Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Sharing Love From Pakistan - Moses Julius 06.02.14

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Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries - Pakistan

Greetings in the name of Yeshua Ha’Mashiach.

On this Sabbath, we had a wonderful video conference meeting with our ministry partners brother Joshua Davis and brother Christian Klaassen. The children were very excited to see them, as it had been some time since the previous video call.

On this day, the children sang worship songs in English.  Then brother Joshua Davis taught the children about “The gift of life”, and he also sang a worship song with the children.  We had a wonderful time with these two missionaries on the internet. The children continued to show their interest in listening to the Word of God.  Then I preached a message about the flag of Jerusalem. 

At the end of the meeting snacks were distribute among the children.

Love and Blessing, Emoji

Mr. Moses Julius
Shalom Today Worldwide Ministries

Faith, joy, dream and family. Good words to share today.


Good words to share.

Photos by Steve Martin in an art store in NC. June, 2014

Rick Joyner: Christianity Is Moving West Again - To Asia!

Rick Joyner:
The Elijah List

Rick JoynerChurch in America

There is a saying that contains an important insight: "In Jerusalem, Christianity became a religion. In Greece, it became a philosophy. In Rome, it became an institution. In Britain, it became a tradition, and in America, it became an enterprise."

There is some truth to this, and it is not all bad or unintended. The new creation culture that was to be received by all nations was also intended to receive from all nations. This is not to imply that the basic tenets of the faith were to be modified, but that the Gospel would help apply the best of all nations to a culture that would become the highway Isaiah spoke of that would be built to prepare the way for the Lord.

However, some of the worst of these nations also entered into the fabric of Christianity and, to a degree, corrupted the application of the Gospel. Each time the center of gravity for the advancing Church moved, there would be some purification, but not total. In the American Church, we have reflected some the best and worst of religion, philosophy, institutions, traditions, and business all mixed together.

Many have learned to take the best and leave the rest. Some of the most remarkable expressions of Christianity through the Church are now found in America, as well as probably some of the worst. Many Christians from around the world have come to learn from churches in America and have taken what they learned back to their countries.

Many of these did a great job filtering out what should not be applied in their home countries and have raised up works that are truly exceptional. Now many Americans, and others, are going to them to learn. This interchange has increased dramatically during this time of easy travel and communications. For this reason, there are truly remarkable churches growing up all over the world.

Church in Asia

Welcome to Mississippi!As the center of gravity of Christianity moved west from Jerusalem (for the last century it seemed centered in America, even though some of the greatest works and revivals were elsewhere), it is about to make another major leap to the west. 

The center of gravity of Christianity is going to move to Asia. Then it will find its way back to Jerusalem

(Photo via commons.wikimedia.org)

So what will be the contribution of Asia to Christianity? For one thing, it will be a filter that removes many of the impurities added to Christianity by other cultures that have influenced it. They will do an even better job of holding to the good and removing the bad. This is not all they will do, but it will be a major contribution. 

We can expect to start hearing two great questions from Asia:

"What is the pure Gospel?"

"What is the purest expression of Christianity?"

Then we will see a relentless pursuit of these. 

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

History of Christianity

We addressed the elements of truth in the saying, "In Jerusalem, Christianity became a religion. In Greece, it became a philosophy. In Rome, it became an institution. In Britain, it became a tradition. In America, it became an enterprise." Not all of this was bad or unintended. The Christian culture that was to be received by all nations was also intended to receive from all nations.

Even so, the expression of Christianity has picked up a lot of baggage from its passage through the nations that it needs to get rid of. Much of this will come as the center of gravity of Christianity transfers to Asia. One thing we can expect to see is Asia becoming a great filter that removes many of the impurities that the expression of Christianity has picked up. 

This will come from one of the great strengths of the Asian culture—its honor of history. They will be prone to go back to the roots of the faith, to the purest forms, and embrace them more than trends and fads that were added.

As we look at the history of Christianity, we can also note that its center would transfer from one place to another at different rates. It was only centered in Jerusalem for a few years. Then it remained in Greece, or to be more accurate, where the Greek culture was dominant which included Asia Minor, or what is now modern day Turkey. This is the region of the Seven Churches of Revelation and Constantinople, one of the most influential of all Christian cities, where it remained for centuries.

Rome emerged as the dominant center of gravity, as a counterpoint to Constantinople, and held the dominant position in European Christianity for over a thousand years. Then Germany and Switzerland became two of the most powerful centers of the advancing church with the birth of the Protestant Reformation.
Welcome to Mississippi!
America's time as the center of the advancing church has been short, but powerful. This is typical of the innovation and initiative America is known for. The Evangelical, Pentecostal, Charismatic, and Third Wave movements all were either birthed in America, or quickly found a receptive home there. 

Many other smaller but very influential movements were spun off of these. 

(Photo via abc.net.au)

However, many problems and heresies spun off of these movements as well, probably due to the great weakness of the Church in America—its lack of devotion to knowing and understanding the lessons of history. For all of its talk about devotion to Biblical truth, studies have revealed that even in the Evangelical movement, less than 10% have a Biblical worldview. This is bad, but not surprising.

America's DNA is from pioneers and risk takers—those always trying to expand the limits and look to the future. 

Such are not prone to stop and look backwards into history, or take much time on the slow, tedious work of laying strong foundations. Therefore, it seems fitting that the Christian center of gravity is moving toward a culture where the lessons of history are so honored. The balance is needed.

Of course, over the last century some of the greatest revivals in history were ignited in South and Central America, as well as Africa

Their contributions have been great and will likely be even greater in the future. Such paradigms for understanding history are never completely smooth or perfect, but the centers where the biggest and most enduring influences were brought has mostly been in the Northern Hemisphere, and moved from east to west.

The Center of Christianity

The Lord said that the end of the age is the harvest

The greatest ingathering of all time is beginning, but it is also more than this. The harvest is when all of the seeds that have been planted mature. 

Even as the center of Christianity moves to Asia, we can expect all of the other homes of the faith to come into a greater maturity

Just because the center of gravity may have moved elsewhere, it does not mean that their contributions are over.

How long will the center of Christianity remain in Asia? Could it be that their contribution, rooted in depth and long history, can be accomplished quickly? Regardless of how long it takes, the center of gravity of Christianity will return to Jerusalem before the end comes. At that time, we can expect Isaiah 19:19-25 to be fulfilled.

Rick Joyner
MorningStar Ministries

Rick Joyner is the founder and executive director of MorningStar Ministries and Heritage International Ministries and is the Senior Pastor of MorningStar Fellowship Church. He is the author of more than forty books, including The Final QuestA Prophetic History, and Church History

He is also the president of The OAK Initiative, an interdenominational movement that is mobilizing thousands of Christians to be engaged in the great issues of our times, being the salt and light that they are called to be. Rick and his wife, Julie, have five children: Anna, Aaryn, Amber, Ben, and Sam.

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"We stand at another juncture." - Morris Ruddick

Morris Ruddick

"Today we stand at a another juncture. Again, it will involve Israel and the Jewish people. It will involve a move of God's Spirit and another leap forward in the spiritual maturity operating within the Church. There is already evidence of the restoration of a true Jewish identity to the Jewish people and the re-establishment of the Jewish roots in the Church, which in the early church was a vital ingredient to the power of the Body to effectively confront the culture war."

Morris Ruddick, LEADERSHIP BY ANOINTING, pg. 103

Monday, June 2, 2014

A Son's Special Heart: Bret Baier's Courageous Story

Brett & Any Baier

A Son's Special Heart: Bret Baier's Courageous Story

WASHINGTON -- You may know heart disease is a major problem among adults, but what you may not know is it's also a big problem for kids.

Popular Fox News anchor Bret Baier and his family have learned the hard way what it's like to be a part of the staggering statistics. They believe God is using their journey to help others.

Heartbreaking News

When Bret and his wife Amy welcomed their son Paul into the world, they were told he was the picture of health. But as they prepared to take him home from the hospital a nurse, who they now call their guardian angel, noticed Paul looked pale.

After a round of tests they discovered Paul had five congenital heart defects.

Bret and Amy were devastated. Not only could they not take their son home, their 6-pound, 12-ounce baby needed open heart surgery within days and there was a chance he wouldn't survive.

"We just didn't know, I mean, looking back, it was a hard time," Amy said.

"It still hits home," Bret added. "I mean this many years later, we've been through this many surgeries and this many angioplasties and you can see, it's still emotional."

Bret is reliving the adventure in his new book, Special Heart, A Journey of Faith, Hope, Courage and Love.

When Amy first learned the news about her son, just two days after giving birth, she briefly became the oldest patient at Children's National Medical Center.

"I just collapsed and I think the stress of it all, I think my body emotionally just shut down," she said.

Power of Prayer

However, it was a seminal moment for the Baiers. As Amy regained consciousness, the couple decided to stop feeling sorry for themselves and focus all their energy on their son.

Bret, the journalist, would take care of the medical details and Amy would focus on being a loving mother.

Each day as they left the hospital they gave each other a high five to celebrate being one day closer to bringing Paulie, as they call him, home.

The Baiers later learned that at that very moment of strength and clarity a church congregation in Colorado was praying for them.

It was the first time in their lives the couple truly experienced the power of prayer, but hardly the last.

"The day of Paul's heart surgery we had a local priest come and pray with us in the little hospital chapel," Amy explained. "And as we were praying, we were all kind of holding hands and I saw this vision of these beams of light all around Paul's surgical bed and I just knew in my heart he was going to be okay."

As the time for Paul's first heart surgery grew closer, the Baier's, who are Roman Catholic, made a decision for their son.

"Paul was going into surgery and we realized he wasn't baptized, and you know, there was risk going into surgery," Amy said. "And we just wanted to make sure he got on God's scoreboard beforehand."

"The thing that was special was that there was nothing fancy about it. It was just a curtain around a bassinette and beeps and wires, but it was all of our family," Bret recalled.

"And there's something beautiful about having family members all around Paul, and we wanted to make sure all of our family members had met Paul," Amy said through tears, remembering they knew there was a chance their family members may never see Paul again.

A Lively 7-Year-Old

Today Paul is doing great. To look at his calendar full of soccer, baseball, basketball, and golf lessons you'd never know he has a defective heart.

"In fact, I was joking with his surgeon a couple weeks ago and said, 'You know, that last surgery couldn't you have just turned it down just a hair?'" Bret said, laughing, "Because we have to run them like dogs to get them to sleep."

Paul celebrates his seventh birthday this June and has already had three open heart surgeries, seven angioplasties, and one stomach surgery unrelated to his heart defects.

At bedtime he prays for other kids with health issues and, as a veteran with the scars to prove it, he has some advice.

"Don't be scared; be brave and don't think about it. It's going to be really fast and at the end you're gonna get a lot of special treats," he said.

Watching Paul go through his last surgery as a young boy was tough on everyone.

"It was really hard going through this surgery, but I'm glad I made it through," Paul told CBN News.

His younger brother Daniel is glad, too.

"Paul's my best friend and I'm glad he's healthy now," Daniel said shyly as he clung to his dad.

Life Is Precious

Many do not realize that a lot of kids are just like Paul, born with congenital heart defects.

"That stat is staggering," Bret said. "One out of 100 kids is born with a congenital heart defect, and half of them have to have some sort of surgery or procedure in the first six months of their life."

The Baiers know Paul is fortunate; many babies leave the hospital undiagnosed.

It's something they'd like to see change, which is why Bret is donating every penny he makes on his book to groups working on pediatric heart disease.

Paul has at least one more heart surgery in his future, along with more than a few angioplasties. It's not what they hoped for their son, but now Bret and Amy see their family's circumstance as a gift.

"I feel like God tapped us for a reason and we have a great responsibility in that and whatever our course is I feel like we'll get through it," Amy said. "And I think it's strengthened our marriage and us as parents, hopefully, and kind of put blinders on us to what's important and we don't get distracted."

"As tough as all of this has been to go through there is an amazing blessing that we have in that we have perspective on life, perspective on how precious life is. We also have this ability, I think, to tell our story to maybe help other people" Bret said.

God's Bigger Plan

"Bret's friend who introduced us, set us up on a blind date, said to me that 'When you meet Bret you better buckle up because you will be in for a ride. It will never be dull,'" Amy recalled. "And it was so true because from the moment I met Bret it has never slowed down once and it has always been exciting and it has always been an adventure. I don't think we've stopped once."

"We didn't always know how the ride was gonna go. It's been interesting," Bret added. "But God's plan is a big part of that and you look back and you think all these coincidences there's really, if you think about it coincidences -- it's something bigger, there's something bigger happening. Because a lot of our life we can look back at different moments where we think 'Hey, this had to be a bigger plan, a blueprint.'"

Amy agrees.

"And I think we're fortunate because we share those same values and thoughts and together I think we make a good team," she said.

"We do," Bret said, giving his wife a high five.


Morris Ruddick

- Morris Ruddick 

Benin is a small, French-speaking nation, just west of Nigeria. The nations in sub-Saharan Africa have experienced great challenges in recent years, as a new generation emerges from the transitions since colonial days, through the economic and political instabilities caused by despotism, corruption and terrorism.

The potential for Christian leaders in facing these challenges in business and government has never been more strategic. What the Lord is doing globally in these pivotal times will not be accomplished without the mantle assigned to Africa. 

Benin's part is significant. We have a long history in our work with brethren from several African nations and we sense timely significance ahead for Africa. So, with much anticipation and joy, we head to Benin.

The Call to Come Help 

It all began with something of a Macedonian call from brethren intent on reshaping their nation and releasing God's potential for Africa.

This mission is being hosted by a team of Christian entrepreneurs led by a modern-day Josephina, who a few years ago began being exposed to my books. Since that time, she has voluntarily translated them into French. Our venues will focus on implanting God's economy and mobilizing and uniting leaders called as modern-day Josephs and Daniels. 

Their awareness and hunger for the Jewish roots to the faith is remarkable. There will be a time with a group of Christian members of Benin's parliament. In addition to our activities with the business community, we will also be ministering in some key local churches.

I'm told that attendees for our gatherings will be coming from other African nations, such as Ghana, and from as far away as France.

With all the change and turbulence in the spiritual dynamics impacting the world around us, we are deeply grateful for your prayers. More than ever before, we need to be aligned with God's timing and focus, as we establish these agendas. We need the spiritual and protective edge for the supernatural results that we are reaching for.

Specific Prayer Targets

1. Protection and good health for ourselves, our team and our loved ones back home. Good connections and traveling mercies. 
2. Anointing and fruitfulness for each meeting, each workshop and for the spiritual-biz incubator groups we start. 
3. To nurture and raise up leaders with an unequivocal focus on the Kingdom.
4. Spiritual authority and presence of mind to strategically bring influence and change to the leaders we work with, and an increase of their impact on their communities and nation.
5. To discern and seize unexpected opportunity.
6. Wisdom to penetrate the secular realm with this message of economic opportunity in crisis through God.
7. Consistent prayer coverage and communications for our next steps in mobilizing God's people in the marketplace.
8. Wisdom for the NEXT STEPS of this unique calling we're stewarding

God's Destiny for Africa 

In the late 1990s, during my first visit to Africa, a prescient African Christian gave me two books that changed my Western thinking about Africa: "Is Africa Cursed," by Tokunboh Adeyemo and "Hope for Africa" by George Kinoti. Africa in reality has a rich heritage and destiny in God. Among the original Hebrew names for Africa is the meaning of "mother of mankind" and "garden of Eden. Today, on this one continent, are all the rich, vital resources the rest of the world seeks. The intense struggle underway for the soul of Africa is not random. From the stance of the unseen world, it is strategic.

Our venues to mobilize and equip God's most unlikely followers with God's most unlikely strategies to bring about God's most unlikely results -- mark the season for Afirca, as God's people assume their mantles as the head and not the tail, to be blessed to be a blessing.

Over the millennia God's chosen have consistently been catalysts to penetrating society with meaningful change that reshapes their economic and spiritual climates. The fruit of our program has consistently released timely change across a broad spectrum of societies, as we impart strategy and equip God's forerunners spiritually and economically.

Thank you again. Your support and prayers for us are foundational to overcoming the challenges and maximizing the opportunity.

With warm regards in Jesus,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation