Monday, July 13, 2015

Unafraid of ISIS, Iraqi Christian Girl's Faith Beyond Viral

Unafraid of ISIS, Iraqi Christian Girl's Faith Beyond Viral

ERBIL, Iraq--  It's now been one year since the Islamic State overran much of northern Iraq. ISIS has brutalized, raped, and murdered thousands.
CBN News shared many of the horror stories, but we also learned of one little Christian overcomer who inspired us. The unshakeable faith of young Maryam Behnam has encouraged Christians in Iraq and around the world.
For Iraq, the summer of 2014 was like no other as a militant Muslim group know as the Islamic State overran the city of Mosul and nearby villages. Thousands were killed, or kidnapped and more than a million people fled into Iraqi Kurdistan.
Over the last year, CBN News brought you many reports from Iraq about Christians who have been forced from their homes because of ISIS. But young Maryam's story went viral, so we thought we'd introduce you to her once again.
Fearless Faith of a Child
Late last year, the world was amazed to hear Maryam tell a Sat 7 reporter she forgives ISIS.
Reporter Essam Nagy asked Maryam, " What are your feelings towards those who drove you out of your home and caused you hardships?
Maryam responded, "I won't do anything to them, I will only ask God to forgive them."
Watch that viral interview below:
Hundreds of thousands of people viewed her comments on the Internet.
CBN's Gary Lane recently caught up with the 11-year-old and her younger sister Zomorod as they returned from school. Their family recently moved into a small, two bedroom trailer in a community of displaced Christians in Erbil.
So, why is Maryam unafraid of ISIS, and why does she forgive the jihadists who drove her from her home in Qaraqoush?
"In the Bible Jesus said to us, 'Don't be afraid, I am with you.' And also, He said forgive others no matter who they are hating you. You have to forgive them," she said. "Jesus is my father, and He is my creator. I have no one else better than him. When ISIS drove us out of our home, His hand was on us and He saved us."
Future Dreams
When Maryam grows up she wants to join Doctors Without Borders.
"There are people everywhere, they need treatment but they cannot get it because they don't have enough money to go to the doctor and the doctors aren't available usually," she said passionately. "So, this is why. As Jesus said, 'You've been given freely, you should give freely.' This is why we should love them and provide treatment."
Maryam said she cherishes the Bible because it is God's love story to humanity.
"The only story in the Bible is the story of the resurrection of Christ Jesus the Lord because through that story, we can have hope. "
The young displaced Christian said when she prays, it isn't for a bigger home or more possessions.
"When I pray, I pray that God might help us to go back home. And also that the peace of God might come all over Iraq and also, may God forgive ISIS."
Source of Wisdom
So, what is the source of Maryam's unshakeable faith and the words of wisdom beyond her years? 
"The words I am speaking to you are not coming from a random place. They come from the Holy Spirit," she insisted. "The Holy Spirit gave me these words to tell you."
Maryam's father Walid is proud his daughter became an Internet sensation.
He thanks God for Maryam, because He "gave me a nice daughter to disseminate the Word of Jesus to all the world through the media, not to famous her, but to give the regard of God to all the people and to the peace."
Maryam and her sister Zomorod love singing hymns. Their mother Alice has taught them the words to many Christian songs.
"It seems like the Holy Spirit put in their hearts to love those songs and dedicate this part of their personality to love God and praise God," she told CBN News. "So they admire this way of worshiping."
Listen to the girls sing below.
For the Glory of God
Maryam advised Christian children in the United States and elsewhere to love God and share their faith with friends.
"They don't need to be frightened and also, things that happen in their lives, they should learn from us and our lives," she said.
"This should not be to get something or to get glory for ourselves," she continued. "It is for the sake of God because God lives and we want to do everything for the glory of God and also for exalting God in our lives."

First western female fighter against ISIS returns to Israel

First western female fighter against ISIS returns to Israel

Monday, July 13, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Gill Rosenberg, a Canadian - Israeli, returned to Israel after spending the last 8 months on the front lines against ISIS in Syria and Iraq with Kurdish fighters.
In November 2014 it was reported that Rosenberg had joined the Kurdish forces fighting ISIS in Syria. She flew via Jordan to Erbil in Kurdish controlled northern Iraq where she assumed her combat role.
A few weeks later media reports stated that she had been abducted by ISIS being the first western female combatant having been abducted. Within a matter of days the reports of her abduction were put to rest with reports of a post on her FaceBook page that she was alive and well.
After seeing action in Syria Rosenberg moved to Iraq where she continued in her combat role util she left Iraq for Paris about 10 days ago.
She arrived in Israel on Sunday where she was briefly detained by Israel's General Security Services (Shin Bet) and interrogated before being released.
"It's good to be home. I'm here for now, and don’t plan on going back there anytime soon," she said.
Rosenberg spoke of her difficulty witnessing the humanitarian crisis in the areas that she found herself, saying, "It's a country at war. There are millions of refugees scattered across the country, most of them women and children."
Rosenberg reportedly said that that she left the area for political reasons, saying that peoples attitudes towards the US and Israel and increasing Iranian advances in the area warranted her departure.
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Shemitah and the Messiah: Could This Be the Year Before His Arrival?

Shemitah and the Messiah: Could This Be the Year Before His Arrival?

“For six years you shall sow your field, and for six years you shall prune your vineyard, and gather in its produce. But in the seventh year, the land shall have a complete rest, a Sabbath to the Lord.” (Leviticus 25:3)
In a recent Breaking Israel News article, we presented some statements made by Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a highly respected rabbi in the Orthodox world, in which he instructed Jews to come to Israel soon “or there won’t be enough room on the airplanes.”
Many readers were interested in his statements and wondered about the source for the Rabbi’s insistence upon connecting the coming of the Messiah with the year after the Shemitah, the Sabbatical year. The issue takes on particular urgency since the current year is a Sabbatical year, ending September 13.
Sources close to Rabbi Kanievsky explain that he is not making a prophetic statement predicting a certain time period. The Rabbi is simply relating to well-known classical sources on the subject that discuss the Messiah and place it in a specific time-frame.
According to the sources, the year after the Shemitah has a special significance relating to the Messiah.  There is a possibility, perhaps even a probability, the Messiah will come the year after the Shemitah, though if he does not, it in no way negates or contradicts the Rabbi’s statements. This requires a bit of explanation.
This year, 5775 in the Jewish calendar, is a Shemitah year. The Shemitah comes every seven years, making it a form of Sabbath that occurs on a yearly, rather than a weekly, cycle. The Sabbath is generally characterized by a cessation that signifies accepting God’s greater authority in the world. Practically during the weekly Sabbath, this means a cessation of labor, showing that despite spending six days working for the material, we stop on the seventh day to show that God is the true master. The same is true for the Shemitah year. We work the land for six years, and on the seventh, we leave the land fallow and the fields are left open for anyone to come and take of the fruit. There are several other cases of cycles of seven that are related to this, for example the seven year cycle of a Hebrew slave before he is set free, as described in Exodus 21:2. Another aspect of the Shemitah year also has implications for loans, for the same reason.
Shemitah was commanded to Israel at Mount Sinai. After 40 years in the desert, the Jews entered the Land of Israel, but the land must be owned in order for it to be forfeited as the verse specifies. So 14 years later, after they had completed conquering the land, they began counting the seven year cycle. The first Shemitah year was the 21st year after the Jewish nation had entered the land.
The Shemitah is part of a larger framework of seven Shemitah cycles, in which we count 49 years, and then the 50th year is the Jubilee year, as described in Leviticus, chapter 25. The Jubilee year is observed only when all of the Nation of Israel is in the Land of Israel. Therefore, when the Jews returned from Babylonian Exile, since many chose to remain in the Diaspora, the Jubilee was not observed. For the same reason, it is not observed today in modern Israel.
It is interesting to note that despite the initiation of the Shemitah year being determined by the actions of the Jews, it worked out that the first Shemitah year was a multiple of seven since the creation of the world, according to the Jewish calendar. The year after the destruction of the Second Temple, 3829, was also known to be a Shemitah year, 547 seven year cycles since the creation of the world. The current Hebrew year is 5775; precisely 825 Shemitah cycles.
The Babylonian Talmud in the Tractate of Sanhedrin, 97a, brings the verse from Amos 9:11:
“On that day, will I raise up the fallen booth (Sukkah) of David.”
This verse comes in the context of a prophecy about God bringing the nation of Israel back from exile among the nations. Amidst descriptions of the days preceding the Messiah, the Talmud says:
“As it is written, in that day I will raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen. Our Rabbis taught: in the seven year cycle at the end of which the son of David will come-in the first year, this verse will be fulfilled.”
The Talmud is saying explicitly that the Messiah will come in the first year after the Shemitah.  It should be noted that the Talmud describes the days before the Messiah in depth, and they are especially difficult times.
Rabbi Kanievsky was, of course, familiar with this source and was aware we are now in a sabbatical year. His instructions to come to Israel took into account that there was a much greater chance that the Messiah will be coming next year. It is interesting to note that Rabbi Kanievsky was very diligent about observing the Shemitah and ruled by more stringent rulings concerning this Biblical commandment.

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (C) has issued a call for Jews to move to Israel in preparation for the imminent arrival of the Messiah. (Photo: Dudi Friedman/ Wiki Commons)
Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky (C) has issued a call for Jews to move to Israel. (Photo: Dudi Friedman/ Wiki Commons)

In addition to the sources brought in the previous article, a recording was made in the aftershock of the horrifying terror attack in November in a synagogue in Har Nof, Jerusalem. Rabbi Kanievsky was asked how to comfort the people so they would be less afraid. He said, “atonement” (kappara) many times. When pressed for an explanation, he said, “It is an atonement before the Messiah can come.”
Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Seigelbaum, founder and director of Midreshet B’erot Bat Ayin, makes a remarkable observation that emphasizes the role of the Shemitah in the process of national redemption:
“It is not surprising that every year following the Shemitah year has been significant in our possession of the Land of Israel…Most of the change in the borders of the state of Israel took place the year following Shemitah year. For example, it was Shemitah year in 1966, and the following year, during the Six Day War, we recaptured Yerushalayim and Gush Etzion. The next  Shemitah year was in 1973. This year was followed by the devastating Yom Kippur war. Following the Shemitah year in 1980, we relinquished Sinai to Egypt. After two cycles of Shemitah, in 1995 the Oslo agreement brought bouts of terrorism in its wake.”
It is clear that Rabbi Kanievsky was relating to Babylonian Talmud, which says specifically that the Messiah will come in the year following the Shemitah. Whether it will come after the Shemitah year we are presently about to complete has yet to be seen. What is undeniable is that there is a clear significance to the time period immediately following a Shemitah year in terms of national redemption.
Rabbi Kanievsky called upon people to do Tshuva, repentance, that leads to a return to faith and good actions in order to actualize the unique potential for redemption that is within us right now. If our actions are correct and coincide with God’s will, then the Messiah will come.


Sunday, July 12, 2015

Another grandchild coming! News from our daughter Hannah...

Our daughter Hannah & Jonathan Avalos announcing our next grandchild is on the way.

Be fruitful and multiply!

With our love,

Steve & Laurie Martin

'There Are Christians Praying for Israel Inside Iran'

'There Are Christians Praying for Israel Inside Iran'

Sunday, July 12, 2015 |  Charles Gardner  ISRAEL TODAY
“I love Israel,” an Iranian delegate told a conference in Manchester aimed at building bridges between Middle Eastern followers of Jesus.
“I may be from Iran, but I love Israel, and there are Christians praying for Israel inside Iran.”
The young man, whose name is being withheld for security reasons, was addressing the UK at the Crossroads event hosted by the Church’s Ministry among Jewish people (CMJ), a 200-year-old Anglican society.
A refugee forced to flee Iran because he had become a Christian, he spoke of the growing church in his adopted city led by a pastor who gives clear teaching about the special place of Israel in God’s purposes.
With the government and police on his case after converting to Christianity from Islam (which is against the law), he and his wife fled Iran three years ago, hidden in a wooden box on the back of a lorry for a tortuous 72-day journey to the UK. God watched over every detail, even in directing him to an Iranian church when he finally arrived in an English city.
Although financially secure back home with a house and car, he was empty inside and became disillusioned by the harshness of Islam. A troubling home life didn’t help and he became addicted to medicinal drugs until he learnt to play the sitar. For the first time in his life, he was given a hug, and began to share his problems with his tutor who eventually prayed for him with the laying on of hands in Jesus’ name. He was instantly healed, and subsequently became a believer. Now he wakes up every morning thanking Jesus for bringing him out of darkness.
Another ex-Muslim from Iran struggled to comprehend the harshness of the religion and was “switched on” to Christianity after watching a film about Jesus. She initially came to the UK to visit relatives and subsequently married an Englishman. Her faith, however, was put on the backburner until her five-week-old daughter was diagnosed with a tumour. It reminded her that she was a Christian who “knew someone who could sort it out” and her now five-year-old girl recovered so well that she is even swimming already.
A teenage boy, born in Tehran, told the conference how he turned his back on strict Muslim observance when his heart was touched by a church’s worship band.
Music was regarded as sinful among his radical group. But he was sickened by the brutal treatment of soldiers and shocked by the discovery of guns in a mosque. He realised he was being taught to kill and control people. He had been reaching out to God from an early age, but had found no answers until – in the UK – he heard people talking of Jesus. He reluctantly accepted an invitation to church, where his heart was melted by the music. “They told me this wasn’t about religion, but a relationship with God, which was exactly what I had been looking for all those years. I gave my heart to Jesus Christ, and what a difference it made. Now he’s my Lord, my God …my everything!”
An Iranian bishop, meanwhile, spoke of the suffering endured by Christians in a country where he also experienced discrimination as a member of the Jewish community, who were forced to live in designated areas.
Rt Rev Iraj Kalimi Mottahedh came to faith in Jesus through the influence of his uncle and became minister of a church visited by the Queen and the Shah of Iran. But when the revolution struck in 1979, the Anglican Church was the first to be targeted. A pastor was killed and an assassination attempt was made on the bishop at the time, who survived despite being shot through the head six times.
Iraj himself, who took charge when the bishop left, was imprisoned for eight months, unable to leave the country for twelve years and forbidden to accept Muslim converts into his church.
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Israel - New Museum Traces History of Christian Zionists

New Museum Traces History of Christian Zionists in Israel

Courtesy Friends of Zion Museum
JERUSALEM, Israel -- Relatively few people realize the major role Christians played in the formation of the modern State of Israel. The new Friends of Israel Museum in the heart of Jerusalem reveals this hidden history.

A dramatic introduction starts the tour: stunning aerials of Israel as a map traces the land given by God to the 12 tribes, all set to originally scored music.

The museum uses state-of-the-art technology, such as oversized touch panels, that allow visitors to learn more about the history of Christian Zionism.

Features like video mapping enhance some of the most compelling and often unknown stories of Christian Zionists' contribution to the development of the modern nation-state.

Take a virtual online tour at the Friends of Israel Museum.

History of Christian Zionism

In a 2012 speech, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke of Christian Zionists' essential role in the nation's history.

"I don't believe that the Jewish state and modern Zionism would have been possible without Christian Zionism," Netanyahu said. "I think that the many Christian supporters of the rebirth of the Jewish state and the ingathering of the Jewish people in the 19th century made possible the rise of Jewish Zionism."

American Mike Evans built the museum to help spread the word of Christian Zionism's place in Israel's history. He wanted "a home for Christians to celebrate their heroes and their history."

"I found no place in Israel where Bible believing Christians can go to. And they have heroes and they have history," Evans told CBN News.

The museum was founded on years of research and the information in a two-volume set called The History of Christian Zionism, authored by Evans.

"There are so many of them," Evans explained. "If you just take George Bush, 1844, this guy was a Hebrew professor and he wrote a book that sold a million copies on the restoration of Israel. And yes, his two relatives were U.S. presidents."

Fulfilling Promises

There are many others.

Orde Wingate formed the first Jewish fighting unit in nearly 2,000 years, the beginning of the modern Israeli army we see today.

Corrie Ten Boom's father and sister were killed by the Nazis and she suffered in a concentration camp because her family hid Dutch Jews during the Holocaust.

Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg faced death to save Jews.

One museum display explained, "In the dead of winter, Wallenberg joined thousands of Jewish prisoners on their death marches to Auschwitz, trying to save anyone he could."

Evans wondered, what fortified these Christian men and women to face death?

"I realized, number one, it was their Bible. They had an intimate relationship with the living Lord and they loved the Word of God," he said. "And they were willing to live for it. And with the Word of God came promises to the Jewish people."

Those scriptural promises, from Ezekiel to Isaiah to Abraham, are woven through the museum's exhibits.

Another display revealed, "According to the ancient writings, one day God appeared to Abram and spoke words that would give birth to the nation of Israel."

An Incredible Experience

For museum visitors, the experience is incredible.

"It's an experience like no other. It's interactive. You learn a lot of things that you probably never even learned," one visitor told CBN News.

"I think this was one of the most impressive things I've seen in Israel since in the time that I've been here," another said.

Many said the museum taught them so much they'd never known before and now they want to spread the word.

"I'm going to tell everyone I can think of, the people in my synagogue, to come here to see how this beautiful land of Israel was not [built] just by the Jews, but by the Christians and the wonderful people who risked their lives to make us a homeland," one American visitor said.

For Evans, the museum lets the Jewish people know that though surrounded by enemies, they are not alone.

"They see Auschwitz and what they went through. And they see the alienation in the world today, and they come through it [the museum] and they say, we're not alone," he said. "There are Christians who really love us. And it's just amazing to see that. It gives me hope, I'm not alone. That's enough."

Friday, July 10, 2015

5 Amazing Facts About Israel You May Not Know - Ron Cantor

5 Amazing Facts About Israel You May Not Know

Standing With Israel
Turn on the TV and you can hear call kinds of lies about the nation of Israel. I just read today that a majority of Democrats in the U.S. think Israel is a racist nation. You can only imagine what the rest of the world thinks.
So, here are five facts about Israel that you may not know. Share with others, so they can discover the truth about Israel. Watch the video below.
Ron Cantor is the director of Messiah's Mandate International in Israel, a Messianic ministry dedicated to taking the message of Jesus from Israel to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Cantor also travels internationally teaching on the Jewish roots of the New Testament. He serves on the pastoral team of Tiferet Yeshua, a Hebrew-speaking congregation in Tel Aviv. His newest book is Identity Theft. Follow him at @RonSCantor on Twitter.
For the original article, visit
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"Many Are About to Sleep Their Way to Freedom" - Al Thomas

"Many Are About to Sleep 
Their Way to Freedom"
Al Thomas, Hagerstown, MD
The Elijah List

Slumber for the Body of Christ

Six years ago, God gave me a word about the benefits of's the word He just gave me about slumber for the Body of Christ.(Photo via Pixabay)

Matthew 11:28-30 says, "Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest...and you will find rest for your souls."When you sleep you rest. While praying for the Body of Christ, I heard God say:

"Many of My children simply need to go to bed..."

I Heard God Say, "I Will Put Your Enemies in a Deep Sleep"

First, remember David: "So David took the spear and the jug of water from beside Saul's head, and they went away, but no one saw it or knew it, nor did any awake, for they were all asleep, because a sound sleep from the Lord had fallen on them" (1 Samuel 26:12).

Discouragement, confusion, and fear will weaken the enemy's camp as God's slumber will disable them. While they sleep, many in the Church are going to walk right into the enemy's camp, take their weapons, fresh water, and walk right out. They will not destroy them (the Lord will do that). They will simply disarm them (see Ephesians 6:10-17).

Many think sleep is a waste of time, but not God. He utilizes it for your good. Get this: As you sleep, God is planning each step of your future (see Jeremiah 29:11, 33:3). God did not haphazardly put you here on this earth without a plan (see Proverbs 3:6). He has a future for you. He didn't just save you and then throw you into some strange predicament and say, "Good luck, I hope you make it." You were not just accidentally dropped here due to some cosmic misunderstanding. You are here on purpose.

Angels (and Sometimes Jesus) are in Your Room While You Sleep

After ministering at a church recently, we heard the following testimony: "Last year, when Al & Sherry were here, I came up for prayer. I had had severe neck pain for some time. When they prayed it seemed nothing happened. One night, about 3-4 days later as I was lying in bed, half asleep, half awake, I felt the hands of the Lord around my neck. I knew it was the Lord Jesus. He was turning and twisting my neck and I could feel and hear bones moving. Since that night I have never had that pain again."

I'm always reluctant to share experiences with angels because people shouldn't be obsessed with the supernatural. I don't seek "experiences," yet I constantly have them. I don't know why, but it's happened since Jesus appeared in my living room on Christmas day in 1971 – uninvited, by the way. I have found that the supernatural is very natural in my life. Since that day, I have found, if you seek Jesus, inevitably you will experience the supernatural. We must be discerning and test the spirits (see 1 John 4:1). (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

In the early '80s (while pastoring in Wisconsin), I was awakened by an angel standing in my bedroom. I knew this was an angel from God (since he had visited me when I was saved). He spoke these words to me: "Someone lied to you, and you have believed this lie for many years." 

Then I saw a vision of my father screaming at me when I was about 12 years old. My father said, "You will never be anything, you will always be a bum." The angel said, "You must forgive him. He loved you but did not know how to show it, nor did he understand the damage those words would cause you."

I had completely blocked that memory out of my mind. I forgave my father, and I felt a huge weight lifted off of me. The angel said, "You are not a failure. Go forth, knowing you will succeed." Then the angel disappeared. I loved my dad and I know he loved me, but showing affection was very difficult for him when he was a young father.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Peter Slept While He was in Prison. You Need Some Rest for Your Stress. God Will Use Your Slumber Time to Refresh You...

Yes, there is a time to work, to fight, and resist, but there is also a time to rest while God works for you (see Exodus 14:14). Sometimes God can do more for you when you are sleeping than when you are awake.
As Peter was released by an angel (see Acts 12:3-11), God will release you from bondage. But take notice, Peter did not start praying feverishly and demanding to be released. Instead, he was so confident that God would deliver him, he calmly closed his eyes and slept. 

Just as many saints were praying for him (see verse 5), be aware that many saints are right now praying for you. Relax. Calm down. "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10). You have prayed and made your requests known (see Philippians 4:6). Be at peace (see Philippians 4:7). (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)

Do you not know that God has dispatched a divine angelic posse and more is happening than you can see? Angels are ministering spirits for the heirs of salvation. "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation? (Hebrews 1:14). God is on the job and His timing is perfect. While it is true some need to awaken from a slothful faith (see Ephesians 5:14), many more need to rest in God (see Matthew 11:28-30). Where is that La-Z-Boy? You're getting sleepy now...

God Can Move While You Snooze...

I'm not talking about laziness or procrastination (see Proverbs 6:4; 20:13). Working hard actually makes your sleep sweet (see Ecclesiastes 5:12). But this is a divine sleep...a heavenly rest that brings direction and deliverance. Many will experience ministry from God while they have a little siesta.

Hear this: If God put Adam into a deep sleep (see Genesis 2:21) and made Eve...imagine what He can do with a little nap. God will send angels to visit many through dreams. Testimonies will come forth of divine direction as they simply dozed off. As God gave Joseph instructions in a dream (see Matthew 1:20), so He can do the same with you. Forty winks will accomplish for some what a forty-day fast did for others.

Many will experience healing in an afternoon will slumber and hear His voice; after dozing off, you will awaken with a new enthusiasm for your calling. Some, previously fearful, will fall asleep and awaken with a supernatural sense of peace and safety (see Proverbs3:24). 

When in the past dread was your companion, now sweetness will accompany you each time you awaken (see Jeremiah 31:26). Still, with others, before God sets people upright, He will lay them down in a deep sleep (see Daniel 8:18). As you sleep, God will speak. (Photo via Pixabay)

Some must be put out before God can bring them in. No distractions, no doubts, no temptations – and no sleeping pills needed. Some might say, "You're lazy" – but you and God know better. Your eyes are heavy now. Come, it's ministry your sleep. Goodnight, child of God.
It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so He giveth His beloved sleep.Psalm 127:2

Al Thomas
Celebrating His Life

Al Thomas is a noted Bible teacher who travels mostly east of the Mississippi with a ministry of encouragement to the Body of Christ. He teaches heavenly truths with down-to-earth practicality and humor. Al and his wife Sherry publish a free teaching newsletter that reaches many homes each month. Al has pastored in California and Wisconsin and was mentored by evangelist Jim Spillman. 

Al and Sherry minister in churches of all denominations, and are known for the gift of faith to be in operation in their meetings. Al and Sherry move prophetically and see many healed in their meetings. They have four children and six grandchildren. They reside in central Maryland.

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