Thursday, April 16, 2015

Still Waiting - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Still Waiting
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“And so, having patiently waited, he (Abraham) obtained the promise.” Heb. 6:15 NASU

So how many years did Abraham wait for the promise? His promised son? 5, 10, 15 years or more? It was 25 years after the Lord had promised to Abraham that a son, whom he named Isaac, was born to Abraham and his wife Sarah.

“Now the Lord said to Abram,

"Go forth from your country,
And from your relatives
And from your father's house,
To the land which I will show you;
And I will make you a great nation,
And I will bless you,
And make your name great;
And so you shall be a blessing;
And I will bless those who bless you,
And the one who curses you I will curse.
 And in you all the families of the earth will be blessed." Gen. 12:1-5 NASU

So Abram went forth as the Lord had spoken to him; and Lot went with him. Now Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran. Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his nephew, and all their possessions which they had accumulated, and the persons which they had acquired in Haran, and they set out for the land of Canaan; thus they came to the land of Canaan.”  Gen. 12:1-5 NASU

Later in Gen. 21:5 it tells us that “Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born to him.

Are you still waiting for a promise to be fulfilled that the Lord had given to you? I know I am.

Sometimes I get tired of waiting. If I had my way, surely those things I heard many years ago would have come to pass by now. I wouldn’t have taken any detours; I would have stayed on the narrow path; I would have known exactly what I was to do when I was to do it. But I didn’t have my way (or maybe I did and that is why I am still waiting!)

Or maybe the Lord knew all my steps I was to take, and in spite of all that, He still is working out His plan, on my behalf, and that I will receive those promises. So that is what I will continue to believe.

Waiting on the Lord is a sign of faith. If you don’t have faith, you don’t wait. You jump right in to what seems right, without seeking the Lord for His direction, and you then reap what you have sown. But to wait, day in and day out, year after year, requires a faith that His faithfulness will be proven in the end. No matter what the circumstances look like now, you have a confidence that the Lord’s word is true, and thus so it will be.

Whether the wait is for something to happen in a relationship, a financial situation to come about, or there is a desire to get married and raise a family…we each have dreams, hopes and promises that we wait to come. It is in those times of days, months and years of waiting that our maturity and confidence should be growing. After all, an oak tree doesn’t grow up overnight. Neither does a city get built in a day.

As I head out to the car each morning for the daily trek up the interstate to the accounting job, by faith I thank the Lord that the time for this current assignment will come to an end, and the desires in my heart, which I believe He put there years ago in my youth, are yet to come about. Doing the best job I can, while on this job, says to the Lord, “I will be faithful here as You yourself will prove of Your faithfulness when that time comes.”

Waiting can be tough. Often we are tempted to give up, to quit, to say I can’t keep up with this much longer. But as we take time to spend with the Lord each day, to receive His encouragement, our hearts and spirits will be strengthened. Grace will be available to wait the wait, and in the meantime to be faithful where we are.

I am still waiting. I will continue to wait. For He is the One I ultimately wait on, and time and time again He has proven Himself faithful.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #170 “Still Waiting” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (04.16.15) Thursday at 1:00 pm in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Chuck Pierce: 10 Days to Press Into Rest and a Time of New Gates

Chuck Pierce

This past Sunday was amazing! I saw that the Body is being sorely TESTED! Where testing is a hard dynamic, our faith builds and increases as we submit to the Lord when circumstances seem to be overtaking us! Here are the words that came forth when the prophetic window opened above us!

In Counting the Omer: 10 Days to Press for Rest and Peace! Shalom! Let Wholeness Come!

Chuck D. Pierce, James Vincent, Robyn Vincent, Shatece McLeod, Anne Tate, Keith Pierce, Acijam Otaxa, Barbara Wentroble, and Sylvia Sizemore:
The Lord says: "There are some of you whose bones are being fortified at this moment! You are being healed. Where your bones have been very weak, all of a sudden there's a strengthening occurring that is causing you to arise! Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit. Let Me touch you now! Healing power is coming through! Grace to deliver is coming through! Joy everlasting is coming through! 

Let the gates swing wide, for the joy of the Lord will be, the joy of the Lord will be, the joy of the Lord will be your strength. So let the gates swing wide! Let the gates swing wide! Let the gates swing wide! Let the gates swing wide." (Photo via Pixabay)

New Song:
He comes in power, and healing, and joy, and grace,
He comes in power, and healing, and joy and grace,
He comes in power and healing and joy and grace,
He's coming in power and healing, and joy and grace.

"Look at the doors that need to swing open, look at the gates where you have the keys! These are doors that need to be unlocked! Look at the walls that need to be broken down! Let the gates swing wide. I Am coming in power! I AM coming in surety! I AM coming to strengthen your feet! I AM coming to strengthen your bones! I will open up every door for you! You open up the gate! Break the locks! Knock down the walls!"

Locks Like Panama Canal!

All locks are breaking right now! Let them break! This looks like the Panama Canal! The locks are shifting. You're rising! The water's rising! This is the type of lock where you couldn't get through to the next level without the lock shifting and the water rising! The lock is shifting. The water's rising! You're just going to float in! (Photo by Stan Shebs via Wikimedia Commons)

The Next Ten Days!

In the next 10 days there will be a supernatural rest coming from the trauma that we've been under. In that rest, you will begin to gain a clarity of vision for the future. Let the "gate of rest" swing wide!

"I AM blowing open some gates that have never been opened on this earth before. You don't know where they are, but suddenly you're going to be standing in a place, and you'll feel the wind, and you'll see this gate open in front of you! The gate will then swing wide. 

Be bold to go through! 

Ancient gates do not depend upon your ability, but your relationship with Me. These gates open up ancient paths. Do not fear entering the unfamiliar place I show you. You go through the gate you see, and do not try to convince others to go through with you. You could be paving the way for many! I can access and wait for you to come back to give others access!

"In your life this far, some of you have been taught to only open certain gates. Go with your spirit, not with what you've been taught. I know how to teach you to open every gate that is set in front of you. The Word of God in you is working something new. Swing wide the gate when the Spirit comes upon you! Swing wide that gate. I AM moving by the Spirit! A supernatural wind is coming upon you! Swing wide the gate in the time of swinging wide!"

Now hear the word of the Lord! I saw a gate and – "Religion" was written on it. It was cracked, with a narrow opening! Many of you backed off and said, "That's way too narrow for me to even try to go through." The Lord says, "I'm moving the lock of religion! The gate of My worship is opening up! Go in and worship Me in freedom! For you have been held by man's way. 

I'm sending one major tidal wave! This wave is going to push you past man's way. This wave will push to where I've called you to settle! This is a place where your full destiny is located! I'm gonna push you all the way in! (Photo via Pixabay)

"Many have been resisting that gate, because you know when you step in, your feet will lose control over the circumstances around you, and that's what I'm intending for you to do. Let Me get you through the gate and get your feet walking! You will go through and see a tunnel. This tunnel is a supernatural tunnel. This tunnel is not from the enemy! Do not be deceived. Do not be confused. I Am the One sending you this tunnel! For when you go through this tunnel, you will land, and you will show up in a brand new land!"

Gate of Sorrow and Trauma will Turn to the Gate of New Laughter! (Interpretation of Tongues Message by Shatece McLeod)

"You've been fighting for the ship and you've been causing the ship to stay afloat! Remember, though, that I send the winds and I send the waves. Over these few days ahead, let Me show you how I can bring afloat that which you have been fighting for! In the midst of the winds and waves, you will say, 'I have seen the Lord intervene in my trauma.' Many of you have been bailing water and bailing water, but now I will send a wind that will not only dry up the water in your boat, but I'll even fix the leak that's been there. For there are leaks in your spirit man that cause you to lose strength. This is a day, if you will submit that, I will control and I will gain authority in your life, and you will rest.

"Today is a day that the 40 years of trauma is coming to an end. Today is a day where the sorrow and the heartache that was hidden behind the gate, I AM opening it. 

Yes, the gate of sorrow looks one way this moment, but very soon this gate will turn into the 'gate of new laughter.' 

This gate will be filled with a new joy and will be filled with a new healing. What was unaligned because of the trauma of youth will be aligned and your youth will be restored. Yes (my daughter, Penny Pierce is representing the Body), just as I'm speaking to you individually, I'm speaking to My daughters corporately, and I AM speaking to My daughter. There has been a disk that has shifted in the backbone of My Body. I Am aligning the disk to create a flow that will release, release, release, breaking trauma and restoring the hope of My faith this day in Jesus' Name! (Photo via Pixabay)

"I Am working out the shaking that went on in your bones and in your soul, that went all the way back to your childhood. Some of you were even shaken when you were a child – shaken physically – and you've had trauma since that day. I say today, I Am opening the gate for you to step in and be healed of that trauma. Take a step right now, and be healed of trauma.

"This is going to be a season of such joy and rejoicing. Not joy and rejoicing over your circumstances, but joy and rejoicing over the hand of the Lord that has brought you through, that has caused you to come through in victory, when everything around you said, There is no way. But you have said in your heart, 'BUT GOD!' Because you have said, 'But God,' I say I have come to your defense in this hour.

"I Am breaking you out of all that would try to hold you in that old season. I am cleansing in this hour. I Am even going to cause you to be able to stand and testify. The Word will come forth from your lips, for did I not say that you will overcome by the Blood of the Lamb and the word of your testimony, and you loved not your life unto death? Even where death tried to take you out, death could not! You said, 'But God!' I have come to your defense. Enter into the rejoicing of the season, for you are My overcoming army!"

I Am Removing the Gate of Religion, Breaking the Gate of Trauma, and Addressing the Gate of Poverty!

"As you step into this place that I AM calling and are healed of the trauma of the past 40 years, you will see great abundance in this season. You will see the overflow! Pennies will become abundant! This is a 'bumper gate' that will create a bumper crop! Bumper gates stay closed until they are bumped. Bump up against what is closed, and you will see an opening!"

Many times in your life you are afraid to hit that thing that's closed in front of you. Because of the hurt, the trauma, the pain, etc., we'll come right up to it, and we will pray and we will pray, and we will cry, and we will beg, and we will plead...but we just won't bump up against the gates of Hell! 

The enemy doesn't want us to hit this new gate, because the moment we hit the gate, the gate must swing wide. (Photo via Pixabay)

Now today is a day, and I saw something in the heavens: there's a bronze gate, and that bronze gate loves to remain closed and locked up! That gate tries to prevent us from receiving what Christ, the hope of glory, has in store for us. 

The Lord says, "Remember, I've called a Church to shake the gates of Hell, and I've called a Church, that if they will hit that gate, they will see it open! They will see the release that I promised, they will see the fulfilment of the pouring out, and they will see My will done on this earth as it is in Heaven! This is the gate that holds captivity captive! Bump it and watch the opening occur!"


Chuck D. Pierce
Glory of Zion International Ministries

Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches, and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. 

Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and seven grandchildren. He has authored over 20 books, including the best-sellers Interpreting the TimesRedeeming the Time, and Time to Defeat the Devil.

The Elijah List

"A Day of Destruction and Desolation" ✡ Today is Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom HaShoah)

A day of destruction and desolation, a day of blackness and gloom, a day of clouds and thick darkness.


יוֹם שֹׁאָה וּמְשׁוֹאָה יוֹם חֹשֶׁךְ וַאֲפֵלָה יוֹם עָנָן וַעֲרָפֶל

צפניה א:ט’’ו

yom sho-a u-mi-sho-a yom kho-shekh va-a-fay la yom a-nan va-a-ra-fel

Yom HaShoah

Today marks Holocaust Remembrance Day, which in Hebrew is called “Yom HaShoah” and comes from our verse in Zephaniah describing the devastating destruction of Jerusalem. Yom HaShoah was established by the Knesset and coincides with the anniversary of the Warsaw ghetto uprising, remembering not only the destruction of European Jewry, but recalling the heroic revolt. On this day, let us memorialize the six million who perished by strengthening our commitment to God, and intensifying our Torah learning.

IDF Chief of Staff Meets Holocaust Survivor

This Holocaust survivor still cannot believe that from the ashes of Auschwitz, he survived to become an Israeli Army commander.

Righteous Gentiles' Grandchildren Serve in IDF

Noga Peter, 21, and Hadas Avraham Weisbecker, 22, are descendants of heroes who saved Jews in the Holocaust, and now they are continuing their grandparents’ legacies in the Israeli army.

Comprehending The Incomprehensible: The History, Heroism and Lessons of the Holocaust (11 CD set)

This incredible CD-set describes historical events and personal accounts of survivors before and during the war years. You'll get an in-depth analysis of the political, social, and moral issues affecting perpetrators and victims, collaborators and resisters, apologists and rescue workers during the most appalling event of the twentieth century.

Today's Israel Photo

Photo of the archaeological ruins on Mount Gerizim near Shechem/Nablus by David Rabkin.

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Yes, I do LOVE the photos and stories. When I see your photos and read the stories it helps me stay connected to Israel and reminds me to pray for her peace and protection.  Blessings to you Rabbi! Shari T., Michigan, USA

Shalom, I live in Brisbane, Australia. God called me to pray for Israel. I hope to visit you one day. Rosemary
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Messianic Initiative Helps Bring Holocaust Healing

Messianic Initiative Helps Bring Holocaust Healing

Thursday, April 16, 2015 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
“When I stood before the actual baby clothing, little dresses and tiny shoes that had been stripped off the infants being thrown into the gas chambers, I just couldn’t take it,” said Tehilah, one of the young Jewish girls who came to Auschwitz with a Messianic initiative called Yad B’yad, which means "Hand in Hand" in Hebrew.
“Standing there paralyzed, holding hands with my German partner, we both broke down crying and could not stop weeping as we held each other and walked through that horrible place,” she recalled. “Something very deep was healed in both of us.”
Every year since 2005, Messianic Jewish leaders in Israel together with their German partners have taken hundreds of Jewish and German youth aged 16-18 to walk through Auschwitz in the Yad B’yad program.
This bold Messianic initiative’s vision is clear: “The pain and the shame of the Holocaust have left deep scars on both Jew and German. They need help to walk together from memory – through friendship – to a shared future."
More than half of all Israeli high schools have since the 1980s sent tens of thousands of Jewish youth to Poland and to Auschwitz to learn the history of the Holocaust. “Many of our children coming back from these trips suffer from nightmares, anxiety and even some cases of depression,” said Batya Herpas, a local city chairperson with the Department of Education. “There are many problems and unresolved issues with the current high school trips to Poland.”
Members of Herpas’ city counsel noticed that the Yad B’yad participants didn’t seem to have the same problems, and that the program could help bring healing and resolution, rather than more pain and anger to their high school teens.
When Roi Keshet, a history teacher in a local Israeli high school, heard about the Messianic Yad B’yad initiative he said that it had been his dream to see Jewish and German teens walking together through Auschwitz. Quoting from Ezekiel 17, ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes and the children’s teeth are set on edge,’ he admitted that, “We have a problem with a victim mentality in this country and it is time to bring healing for both German and Jewish youth.”
Many German government officers and education officials have also shown interest in the Yad B’yad journey for their communities. The mayor of Berlin recently hosted a public event in the city square for Yad B’yad kids to tell their stories of how they were helping one another overcome the past and create hope for the future.
“When I saw all the barracks and the destroyed gas chambers,” said Annika, one of the German participants, “I realized for the first time how guilty my nation was and is! I understood what my country did! This was when I understood how important it is to ask for forgiveness… I separated from the group and I asked Julia (her Jewish partner) in the name of my family and in the name of my nation Germany for forgiveness and she forgave me in the name of her family and her nation.”
A Jewish participant named Esther recalled: “At the entrance to Birkenau there are train tracks. We walked in pairs (Jew and German) for about ten minutes holding hands… then each pair sat and prayed together. At first my partner and I were silent, then we began sharing our hearts with each other about what we had just seen. We were both in tears… Then my partner began to pray for me in German and even though I couldn't understand her, it was like God's grace touching my heart."
While in Auschwitz, the young ones light candles as a reminder that even through the darkest hours of human history our people have not been destroyed. It is a small light to remind all of us that hope is our strength, not anger. It is a light, however small, of hope for a future where they and their children’s children will find a way out of the darkness towards a day when we can all say together, “Never Again.”
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Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The 'Troubling' Turn in US, Israel Relations

The 'Troubling' Turn in US, Israel Relations

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israel and the United States have enjoyed a very close relationship going back to the creation of the Jewish state. But on a recent visit to the Middle East, two U.S. congressmen said they're troubled by the direction the relationship is taking.
In a region where radical Islam looks to seize power from long-time dictators, Israel is the sole democracy. On the frontlines of the war against terrorism, it's also a leader in the world of hi-tech and medical advances.
On a fact-finding mission to Israel recently, hosted by a group called "Yes! Israel" and sponsored by Laurie Cardoza-Moore's Proclaiming Justice to the Nations, U.S. Congressmen Dennis Ross, R-Fla., and Robert Pittenger, R-N.C., talked to CBN News after visiting Judea and Samaria to learn more about how the country protects its people and way of life.
"I'm concerned that we as Americans don't truly appreciate or understand and therefore don't appreciate how significant Israel is, not only to our survival as a country, but also the survival of the free world, especially here in the Mideast," Ross told CBN News. 
"They [Israelis] have been our surrogate fighting the terrorists," Pittenger said. "We have helped contribute to the Iron Dome, which is a missile defense system that they've developed." 
The congressmen's comments come at a time of unprecedented friction between U.S. and Israeli leadership over the issue of a nuclear Iran.
"The prime minister is the Winston Churchill of our era and regrettably President Obama is the Neville Chamberlain," Pittenger explained. "He doesn't see the facts. He doesn't see the issues." 
Pittenger said he was disturbed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared unsure of U.S. help in its time of trouble.
"Frankly, I asked the prime minister at such time that you believe that you will need America, will you believe America will be there for you?  And the best answer he could give me was 'I hope so,'" he said. 
Other long-time U.S. allies -- like Egypt, Jordan and the United Arab Emirates -- are looking to Israel for help in fighting radical Islamic groups.
"Who came in to help Egypt?  It wasn't us. It was Israel," Pittenger told CBN News. "Israel has been the best partner that President el-Sisi has had to defeat the Muslim Brotherhood. Israel has as well been giving significant strategic assistance to Jordan." 
The congressmen said the U.S. could learn a lot from Israel.
"We don't understand what a resilient country that this is -- under enormous pressure and challenge from its borders. In the midst of that, they're one of the strongest, entrepreneurial economies in the world," Pittenger said.
"We can learn a lot about not only their commitment with the young people going into the IDF and having public service, we can learn a lot from their opportunities for economic development," Ross said. "We can learn a lot from their agricultural skills that they've honed and turned a desert into a very vibrant and successful agricultural arena."

Discerning the Voice of the Lord by Elaine Tavolacci

Discerning the Voice of the Lord 

by Elaine Tavolacci

Identity Network

There was a time when the voice of the Lord was rare and there was no widespread revelation. (1 Samuel chapter 3:1) As a young boy Samuel ministered before the Lord alongside of the High priest Eli wearing a linen ephod. The Lord called out to Samuel one day during the night three times but Samuel didn't recognize God's voice until Eli perceived that it was the Lord calling him. 

Samuel then went back, and the Lord called out to him a fourth time. Samuel replied; "Speak, for Your servant hears." He then heard God's voice for the first time. Samuel grew up as a great prophet and none of his words fell to the ground.

The Holy Spirit is speaking to every believer today. In the New Covenant that Jesus made with us, we don't have to be in the five-fold ministry or be a prophet to hear His voice. How much more should we be able to hear His voice then the prophets of old, having the Holy Spirit living inside of us? Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and He is speaking to you, but some of you are recognizing His voice.

The Lord says, listen for My voice. I speak to you in various ways. I speak in dreams, I speak in visions, I speak in nature, I speak through your circumstances, I even speak to you in your trials. As you go to sleep at night with expectation, you will be more receptive to hear from Me in your dreams. As you quiet your mind and posture yourself in an attitude of prayer, you will learn how to hear and become more sensitive to My voice when you pray. As you prepare yourself by conforming to My ways, renewing your mind and attending to My words you will become more attuned to My voice. 

When you free your mind from the cares of this world you will begin to hear with more clarity. As you read My word and meditate upon it, you will begin to discern My plans for you. As you lift your voice to Me in praise and worship, you will begin to hear Me in the song, and you will begin to rise above your circumstances and rest in My presence.

Listen for My Voice

As you go about your day, listen for My voice in your traveling. I will speak to you on your jobs, and even as you are shopping. Seek Me with expectation throughout your day knowing that I will speak to you. Learn how to recognize My voice through other people. Learn to recognize My voice for solutions to your problems. Learn to recognize My voice in all the affairs of your life. I will give you the answers to the questions and concerns that you have. My voice releases authority. My voice brings direction. 

My voice brings instruction. My voice brings transformation. My voice brings healing. My voice brings deliverance. Allow Me to remove anything that may be hindering you from hearing My voice. Stay sensitive to My voice of correction. As you continually submit and surrender totally to Me, you will be able to hear with more clarity. Know that it is My desire to speak to you as My bride in covenant with Me says the Lord.

John 14:17 The Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.

John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

John 16:27 My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.

1 Corinthians 6:19 Do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?

Elaine Tavolacci

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