Thursday, September 7, 2017

South African leader’s daughter SLAMS those who say Israel is an apartheid state - Israel Video Network

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Esther Meshoe is the daughter of conservative South African parliamentarian Dr. Kenneth Meshoe. Not only does she criticize those who say Israel is an apartheid state, she also slams those who know it isn't yet won't stand up for the truth.
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The IDF just uncovered major weapons manufacturing plants.

WARNING: Some graphic images

Today's Extreme Israel feature - Qumran! Don't try this at home!

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Avi Abelow
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AMAZING Images of Irma's INCREDIBLE Power: There Are No Words - CBN NEWS

AMAZING Images of Irma's INCREDIBLE Power: There Are No Words
These satellite images give a glimpse of Hurricane Irma's enormity. And the video at the bottom of this article from the Category 5 storm's landfall in the Caribbean is absolutely stunning.
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Steve Martin, Love For His People - "Call on the Name of the Lord" - Arms of Love video message

Steve Martin, Love For His People

"Call on the Name of the Lord"

Sept. 7, 2017

Greetings to you this beautiful day of the Lord,

I am thankful that I can bring you another word of encouragement, which today I am calling "Call on the Name of the Lord". Normally I like to speak a word earlier in the week, but the Lord didn't give me one, and so I didn't. When I was reading Isaiah 55 this morning, I came to verse 6 and heard the Holy Spirit say to me that this was the word for now.

"Seek the Lord while He may be found;
Call upon Him while He is near.
Let the wicked forsake his way
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
And let him return to the Lord,
And He will have compassion on him,
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts."

(Isaiah 55:6-9New American Standard Bible (NASB)

My prayer is that today you will spend time with the Lord Jesus, call upon His name, and ask Him what He has planned for you. His Holy SPirit will direct your steps.

Ahava and shalom,

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, North Carolina 

You can help us help others in Israel, Pakistan Northern Ireland and Nigeria, where we support families and ministries who also have a heart for Israel, and love the people in their land. 

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YouTube Published on Sep 7, 2017

Steve Martin, Love For His People - "Call on the Name of the Lord" - Arms of Love video message Isaiah 55:6 Sept. 7, 2017 Charlotte, North Carolina USA Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Expert Predicts: Internet of Things and Global Brain Make Way for Anti-Christ 'Beast System' - STEVE STRANG CHARISMA MAGAZINE

TruNews' Rick Wiles (YouTube )
As reported yesterday on Charisma News, YouTube has demonetized the videos of Dr. Michael Brown. He asks for our help protesting this unfair business tactic. Recently, journalist Lee Stranahan had his YouTube channel taken down because he discussed radical Islam.
Rick Wiles of TruNews believes this is the beginning of a trend: The world system will cut off access to Christians or anyone who isn't politically correct. He believes Christians need an alternative platform, and he's working to build one.
I talked to him on my podcast (below) about some of the futuristic things he's learned while researching how to build this platform. It's amazing to hear some of the things he has to say:
  • Telephone companies are investing $1 trillion to develop 5G, which will be available in the West in five to seven years and in the entire world by 2030.
  • 5G is necessary for the "next level" of technology, which they are calling "the internet of things." In it, everything you own, including your shoes, sends data to a central processing place Rick calls the "global brain."
  • This technology will allow for "smart cities," driverless cars and artificial intelligence. (If you're in the car business, you'll want to hear his amazing predictions.)
Rick says that soon, your shoes will have more brainpower than you do, and they will feed information about where and how fast you are walking into this global brain. Sound incredible? Well, "the cloud" seemed incredible when we first heard about it. So did the internet. I remember when I first began hearing we would have smartphones that had more individual computing power than the satellite that took the first astronauts to the moon in 1969.
We only touch on the high points in this podcast, but you'll want to hear it for yourself. Rick warns: "It's later than you think, body of Christ."  
Of course, we know technology is also used to spread the gospel. Think of the printing press, airplanes and television that have allowed the gospel to go where it never went before. Rick believes there will one day be virtual street evangelists witnessing to people who live in virtual reality 24/7.
Do you agree?  Leave your comments. And share this with friends. 

Strang Report
Rick Wiles: The Global Brain
TRUNEWS Founder Rick Wiles says the world is undergoing technological changes that most lay people can't fathom. Listen to Wiles' shocking forecast about what's headed our way in the near future and what it means for believers.
Steve Strang is the founder of Charisma Media and President of Christian Life Missions. Follow him on Twitter and FacebookClick here to subscribe to the Strang Report podcast, and here to sign up for the Strang Report newsletter.
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