Monday, February 23, 2015

They Called Him Rabbi Abraham Lincoln

They Called Him Rabbi Abraham Lincoln

Monday, February 23, 2015 |  David Lazarus  ISRAEL TODAY
We all know how much Abraham Lincoln did for African-Americans, but until now very little was known of the special place Honest Abe held in his heart for the Jews. In fact, Lincoln showed so much favor to the Jewish community of his time that they called him “Rabbi Abraham.”
When Lincoln was born on February 12, 1809 there were fewer than 3,000 Jews in the United States. By the time he died there were 150,000. Many of Lincoln’s contemporaries were alarmed by this development. Anti-Semitism, like the plague, had spread from Christian Europe to the New World, but Lincoln, a staunch Christian Republican, stood up for the Jews, much in the same way he would for African-Americans.
Lincoln was a devote student of the Bible and often quoted from the Old Testament in his public speeches. Lincoln rejected the notion held by many Christians of the time that the Jews were responsible for killing the Son of God. He made it a point to treat the Jews with respect right from the beginning of his career. Lincoln boasted many Jewish friends, often represented them in his law practice, and even appointed Jews to offices in his administration. Many Jews served as President Lincoln’s personal advisors.
A number of Lincoln’s generals regarded the Jews as hostile intruders to the North American continent and tried to have them expelled. General Ulysses Grant tried to force them out by issuing an edict barring Jews from selling goods to Union soldiers. Lincoln would have none of it, and confronting his commanding general immediately rescinded the shameful order.
When the Union Army wanted to “appoint Christian Chaplains to care for the spiritual needs of our brave soldiers,” Lincoln insisted on also appointing Jews to serve as chaplains to the army, something that had never been done before. Lincoln then signed the act into law and Jewish chaplains have been serving in the US Armed Forces ever since.
It was Lincoln who was the first to acknowledge the need to recognize Judaism as an official religion of the United States. At the time it was common to call the United States a “Christian Nation.” In order to make sure that the growing Jewish population also be included, Lincoln insisted that America be called “a nation under God.”
In 1863 Lincoln delivered his Emancipation Proclamation declaring that “all slaves under the Confederacy were from then on forever free.” Shortly afterwards, Lincoln met with a Canadian Christian Zionist named Henry Wentworth Monk who explained to him that Jews who were being oppressed in Russia and Turkey also need to be emancipated "by restoring them to their national home in Palestine."
Lincoln replied that this, the rebirth of Israel as a nation-state, was "a noble dream and one shared by many Americans."
When Lincoln was assassinated, the Jewish response was unprecedented as communities around the country mourned him in the traditional Jewish way for seven days by sitting “Shiva.” Eulogizes for the fallen president were offered by rabbis in every synagogue across the nation.
In what surely must have been a divine toss of the coin, the new copper penny minted in 1909 in celebration of Lincoln’s 100th birthday and adorned with his own iconic portrait was designed by the Russian-Jewish immigrant Victor David Brenner.
More of this fascinating story can be found in the new historical documentary “They Called Him Rabbi Abraham” by Gary Phillip Zola.
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Kansas May Be 1st to Ban 'Barbaric' Abortion Method

Kansas May Be 1st to Ban 'Barbaric' Abortion Method

Kansas could be the first state to outlaw a certain type of abortion commonly used during the second trimester of pregnancy.
A bill banning what's known as the "Dilation and Evacuation" procedure, commonly known as partial birth abortion, passed Friday in the Kansas Senate. 
The abortion method, which includes extracting the fetus in pieces, was described by lawmakers supporting the bill as "gruesome" and "barbaric."  
Another state senator said it's "unimaginable that such a procedure could be used by a medical practicioner."
The measure is expected to pass in the Repubican-controlled state House of Representatives then gain the signature of Gov. Sam Brownback, a strong
abortion opponent.
Similar bans on this type of abortion are being considered in Missouri and Oklahoma.

Do You Want God to Use You in Mighty Ways? - R.T. Kendall

Holy Spirit

Spirit Led Woman's Power Up Logo
Do you want God to use you in mighty ways? How great is your desire to be His anointed instrument in setting captives free, healing and bringing Him glory?
I have said many times that I would rather have a greater anointing than anything. I suppose that is a God-honoring request, but I am not so sure. I want it so much that I cannot tell whether this desire is natural or spiritual. The anointing is the power of the Holy Spirit that makes our gift function with ease. When I live within my anointing, my gift works without effort, but the moment I go outside my anointing, I find myself struggling.
God does not want us to struggle. He wants us to cast our anxiety on Him (1 Pet. 5:7). But at least twice in his life Moses struggled. First, he was overwhelmed by people coming to him in droves to get his verdict on civil matters among the children of Israel. His wise father-in-law, Jethro, saw all that Moses was doing for the people and said to him, "What is this thing that you are doing for the people? Why are you sitting by yourself while all the people stand around you from morning until evening? ... What you are doing is not good. 18 You will surely wear yourself out, both you, and these people who are with you, for this thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it by yourself" (Ex. 18:14, 17-18). Jethro then advised Moses to designate authority to others—appointing capable men as officials over thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens—letting them handle the simple cases and Moses the more difficult (vv. 19-26).
The second occasion was when the people complained about the food—pining for what they ate in Egypt and complaining that they now "never see anything but this manna!" Moses brought this to the Lord and told him he could not bear the burden of their constant complaining. Moses was then instructed to choose 70 elders.
God assured Moses that he would lighten his load: "I will take of the Spirit which is on you and will put it on them, and they will bear the burden of the people with you, and you will not bear it by yourself" (Num. 11:17). After that the Lord came down in a cloud and spoke with Moses. God "took of the Spirit that was on him, and gave it to the seventy elders, and when the Spirit rested on them, they prophesied, but did not do it again" (v. 25). However, two of them who had remained in the camp prophesied, and Joshua was upset. "My lord Moses, forbid them," he said to Moses. "Are you jealous for my sake?" he asked Joshua. "Oh, that all the people of the Lord were prophets, and that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them!" (vv. 28-29).
Why would Moses want everybody to prophesy and all to have the Spirit on them? Because when one person is in leadership and sees people struggle with their maladies, he realizes he needs all the help he can get! Joshua had not yet inherited Moses' mantle and wrongly assumed that Moses wanted to be the head and center of everything. How wrong Joshua was. The transfer of anointing to others lightens the load of the one with whom the buck stops. When all the people have the Spirit on them, it will mean that the work of God functions with ease—and with no rival spirit in control.
We learn from this how God can take from our anointing and pass it on to others. We are not told that Moses laid hands on the 70 elders. The impression is given that God merely did it by Himself—taking from Moses' anointing and passing it on without Moses losing any measure of the Spirit in the process. This is the wonderful thing about Christian ministry; what we give away we keep.
Nothing would be more thrilling than God taking from one's ministry and passing it on to others. I have longed for the day that not only would my anointing change lives and increase their measure of the Holy Spirit but also even heal people's bodies under my preaching. But if we want to keep the Holy Spirit to ourselves, it is unlikely that God will use us much.
We also learn from this account that God does not want us to bear a heavy load. He knows how much we can bear and will step in—never too late, never too early, but always on time.
Ask the Lord today to give you an ever increasing anointing to operate under, and then for it to be transferred to many people for His honor and glory.
Kendall-bookAdapted from 40 Days With the Holy Spirit by R.T. Kendall, copyright 2014, published by Charisma House. If you want to experience more of the power and presence of the Holy Spirit this book is ideal. Take 40 days to focus on getting a deeper understanding of the Holy Spirit and encounter Him in a fresh new way. To order your copy click here.
Prayer Power for the Week of Feb. 23, 2015
This week ask the Lord to give you an ever increasing anointing to operate under, and then for it to be transferred to many people for His honor and glory. Ask Him to give you divine connections for impartation and ministry. Continue to pray that the gospel would spread around the world and ignite a global revival. Remember Israel, the persecuted church and those who continue to suffer persecution and losses for the gospel's sake. Lift up our leaders and ask God to give them godly wisdom and direct them in making the right decisions (1 Pet. 5:7; 1 Tim. 2:1-4).
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When Christian leaders fall into serious sin - Charlynne Boddie (SIGN - Morris Ruddick)

When Christian leaders fall into serious sin // Charlynne Boddie // Woman to Woman

Feb. 21, 2015

Among our closest friends, Charlynne Boddie (, ranks high. Not only because of the caliber of her friendship, but because of who she is in the Lord. As a single-woman in ministry, she is wise beyond her years. Her influence within business and government circles distinguishes her calling as a modern-day Josephina-Danielle.

Her incredible track record includes serving in the Press Secretary's office of the Clinton Administration in the early 90s. Her exploits in the media, among other venues, include Hollywood, as well as a role as a columnist. She is an accomplished chef, having run her own catering business. The prophetic school she operates in the UK has drawn together an awesome community of believers (whom we have met) from diverse segments of the Church who are making incredible waves in the marketplace of their nation.

This UK YouTube interview on this popular UK radio show is worth viewing --- and then viewing again. Charlynne knows how to say a lot with few words --- and do it well. It's a message for every leader. Enjoy!
With every blessing,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Morris Ruddick

Why does Jordan’s Muslim King say our enemy is Radical Islam but President Obama won’t? - Joel Rosenberg

Why does Jordan’s Muslim King say our enemy is Radical Islam but President Obama won’t? Here’s my interview on Fox News.

by joelcrosenberg
Joel-FoxJordanShannon(Nashville, Tennessee) -- Why is that President Obama refuses to define our enemy as "Radical Islam," yet Muslim leaders like Jordan's King Abdullah II and Egypt's President el-Sisi very honestly and publicly state that this fight is, in fact, a showdown with Radical Muslims and that we all must take action to fight these jihadists theologically as well as militarily?
Consider the headlines of just the past few days:
The Commander-in-Chief's repeated refusal to explain who the enemy is constitutes a foolish and dangerous decision. We cannot defeat an enemy we cannot define.
I discussed this issue today on Fox News with anchor Shannon Bream. Here is the video. Here is the transcript.
Bream: After that brutal killing of the captured Jordanian pilot -- carefully scripted, filmed and broadcast to the world -- King Abdullah retaliated and called the battle against ISIS the "third world war." Joel Rosenberg is author of a new book, The Third Target. He says King Abdullah fully understands he that is in a winner-take-all showdown with ISIS. Joel joins us now live. Joel, good to see you today.
Rosenberg: Good to see you, as well. Thank you, Shannon.
Bream: Now, you are very familiar -- having lived and worked in that region quite a bit -- what do you make of the response we saw from the Jordanians, and where do you think we go from here? Do you think those you live and breathe and work in that region have a different understanding than we do here in the U.S.?
Rosenberg: Well, the contrast between President Obama's response to Americans being beheaded and King Abdullah's response is striking. You know, President Obama was with King Abdullah the day the video was released of the Jordanian pilot being burned alive. The King was not on the President's schedule that day he was in Washington. And the President only added him in because of that murder, and they only spent 20 minutes together. But what did the King do? He went right back. He suited up in fatigues. He started bombing ISIS, and he hanged two ISIS people that had been captured. He understands this is a war. And he understands that he is at the center of it. And it's interesting that in that 60 Minutes interview you just referenced -- when he called it a "third world war" -- he said it's a war "inside Islam." President Obama is deeply conflicted over whether this is a battle that has anything to do with Islam. But the King -- who is a descendant of Muhammad -- knows it's a battle inside Islam, and against Radical Islam.
Bream: I don't want to get too deep into the theological weeds, but you've written a number of books about this. And your book on the so-called "Twelfth Imam" is about these End Times prophecies that certain factions of Islam -- not the majority of Muslims out there -- but there are certain factions who adhere to a very radical, specific End Times theology, and that ISIS is sort of in the business of, they want to launch an Armageddon-type, end of the world situation. They think it's what they need in prophecy to bring about their end goals. Do you think that we get that? Do you think that our administration gets that?
Rosenberg: No, and that's because the President is saying from the top and throughout the administration that this isn't an Islamic problem. You're right that the vast majority of Muslims don't, you know  -- this is not them -- they're not cutting off people's heads and they never will. But the Radicals are being driven by their interpretation of Islam. And it's important -- this is what motivates them. This is why it's not a jobs issue. It's not a poverty issue. It's a Radical Islamic theology issue, and an eschatology issue. They do want to set up a caliphate -- an Islamic kingdom -- which is really an End Times theology in their view. They believe it will hasten the End of Days. My new novel, The Third Target, is really about ISIS being a threat to Israel, the United States, and Jordan. What's interesting is that it's been out five weeks now on the best-seller lists, but it really takes us into this threat that is actually not fiction right now. This is very real.
Bream: Yes. I was one eschatology class away from a theology minor in college, but I find that there's so much that I'm learning by reading about what these specific factions believe. And for those who want to get some education on this, your books are a great way of doing that -- some fiction, some non-fiction -- but a great way of getting a better understanding of why some decisions are made, and who the players are and what their interests are in these games that are -- not games, I mean the end game of what they hoped to bring about.
Rosenberg: Right, right.
Bream: I would recommend those [books] as a very entertaining but very educational way to get up-to-speed on some of these issues. Joel, always good to see you. Thank you so much. Come back soon.
Rosenberg: Thank you. I appreciate it.
joelcrosenberg | February 22, 2015 at 11:05 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

The Origin of Jerusalem ✡ "The Lord Will See"

And Abraham named that place, The Lord will see, as it is said to this day: On the mountain, the Lord will be seen.

GENESIS (22:14)

וַיִּקְרָא אַבְרָהָם שֵׁם הַמָּקוֹם הַהוּא יְ-הֹוָה יִרְאֶה אֲשֶׁר יֵאָמֵר הַיּוֹם בְּהַר יְ-הֹוָה יֵרָאֶה

בראשית כב:יד

va-yeek-ra av-ra-ham shaym ha-ma-kom ha-hu a-do-nai yir-eh a-sher yay-a-mayr ha-yom b'-har a-do-nai yay-ra-eh

Jerusalem Inspiration

What is the origin of the name Jerusalem? Tradition holds that the name Yerushalayim, is a synthesis of the two Biblical names given to Jerusalem. Shem, the son of Noah called Jerusalem, Sha-lem, meaning whole as well as peace, and Abraham named it Yi-re, meaning God will see. In deference to these two righteous men, God named his holy city, Yeru-sha-la-yeem. Jerusalem, indeed is a synthesis of Godliness as well as a city for all of mankind in its entirety.

Jerusalem of White

An Aerial view of Jerusalem's recent snowstorm. Blanketed in white, Jerusalem is truly a city of peace and serenity.

Something Out of Nothing

Israeli innovation does it again. Water vapor in the air is turned into potable drinking water, in an incredible, scientific, technological development.

Hebrew Word By Word Study Tool

This great CD, Word by Word, teaches the meaning and pronunciation of every Hebrew word in the book of Genesis. It teaches one word at a time, at your pace. This essential Bible Study tool will help you develop Bible Study skills that will last a lifetime.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

A glorious night in Jerusalem by Igor Farberov. Jerusalem is a synthesis of modern and ancient and tradition and innovation.

Thank You

Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Renee Rabinowitz from Englewood, NJ. Toda Raba!

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  A great inspiration to me as a christian through your mails. The messages and photos surely add up my faith. Samuel wairigu from Kenya,Rift valley, Kajiado county
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Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Heart Growing Cold? - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Heart Growing Cold?
- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other, many false prophets will appear and fool many people; and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah. But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered. And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.” (Matt 24:10-14 Complete Jewish Bible)

Murderous evil has become rampant – beheadings, burnings, torture, rape and killings. So much martyrdom is occurring daily in several nations, as the evil one pours out his wrath on the believers of Jesus (Yeshua) and those of the Chosen Ones. Captured as prisoners, tortured for their faith in the only True God; refusing to bow down to the false god – our brothers and sisters are being slaughtered for standing for truth.

As some would watch this daily news, is it possible that hearts are growing cold, replacing the fire that once burned within, and turning their love away? Is it possible that many people’s love would indeed grow cold, as Jesus prophesied 2000 years ago, and not hold onto the end? Yes it is.

Turning away from the truth, out of growing fear, promises that seem to have been forgotten, or just plain lack of anymore concern and compassion are sweeping across the nations in the hearts of those who once called themselves Christians. Leaving churches, quitting daily reading of the Word and dismissing the need to maintain a prayer life are causing once strong believers to betray, abandon and even hate the ones they had walked with in harmony in years gone by. Is this another sign of the end? Yes it is.

As the heat has been turned up, the frog in the slowly increased temperature of the water has become unaware of his true surroundings. As such, an ongoing lack of discernment and a displaced knowledge of foundational truths have left many behind, when the time to stand strong is needed all the more, at the most vital time in all history.

“…and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.” (Matt. 24:12 CJB). As pastors, rabbis and spiritual leaders increasingly exchange the eternal truth found in the Scriptures for the lies of the current age, standards have fallen to their lowest levels. Nothing remains black and white, as replacement theology and the belief that anything and everything is OK has blinded the eyes that once had seen the light.

Biblical marriage (one man and one woman), love for our unborn children, a firm grasp of solid commitment to the Lord’s principles, and maintaining a strong support for Israel and the Jewish right to the Promised Land – these have all fallen by the wayside as the deceptive spiritual cloud slowly blankets the people. Many false prophets have appeared and fooled the people – even beginning in the church, as liberal, unholy doctrines and Chrislam, among other lies, have taken root.

“But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved.  This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come.” (Matt. 24:13-14 NASU)

We who know the Truth, who have called upon the Name of the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, must endure to the end. By the grace available to us through His blood and Resurrected Life, we can be among those who do stand until the end, proclaiming the truth of the Good News and bringing a testimony to all the nations. As the dark gets darker, surely the light will shine brighter in these days that we live in.

We must not let our hearts grow cold. These times are not for the faint of heart, but for the warriors who have been given life to share His love in the dying world.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #167 “Heart Growing Cold?” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (02.21.15) Saturday at 12:00 pm in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This