Thursday, November 12, 2015

This is the End of the Palestinian People by David Lazarus ISRAEL TODAY

This is the End of the Palestinian People

Wednesday, November 11, 2015 |  David Lazarus
Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, again, two Palestinian boys, an 11 and a 13-year-old, stabbed and tried to kill a 37-year-old Israeli man at the train station. And I ask myself, “What kind of a society cheers when a 11-year-old stabs someone? How can I comprehend Palestinians who allow, or even send their children to kill Jews?”
Of course this is not really new. For decades the Palestinians have been sending suicide bombers, knife wielding women, crashing cars and tractors into innocent bystanders, and calling them martyrs. The ongoing incitement to jihad, martyrdom and the glorification Jew-killers, the lauding of parents who encourage their sons to kill Jews, the press jumping to illustrate blood filled scenes, including child warriors, children carrying guns, photos of fighters launching rockets aimed at Israeli civilians and children, is well known.
Now their children run in the streets with knives hoping to kill someone. As far as I know, the Palestinians are the only people group known to mankind that allows themselves to find “honor” in their children killing innocent people. No other culture I am aware of teaches their children to sacrifice themselves in order to take vengeance on innocent people.
Still, I hear people say, “We don’t understand the grievances of Palestinians. If we would listen to them and make life better for them there would be less terror in the world.”
Grievances? What grievances justify encouraging children to kill innocent people? They complain about Israel’s checkpoints, while their Arab brothers and sisters are being slaughtered like sheep in Syria, Iraq and around the Mideast. Complain away. We Jews love to complain. But I ask myself, “is there any other nation, culture or religion in the world that allows their offspring to sacrifice themselves in order to kill some unknown bystander?”
And yet, amidst all the hyped-up media and anger, I have not heard one word from Palestinian parents telling their children that it is wrong to attack Jews. I have not heard of teachers in Palestinian schools teaching children that it is wrong to run around stabbing people in the streets. Even politicians known to hide what they really think refuse to make a clear condemnation of Palestinian children running wild on murderous rampages.
If anyone is at all concerned for the Palestinians, demand action now, with an uncompromising, categorical end to this wickedness. Civilization is crumbling around us and we cannot afford not to confront this devious justification of murder propagated by Palestinians. Have our own values become so white-washed that we are yet blind to this clear manifestation of evil?
This so-called “intifada” is not really a battle against Israel, a battle they can never win. What we are witnessing is a war against the children of Palestinian and the beginning of the end for a future for the Palestinian people. If the Palestinians cannot find a way to prevent their own children from sacrificing themselves in order to kill Jews, they are doomed. They have rejected the basic principles of the sanctity of life, principles necessary to secure civilized human society, and if this downfall is not confronted, resisted and stopped immediately, it will result in the complete degradation and ruination of what is known as the Palestinian people.
My I add, that anyone who supports, condones or justifies in any way this present wickedness shall also be responsible for the outcome.
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SAFE PLACES by Morris E. Ruddick (SIGN)

(c) Morris E. Ruddick

Note from Morris:
My latest book, "Mantle of Fire," will be available in hard copy and e-version from Amazon, Applebooks and Barnes & Noble by mid-January. It is a timely message. It targets God's empowerment of today's Joseph-Daniels, as well as God's economy.
I would be very grateful if those of you who have been blessed by any of my books would go to and write a review, especially for my last two books ("Righteous Power" and "Leadership by Anointing").
From a personal standpoint, the foundation of the pieces I prayerfully scribe for SIGN has been driven by my time in seeking the Lord -- to better know Him and His ways. In this process, I've learned to rest in His presence and not force issues. The goal is to better understand God's heart in preparing for the times we've entered.
This is a new day. The bar has been raised with a major shift in focus. The Church has become global with distinct expressions reflecting significant differences in their power structures, cultures and economies.
It is crucial in this hour to appreciate the role of the different expressions of the Body, while also understanding our own roles, tactically and strategically, as we heed God's instructions to mobilize and deploy. The aim of SIGN is to provide timely prophetic insights to enhance this mobilization and deployment. Within the new day we have entered, SIGN will be giving keen focus to strategies for the hour.
The SIGN ministry is close to its twentieth year of operation. From the beginning it has drawn prophetic intercessors and leaders from almost every continent seeking God's insights into understanding the times in order to know what to do. Because it reflects God's focus, it has given keen focus to what the Lord is doing in the marketplace and Israel.
It is my prayer and I would seek yours as well, that I incisively glean and impart the wisdom of God in each future SIGN post. Our need for the Lord today is greater than it has ever been.
"My people have become lost sheep; their shepherds have led them astray. They have made them turn aside on the mountains; they have gone along from mountain to hill and have forgotten their resting place." Jeremiah 50:6
The world we live in has changed dramatically. Turbulence has been amassing with an increase of the hazardous. The impact of media-spin just adds fuel to the fires of the realities.
Some have commented that the recent tanking of China's stock market exceeded the US crash of 1929. Yet neither the meltdown nor the consequent ripples speculated by many due to the Chinese nose-dive has materialized. What's the difference? China has averted panic because they control their media. Despite huge losses, their sights have stayed focused on a bigger picture economically with much larger stakes.
Getting the Focus Right
Yet, in the midst of all the global economic and power shifts and hurdles, Israel faces realities tied to its very existence. It begs the question of the matters receiving our attention amid the gathering sea changes rife with information pollution.
The issue involves rightly discerning our tactical thrust so to be poised and prepared for the Lord's instructions for next steps in this time of change.
The opening scripture from Jeremiah deals with just such a topic: getting the focus right. It places a high standard on spiritual leaders cutting through the distractions in establishing right priorities for the sheep for whom they are responsible.
The spiritual leaders have the duty to prepare and equip their people tactically. They also are responsible for the wisdom needed for the places of rest. These are the safe places needed to be refreshed and properly poised to anticipate and respond proactively and strategically to God's "next steps," the consequent shifts, along with the onslaught of evil schemes.

"He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you shall take refuge; His truth shall be your shield and buckler. You will not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you see the recompense of the wicked." Psalm 91:3-8
The Age-Old Context
The context for Jeremiah's prophesy was God's judgment on Babylon and Chaldea. Babylon and Chaldea represent the age-old alliance between mammon and sorcery. This unholy alliance goes back to the days of the Amorites, when fallen angels produced a defiled race whose DNA railed against God and His people.
All this was compounded by the subsequent infiltration-advice given by Balaam to Balak. This dynamic has been one of the evil one's repeated strategies over the centuries. Its intent has been to weaken God's empowerment of His people and redirect the anointing to work against them.
This is what manifested with the infiltration of the Nicolaitans in the early church, whose doctrines and deeds began polluting the truth and power of the Kingdom message so central to the early church.
"'And I will repay Babylon and Chaldea for all the evil they have done in your midst,' says the Lord." Jeremiah 51:24
"The evil done in your midst" points to this subtle infiltration. It targets the tares among the wheat. Jesus notes a time when His angels will be sent to remove the lawless offenders. God's judgment is His strategic-response on the Babylon-Chaldean alliance. The impact is designed to amplify the tactical efforts of His faithful warriors.
"With you I will shatter nations and with you I will destroy kingdoms." Jer 51:20
Today's Response to the Realities
So as this day approaches, what is the pathway and the response of those called by His Name to facing today's global realities?
Jeremiah's prophesy was couched with some hard words for the priorities being given by the leaders. They not only missed the mark, but they made God's people vulnerable to the enemy's schemes. They failed to provide the focus and with that, the safe places, places of rest needed to be ready for God's subsequent steps. These are safe places employed during times of great turbulence. These are the safe places from which God's people will advance.
At the core of Jesus' message were the principles on how to employ Kingdom power in a corrupt world. These were not intended as defensive measures, but rather the proactive means to overcome the enemy's schemes and to advance the Kingdom.
These principles do not conform to the way the world exercises power. They require something more.
Jesus clearly stated that He had come to destroy the foundations of the devil's works. It involved the demonstration of the Spirit and power. Like Jeremiah, Jesus spoke words of judgment on the focus and blindness that described the shepherds of His day. With His victory over death, the balance of power shifted. Those he had trained were empowered to turn the world upside down. They did.
The Stewardship of Power
The behind the scenes battle then was redirected to target the stewardship of power. Power can be seductive and the mantle of shepherding God's people carries high responsibility. Shepherds have a mantle designed to prepare and equip God's people, not as followers, but as a band of leaders prepared for the changes of the times.
The task of leading the sheep beyond being followers is significant to God's purposes. The Gospel accounts outline a sequence of Christian maturity. Beginning with being a follower, one progresses to disciple, then servant. Servants graduate to be friends of God, with the design for them finally becoming the sons that all creation awaits.
Idealism has never lacked in providing prime candidates for the defiled counterfeits, even within the context of the Body. Maturity brings the right focus and the discernment to expose the infiltrators.
Over the centuries, every people and nation has responded in one way or another to the bondage that has long gripped the world. Wielders of power have generated a range of mass movements, national, social and religious. Counterfeit movements have produced the zealotry of the Judases, the Nazis, the suicide bombers and those innumerable sheep following a range of causes for change to doomsday prophets.
The enduring solution will only come through God. The realities of this hour give sobering evidence of the need to advance in maturity beyond the confines of followers and disciples. The issue for the Body is getting the right focus and priorities for the saints to steward His power.
Mobilizing and preparing the saints to deploy is central to this stewardship of power. Such deployments require the seasoning and anointing that combine maturity and consecration. The undefiled maturity and consecration needed for Joseph's alliance with Pharaoh was significantly more than that required in his stewardship in Potiphar's house. So it was with Jeremiah's prophecy about the aimless, loss sheep. So it will be with God's judgment against the Babylonian-Chaldean alliance and the polluted infiltrators embedded amongst God's household.
The Gateway
The task hinges on the shepherds breaking the mold of the illusions of success in ministry, properly assuming the calling to lead by serving and then embracing the Kingdom mantle to lead the sheep into the unpolluted realms of truth, the places needed to spiritually and maturely discern the realities and strategies clearly.
The response to these unpolluted regions of truth is to bring us into His presence. This is the place of unfettered peace in which we abide in Him. In indicating that He was the door of the sheep, Jesus unveiled that He was the good Shepherd, that safe place where we learn to abide. He told us that He would not leave us as orphans, but would send the Holy Spirit to abide with us,

"Because I live, you will live also. At that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you. He who has My instructions and keeps them [abides], it is he who loves Me. And he who loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I will love him and manifest Myself to him." John 14:19-21
In this same sequence in John, Jesus told us that with the Helper, the Holy Spirit would come His peace.
"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you." John 14:27
Fully grasping the significance and extend of His peace is critical to abiding in His place of rest. When Moses was on the mountain in God's presence and the Israelites wobbled and made the golden calf, a man called Phinehas interceded and made atonement for the Israelites.
This act touched the heart of God. The Lord spoke to Moses to tell Phinehas that because of Phinehas' zeal for God's honor among his people in making atonement for them, that the Lord was making a covenant of peace with Him. It was a covenant of a priesthood that would extend to he and his descendents throughout the generations (Numbers 25:10-13).
Isaiah 53:5 refers to this peace with the Messianic prophecy of: "The punishment that brought us peace was upon Him." Malachi also referred to the covenant of peace.
"My covenant was with him, one of life and peace, that he might fear Me. So he feared Me and was reverent before My name. The law of truth was in his mouth, and injustice was not found on his lips. He walked with Me in peace and equity, and turned many away from iniquity." Malachi 2:5-6
His peace is in His presence. It triggers oneness with His heart, the mercy that intercedes when judgment is at hand. His rest that brings sanctification.

"Surely My Sabbaths you shall keep, for it is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations that you may know that I am Yehovah-Mekiddish, who sanctifies you." Exodus 31:13
The setting described in Jeremiah's prophecy is the setting reflected in many segments of the Body across the globe today and even more so in Israel.
The setting among God's people is replete with "zeal without knowledge" as described by Paul. Far too many are on very low batteries spiritually-speaking. Some are burned out due to lack of maintenance for the level of zeal with which they are operating. Some are burning out because they are running with twenty and thirty-year old operating instructions and they need a fresh word from on high for today's times. Far too many are in a condition that is blind to the enemy's schemes to distract and deceive.
Distractions and deceptions breed discord, division and vulnerabilities in facing the realities. On the other hand, the maturity that fosters truth and His peace provides the firm ground for the pathway to provide the seasoned and empowered responses needed for the challenges and tribulations Jesus foretold for this hour.
The Model
The setting for Acts 15 was a time of great turbulence and change. The leadership reflected by the Apostle James is a model for the days upon us. When Barnabas and Paul shared with the gathering about the miracles they were experiencing among the Gentiles, the leadership was being confronted with something that challenged their doctrines and traditions.
The messages given to the churches in Revelation add to these insights. They point to the snares: from the persecution imposed by imposters hating true believers to the embedded infiltrators within: the Balaams, the Nicolatains the Jezebels. In times of change the bar of the mantle for leadership is raised.
Leading God's people into safe places has nothing to do with avoiding tribulation and turbulence.
From the father's heart evident in James in Acts 15 we realize that it has everything to do with hearing His voice and being prophetically in tune with the flow of the Spirit. It has everything to do with pruning tradition to make way for the restoration of the ancient truths that will demonstrate His power. It has everything to do with searching the Scripture to grasp the implications that the words of the prophets have on the change underway. It has everything to do with the sanctification and consecration needed to close the gates to the infiltrators in order to mature, prepare and deploy the saints for the work of the Kingdom.

"To Shebna, I will throw you away violently and there you will die. On that day, I will call my servant Eliakim. I will clothe him with your robe and strengthen him with your belt. I will give your responsibility into his hands. He shall become a father to the inhabitants of Jerusalem and the house of Judah. The keys of the house of David I will lay on his shoulders and what he shall open no one shall shut and what he shall shut no one shall open." Isaiah 22:17-22
Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.
He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" and "Leadership by Anointing," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from
Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or by credit card at
Likewise, email us to schedule a seminar for your congregation on the Joseph-Daniel Calling or on anointing the creative in business.
2015 Copyright Morris Ruddick --
Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since early 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiative Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt ministry

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Scripture throughout the house...

Entitled" Jerusalem Prayer Team"

"Comfort, O comfort My people," says your God.
Isaiah 40:1

"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, 
And for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet, 
Until her righteousness goes forth like brightness, 
And her salvation like a torch that is burning."
Isaiah 62:1 NASB

"As for me and my house,
we will serve the Lord."
Joshua 24:15

Jubilee Year - Rabbi Judah ben Samuel's prophetic words from 400 years ago (from The Jim Bakker Show aired 11.10.15)

Jubilee Year 
- Rabbi Judah ben Samuel's prophetic words 
from 400 years ago 
(from The Jim Bakker Show 
aired 11.10.15)

Watch now: The Jim Bakker Show

The Year of Jubilee Restoration Day 2 - Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: 

Jim Bakker Show 2015

| Show# 2867 | Aired on November 10, 2015

Jim Bakker Show © 2015 • Morningside Studios

Home » Video Archives » The Year of Jubilee & Restoration! (Day 2)

Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram of MaozIsrael

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As you are getting to know Maoz Israel online, we wanted to share with you special features available on our website.

Our website, is the place to go to get the latest and most comprehensive news regarding Israel.

We have news from and about Israel updated as it happens 24 hours a day, with main stories on our  Home Page and our Breaking News page, and news from hundreds of sources on our All News page.

The Messianic News portion of our website has links to publications of Messianic Ministries in Israel and around the world - all in one place - so you don't have to search for it!

In the Editor's Choice Ari and Shira showcase important articles on pressing issues regarding Israel. On the same page you can find Maoz recommended videos, also especially picked for our readers.

Maoz Opinion articles are another resource we have available for you. We usually feature special blogs or stories that didn't make it into the newsletter.

The Maoz Videos page gives access to our database of videos produced by our Media team in Israel.

Our Holocaust Remembrance Day video has been viewed by over 100,000 people from all over the world.] It’s a great way to stay informed and see for yourself what is happening!

Because we want to share the Maoz Israel Report with as many people as possible, you can find the reports in GermanHebrewSpanishChinese and Korean. We also have an entire Maoz website in Portuguese where you can find much more than the monthly newsletters.

You can read previous MaozIsrael Reports in the Archives section of our website, and you might want to check out our Store, where we offer some books by Ari and Shira, CD's and a Messianic Jewish calendar with Torah readings and Jewish holidays.

If you're interested in going to Israel with Maoz Israel, and experience the Holy Land as well as attend a service at our Tel Aviv congregation, please periodically check the Tours section for updates on upcoming tours.

Finally, Maoz Israel has offices in several countries around the world. You can find an office nearest to you here.

If you have suggestions, requests, or would like to contact us, please don't hesitate to email

Blessings and shalom,
Signature Ari & Shira cleana
     Ari & Shira Sorko-Ram

Love For His People Editor's Note: I first learned of Maoz and the Sorko-Rams through Derek Prince. When I did his personal finances from 1987-1990 in Fort Lauderdale, Fl, as a member of the Derek Prince Ministries staff, every year Derek and Ruth would give a very large contribution to this ministry. It was amazing, and very generous of the Prince's. I am glad they did.

Steve Martin

'Trust but Verify' Means 'I Don't Trust You' - DR. STEVE GREENE CHARISMA NEWS

Netanyahu, glasses

Building trust is a process. (Wikimedia Commons)

'Trust but Verify' Means 'I Don't Trust You'

Ronald Reagan made the phrase "trust but verify" famous in 1987 during the cold war. The phrase has seeped into management as a guideline to accepting the promises of workers.
Many leaders consider the phrase to be an oxymoron. Does trust exist if I must verify?
"Did you turn in your expense report to accounting?"
When a worker tells me they did turn in the form, must I really verify the submission of the form? If I verify it was received by accounting, have I trusted the work of my team member?
In ministries, it seems to almost be a sin to verify the work of ministry teams. As leaders, we want to trust. We want to believe everything that everyone tells us. Yet, we feel icky when we verify that a job has been performed.
There are many leaders who have learned the hard way the high cost of trusting too much. The desire of our heart is perhaps to let go of a project. Sadly, at a later date, we find the project has not moved forward. The leader will correctly be the one held accountable for the lack of performance.
The leader's error was placing trust in his team to perform. Most top-level leaders would fault the team leader for not verifying work progress.
"Why didn't you check up on your team?"
"Because I trusted them."
The defense simply isn't plausible.
Leaders work hard to build their own trust bank. Some say we must give trust in order to receive it.
Leaders are in place to get things done. Blind trust is simply naive.
I won't ever forget the feeling I had prior to a baptismal service. Fifteen minutes prior to the start of service, I learned the baptismal had not been filled. The only person I could blame was myself for not verifying the existence of water upon the planet. Do you think anyone in the church would blame anyone but the pastor?
Perhaps a better way to think of this concept is to alter the phrase to read, "trust and confirm." We simply confirm that our expectations have been met. This seems to be more palatable as due diligence.
"But" seems negative. "And" seems positive.
In working with our teams, words matter. When a team hears the phrase "trust but verify," it probably does not produce a trust deposit. But when a leader says her style is to "trust and confirm," the words seem to ascribe power. I trust a leader who confirms.
Effective leaders confirm people, processes and projects are moving forward in the mission. 

Today's Scripture
"Now I say that Jesus Christ has become a servant to the circumcised on behalf of the truth of God, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs, and that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy" (Rom. 15:8-9).

Here's something I'm trying or thinking about today ...
This is not an endorsement or recommendation. It's just noodling.
Check out the TYPORAMA app. The app automatically transforms your text and photos into designs. Very helpful for creating social media posts.

We cannot manipulate our way into creating authority.
A recognized "authority" on a topic, movement or industry must first develop credibility and trust.
We develop trust by how often we show up and demonstrate our expertise. We develop credibility based on our frequency and quality of platform appearances.
To build trust, keep showing up. Over and over again.

Do you want to learn more about developing your personal platform?
Send for my free series of lessons titled, "The Fundamentals of Creating, Curating and Developing Content for Multiple Platforms." Send your request to:
This is an exclusive offer to Ministry Today and "Greenelines" readers. 
We will not share your email address with anyone. 

Dr. Steve Greene is the publisher and executive vice president—Media Group, Charisma Media. Sign up here for Dr. Greene's leadership e-newsletter.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW - Life in the Spirit is your Spirit-filled teaching guide. Encounter the Holy Spirit, hear God speak to you, and enjoy timeless teachings on love, mercy and forgiveness.LEARN MORE!

Why 1 Iranian Muslim Is Now Following Christ - JIM DENISON CHARISMA NEWS

Migrants wait to meet with the Coast Guard outside Greece.
Migrants wait to meet with the Coast Guard outside Greece. (Reuters)

Why 1 Iranian Muslim Is Now Following Christ

Silas is a 25-year-old Iranian convert to Christianity now living in Berlin.
Why did he come to Christ?
After studying his Muslim faith, "what I concluded is that Islam was a big lie that a lot of people were falling for."
Then a friend loaned him a copy of God's Word. "When I started to read the Bible, it changed me. ... At first, I didn't want to be a Christian, I just wanted to understand it. But the more answers I got, the more I ... realized I was finding God."
Silas is one of thousands of refugees to Germany who are converting from Islam to Christianity. According to NPR, one reason is that they are then granted asylum, since they would be persecuted as Christians if they returned home. But a pastor who ministers to many says they face significant persecution from Muslims in Germany if they convert. He interviews all who profess faith in Christ and baptizes only those he believes are sincere. 
Silas is among them—he says that even if he were to be deported back to Iran, he would never give up his faith in Christ. Jesus changed his life, and he will pay any price to serve him now.
Our world needs what Jesus can do, more than ever. Consider these headlines: According to administration officials, President Obama now believes that Israelis and Palestinians will not enact a peace agreement before he leaves office. Reports indicate that mustard gas has been used in Syria, most likely by ISIS. After the crash of a Russian plane in the Sinai, the U.S. has enhanced security for flights from foreign airports.
I experienced these security measures personally last weekend when I returned from leading a study tour of Greece and Turkey. Everywhere we went, we followed in the footsteps of Paul the apostle. As we celebrated his powerful legacy, I wondered how we can make the same impact today.

Paul's effectiveness didn't come from his appearance. According to the Acts of Paul and Thecla (ca. A.D. 200), the apostle was "a man small in size, bald-headed, bandy-legged, well-built, with eyebrows meeting, rather long-nosed." Nor was eloquence his secret. Paul was clearly a genius, but he did not seek to impress others with his brilliance (1 Corinthians 2:4). 
Rather, his secret was his purpose: "For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified" (1 Cor. 2:2). When we know Christ and make him known, he works through us to transform those we influence. 
I often speak of becoming "culture-changing Christians." However, as I followed the footsteps of Paul, I realized that there is really no such thing. Christians cannot change the culture. Human words cannot change human hearts. But Jesus can.
Oswald Chambers: "The Christian worker has to be a sacramental 'go-between,' to be so identified with his Lord and the reality of his Redemption that he can continually bring his creating life through him. ... We have to see that we are in such living sympathy with God that as we proclaim his truth he can create in souls the things which he alone can do."

Jesus changed Silas. He changed me. If He is your Lord, you know that He changed you. Have you asked him to "bring his creating life" through you today?

Jim Denison, Ph.D., is founder of the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture, a non-sectarian "think tank" designed to engage contemporary issues with biblical truth. Join over 100,000 who read Dr. Denison's daily Cultural . For more information on the Denison Forum, To connect with Dr. Denison in social media, or
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW - Life in the Spirit is your Spirit-filled teaching guide. Encounter the Holy Spirit, hear God speak to you, and enjoy timeless teachings on love, mercy and forgiveness.LEARN MORE!