Photo Credit: Diamond & Silk via Facebook
'Censorship Is Not a Hoax': Diamond and Silk Testify in
Congress About Facebook Bias
CBN News Benjamin Gill
The pro-Trump, conservative, social media personalities known as "Diamond and Silk" claim Facebook has treated them like they’re a danger to the world. Facebook denies it, but the two women report the social media
giant launched a campaign of "bias censorship and discrimination" against their D&S brand page.
On Thursday they testified before Congress, passionately defending their claim and bashing the
tech giant.
"Facebook along with other social media sites have taken aggressive actions to silence conservative
voices such as ourselves by deliberately restricting and weaponizing our page with algorithms that
censored and suppress our free speech," the women said.
"We've also noticed how someone with a liberal point of view that spewed hate against the
"We've also noticed how someone with a liberal point of view that spewed hate against the
President can garner up to 19 million views with only 539,000 followers, yet we have 1.2 million
followers and only received 13,000 views on our video."
Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter refused to send a witness to testify at the House
Social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter refused to send a witness to testify at the House
hearing which is called "Filtering Practices of Social Media Platforms."
MORE: Google Rejects Christian Publisher Ads that Mention Jesus
In addition to Diamond and Silk, the hearing includes testimony from Republican Rep. Marsha
MORE: Google Rejects Christian Publisher Ads that Mention Jesus
In addition to Diamond and Silk, the hearing includes testimony from Republican Rep. Marsha
Blackburn; Electronic Frontier Foundation Legal Director Corynne McSherry; News Media Alliance
CEO David Chavern; and New York Law School Innovation Center for Law and Technology
Director Ari Waldman.
"Censorship is not a hoax, it’s real. It is wrong for these social media giants to suppress and
"Censorship is not a hoax, it’s real. It is wrong for these social media giants to suppress and
disregard people by diminishing and denying them their free speech. If social media is supposed
to be a place for all idea(s) or to express idea(s) then algorithms and tactic(s) should not be in
place to suppress some idea(s)," Diamond and Silk state.
The LIVE HEARING is BELOW. If you missed Diamond and Silk, scroll back in the video to watch.
Here's a link to Diamond and Silk's prepared testimony.
MORE: Twitter Censors Rep. Marsha Blackburn for 'Inflammatory' Pro-Life Message
The LIVE HEARING is BELOW. If you missed Diamond and Silk, scroll back in the video to watch.
Here's a link to Diamond and Silk's prepared testimony.
MORE: Twitter Censors Rep. Marsha Blackburn for 'Inflammatory' Pro-Life Message
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA