Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Virginia Delegate to Christians: Please Don't Elect Hillary Clinton - BOB MARSHALL/VIRGINIA STATE DELEGATE CHARISMA NEWS

(Reuters photo)

Virginia Delegate to Christians: Please Don't Elect Hillary Clinton

Some Republicans say they will not vote for Trump-Pence in this election.  Why? They don't like his gruff talk, his past mistakes violate their conscience, or they prefer to play the "long game," or in other words,  lose this election and build for the future.  Not voting for Trump would be a horrible mistake!
Hillary understands that Christians and conservatives place great value on "conscience."  She is playing us.  She knows that if enough demoralized Christians stay home on Election Day she will win this election!  But if Hillary wins, we will then face direct attacks upon our faith and conscience!  We must upset Hillary's plan!
In 1976, many evangelicals had no conscience problem supporting "born-again" Jimmy Carter who taught Sunday school.  We ended up with abortion on demand, 20 percent-plus interest rates, 18 percent inflation and radical Islamists ruling Iran.
No reason is sufficient to justify not voting for Trump-Pence because the consequences of Hillary's policies would profoundly harm America and those we love!  To think that a Republican Congress would protect us from her actions is delusional and defies recent experience.
I understand the reluctance of some conservatives to vote for Trump.  But in the practical world, would we impose a "purity" test on a fireman before he saves our home or a police officer before he saves a life?  No!
Does God's call to forgive play a role in public life, or do we only apply forgiveness in private? Do we pass personal judgment on Trump's very troubling words spoken a long time ago and for which he begged forgiveness, so we can justify not voting now for someone who "violates our sensibilities" when Hillary's actions clearly attack and violate our fundamental principles? 
The real question is:  Can our personal sensitivities allow us not to vote, thus enabling Hillary to become president, when we know she will force her radical homosexual and transgender agenda in our grade schools, remove any reference to our Creator in public life, erode religious freedom, weaken property rights, involve us in Middle Eastern wars, enact higher taxes, pay for more abortions, further destroy the moral and financial solvency of our nation and diminish our liberty and freedom, including the right to defend ourselves with an Australian-like gun confiscation program? 
Republicans who think sitting out this election to play catch-up later should think again. Progressives like Hillary want online voting and no voter ID.  Hillary's path to amnesty and citizenship for those illegal immigrants already in the U.S. and those who will flow through open borders will pay the favor back with votes.  
This fact coupled with the WikiLeaks proof of Democrat incitement to violence, planned voter fraud and current voting irregularities could spell the end of Republican election victories for a very long time.  
How can our conscience tell us it is fine to do nothing to stop Hillary when her policies will further destabilize the world, probably start a war with Russia and Syria over her no-fly zone plan in Syria (which our Joint Chiefs of Staff General Dunford said would probably lead to war), further facilitate the spread of ISIS, and encourage massive refugee resettlement, including ISIS operatives, in our country?  
The Defense Department recently lifted its ban on women serving in combat.  How long will it take for Hillary to mandate that our wives, daughters and granddaughters register for the draft to fight civil wars in the Middle East?
Donald Trump will scrap the nuclear deal that gave Iran, a country that has vowed to destroy us, $150 billion! He recognizes that paying billions to ransom hostages encourages more hostage-taking.  And surprise! Iran wants more ransom payments for its latest hostages!  Trump promises a strong national defense to defer aggression, while the current administration began tax-paid sex-change operations in the military. Whose policies will better protect America?
Donald Trump understands finances and imbalanced trade deals that hurt America's economy.  Who is more likely to save American jobs for our children and solve America's $20 billion debt? 
The Clinton Foundation's "pay to play" led to the State Department approving sale of uranium to Russia needed for their nuclear weapons. Hillary's insecure email server potentially compromised national security.  Clinton destroyed vital evidence despite congressional subpoenas.  Not voting for Trump-Pence will allow double standards of justice and the culture of corruption to continue.   
In 2015, Hillary said, "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" to protect abortion and LGBTQ rights. In the last debate, she celebrated Planned Parenthood's 100th anniversary despite its racist origins and sale of aborted baby body parts. She continues to defend abortion up to the ninth month of pregnancy!  Our conscience should tell us we must stop her.
Hillary's Supreme Court Justices will support Roe v. Wade, and so-called LGBTQ "marriage."  Trump is the only presidential nominee to publish a list of constitutionally minded, pro-life and pro-Second Amendment Supreme Court nominees.  I am unaware of any other nominee who ever made such a promise.
Trump will work to repeal Obamacare.  Hillary will expand it.  Premiums will continue to skyrocket until she is able to reach her ultimate goal: socialized medicine. Perhaps the prospect of waiting months for an MRI or necessary operation will make some think further about sitting out this election. 
Under Hillary, will your private, religious and home schools continue to satisfy state school attendance laws, and will their courses of study continue to be approved to fulfill college admission requirements?  Will your son or daughter be able to obtain a student loan if the chosen college is religious or private?
Under Hillary, will doctors, counselors, teachers and others lose their professional licenses to practice for failing to adhere to the state-mandated "religion" that mocks millennia of Judeo-Christian teaching?  Trump will fight for religious liberty, including allowing pastors to speak without losing their church tax exemption.  For this alone, is it worth voting for Trump?
Under Hillary, will you suffer limits to your Second Amendment rights, while she has armed guards to protect her?  Would she issue unconstitutional executive orders to require universal background checks to make future gun confiscation possible, or make it criminal for parents to gift a firearm to a grown child without federal background "checks"?
Our Constitution empowers the vice president to break ties in the U.S. Senate. Tim Kaine will vote to continue punishing the Little Sisters of the Poor and others for not including abortion pills in their insurance plans. He supports allowing 17-year-old transgender boys into girls' locker rooms and showers and wants small businesses to participate in same-sex weddings.  Would you rather have Pence or Kaine breaking these ties?
This election is not simply about a particular man or woman who is running for president, nor about speeches, spouses, candidate flaws or personal virtues. 
This election is about the soul of a country and the policies the president's team will implement and enforce, including nominating Cabinet heads, agency directors and Supreme Court justices.  Hillary's policies will increase debt, taxes and wars.  Trump-Pence will "drain the swamp" and make America stronger and safer. 
The only way to stop Hillary is to vote Trump-Pence. I sincerely hope you will. 
May God have mercy on our nation! 
Virginia Del. Bob Marshall was elected in 1991 to the Virginia House of Delegates. He authored Virginia's Marriage Amendment, Partial Birth Abortion Ban, non-compliance with federal detention of U.S. citizens, ban on warrantless searches of cell phones and computers, and other liberty-preserving legislation. In 2008, he won a unanimous decision in Virginia's Supreme Court against unelected taxing authorities.
This article was originally published at conservativehq.com. Used with permission.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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A Steadfast Commitment to Biblical Israel ✡ "Cities of Yehudah" - ISRAEL365

In the cities of the hill-country, in the cities of the Lowland, and in the cities of the South, and in the land of Binyamin, and in the places about Yerushalayim, and in the cities of Yehudah, shall the flocks again pass under the hands of him that counteth them, saith Hashem.

בְּעָרֵי הָהָר בְּעָרֵי הַשְּׁפֵלָה וּבְעָרֵי הַנֶּגֶב וּבְאֶרֶץ בִּנְיָמִן וּבִסְבִיבֵי יְרוּשָׁלִַם וּבְעָרֵי יְהוּדָה עֹד תַּעֲבֹרְנָה הַצֹּאן עַל יְדֵי מוֹנֶה אָמַר יְהוָה

ירמיהו לג:יג

b'-a-ray ha-har b'-a-ray ha-SH'-fay-lah u'-vi-a-ray ha-ne-gev u'-vi-e-retz bin-ya-min u'-vi-si-vi-vay y'-ru-sha-la-yim u'-vi-a-ray y'-hu-dah od ta-a-vor-nah ha-tzon al-y'-day mo-neh a-mar Ha-shem

Today's Israel Inspiration

Today's verse is a prophecy told by Jeremiah who relayed God's message that despite the unimaginable destruction experienced by the Jews who lived in that time, and having witnessed the horrific burning of the Holy Temple, there would once again be a day when the people of Israel will inhabit all the corners of the Holy Land, from north to south, east and west. With communities, both old and new, positively flourishing all throughout Israel, it is undeniable that this prophecy is clearly coming true today. One area in particular is especially thriving: the "cities of Yehudah" i.e. the cities and towns built on the land of Biblical Israel. Holy places such as Hebron, Shilo, and Bethlehem, once desolate and abandoned, are seeing a resurgence in population and the people are experiencing renewal the likes of which only Jeremiah could have imagined! CFOIC Heartland spends endless hours channeling funds to ensure the ever-continued growth of Biblical Israel: Judea and Samaria. You too can contribute and have a direct hand in bringing Jeremiah's prophecy to life!

Absolute Proof Israel is a Gift of Divine Origin

In the face of the recent UNESCO vote denying Judaism's connection to the Temple Mount, CFOIC shows how each Godly promise concerning Israel affirms historical Jewish ties to the Holy Land!

Spectacular "Parade of the Nations" Displays Christian Support for Jerusalem

Approximately 4,000 Christians from 90 nations paraded through Jerusalem, some dressed in their country’s traditional costume, others wearing clothes reminiscent of the Jewish Temple in the 37th annual "Parade of the Nations".

Israel Photo Trivia

Just a few short months ago, the gate leading from the Western Wall plaza up to the Temple Mount was renamed. Do you know its new name? Send me an email or post on Facebook!

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A Christian Pastor’s Analysis of the U.S. Election Drama - Dr. James Dobson

A Christian Pastor’s Analysis of the U.S. Election Drama

By: Dr. James Dobson

Is Trump good for America? I mentioned Sunday that I would speak on this next week. Unfortunately, I found that I was shoehorning this topic into my planned message. To properly present what I want to speak on Sunday, I may have to leave the Donald out of it!  

But let me take a minute for those that wonder and give some of my thoughts.

When I first heard that Trump (DT) was entering the race last year, I told my wife that perhaps it was a good thing for the party and America. I knew that he was not a "saint," but I thought that he would be like a bull in a china shop. 

He is a disrupt-er and I believe America could use a fresh thinker especially in the political arena. I didn't think he would get the nomination, but that he would shake up politics as usual. I was correct on the shaking up!

Lance Wallnau likens him to a biblical Cyrus. Someone who is dynamically used of God even though not perceived by many as a God follower. God has used many people in history that I would probably not like or agree with. 

I’m not sure I would have liked all the disciples, or David, or Moses. Somehow, God did not seem compelled to consult with me on His choices!

I have always admired Winston Churchill. He is seen as one of the greatest national leaders in the 20th century. Last year, I had the privilege of going through the War Museum in London. Winston is a key feature. His life is controversial. He was not always celebrated as a great leader. He was a bombastic, cigar smoking, at times crude, even misogynistic leader. 

It is alleged that he told off color stories to his children before bedtime! A woman once told him he was disgustingly drunk. His response was "My dear, you are disgustingly ugly, but tomorrow I shall be sober and you will still be ugly!"

There are many websites that discuss the outlandish comments and activities of this great world leader. But, he had exactly what was needed to stop Hitler at the Channel, to rouse a nation to never give up and to partner with America to find final victory in Europe. You probably wouldn't want him as your pastor, maybe not even your father, but he was the right leader for that moment in England's history. 

Such a brazen man that would go up to the roof of his quarters in central London and smoke cigars as Hitler’s air force bombed all around him. I’m not sure I would have voted for him.... but he was the right man!

I think it would be awesome to have a righteous leader, one that understood the intricacies of the economy, health care, defense, immigration, with great sensitivity to religious institutions, a heart for the poor, a vision for the future.   If that leader was a praying person, formidable in the word of God and loved the local church, I would rejoice!   I do not think that is the choice we will have in November.

Instead....we will look for someone who is imperfect, yet will fit the times we are living in. Particularly, that ‘whoever’ we vote for, will be someone who might possibly have the opportunity to appoint up to three Supreme Court justices. That could radically shape our culture in America for the next 30 years. 

The America of our grandchildren could be very different....and that may not be good. We cannot stand on the sidelines. A non-vote is a passive vote for a direction we may very well regret.

So...is Donald Trump good for America? I honestly believe that he has been already. He has shaken the political system. Do his comments offend me? At times! Do I agree with all he says? Not at all! But could he be a “Cyrus” being raised up by God to preserve America? 

Nobody liked Gen. Patton, but he sure WAS an instrument of the United States for the right things.

This I know. I will vote for the best chance for America. I will pray for our leaders as I have already. In the end - God will continue to be my source and my hope. I do believe that God has had a hand in America's history. 

I hope and pray that He will also have a saving hand in America’s future.

I shudder when I think of  the caliber of HILLIARY’S APPOINTEES.

GOD help us.
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There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn't true; the other is to refuse to  believe what is true.
Soren Kierkegaard 1813-1855

America Needs to Wake Up—There Is Zero Hope for Our Country Until We Turn From Our Evil Ways - MICHAEL SNYDER CHARISMA NEWS

Back in 1940, 3.8 percent of all babies were born to women that were not married. Today, that number is over 40 percent. (Jlhopgood/Flickr/CC)

America Needs to Wake Up—There Is Zero Hope for Our Country Until We Turn From Our Evil Ways

America is never going to be great again until we deal with the wickedness in our own hearts.
In recent days I have listened to so many national leaders tell us that Donald Trump is going to win the election and that this will usher in a new golden age of blessing and prosperity for America.
Supposedly this is going to happen even though we continue to slaughter babies on an industrial scale, sexually-transmitted diseases are spreading at the fastest pace in decades, the percentage of births out of wedlock is more than 10 times higher than in 1940, and approximately two out of every three Christian men watch pornography on a regular basis.
Even though there aren't any signs of widespread national repentance, we are supposedly going to be showered with wealth, favor, protection and good times for as far as the eye can see. You can believe this if you want, but it doesn't have any basis in reality.
The truth is that we live in a nation where just about every type of evil that you can possibly imagine is spreading like wildfire. Just look at the spread of sexually transmitted diseases. According to the CDC, there are 20 million new cases of sexually-transmitted disease in the United States every year. And last year, cases of chlamydia, gonorrhea and syphilis grew at a very alarming pace:
Cases of sexually transmitted diseases in the United States have reached new highs, including an increase in syphilis not seen since the mid-1990s, federal health officials said in a report this week.
There were 1.5 million chlamydia cases in 2015 — the last year that numbers were available — a 6 percent increase from the year before, and about 400,000 infections of gonorrhea, or a 13 percent rise, according to a report by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But syphilis cases increased to levels unseen since the mid-1990s. There were nearly 24,000 cases of primary and secondary syphilis cases last year, a 19 percent hike compared with 2014.
We are a nation that has fully embraced the "free love" philosophy of the 1960s. We have sex with whomever we want, whenever we want, and we don't seem to care about the consequences.
As a result, the nuclear family is rapidly destroyed.
Back in 1940, 3.8 percent of all babies were born to women that were not married.
Today, that number is over 40 percent.
2008 (the year Barack Obama was elected) was the very first year in our history when 40 percent of all babies were born to unmarried mothers, and we have now stayed at that level for eight straight years.
If we want to make America great again, we can start by not sleeping with people to whom we are not married.
But of course an increasing number of Americans (especially our young people) are discarding traditional notions of love, marriage and sexuality completely. At one time we were told that the choice was between "gay" and "straight," but now many people have decided that they want absolutely no limits. Miley Cyrus is among those who now identify themselves as "pansexuals."
The following comes from a recent article by Jennifer LeClaire:
"My mom is like an '80s rock chick—big blonde hair. ... She loves being a girl," Cyrus said. "I never felt that way. I know some girls that love getting their nails done. I ... hated it ... I don't wax my eyebrows. I never related to loving being a girl. And then, being a boy didn't sound fun to me. I think the LGBTQ alphabet could continue forever. But there's a 'P' that should happen, for 'pansexual.'"
According to Google, a "pansexual" is "not limited in sexual choice with regard to biological sex, gender or gender identity."
Millions of young girls look up to Miley Cyrus as a role model. We knew that this sort of thing was coming in the last days, but it is still hard to grasp how far America has fallen.
And if you try to speak out against this wave of evil, you might just lose everything.
For instance, the bakery in Oregon that didn't want to make a wedding cake for a lesbian couple has been forced to close their doors permanently.
The Oregon bakery that made news after it refused to make a cake for a lesbian couple's wedding has closed after legal battles left the business financial devastated, according to a Christian news site.
Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of Sweet Cakes By Melissa, have shut down their bakery, according to the store's Facebook page.
'We have closed Sweet Cakes. We appreciate everyone's continued prayer and support,' the post said.
We live in a nation where the culture has been fundamentally transformed. According to a newly released Pew Research Center survey, an all-time high 57 percent of all Americans believe that marijuana should be legalized and only 37 percent are against it. With that kind of a margin, it is only a matter of time before marijuana is legalized all over the country.
We also live in a nation that is absolutely addicted to watching other people have sex. And most Christian men cannot even speak out about this epidemic because they are doing it themselves. According to Charisma News, one survey found that an astounding 68 percent of all Christian men admit that they watch pornography on a regular basis.
But even if we turned away from all of the other behaviors that I have just mentioned, there would still be no hope for our nation as long as we continue to murder babies on an industrial scale.
Did you see the final debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton? During that debate, Clinton made it exceedingly clear that she is in favor of abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy. The Democratic platform openly calls for taxpayer funding of abortion and a complete repeal of the Hyde Amendment, and Bill and Hillary Clinton have made abortion one of the central pillars of their very long political careers. Their hands are absolutely drenched with the blood of dead children, and the American people are about to reward her by making her the next president of the United States.
So no, I don't buy it when people try to tell me that America is on the verge of a new era of greatness.
The truth is that we are a cesspool of wickedness and filth, and unless we repent we are going to reap a very bitter harvest from what we have sown for so many years.
Michael Snyder is the founder and publisher of End Of The American Dream. Michael’s controversial new book about Bible prophecy entitled "The Rapture Verdict"is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com.
3 Reasons Why you should read Life in the Spirit. 1) Get to know the Holy Spirit. 2) Learn to enter God's presence 3) Hear God's voice clearly! Go deeper!
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How a tiny Country in the middle of the desert just saved the World - PragerU.com ISRAEL VIDEO NETWORK

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From California to Africa, we are facing a global water shortage. But one tiny country, in the middle of a desert, has found remarkable solutions. Which country? And can we replicate its success? Businessman and New York Times bestselling author Seth Siegel explains.