Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Richard & Carolyn Hyde - Heart of G-d Ministries Update May 2014

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Heart of G-d Ministries  
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"Oh L-rd fill my heart for I long for Your presence night and day." 

The words above sound like those of a worship song, right? Well, this is a song that an Orthodox Jewish man played in a pub in Tsfat (Safed) Israel!  Can you hear the longing he has to know G-d intimately?  This desire is increasing more and more each day among Israelis, both secular and religious.   

I had the opportunity to participate in an open stage night in Tsfat with two of my daughters.  Since I hadn't registered previously they only had space for me to sing one song.  Before I began to sing I said, "Oh, how I love to sing from the Psalms". After the song the audience, comprised of many Orthodox Jews, exclaimed, "More, More!"  Wow, what a hunger and what a privilege to minister to my people!  
Sha'arei Tsion (The Gates of Zion)
Sha'arei Tsion (The Gates of Zion)

After I finished singing, three men approached me to see if I could sing on their new CD's!  Two of them have already called me and I shared with them about Messiah. One was Orthodox and after I told him I believe in Yeshua he had one question: "What holidays do you celebrate?"  After I told him Pesach, Sukkot, Shabbat, etc, he asked what I celebrate in December.  I said, "Chanukah, because Yeshua is the light of the world!"  His response was,  "Well, you're still Jewish."  
Let me explain.  Recently a dear Israeli friend was recording a worship CD and while in the studio of an Orthodox Jew, she and her husband explained that they are believers in Messiah Yeshua.  The Orthodox man replied, "I don't have a problem with the Jewish Yeshua, but I have a problem with the Christian Yeshua."  
How we wish that the history of the Church and the Jewish people wasn't so tragic. But G-d used the blindness of the Jewish people to our Messiah to spread the Gospel throughout the world.  So the nations were introduced to the G-d of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.  And now after 2000 years, G-d is removing this blindness that we've had and fulfilling His promises to restore Israel.  "A partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in." Romans 11:25

Praise the L-rd for His faithfulness to keep His promises and for pouring out wisdom and favor upon His sheep and dreams and visions upon His prodigals! 
"For I do not want you to be uninformed of this mystery so that you will not be wise in your own estimation - that a partial hardening has happened to Israel until the fullness of the Gentiles has come in; so all Israel will be saved, just as it is written, 'The deliverer will come from Zion; He will remove ungodliness from Jacob.  This is My covenant with them when I take away their sins.'"  Romans 11:25-27
YP cover
"Supernatural or Just Remarkable" 

Booklet testimony:
"I had bought just one copy thinking that it would be interesting reading but found it had a very powerful message that had to be shared.  I gave my copy to my son, who after reading it, passed it around to his fellow workers.  One young man from a Lutheran background never knew that Jesus was a Jew."

"Then a friend gave me another copy to send to my grandson. He had accepted Yeshua as a young boy but many disappointments in his life led him to believe that there was no G-d.  After reading the booklet he decided there is definitely a G-d and now his heart is once again open to the Gospel!  So now I'm passing around your booklets to friends and praying that their hearts will also be open to the Holy Spirit."

The booklets are available via our website and make a wonderful gift for your Jewish friends and family!

 Would you like to live in a house with an Israeli-Moroccan Jewish family (believers) and learn Hebrew?  Small swimming pool, three meals daily (the wife is a fantastic cook!) and laundry provided.  It's only $120 per day per person or $200 for a couple.  This is less than what you'd pay for a hotel room alone!  Come for a week or two and see your Hebrew soar.  Contact us for more details.   תודה רבה
After receiving over 24,000 hits on social media ads from the "Supernatural" booklet, our son Ariel and Richard continue to work, along with the blessings of Pastor David Davis of Kehilat Ha Carmelin Haifa, on the second booklet and new evangelical websites.  Thank you for partnering with us - we're so grateful!
Another sign of the times?  Rain in May is highly unusual but last week we had a huge rainstorm - Let it rain!  
Recently while praying on the Golan with friends from Sri Lanka,  we gave away Psalm 91 bandanas and gifts to soldiers and hitchhikers. The openness of heart here in the Land is astounding, praise G-d!  Thank G-d for so many opportunities to shine for His glory at recent events for Holocaust survivors too!

LSE Asian group 
After a day of touring in the Galilee, please come over to our home for the 
and join us for worship, Israeli folk dancing and sharing how G-d is moving in our midst today.  Dinner will be served on our balcony with a magnificent view of the Golan, Kineret and Jordan Valley - enjoy!
  RH CH in CentraliaThank you for your love, prayers and support!  Our hope is to worship the King of Kings and raise up informed intercessors for Israel and partners in outreach to the lost.  
Blessings in Yeshua's love!
Richard and Carolyn Hyde
Heart of G-d Ministries   PO Box 461546, San Antonio, TX 78246   
partner with us icon   
Click on the CD covers for song samples and enjoy! 
Deep Calls cover with text The Latter Rain CD cover Fine Linen cover He Will Appear cover Some of the Best of CH cover Messianic Holiday Sampler cover 
We write G-d and L-rd like this according to an ancient Orthodox Jewish custom that Carolyn grew up with and loves to continue.  This is done only out of reverence and respect for the name of the Holy One of Israel.  Thank you for understanding.

VIDEO: A Little Truth About Israel's West Bank 'Wall' - ISRAEL TODAY

VIDEO: A Little Truth About Israel's West Bank 'Wall'

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israel’s security barrier separating parts of the so-called “West Bank” from Israel-proper is an easy target for anti-Israel propagandists. Especially surrounding Jerusalem, such as on the outskirts of Bethlehem, the barrier becomes a monstrous concrete wall.
A structure like this is effortlessly transformed into a symbol of discrimination, collective punishment and even apartheid by those whose only goal is to smear Israel.
But is that the truth of the security barrier?
In the following video, Attorney Calev Myers of the Jerusalem Institute of Justice, which has done much to protect the rights of Messianic Jews in Israel, presents some hard, simple facts regarding “the wall”:
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Christians Violently Attacked Near Bethlehem

Christians Violently 

Attacked Near Bethlehem

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
The Feast of Saint George, a pretty important holiday for Palestinian Christians, recently ended, but it didn’t end well for those celebrating at the festival’s focal point, the Monastery of Saint George near Bethlehem.
Saint George’s Monastery is located in the village of al-Khadar, which is the name used for Saint George in Arab culture. Every year, Palestinian Christians, and even some Muslims, gather at the monastery, as well as at other locations throughout the region, to commemorate George’s martyrdom and dedication to his faith.
During this year’s festival, which occurred on May 6, the Christians gathered at Saint George’s were beset by Muslim provocateurs and assailants.
“Some local Muslims either tried to park a car too close the church and/or tried to enter the church during a service honoring St. George - the initial instigation isn’t clear. But when the intruders were asked to leave, one of them stabbed a Christian man who was outside the church serving as a guard. He was hospitalized. Several then started throwing stones at the church. 7 or 8 Christians were injured and some physical damage was done - broken windows etc. The police didn’t show up for an hour.”
One of the victims managed to record a portion of the attack on his cellphone and uploaded the footage to YouTube, where it has since been seen by over 20,000 people. And still, media coverage of the attack has been sorely lacking. Perhaps everyone is too busy furiously criticizing Israel over a few youth scrawling graffiti.
The Christians in the video, including crying children, can be seen cowering in fear as they are besieged by Muslim hooligans whom the authorities did very little, if anything, to stop.
This is from the same Bethlehem where Christ at the Checkpoint organizers say Christians and Muslims live in harmony; this is from the same “Palestine” the international community labels as “moderate” in its justification for establishing yet another Arab state; and this is happening, right next door, as everyone ignores realities and accuses Israel of abusing minorities, of being an “apartheid state.”
Watch the video:
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Tuesday, May 13, 2014

24HR Israel - short time-lapse video

Published on Apr 29, 2014
A Production of Iconception Ltd.
Photographer: Amos Rafaeli

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Michael Sam vs. Tim Tebow: Is It a Double Standard or Just Pure Christian Intolerance? - JENNIFER LECLAIRE

Tim Tebow

Tim Tebow

Michael Sam vs. Tim Tebow: Is It a Double Standard or Just Pure Christian Intolerance?

Tim Tebow bowed a knee to Jesus Christ in prayer before every football game and took plenty of flack for his so-called "Tebowing." Indeed, NFL players mocked his ritual—but not one of them that I know of was sent to Christian sensitivity training to learn how not to offend the faith-filled footballer and his many fans.
So why did Miami Dolphins second-year defensive back Don Jones get fined by his team for tweeting “OMG” and “horrible” after the St. Louis Rams drafted Sam? Why did he get excused from the team, despite deleting the comments and now apologizing?
Donald Trump suggested on Fox News there’s a double standard at work.
“We’ve become so politically correct in this country that the country is going to hell,” Trump said. “People are afraid to talk. They’re afraid to express their own thoughts. I’ve heard many people—I’m not even speaking for myself, but I’ve heard many people that thought the display after he was chosen was inappropriate. And whether or not it was, I don’t know. But it was certainly out there a little bit.”
“And I’m very happy that he got chosen,” Trump said. “I’m all for it. I think it’s great that he got chosen. I hope he does so well. But I thought he was really going at it. I haven’t seen anything like that in a while. He was really going at it. Yet when Tebow did his thing, which a lot of people thought was totally fine, he was just criticized so badly. I guess you could say there is a double standard. It’s sad.”
But is double standard the best phrase to describe what’s going on here? Or is it just that there’s more tolerance for homosexuality than Jesus Christ?
I hashed it out with Rock 107’s “Anger Artist” this morning and tossed the audio up on a quick YouTube video. I’ve also written about Michael Sam in the past if you want to check that out for reference. Listen to the short audio and sound off.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor at Charisma. She is also the author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Prophetic Stories - Signs Along The Way by Steve Martin

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Paperback: $5.49
Kindle: $1.99

We are living in the last days, the times prophesied long ago, right before the Lord Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, returns. Even as He spoke to the prophets of old in Israel, continuing through Jesus’ time on earth, and with the early church, the Lord is fulfilling His promise. His Eternal Word that He would pour out His Spirit on all flesh, and we would prophesy. 

Prophesy comes in many ways – through the spoken word, signs, dreams, visions, tongues. All are used by the Lord to speak to His people, give them guidance along the way, and show His provision for the plans He has for us. As we walk along His path chosen for us, He desires to encourage and reveal His plans to us. He most certainly uses His Written Word. He also uses prophetic words. Here are a few that He has given to me. I am continually amazed at how He speaks, how He directs, and the assuring results of His guidance. We need the gifts of the Holy Spirit operating in these times. 

As the Bible says, He desires that all would prophesy, in order to assist believers in knowing His will, and speaking to non-believers that we serve an All-Knowing God, Who shows us the way. The gifts of prophesy, seeing signs and wonders, and experiencing His love through His fascinating methods is for all. I hope you are encouraged in seeking Him as you read these stores of how He moved in my life. 

Steve Martin
Love For His People