Thursday, June 19, 2014

WATCH: Beyoncé Reunites With Destiny’s Child to Sing About Jesus in New Gospel Song

Beyoncé Knowles, Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland

WATCH: Beyoncé Reunites With 

Destiny’s Child to Sing 

About Jesus 

in New Gospel Song

Beyoncé in
Beyoncé Knowles in the "Say Yes" music video (ABC News)
Beyoncé Knowles hasn't necessarily been the ideal Christian female role model lately. But that isn't stopping her from singing about Christ.
A new song called "Say Yes" features the reunited trio from Destiny's Child singing an unadulterated Gospel tune.
"When Jesus say yes, nobody can say no," rings the hook of the soulful chorus over a catchy dance beat.
Trading parts with former group mates Michelle Williams and Kelly Rowland, Knowles picks up the second verse, singing:

I'm not worried about a thing
'Cause I know You are guiding me
Where You lead me, Lord I will go
I have no fear 'cause I know Who's in control
There's no limit to what You can do
'cause it all belongs to You
You're almighty and all-powerful
And it all belongs to You
The song is part of an effort on Williams' part to live out her faith in her music. In a recent radio interview with Raj Nair, Williams said, "I kind of started noticing that, even with my platform with Destiny's Child, my individual calling has something to do with evangelism, but not with the traditional way in a pulpit."
Williams called the genre of the new song "urban-inspirational"—one with "biblically themed" and "life-themed" messages but that is more pleasing to the hip-hop attuned ear than traditional gospel music.
"I am to speak the word of God through my music, and I even have opportunities, say in theater or other things that I do individually, to just be a light," Williams said.
"God gives us different platforms for His will to be done."

    Michelle Williams

   Beyonce' Knowles
   Kelly Rowland

Watch the video here.

Huge Underground Ocean Discovered Beneath Us Could Help Prove Genesis Flood

Huge Underground Ocean Discovered Beneath Us 

Could Help Prove Genesis Flood 

A massive reserve of water near Earth's core might lend support to the "fountains of the deep" which helped cause the Genesis Flood. (Flickr/Paloika [edited])
Geologists are hailing the fact that an underground ocean could be the source of our seas on the planet's surface, according to Time.
Researchers from Northwestern University have determined that underneath the continental U.S., near the core of the earth, lies an underground body of water three times larger than any ocean on the surface.
The subterranean ocean's existence was presumed when the researchers' seismic waves slowed near a layer of blue rock, called ringwoodite, indicating the presence of water.
"It's good evidence earth's water came from within," lead researcher Steven Jacobsen told NewScientist.
Creation scientists have long held that much of the water in the Noah's Flood came from the "fountains of the deep" referenced in Genesis 7:11 and 8:2.
Today, it is thought that much of that water remained on our planet's surface, eventually covering ancient land bridges that allowed humans and animal to migrate across continents. Today, Earth's surface is 71 percent underwater.
Mid-ocean ridges, which span the Earth's seas like the seam of a baseball, may be the remnants of this explosive water release from below, some creationists hold.
That same catastrophe in the book of Genesis is believed to best account for Earth's plate tectonics.
The researchers are still unsure whether similar subterranean water exists elsewhere within the planet.
- See more at:

Israel's History - a Picture a Day - scenes from the Holy Land

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 18 Jun 2014 

Tiberias and the Sea of Galilee (circa 1890, colored slide, Presbyterian 
Research Centre, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand)
The Presbyterian Church Archives Research Centre holds a fascinating collection of 144 glass Lantern slides of various scenes from the Holy Land. The majority appear to have been taken in the latter years of the 19th century.

See Part I here.  


The Tower of David's Citadel at Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem. The clock tower on the left was built in 1908 and torn down in 1922, enabling the dating of the picture. (Presbyterian Research Centre, Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand)

Western Wall (1867, (Presbyterian Research Centre, 
Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand) and here

The picture of the Western Wall is from the Presbyterian Research Centre, but it also appeared in the Israel Daily Picture two years ago.  It was taken by Frank Mason Good in 1866/67 and published by the Palestine Exploration Fund.

Note in both photos the single figure praying and the buckets (?) hanging on the wall.

Hebron and the Cave of the Patriarchs (circa 1890)

Jacob's Well, near Nablus (Shechem) and 
Joseph's Tomb. (1868)

Click on photos to enlarge.
Click on captions to view the original photographs.

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Strong Tower

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Lord Really Wants To Make Himself Known - To Me? by Wade E. Taylor, The Elijah List

Wade E. Taylor:
The Elijah List

Wade E. Taylor
"I Am Come Down To Deliver You"

And the Lord said, "I have surely seen the affliction of My people which are in Egypt, and have heard their cry by reason of their taskmasters; for I know their sorrows; and I am come down to deliver them..." Exodus 3:7-8

Each of us has a personal need in some area of our life experience, or are burdened for another. For this "word" to become personally meaningful, place your name, or the name of someone you pray for, in place of "My people," and then prayerfully re-read this "word" from the Lord – "I am come down to deliver (you) them."

Concerning the area in which you desire intervention, Jesus is saying, "I know your sorrows, therefore, I am come down to deliver you." The Lord is always "down," as He is omnipresent, but this "down" is more than Jesus visiting a particular person and location, as it speaks of the direct intervention of the Lord concerning a specific need.

But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.Matthew 6:6
"Your Father shall reward you openly." This speaks of the approbation of, or the personalized, favor of God through His localized presence – "I am come down." 

When we pray, we are to believe that the Lord is not only present, but also that He is paying special attention to our prayer – "your Father which sees in secret..." This is beyond our ability to understand, but we can experience and enjoy the fruit of this experience. 

(Photo via Freeimages)

But without faith it is impossible to please Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6
To those who are earnestly and diligently seeking His presence, the Lord will reveal or manifest Himself.

Does The Lord Really Desire To Make Himself Known To Me?

He that hath My commandments, and keeps them, he it is that loveth Me: and he that loveth Me shall be loved of My Father, and I will love him, and will manifest Myself to him. John 14:21

The word "manifest" means that the Lord will make Himself personally known to us through one, or a combination of, our five physical senses. 

That is, we will perceive through our physical senses not only the fact of the presence of the Lord but the feeling of His person and thoughts.

The Lord desires to make Himself known to us. Moses provides an excellent example of this experience: "Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro his father in law, the priest of Midian: and he led the flock to the backside of the desert, and came to the mountain of God, even to Horeb"(Exodus 3:1).

Moses had been reared in the palace of Pharaoh, yet he knew that the "call of God" rested upon his life. Therefore, when he saw an Israelite being afflicted by an Egyptian, he delivered him, "for he supposed his brethren would have understood how that God by his hand would deliver them." However, we are told that "they understood not" (see Acts 7:22-25).

As a result, Moses fled into the wilderness where he kept the flock of Jethro, the priest of Midian. He was not functioning in his calling, yet he was not discouraged or bitter, as he was still leading "sheep" toward the mountain of God.

And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and the bush was not consumed. And Moses said, "I will now turn aside, and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." And when the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called unto him out of the midst of the bush, and said, "Moses, Moses." And he said, "Here am I." Exodus 3:2-4 

(Photo via Flickr)

This "flame of fire in a bush that was not consumed" speaks of the "manifest" presence of the Lord that is yet available to us.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Key To The Lord's Presence: The Need To Turn Aside

If we understand and practice the following, we will be brought into a rich, spiritual life experience in communion and fellowship with Jesus. Notice that the Lord did not speak to Moses until after he had turned aside. 

The Lord had been waiting for Moses to notice and respond to His manifested presence in this burning bush.

At the time of this experience, Moses had been in the wilderness for forty years. This burning bush may have been there for years, but Moses was so intent on moving toward the mountain of God (religious activity) that it remained without being seen. Finally his self-ability became so depleted that he noticed and was willing to turn aside.

This bush burned – but it was not consumed. This tells us that this bush is still burning at this present time. This speaks of the Lord's presence being manifested in intervention. 

Today, many Christians have the idea that the presence of the Lord can be found only in the things they are doing for the Lord, but the Lord has much more to offer us. He desires to bring us into an active cooperative relationship with Him, in which we work together.

Therefore, the Lord requires us to come to the end of our own strength and acknowledge Him. Only then will He respond.
The statement, "I will now turn aside," is the key to the Lord's presence becoming manifested to us. 

We usually say that we are waiting for the Lord. However, the Lord is waiting for us. It is very important that we recognize and respond to His approach toward us. If we do not respond to the seeking presence of the Lord now, then, during the time of His return, we will not respond either. It is very important that we recognize and turn aside into His presence now, in whatever measure He may desire to appear or come to us.

What Happens When You Turn Aside

The response of the Lord was, "I am come down." He is always down (omnipresence), but He is speaking of a manifestation, or of an unfolding revelation of His (manifest) presence. When Moses turned, the Lord said, "Draw not nigh hither: put off thy shoes from thy feet, for the place whereon thou standest is holy ground" (Exodus 3:5).

Previously, Moses had taken the initiative. Now, because he stopped and turned aside, the Lord is taking the initiative. Many, who sincerely love and serve Jesus, have also taken the initiative in seeking His will and presence. May we also set all these pressures of religious activity aside, and turn aside to wait in His presence. Only then can the Lord also ask us to take off our shoes (our working for the Lord).

This requires our knowing the voice of the Lord, and also our being willingly obedient in response to what is heard. There is a progression in our Christian experience, which if followed, will lead us to the place in which we will become both willing and anxious to turn aside, so the Lord will be able to reveal His manifest presence to us.
All too few recognize the value of an open Heaven, where the "Son" can indeed "shine" upon His people. An open Heaven does not just happen. It must be diligently sought after and cultivated.

How You Are Changed From Glory To Glory

But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3:18

It is the manifested glory of the Lord that changes us (changed from glory to glory). Have you ever felt the anointing on a certain Gospel song or message, as you listened? How did this anointing get on the CD? The machine is not sensitive to the anointing, but there is an explanation. The anointing has an electrical characteristic which is picked up by the microphone and recorded on the CD. Thus, if a person is anointed, that anointing is being broadcast.

There is an electrical characteristic within our physical being. All of us have experienced an electrical shock after we walked across a dry carpet. We picked up an electrical charge, which was released when we touched something that was grounded. So also, when we are in the presence of the anointing, we become "charged." This charge then affects our entire being. When we touch another, it is imparted to them.

When we sit under an anointed ministry, far more takes place than our mentally understanding the message. There is a realignment of our spirit that changes us, so we become spiritually sensitive and hungry. The anointing creates within us a capacity for His presence, which changes us into His image.

In our secular life experience, we move in a world that is "without form." It is only as God intervenes and speaks that the earth takes on form and becomes productive. Thus, as we come under the influence of His anointing, or the manifestation of His presence, we take on spiritual "substance" and become productive.

After Moses turned aside, he was able to return to Egypt and deliver Israel because He had stood in the presence of the "burning bush."

As we turn aside to spend time in the Lord's presence, there is a resultant readjustment of our being, and we come into alignment with that which is spiritual. Thus, it is very important that we sit under an anointed ministry.
One church may have outstanding teaching of the Word, but no manifest presence of the Lord. Another church may be lacking in this area, but has the abiding presence of the Lord. The wise, spiritually hungry person should choose to sit under the anointing, as this is more important; but if both can be found together, Heaven has come to earth.

When we come into His revealed presence, the molecular structure of our being changes, and we take on a sensitivity to His voice and presence, and in this presence, the Lord changes us into His likeness.

It is here, when we turn aside into His presence and open our spirit to receive, that we will be "made ready" to fulfill our part in bringing about the deliverance that the Lord's people so desperately need.

Wade Taylor
Wade Taylor Ministries / Parousia Ministries

Wade Taylor graduated to Heaven on February 29, 2012. He served others as a teacher and spiritual father for over 50 years. He was respected and loved by many for his quality of spirit and walk with his Lord. He was an anointed author, bringing forth deep truths of the Spirit with a clarity and simplicity that drew the reader up into a closer walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.

Nancy Taylor WarnerNancy Taylor Warner, daughter of Wade Taylor, spent most of her childhood in a Bible school environment due to the calling on her father's life. In 1981, the Lord called her to support his message and she since has functioned in a variety of positions. Today, in response to her dad's wishes and the encouragement of its board of directors, she now oversees Wade Taylor Ministries. 

ancy travels at times to speak and pray for others. She particularly enjoys teaching on intimacy with God and other truths that relate to our spiritual growth. She brings an expectation for the visitation at hand, and prays for the life and ministry of Christ to be imparted by the Holy Spirit each time she ministers. Nancy's special gift of relating to and loving people stems from her own love for Jesus and His Kingdom. Her spiritual life messages flow into the hearts and spirits of those to whom she ministers.

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What Happened to Idol's Dreadlocked Jason Castro? By Jennifer Wishon and Amber Strong - CBN News

What Happened to Idol's 

Dreadlocked Jason Castro?

DALLAS -- He may not have taken the crown, but fans of "American Idol" still remember former contestant Jason Castro for his dreadlocks and carefree sound. He scored big on the show, making it all the way to the top four.

American Idol - 2008

After leaving Idol in 2008, Castro quickly scored a No. 1 international hit. Then he disappeared from the charts and the pop music scene, leaving fans with questions: What happened? Why the switch to Christian music?

And perhaps the biggest question of all: What's up with the haircut?

"Well, I felt like it was time for a change. Once I cut it I'm like, 'Oh, this is what it feels like to run your fingers through your hair,'" Castro laughed.

But that hair cut wasn't the only big change for the 27-year-old.

Even with all the fans and fame, loneliness began to take a toll. Although Castro grew up in church, the separation from family developed into a growing separation from God. He also struggled physically with exhaustion.

A New Sound

Then came the faith questions.

"It started to feel a little meaningless. Why am I doing this? To make a name for myself? To make some money? I started to really have a longing to have more God in my life," Castro said.

"I struggled to stay close to God on the road. I wanted more God in my life and as a part of that I wanted more God in my music," he continued.

"I got to this point where I realized God doesn't want me to do anything on my own. He wants me to give it all to Him and trust Him with everything. And you know it really changed everything for me to kind of let go of everything and realize that God can take care of it," Castro reflected.

Around the same time Castro became involved with the I Am Second campaign, a popular ministry where Christian celebrities share their personal stories. He found new success with the release of his first Christian album, Only a Mountain.

Today Castro tours with some of the biggest names in Christian music such as Matthew West, Toby Mac, and The Sidewalk Prophets.

Renewed Purpose

But perhaps his greatest accomplishment is as husband and father.

"She really changed everything," Castro said of his 2-year-old daughter Madeline. "I didn't know she would change it. More than anything I want to be a part of her life and I want her to know her daddy loves her more than just a song."

This isn't a story about a young man going to Hollywood and getting lost in the glitz and glamour. Instead, Castro is using Hollywood to spread the love of God around the globe.

Castro hasn't abandoned his American Idol past. Rather, he uses the platform to give back to others.

He spends much of his time overseas working as spokesperson for the charities Malaria No More and helping with Roma Boots, a nonprofit providing boots to children in need.

"When I see these kids in need I have a deeper connection because I look at them and I see my daughter," Castro told CBN News.

"I remember on the trip there was one kid that was like the same size as my daughter and he had on a little sweatshirt, no pants," he said. "We gave him some rain boots. Now he has some shoes."

Castro recently led a benefit concert for Young Life Capernaum, a group that specializes in meeting the social, physical, and spiritual needs of young people with special needs.

And when not on tour, he's singing with his talented siblings. His brother Michael and sister Jackie have a strong following with solo careers of their own.

So is there a chance for a Castro family album? We'll have to wait and see.

As for the future Castro said," I don't know what the future holds for Jason, but there will always be music."

Watch the CBN News video: Jason Castro

I Refuse to Accept the Status-Quo American Version of Christianity - Michael Brown

In the Line of Fire, by Michael Brown

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I Refuse to Accept the Status-Quo American Version of Christianity

(Esther Gibbons/

I refuse to believe that what we see in churches across America is what God planned for His people. I refuse to believe that it is the God-intended norm.
The Word of God is against it.
Church history is against it.
What the Spirit is doing around the world is against it.
What I have experienced in my own life is against it.
Everything inside of me is shouting, "There must be more! We must go deeper!" Is that same voice shouting inside of you?
If the death and resurrection of Jesus are real—and they are—there must be more. If the outpouring of the Spirit is real—and it is—there must be more. If the promises of God are real—and they are—there must be more. If the requirements of the Lord are real—and they are—there must be more.
It's high time that we quit trying to drag the Word of God down to our level of experience and commitment, trying to conform Scripture to our ways rather than conforming our ways to Scripture. Instead, we need to take hold of everything He has promised and everything He has called us to, and, by His grace, pursue and obey Him until His reality becomes our reality.
What does God's reality look like? What is normal according to the Word? As I have said for many years, what the world calls fanaticism and most of the church calls extremism, God calls normal. In the words of Leonard Ravenhill, "Christianity today is so subnormal that if any Christian began to act like a normal New Testament Christian, he would be considered abnormal."
What does normal look like according to Jesus?
"Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And whoever does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it" (Matt. 10:37-39, ESV).
What does normal look like according to Paul? (Let's remember that Paul told us to follow his example; see 1 Cor. 11:1, Phil. 4:9.)
"It is my eager expectation and hope that I will not be at all ashamed, but that with full courage now as always Christ will be honored in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain" (Phil. 1:20-21).
Unfortunately, as expressed by Watchman Nee, "By the time the average Christian gets his temperature up to normal, everybody thinks he has a fever."
I say it's time we burn—in fact, the Word commands us to be fervent (which means red-hot) in spirit in Romans 12:11—so that others can catch fire as well.
They can call us crazy, judge us as religious extremists and put us out of their company. But if we walk in humility, if we bless and don't curse, if we honor those in authority while determining to obey the Lord no matter what, the fruit of our lives will be the proof of God's goodness. And people will come flocking to us saying, "I need what you have. How can I experience more of God in my life?"
Missionary C. T. Studd once said, "If Jesus Christ be God, and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him." This is the reality we must live by.
The glorious Son of God shed His blood on our behalf, dying for our sins so we could belong to God, bringing us into His family as brothers and sisters. His Father is now our Father, and we are joint heirs with Him. (See Romans 8:14-17.)
And that's only the beginning. "He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?" (Rom 8:32) All things!
That is the glorious gospel. How should we respond?
Jesus says to us, "Follow me"—and that means that all that we have, all that we are and all that we ever could be belongs to Him. We now live to do His will, our eyes set on Him, and our life goal to know Him and make Him known, regardless of cost or consequence.
That is normal according to the New Testament.
As Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians, Jesus died for all so that "those who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who for their sake died and was raised" (2 Cor. 5:15).
Or as he said to the Colossians, "If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God" (Col. 3:1-3).
Or as expressed by Peter, we are to live "for the rest of the time in the flesh no longer for human passions but for the will of God" (1 Pet. 4:2).
This is beautiful, not binding, our act of gratitude as recipients of grace, not our futile effort to receive His grace. And because of that grace and mercy, we belong totally to Him: "Therefore," Paul writes, "I exhort you, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a sacrifice–alive, holy, and pleasing to God–which is your reasonable service" (or "your spiritual worship"—Rom. 12:1, NET).
So let us crucify every distraction, let us count ourselves dead to sin and alive to God, let us ask the Spirit to work afresh in our lives and let us take hold of the challenge that fueled the fires of D. L. Moody's life, spoken to him by revivalist Henry Varley: "Moody, the world has yet to see what God will do with a man fully consecrated to him."
Isn't it time that our nation sees what God will do with a man or woman fully consecrated to Him? Isn't it time that our generation has a true demonstration of the gospel?
Join in me striving to be normal in the Lord's sight, by the grace and power of God.
It's time.
Michael Brown is author of Can You Be Gay and Christian? Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.
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Boomerang Revelation Creates Mercy - Jim Croft

Boomerang Revelation Creates Mercy - Jim Croft

I never ceased to be amazed by the dynamics of spiritual revelation.  Every week for many years I have written articles on topics that come to me by visions.  My focus is to assist the Body of Christ as best I can in understanding the Scriptures and the flow of the Holy Spirit in their lives.  The Lord rewards me in many ways, for all of which I’m grateful.  But, there is one way that he does so that is particularly gratifying. 

It is when a dear saint responds by letting me know that whatever I offered was written as though it was God’s personal message just for them at a given moment.   No other deity that mankind worships exhibits the intimate affections of our caring Father God.  Even though a prophetic servant might not know specifically who is to be the focus of a given revelation; nevertheless, the Lord’s Spirit delivers its encouragement to the intended heart.  I’ll give you an example that I hope turns out to boomerang bless the launcher as a recipient as well as the initial target who in this case was me.  

I was a guest speaker at one of James W. Goll’s prophetic conferences.  He humbles me by referring to me as one of his mentors.  On the last night of the conference, James followed me with the final message.  At about 10:30pm, James paused in the middle of a sentence.

“Well, isn’t that cute and wonderful? A couple in their mid-50’s who never thought that they’d marry again, just got engaged.”  James commented in several ways about how sweet the scene was and then picked-up his sermon where he had left off.

The following morning I was to preach at a church that was miles away.  I was the only person there who had heard the spontaneous revelatory insertion from James the previous night.  A giggling couple in their mid-50s said they had an announcement.

“We didn’t dream that it could ever happen to us again.  Last night at 10:30pm, we got engaged!”

I thanked the Lord for affirming my conviction that genuine prophets hear and see happenings by the Spirit to which others are not privy.  I genuinely thought that the revelation was just for my edification.  Five years later, I have reason to believe that the Lord planted the revelation in my spiritual garden to have somewhat of a boomerang effect on behalf of James Goll. 

James Goll, Encounters Network Founder

For those unfamiliar with James, his sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s encouraging words is legendary.   He carries a prophetic disposition that I wish was more common.  He is not one to point shame’s finger at everybody for disappointing and angering Almighty God.  James’ style is to convince people of God’s goodness in a manner that incites deeper commitment to holiness and to God’s purposes.  I’ve never met any minister who has chosen to be so cheerful and productive in the face of grievous battles.  One of which was the loss his precious wife, Michal Ann to cancer.

James has had back pains for years.  Last spring the pains became so excruciating that he had stop all travel ministry to seek healing therapy.   This led to major back surgery on Tuesday, June 3.

The surgeon reported that though the surgery went well, there was a lot more scraping required than anticipated on the L5 and S1 discs.  This was to make more room for the sciatic nerve to breathe and function without pain.  All of this means that James will need perhaps three more months to regain normal mobility.  
For this reason a Mercy Medical Fund has been setup.  I entreat you to be as generous as possible with the Body of Christ’s and my dear friend, James W. Goll.

This is the link to his Encounters Network donation page.  Please select “Mercy Medical Fund” within the “Select a Program” drop down list:

Love For His People Editor's Note: We have known James since at least 1987. He gave me a clear prophetic word in 1990 that really encouraged me at the time in my ministry placement. 

We have given to the Mercy Medical Fund to assist James, and encourage you to do the same.

Steve Martin
Love For His People