Wednesday, June 3, 2015

'Catch the Jew' Reveals Surprising 'Tribe' Fueling Hate

'Catch the Jew' Reveals Surprising 'Tribe' Fueling Hate

JERUSALEM, Israel -- When it comes to Middle East peace, the world often asks what prevents Israelis and Palestinians from making it work. A new book blames a hidden party for fueling the hate between the two.

CBN News took a closer look at the frightening influence of some European, and even American, groups.

Anti-Semitism is alive and well in Europe, with attacks in France and Austria doubling since 2013. Already this year there were deadly attacks at a kosher supermarket in Paris and terror shootings of Jews in Copenhagen.

A new book, called Catch the Jew, claims Europeans are fanning the flames of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by exporting anti-Semitism to the Middle East.

The book is full of humor, and Tenenbom uses salty and sometimes crude language in his accounts.

"There's not only Jews and Arabs here, the way I thought, fighting it out, there is another tribe here and the tribe is called Europeans, some Americans, but mostly Europeans," author Tuvia Tenenbom told CBN News.

Tenenbom says European governments are funding organizations that say they help Palestinians, but in fact are so anti-Israeli and anti-Semitic, they create friction and even fabricate things against Israel.

"In reality, they have come to this land to implant and instill hatred in the heart of every Muslim against the Jews, and [they] also sponsor self-hating Jews," Tenenbom said.

Their purpose is "to catch the Jew doing something wrong, to declare the Jew evil, and to end the story of the Jews being here [in Israel]," he said.

For six months, Tenenbom and his wife, Miriam, interviewed hundreds of Israeli Jews and Arabs, Palestinians, and foreign aid workers, asking about their jobs and beliefs.

Paid by a German newspaper, Tenenbom hid his Jewish identity and posed as a German named "Tobi." In the eyes of Palestinians and internationals alike, his interviewees thought being German made him a kindred spirit in hatred of the Jews.

At the Checkpoints

Europeans send monitors to checkpoints, crossings between Israeli and Palestinian areas manned by Israeli soldiers, hoping to catch soldiers doing something the Europeans don't like.

Tenenbom captured much of the material for the book on video, like the conversation with Atef, a Palestinian serving as a top researcher for the pro-Palestinian Israeli human rights group, B'Tselem.

The group documents alleged Israeli brutality against Palestinians. Atef told "Tobi" the Holocaust never happened.

"Ah, because we're Germans we support the Jews, but ask him if he remembers that we also killed them," Tobi says to Atef.

"Ah, it's a lie. I don't believe [it]," Atef answers.

"You don't believe it?" Tobi asks, to clarify the response.

When Tenenbom challenged B'Tselem, the group said they'd fire Atef. But Tenenbom objected.

"I said, wait a second, I have nothing personal against Atef. I want you to retract the reports that he's signed on. How can you believe a guy, how can you trust a guy whose research has found that there was no Holocaust?" he asked.

'House of Peace'

Another example involved Casa Per La Pace Milano (House of Peace), a group funded by the European Commission. It brings young Italians to Israel for "peace education," to see the situation in Israel and Palestinian areas firsthand.

Their Israeli tour guide, Itamar Shapira, describes himself as an "ex-Jew" and speaks against Israel.

For example, during a tour of Jerusalem's Yad VaShem Holocaust Memorial, Shapira compared Israelis with Nazis.

"This one is a very known massacre. It happened here in [the] '48 war. [It's] called Deir Yassin," Shapira told the group.

"It used to be a Palestinian village -- below these houses and trees -- a Palestinian village of a few thousand people and about 170, 120, 400 -- again a fight of the numbers -- of Palestinians were killed over there," he said.

The museum fired Shapira, but he continues to conduct private tours there.

Palestinian Leaders

Tenenbom's German connection also gave him access to Palestinian leaders like former security chief Jibril Rajoub, considered a Palestinian moderate. Rajoub, who is the Palestinian Minister of Sport, is currently in the news for trying to get FIFA -- Federation of International Football Association -- to kick out Israel's soccer team as a way of boycotting Israel, an attempt that failed.

He told Tenenbom even Adolf Hitler didn't know how bad the Jews are.

"My question to you was do you think the Israelis have changed?" Tenenbom (Tobi) asked Rajoub, who was sitting in his office with a giant picture of former PLO chairman Yasser Arafat behind him.

"Excuse me. Let them not to change. Let them not to change. Israel will be isolated. Israel will be more [isolated] than South Africa," an agitated Rajoub answered.

In another clip, Hanan Ashrawi, a Palestinian Christian, wouldn't talk about the existence of a Jewish temple in Jerusalem. Her former boss, Arafat, said Jews never lived here.

"Of course the Jewish tribes were here, but they weren't, you know, a state the way they claim to be," Ashrawi said.

"Was there a temple?" Tobi asked.

"I have no idea. I'm not an archaeologist," she answered.

Tenenbom, whose grandfather was murdered by the Nazis, said he doesn't blame the Arabs. He lays the guilt squarely on the Europeans who pay them.

He had this message for Israelis at a lecture in Jerusalem.

"I don't want you to die. I don't want you to disappear," he said. "Fight back and be brave about it."

Fourth US State Takes Major Pro-Life Step

Fourth State Takes Major Pro-Life Step

Pregnant belly
North Carolina is looking at a measure to introduce a 72-hour waiting period for abortions. (Flickr/Creative Commons)
North Carolina is poised to become the fourth state to require women to wait 72 hours between consulting a doctor and having an abortion after the state legislature gave final approval to the measure on Monday.
The state Senate approved the longer waiting period by a 32-16 vote, after the House passed the bill in April.
Both chambers of the Republican-led legislature passed the measure by a wide-enough margin to override a possible veto by Republican Governor Pat McCrory.
If the measure becomes law, North Carolina will join Missouri, South Dakota and Utah in requiring a 72-hour waiting period. A total of 24 states require some waiting period before an abortion can be performed, and several are considering new or longer restrictions this year.
McCrory said during his gubernatorial campaign that he would not sign any measures that restricted access to abortion, although he has since signed into law tighter regulations for abortion providers. He has not commented specifically on the current bill but said last week he planned to veto several bills now being considered in the legislature.
Supporters of the measure said it would allow women to weigh more information before ending a pregnancy.
"The poorest decisions that we make are the ones we make under pressure or compulsively," Representative Jacqueline Schaffer, a Republican, said during the House debate.
State Senator Angela Bryant, a Democrat, called the measure an effort to block women's access to reproductive healthcare.
"There's no comparison to any other kind of healthcare situation in which we support government intrusion in this manner," Bryant said. 
© 2015 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved. 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Prophetic Dream: The Perfect Storm Is Upon America - Jeremiah Johnson

America's perfect storm is coming.
America's perfect storm is coming. (iStock photo )

Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
The Father showed five areas on which the American church must change its position before the 2016 election.
One of them was the issue of sexual immorality. Another was abortion. The third is our view and perception of what biblical love and grace really is. He reminded me of a powerful prophetic dream He had given me several years ago. 
In the dream, I found myself standing on the shoreline of the Atlantic coast facing the ocean. There was a tremendous storm front that was beginning to gather in the Atlantic. I could see the tip of Florida to my right and the upper parts of Maine to my left. I had a sense that I was somewhere near or in Virginia. 
As I looked up over the Atlantic Ocean, I noticed two enormous storms beginning to form. The first front moved ahead of the other. The Spirit of God spoke to me and said, "The Perfect Storm is upon America." These two fronts immediately began to move toward me, and demons began to manifest inside of them. I called out to the first front sweeping toward me and said, "Who are you?" The word "Rebellion" flashed before my eyes. I called out to the front behind it and said, "Who are you?" The word "Tolerance" appeared in the sky.
As these tremendous storms now passed over my head, I violently cried out and said, "I live in the most rebellious and tolerant generation that the world has ever known." The Spirit of God responded to me and said,
"The former prophets looked for physical storms by which they saw my judgments coming, but in these days I'm raising up prophets that will discern spiritual storms. You must know that the spiritual storms that are upon the earth are far greater than any physical storm that has touched earth. Physical storms are limited to a region of people. These spiritual storms that shall rise in the earth will have the power to affect every area of culture. Beware!"
As I faced America on the Atlantic coast and saw these two massive storms sweeping the land, I felt a tremendous urgency of the hour. I immediately jumped on a horse and began to ride, and the word "Paul Revere" was placed in my mouth as I rode. During the next years in the dream, I traveled to different churches all over America proclaiming what I had seen and heard. Though I went to thousands of different churches and visited numerous ethnic groups all over America, there were only three categories of churches. The following are the encounters that I had as I visited the different churches:
The Sleeping Church
The first type of church I visited had "Sleeping Church" engraved on its doors. As I opened the doors to these churches, every one of them was in the middle of a service. I would hurry in to relay the message of what I had just seen and heard, only to be shocked to see everyone in attendance, including the leadership, sucking on pacifiers. While this type of church could hear my words, they had no ability to respond. I began to cry out and say, "Why are you silent, Church, why are you silent? Though you are awake, you are sleeping!"
In the dream, the Holy Spirit immediately spoke to me Eph 4:14: "Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of men in their deceitful scheming."
The Street Church
The second type of church I visited met in the streets of America. Upon seeing all of these different gatherings in many different cities, I was delighted because many of them seemed to be around my age (18-35) and simply claimed allegiance to "Street Church." I began to interview and ask members of this particular type of church if they had heard about the two storms descending over America named "Rebellion" and "Tolerance." None of them seemed to understand what I was asking.
I continued in the street on my horse until I found myself at a gathering of thousands and thousands of these "Street Church" people. I recognized one of the leaders, but for the sake of integrity I will leave his name out. As I pressed into the crowd, there was an incredible sense of chaos and confusion among the people. I cried out to the Lord in the dream and said, "Who are these people?"
He said, "These are the products of the works-based gospel movement of the '80s and '90s. These are they who have rebelled in the name of grace but not in the name of My Son." As the Spirit spoke this to me, there began to be mass commotion in the crowd.
Suddenly, banners began to be carried by the Street Church all over America that read "GRACE." It was especially intriguing to me that these banners were dusty, and you could visibly see the mud on them. I said to the Lord, "Where have these young people picked up these banners from?" He said, "They have resurrected them from the former generations. False doctrines that were once done away with are now rising in the streets." The Spirit specifically showed me three false doctrines these groups believed in.
They were: 1. Manifest Sons of God Doctrine; 2. Joel's Army; and 3. Finished Work of the Cross Movement
Manifest Sons of God Doctrine
Those that resurrect this teaching will specifically focus on the perfection of the saints, immortalization and the attainment of actually being Christ as we become just like Him in nature and ability. This doctrine, as stated in the dream, will be carried by thousands of young adults being deceived because of the lack of biblical literacy and false teachers leading them astray.
Joel's Army Doctrine
This doctrine will specifically be marked by those who believe that the church has replaced Israel. This is also known as Replacement Theology. Dominion Theology and claims of divinity will also mark those who follow this doctrine.
Finished Work of the Cross Doctrine
I am aware that many people have never heard of this doctrine or movement that is really beginning to deceive many young people. In all my prayer and study, I have discerned that burned-out young people in particular who have served God through striving and performance-based Christianity are the primary targets of this deceptive doctrine and movement.
In essence, they were extremely faithful to God in past seasons without a heart that truly encountered the love and affection of Jesus. The problem with this movement and doctrine is that while there is much truth in the teaching that Christ is our final sacrifice, many in this movement believe that all mankind has been reconciled to God, which leads to universalism. 
Taking it a step further, postmodern universalists believe that unrepentant individuals will go to hell, but upon going there will recognize their sin and ultimately be taken to heaven. This movement also teaches that because Christ was sacrificed once and for all, Christians will never have to make sacrifices. Any grace teaching that alleviates believers from the personal responsibility of holiness and accountability is a false doctrine. 
Jesus Christ did not pick up His cross so that we don't have to. Jesus Christ picked up His cross to show us how to pick up ours. It's impossible to say we love Jesus and not seek to obey His Word. The Holy Spirit showed me that these three doctrines would begin to creep into the church because of the lack of biblical knowledge, coupled with tolerance and rebellion. I began to follow the grace banners with the people to the cities where they went. As the Street Church swarmed the crowds, they pulled out mace from their pockets. They began to spray people in the eyes and the Spirit said,
"They are blinding the generations to the truth in the name of grace. They call themselves Joel's army because they believe they will usher in the last day's grace movement in the earth, but know that they are like the locust seeking to devour and ravage the vineyards of young generations. They distort the truth and preach rebellion and tolerance in the name of grace. They shall question if hell exists. They will believe that many paths lead to Me. Their toleration has led to jubilation. They create crazy party atmospheres that attract the drug culture and the homosexual spirit. You must know that things are never as they appear with the Street Church."
After visiting these two types of churches, I was in great distress. I cried out to the Spirit and said, "Take me to Your church." I immediately rode up on a church building that had "Surrendered Church" on its doors.
The Surrendered Church
I quickly walked in and sat down. I immediately noticed that in the back of this church was a gaping hole. It was as if a blast had gone off and almost entirely knocked out the back walls of the Surrendered Church. As I visited surrendered churches all over America, I found the exact same thing. I sat in the back and asked the Father what had happened. He said, "My church was at first deceived by rebellion and tolerance. The Street Church you just saw stormed out of the back of My church and left because of the lack of foundation and character, but now My church has been awakened and shall be repaired."
I got up out of my seat and watched as many people were working on repairing the gaping hole in the back of the church. As I watched, I noticed something interesting; the workers were not just any workers. They were true apostles and prophets restoring the foundation, and many of them were teaching other young men how to properly lay the foundation. Meanwhile, many intercessors were in great travail repenting but having a great sense of hope as they cried out and thanked the Father for awakening His Son's bride from deception and for restoring the foundation layers to His church.
The Perfect Storm has landed in America and Rebellion and Tolerance have swept over our land. Three different types of churches are on every street corner in America. Will the Surrendered Church arise and take its rightful place among the masses?
I prophesy and warn you that one of the greatest challenges that the church in the West is facing and will face is how to deal with young people that have never understood or been taught biblical grace. Many of these individuals have been overly exposed to legalism and because of this are now embracing false grace and unbiblical views on love.
There must be a shift in the American church prior to the 2016 election with regard to the views of tolerance and rebellion. The Spirit of Truth must be given access to this specific area that is on the Father's heart in this hour.
Jeremiah Johnson is the servant leader of Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David. Visit Jeremiah online at or Unknown Dreamer Ministries.
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Why should Christians support Israel? And more... Joel Rosenberg

Why should Christians support Israel? How should the Church approach the Arab-Israeli conflict? My interview with Billy Graham’s “Decision” magazine.”

by joelcrosenberg
My interview with "Decision" magazine on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
My interview with "Decision" magazine on the Arab-Israeli conflict.
Recently, I was interviewed by Bob Paulson, the editor of Decision, the monthly magazine of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. Bob wanted to discuss our family's move to Israel in 2014 and my perspective on the Arab-Israeli conflict as a follower of Christ who has become a new citizen of Israel.
I greatly enjoyed my conversation with Bob, a thoughtful and careful interviewer and writer. I also greatly appreciated the opportunity to share with the readers ofDecision some thoughts on such highly controversial matters as Bible prophecy, the tensions related to Jewish-Arab relations, and the role of the Church in the Middle East.
The interview appeared in last month's edition. Please forgive me for not posting it sooner, but here it is. Hope you find it both thought-provoking and encouraging.

Joel Rosenberg on Following Jesus In A Land Of Conflict

Bob Paulson • Decision Magazine • April 2015

Joel Rosenberg knows the Middle East better than most. Born to a Jewish father and a Gentile mother, the evangelical author, filmmaker and speaker once worked for Benjamin Netanyahu, who is now Israel’s prime minister. He holds dual U.S.-Israel citizenship and lives with his wife and children in Israel. His nonprofit organization, The Joshua Fund, provides food, clothing, medical supplies and other aid to people on both sides of the Arab-Israeli conflict. He has appeared hundreds of times on television and radio and has spoken at the White House and the Pentagon. Decision recently caught up with Rosenberg at The Cove as he was preparing to co-lead a biblical prophecy seminar with Anne Graham Lotz titled “Blowing the Trumpet.” Here is a portion of that conversation.
Q: Why should Christians support Israel?
A: The Lord laid out the Abrahamic covenant in Genesis 12, and He begins to lay the groundwork for the Hebrew nation, what becomes the nation and state of Israel. God said, “I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you” (Genesis 12:3). So this lays the foundational premise that God was choosing the Hebrew people—sovereignly, uniquely, supernaturally and eternally.
That doesn’t mean that every Jewish person is going to go to Heaven. Just because God has chosen us is not enough. We have to choose God back, and we can only do it through the Messiah, Jesus.
But because God has chosen the Jewish people, it’s important that the church not lose sight of that eternal covenant. It was an unconditional covenant. Abraham (Abram at the time) didn’t ask for it, didn’t do anything for it and was unable to keep it on his own. God just decided sovereignly to do this.
That’s the first reason. The second reason is shorter: We are supposed to make disciples of all nations, and Israel is one of those nations. When we decide to separate ourselves from one people group and one geopolitical state, we are going in the face of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
But the church has become, at times and in portions, quite hostile to the Jewish people. And of course, this was prophesied through the Apostle Paul in Romans 9-11, when he warned the Gentile church: Don’t become arrogant and think that God is done with the Jewish people. He is not.
Q: When we talk about Christians supporting Israel, people often suppose this means we should act like the government of Israel can do no wrong.
A: The Bible is filled with Israel doing wrong, making terrible mistakes, sometimes quite catastrophic ones. I think it’s critical the church understands that we are supposed to bless Israel. But then we have to dig into the Word of God to discover what it means to bless. Sometimes that means to speak the truth in love.
Unfortunately, many Christians who love Israel have let it become a solely political endeavor, and they act as though it is an either/or proposition: You either love Israel and hate the Arabs, or you love the Arabs and hate the Jews.
Jesus is not either/or. He is both/and. In Matthew 4, Jesus’ message is going not just to Israel but to Syria. A few chapters later, Jesus is going into Lebanon. Jesus crosses the Jordan and spends time sharing the message with those on the other side of the river. And of course, He is spending time up and down the Jordan River Valley, in what we now call the West Bank.
The disciples at times are saying of people like the Samaritans, “Lord, should we call fire down from Heaven on them?” (Cf. Luke 9:54). No. The Son of Man has not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them. And this was happening in the exact places where the church feels like it is either/or. It’s not. It’s both/and.
Q: With the current tensions, what are the implications of the biblical command to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem”?
A: In Psalm 122:6 we are commanded to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. And Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount reaffirmed the importance of making peace when we can by telling us, “Blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9). The Apostle Paul later says, “Be at peace with all men if possible” (Romans 12:18).
So pray first for geopolitical peace. People are suffering, and war is horrible. But most important, pray for spiritual peace: that people, Jews and Arabs and others, would have their eyes opened to the Prince of Peace, who died in Jerusalem, rose in Jerusalem and is coming back to Jerusalem.
If a person looks at Israeli policy in the West Bank and sees it as occupation, how did Jesus tell His disciples to respond to occupying soldiers? By carrying their luggage the extra mile. By loving them, caring for them, serving them and seeing them as people also in need of the Gospel, in need of the Father’s unconditional love.
There are others who say, “This isn’t occupation; this is just security designed to protect us from suicide bombers and terrorists and rockets.” So how are we to care for people whom we think are the enemy? Well, Jesus says: “Love your enemy.”
Jesus didn’t tell us not to define someone as an enemy. He says, “If you see them as a neighbor, love them. If you see them as an enemy, love them. And let Me show you how.”
Q: How are believers in the Holy Land showing love to both sides in the conflict?
A: My wife and I started a ministry in 2006 called The Joshua Fund. It is designed to educate and mobilize Christians to bless Israel and her neighbors in the name of Jesus, according to Genesis 12:1-3, the Abrahamic covenant.
We have a warehouse in central Israel, and we provide food and other humanitarian relief supplies through 14 different distribution centers. They are all run by believers in Jesus—some by Jewish believers, others by Arab believers. They are caring for the poor and needy, widows and orphans, victims of war and terror.
We also do pastors’ conferences. We have one for Israeli pastors and their wives—both Jewish and Arab pastors who are Israeli citizens. Then we do the same conference a few days later in the West Bank with Palestinian pastors and their wives. Last year, I think 95 percent of all the pastors and ministry leaders among the Palestinians attended the conference.
For the Palestinian believers to welcome me as a Jew, an Israeli, someone who worked for then-former Prime Minister Netanyahu, I’m sort of a poster child of the person you shouldn’t spend time with. But God is bringing us as believers together. I love the Palestinian people, and I want to serve the church there and help them be strong so they can serve their people.
How are we going to show the lost people in Israel and among the Palestinians that there is true peace through the Prince of Peace, and that Jesus is the Prince of Peace, if we don’t have peace between Israeli and Palestinian followers of Jesus?
Q: How many believers would you estimate are in Israel right now? Is the number growing or shrinking?
A: Based on the research I’ve done, in 1948, there were about 23 known Jewish believers in Jesus in Israel. I know some of them; some of them are still alive. Today, it’s widely agreed that there are about 15,000 Jewish believers in the land of Israel, and several thousand Arab believers. And there are several thousand Palestinian believers in the West Bank and Gaza.
Worldwide today, there are about 300,000 Jewish believers in Jesus. Now, in a world of 14 million Jewish people it’s not enough. But we’re heading toward a Romans 11:26world. In that verse, the Apostle Paul tells us that all Israel will be saved.
Q: How exactly do you interpret that verse?
A: First of all, Israel is the only nation in the Scriptures where God promises a national salvation. No other country is told, “this country is going to get saved.”
Not every Jewish person, not every citizen of Israel, is going to go to Heaven. But we have unique prophecies regarding the moment of the Second Coming. The prophecies of Zechariah tell us that the Jewish people who are alive at the end of the Tribulation—who up to that point have still rejected the claims of Jesus as Messiah—as they see Jesus come back, their eyes will be opened. They will weep and mourn for the One they have pierced (Zechariah 12:10), and God will save them.
Now, none of us can know who is going to make it to the end of the Tribulation. We need to be faithful to share the Word of Christ today, with every person of every nation, including Israel and the Jewish people. We dare not stand before the Jewish Messiah one day and have Him ask, “Why didn’t you share the Good News of My salvation with the Jewish people?”
Q: Why is the world’s attention riveted on this little sliver of land?
A: John 10:10 is an interesting verse that captures the battle for Israel. We don’t normally think of this verse in the context of Israel or anti-Semitism, but Jesus, in one sentence, gives us an understanding of the battle between Satan and Himself. He describes Satan as the thief who comes to rob, kill and destroy. Jesus says, “But I came that they might have life and have it abundantly.”
Satan is the exact opposite of everything Jesus is. So if God has said, “I’m going to choose the Jewish people and make them special to me and bless them,” Satan says, “Fine; I’m going to curse them.”
When God chose to give the land of Israel to the Jewish people, Satan said, “Fine. I will take it away.” When God said, “I’m going to make Jerusalem the city of peace,” Satan says, “Fine; I’ll make it the city of bloodshed.” When God said, “I’m going to make the Temple Mount holy unto My Name,” Satan said, “Fine; I will desecrate it.”
If you only look at the world through geopolitical and economic lenses, and you don’t look at it through the lens of the Bible, you are going to miss the heart of this conflict.
And the core reasons are not jobs, not ideology and not even religion. It’s a spiritual, cataclysmic battle that is rooted in John 10:10. Will the church understand the battle and come to love, care and serve the very people who are being hunted by Satan himself?
One day we will stand before the Jewish Messiah, face to face, eyeball to eyeball, to give an account. And what do we want to have said?
Reprinted with the kind permission of Decision Magazine and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association ©2015 BGEA
joelcrosenberg | June 2, 2015 at 4:54 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

With So Many Muslims Finding Christ, Could Islam Fall?

With So Many Muslims Finding Christ, Could Islam Fall?

Does Islam have a chance at world domination if so many are converting to Christ?
Does Islam have a chance at world domination if so many are converting to Christ? (YouTube)
The headlines say Islam is going to be the largest religion in the world. But Islam is facing a crisis.
The terrible deeds of ISIS, done in the name of Allah and following the violent example of Muhammad, have horrified Muslims who are now questioning their faith.
Missionaries to the Islamic world say more Muslims have converted to Christianity in the last 14 years (since 9/11) than during the entire 14 centuries of Islamic history.
Secret Lives
Many keep their conversion a secret, afraid for their lives. In London, CBN News talked to Imran (no last name given to protect his identity), a British college student from a Pakistani immigrant family.
Imran left Islam after a lengthy study convinced him the Quran could not be true. Leaving Islam can be a tough road.
"If someone leaves Islam and becomes an apostate, he is thrown out of his family; his family will be the first ones to abandon him," Imran explained. "His friends will reject him and he will be killed or he will be persecuted. A lot of my friends said, 'This is the last time I'm talking to you because you disrespected the prophet Muhammed, you disrespected Islam.'"
Imran has not yet become a Christian, but has studied the Bible and says Christianity is superior to Islam.
Some ex-Muslims become atheists. But some discover a God who loves.
In Sweden, Pastor Fouad Rasho of Angered Alliance Church, himself an immigrant from Syria, has baptized more than 100 ex-Muslims. He said because of ISIS, many Muslims are coming to Christ.
"Every week I meet one or more persons who come to me and want to know more about Christianity and the Bible because they are very angry about being a Muslim. They don't want to continue to be Muslim," Imran said.
The "Dark Continent"
When it comes to religion, Europe has become the new "Dark Continent." And some European Muslims feel trapped between atheism and radical Islam, but some find hope in Christianity.
When Nassim Ben Iman came with his parents to Germany as immigrants from a Muslim nation, he remembers thinking that if Germany is a Christian nation, then Christianity is a dead, sinful religion.
"So nakedness on the television is because of the Christian religion. Living together not married is because of the Christian religion," Nassim recalled thinking.
But then Nassim discovered real Christianity and is today an evangelist reaching Muslims and non-Muslims for Christ.
"When the people understand who Jesus is, they will love Him and follow Him more and more. And when the Muslims understand more and more what Muhammed is, what the Quran is, what the history is, then they will go farther and farther away from Islam," he said.
Collapse Ahead
The host of an important Christian program reaching Muslims told CBN News, "Islam is going to collapse."
Brother Rachid is the son of a Moroccan imam who lived as a secret Christian convert for 15 years. Now he hosts an Arabic language Christian program called "Daring Questions" that challenges Muslims to question their faith.
"Many Muslims are saying, 'If ISIS is Islam, I'm leaving.' Some are becoming atheists," Brother Rachid said. "There is a huge wave of atheism in the Arab world right now and many are turning to Jesus Christ. Islam was never faced with this crisis before."
Nassim said Islam appears strong, but it is only feeding off the spiritual void in weak Christian nations.
"The greatest power of Islam is the weakness of the Christians," he said. "That's what happened in Germany and in America and all the Western countries."
Even while it seems Islam seems poised to overtake the West, Brother Rachid says Christians should not fear Islam, a faith he is convinced is slowly dying.
"Islam is not God's instrument to judge the West," he said. "I think people are afraid because of what they see on the news. But even violence is just a sign of collapse."

Contend for Your Breakthrough by Doug Addison

Contend for Your Breakthrough 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network

Forerunners are Emerging
Don't be alarmed by all the disasters and unrest in the world. This is a time to stay at peace and stay on course with what God is revealing to you. The turmoil is birth pains of something new from God that is now emerging.
God is raising many people up as forerunners to the new movement that is upon us. We are called to be "new wineskin" believers that will be willing to love people and not judge them. This new move of God that is upon us is a release of supernatural love and mercy.
Relationships Restored
In January 2015 I released a prophetic word for the year 2015. This is what God spoke to me about the month of May:
God is going to begin to accelerate things. Just as May is the fifth month, so it will be a time of a supernatural release of grace (five is symbolic of grace). The spirit and ministry of reconciliation will be released and relationships will be restored. This will happen even with your own relationship with God as He reveals Himself as a Father to you. There will be a deep mending of hidden hopelessness and building of a greater trust in you.
I responded to this in my own life by reaching out to five people and asking forgiveness. I invite you to try this as well. In the season we are now in, it is important to keep the spiritual atmosphere clear. God is in the business of reconciling people and we have to embrace people different than us as well as those that we have disagreements with.
2 Corinthians 5:19 NIV God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people's sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation.
Get Ready for Things to Move Fast
Expect fast movement, realigning and relocation. Some people will need to move to new jobs or associations to advance. This is not just for physical moving but for all sorts of different areas of life. Sudden movement, quick advancement and realignment will be the result of new assignments coming to people.
The purpose behind this is to get you in the right place at the right time. There have been people in your old season that might not recognize the advancement you are making. We can sometimes be held back by not moving forward.
Contending for Your Breakthrough
I have been prophesying this: this is a season of time that you can recover things that were stolen or lost over the past seven years or more. You have to press in and contend for it!
I recommend reading 1 Samuel 30 where David had lost everything and his followers were ready to kill him.
In the midst of his distress, he inquired of God and got a strategy (verse 7). He was able to recover his losses and in chapter 31 his life destiny radically shifted. He went from running from the enemy to ruling as King of Israel. But it was not without a battle!
This is a prophetic word for now: inquire of God and get your strategy to break through. I was healed of Huntington's chorea and Lyme disease as well as several other things that have come against me. To be honest I did not feel like I could go on one more day. But like David, I inquired of God and got a strategy. From there I took radical steps that eventually turned things around.
I just released a new blog on how I inquired of the Lord and got out of a major amount of debt and received several major healings.
Judgments Make Things Slippery
I had a dream that I was trying to walk up a ramp with others to get to a new level. As we all tried to move forward, we kept slipping backwards. God spoke to me in the dream that judgments against other people will prevent us from getting to the next level. I woke up repenting for any judgments I might have. I also knew that this is a word for the greater Church.
Matthew 7:1-2 NIV (Jesus said) "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."
If you judge other people and you yourself have the same sin in your life then you will begin to lose your authority. But if you extend grace and love to others you will begin to experience a new level of freedom.
You don't have to agree with a person or their lifestyle but we are required to love. There is a move of God coming for those that we have judged. We need to repent of judgments so that we can minister to others with a pure heart. Because David extended grace and spared King Saul's life, it set him up to later receive grace from God when he needed it during his own difficult times.
Get out of Solitary Confinement
I released a prophetic word recently about people being under "House of God arrest." This is similar to house arrest - because of accusations you have been limited in your calling. God is breaking that off.
But as a result of their house arrest season many people have been in solitary confinement. God is calling those who have been in isolation to come out. Many of you were wounded and rejected and you recoiled. It is time to come out and experience a new level of healing and restoration.
Rise Above
The prophetic word I released for 2015 is that this is the year of the "Open door in Heaven."  God showed me Revelation 4:1, that we need to "come up here and I will show you the things that are about to take place".
We need to rise above our current trials and situations and gain God's perspective. We have had to battle the continual attacks of the enemy for the past few years but we will not back down.
Galatians 6:9 NIV Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
Let's agree in prayer together for our breakthrough strategy.
Doug Addison

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Billy Graham: What Is This Country Coming To?

Billy Graham: What Is This Country Coming To?

Billy Graham
Billy Graham (Courtesy/BGEA)
The great need in America is not for a new organization. Our great need is not for more economic prosperity. Our great need is for a real spiritual awakening, a revival in which men and women will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways to the God of our fathers.
In my opinion we've had four major crisis periods in American history. The first was the Revolutionary War. We did not even know whether we could be born as a nation or not. It was my privilege to be at Valley Forge when President Eisenhower made this statement there: "This is where they got [our independence] for us.
In the midst of that winter, General Washington was seen time and again on his knees out in the snow calling upon God for victory. Out of that winter of prayer, George Washington led that little, beaten, discouraged, tattered army to a great victory that brought about the independence of the United States from Great Britain. I believe God helped that little army as it marched all the way to Yorktown.
The next great crisis in American history came when a Constitutional Convention was called in Philadelphia to ratify a Constitution for the new country that was being born. The delegates got angry with each other; they couldn't agree on a thing. Benjamin Franklin eloquently called on the Convention to pray for God's assistance: ["We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that 'except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it.' I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without His concurring aid, we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel."]
Out of that Convention came the Constitution of the United States.
The next great crisis came during the Civil War. Men on both sides were killing each other, brothers against brothers, and it seemed that our little country would be torn apart. It seemed that we would become two separate nations or that some European power would come and take us over because we had weakened each other. But thank God, on both sides we had some men and women who believed in God.
A man came to Abraham Lincoln one day and said, "Mr. Lincoln, don't you believe that God is with us?" Mr. Lincoln said, "I'm not interested as to whether God is with us; I'm interested as to whether we are on God's side." President Lincoln called the nation to a day of prayer, and in his call of prayer he recommended individual repentance. He called for a renewed faith in God. He said, "We are a nation of sinful people, and God has brought us to this point; let us pray to God."
The day that General Lee surrendered, President Lincoln called the Cabinet to prayer, and at the suggestion of the president the whole Cabinet dropped to its knees and offered thanks to Almighty God for the victory that preserved the Union.
Down in the South many people had also been praying. Robert E. Lee had been asked one day, "Aren't you praying for victory?" General Lee said, "No, I'm praying that the will of God be done." We believe that God's will was done. The shackles of slavery were thrown off. The Union was preserved and the nation reunited.
The fourth great crisis in American history was not World War I. We were never threatened in World War I. Nor was it World War II. We were really never threatened as a nation in World War II. The fourth great crisis in American history is the crisis of the present moment. Our nation at this moment is being threatened as it has not been threatened since the Civil War. We are being threatened by moral deterioration.
We have seen this country plunging deeper and deeper, at a rapidly gaining momentum, into moral deterioration. Honesty and truthfulness have been thrown out the window. The nation is on a mad pursuit of amusements, pleasure and immorality.
The same symptoms that were in Rome during its last days are now seen and felt in America. Walk down the streets of our cities and see the current names of today's films. Many are either psychopathic or centered on sex.
What is this country coming to?
We need a moral revival. We need a spiritual revival that will put a new moral fiber into our society, or we will have collapsed internally before any enemies even get here. We are being softened up right now by the devil for the kill.
We are also being threatened today by racial tension, strife that has at times brought us to the brink of cultural war between the great races in this country.
It is high time that we come to the foot of the cross. When you come to the foot of the cross and receive Christ as Savior, He gives you the capacity to love your neighbor.
There is no superior race in God's sight. God does not look upon the outward appearance. God looks upon the heart. God sees our pride. We are going to have to come to where we love each other as neighbors and to where we look through the eyes of Jesus at sin.
God is looking for real and genuine repentance. To whom much is given, much is required. Much is given to America, and much shall be required of America.
There are several reasons why God has spared us this long. First is the very nature of God. Psalm 130:3 says, "If You, Lord, should mark iniquities, O Lord, who could stand?" The Bible teaches that God is a God of mercy, long-suffering and love. And God loves you as an individual. He is a God of mercy. He gave His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to die on the cross, to shed His blood for your sins, to rise again for your justification. He loves us, and every time I look at the cross I see written over it in letters of fire, "God is love, God is love, God is love. He loves you, He loves you."
Second, He is not willing that any should perish. God does not want you to go to hell. He does not want you to be lost. He loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you. But God gave you a will of your own. You can say "no" to God or you can say "yes" to God.
Third, God has spared America because of the great number of born-again Christians in America.
Isaiah 1:9 says, "Unless the Lord of hosts had left to us a very small remnant, we would have become like Sodom, we would have been made like Gomorrah." If it were not for God's people in this country, it would have been destroyed long ago. Don't despise that godly Christian who lives next door to you. Don't laugh at that Christian student you go to school with. I tell you, he or she is one of the reasons that this nation has the blessings and prosperity that it has.
But unless the Lord's people discipline themselves to prayer, unless the Lord's people discipline themselves to Bible study, unless the Lord's people discipline themselves to living a Spirit-filled, Christ-honoring life, that blessing will not last very long.
There was a time when Christians would not dare to look at some of the things we are now seeing every day. We are gradually taking in the amusements and the pleasures until our spiritual life is being dulled and the Bible no longer has the glow to it. The time of prayer no longer has the desire that it used to have. You know that is true. We need to repent of our sins.
I am convinced that our nation is in peril. The handwriting is on the wall. The signs of the times are everywhere. American people cannot long continue in their moral degeneracy. A cancer is eating at the heart and core of the American way of life.
The Bible says that we are to humble ourselves. No man or woman can come to the kingdom of God proudly. You must come in humility.
The only prayer that you can pray if you have never come to Christ is, "God, be merciful to me a sinner" (Luke 18:13). Have you prayed that prayer?
I'm not asking if you have partaken of the sacraments. I'm not asking if you belong to a church. I'm asking you, have you said, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner"? Have you come to the foot of the cross in humility and received Him as your Savior and Lord, and asked Him to cover your sins with His blood? If you haven't, you can right now. Your life can be changed and transformed.
The only way that we can have our lives changed and find peace, joy and the fulfillment of life; the only way to have sin forgiven; the only way to know that you are going to heaven, is to receive Christ as your Lord, Savior and Master. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name" (John 1:12). "If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Rom. 10:9).
The place where we belong is at the foot of the cross. The great need in America is not for more guns or more smart bombs—it is for more men and women who have been transformed by the power of Christ and are living dedicated lives for Christ in the office, on the production line and in the school. The great need is for men and women who will take their stand for the Lord Jesus Christ, no matter what the cost may be.
Pockets of true revival are breaking out across America. Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.
©1988 BGEA