Monday, January 5, 2015

Why Are So Many Christians Turning Into Atheists? - Jennifer LeClaire

Why Are So Many Christians Turning Into Atheists?

Former pastor Ryan Bell converted to atheism.
Former pastor Ryan Bell converted to atheism. (YouTube screengrab)

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire
Pastor Ryan Bell made a strange New Year's resolution in 2014—he aimed to live a godless year.
Bell, no relation to universalist Rob Bell, kept a blog to chronicle his yearlong journey without God and even had a documentary crew on hand to film what turned out to be his transformation from a Seventh-Day Adventist pastor to a full-blown atheist.
"I've looked at the majority of the arguments that I've been able to find for the existence of God, and on the question of God's existence or not, I have to say I don't find there to be a convincing case, in my view," Bell told NPR's Arun Rath.
"I don't think that God exists. I think that makes the most sense of the evidence that I have and my experience. But I don't think that's necessarily the most interesting thing about me."
What? How do you move from accepting a call of God into full-time ministry only to turn your back on him and decide to exchange a close relationship with God to a "closer relationship with reality"?
From Christian to Murderer?
Maybe we should ask heavy metal Christian rock star Tim Lambesis, the former front man for As I Lay Dying. Of course, that may be somewhat difficult considering he was sentenced to six years in prison for hiring a hit man to kill his wife. In the midst of that drama, Lambesis admitted he's an atheist.
In another instance, a Methodist worship and teaching pastor who served God in ministry for 20 years took up a new post, at least for a season, as public relations director for the American Atheists. She said her move to atheism was "very, very gradual."
"Actually there's not really one single moment where I can look back and say, "Ah, that was the moment," Teresa McBain told The Christian Post. "It was kind of a slow progression."
There's a long list of Christians who turned to atheism on WikiPedia. And the Clergy Project, a secret initiative that's willing to foot the bill to get you out of your pulpit and into a new career, claims to offer a "safe haven for active and former professional clergy/religious leaders who do not hold supernatural beliefs."
What is going on? Is the church doing something wrong? Or is the culture wooing once-saved Christians to the godless side? Or both?
WikiHow article actually spells out "How to Persuade a Christian to Become Atheist" and atheists are certainly campaigning hard for their godless view. At the same time, a Barna Group study conducted among 16- to 29-year-olds shows that a new generation is more skeptical of and resistant to Christianity than were people of the same age in 1997. Just 16 percent of non-Christians in their late teens and 20s said they have a "good impression" of Christianity. Common negative perceptions include that present-day Christianity is judgmental (87 percent), hypocritical (85 percent), old-fashioned (78 percent) and too involved in politics (75 percent).
"We are far from becoming an atheist nation," says Barna researcher David Kinnaman. "There are tens of millions of active believers in America today. But the wall between the churched and the churchless is growing higher and more impenetrable as more people have no muscle memory of what it means to be a regular attender at a house of worship."
The Great Falling Away
What, then, is the root of Christians turning their back on God? I believe it's a sign of the times and may be part of the Great Falling Away. About two years ago, I asked the question: "Is the Great Falling Away Already Underway?". Jesus said that in the last days, the love of many would grow cold because iniquity will abound (see Matt. 24:12). When a God-fearing pastor becomes a godless champion for faithlessness, love has grown cold.
But there is hope. Mike McHargue is a Christian turned atheist turned follower of Christ. He says his time as an atheist actually made him a better Christian.
"Atheism doesn't pretend to have answers to every question. Losing God changed me. I no longer feel like I have to have answers to all the questions we face in life. I'm happy to look for an answer without finding one, and I'm comfortable with uncertainty. My faith is an act of simple trust now," McHargue wrote in Relevant magazine.
"What I know is less important than what I do. Knowing Jesus is not an abstract set of information or a construct of dogma. Being a Christian comes down to the simple of act of dropping my nets when I hear the words, 'Come, follow me.'"
I pray that every Christian-turned-atheist—and every atheist for that matter—would come to this same revelation. God is waiting to embrace you.
Jennifer LeClaire is senior editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraftand The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating JezebelYou can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Big Picture. Full Picture. - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Big Picture. Full Picture.
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“You're a fountain of cascading light, and you open our eyes to light.” Psalm 36:9 (THE MESSAGE)

You are surrounded by the forest. All around you is nothing except the dense foliage, with a few streaks of sunlight piercing the darkness. You can’t see much at all and you think this is it. This is the known world.

As the camera pulls back, the forest gives way to a winding river, and then majestic clouds as the view expands higher up. Moving quickly now, you see through the lens a large land mass, surrounded by a huge ocean. Then the round ball of earth comes into further view, followed by a galaxy with massive groups of stars. There is no stopping point to the vastness of the creation.

At times our world we move in seems nothing more than what we can see through the trees in the forest. The daily routines, work schedules, and the ongoing maintenance of life keep us from seeing the big picture. For some, our boundaries are the small confines we are familiar with, and it sometimes seems that is all we can handle. Keeping life simple, within that established and familiar perimeter, is ok within our world, we at times believe.

For many, the bigger picture is rarely seen, if at all. Just maintaining the day in, day out routine is enough for the typical person, seeking to make it through another week, another season, another year. What is happening elsewhere offers nothing that will touch our lives. Or so it would seem.

To have a world concept, to go beyond what we typically come in contact with, requires something outside of ourselves. It will push us to see more than we would normally want to see, to get involved within a sphere outside of our own. Having a world view will require more than the “me and mine” attitude, if we are to affect the world beyond our known borders.

At times I am content to keep within the confines of the world I typically walk in – to do well on the job, maintain the few relationships I have, and accept the routine I have grown accustomed to. It just seems good enough. And yet fulfillment lacks. More must be attained.

Seeking the Lord’s purpose and plan for our lives will bring the full picture in view, as we realize that His world, the one we have been called to walk in, is beyond ours. Having His vantage viewpoint gives us the opportunity to get beyond our immediate surroundings and expand our world view.

As time goes by, the zeal we had to change the world in our youth must not be replaced with a complacency and tendency to shrink back from serving His purposes. Rather than believing we have completed our assignment and can now sit back and let others do it, our prayer must be to have His passion and love for the world renewed in our spirit. It is a daily walk, one that by His grace we can keep pressing on to achieve.

The enemy would like for us to sit back and let the world go by, allowing “que sera sera” – whatever will be will be. But that is not what we have been given to do, and we must continue to walk by the guidance of the Holy Spirt, Ruach HaKodesh, to be overcomers in this life.

The big picture, the full picture, has the world in view. Our place in this world is to continue to bring His kingdom into that part that He has for us to impact and fulfill. Until He calls us home to our eternal reward, let us keep seeking the Lord so we can be instruments of His love here on earth.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

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Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This #165 - “Big Picture. Full Picture.” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (01.05.15) Monday at 9:00 am in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on our newest website: Now Think On This

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Does New Testament Back Israel's Claim to the Land?

Does New Testament Back Israel's Claim to the Land?

Sunday, January 04, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Pastor Ron Cantor of the Tel Aviv-based Messianic congregation Tiferet Yeshua addresses in the following video the oft-heard argument that nowhere in the New Testament is Israel’s modern claim to to this land reaffirmed.
Even among Christians who on the surface claim to reject Replacement Theology, many insist that God’s promise of this particular piece of land to the Children of Israel and their descendants as a perpetual inheritance is null and void under the new covenant sealed in Yeshua’s blood.
Cantor starts off by noting that the New Testament never reaffirms the concept of tithing, but nearly all Christian pastors and ministers hold that it is still a valid and even necessary practice. As such, the mere absence of a particular promise or concept from the pages of the New Testament is not enough to declare it invalid.
“Can God, who cannot lie, break His promise?” Cantor wonders. “I would think not. If so, our faith is on shaky ground.”
Even so, Cantor explores why the New Testament fails to mention God’s promise of the land to Israel, which was such a central theme during the centuries covered by the Old Testament.
Or does it? As Cantor explains, a number of passages traditionally misused and taken out of context in fact reaffirm all of God’s promises to the Jews, including those regarding the land.
This short teaching is worth a watch: Israel Today video
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Israel's Loyal Christians Gaining Attention Abroad

Israel's Loyal Christians Gaining Attention Abroad

Sunday, January 04, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
As Israel’s former ambassador to the US, Michael Oren, stated on several occasions, Israel has proved to be the one place in the Middle East where Christians can not only live without persecution, but can actually thrive.
It is no secret to the readers of Israel Today that a growing number of Israeli Christians, in particular a large group from Nazareth, are responding by volunteering to serve in the IDF and fully integrating with Israeli society as loyal and productive citizens.
This trend is increasingly gaining the attention of the foreign media, though in most places it is still sadly overshadowed by claims that Israel oppresses all non-Jews in the region.
In an example of the more positive aforementioned coverage, The Wall Street Journal last week published a piece on “Israel’s Christian Awakening,” which concluded that the changing attitudes of local Christians constituted a “notable shift in the balance of power among religious groups in the Middle East.”
Among those cited in the article were Father Gabriel Naddaf, Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum spokesman Shadi Khalloul, and former IDF naval captain Bishara Shlayan.
Subscribers to our monthly Israel Today Magazine will recognize those names as regular interviewees and the subjects of numerous feature reports.
Unlike much of the mainstream international media, Israel Today is committed to covering this exciting realignment of Christians coming alongside their Jewish brothers in the Holy Land.
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PHOTO: Father Gabriel Naddaf meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem (Flash90)
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Our Mom's 80th Birthday Celebration

Back row: Janet, Colleen, Mary, Steve, Sue, Lynn
Front row: Tom, Mom, Rob  

Our Mom's 80th Birthday Celebration

On Jan. 3, 2015 in Charlotte, NC, our mother Lila Martin Parker celebrated her 80th birthday. All eight of her children were able to come and join in the celebration. As many as the spouses, grandkids and great grandkids who could also joined us.

We love our Mom!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.
Mom and her three sons (Rob, Steve, Tom)

Mom and five daughters (Colleen, Mary, Janet, Mom, Lynn, Sue)

 Mom and all who could come to her 80th birthday party

Mom with husband Bill, and eight children

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2015: A Year To Spread Your Broken Wings - Bill Yount

Bill Yount

Posted: 30 Dec 2014 

 "If your heart is broken, you'll find God right there; if you're kicked in the gut, he'll help you catch your breath." Psalm 34:18 The Message

 Broken: having been fractured or damaged and no longer in one piece or in working order. (of a person) having given up all hope; despairing.

 It seems no matter who we are and how much we love Jesus, there's still a broken area in our lives that God is still working on. I said to my wife recently, "Do you know anyone in the Body of Christ including us who's not broken in some area of their lives? Do you know anyone who is normal?" She said, "Bill, normal is the setting on the dryer downstairs."

 I'm In Your Brokenness  

I sense an urgent cry from God's heart. "Wait no longer. I'm in your brokenness. When things didn't go the way you planned and I didn't answer the way you thought I would. So broken, you felt like a bird with out wings. But I'm still here and you are under My wings.. Would you do Me a favor? Spread your broken wings one more time. Give me one more chance. See what I can do for I am breathing on your brokenness. Can you feel My breath? I've waited for you to cry to Me. Only Me. Let Me be your dream now and I will take you to My dream that I have for you. Try it. One more time. Spread your broken wings and see where they will take you. I will be the wind that carries you above the storms, pain and sorrow. It's your time to defy gravity. At first it may hurt again but it will not harm you now. You will laugh again, dance again and love again. Spread your broken wings and make history."

Did Our Brokenness Come To Define Us?

Nothing is wasted in the hands of our Redeemer. All things work together for our good to those who love the Lord. Even our pain, disappointments and things that don't make sense. Could it be that we've tasted brokenness in order to relate to a broken world and to have our heart break for it?

 Can you feel them? Broken hearts, broken dreams, broken hopes, and broken bones. Maybe we should take a year and weep with those that weep. There must be an ocean of tears somewhere bottled by God's hand ready to be redeemed. Lord, let this be the year. And let us find you. Where our dream that's coming true is You. So we can get over ourselves and heal a broken, dying world. Begin with me. Weep through me over Jerusalem .Weep though me for the lost. I wonder when we stand before You if we will regret that we didn't weep more on earth. Not for ourselves or for the things that didn't work out. But for those who didn't make it there with us. For we will have all eternity to rejoice and be glad. "Lord, is that tear in my eye mine or yours?"

 A Year To Hear Tears Falling

 "I'm opening the ears of My people to hear tears falling this year. You will hear tears splashing, hitting the ground so hard that they will erode mountains and make rivers out of deserts. If you run from them they will pursue you until you can hear nothing else. As the prophet Elijah told the widow to go borrow many vessels, I hear the Father saying, "Go borrow many bottles for there will be more tears than there are bottles on the earth. Tears from orphans pounding against gross darkness screaming, "Can anyone hear me?" You will hear widows plead in the night for their cruse of oil not to fail. Children imprisoned in sex trafficking with no more tears left to cry, staring into outer space. A tearless generation robbed of their emotions. Older people in rest homes weeping for the younger generations, that they might learn from their long life of taking the road less traveled by. "Is not wisdom found among the aged? Does not long life bring understanding?" Job 12:12 You may need to visit them to hear their heart cry."

 Perhaps when we weep with those who weep our brokenness begins to heal and our broken wings want to fly again to those whose weeping is greater than our own. Our broken wings must fly not for our own sake but for God's sake. I saw a little bird recently flying high in the sky with strong winds blowing against it. I said to the Lord, "How can that small bird fly against those fierce winds?" The Lord said, "They were born that way. They were created to fly in winds of adversity. And so are you."

Have the violent winds of life knocked you down? Have you forgotten that you were born to fly in spite of them? They were blowing hard against you to go higher in God. Are you wondering where your wings are? They are beginning to grow now. By faith begin to stretch them. You can do it. Hear the tears of others falling. They need you now. Go ahead. Stretch your broken wings and change history.


Bill Yount

Jerusalem - the Capital of Israel

Which Way are We Looking? by Georgina Buchanan - Identity Network

Which Way are We Looking? 

by Georgina Buchanan

Identity Network

On one particularly hard day as I meditated on the goodness of God, It was revealed to me how much my feelings were based on what I SEE instead of what I do not or cannot see. At first I was not sure what was being revealed to me, and then I remembered the scripture in Hebrews that says, "Now faith IS the substances of things hoped for and the evidence of things NOT SEEN." (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)
Then I got it, I was looking at the wrong thing! I was going by my "seeings" instead of my "sayings."  Like so much of the body of Christ, my husband and I have been going through a very difficult season. It has been a time of great silence and very, very little physical evidence of the presence of God. It has felt as if God took a leave of absence from His throne room.
I have been serving God since the age of 6, and I have gone through many hardships along the way. Some were harder than others, but all came to pass away, however, this particular season seems to be without end. I have fasted, prayed, wept, tithed and given many, many seed offerings and yet to seemingly NO avail. As evidence that God really is still in His throne room, the Scripture in Isaiah 43:19 came flooding back to my mind. "Behold I do a NEW thing. Now it shall SUDDENLY spring forth Do you not understand that?" (my paraphrase).
His Spoken Word makes the Unseen, Seen
All that God does comes from his spoken word into the unseen realm, and then what he says, SUDDENLY IS! Look at Gen 1:2, 6,7 (NKLV)
"The earth was without form, and void; and darkness were on the face of the deep.  Then God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters."  Thus God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament; and it was so."
We Can Have What We Say, Instead We Say What We Have
I want you to remember that we can also bring it, (whatever it may be) into the seen realm by speaking what He said, and believing what we say! Look what Jesus told His disciples in Mark 11:22-24 NIV
"Have faith in God," Jesus answered. "I tell you the truth, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.  Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
We instead speak from what we see and are disappointed when we get more of the same.  Jesus said We can have what we say... but instead, we say what we have (i.e. "my bills are paid, in Jesus name, I have no lack" or, "Look at all these bills, I'm never going to get ahead!")  Which do you want?
Speak Shall Come to Pass
We get so discouraged when the manifestations of God's promises don't manifest. In our hearts we give up and walk away from the promises of God. I have heard Christians say "I do not want to hear one more promise or prophecy. I have had enough. It is always "going" to happen, but nothing ever does. I don't want to hear anymore."   I completely understand how they feel. But, my friends, we must remember that everything was first spoken before it came to pass.
"By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God's command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible." Hebrews 11:3 (NIV)
Though our wait for the fulfillment of God's promises seems to be endless we cannot stop expecting them to manifest. As we keep speaking, what God has spoken over our lives, we are assuring their fulfillment. We have the God given authority to make sure that ALL God has promised to us WILL come to pass by simply repeating what he has spoken.
Faith is an Action Exercise
When we wake in the morning and everything looks the same we must REMEMBER the promises come from the unseen realm NOT from the SEEN realm. As I practice SPEAKING the promises of God over my life I can feel my faith growing stronger every day. God's Word reminds me not to focus on what I see, but by focusing on his promises and prophecies I can change what I see. God wants his children to prosper in every area of their lives.  The Apostle John proclaims this so well in 3 John 2 (AMP)
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in every way and [that your body] may keep well, even as [I know] your soul keeps well and prospers."
He has given us ALL power to do just that, but the power is IN His Word. That very word we don't want to hear anymore is what will bring us into the manifestation of what was promised. So my friends I am reminding myself as much as you, I WILL not turn loose of my confidence in the promises of my Lord and savor for it has great rewards. Time is not my master. It will not dictate to me the faithfulness of my God.
Hold Fast to Your Confession
In other words, do not despair if it has been 6 years since God promised a better job, or He promised you a child, or a husband or wife. The passing of time does not weaken His promises, but when we hide His Word in our hearts it strengthens us. His word WILL come to pass. Do not let ole stupid (the enemy of our souls) deceive you into walking away from YOUR promises. Hold fast to every word He has spoken to you.
The Bible is full of wonderful life sustaining promises. They are ALL for you and me. We are at the beginning of a brand new season. We will see manifestations of the spirit of God as never before. Though you may be travel worn and battle weary DO NOT GIVE UP! The next thing you see will be the fulfillment of what has been spoken over you.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. Hebrews 10:23 (NKJV)
This is the time to rejoice with ALL your might for God is an ON TIME GOD.
I bless you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Georgina Buchanan

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