Friday, September 30, 2016

What the New Jubilee Will Bring God's Church - GRANT BERRY CHARISMA NEWS

God's church should look forward to the new Jubilee with gladness in their hearts.
Members of God's church should look forward to the new Jubilee with gladness in their hearts. (Grant Berry)
What the New Jubilee Will Bring God's Church
"You shall count seven sabbath weeks of years, seven times seven years, and the time of the seven sabbaths of years shall be to you forty-nine years. Then you shall sound the horn blasts on the tenth day of the seventh month. On the Day of Atonement you shall make the sound of the horn throughout all your land. You shall consecrate the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout all the land to all the inhabitants. It shall be a Jubilee to you, and each of you shall return to his possession, and every person shall return to his family. That fiftieth year will be a Jubilee for you. You shall neither sow nor reap that which grows by itself, nor gather the grapes of your unpruned vines. For it is the Jubilee. It shall be holy to you. You shall eat the produce of the field"(Lev. 25:8-12, MEV).
Recently I was having one of my usual prayer talks with my dear friend and co-worker, Rabbi Robert Wolff of Majestic Glory Ministries, and we were discussing the exact dates of the Jubilee year. Initially, we disagreed on when this period was because Bob was focused on the amazing occurrences that had taken place during this period in other Jubilees. However, as we reviewed it, we both soon recognized that these happenings actually took place at the beginning of the next Jubilee period and not in the Jubilee year itself.
On October 2, as we light the Rosh Hashanah candles, this Jubilee year will come to an end and we will commence the next official Jubilee period (50 years). What will it bring and what is anticipated during this most crucial time on the Earth?
However, before I address this, let me draw your attention to those occurrences that Bob raised in our discussion that actually took place at the beginning of other Jubilee periods.
On December 11, 1917, General Edmund Allenby of the British forces, a believing Christian, dismounted his horse, and humbly walked through the Jaffa Gate to commemorate the taking back of Jerusalem from Islam. In the same year the League of Nations declared the area as a homeland for the Jewish people.
In 1967, exactly 50 years later, at the beginning of the next Jubilee period, Israel took back control of the city of Jerusalem from Jordan. As I often write, when God does something sovereign with His land, there is a reaction in the Spirit. And it was during this same time period that all of a sudden, some 10,000-15,000 Hippy Jews get saved out of the Jesus movement, which marked the beginning and re-emergence of God's first-born children and the re-birthing of the remnant of Israel. Wow! So, having seen from past Jubilee periods that significant shifts take place during these times, what can we now expect from the next Jubilee?
The 4th Wave and the Coming Jubilee
James Goll and Cindy Jacobs, among others, have prophesied recently concerning the coming of the 4th wave, and that it is now upon us. This is a reformation of the church to realign the body of Messiah/Christ, to properly prepare us for God's final plans upon the Earth before the Lord's return. It is spiritual renewal in the strongest sense of the word; it has washing and cleansing in its wings that will cause His church to rise as a great light in the Earth. It will re-establish the authority of God through His body that will enable us to overcome and defeat the strongholds and principalities that are aligned against us in accordance with God's will.
At the heart of the reformation is the reconnection in the Spirit in the One New Man between Jew and Gentile. This is aligned to its apostolic 5-fold governmental authority that was established through Israel's apostles and prophets, with Yeshua/Jesus Himself as the cornerstone of the church (Eph. 2:20). From this core and its restoration, comes the final outpouring of His Spirit upon the Earth.
For what does Scripture tell us here that Israel's spiritual restoration will bring, but resurrection power. Life from the dead! This power of God, which comes from the Father's heart to unite and restore His family, will flow through a renewed and empowered body to effect and change the world for the kingdom of God and bring the last great harvest of souls. The Israel piece and its 5-fold mantle is the final part of the church's restoration. It is the power equation that ignites the rest, that as the wires are reconnected, the fires will be loosed!
The outflow of the 4th wave is the ability to impact what is now being called the seven cultural mountains:
  • Religion
  • Government
  • Education
  • Business
  • Family
  • Media
  • Arts & Entertainment
In preparation for this change over the past 15-20 years, God has been raising up new leadership in the church and Messianic bodies that is focused on the 5-fold governmental giftings, so that we may be prepared for what is coming. I don't have space in this article to list them, but most reading are aware of whom I am writing.
These leaders, both men and women alike, are first free from within, cleansed, washed, prepared and are carrying new mantles of God's authority in each of their ministries. Plus, His blessings are clearly upon them. These ministries are paving the way for the rest of His church to reform and it is going to be glorious. So what can we expect?
The 12 Decrees
  • A re-united One New Man between the Gentile church and the remnant of Israel
  • A new spiritual governmental approach to the kingdom of God upon the Earth through the 5-fold
  • The re-emergence of David's tent upon the Earth (24/7 worship and prayer)
  • A new focus in the church to move us to prayer
  • A new focus on intercessory prayer in the church to train up the watchmen
  • Local churches uniting in their communities and states through worship and prayer
  • Greater revelation and understanding of the authority of God upon the Earth
  • Reformation in total trust and faith in the Lord in the area of finance
  • The outpouring of God's Spirit
  • Impacting our towns and cities across the United States and throughout the world with the gospel
  • The broken off branches of Israel being restored
  • The last great harvest of souls
In fact, I'm so excited about this, that we have dedicated our Rosh Hashanah service this year at Messiah's House in Greenwich, Connecticut, and teamed up with the 10-Day Prayer Movement in Connecticut to declare and proclaim the New Jubilee period. Come and join us! For those of you out of town, we will post the video of this meeting on our reconnecting website. Click listen now!
Click here for the flyer and this link for the rest of the 10-Day Prayer Movement meetings through the 10 days of Awe between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. 
Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.
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Holy Spirit-Inspired Prayer Movement Catching Fire in the U.S.- GRANT BERRY CHARISMA NEWS

Holy Spirit-Inspired Prayer Movement Catching Fire in the U.S.


Standing With Israel

Recently I have teamed up with a new prayer movement called 10 Days that is uniting local church communities to pray for unity in the body of Messiah/Christ around the Feasts of the Lord. And it is catching like wild fire with some 30 cities around the country participating this fall season.
From my previous articles on, you know that, as a Jewish believer in Messiah/Christ, I have this understanding that the portals of heaven are opened that much wider during the feast days; that the anointing of God is also increased; and that they are appointed times unto the Lord. While Yeshua/Jesus has fulfilled many of these feasts, this does not mean that we cannot continue to celebrate Him in the midst of them. Just as at Christmas we remember and celebrate His birth.
The Feast days are not just for Jewish people, or even Jewish believers per se, but rather for all of God's children who would like to share in their experience. And what better way to focus on these days than through prayer and praise. Hallelujah! 
Scripture does not call these Jewish feasts, but rather the Feasts of the Lord (Lev. 23:2). In fact there is a special time during Rosh Hashanah (the feast of Trumpets) andYom Kippur (the day of Atonement), called the Days of Awe. This is a 10-day period between the two holidays leading up to Yom Kippur. describes the word Awe like this: an overwhelming feeling of reverence, admiration, fear, etc., produced by that which is grand, sublime, extremely powerful, or the like; in awe of God. Sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
I don't think it is a coincidence that during these days we find ourselves living in, the Holy Spirit is drawing us back to reconnect spiritually with our roots and from that to gain many of the blessings that are associated with them, such as the anointed times of the Feasts, and to be able to connect with our Father and Yeshua/Jesus in this manner.
This very much ties into the word that Jonathan Friz, the founder of 10 Days, received through the Holy Spirit as the Lord began to call him to this new prayer focus, which is so exciting. The Lord said, "Babylon refuses to mourn, but that God's people will mourn before He returns." Wow! What a word, but isn't this exactly what is now beginning to happen? God has sent us major warnings in our country, such as 9/11 and the financial crisis, but while there may have been a brief response the world has not received the warnings. But His church is beginning to wake up and respond, as the call of prayer goes out into our nation.
In the New Covenant, the feast of Yom Kippur celebrates God's sacrifice for us once and for all through Yeshua/Jesus, but it also reminds us of the holiness of God. And it is during these very special 10 Days of Awe that we may properly reflect, as the trumpet is blown, not only upon ourselves to search our own hearts, but also to mourn for our country—for the unborn and the sexual sins that pervert our society; for a world that is increasingly turning away from God; and for His church to arise from within the midst.
Let the trumpet sound and call His church into a time of reflection, prayer and repentance and let us cry with one voice that our Lord would be glorified through us to reach a lost and dying world. Please pray about involving yourself and your church in one of these events. And if not, please pray about getting involved in the future. God's holy temple is arising!
Click here to read more about the 10 Days movement.
For those of you in Connecticut, if you would like to attend one of the 10 Days events, please visit this site for one of the churches listed in your area and come join us at our own Messiah's House for the very first night.
Or, for a 10 Days gathering near you, check out the gathering page here.
For those of you from the New England and New York areas, please join us for the finale event. This is going to be a very special gathering from 3-6.30 pm where the Holy Spirit has connected Jonathan to the old Moody Campus, which will be opened for a much larger gathering of believers.
Grant Berry is a Jewish believer in Yeshua/Jesus and author of The New Covenant Prophecy and The Ezekiel Generation. He founded Reconnecting Ministries with the specific focus to help the church reconnect spiritually to Israel and considers it vital to the kingdom of G-d in the last days. His message focuses on the unity, love and healing that the Father wants to bring between Jew and Gentile yet clearly points out the differences and misunderstandings between the two groups. Now is the time to look more carefully into this mystery to make way for healing and reconnection in the Spirit. For more information, please visit
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
Has God called you to be a leader? Ministry Today magazine is the source that Christian leaders who want to serve with passion and purpose turn to. Subscribe now and receive a free leadership book.
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Israel and the world mourn “founding father” Shimon Peres - VIEWPOINT ISRAEL

Israel and the world mourn “founding father” Shimon Peres

SEPTEMBER 29, 2016  Viewpoint Israel
The state of Israel, as well as dignitaries, and Jewish groups around the world, are mourning the death of former Israeli President Shimon Peres, who passed away on Tuesday, two weeks after suffering a massive stroke. He was 93 years old.
The government convened a special mourning session at 10 a.m. Wednesday, which began with a moment of silence in Peres’ honor.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu eulogized Peres: “I join the Israeli public, the Jewish people, and many worldwide, bowing my head in memory of the nation’s beloved, Shimon Peres. “Shimon dedicated his life to our people’s independence. As a visionary, he looked to the future. As a defense official, he worked to bolster Israel in many ways, some of which remain covert to this day. As a man of peace, he worked to his last days to promote peace with our neighbors, to forge a better future for our children.”
President Reuven Rivlin also eulogized his predecessor, saying, “Peres never stopped creating and dreaming, always in the service of the State of Israel and its people. There is not a chapter in the history of the State of Israel which Shimon did not write or play a part.
Peres’ funeral will take place on Friday. He will lie in state at the Knesset Plaza on Thursday, to allow the public to bid farewell to Israel’s most veteran statesman.
Dozens of world leaders are expected to attend the state service, which will be held at the Great Leaders of the Nation’s plot on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
. PHOTO: World Economic Forum via Wikimedia Commons

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Holy Land's Watchmen ✡ "Let Us Go Up" - ISRAEL365

For there shall be a day, that the watchmen shall call upon the mount Efraim: arise ye, and let us go up to Tzion, unto Hashem our God.’

כִּי יֶשׁ יוֹם קָרְאוּ נֹצְרִים בְּהַר אֶפְרָיִם קוּמוּ וְנַעֲלֶה צִיּוֹן אֶל יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵינוּ

ירמיהו לא:ה

kee yesh yom kar-u notz-reem b'-har ef-rai-yim ku-mu v'-na-a-leh tzee-yon el
Ha-shem E-lo-hay-nu

Today's Israel Inspiration

A witness to the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, the prophet Jeremiah foretold of a time in the future when the exile would come to an end and "watchmen", or "notzrim" (notz-reem) in Hebrew, will inspire the Jewish nation to return to the borders of Israel, rebuild God's Temple and serve Him with their entire being. Who are these "watchmen" to whom Jeremiah was referring? In modern Hebrew, the word "notzrim" is understood to mean Christians, as those who come from the city of Nazareth. From here we learn that it is incumbent upon every single Jew to cherish any Christian who is willing to aid in the process of returning to the Land of Israel and ultimately usher in the final redemption. With their endless efforts building communities throughout Judea and Samaria, as well as educating worldwide audiences about the importance of supporting the Holy Land's pioneers, Christian benefactors of CFOIC have endlessly contributed towards this mission of bringing Jews home.

Judea and Samaria: Our Biblical Heritage

When the world points a finger and blames the Jews of Judea and Samaria for usurping Palestinian land, CFOIC sets out to prove who, in reality, has the Biblical right to Israel.

Embracing Torah, Ushering in Redemption

Thousands of Christians around the world are connecting to the Jewish roots of their faith. Do you know why?

Today's Israel Photo

With the sun's morning rays shining on the hills of the beautiful Land of Israel, it's almost as though God Himself is wishing us a wonderful day ahead!

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Tennessee Middle School Drop Most Required Islam Studies - CBN News

Tennessee Middle School Drop Most Required Islam Studies - CBN News
Most Tennessee middle schools are dropping the majority of their required social studies curriculum on the history and religion of Islam.
An entire section on Islam currently taught to seventh-grade students has been removed from the State Board of Education's latest draft of proposed standard for the 2019-20 school year, The Kingsport Times-News reports. 
The new draft is undergoing public comment in Tennessee through Oct. 28. The move comes after parents voiced concerns to Sullivan County Board of Education Chairman Michael Hughes.
"They're in favor of just (taking it out of the standards). I don't believe they want it taught at all," Hughes told Kingsport Times-News.
One parent said during a Sullivan County school board meeting in early September that the "Islamic World, 400 A.D./C.E. - 1500s" study text proselytized for Islam.
So far, 11 standards have since been removed from the draft, including:
- information on physical locations and features of the Arabian Peninsula,
- expansion of Muslim rule and cultural diffusion of Islam,
- Arabic language,
- the origins of Islam,
- the life and teaching of Muhammad, including the historical connection to Christianity and Judaism,
- Standards about understanding the Quran and the different sects within Islam.
Board of Education Vice President Susan Lodal said Islam is still a part of required history teaching. Some Muslim history will remain a part of the seventh-grade curriculum, including the importance of Malian king, Mansa Musa and his pilgrimage to Mecca. 
Most of the sections involving Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions will remain unchanged in the draft.
"What Tennesseans will see in the revised social studies standards are that they have increased clarity and manageability and are age-appropriate," Laura Encalade, director of policy and research at the State Board of Education. 

Archaeologists: King Hezekiah Really Did Destroy Idols - JULIE STAHL/CBN CHARISMA NEWS

Israeli archaeologists believe they have evidence that the biblical King Hezekiah did indeed destroy the high places and idols in the land of Israel as described in the Bible, evidence officials say highlights Israel's past connection to the land and helps draw the country's boundaries today.
Israeli archaeologists believe they have evidence that the biblical King Hezekiah did indeed destroy the high places and idols in the land of Israel as described in the Bible, evidence officials say highlights Israel's past connection to the land and helps draw the country's boundaries today. (CBN News)

Archaeologists: King Hezekiah Really Did Destroy Idols

Join us on our podcast each weekday for an interesting story, well told, from Charisma News. Listen at

Israeli archaeologists believe they have evidence that the biblical King Hezekiah did indeed destroy the high places and idols in the land of Israel as described in the Bible, evidence officials say highlights Israel's past connection to the land and helps draw the country's boundaries today.
Calling it "an important and unusual discovery," the Israel Antiquities Authority said excavations in the Tel Lachish National Park in central Israel revealed a "gate-shrine" from the First Temple period, about the 8th century B.C. It's the largest known gate from the First Temple period in the country.
The Bible says King Hezekiah "removed the high places, broke down the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherah poles." (2 Kings 18:4).
"The size of the gate is consistent with the historical and archaeological knowledge we possess, whereby Lachish was a major city and the most important one after Jerusalem," excavation director Sa'ar Ganor said.
According to the biblical narrative, everything took place at the city gates where the elders, judges, governors, kings and officials sat on benches.
"These benches were found in our excavation," Ganor said.
The IAA conducted the excavation from January through March at the initiative of the Ministry of Jerusalem and Heritage in cooperation with the Nature and Parks Authority. The excavation completely exposed the gate, which was partially uncovered in a joint Tel Aviv University, British excavation decades ago. The plan is to develop the Tel Lachish National Park.
The 80-by-80-foot Lachish city gate is preserved to a height of 16 feet. It consists of six chambers—three on each side, with the city's main street passing between them.
Artifacts Reveal Details
Artifacts discovered in its rooms give clues as to how they were used 2,800 years ago. Benches with armrests were in the first chamber. At the foot of the benches were many finds, including jars, scoops for loading grain and jar handles bearing the name of the official or a seal impression indicating they belonged to the king.
The IAA said the jars seem to relate to the kingdom of Judah's military and administrative preparations for the war against Assyrian King Sennacherib in the late 8th century B.C.
According to Ganor, "A staircase ascended to a large room where there was a bench upon which offerings were placed. An opening was exposed in the corner of the room that led to the holy of holies."
Ganor said they were excited to find two four-horned altars and scores of ceramic finds, including lamps, bowls and stands in the room. He said the horns on the altar had been "intentionally truncated."
"That is probably evidence of the religious reform attributed to King Hezekiah, whereby religious worship was centralized in Jerusalem and the cultic high places that were built outside the capital were destroyed," Ganor said.
Besides cutting off the horns of the altar, apparently Hezekiah had a toilet installed in the "holy of holies" to further signify the abolition of worship and as the "ultimate desecration" of the place.
The "toilet" was a chair-shaped stone with a hole in the middle found in the corner of the room.  It was apparently symbolic, as tests showed it had never been used.
According to the IAA, archaeological research has identified stones like this as toilets. The idea of using a toilet to defile cultic locations is even mentioned in the Bible, as in the case of Jehu when he destroyed the cult of Ba'al (2 Kings 10:27). It's the first time the phenomenon has been confirmed archaeologically.
Israeli officials were excited about the discovery. Minister of Jerusalem and Heritage Ze'ev Elkin said the discovery is an example of how excavations "show us time and time again how biblical tales that are known to us become historical and archaeological stories."
Culture and Sport Minister Miri Regev said the discovery deepened Israel's "connection to our ancestors who walked this land."

"The uncovering of these finds joins a long list of discoveries that enlighten us about our historic past, a past that is manifested in our country's soil and in the writings of the Book of Books," Regev said.
"The Bible—the founding book of the Jewish people—draws the country's boundaries and the heritage of the Jewish people that was exiled from its country and returned to its homeland. It boldly commemorates the way of our forefathers, the prophets, the kings and the judges," she said.
Shaul Goldstein, director general of the Nature and Parks Authority, said Tel Lachish is one of the most "quintessential places" that offers "proof of Israel's hold on the its land."
The gate is currently undergoing a conservation process in preparation to open it to visitors. 
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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We Are Living In A Future War Today (Day 3) - Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis on the Jim Bakker Show

Watch here: We Are Living In A Future War Today (Day 3) - Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis on the Jim Bakker Show

Jim & Lori Bakker

Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis
Jim Bakker Show 2016 | Show# 3086 | Aired on September 29, 2016
Jim Bakker Show © 2016 • Morningside Studios

    Pastor Jim and Lori discuss the topics covered in the book Future War, written by special guest Lt. Col. Robert Maginnis.


    And if Christians would stop fighting each other, we could win the world again. Because we used to be able to make things happen. – Pastor Jim
    We could win. If we wanted to. But I’m not convinced that we have people that have the vision to win. – Lt Col Robert Maginnis
    I want to be ready to be able to be one of the harvesters in the last days to win souls. – Pastor Jim
    Your vote does count one way or the other, and your lack of vote counts. – Pastor Jim
    We need men and women that will stand up and be stage persons in the name of God and for the best interest of this country. Otherwise, we are going to lose those very things you have there pastor, religious freedom, freedom of speech. – Lt Col Robert Maginnis


    Matthew 24:12 KJV And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
    Revelation 22:17 KJV And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.
    Matthew 25:35 NIV For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in,
    Proverbs 19:17 NKJV He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,
    And He will pay back what he has given.
    Mark 3:24-25 MEV If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand. If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.


    Orlando shooting: 49 killed, shooter pledged ISIS allegiance – CNN

    Happy New Year! Jews Will Blow the Shofar (Ram's Horn) in Synagogues (Oct. 2-3, 2016, 5777)

    Yemenite Jew blowing the shofar (circa 1935)

    Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

    Originally Posted: 02 Sep 2013  Reposted Sept. 29, 2016

    "Blow the Shofar at the New Moon...Because It Is a Decree for Israel, a Judgment Day for the God of Jacob"  - Psalms 81

    Jews around the world prepare for Rosh Hashanna this week, the festive New Year holiday when the shofar -- ram's horn -- is blown in synagogues. 

    The American Colony photographers recorded a dozen pictures of Jewish elders blowing the shofar in Jerusalem some 80 years ago.  The horn was also blown in Jerusalem to announce the commencement of the Sabbath.  During the month prior to Rosh Hashana, the shofar was blown at daily morning prayers to encourage piety before the High Holidays.   

    Ashkenazi Jew in Jerusalem blowing the shofar to announce the Sabbath

    Yemenite Rabbi Avram, donning tfillin for his
    daily prayers, blowing the shofar

    View the American Colony Photographers' collection of shofar blowers in Jerusalem here.

    Click on the pictures to enlarge.
    Click on captions to view the original picture.

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    Shana Tova u'Metuka! - ISRAEL TODAY

    Shana Tova u'Metuka!

    A New Year's greeting from Israel Today Staff.

    "Tell the Israelites: In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, you are to have a day of complete rest, commemoration, and joyful shouting - a sacred assembly."Leviticus 23:24

    We wish all our readers and friends a blessed Jewish new year 5777 and would like to say thank you! Thank you for a year of loyalty, trust and support!

    While we are celebrating the Rosh Hashana holidays with our loved ones over the next few days, our Israel Today Shop will be offering you up to 20% New Year's discount - 24/7 online!

    * Offer valid until October 5, 2016!

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