Showing posts with label Hannah Avalos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hannah Avalos. Show all posts

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Levi Zachary - Hebrew "Attached - Remembered by God" - Our 7th Grandchild! (01.16.16 - added photos)

Levi Zachary - Hebrew "Attached - Remembered by God"

Our 6th grandson, 7th grandchild, was born to Hannah Elizabeth (Martin) and Jonathan Avalos on January 13, 2016 around 12:30 pm in Charlotte, NC. He came out "weighing in at" 5 lbs. 6 oz. and 20" long. 

We are so blessed, knowing that Hebrew origin names have been given to this little boy, chosen by the living God of Israel to do mighty exploits in the life the good Lord has planned for him. 

Little Levi was born with no radius bone in either arm, having what is known as the TAR syndrome. (See below). We will be amazed at how the Lord will give much grace to Levi and his family as He demonstrates His creative wisdom and full understanding of all things.

Both Laurie and I were able to hold this newborn joy of our hearts just hours after coming forth. We look forward to seeing him grow in the faithful and believing care of his parents, brother Payton, and all of his extended family surrounding him, all in the wisdom and understanding of our Lord Jesus (Yeshua) in his time on earth.

Bless you little Levi Zachary - attached to us now and remembered by God!

Steve Martin
Proud Grandpa
Love For His People

Levi Zachary (Martin) Avalos!
(a few hours and just beginning...)

Mama Hannah and sister Christen one week before delivery

Levi with father Jonathan and big brother Payton.

Levi's Grandmother Grace Avalos holding him.
Also pictured - Grandma Laurie Martin, 
Uncle Ben, brother Payton, Dad Jonathan

Little Levi - He will  make it!

Jan. 16, 2016 - 3 day old photos of Levi

 Mama Hannah & Grandma Laurie 01.16.16

What is TAR syndrome?
Thrombocytopenia-absent radius (TAR) syndrome is characterized by the absence of a bone called the radius in each forearm. Affected individuals also have a shortage (deficiency) of blood cells involved in clotting (platelets). This platelet deficiency (thrombocytopenia) usually appears during infancy and becomes less severe over time; in some cases the platelet levels become normal.
Thrombocytopenia prevents normal blood clotting, resulting in easy bruising and frequent nosebleeds. Potentially life-threatening episodes of severe bleeding (hemorrhages) may occur in the brain and other organs, especially during the first year of life. Hemorrhages can damage the brain and lead to intellectual disability. Affected children who survive this period and do not have damaging hemorrhages in the brain usually have a normal life expectancy and normal intellectual development.
TAR syndrome is unusual among similar malformations in that affected individuals have thumbs, while people with other conditions involving an absent radius typically do not. TAR syndrome is also associated with short stature and additional skeletal abnormalities, including underdevelopment of other bones in the arms and legs. Affected individuals may also have malformations of the heart and kidneys. TAR syndrome is associated with unusual facial features including a small lower jaw (micrognathia), a prominent forehead, and low-set ears. About half of affected individuals have allergic reactions to cow's milk that may worsen the thrombocytopenia associated with this disorder.

How common is TAR syndrome?

TAR syndrome is a rare disorder, affecting fewer than 1 in 100,000 newborns.
Source: TAR syndrome

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Friday, December 25, 2015

"Bells of Bethlehem" - Painting by Otto Unzicker

"Bells of Bethlehem"
Painting by Otto Unzicker 
of Peru, Illinois

Yeshua (Jesus), God Incarnate, was born in Bet-lehem (House of Bread) in Israel, the eternal promised land of the Jews.

This original painting by Otto Unzicker of Peru, IL was done after he had made his amazing, once-in-a-lifetime, delightful trip to Israel in the early 90's (I believe it was around that time.) He was a very gifted painter, choosing to use acrylic paints and watercolors as his preference.

All of his paintings now reside in the homes of his three daughters, Linda, Judy and Laurie, as part of their inheritance, with the passing to heaven of their mother Lorraine on July 31, 2014.

Otto & Lorraine Unzicker
(The photo on the right 
is Otto in the US Army in World War II. 
He served in Europe.)

Otto's painting, depicting the peace dove, is of the Church of the Nativity bell in Bethlehem, Israel, where Jesus (Yeshua), Otto's Lord and Savior, was born on that very spot covered by this Christian church. This location in Israel was one of his favorites. He had climbed the bell tower steps of the church and beheld this awesome view, which we now share.

Otto touching the Church of the Nativity bell in Bethlehem, Israel.
A great heritage passed on for his children and grandchildren.

This beautiful painting (measuring 33" x 34" framed) by my father-in-law Otto Unzicker, "Bells of Bethlehem" was done in his Illinois basement in winter, around 1995. Otto is the father of Linda Baker-Skaggs, Judy Anderson, Laura Jean Martin and grandfather of Josh Martin, Ben Martin, Hannah AvalosChristen N Andrew Blade, and many of our nephews and nieces.

We know that this specific painting of Otto won 2nd prize in the Heart of Illinois Fair in Peoria, Illinois, date unknown. The 14" ribbon hangs behind the painting. I believe it also won first place in a Mendota, Illinois fair contest. I know some of his other paintings certainly did!

His artwork, including three other originals, now so gratefully hang in our home in the Charlotte, NC area. It won 2nd prize in the Heart of Illinois Fair in Peoria, Illinois, date unknown. The 14" ribbon hangs behind the painting.

Thank you Otto, my father-in-law, and Christian brother, above all! Blessings are certainly on ye head in heaven now, since 2006!

Blessings on ye heads!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

"Bells of Bethlehem" hangs in our home.
- painting by Otto Unzicker

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Even the Simple Things - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

Even the Simple Things

Now Think On This
Steve Martin

“What's the price of a pet canary? Some loose change, right? And God cares what happens to it even more than you do. He pays even greater attention to you, down to the last detail — even numbering the hairs on your head! So don't be intimidated by all this bully talk. You're worth more than a million canaries.” (Matthew 10:29-31 THE MESSAGE)

The phone call came about 6 pm that Wednesday evening. I had missed the earlier text. My oldest daughter Hannah, eight months pregnant with her first-born Levi, had been in a car accident. She was okay. But her two year old Hyundai Elantra was totaled, trapped between three other stopped cars when rear ended by a high school senior football player who was texting. He was going 40 mph when he slammed into the string of cars, as the eye witness said. The 18 year old hadn’t seen the red light.

Remembering back, Laurie was eight months pregnant with Hannah when, while driving our Chrysler station wagon, was surely thinking about the upcoming Christmas holiday, and didn’t see the red light. Result? Two cars totaled – ours and the other. That was in late December of 1983 in East Lansing, Michigan. Again, a red light missed. 

The devil hates all of our Lord’s creation, especially the unborn, and will try to kill them anyway he can. (Hannah was surprised when we told her about that time, after her accident.)

This time around, Laurie rode with Hannah in the ambulance to the hospital. Hannah was not hurt, bless the Lord, but they wanted to make sure Levi had not been traumatized. Six hours later the word came back that all was good.

But then Hannah needed another car. So the following Monday, after getting off from my office job, I was available to help her in her quest for one. We stopped at Hardee’s to get a sandwich, and then onto the car dealer. Her blessing from the Lord came soon. Though what the enemy of our souls meant for evil, death and destruction, the Lord had other plans. Hannah drove her new crossover vehicle home. It would be big enough for a new stroller and more, for her family of four.

On Tuesday morning I went to get my keys to make the 6 am, 14 mile drive to work in uptown Charlotte. But my keys were not in the usual spot. I looked all over, prayed, looked, prayed, and looked again. In the car, in the bedroom, in the living room chairs; even in the garbage, thinking maybe they fell out of my IDF (Israel Defense Force) fleece jacket when I took out the trash. Nada. Nothing.

The security guard let me into the office, being no other staff would arrive until two hours later for daily work. But with no key to open my desk drawers, I thought my day wouldn’t be too productive. A few times the word “garbage” came to me, so I again checked our recycle bin and the home dumpster when I got home from work. Nothing. Just dirty hands.

So I took the dumpster to the street curb for the weekly early morning pick up the next day. That night I searched again for the lost keys. Nothing. No one else had seen them. I knew I would have to get copies of the six keys that I had on the Messianic One New Man symbol key ring bought in Israel, if not found. What a pain. So the search continued with no good results.

At 5:55 am on Wednesday morning, before I used our spare key to drive to work, I said to the Holy Spirit, “You know where those keys are. Please tell me.” Again the word “garbage” came to me. I got a flashlight and walked to the dumpster on the curb, hoping any neighbors also leaving for work at that early time wouldn’t see me and think I was a garbage picker. (I didn’t have a hoodie or hat on, just to make extra sure of that.) The garbage truck would come within an hour or so.

The thought came to look for the Hardee bag. Why not? So I did. It was just a bit down in the dumpster bin pile. I pulled out hamburger wrappings and an empty shake plastic cup (strawberry if you want to know) to get to the bottom. And there, as they had been for the past 36 hours, were my keys! Hallelujah Lord!!! Why I had not seen them before I may never know. But He does, and the rest is left in His hands.

I quickly wrote a joyous note to Laurie, letting her know of even this simple thing the Holy Spirit did for me, and then drove on to work. And yes, I shared the good news story with the 27 year old security guard James. I wouldn’t need his door opening assistance again.

The Lord cares all about us. He cares for our spirit, He cares for our body, He cares for our soul. He even cares about our lost keys. If we seek Him, He will show us the way.

I bless the Lord and will daily call upon His Name. He is our salvation, which is the meaning of His Name, Yeshua (Jesus) in Hebrew. Thank you Lord!

Now think on this, with His love and mine. And if you lose your keys, ask the Holy Spirit to help!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.


My note to Laurie that morning:

   Note: It was actually a Hardee’s bag, not Burger King.

Especially at this end of year time, we sure could use your help to bless the families we do in Israel, India, Pakistan, Vietnam and the hurting ones here in the USA. Please give out of the abundance you have been given.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these messages minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless families we know in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Click here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People. If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
Please share Now Think On This with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople 

Full website: Love For His People

Now Think On This - In the year of our Lord 12.23.15 - #223 –“Even the Simple Things” – Wednesday at 7:30 pm

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This

Again, I would be most grateful if you'd share this encouraging word with your family and friends. You can easily use the social media icons below. Thanks! Steve

Monday, November 16, 2015

Hannah, Jonathan and Levi - He cometh soon!

Mama Hannah (Martin) Avalos and Papa Jonathan Avalos 
- with Levi Zachary Avalos - in preparation

Celebrating Marriage and New Life!

We are greatly looking forward
to Levi Zachary Avalos
arrival in mid-Janurary, 2016!

Shower time - Nov. 15, 2015

Thank you for Your love that rains down Lord!

 Our prayer for Levi Zachary Avalos
- with Hannah, Dad & Mom
Nov. 15, 2015

Steve, Laurie, Hannah & Levi (in hiding...)

Hannah and younger sister Christen 

Mama Hannah (Martin) and Papa Jonathan Avalos 
- being fruitful and multiplying!

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Another grandchild coming! News from our daughter Hannah...

Our daughter Hannah & Jonathan Avalos announcing our next grandchild is on the way.

Be fruitful and multiply!

With our love,

Steve & Laurie Martin

Sunday, November 30, 2014

The Big 60

Family gathering to celebrate my 60th birthday - Steve Martin
(Birthday was Nov. 23, 2014)

Laurie and Hannah - wife and daughter

Cake by Mary Ann Blade

Jonathan Avalos - son-in-law

Ben Martin - son

Lila Parker (Mom), Mary Ann & Michael Blade

Jack Blade - grandson

Mom, Bill Parker & Ben

Steve & Michael Blade


Steve & daughter Christen

Daughters Hannah and Christen

Payton Avalos - grandson

Family gathering to celebrate my 60th birthday - Steve Martin
(Birthday was Nov. 23, 2014)