and Aaron for this injustice (see verses 20-21). Moses in turn complained to God (see verses 22-23). In Exodus 6, the Lord spoke again to Moses, reassuring him He was responsive to Israel's suffering and would keep His promise (see verse 5) to redeem them (see verse 6).

(Photo via Wikimedia Commons by Benjamin West)

The Lord drew me to Exodus 5:3. There I found the five-word phrase to study – Moses and Aaron said to Pharaoh, "God...has met with us."
• God – the Holy One, the King of all, the Creator of the universe.
• Has – God really did speak to Moses and Aaron; they were not imagining it.
• Met – The Lord met individually with both Moses (see Exodus 3; 4:1-17, 19-23) and Aaron (see Exodus 4:27), to communicate with them. God could have overwhelmed Moses and forced him to obey, but He chose to dialogue and give Moses grace.
• With – Jesus is our Emmanuel, God With Us (see Matthew 1:21-23; Isaiah7:14).
• Us – God confirmed his words and plans not only to Moses, but also to Jethro, Moses' father-in-law (see Exodus 4:18); Aaron (see Exodus 4:27-28); the elders of Israel (see Exodus 3:16-18, 4:29-30); and the people (see Exodus 3:15, 4:30-31).
Soaking, Marinating In His Presence by Linda Harris-IorioAfter I pondered these five words, the Lord communicated to me: "I will come through in My time! I want you to be released and freed from your heavy labors. Satan and others may accuse you of being lazy, but I compel you to rest!"

Jesus invites us to come to Him and rest from our striving, our working to exhaustion (see Matthew 11:28-30). By His sacrifice and provision for our sin, we are freed from the law of sin and death (see Romans 8:2). He came to set us free (see John 8:32, 36) that we might have abundant life in Him (see John 10:10).

When Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness (see Matthew 4:1; Mark 1:12; Luke 4:1), He walked in obedience to the Father. He fasted for forty days, and became hungry (see Matthew 4:2; Luke 4:2). Satan tempted Jesus to make bread (see Matthew 4:3, Mark1:13; Luke 4:3); though hungry, Jesus did not sin. 

When God led Israel out of Egypt into the wilderness, His children complained and doubted Him. Still, he showed them grace and fed them "bread" (manna) every day (see Exodus 16:12-29, 35). Even after Israel habitually sinned and rebelled against God (see Numbers 13-14), He continued to feed and provide for them during forty years of desert wanderings (see Deuteronomy 8:2-4).
Jesus is our Bread of Life (see John 6:35, 48, 51), the provision for our need. 

He said that we don't live by bread alone, but by every word coming from God (see Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; Deuteronomy 8:3). The Law came through Moses, but grace and truth through Jesus Christ (see John 1:17).

So now is the time to claim God's promises to you!

In His grace,
Carol Kelley

Carol Kelley and her husband Dave are prophetic ministers, teaching prophecy classes and mentoring younger prophets. Their passion is to help others hear and recognize God's voice, and walk in His grace. Carol, a prophet, musician, teacher, and composer, has music published with Hal Leonard Corporation and Alfred Music Publishing. 

A sixth-generation Oregonian, she has a heart to intercede for Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, as well as cities and nations. Dave moves in an apostolic and prophetic anointing to help God's people become empowered as conduits of financial blessing. He has 38 years of financial experience working in Christian organizations, currently as Chief Financial Officer at New Hope Christian College in Eugene, Oregon.

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Obama 'Threatens' Israel to Accept Peace Terms

Obama 'Threatens' Israel to Accept Peace Terms

Monday, March 03, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
Israel's mainstream media on Monday viewed US President Barack Obama's recent interview with Bloomberg as a direct threat that the Jewish state had better accept America's Middle East peace proposal, or else.
In the interview, held in the Oval Office last Thursday, Obama appeared to lay all the blame for the lack of a peace deal with the Palestinians squarely on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's shoulders.
"If not now, when? And if not you, Mr. Prime Minister, then who?" Obama asked, insisting that if Netanyahu "does not believe that a peace deal with the Palestinians is the right thing to do for Israel, then he needs to articulate an alternative approach."
Bloomberg correspondent Jeffrey Goldberg called Obama's remarks "striking" and "blunter about Israel’s future than I've ever heard him."
Obama went on to stress that if an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord is not reached, it is Israel that will pay the price in terms of isolation and international boycotts, and, apparently, Obama's America won't be there to defend its ally.
That harsh interview was published less than a day before Netanyahu was scheduled to arrive in Washington to meet with Obama, a sit-down that the Israeli leader probably thought would be less tense than his previous encounters with the president.
In truth, Netanyahu has not really been all that resistant to the American peace proposal drafted by Secretary of State John Kerry, as it meets most of Israel's conditions for a final status agreement, or at least for negotiations working toward that goal.
As became obvious last week in Paris, the real obstacle is Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, who nearly walked out of a meeting with Kerry after labeling his proposal as "madness" for calling on the Palestinians to recognize the "Jewish state" and give up their claims to half of Jerusalem.
Upon landing in Washington on Monday, Netanyahu told reporters that Israel remains ready to move toward a peace deal, but that the Palestinians need to actually show up and accept the agreement.
"The tango in the Middle East needs at least three. For years there have been two -- Israel and the US," said Netanyahu. "Now it needs to be seen if the Palestinians are also present."
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