Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Out of Zion,,,beauty. ISRAEL365

Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined forth.

PSALMS (50:2)

מִצִּיּוֹן מִכְלַל יֹפִי אֱ-לֹהִים הוֹפִיעַ

תהלים נ:ב

me-tzee-OWN meekh-LAL yo-FEE eh-lo-HEEM ho-fee-AH

Jerusalem Inspiration

Our Jewish sages describe a beautiful idea in the Talmud that "ten measures of beauty descended to the world, and nine of them went to Jerusalem." The beauty of Jerusalem is not merely a physical magnificence which can be seen with the eye. It is a spiritual beauty and inner purity which one must seek to uncover. Help Jerusalem365 continue to share the inner beauty and wonderful sites of Jerusalem and throughout Israel.

Sound & Light Show in City of David

Watch this beautiful night-time guided tour of the City of David, accompanied by stunning lighting displays that highlight the newest archaeological discoveries from the Bible.

Hezbollah Thai Terror Plot

A suspect arrested on suspicion of connections to Hezbollah has admitted that he was part of a group plotting an attack on Israeli tourists in Bangkok over the Passover holiday.

Sterling Silver Jerusalem Paperweight

Display your solidarity with the Holy City with this sterling silver Jerusalem paperweight. Features a beautiful replica of the Old City with the Western Wall and Temple Mount.

Jerusalem Photo Trivia

These are no ordinary windows - do you know where they are and why they are so special? Send me an email or post your answer on Facebook!

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Chris Deleon of Grand Prairie, Texas. Toda raba!

“Thank You For Your Daily Uplift

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Jerusalem365! Thank you for your daily uplift and thank God for the good wonders of the internet - to bring Judaism to us who are spread out and do not have the physical contact due to where we live.
Ruth L.
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Dreams and Visions: Revival Hits Muslim N. Africa

Dreams and Visions: 

Revival Hits Muslim N. Africa

ALONG THE MEDITERRANEAN -- A Christian revival is touching the northernmost reaches of Africa. In a region once hostile to the Gospel, now tens of thousands of Muslims are following Jesus.

As the sun sets over the Mediterranean Sea, Muslims across Northern Africa are converting to faith in Jesus Christ in record numbers.

"What God is doing in North Africa, all the way from actually Mauritanian to Libya, is unprecedented in the history of missions," said Tino Qahoush, a graduate of Regent University and filmmaker.

Qahoush has spent years traveling the region to document the transformation.

"I have the privilege of recording testimonies and listening to first-hand stories of men and women of all ages, where they can be sitting in a room and see the appearance and the presence of God appear to them in reality, like a vision," he told CBN News.

"Some of them gave me stories of how they carry on a conversation. It's not just a light that appears" he added.

Qahoush revealed that sometimes he feels jealous.

"How come Jesus is visiting the Muslim world at this time and age and we don't hear that happening in the traditional Christian community?" he said.

A Profound Move of God

His interviews confirm what experts say is a profound move of God in the predominantly Muslim nations of Mauritania, Western Sahara, Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia.

From the shores of Casablanca, Morocco, to Tripoli, Libya, experts say the growth of Christianity, especially in the last 20 years, has been unprecedented.

Now that growth is also evident in the North African nation of Algeria.

Pastor Salah leads one of the largest churches in Algeria. Some 1,200 believers attend the church, and 99 percent of the population is Muslim.

"In fact we never thought the Algerian church would grow so big," Salah said.

He said every new Christian in his church came from a Muslim background. Since the church opened, they have baptized on average 150-160 believers per year.

Zino, a former Muslim, was invited to attend Pastor Salah's church by a friend. What he saw transformed him.

"I saw Algerians worshipping God with all their hearts and it touched me," Zino shared.

Others like Farhat, who is also a former Muslim, spoke of miraculous encounters. He said he was illiterate and couldn't read the Bible when he accepted the Lord. Then God made a change.

Farhat, a former Muslim

"Since then I've read the Bible and understood the Word of God," he told CBN News. "This is just an example of what God has done in my life, and this is the case of many people here in Algeria."

Muslims: 'Tell Us About Jesus!'

Even though Algeria is overwhelmingly Muslim, the government has given Protestant churches the freedom to register their congregations.

"It is the first Muslim Arab government who recognizes, officially, churches from Islam," Youssef Qurahmane, a leading Algerian pastor, said.

He said although government will harass and intimidate Christians from time to time, the level of persecution is nothing like it was 20 years ago.

In fact, Qurahmane is seeing God open unprecedented doors.

Youssef Qurahmane, pastor

"God has given to us many opportunities to witness at the police stations, at the courts, and in fact one time I went to the police station and they gave me 45 minutes to speak about Jesus!" he said.

"Just imagine yourself: they are all Muslims sitting and telling me, 'Tell us about Jesus!'" Qurahmane exclaimed.

But Algeria and the countries of North Africa weren't always open to the gospel.

A veteran missionary in the region, identified only as "Peter" for security reasons, said things were very different some years ago. He used the Bible to describe the landscape.

"You know there's that parable, the sower went out to sow and the seeds fell on stony ground - this is North Africa," he explained. "In those days was quiet resistant and stony."

"The religion and the culture were unsympathetic to anything that was foreign," he continued. "And Christianity was considered to be the religion of the Europeans."

The Difference Technology Makes

Peter believes the arrival of satellite TV and the Internet have dramatically changed people's perception of Christianity.

"Today in North Africa on TV, you can hear native Arab Christians talking about their faith, who are mature Christians, answering questions, involved in debates," he told CBN News.

"You can hear different points of view, the Christian point of view, in your own living room or in the privacy of your own bedroom," he said.

Emboldened by God's power, Algerian Christians are now on a mission to take the Gospel to the four corners of the globe.

"God has put in our heart to be able to send 1,000 missionaries by the year 2025," Pastor Qurahmane told CBN News.

"I really believe that maybe one day America will end up with some Muslim convert missionaries coming to reach out to the Muslims there and in other parts as well," he said.

Chuck Pierce Prophesies 'Dragons Are On the Move'

Chuck Pierce

Chuck Pierce Prophesies 'Dragons Are On the Move'

Chuck Pierce released this prophetic word earlier this month:
"This is not the same as you've seen in the past. This is not the same as what you've asked for in other seasons. This is a different glory—a glory change that I'm bringing into the land! You will shudder at the changes that are on the way in your land and in other lands and with other people!
"For this is a time that the blood that runs deep will now be sanctified. This is a time that My Spirit will go deeper than I have gone in the past. For this is a time of birthing what is new, but yet bringing forth that which is old, and treasures will erupt! Treasures will erupt! Treasures will erupt!
"I will bring forth what has not been seen, and I will cause your gifts to come alive in ways they've never come alive. You will feel the shuddering birthing pains within you, and from that you will bring to birth the change that is necessary for you to enter into this season.
"So know this: Dragons are on the move, and even the Great Dragon is now mounting up. Nations that will align are now aligning. So watch carefully and look deep into the circumstances around you. For these are days of great change.
"Watch the signs on your road for your road is now changing. New opportunities are coming. Watch now, for I will realign your path!"
Three Dragon Storms
According to Airing News, "This is a really unusual weather situation, according to the National Weather Service: Three low pressure systems in line over the entirety of North America. NASA Goddard describes them as 'three atmospheric dragons.'" 
Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as president of Global Spheres Inc. in Corinth, Texas, an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping triumphant reserve throughout the world. He also serves as president of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting that helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 
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Saeed Sends Easter Message from Hospital Bed

Pastor Saeed Abedini in Iran

Saeed Sends Easter Message from Hospital Bed

April 22, 2014  CBN News.com

Pastor Saeed Abedini sent an Easter message from his hospital bed in Iran, where he's serving an eight-year sentence for his faith.

The American pastor was visiting Iran to start an orphanage when the Islamic regime arrested and sentenced him to prison.

He was recently transferred to an Iranian hospital to be treated for injuries he has suffered while incarcerated.

"Sometimes we want to experience the glory and resurrection with Jesus without experiencing death with Him," Abedini wrote. "We do not realize that unless we pass through the path of death with Christ, we are not able to experience resurrection with Christ."

Abedini signed the message from a "prisoner of darkness in Iran, but free for the kingdom and light."

Click here to read the entire message.

Abedini's wife, Naghmeh, recently said he's doing better now that he's getting some medical treatment. He's finally being given decent meals and pain medication, but still needs surgery.

Sign the American Center for Law and Justice's petition to free Saeed Abedini here.

Fish of the Sea - ISRAEL365

Speak to the earth and it will teach you; the fish of the sea will report to you.

JOB (12:8)

שִׂיחַ לָאָרֶץ וְתֹרֶךָּ וִיסַפְּרוּ לְךָ דְּגֵי הַיָּם

איוב י’’ב:ח

see-AKH la-a-RETZ v'to-RE-kha vi-yi-sap-RU l'KHA d'GAY ha-YAM

Today's Israel Inspiration

Job testifies that all of God's creations, from the earth to the animals, recognize "in Whose hands is the soul of all living things" (Job 12:10). Though all the world is witness to God's infinite powers, one's challenge is to consciously thank the Creator and connect the everyday miracles in our lives to the Provider of them all.

The Beauty of Southern Israel

Get to know the beautiful southern region of Israel. This stunning video takes you from aerial to underwater as it showcases an oasis amidst desert mountains.

Israel's Fuel-Innovation Contest

Israel's 2nd-annual contest for fuel-innovation is underway. The competition, open to participants throughout the world, offers a million-dollar prize for new ideas in the field of transportation fuels.

Ein Gedi Moisturizing Cream

Made from Dead Sea ingredients, this rejuvenating cream is designed specifically for the skin around the eyes. Get ready to relax and enjoy the benefits of Israel's soothing minerals.

Israel Photo Trivia

Ilan Rosen's underwater photo was taken at a popular tourist destination. Can you guess where? Send me an email with your answer or post on Facebook.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Chris Deleon of Grand Prairie, Texas. Toda raba!

“I Love Being Reminded Daily of the Wonders”

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I am enjoying Israel365 in Post Falls, Idaho. After visiting Israel in 2013, I love being reminded daily of the wonders of your beautiful country - Joli

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Israel Need Not Fear Isolation

Israel Need Not Fear Isolation

Tuesday, April 22, 2014 |  Yossi Aloni ISRAEL TODAY 
Israel is fearful that a collapse of peace talks with the Palestinians could result in an international boycott and isolation. In fact, even the Americans have been warning of such an outcome.
But, it is important to remember that Israel has no shortage of loyal friends. Some of those friends recently came to Israel under the banner of the “Friends of Israel Initiative” to hold their annual meeting.
The gathering was addressed by Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz.
More impressive, however, was the list of participants, which included former Spanish Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar (pictured), former Uruguayan President Luis Alberto Lacalle, former Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo, former Italian Foreign Minister Julio Tarazi, former Czech Foreign Minister Karl Schwarzenberg, Nobel laureate and former First Minister of Northern Ireland David Trimble, and the head of British military forces in Afghanistan, Col. Richard Kemp.
The group also met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein, who told the Friends of Israel that he hoped they, as distinguished former heads of state and leading politicians, could help explain the truth about Israel.
The Friends of Israel Initiative was established in 2010 to fight against efforts to delegitimize the Jewish state and to reaffirm Israel’s right to exist in peace and security alongside its neighbors.
The movement actively opposes any attempts to boycott. Aznar, who is the organization’s founder and current chairman, has forged a very friendly relationship with Netanyahu and other Israeli leaders.
In a statement to the Israeli press, Aznar had this to say:
"The [Friends of Israel] Initiative is neither a Public Relations campaign, nor a so-called Jewish lobby. Most of us are not Jewish, but we share the vision - as much one of values as of strategy - that when defending Israel we are defending the West. We are defending our way of life and values, and also our interests.
"Simply put, Europe must defend Israel if we want to preserve the West as we know it. Look at the changes sweeping the region. Uncertainty is the dominant factor. And Israel is both more important to the West today - and more besieged by hostility - than at any time in recent memory.
“Indeed, when considering the full picture of the strategic relationship (including not just diplomacy, but the equally critical realms of security; economy; and science) the close nature of the EU-Israel alliance becomes clear. Not only is Israel’s relationship with the EU and its member states closer than commonly portrayed, but, in the final analysis, it represents a strategic asset to the Union and its members.”
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Sharing Love From Sweden - "WORSHIP IS LIKE A PRECIOUS OIL FROM OUR HEARTS" by Eva Haglund


I believe that sometimes people do not understand the importance of worship. There are some who think it is just to save time in a meeting and are never interested to sing outside the church building. There are Christian leaders who do not understand it and some stop worship leaders after five minutes and say that is enough.

There are other leaders who understand some importance of it now, but hopefully will understand more later. People want to do things for Yeshua but sometimes do not understand the importance of the relationship with God. The relationship ought to be first. We need to be home too, and have time to seek God. We worship because that is having a relationship to God. It is giving your heart to Him. This is not a law but it is as between a bride and a bridegoom. As in Song of Solomon, anyone who loves you will want to express your love in words. You can use the song to express your love to Yeshua.

God wants our worship from our hearts. He loves us and He love to hear our voice singing worship to Him. In Song of Solomon 2:14 is written, "Let me hear your voice." He loves to hear us worship Him. We need worship in the church building but God lives in people's hearts. The ones who have received Yeshua are the temple of the Holy Spirit and we can sing in other places and at home. David was singing much outside with the sheep. It is written much about thanksgiving and to sing to God in the Bible.

In Ps.106 is written " Oh, gives thank to the Lord, for He is good! For His mercy endureth forever."

Sometimes we forget to thank God. It is good to remind each other about it. In Ps.100:4 we can read, "Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him and bless His name."

Worship is important and it is good to give thanks to Yeshua. I think dance to God can be like worshiping Him with your body. In the Bible we can see that David danced to God. Miriam did also. Worship is important and it is good to give thanks to Yeshua. I think dance to God can be like worshiping Him with your body.

David and Miriam understood the importance of dance and did it from the hearts because they wanted to lift up God with dance and song. When we are in difficult circumstances we need worship. Sometimes we can be in very difficult circumstances and then we need to worship. To rejoice in the Lord is our strength. When we worship we become glad. We rejoice in Him.

I have noticed that when you dance to God that you become joyful. Worship and dance to God does not have to be done if we only feeling like it. You can feel sad or discouraged but it is good to worship when you do not feel well also. It is a sacrifice of praise. Instead of complaining, it is good to turn it and gives thanks to God. It is good to read about how much He suffered before the cross and at the cross - to read more of it to get more revelation about how much He suffered for us personally because of His love to us. 

Yeshua  faced the hate, rejection and the biggest suffering while nailed at the cross. He showed His love for us. You can worship thinking about that. He knows what suffering is and He suffered so much for me at the cross because He loves me. We can always praise Him for what He has done for us at the cross - His immense suffering for us. We can thank Him for His love for us. We can thank God for that He is good and that His mercy endureth forever.

In Acts. 16:25 we can read, "But at the midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them." In the prison I do not think it was nice. It was a hard place to be in. Their strength then was to worship. When they worshiped I think spiritual things happened.

When you lift up God with worship it is also spiritual war against darkness. We can read in verse Acts 16:26 that things happened as prisoners were released. When we worship it causes things to happens. In meetings the presence of God can come. We can also worship in our homes. It is nice when someone plays guitar for instance, in addition to singing in a home. I think unsaved can get saved by hearing worship.

I have heard about people who have been healed in worship and it is good for your soul to worship. Yeshua is wonderful and worthy our worship!

Worship can be like giving God roses from your heart to Him. It is also like worship when you give your life in His hand. Your life is as symbolic as a rose you keep in your hand and give to Him. One time I danced with a rose to symbolize this.

Worship is like a precious oil from our hearts to Yeshua. The woman at his feet was crushed by His love and wanted to give something from her heart. She gave Him precious oil.

Yeshua loves to hear our voices and love to hear us worshiping Him! He is wonderful and worthy all our praise!

Eva Haglund