Monday, May 12, 2014

Update from Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries in Pakistan - Moses Julius

On 10 May 2014

Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries is growing day by day with your prayers and moral support. On this Sabbath meeting we changed timing because summer reason has been started so we don’t have proper place to sit in room we worshiped in open air ground.

Displaying 100_7603.JPG

On this Sabbath we distribute some work books about the story of Yeshua and His miracle on the earth. In this way children learn more with bible references. In our Sabbath kids school mostly children are not going any school because some are orphans and their relatives does not afford their education and some parents of the Children  are working under the bondage of Muslim. Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries has desire to help them in their education but our sources are limited. Shalom Today kids are great supporter of Israel and learn Torah.

At the end of the Sabbath meeting food were distribute among the Children. They were very excited to receive the blessing of El-Shaddi .

May Abba YHWH bless everyone those are standing with us through prayers and financial support.

Love and Blessing Emoji

Mr. Moses Julius

Special Note: Love For His People has now been able to start sending monthly funds to support Moses and the great work he is doing in Pakistan, reaching the Muslim kids with the Gospel of Yeshua. He shares with them the importance also of loving and supporting the people of Israel.

Please join with us so that we can increase our current small giving amount, and help expand the good work of the ministry. Contributions can be given through our LOVE FOR HIS PEOPLE PayPal account (on the right hand column, selecting Shalom Today as your selection), or

Checks can be mailed to:

P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Being we are a 501(c)3 ministry, you will receive a tax receipt for each donation, each time given.

Thank you.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Anti-Christian Activists Will Defeat Themselves - MICHAEL BROWN

Benham Brothers

Benham Brothers

Anti-Christian Activists Will Defeat Themselves

For years now, anti-Christian activists have been pushing the hate button and accusing those of us who hold to biblical morality and family values of being intolerant, hate-filled bigots (and worse).
But this strategy, seen most recently in the attack on godly twin brothers, Jason and David Benham, will inevitably defeat itself. After all, when the alleged victims are the bullies and the alleged tolerant ones are full of bigotry, their rhetoric cannot be taken seriously.
Back in 2008, as Californians voted to preserve marriage with the Proposition 8 marriage amendment, the amendment was quickly dubbed Prop Hate, as if the only way anyone could believe that marriage was the union of a man and woman was if they were full of hate.
But that was only the beginning. In Sacramento, demonstrators held signs reading:
  • Prop 8=American Taliban
  • Ban Bigots
  • Majority Vote Doesn’t Matter
  • 52%=Nazi [this referred to the 52-48% vote in favor of Prop 8]
  • Don’t Silence the Christians, Feed Them 2 the Lions
  • Your Rights Are Next
Taliban? Nazis? Feed them to the lions?
This kind of demonization will only defeat itself in the long run exposing who the real bigots are.
In the last week, as soon as my newest book was released, I was accused of being the incarnation of the late Fred Phelps (infamous for his “God hates fags” protests), as well as branded the leader of my own “religious cult” that “requires human sacrifices.” (I’m not making this up.)
So, by writing a book filled with compassion and speaking of God’s great love for those who identify as LGBT, also urging the Church to recognize the unique struggles faced by those with same-sex attractions, I have become a hate-filled bigot and cult leader.
It’s like calling Shaquille O’Neal small or Bill Gates poor.
At some point reality kicks in – in this case, the moment someone reads the first pages of my book (or the middle pages or the last pages) – and instead of advancing their cause, the anti-Christian activists undermine their own.
In a blog post entitled, “The homophobic rantings of Michael L Brown,” Jay H. wrote, “Fred Phelps is dead. Long live Fred Phelps, apparently. Or rather his new incarnation: Michael L. Brown.”
Unfortunately for Jay H., when people actually read my book, rather than “homophobic rantings,” they find the opposite. As one reader noted, “[Brown] . . . freely uses life testimonies of people who were divinely delivered from homosexuality, and others NOT divinely delivered from homosexuality. This isn’t cherry-picked propaganda here...there are sections in this book that are very sobering for [an] evangelical believer to read.”
And so, readers quickly realize that I am no more the new Fred Phelps than I’m the new Michael Jordan, and the anti-Christian rhetoric exposes itself.
That’s what is happening with my good friends David and Jason Benham, Christian businessmen and committed husbands and fathers.
They were about to be the stars of a new reality show on HGTV that featured them helping hurting families get their dream homes, until a single post on RightWingWatch caused HGTV to pull the plug. (For those unfamiliar with RightWingWatch, the website is a project of Norman Lear’s ultra-liberal People for the American Way. The website references Christian family activist Phyllis Schafly 351 times, conservative political leader Gary Bauer 334 times, President Ronald Reagan 111 times, author Chuck Colson 57 times, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas 37 times, just to give a few examples. You can be sure most all of the references were not flattering.)
Shortly after HGTV announced its decision, a young man on YouTube opined that the Benham brothers were “the textbook definition of a psychopath” and that “they have no feelings, no consideration for other people.”
The problem, of course, is that the moment you get to know David and Jason – or even watch them on a TV interview for a few minutes or see them interacting with their families – you realize that they are not the ones who need help. It’s the young man on YouTube who needs help, and I can guarantee that if they had the opportunity, the Benhams would reach out to him directly to show him the love of God. (When I played part of this YouTube clip for Jason on my radio show, he responded with real compassion and concern.)
But it’s not just some anonymous YouTuber who is spouting such extreme, self-disqualifying anti-Christian rhetoric.
Dan Savage, a leading gay activist (and sex columnist) supported HGTV’s decision, comparing the Benham’s pro-family viewpoints to “white people” who used to “go on TV and say the most racist [expletive] imaginable (argue against legal interracial marriage, argue in favor of segregation) and keep their jobs and be invited back on TV to say that [expletive] a second time.”
Savage facetiously remarked that “hating the [expletive] out of gay people is something all Christians have in common,” titling his blog, “HGTV Cancels Reality Show After Twin Stars Anti-Gay Activism and Rabid Homophobia Exposed.”
What is rabid, however, is not the position of the Benhams. It is Dan Savage’s militant and vicious anti-Christian rhetoric that is rabid, and so, when reasonable, thinking people listen to Savage and to the Benham brothers, it’s easy to see who is filled with hate and who is filled with love.
Eventually, as those who claim to be champions of tolerance and diversity continue their crusade to silence and defame those who differ with them, they will ultimately defeat themselves.
Watch and see.
Michael Brown is author of Can You Be Gay and Christian? Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.
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Sunday, May 11, 2014

What if… you are not raptured out first? - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

What if…
you are not raptured out first?
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

 “…First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn." Matthew 13:30 NAS

I have something for you to think about, just in case it is true.

How would you live today if you believed you were going to leave this planet tomorrow? Would you sit in your comfy chair and wait out the next 24 hours? Would you run to the nearest movie and watch one more action thriller, or play the DVR and view the make-believe TV fairy tale?

Would you consider writing a letter to a loved one, advising them of things to be on the lookout for, so they wouldn’t possibly make the same mistakes you made while living? Would you care about those who didn’t know what you know?

What you do, or how you respond and act while living, certainly may depend on your perception of what has been written, or has been spoken, into your life. We typically do that which we believe, whether we realize it or not. That is the way it is.

If the enemy of our soul wanted to deceive us, and spread a well-conceived thought that we would escape most of the end of the age’s events because we were getting out before it all happened, how would we respond to what is daily happening? Our care level would be very low, for we would act upon the belief that we wouldn’t be here anyway to experience it, along with those unfortunate ones who will.

What if the words Jesus (Yeshua) spoke to His disciples, about the end of the age, would occur as simply as He said they would, and not be twisted by preachers and teachers centuries later, arriving at conclusions He didn’t actually say?

Let’s look at one passage of Scripture, and just read it for what Jesus does say.

“Yeshua put before them another parable. “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while people were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed weeds among the wheat, then went away. When the wheat sprouted and formed heads of grain, the weeds also appeared. The owner’s servants came to him and said, ‘Sir, didn’t you sow good seed in your field? Where have the weeds come from?’
He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants asked him, ‘Then do you want us to go and pull them up?’

But he said, ‘No, because if you pull up the weeds, you might uproot some of the wheat at the same time. Let them both grow together until the harvest; and at harvest-time I will tell the reapers to collect the weeds first and tie them in bundles to be burned, but to gather the wheat into my barn.’” Matthew 13:24-30 CJB (Complete Jewish Bible)

If you read it as simply as I do, then you too just read, “collect the weeds first”, right? But I thought the “wheat” was gathered first, or so we all have been taught as happening first, as being the truth.

So if, as Yeshua said, the weeds are taken out of the field first, doesn’t that imply that the wheat would be harvested, or taken out, afterwards? Sounds like that to me, if I don’t try to twist it around another way.
Sure, this is just one passage. Granted many others have been, and still are, used to “prove” we are going to be “raptured” (a word not even in the Bible) before the tribulation at the harvest time.

Of course there are many pre-trib, mid-trib and post-trib theorists who have expounded on Scriptures in the Old and New Testaments, teaching what they believe is the way it will be. I tend to take Yeshua’s word simply at His word.

What if the devil wanted to use all this confusion to get believers to just sit by and wait for the world to go to hell, because the rapture will occur to take us out beforehand anyway? He would have a field day, now wouldn’t he?

But what if we just took Jesus at HIS word, and do as He spoke to do, with one of His last commands, to “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:19, NKJV

Should not we take a different approach, that rather than waiting for the escape button to be pushed from heaven, taking us out while the rest are “Left Behind”, that we aggressively go on the offensive, obey Yeshua’s command, and take the Gospel message of discipleship to all the nations, knowing He will be with us “even to the end of the age”?

I think so, and thus am acting on HIS word.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #149 “What if…raputred” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (05.11.14) Sunday at 7:45am in Charlotte, NC.

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day 
to all those who 
have brought forth a child 
into this world, 
and have done, 
and continue to do, 
all it takes 
to give ongoing life. 

Thankful blessings 
YOUR precious life.

Your are loved, 

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Friday, May 9, 2014

Paulette Reed: God Says, "I Am Bringing You Help!"

Love For His People Editor's Note: There were sentences in this message that I could relate to so much, for many of us, that I BOLD, put in BLUE and HIGHLIGHTED them!

I shared similar thoughts in my NOW THINK ON THIS message "When God Speaks" on May 1, 2014. You can search for it, and all the NOW THINK ON THESE messages in the search box on the right hand column.

Blessings on ye head!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Paulette Reed:
The Elijah List

Paulette Reed
A Prophetic Experience: "I Am Bringing You Help!"

I recently had a prophetic experience I want to share with you so you can "get in line" to receive a prophet's reward (see Matthew10:41). I pray it will also heighten your prophetic senses, for we are a prophetic people who are called to dream with God in these times.

A few weeks ago I was working in my garage all morning long, unpacking and sorting resources for Prophetic Arrow Ministries – books, CDs, and DVDs. When I was finished, I pulled my car out of the garage so I could run a few errands around town.

As I was driving down the street, thinking about my list of errands to do that day, I stopped at a red light. There was a pretty, young woman in the car to my right who honked her horn at me. I glanced over at her and immediately noticed she was wearing a bright green blouse...the color of prosperity. She motioned with her hand for me to roll down my window. When I did so, she smiled and said, "You have a large tape dispenser on your trunk." I smiled and said, "Oh, thank you!" I was very grateful she told me.

Tape dispenserAfter the young woman told me about the tape dispenser on my trunk, I thought I would just drive slowly for a few more blocks to my destination, and then I would remove the dispenser. However, I began to feel a bit uneasy about that decision, thinking it could easily fly off and hit someone's car, or someone could run over it and it could damage their tires. So I pulled into the left lane to make a left-handed turn, planning to stop in a quiet area and remove the tape dispenser from my trunk.

 (Photo via

As I sat waiting for the left turn arrow to turn green, I saw that the same woman who told me about the dispenser was now right behind me. I watched in the rearview mirror as she opened her car door, ran, and grabbed the dispenser from my car, and brought it right to my driver's door. I opened the door as she smiled and said, "Here you go, ma'am!"
I said, "Well, you are just too sweet!"

Holy Spirit immediately spoke to my heart and said, "I am bringing you help!" By this time, I was totally covered with Holy Ghost bumps from head to toe, and I began to weep and thank the Lord for His unexpected surprise.

He is so faithful to provide for us exactly what we need when we need it.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Prophetic Insights From My Encounter For You

One of the things that stuck out to me the most while reflecting later on this experience was the fact that instead of rolling down the window when the woman approached me with the tape dispenser, I instinctively opened my door to receive it. As many of you know, in accordance with the Jewish calendar, this is the year of open doors for the Body of Christ. 

I decree that along with those open doors, it is also the year where God is sending help – from Holy Spirit, angels, and others in the Body of Christ – so we can fulfill the dreams of God.

Special deliveryWhen people order resources from us, we package them in boxes and then use the tape to "seal the deal," so to speak. 
Prophetically speaking, the tape dispenser represents messages being prepared and shipped around the world. 

In the year of the open door, God is giving His people wisdom from Heaven, opening them up to new and exciting prophetic experiences. 

These experiences will become messages (testimonies) that are sent around the world as we see in Luke 8:39, where we're encouraged to go and tell all that God has done for us! 

(Photo via; altered)

When God encounters us, He doesn't do it for our sake alone. Rather, He encounters us and deposits something within us so that we can give it to those in need. When Isaiah encountered God (see Isaiah 6), he didn't just stop there and only worship the Lord, thinking that was all there was to it. As the encounter came to an end, God wanted Isaiah to share what he experienced with others. Once the angel touched the live coal from the altar to his lips, Isaiah said, "Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for Us?' And I said, 'Here am I. Send me!'" (Isaiah 6:8).

God Is Chasing Us Down

God is about ready to chase us down, Beloved, helping us dispense the message we've received to the world. It is important to keep in mind that the trunk represents a safe place to carry resources and supplies. But, even though the inside of a trunk is safe, the Lord's resources won't benefit anyone if they're locked up inside. This reminds me of a quote I heard some time ago: "A ship is safe in its harbor, but that's not where it belongs." The fact that the dispenser was on the outside of the trunk indicates that God wants our resources and messages to be visible to others, so people can run to help one another.

Watch for signs and arrows from HeavenVehicles often represent ministries, and we're all ministers in one way or another. 

So, as you're stewarding your "vehicle," watch for signs/arrows from Heaven so you don't miss your turn. 

(Photo via

In fact, God loves our dreams so much that He won't allow them to lie dormant any longer, as though idling at a stoplight. He wants them on display in our lives so others can see what God is doing and saying to us. Our relationship with God can't just be about ourselves but about what God is doing in the earth today. 

He is so passionate about the dreams He placed within us that He will not allow them to be stopped for long – He is sending us help.

Just as my experience with the young woman invites readers to experience the prophetic blessings of God, so your experiences with God can invite others into an encounter with Him, also. Our encounters are meant to be someone else's gateway to help them reach their dreams – God's plans and purposes for them. This is one of the reasons Peters tells us, "Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have" (1 Peter 3:15).

I pray that God would chase you down, Beloved, awaking the dreams buried deep within. Help is on the way!

Paulette Reed
Prophetic Arrow Ministries

Paulette Reed is a powerful preacher, prophetic minister, encourager, and author. She is a full-time revivalist/evangelist. Her passion is to share the love of Christ and unite people to the inexplicable love of our Heavenly Father, exhorting them to arise and shine! She is an extremely accurate prophetess who has been raised up to bring hope and healing to the Body of Christ. 

Without a vision the people perish, so the Lord is using this handmaiden as His mouthpiece to speak forth individual and corporate vision, catapulting people into their destinies. Paulette loves to see God's people awakened and proclaim the active extension of the Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven. She ministers in the revival anointing accompanied by revelatory ministry, healing, miracles, signs and wonders.

Christian Musician Stands Strong for Israel

But I chose Jerusalem for My Name to be there, and I chose David to rule over My people Israel.


וָאֶבְחַר בִּירוּשָׁלִַם לִהְיוֹת שְׁמִי שָׁם וָאֶבְחַר בְּדָוִיד לִהְיוֹת עַל עַמִּי יִשְׂרָאֵל

דברי הימים ב ו:ו

va-ev-KHAR bi-yi-ru-sha-la-YIM li-h'-YOT sh'-MEE sham va-ev-KHAR b'-da-VEED li-h'-YOT al a-MEE yis-ra-AYL

Shabbat Inspiration

Although we can argue persuasively on legal, historical and moral grounds why every inch of the State of Israel belongs to the Jews, our greatest claim to sovereignty comes from the Bible which refers repeatedly to God’s choosing of Jerusalem for the Jewish People as in today’s verse. If you agree, please sign the Jerusalem Covenant below! Our signatures will be presented to the Knesset to show international support for our eternal capital.

Christian Musician Stands Strong for Israel

Enjoy the weekend with this great music video called "I Believe," by a young Christian musician who stands strong in his support of Israel.

Pastor Speaks Out After Harassment on Temple Mount

Pastor Keith Johnson of North Carolina was recently expelled from the Temple Mount by Waqf security guards for talking to a Jewish person while on the mount.

Pomegranate Flower Vase

Flowers for Mother's Day are guaranteed to look divine in this gorgeous glass vase with pomegranate design.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Noam Chen's photo of the Old City decorated with lights during Jerusalem's annual light festival.

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Help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of Jerusalem! Sponsor a day for $25 and download our beautiful “66th Independence Day Photo Album.”

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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Blessings on Shabbat to our friends.