Monday, November 30, 2015

Is Russia the New Boss in Town? - | Israel Today Staff

Is Russia the New Boss in Town?

Monday, November 30, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Obama’s policy is to turn enemies into friends. He believes that once radicals take power or are given legitimacy, they turn into moderates. This expectation isn’t supported by historical trends, as moderation didn’t occur in Iran, Afghanistan, Gaza or Lebanon.

The full article appears in the December 2015 issue of Israel Today Magazine.
CLICK HERE to read it all
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5 Reasons You Shouldn't Cohabitate Before Marriage - ALLPRODAD.COM STAFF CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Man and woman

After living together before marriage, the odds of staying together decrease significantly. (Stock Free Images)

5 Reasons You Shouldn't Cohabitate Before Marriage

Are you single or dating someone you think may be the one? Or do you have kids who are dating and may be thinking wedding bells at some point?
If so, you may want to consider the importance of marrying before moving in together or of teaching your kids about the pitfalls of shacking up.
More and more couples are choosing to move in together before marriage. One reason is to save on rent. Yes, saving on rent. Saving on rent is not, and should not be, a reason to live with someone who may or may not become your spouse. In fact, it is a really bad reason. Below are five reasons shacking up is a bad idea:
1. No blessings from God. The Bible considers shacking up the opposite of a legitimate marriage. A legitimate marriage consists of a union between a man and woman who have made a covenant and commitment. Shacking up involves neither. Marriage was a union created by God and is a union God blesses.
2. Your relationship will probably end. An article on states that 80 percent of shacking-up relationships end before marriage or in divorce after marriage. So, it is 80/20 against you getting married or staying married to that person. One reason is because there is not a commitment when you move in before marriage. A relationship without commitment will not last, and marriage is the biggest commitment you can make in life.

3. Your children will be negatively affected. To the parents who have children, your kids are three times as likely to be expelled from school or get pregnant, five times more likely to live in poverty, and 22 times more likely to be incarcerated—all because you choose to live with someone you're not married to.
4. It makes you lazy. As a married man, I know that once dating ends, the relationship changes. Living together removes the "being your best" part of your relationship. Kind of like most job interviews—you wore the suit to the interview, but once hired, you show up in khakis and a polo. And if you're living with a woman and getting some of the "benefits" of marriage—sex, having someone to help around the house, sharing the bills—you can also get lazy about taking the next step in your relationship.
5. Saving on rent. Mentioned above.
 Related Resources: 
How will you educate your adult children about the dangers of shacking up?
All Pro Dad is Family First's innovative and unique program for every father. Their aim is to interlock the hearts of the fathers with their children and, as a byproduct, the hearts of the children with their dads. At, dads in any stage of fatherhood can find helpful resources to aid in their parenting. Resources include daily emails, blogs, Top 10 lists, articles, printable tools, videos and eBooks., fathers can join the highly engaged All Pro Dad social media communities on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW - Life in the Spirit is your Spirit-filled teaching guide. Encounter the Holy Spirit, hear God speak to you, and enjoy timeless teachings on love, mercy and forgiveness.LEARN MORE!

When Jesus Gave a Woman the Desire of Her Heart - LAURA-LYNN TYLER THOMPSON CHARISMA MAGAZINE

Here's why Jesus told a woman, 'Let it be as you desire.'
Here's why Jesus told a woman, 'Let it be as you desire.' (iStockPhoto | Pete Will)

When Jesus Gave a Woman the Desire of Her Heart

11/27/2015 LAURA-LYNN TYLER THOMPSON charisma magazine
Spirit-Led Woman
"Let it be as you desire" (Matthew 15:28).
These were Jesus' final words, which set this despairing woman's critical issue free with one sentence from His lips. However, it took a journey to get there. What did it take for the woman in Matthew 15 to get that kind of response from Jesus? If He were to speak those words to the crisis you face today ... it would be life changing? ... How did she get Jesus to intervene with a miracle?
1. She relentlessly cried out for mercy in verse 22, asking Him to heal the issue.Her need was great, her daughter was demon possessed and all earthly attempts to fix her were not working. This mother's soul was in agony. She no longer cared about her position, her reputation, and her appearance as a woman "put together." Her house was a mess and she needed Jesus to remedy this or there was no hope ... She was poor in spirit, bankrupt of her own solutions; it was Jesus or nothing.
2. Jesus did not respond, in fact it says, "He said not a word." Sometimes Jesus does not answer on our timetable. He is silent. We wonder why? It did not stop her from continuing her desperate plea for a God-sized miracle even when the disciples looked upon her with disdain and wanted her to stop. Others may not see why you cry out day and night ... it is not their burden, it is your personal torment. You alone approach the Father with your distress. She did not count their dismissive ways as significant. ... they were not Jesus, she only needed His attention.
3. She came and worshipped Him in Matt. 15:25. She knew who He was. She had heard He healed the sick, raised the dead, and did what no man on earth had ever done—performed wonders in impossible circumstances—her last hope. She asked Jesus in a posture of surrender, "Lord help me".
4. She showed great humility when Jesus appeared to be unwilling to help her need. First He did not answer her and then He appeared to diminish her position as she was not of the "right" tribe. She said, "... even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their master's table." She was beyond considering herself on Jesus level or those He appeared to associate with. She accepted a lower standing. If she once thought her family had it together, she knew that the horrendous outcries of her possessed daughter let the entire community know, they were dysfunctional, broken, shattered—in desperate need. She accepted a lowly place; she would be content with crumbs. This is when the most incredible miracle in her life took place ... from humility, desperation, brokenness and shame ...
Matthew 15:28
Then Jesus answered and said to her, "O woman, great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire." And her daughter was healed from that very hour.
May your faith be so great in spite of what it looks like, what you feel like, how others treat you, that Jesus' eye turns your way and with the kindness and abundance of heaven says to you.
"Let it be as you desire." So be it, in Jesus name, to your situation today.
Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson is the co-host of 700 Club Canada and author ofRelentless Redemption. A popular comedic speaker, Laura-Lynn as a distinctive life story that has birthed in her a heart of compassion for humanity and the ability to help her audience laugh at the difficulties of life and overcome in the face of tragedy and failure.  She herself has found the true joy that produces wholeness and healing.
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW - Life in the Spirit is your Spirit-filled teaching guide. Encounter the Holy Spirit, hear God speak to you, and enjoy timeless teachings on love, mercy and forgiveness.LEARN MORE!

Something nice came my way - a word of encouragement received.

Nov. 30, 2015


On occasion I will receive a note or two - through FaceBook, email, Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn - that seems to bring special encouragement to me.

It certainly helps when another one shares such a word - to keep pressing on, doing what we do. Although we don't see or hear often what fruit results from our labor of love, in time we shall know all. But we can appreciate what does come along the way!

I share this one such note below. It certainly encouraged me.

Thank you Mary Louise!

Steve Martin
Love For His People

P.S. Someday the Lord will release me from my full time accounting job to give all attention to the ministry of Love For His People. Yeah!!

"God Bless you Steve and keep you. You have no idea how many of my friends are enjoying the geographical and spiritual journal you take us on as you post. I know that some of my relatives might be a little testing at times; but I have notices they are not a bad as they were. That's what I wanted on my Facebook page and I am glad my Godbrother through his Facebook page brought you in my life. One day I hope to meet you and your beautiful family."

Mary Louise

"Keys of Strategy Are Turning Concern to Confirm" and "A 2016 Word For Your Family!" Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Australia - The Elijah List

On a recent morning the Lord was showing me "keys of strategy" that He is releasing through prayer. This is the second or third time this year that the Lord has shown me these keys. When I asked the Lord why He was showing me again, He began showing me many who were feeling "stuck," that they have tried "so many different avenues" and nothing has seemed to break open and highlight the way forward.
As the Lord was releasing these "keys of strategy," I saw many with a very shocked look on their faces. It wasn't what they expected, and as the Lord handed them the key, He smiled and spoke, "This key is going to bring about a 'great rearrange', but keep moving forward, for the Great Rearrange is moving you onto a new page."
These keys of strategy, even though they may not "look like" what you expected, are actually going to lead you into a huge new beginning. They are actually unlocking the "shift of season." 
(Photo by Lillis Boyer "Springs of Life Key" via
The Lord then spoke again, "I am going to turn'concern to confirm'. Where many are concerned about these keys of strategy because they are so 'out of left field,' I am going to begin bringingsupernatural confirmation – confirmation in a way that only I could confirm. These keys may not be what you expect, but they are going toresurrect things of old and implement things of the new. Double portion for you."
Trust Him with the key He has given you. Stay prayerful and watch and see the radical, fun confirmation He is going to release to you to turn your concern into confirm.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"I Am the Key for Your Family"
In a vision I was walking past many houses, and these houses were lit up with the glory of God. But, as I walked past many of the houses, I could hear sobbing – a deep sobbing – coming from inside the houses. Instantly I knew that these houses represented families in the Kingdom; there were many crying out for a "strategy" to bring healing, breakthrough, freedom, and restoration to their families.
In this vision Jesus was standing next to me and, with such sadness and tears in His eyes, He spoke, "Many families are feeling like they have been left in ruins by the enemy's schemes and the brokenness that he has brought upon them. 
I have heard every prayer, I have caught every tear, and now I am coming to repairrebuild, and restore to better than before – a divine turnaround in family!" I could feel the heartache in His heart for the pain, sorrow, loss, and betrayal many families have faced, but I could also feel the hope of what was to come. (Photo via Pixabay)
Suddenly, the Lord spoke these words that He had spoke to me in my dream at the start of the week, again:
"I am moving in as the Kinsman Redeemer."
I saw Him moving into houses that were crying out to Him for healing, for restoration, for deliverances, for freedom, for rebuilding and restoration. As He moved through room after room, person after person, I saw Him pull out scrolls, and they contained all the prayers prayed concerning families and family members.
He ministered individually and corporately in these houses, leading many in prayers to forgive one another, removing trauma, imparting vision and hope for the future concerning the family unit through sharing the dreams in His heart for them. Some rooms He moved into He closed the door, and I could not see what He was doing, but I knew it was a deep, private, beautiful moment with many. He was going into places in the heart that many within families were so afraid for other family members or anyone to see.
2016: A Year of Prodigals Coming Home and Family Restoration!
As He walked out of one house, the sobbing turned to loud laughter. He turned and looked at me, and with a smile and tears in His eyes, He began to share His heart:
"Joy will return to many homes again.Laughter and honor are being restored. The time for unprecedented miracles infamilies has arrived." 
(Photo by Jennifer Page "His Joy" via
"Next year, 2016 will be a year of many prodigals coming home!"
He then began to share with me how He is doing a deep work in families right now and it is going to hit a point of acceleration and increase next year. Next year will be a year of greater restoration of family! 
One of the waves of revival to be poured out across the earth is going to be released in unprecedented ways through the testimony of the restoration of the family units.
Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is travelling regularly with her family seeing powerful moves of God. 
Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they are living in Brisbane, Australia with their two sons.

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James Nesbit Prophetic Art - Season Special, New Releases, and More!

Season Special – Buy Two, Get One Free
As we enter this season of thanksgiving and celebration of eternal light, we want to thank you once again for your support this year.  Between now and December 15, we would like to bless you by offering a special – buy two images, and get the third free!

In order to get your free image, do not add the item to your shopping cart.  Instead, please name the image you would like in the "Additional Information" box on checkout (this appears after you have added your address).  Sale limited to 8.5 x 11 and 11 x 17 sizes only.
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The Answer and The Watch

​We are pleased to announce the release of two of our latest images, The Answer and The Watch. Click on the images below to view and purchase them.
Explosions of Holy Knowing
James Nesbit Teaching

We have had several requests recently for the link to James' webinar, Explosions of Holy Knowing.  This two and a half hour webinar is posted on our ministry website – click the image to the right to be redirected to view it (You may want to watch it in pieces, not all at once).
Bless you,

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ISRAEL365 - 33% off Cyber Monday Sale - Buy "Blue & White"

Judah will exist forever, and Jerusalem from
generation to generation.

JOEL (4:20)

וִיהוּדָה לְעוֹלָם תֵּשֵׁב וִירוּשָׁלִַם לְדוֹר וָדוֹר

יואל ד:כ

v'-yi-hu-da l'-o-lam tay-shayv v'-yi-ru-sha-la-yim l'-dor va-dor

Today's Israel Inspiration

Judah was Jacob's fourth son and when the land was divided amongst the Tribes of Israel, Judah received the vast area of land south of Jerusalem extending from the Dead Sea in the east to the Mediterranean in the west. For centuries, this area was known as the Region of Judah, or Judea. Today, many people seek to sever the Jewish people from Judea, the Biblical Heartland of the Jewish People, with the BDS (boycott, divest and sanction Israel) movement. But God promised through His prophet Joel, that Judah would exist forever. As one of our readers expressed so perfectly: "BDS is like boycotting God's blessings!"

All New un-Hebrew
Music Monday!
"Rockin' in the Holy Land"

We couldn't resist this great song "Rockin in the Holy Land" and we hope you'll love it too!

Thank You Israel365 Readers, for Providing Security for Israeli Schoolchildren

Following a terror attack in Ramat Beit Shemesh last month, during which two terrorists attempted to board a school bus, Israel365 readers raised money to install new security measures at a local kindergarten.

14k Gold Personalized Hebrew Name Necklace
- 33% Off for "Blue and White" Day!

Stay connected to your biblical roots by wearing your Hebrew name proudly! Don’t know your Hebrew name? No problem! Many English names derive from Hebrew names in the Bible, and the rest have etymological or spiritual cousins in Biblical sources. Just include your English name and we’ll find the Hebrew name in the Bible that’s most closely connected to yours. Get 33% off with coupon code "BLUEWHITE33"

Today's Israel Photo

The Latrun Bridge over the Valley of Ayalon by Yehoshua Derovan. This valley is famous for one of Joshua's battles in which he calls upon the sun to stop in the sky until the battle is over: "O sun, stand still upon Gibeon, and you, O moon, in the Valley of Ayalon" (Joshua 10:12).

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Candace M. Parkin of Alanson, Michigan. Todah rabah!

“God Bless You and Your Organization for All You Do”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Hi guys, I’m from Canada, a small province on the eastern coast called Newfoundland. I enjoy reading your headlines every chance I get. But at the same time sometimes I am deeply troubled by all the acts of violence that takes place over there and all around the world towards the Jewish people. I stand up for the Jewish people and Israel and hope the new liberal government just elected here in Canada does the same. God bless you and your organization for all you do. Rudy
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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