Tuesday, April 15, 2014

2 Keys to Surviving God's Refining Fire by Teresa Seputis

sad woman
Every believer enters a season when God turns up the heat. Here's how to keep the goal of the refinement process in view when going through the flames.
Those of you who are familiar with the process of refining gold know that the gold is first placed in a crucible and subjected to intense heat. The heat causes the gold to melt and its impurities to separate and come to the top, where they can be skimmed off.
This process is repeated as many times as necessary in order to increase the quality and purity of the gold. For example, 10-karat gold does not have to be heated as much or as long as 14-karat gold. Twenty-four karat gold undergoes an even more intensive refining process.
In a similar manner, God is in the process of refining His church. He wants a pure, beautiful bride upon whom He can pour out His anointing and His power. God desires to manifest Himself through His church so that each of us is able to do the things Jesus did (John 14:12-14).
Christ longs for each member of His body to see what the Father is doing and to do it with Him. It is His will that we walk in victory and be overcomers. These are His highest priorities for the church.
 The Refining Process 
God has to remove the impurities from our lives that hold us back from going all the way with Him. I believe that this is His agenda for the church right now and that we have entered a season of God's refinement.
Refining can be a difficult and uncomfortable process. At times, we may feel very much as the gold does when it is being melted. We experience heat, discomfort and adversity.
This process is walked out a bit differently in each of our lives. For some of us, important relationships seem to fall apart. Others are misunderstood, misjudged and falsely accused.
Finances run out for some; others may face sickness or hardships. We may find ourselves struggling once again with emotions and issues that we thought we had long since conquered.
The purifying process can be especially confusing to those of us who have been seeking the Lord and drawn to a place of deeper intimacy with Him than ever before. We may not understand why God is allowing "bad" things to happen in our lives.
Is It God or the Enemy? 
Some believers don't understand that God is refining them, so they "resist the devil" instead of submitting to the Holy Spirit (James 4:7, NIV). But God wants us to know what He is doing in this season so that we can properly respond to it.
Sometime the enemy's attacks and the refiner's fire look a lot alike. Fortunately, God has given us a strategy for distinguishing them. In his letter to the church, the apostle James wrote: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him" (James 1:5).
In other words, ask God, and He will make it clear to you. It may not happen the instant you ask because sometimes His answer has to work its way into our understanding.
God may choose to speak to you through circumstances. James says that the enemy must flee when we resist him and submit to God (James 4:7). So if you apply the authority that Jesus has given you over the situation and nothing changes, that may be a hint that this is God's hand on you and not the enemy's.
Perhaps you've seen a certain weakness frequently rise up in you. The Lord may be calling your attention to a character trait He wants to refine.
He may put a conviction in your heart, speak to you through the Scriptures or use friends to let you know that He wants to deal with you in a certain area. I can't tell you precisely how, but He will make it clear to you.
You can know when it's the enemy's attack and what strategy God wants you to use to resist him. And you can know when it is God's refining fire and how to best cooperate with Him in the process.
Why God Allows the Fire 
We need to realize that God wants to purify our lives of the things that keep us from moving forward with His plan. Hosea 6:1-2 paints a picture of what God is doing:
"He has torn us to pieces but He will heal us; He has injured us but He will bind up our wounds. After two days He will revive us; on the third day He will restore us, that we may live in His presence."
When I first read that passage, I had a mental image of a lion mauling someone. I could not understand why a loving Father would maul His children in that manner, so I asked God about it.
He told me: "Teresa, you have the wrong picture. Let Me show you what it really means." Then I saw a picture in my mind's eye of a surgeon skilfully cutting around a cancerous growth so it could be removed.
The cutting away of the "death" within us can be painful. But God's goal for the surgery is to remove those things that work death in us and replace them with His life.
Even if you are already walking in holiness, you will go through a season of God's refinement because He desires to radiate His glory and His presence through your life. He wants pure vessels that He can pour His anointing into.
We can't control whether or not God will take us through His refiner's fire, but we can control how long we stay in the fire. The more we resist Him, the longer the process will take. The more we cooperate with Him, the faster it will go.
Surrender to the Process 
The first step in surviving God's refining process is to cooperate with Him rather than resist Him. Once I was holding on to something dear to me that held me back in my walk with God. For about a week, God and I struggled over this. Then He said: "Teresa, we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but we will do it."
God showed me two pictures. The first was a child's hand tightly clasping a stone. An adult's hand began peeling back the child's fingers one by one until the stone fell out of her hand.
The second picture was the same child's hand holding the stone. But the child relaxed her grip and placed the stone in the adult's hand.
"Which will it be?" the Lord asked me.
Suddenly I understood that God was going to remove this thing from my life. I could willingly cooperate with Him, and He would help me gain the victory with minimal pain and effort. However, if I chose to resist Him, He would orchestrate one situation after another to "pry back my fingers" until I could not hang on to it any longer.
Tearfully, I laid this thing on the altar. It was not long before God gave me the victory in this area, and I found new fruit of the Spirit emerging in my life.
Then God showed me a little girl holding on to a very dirty and tattered teddy bear. The girl's father was trying to take the bear away, and she resisted strenuously.
Finally, she released her grip on the old teddy bear. As soon as she did, the father placed an exquisitely beautiful doll in her hands that she liked much more.
God showed me that He made me give up what I had been holding on to so that He could replace it with something better.
Acknowledge the Need 
The second step in surviving the process is to see our need for cleansing. "Impurities" will rise to the surface, and we will see behaviors, attitudes and character traits in ourselves that we do not like.
When the pressure is on, inappropriate responses from our weaknesses and woundedness will become more visible. These may include bitterness, unforgiveness, fear, anger or sinful desires that we know are displeasing to God. These have to come to the top so they can be "skimmed off."
We may be horrified at what shows up in our lives. Some of us may go into denial mode and try to push these things down.
But Jesus said, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick" (Luke 5:31). We need to see our need before God will help us.
Receiving forgiveness for sins works on the same principle. We must see our guilt, confess our sins and repent before God will forgive us (1 John 1:9). If we acknowledge our need for God to help us in this area of our character, He will.
Some of us become upset and condemn ourselves when we notice impurities present in our lives. We may even pull away from God.
But God wants us to run to Him and receive His forgiveness and cleansing. His desire is not to condemn us but to purify us and transform us into the image of His son (Rom. 8:1; Titus 2:14; 2 Cor. 3:18).
We're in the Fire Together 
We can be of great help to our friends and acquaintances when they go through God's refining in their lives by 1) understanding that God is bringing impurities to the surface to remove them and 2) being quick to forgive and slow to take offense. We also need to encourage our loved ones to have hearts after God, bless their resolve for holiness, pray and speak God's strength into them.

What Has Already Been Set in Motion - Part 3 by Bill Click

What Has Already Been Set in Motion 

- Part 3 by Bill Click

Identity Network

Jesus commanded the Apostles to continue what He had set in motion. It was a succession of faith that would reproduce the very same dimension of who He had not only been to them, but  was getting ready to release into them and then throughout the earth (Acts 1:4-8).

While they were with Jesus, the Apostles evangelized under Christ’s authority with an anointing (Mt.10:8). This power was also released to the seventy.  The effectiveness of all was verified by the testimony that they, “seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name” (Luke10:17). 

Such is to be God’s normal for the Great Commission today (Mt.28:18-20). But to be and do this, we must abandon the old wineskins that make these commands no longer valid (Mt.22:29).

Our experience leads us to form doctrines that say being healed, delivered and experiencing God supernaturally is either false, unnecessary or a bonus to salvation, instead of being an essential part of its total package.

Moving from the Concept to Conception

Jesus came to institute Spiritual reality, true relationship, and divine authority. For years, however, the dimension of the apostolic most of us have witnessed is primarily one of doctrine, networking and structure. There is so much more. But that is what happens when we take what we have received in seed form and prematurely call it a tree. The seed of the revelation of the apostolic was not planted prematurely, but any evaluation of it being either fully established or a finished product is. 

Whenever we take whatever is only ours in seed form and run with it prematurely, what we ultimately see is only the result of our own efforts. Then the obvious disparity between “this is that” and what it is discredits not only the realm of the Spirit, but also the Lord Himself (Acts.2:16).

Our desire for something to be does not make it so. Even when whatever we may perceive reaches to the farthest extent of what has been understood to that point. Instead, what the Lord is calling His people into is the very substance and evidence of apostolic faith which brings power with its revelation (Heb.11:1; Ro.10:17). 

This is not only more but also completely different from understandings acknowledged and agreed upon by groups based on principles that are rooted in the mind rather than the power of the Spirit (1Cor.2; 2Tim.3:1-5). What you just read above was the very definition of denominationalism: common ideals of truth about God and the church designed to identify who is “one of us” and who is not.

Deepening in the Spirit without Complicating it in Soul

To move past the framework of what is true about God into the actual house Christ is building, we first need to get into His living room. We need the intimacy and resulting power that makes the foundation not only identifiable, but sustainable. The foundation itself is essential, but God has more than just acknowledging gifts, ministries and offices, their place, and what their function should look like in serving the Church. The foundation is about the whole body doing likewise, because of what Christ’s work in each of us is to result in.

Through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (Eph.2:19-22).

Paul was emphasizing that through Christ, both he and those who would read have our access in one Spirit to the Father (19). The same Spirit that was on the Apostles and Prophets came on the body at Ephesus. Although Apostles and Prophets lay foundation, it is not so they can do so over and over again. It is so that the whole building, being fitted together will be growing into a holy temple in the Lord (21). Paul gave them (& also us) the word of the Lord. I the same way Apostles and Prophets receive and release Christ in the Spirit, you (we) also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit (22).

With a foundation alone you have the appearance of what can become a house. Set apart for building purposes, its future use is determined, but it is only the beginning. That doesn’t change too much just by adding a frame. Without the Spiritual reality, true relationship, and divine authority of the foundation actually becoming that which belongs to body members, only the framework of what has been promised is established. But the Lord has given us all we need to become that completely finished house. Not only observed and defined as such, but inhabited and functioning as one. That way, the house becomes a home.

We are to become His home on Earth, just as His home will be ours in eternity. Jesus came to occupy us in such a way that He not only resides, but we abide (Col.1:27; Jn.15:7). It is a mutual, ongoing experience shared by those who have entered into His abundant life (Jn.10:10). And by doing so, we cannot only work the works of God but come to the place in our shared housing that we do greater works than these “because I go to the Father.” (Jn.6:28; 14:12)

We want to get caught up in qualifications, so that we may excuse and explain away what we are not seeing. But how many times have we said, “God qualifies those He calls, He does not call the qualified.”  We tend to get caught in criticism of people or manifestations, then reject what does not match our “jot and tittle” of doctrine or lack of Supernatural experience (Mt.5:18). But we have neither seen it all, heard it all, nor experienced it all. God WILL definitely use His Word as a confirmation for what He does in the Spirit, but He has called us to understand it and apply His Word by His Spirit, not our soul (1Cor.2:12-16).

God Goes Beyond Our Understanding in Ways which Require Us to Receive as Children

It is clear that the Kingdom of God belongs to those Jesus personally touches (Mt.19:13-15). No one can understand the extent to which people are physically impacted by a true visitation: not only what happens in the Spirit realm, but also in their bodies and how it often transforms their mind, will and emotions. The adult in most of us says, “all that is not necessary, we just need the anointing to get the job done.”  But Jesus said that the gist of what it means to truly be converted is to become as children (Mt.18:3).

Throughout Scripture and Church history, God chooses to manifest His Glory by granting His children moments of visitation which not only feature down loadings of anointing, but demonstrations of the extent to which our bodies, souls and cultures are so obviously vacant and powerless compared to His presence and power. Phenomena such as visions of Jesus, revelations of past or future, loss of bodily control and/or waves of glory which emanate and affect those who get near them (spread the experience). The laughing, crying, vacillation between the two or even other unusual sounds which come forth not only cleanse but empower and are truly signs and wonders.

We need more than just the witness of the Spirit (Ro.8:9,16). We need more than just the call of God (Ro.11:29). We need much more than just the revelation of our gift (Ro.12:6). We even need more than just to move in spiritual gifts (1Cor.12:11; 14:1). Years ago, during a time of training: the Lord called us into His depths by having me exhort that, “you need to get inside the One who is inside you.”  It will take that to begin to see things through His eyes and not our own. And it will take even more to become fully occupied by Christ. We need to actually “receive power when the Holy Spirit has come…” (Acts1:8).

Jesus made it mandatory for the Apostles who were to make it mandatory for those who followed them (Mt.28:20). And we have inherited both their promise and its command: “I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke.24:49).

At the end of part 1, I emphasized that we need to seek the Lord until we find Him. After finding, we must then ask Him what He wants. After receiving His direction, we must then believe that following His process will result in becoming those who will truly be houses of his power. In part 2, I encouraged that we do not have to stop all human activity to do so, neither do we have to refuse to be available for use by the Lord. Instead, that we are to give away what we already have received as we seek Him for the “more” that will make the difference in this next, upcoming and ongoing release of His Glory.

The Power will Reveal what has not Yet Been Discovered

Again, we need more than just the witness of the Spirit, the call of God, the revelation of our gift, and even moving in the spiritual gifts (1Cor.12:11; 14:1). Most if not all have been designed to flow in gifts which have never been activated, even if already received. On occasion you may have been used in the anointing in ways that have yet to become consistent or even seasonal. There are times when God will do something sovereign through us, but at the same time point toward what can become more than just a momentarily experience or even sporadic occurrence.

For God to use us more consistently (& increasingly) in power, we must receive greater impartations of His power. For Jesus to extend Himself through you prophetically, you must receive more significant impartations of revelation.

But to increase what you already have, you must use what you have been given while you seek for more of Him. Instead of just trying to “hold on till the end” or “hold on to the horns of the altar” or “hold onto faith” or “hold on until things change,” it is time to take hold of what He has taken hold of us for (Php.3:12).

All through Scripture we are reminded that we will reap what we sow. Paul exhorted us to “sow after the Spirit” (Gal.6:7-9). What puts to death the misdeeds of the body and enables us to live that abundant life only happens through the Spirit (Ro.8:13). So that is how we will demonstrate being true sons and daughters of God (Ro.8:14).

Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the LORD Until He comes to rain righteousness on you. (Ho.10:12)

Bill Click

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Persecuted Christian Asia Bibi's Appeal Hearing Delayed for Third Time

Persecuted Christian Asia Bibi's Appeal Hearing Delayed for Third Time

Asia Bibi
Appeal proceedings have been delayed again in the case of Asia Bibi, the Christian mother of five sentenced to death for blasphemy.
Lahore high court judges Sardar Tariq Masood and Abdul Sami Khan adjourned the case shortly after the hearing began and arguments were presented.
Court sources say that a new date for the appeal is expected tomorrow in a case that has dragged on without any progress for quite some time.
For several months, extremist groups have been making threats against the judges in order to pressure them to confirm the death penalty imposed by the lower court.
However, the woman's lawyers say they remain confident and hopeful that the high court will soon overturn her conviction and let her go.
In recent days, Pakistani Christians have promoted days of fasting and prayer on behalf of Asia Bibi and Sawan Masih, both of whom are innocent but sentenced to death under the infamous "black law."
Asia Bibi, who has been on death row since November 2010 and held under solitary confinement on security grounds, has become a symbol of the fight against blasphemy.
Punjab Gov. Salman Taseer and Federal Minority Affairs Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a Catholic, were killed in 2011 for coming to her defense.
Masih, a 26-year-old Christian from Lahore, was convicted recently by a lower court on false charges as a result of a personal dispute with the person who reported him.
It is sad "to see how the situation in Pakistan is getting worse by the day, not only for minorities, but especially for women and girls," Father James Chand, from the Archdiocese of Lahore, told AsiaNews.
"Let us continue to pray for Asia Bibi and Sawan Masih," he added.
Father Arthur Nat, a priest from Central Punjab, joined Chand's appeal, calling for "a day of fasting and prayer on Wednesday."
Meanwhile, a new case of child sexual assault has been reported. On Sunday, a 12-year-old girl was raped by an Islamic cleric in a Punjab mosque.
Witnesses say the imam sent students home, asking the girl to stay. He then assaulted her ​​with the help of four boys.
The girl's family plans to report the crime, but it appears the religious leader has already fled the area without leaving a trace.
Click here to read this article on persecution.org from CHARISMA NEWS.

Feasts of the Lord - A Little Help In Understanding Them

The Feasts of The Lord - Biblical Holidays

Do you know and understand why the biblical Feasts of the Lord, which are found in the Bible (Torah, Tanak, New Testament) are for believers today? After all, these are our Jewish roots. They were first given to His Chosen Ones the Jews, to bring His light to the world, and then for all believers in Yeshua HaMashiach, Jesus Christ. It is one way God the Father has revealed His Son Yeshua (salvation in Hebrew) to the nations.

And how does He do this revealing? By instructing the Jews to keep His annual feasts, which then demonstrates His plan of salvation for the entire world, both for Jew and Gentile. 

Again, salvation ("Yeshua" in Hebrew) for all who would believe and receive.

Here are a few pieces of artwork to help further explain what He has done, and continues to do, for us.

Happy feasting! Chag Semach Pesach (Happy Passover!),

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Feasts of the Lord 
- to bring us to Yeshua (Jesus)

Known commonly as the Jewish feasts, 
they have been given as a
demonstration of His love for all of us.

Passover (Pesach) - Yeshua's (Jesus') death, burial 
and resurrection
on Resurrection Sunday

His sacrificial death on the cross 
- as a sheep led to slaughter (Isaiah 53)

Shavuot - Pentecost
- the first fruits, when the Holy Spirit came 50 days
after His resurrection

Announcing His soon coming triumphal return

Day of Atonement - 
reflecting on sin and His atoning Blood for us

Feast of Tabernacles - Sukkot
Spending time with Him in His eternal rest
of salvation

Sharing Love From Sweden - "Yeshua - the Passover Lamb" by Eva Haglund

Shalom Steve!

I liked the  poem you wrote on the blog! Thank you very much! I wish you a Happy Passover! 

The Passover Lamb
Isaiah 53

I think about Yeshua - the Passover Lamb. He gave everything for us like a lamb led to the slaughter. I think about our heavenly Daddy's deep love. His Son was like a precious Lamb for Him I think - a lamb without
faults and He laid down, as our loving Daddy, His precious Lamb at the altar for us. Our heavenly Daddy's heart was crushed for us and He wanted to do everything for us. The biggest love was to be willing to give His Son.

He know there is NO other Way to Open thé Way to heaven. Abraham did not have to sacrifice his son but God gave everything for us. He gave the biggest present.

I think He had pain in His heart seeing Yeshua suffer so much but he did it for us. Yeshua loved His father and wanted to do His will. He loved us also so much and was ready to do everything for us. He had the good shepherds heart giving everything for the sheep.

I think in Gethsemane Yeshua had so much agony until blood because He knew that He would have to suffer so much because it was a terrible pain, but He chose to carry all sufferings- all pain because of His love to us.

Yeshua's heart was also crushed for us as our heavenly Daddy's was. God is really Love!

My favorite chapter is Isaiah 53 because it tells how wonderful Yeshua is. It shows how the Father- Daddy is also.

God is love.


Yeshua's blood was shed for us. His back was whipped full of stripes.

We can celebrate His death 
and resurrection now 
because He reigns in heaven. 
And Yeshua (Jesus) is coming back again as 
King of kings and 
Lord of lords.


Why Jesus is Our Passover Lamb


Why Jesus is Our Passover Lamb

Why Jesus is Our Passover Lamb
Rich Robinson
Jews for Jesus


In the day to come when your son asks you, 'What does this mean?' you shall say to him…"Exodus 13:14.

The number four plays a significant role in Judaism. There are the four species of vegetables for Sukkot; four kingdoms in the book of Daniel; four Torah portions in the tefillin; four Matriarchs. At Passover, we find this number in abundance. In the course of the Seder we have four sons, four cups of wine, four expressions of redemption (Exodus 6:6-7) and perhaps the most famous "four" of all: the Four Questions.

As the Seder developed over the centuries, the Four Questions underwent many changes and were altered as different situations arose.1 For example, originally one question dealt with why we ate roasted meat.2 After the destruction of the Temple, that question was deleted and one about reclining was substituted. Today, the Four Questions (phrased as observations) are asked by the youngest child in the family:

Why is this night different from all other nights?

On all other nights, we may eat either chometz or matzoh; on this night, only matzoh.
On all other nights, we eat all kinds of vegetables; on this night, we must eat maror.
On all other nights, we do not dip even once; on this night we dip twice.
On all other nights, we may eat either sitting or reclining; on this night, we all recline.

The father then explains the Passover story.

There are other questions that the rabbis could have chosen as well. In the spirit of rabbinical adaptation, here are some additional questions that both children and adults might ponder.

Why do we place three matzos together in one napkin?

There are any number of traditions about this. One tradition holds that they represent the three classes of people in ancient Israel: the Priests, the Levites, and the Israelites. Another tradition teaches that they symbolize the three patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Yet another explanation is that it is a depiction of the "Three Crowns": the crown of learning, the crown of priesthood, and the crown of kingship.3 And a fourth option is that two of the matzos stand for the two weekly loaves of Exodus 16:22, and the third matzoh represents the special Passover bread called the "bread of affliction."4 And if those are not enough to keep one's imagination running, here's another.

Rabbi Abraham Isaac Sperling suggested that the three matzos stand for the three "measures of the fine meal" which Sarah prepared for Abraham's angelic guests (Genesis 18). The reason for this interpretation lies in the rabbinic tradition that this event occurred on the night of Passover!5 Out of all these explanations, how can we decide which is the right one, or is there yet another?

Why is the middle matzoh, the afikoman, broken in the course of the Seder?

Are we breaking the Levites, or Isaac, or the crown of learning, or one of the guests' cakes, or the bread of affliction? Or are we symbolizing the parting of the Red Sea (another explanation)?6 If any of these explanations are correct, why is the matzoh hidden away, buried under a cushion, and then taken out and eaten by all, as the Sephardic ritual puts it, "in memory of the Passover lamb?"

Where is our pesach, our Passover sacrifice, today?

The Torah prescribes that a lamb is to be sacrificed and eaten every Passover as a memorial of the first Passover lambs which were killed (Deuteronomy 16:1 -8). In reply, it is said that without a Temple we can have no sacrifices—yet some have advocated that the sacrifice still be made in Jerusalem even without a Temple.7 Since the Passover sacrifice, like others, involved the forgiveness of sins, it is important that we do the right thing. 

Some feel that the pesach had nothing to do with forgiveness. But in Exodus Rabbah 15:12 we read, "I will have pity on you, through the blood of the Passover and the blood of circumcision, and I will forgive you." Again, Numbers Rabbah 13:20 cites Numbers 7:46, which deals with the sin offering, and then adds, "This was in allusion to the Paschal sacrifice." Clearly the rabbis of this time period regarded the pesach as effecting atonement, and Leviticus 17:11 confirms that "it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul."8 

Today, however, we have only a shankbone, the zeroah, as a reminder of the Passover sacrifice, and roasted egg, the chaggigah, in memory of the festival offerings. But nowhere did God say that we could dispense with sacrifice. So, where is our pesach today?

The answers to these questions can be found by examining how and why the Seder observance changed dramatically in the first century.

The Seder Celebrated by Jesus and His Disciples

The "Last Supper" was a Passover meal and seems to have followed much the same order as we find in the Mishnah.

In the New Testament accounts, we find reference to the First Cup, also known as the Cup of Blessing (Luke 22:17); to the breaking of the matzoh (Luke 22:19); to the Third Cup, the Cup of Redemption (Luke 22:20); to reclining (Luke 22:14); to the charoseth or the maror (Matthew 26:23), and to the Hallel (Matthew 26:30).

In particular, the matzoh and the Third Cup are given special significance by Jesus:

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, "This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you" (Luke 22:19-20)

The Passover Lamb

The early Jewish believers in Jesus considered him the fulfillment of the Passover lambs that were yearly sacrificed. Thus Paul, a Jewish Christian who had studied under Rabbi Gamaliel, wrote, "Messiah, our pesach, has been sacrificed for us" (1 Corinthians 5:7). John in his gospel noted that Jesus died at the same time that the Passover lambs were being slaughtered in the Temple (see John 19:14) and that like the Passover lambs, none of his bones were broken (the others being crucified had their leg bones broken by the Romans—John 19:32, 33, 36). The idea behind all this was that just as the Israelites were redeemed from Egyptian slavery by an unblemished lamb, now men could be freed from slavery to sin by the Messiah, the Lamb of God.

The Cessation of the Temple Sacrifices

The first Christians were considered a part of the Jewish community until the end of the first century when they were expelled by the synagogue. Until the temple was destroyed, these Messianic Jews worshipped regularly with those Jews who didn't believe in the Messiah. In fact, there were entire congregations that worshipped Y'shua and they continued in their observance of the regular Jewish festivals. In such a setting, much interchange of ideas was possible. Jesus declared over the matzoh, "This is my body." Since the Jewish believers of that time saw Jesus as the Passover lamb, it followed that they would see the matzoh as symbolic of Jesus, the Passover lamb. In turn, with the destruction of the Temple and the cessation of sacrifices, the larger Jewish community might well have adopted the idea that the matzoh commemorated the lamb, even if they discounted the messianic symbolism.

The Afikoman Ceremony

As mentioned earlier, the significance of the middle matzoh and the ceremony connected with it is shrouded in mystery. The derivation of the word afikoman itself sheds some light. The word is usually traced to the Greek epikomion ("dessert") or epikomion("revelry")9. But Dr. David Daube, professor of civil law at Oxford University, derives it from aphikomenos, "the one who has arrived."10 This mystery clears further when one considers the striking parallels between what is done to the middle matzoh (afikoman) and what happened to Jesus. The afikoman is broken, wrapped in linen cloth, hidden and later brought back. Similarly, after his death, Jesus was wrapped in linen, buried, and resurrected three days later. Is it possible that the current Ashkenazic practice of having children steal the afikoman is a rabbinical refutation of the resurrection, implying that grave-snatchers emptied the tomb?

These factors strongly suggest that the afikoman ceremony was adopted from the Jewish Christians by the larger Jewish community which also adopted the use of the three matzos. Jewish Christians contend that these three matzos represent the tri-une nature of God, and that the afikoman which is broken, buried and brought back dramatically represents Jesus the Messiah.

The question then remains: What will it take to convince you?

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1. Daube, David, The New Testament and Rabbinic Judaism (University of London, 1956), p.187.
2. Klein, Mordell, ed., Passover (Leon Amiel, 1973), p.69.
3. Rosen, Ceil and Moishe, Christ in the Passover (Moody Press, 19788), p.70.
4. Klein, p.53.
5. Sperling, Rabbi Abraham Isaac, Reasons for Jewish Customs and Traditions, (Bloch Publishing Co., 1968), p.m 189.
6. Ibid.
7. Klein, p.28.
8. Morris, Leon, The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross (Eerdmans, Third ed., 1965), pp. 131 132.
9. Gaster, Theodor Herzel, Passover: Its History and Traditions (Abelard-Schuman, 1958), p.64.
10. Daube, "He That Cometh", (London Diocesan Council for Christian-Jewish Understanding, no date).

Learn more about Christianity's Jewish roots at the Jews for Jesus Web site

© Jews for Jesus. All rights reserved. Used with permission.

"Come Dance With Me" - Messianic worship song with Joel Chernoff (LAMB) - (video and photos)

Yeshua HaMashiach
- The (Pesach) Passover Lamb

Uploaded on Nov 11, 2008
Messianic Worship by Joel Chernoff
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Joel Chernoff - 2011 
in Charlotte, NC area 
(photos by Steve Martin,
Love For His People)

Joel Chernoff, formerly of LAMB 
-Messianic singing group

Sacrifice Lamb - Joel Chernoff (LAMB Messianic) - live music video

Joel Chernoff - formerly of LAMB
sings "The Sacrifice Lamb"

Joel Chernoff, co-artist of LAMB. April 16, 2011 at Beit Shofarot in China Grove, NC (Rabbi Yossi Wentz). Dance led by Curtis Loftin of Beith Yeshua in Lincolnton, NC, (Video by Steve Martin, of Love For His People in Charlotte, NC)