Thursday, February 9, 2017

ISIS Fires Missiles at Eilat, Israel's Iron Dome Intercepts - israel today

ISIS Fires Missiles at Eilat, Israel's Iron Dome Intercepts

ISIS Fires Missiles at Eilat, Israel's Iron Dome Intercepts
Four missiles fired from Sinai Peninsula. Iron Dome intercepts three that would have hit Eilat
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Israel Today
Thursday, February 09, 2017


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 Chuck Norris Meets Netanyahu, Who Dismisses 'Obsolete' Bodyguards
Chuck Norris Meets Netanyahu, Who Dismisses 'Obsolete' Bodyguards
'Israel is strong, but it's indestructible with Norris around,' jokes Netanyahu
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 VIDEO: Aerial Footage of Eilat
VIDEO: Aerial Footage of Eilat
Stunning drone footage of Israel's souther resort town of Eilat on the shores of the Red Sea
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 Does Israel's Booming Wine Industry Signal Messiah's Return?
Does Israel's Booming Wine Industry Signal Messiah's Return?
Few took notice, but Israel's top religious authorities recently ordered wine kosher enough for the Temple
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Radical Adjustments & Reassignments Coming by Doug Addison Identity Network

Radical Adjustments & Reassignments Coming by Doug Addison

Identity Network Feb. 9, 2017

On January 3, I had a major encounter in which the Lord spoke to me that over the next three weeks there would be some radical adjustments and changes coming for us all. God spoke to me that the last week of January would be a significant time for this to begin.
The Heavenly Adjustment Department
There have been some changes in many people's callings. New assignments were released from the heavenly adjustment department. This will be the start of some major realignments and reassignments coming over the next few months. Many people have been experiencing serious levels of discouragement and warfare. I have been praying daily for a breakthrough about this for myself and for others.
On January 16, God spoke to me that my case in Heaven had been reviewed and an adjustment offer had been released. I have never heard this before and it took me by surprise. I also heard that this was happening to many people right now.
New Offers Being Given
I was told by God that after reviewing my ministry, I was being offered a choice. I could continue in the current position that I occupy in the Kingdom of God, or I could take a special assignment that would produce more results in the Kingdom with regard to the upcoming revival.
For years I have been a "Courts of Heaven Reporter." I have had to get up daily at 4:00 AM to journal and write out what I am hearing from God. But this changed last year when I was promoted to a "Courts of Heaven Prophet," which comes with a lot of interaction in the heavenly realm and being part of counsel meetings similar to what is described in Zechariah 3. It also brings extreme levels of spiritual warfare.
Something changed for me again last month. I heard the Lord say, "I need you in the streets to raise up an army for Me." I knew that if I took this new assignment, then the supernatural encounters that I have been having daily would reduce dramatically. I would still be a prophet, but my assignment and position would change. I knew that what appears to be a demotion on Earth is indeed a promotion in God's eyes.
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." 1 Peter 5:6 NIV
Jesus took a major demotion when He left His place of glory and came to Earth to save us all. He will promote the humble and the Lord is saying over and over right now that "due time is overdue." There is a backlog of repayment and unanswered prayers coming to many people.
I was given a choice and the Lord said He would bless me either way. I chose the new assignment, which is actually an upgraded version of my original calling for prophetic evangelism. I have to admit that the morning after I decided to take the new assignment it felt really strange to me as things changed majorly. I was still hearing God, but I suddenly had limits to my heavenly interactions.
But when we make decisions that will help grow the Kingdom, we will be blessed.
"And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or wife or children or fields for my sake will receive a hundred times as much and will inherit eternal life." Matthew 19:29 NIV
Safety and Blessings
God has hidden many people away in prison like Joseph in Genesis 41. Joseph was released suddenly and repaid for all his pain and suffering. The prison was not a fun place to be, but it was a place of hope and safety to him as he waited for the fulfillment of the dreams God had given to him as a child (Genesis 37). God spoke to me that He is beginning to call forth the prisoners of hope.
"Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles." Zechariah 9:12 NLT
This is a time to press in to the Lord in prayer and get ready for your marching orders that will come starting in March. God is going to start releasing the prisoners of hope. He is going to bring new hope and use you to bring hope to people in need of His love.
So get your hopes up because you are going to be repaid double for all your trouble.
Strategic Season of Dreams
February will mark the release of strategic dreams from God. Watch for dreams and night visitations as higher-level revelation is going to start pouring out to you. In some cases, you might not remember these types of dreams or visitations. The reason for this is that God is going to reveal it to you in a way that will hide it from the enemy.
"During the night the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a vision. Then Daniel praised the God of heaven and said: "Praise be to the name of God for ever and ever; wisdom and power are his. He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning. He reveals deep and hidden things; he knows what lies in darkness, and light dwells with him." Daniel 2:19–22 NIV
God is releasing wisdom and power and concealing strategies and revelation. This will help hide your promotion and plans from the enemy and bring you less warfare. Times and seasons are changing quickly so be aware that the way you currently do things might not work in the new season that is upon us now.
The Lord is releasing deep and hidden things over the next month. He is going to reveal the plans of the enemy against you and bring them into the light. Watch for a change in affiliations and locations to start unfolding.
Prophetic Dream: Pilots and Season Change
I had a prophetic dream last month and in this dream, I had been promoted and was working for an airport. I watched as jets were diverted into a remote area for landing due to construction. I was told that this was going to go on for the next several months. It looked very muddy, slippery and dangerous. I watched one plane that was full of pilots who had been through so much stress that when they landed they had all passed out and were asleep.
I went to the remote area where they were deplaning. I wanted to bring them water because I knew they were dehydrated. The water bins were all half empty and there was no fresh water for them. I found two bottles but by the time I found them they had all started getting transportation to the terminal. My new supervisor (an angel) told me not to worry about it. I was really concerned that these pilots needed water, but they were all moving quickly with a new purpose.
Then I talked to one of the pilots who looked like Tom Cruise. He told me that he has to really pay attention to the flight process now and he needed to plan ahead in order to avoid storms and things like this. My sense was that the season had changed and things were radically different now, so we can no longer go on "autopilot."
This dream shows us that we are in a time of transition and uncertainty, but God is aware of our needs and He has us covered. The unconscious pilots represent leaders that are now coming out of a difficult time. They are waking up to a new calling and they will not be able to do things the way we have in the past.
Get ready for things to start happening much more quickly! Get ready for deeper dreams in February and for your marching orders to come starting in March.
Doug Addison

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The Role of the Messianic Remnant in Apostolic Ministry - ASHER INTRATER CHARISMA NEWS

One blessing that should come out of the relationship between the Messianic remnant and the international church is unity. (Wikimedia Commons )

The Role of the Messianic Remnant in Apostolic Ministry


Standing With Israel
The Messianic Jewish remnant in Israel today is a partial restoration of the first-century community of disciples, including the emergence of apostolic-prophetic ministry teams within that remnant. Although it is still in its "baby" stages, we believe that the Messianic remnant in Israel will have a certain role to play in the fulfillment of end times' prophecy.
In Acts 1, the disciples received the promise of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 2 on Pentecost (Shavuot) morning, they were filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. Between the promise and the outpouring, the disciples gave themselves to fervent, united prayer, which led to revival. Yet there was another element between the prayer and the outpouring: the appointment of the 12th apostle.
At first glance, that appointment doesn't seem significant. However, the restoration of the 12th apostle was important in order to preserve the covenant pattern of the 12 tribes of Israel. It had symbolic significance like the 12 stones of Elijah's altar (1 Kings 18:31) and the 12 stones of Joshua's memorial (Josh. 4:2-3). In God's plan, the "new" is always faithful to the "old"—to the prophecies and patterns established under previous covenants.
The re-appointment of the 12th apostle can be seen as symbolic of the restoration of the apostolic-prophetic Messianic remnant in Israel today. At the same time, through the house of prayer movement, God is raising up a worldwide network of united prayer. The parallel emergence of a united international prayer network and a Messianic remnant in Israel are like end times' puzzle pieces coming into place, and a sign that we are moving toward a historic end-times revival.
The promise of world revival in Acts 2:17 is a quote from the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-3:1). This text seems to be a prophetic hint that in the generation of those who survived the Holocaust, God would restore the nation of Israel and the city of Jerusalem. Then God would call unto salvation a remnant of faith among the Jews in Israel. When this remnant is in place, the conditions will be set for the end-times prophecies to come to pass. These include both the negative prophecies of world disasters and the positive prophecies of world revival.
In Acts 15, the historic apostolic council took place in Jerusalem to discuss the development of the Gentile churches. They made a gracious, strategic decision to encourage the international churches to grow without having to keep certain Torah commandments which were so important to Jewish identity (circumcision, foods, feasts and so on). These instructions were sent around the world, and the result was that the churches began to grow and multiply (Acts 16:4-5).
Gentile churches do not need to submit in the same way to Messianic leaders from Israel today. However, as we move more into the end times, there will be vital, strategic impartation for the international church coming out of the body in Israel. I believe that the alignment of love and humility between the international church and the Messianic remnant in Israel will re-establish a covenant pattern of kingdom authority that will prepare both Israel and the church for the Second Coming of Yeshua and the establishment of His kingdom on Earth.
Unfortunately, many of us in the Messianic movement have spread teachings that were unbalanced and unedifying. We ask forgiveness for our errors and trust God to heal and bring the blessing He promised. One blessing that should come out of the relationship between the Messianic remnant and the international Church is unity. As there is unity in the Spirit through prayer as described in John 17, so is there unity through being grafted into the same historic root as described in Romans 11. This unity is also described as "one new man" in Ephesians 2-3. 
Note: The preceding is an excerpt from Asher Intrater's book, All Authority. To order the book, click here.
Asher Intrater is the founder and apostolic leader of Revive Israel Ministries and oversees Ahavat Yeshua Congregation in Jerusalem and Tiferet Yeshua Congregation in Tel Aviv. Asher was one of the founders of Tikkun International with Dan Juster and Eitan Shishkoff and serves on the board of the Messianic Alliance of Israel and Aglow International. He and his wife and full-time partner in ministry, Betty, have a passion for personal prayer and devotion, local evangelism and discipleship in Hebrew and unity of the body of believers worldwide.
For the original article, visit
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Israel's History - a Picture a Day - For Tu B'Shvat (Jewish New Year for Trees), a Picture of Jewish Soldiers in the British Army, WWI

Original caption: "A group from the 39th Battalion with workers and children from
Ben-Shemen. 15th (of Shvat)." The sign quotes from Leviticus: "When you come to the Land,
you shall plant...”

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 08 Feb 2017 

Tu B'Shvat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat, is a date assigned thousands of years ago in the Mishna for the purposes of determining the age of a tree and its tithing requirements.  

Indeed, the date usually coincides with the first blossoms on the almond trees in Israel. 

Today, Tu B'Shvat is commemorated as a combination of Arbor Day, environment-protection day, a kibbutz agricultural holiday, and, of course, a day for school outings and plantings.

The above picture of Jewish soldiers of the British Army who fought in Palestine in World War I was taken on Tu B'Shvatin 1919.  One Legionnaire, Leon Cheifetz from Montreal who enlisted before the age of 18,  assembled an album with dozens of pictures and biographies of many of the Canadians who fought with him. 
Posted: 08 Feb 2017 09:11 AM PST
In 1901, the Jewish National Fund (Keren Kayemet LeYisrael) was formed to develop the Land of Israel.  The Turks ruled Palestine, and the Jewish leadership sought a way to buy land for the Jewish people. Hundreds of thousands of acres of land were purchased, and to reclaim barren land, more than 250 million trees were planted. 

Metal worker making collection boxes for the Jewish
National Fund (Seidon collection, circa 1925)

For more than 100 years, Jewish families around the world kept a blue metal charity box in their homes to collect pennies to buy trees in the Holy Land.  School children would bring to school dimes to buy leaf stickers in order to pay for a tree.

A photographic collection sent to this author by Dr. Othniel Seiden of Denver -- theCigarbox Collection -- was featured here in 2013. Among the pictures was this one of the production of the Jewish National Fund's pushkes.
Posted: 08 Feb 2017 08:33 AM PST
Reforested hills along the road from Jaffa to Jerusalem, near Bab el-Wad, or Sha'ar HaGuy (circa 1930)
Reposting Tu B'Shvat features from February 1912.

The Jewish National Fund was established in 1901 to purchase and develop land in the Holy Land.

Planting trees on the barren hills on the way to Jerusalem (circa 1930)

A government tree nursery on Mt. Scopus, Jerusalem (circa 1930)
One major activity of the JNF, or in Hebrew the Keren Kayemet LeYisrael, was the planting of trees on Jewish-owned land in Palestine. Many a Jewish home had the iconic JNF blue charity box, or pushke, in order to buy trees.  In its history, the JNF is responsible for planting almost a quarter of a billion trees.

The photographers of the American Colony recorded the JNF's efforts.
"Afforestation sponsored by Keren Kayemeth" (circa 1935)

Reforested hillside along the road to Jerusalem. "Demonstrating
reforestation possibilities" (circa 1930)
The day chosen for school children and volunteers to go out to the fields and barren hilltops to plant trees was Tu B'Shvat, the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Shvat, a date assigned thousands of years ago in the Mishna for the purposes of determining the age of a tree and its tithing requirements. 

Indeed, the date usually coincides with the first blossoms on the almond trees in Israel. 

Today, Tu B'Shvat is commemorated as a combination of Arbor Day, environment-protection day, a kibbutz agricultural holiday, and, of course, a day for school outings and plantings.


Ceremony of planting the King's tree (1935) at Nahalal
In 1935, the Jews of Britain and the JNF established a "Jubilee Forest" near Nazareth.  According to the Jewish Telegraph Agency's account at the time, an "oriental cypress tree presented by King George V of England to the Jubilee Forest in the hills of Nazareth will be formally planted by High Commissioner Sir Arthur Grenfell Wauchope on December 19."

"The Jubilee Forest is British Jewry's mark of loyalty and devotion to the throne, expressed on the occasion of the royal couple's twenty-fifth jubilee. It will cover a large area of desolate and barren land on the hills of Nazareth which in ancient times were famed for their forest beauty. The forest constitutes the most important effort in reforestation of the Holy Land."

Next, the trees of Eretz Yisrael
"The tree shipped by King George was removed from Windsor Great Park in London, where it was the only one of its kind. It is the first ever to have been shipped from England to Palestine."

Next feature: 100 year old pictures of the trees of the Land of Israel

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

White House Silent on Israeli Settlement Vote - JNS.ORG CHARISMA NEWS

A bill the Knesset overwhelmingly passed that retroactively authorizes settlements in Judea and Samaria in the West Bank has resulted in outrage around the world, except from Washington, D.C. (Reuters photo)

White House Silent on Israeli Settlement Vote

The U.S. has remained mum on the historic, yet controversial passage of an Israeli bill that retroactively legalizes settlement outposts in Judea and Samaria.
Rather than issuing a new statement, the White House immediately responded to the Regulation Law by referring to its statement from last week, which said "we don't believe the existence of settlements is an impediment to peace" but that construction of new settlements "may not be helpful" in the Israel-Palestinian peace process.
Late Monday night, the Knesset passed the bill 60-52, retroactively legalizing some 4,000 homes that sit on private Palestinian land, while also providing compensation to the landowners. The State Department said that "at this point, indications are that this legislation is likely to be reviewed by the relevant Israeli courts, and the Trump administration will withhold comment on the legislation until the relevant court ruling," AFP reported. 
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is scheduled to meet with President Donald Trump Feb. 15, where the two will likely address the issue of settlements among other topics. 
Meanwhile, the international community and Arab leaders slammed the legislation on outposts, with the Palestinians calling it an attempt to "legalize theft" of Palestinian land.
"This is an escalation that would only lead to more instability and chaos. It is unacceptable. It is denounced and the international community should act immediately," said Nabil Abu Rdeneh, a spokesman for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.
The Arab League said the law "is only cover for stealing the land."
Just a day after Netanyahu met with U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May, British Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood said the bill "damages Israel's standing with international partners."
"It is of great concern that the bill paves the way for significant growth in settlements deep in the West Bank, threatening the viability of the two-state solution," Ellwood said.
Similarly, French Foreign Minister Jean Marc Ayrault said the law "constitutes a blow to the two-state solution."
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Ex-Witch: The Kingdom of Darkness Has Infiltrated Our Daily Lives - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Ex-Witch: The Kingdom of Darkness Has Infiltrated Our Daily Lives

When Beth Eckert traded her witchcraft for salvation, God began to reveal deep things of His spirit to her.  
The further she dives into her inner healing, the more God seems to expose how evil and darkness hide in plain sight.  
"You can be a part of the kingdom of darkness and not even know all the secrets," Eckert says in a recent video. " ... You can be indoctrinated into the occult and not even know the secret workings of the occult." 
The kingdom of darkness deals significantly with the second level of heaven, Eckert says. How? Watch the video to see.  
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