Showing posts with label Jeremy Lopez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jeremy Lopez. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

It's Time to Tear Down the Walls of Self-Protection By Eileen Fisher - Identity Network

It's Time to Tear Down the Walls of Self-Protection By Eileen Fisher

The Lord kept giving me a vision of how many times we try to reach through to Him-we pray, we fast, we read His Word, we worship. And He said, "If only you knew how hard the enemy tries to block you but how easy it is to come into My presence when you declare I am Lord - because he must bow down. For greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world."

And He said, "It's a very, very short trip, because when you live in holiness, you're living in My presence. For holy cries out to holy, and holiness cries out to wholeness. What you need right now, whether it be your children, your spouse, your finances, your health, lift it up to Me right now, for I can make all things whole. Like the woman with the issue of blood, she pressed through, and I made her whole. Not only did I heal them in the physical, but I also made them whole."

"The man who had the legion - he was insane, and he couldn't even reach out, other than to recognize Me. But he cried out with what little bit he could, and I made Him whole."

Going Beyond Circumstances

"The man who couldn't walk, even his parents were afraid. But I go beyond circumstances. And I establish wholeness, for I am the God of wholeness - the Alpha, the Omega. I understand every heart, every wall that has been put up for protection because of woundedness or simply because of just not knowing."

"Open your heart and your hands! I want you to open your hands right now and allow Me to come in and take down any wall, any kind of hindrance, whether it be a large wall that you've been hitting your head against for years or a teeny, tiny picket fence-anything that would block My presence from just devouring you to where you could be swallowed up in the goodness of God, to where fear could not find a landing place but faith would be the landing place."

"Faith conquers all fear. For I would say, in whom do you believe? Don't make Me small. Understand the King of the universe came to serve, to set free, to save and to heal, and to bring the good news that the kingdom of God is not only around you but is within you. Let My kingdom come forth."

"But I also made a command to you to seek first My Kingdom, and then everything will be added unto you. Seek it."

"And even the word seek starts out with see, and then it ends with a k for kingdom. So, see My kingdom; seek My kingdom; become kingdom-minded saints."

Another Kingdom - Another Spirit

"Continue to pray My kingdom come. Continue to pray My will be done. For, yes, I brought My kingdom to earth - for you are of another kingdom as well as of another Spirit."

"Let My Spirit lift you up from glory to glory. Then you can look down and come to understand who you were called to be. For I am looking for a hungry people, a trustworthy people, overseers in My kingdom, overseers in My vineyard. Whether they have pain or whether they have strength; whether they have fame or whether they be hidden-it makes no difference. I look at the hearts of My own."

"For I say seek first the kingdom of God. Let My righteousness do rightness all around you. For understand, when those come to oppose you, lift up My right hand, My Word, against that. For My left hand will sustain you, and My right hand will give you the direction of counsel by My Spirit."

"For I am raising up a people who are hungry to seek My kingdom, hungry to taste of the kingdom, and hungry to rule in the kingdom. Understand and meditate; dwell upon My Word."

Kingdom People

"Seek My face, for when you seek Me with your whole heart-absolutely, positively, unconditionally - you will find Me. For you must realize I present Myself to you, for My kingdom is among you, and My kingdom is within you. Change citizenships. Think of My kingdom. Understand as My kingdom people."

"Demand the rights of My kingdom, but be humble enough to understand you serve a King - the King of kings - who came and walked among His own as a carpenter."

"I worked in the trade of the object I would die upon. Do you not realize how many times I touched the wood? How many times I understood what nails would do? How many times I heard the sound of pounding? And then, as I hung on the cross, once again My identity on earth was meshed with the kingdom of God."

"Strive to become citizens of My kingdom, knowing My knowledge, knowing the authority I have given you in My name. Use it with My Spirit, for He will not leave you alone, but He will direct, lead, counsel and anoint you. For I have called you to do the works of My kingdom," says the Lord your God."

Eileen Fisher

Monday, October 7, 2013

Kicking the Dogs from the Door of Your Destiny By Kathie Walters

Kicking the Dogs from the Door of Your Destiny By Kathie Walters

I read this somewhere on the internet a while ago. I can't remember who wrote that but it jumped out on me. I did write and ask if they minded if I use that expression.

I got to thinking about it. I am always going on about people fulfilling their destiny and their calling. Still I meet people who think their calling is to sit in church and support someone else's vision. While I think it's good to do all you can to encourage someone and support them - YOU my friend have your own calling. And at the end of the road Jesus is going to ask you, "What did you do with the anointing I put in your life?" You saying, "My church didn't like it," is not going to be an acceptable excuse. Do you know why? Because you can hear from God and you are called and YOU have a destiny to fulfill.

Everyone has the witness of the Spirit or the anointing within them. That's why the apostle John said, "You don't need any man to teach you, because the anointing (or the Anointed One) is within you." Does that mean that we don't have teachers in the Church? No of course not - there are teachers, pastors, prophets, apostles, evangelists, given to equip the church.

But you have to listen to the anointing or witness of the Spirit within you to discern what God is saying to you personally.

For example - someone could come to your church and prophesy or teach or preach - you have to discern what God is saying to you.  Maybe there are just a couple of sentences that are for you personally.

Acknowledging Every Good Thing

There is a great scripture in Philemon that I love - Paul prayed for Philemon that, "Your faith becomes effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing that is in you, in Christ Jesus."

When you acknowledge the gift and calling in someone you cause it to be brought forth and activated. "That was a great word you gave." When you tell someone that, what happens? They are encouraged and it makes them want to do that again. If you criticize, then they shut down.

Maybe there are different things that the Holy Spirit brings out of one message and He says a different thing to 20 people? Understand?

Jesus said "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God." (Matt 4:4) Not every word you hear, not every Bible verse you read, is a proceeding word for you. What is God saying to you NOW? Today? This week? The proceeding word imparts life and faith and has power to move you to the next thing that God has for you.

One thing is for sure - you have to move on. You have to continually discern what is He saying to you now (today). Today's manna.

The Almond Tree

I talk often about Jeremiah. When God called Jeremiah he was a teenage prophet by the way, not an old man with a beard running around the country doing prophetic seminars. I have a great new teaching set called "The Almond Tree"  (click HERE to order) and it's about Jeremiah and his response to the call of God.

Well this is about is YOUR response to the call of God. You can sit there forever in your comfort zone or you can rise up and say, "I'm going to go for it. I'm going to be all I can be in God."

God asked Jeremiah "What do you see?" and Jeremiah got into faith and saw a vision of an Almond Tree. God liked what Jeremiah saw and said "I will do what you saw." In the KJV it says "You have well seen. I will hasten My Word and perform it."

So you have to see your destiny- by faith. You can't aim at what you can't see. By faith you have to see your destiny. I don't believe we have to wander around and around the mountain, wondering where we are supposed to be going and doing a kind of "hit and miss" attempt at fulfilling the will of God.

God will show you what He has for you if you start to see by faith and believe YOU CAN HEAR FROM GOD.

By faith He can release a word for you if you need confirmation - but He also puts His desires in your heart so that when you fulfill the will of God it's delightful to you because it's in your heart.

You have to see,
You have to see,
You have to see,
You can see - by faith.

What's in your heart? Where do you want to go? What is it you really want to do? You only have one life to live down here on earth. What kind of life do you want to live? A mundane, in my comfort zone, occasionally stepping out, kind of life? Or, an on the edge, exciting, what's going to happen next, kind of life?

A Challenge

So you are going to make a decision - I am making a challenge. I don't think it's just me making this challenge - I believe it's your Heavenly Father who is stirring you up. He made an awesome deposit in you. Jesus deposited His life in you. He is looking for a return on His deposit. His deposit will bring forth your destiny if you let it run its course.

BUT I WANT TO TELL YOU - there are dogs that lay at the door of your destiny. There are dogs that lay at the door of your destiny. Isn't it odd to you that "dog" is "God" the wrong way round?

What are the "dogs" then?  Well dogs in the Bible usually represented the gentile, the ungodly, those who weren't familiar with God and His ways. Religious spirits! Do you know there are lots of dogs in the church?  Religious spirits - they have a certain kind of "knowledge" of God, but it's not really God. It has a form, but has no power and it keeps people from entering in. Dogs at the door. Remember what Jesus said about the Pharisees concerning that?

You keep people from the Kingdom - YOU prevent people from entering into the Kingdom - with all your laws and man-made commandments. Jesus was angry with those people - dogs.

Having a knowledge of God, but denying His power.

There are dogs - religious spirits, negative spirits, that make God's people qualify to be used by God. But Jesus already qualified us 100%.

Jealous Spirits

Dogs can also be jealous spirits, in people that don't want you to go further than them. A good teacher or instructor is proud when a pupil begins to accomplish something. But sometimes if that same pupil becomes too good, or maybe becomes better than the teacher, then the instructor or teacher feels threatened. They begin to pull the person back. They want them to remain the pupil, the beginner.

I knew a prophet who was asked to teach in a church. He did a "School of the Prophets" and it was great. He soon had everyone prophesying and hearing from God. One of the girls attending the school began to show manifestations of a really wonderful prophetic gift. Soon people were asking her to pray for them and wanting appointments with her. The first man, the one who ran the school, got upset about it. He began to criticize her and pull her down. He started to say negative things about her to the pastor and elders.

They asked her not to minister and for 4 years she sat and withered away. She didn't operate in her gift, because she was afraid. She thought she had done something wrong. It took about 6 months to get her really delivered from those dog bites and those religious dogs that stood in the doorway of her destiny.

Intimidation, lies. Mean dogs who were jealous, who wanted the limelight. Fear and disapproval, false standard just to name a few of the religious spirits. Dogs - religious mindsets.

Guess what? Jesus has made you perfect in the sight of His Father. It is His righteousness that you are covered with - not your own. Jesus switched. He took your righteousness which is like filthy rags and took it to the cross- then He gave you His robe of righteousness in exchange.

What a great "swap," your rotten rags in exchange for the beauty and awesomeness and righteousness of the Mighty Son of God.

Like the hymn writer says "Jesus, my robe of righteousness. His beauty is my glorious dress." How awesome is that? To be clothed in the holiness and beauty of the perfect Son - Jesus.

Don't be afraid of the dogs - Jesus has given you power over them. The dogs can only minister to you through lies - you have to choose not to believe those lies.

Be All You Can Be

Now is the time to be all you can be in God - you don't have to qualify - you just have to learn how to yield to the anointing.

God sees a great big vision for you. He is not limited. He is not limited by your inability, He is released through your believing in His ability.

You know what? If there is no food, the dogs will leave. If there is nothing for them to feed on, they will slink away. Don't feed them, don't listen to them, don't give them any advantage.

If they lie (bark at you) and tell you, "you are nobody, what do you know? What can you do?" Laugh at them and say "Thank you for reminding me who I am - thank you for reminding me who YOU are - thank you for reminding, I am somebody - I am part of THE BODY. I am royalty of the royalty."

God has a wonderful great big destiny and calling on my life. I am going to fulfill that calling, are you?

God's plan for you is not dull and boring - it's exciting and full of adventures. It might stretch your faith here and there - but you do have God's faith inside you.  To every man is given the measure of faith that's divine, unconquerable faith. Believe it. Go for it.

Have a spirit of abandonment to the purposes of God. God loves that childlike ability in you. Enjoy Him, He is a mighty God but He is also "Abba" (daddy). "Snuggle don't struggle, nestle don't wrestle." I encourage people to say these things in my meetings.

In the 5th century in Ireland some of the monks from the monasteries would board a little boat off the shore. It had no rudder, or oars. They trusted God to send the winds to take them where they were supposed to go. They were called "The Peregrini."  I would say that this was a spirit of abandonment to the purposes of God.

God wants to send the winds of the spirit to take you where you are supposed to go - His plan and purpose for your life. If you have been in my meetings you know I always get people to say "Jesus - whatever." It's good to say it every day. It's another way of saying, "Jesus I'm open to whatever you say."

Don't let the dogs keep you from the doorway of your destiny.  They are liars and thieves.

Kathie Walters
The Glory Realm
2 CD MP3 Teaching Download
By Kathie Walters
Price: $20.00
Sale! $15.00
Click HERE to order. 

Website of Jeremy Lopez: Identity Network

Saturday, August 17, 2013

All in the Timing

It is time.

"The first thing God spoke to me concerning your word is this – You are going to start seeing the car beginning to go faster. God began telling me this earlier as I was asking God, “What does that mean, the car is going to go faster.”

God said, “Things are going to start moving in a higher speed. Your life has been almost slowed, Things have been at a slow pace. It is almost as if slow, as in getting your hands on things, slow in the progression of different things, but God says the speed is going to begin to get faster.”

I literally saw in the spirit that God Himself was putting His foot to the gas pedal and all of a sudden God says, “Accelerate.”

Your word of the Lord is “Acceleration is happening. It is speedily, it is beginning to quickly happen. Even concerning your life, you are going to begin to be trained, and for some reason, there is a season of Divine appointment of teaching, training, knowledge, learning.  Knowledge is power. I want to be able to infiltrate my Word, My definition, My Spirit into being, to begin to teach you, train you, show you.

There is a man of God in you that has been launched out but he hasn’t even seen the fullness of him yet. You haven’t seen the fullness of who you are yet. You are going to be able to see you, in the mirror, recognizing, noticing that you are a man with a plan. Understand that you have a plan in your life. You are not here just to praise Me, just to do this, you are not here just to do that, you are not here just to work.

Your lifestyle is a man that has a plan and a strategy.  And not a plan to fail but a plan to infiltrate the earth with a Kingdom message.  Whatever that looks like, concerning business, job, church – no matter what it looks like – infiltrate society by being who you are called to be, and the Kingdom of God will advance, quick, when you begin to manifest the things I put in your spirit. So what goes into a man will come out of a man.

I am teaching, I am educating, I am training. God kept telling me over and over again, “Schooling, schooling, schooling. You are at a place where I am taking you, I am taking those around you, those even within your family, to a higher level, to a higher plane.
God says, “Educate, empower yourself. It is the school of the Holy Spirit. I am launching you out in this season so you will know what to do, what to say, and you will always be on in movement. Did you hear what I just said? You will be on time in movement so that you will begin to know that you are ready in season, you are ready out of season, you won’t be taken by surprise, or caught by surprise.

Son, it is time for you to move on. It is time for you to move on and progress in something new. What you have been working with your hands on for a while concerning, I don’t know if it is job, or just the lifestyle what you have been doing recently, but God says that is beginning to change,  for I am causing you to put your mind and your hand to something else .

Yes, to something else, for there is going to be a new refreshing, of a brand new you, a brand new work, a force coming into to play with you. You are going to start demonstrating and literally begin to bring forth to the surface a brand new working skill in you of the things you need to be doing within your life.

I am rearranging and I am changing the way you have been moving, your habits, your patterns. I am rearranging and I am changing and I am moving you into a new pattern in your life. You will quickly see, quickly see, that some things will begin to pass away and God is going to make them new again.

You will begin to see that some things will begin to die, some things will begin to come to life,  in a new area, in a new arena that you have not done before.  It is time for you to get new education, new knowledge, be put through the school  of the Spirit and begin to grab a hold of the new thing that I am going to do with you concerning a new working mentality”, says the Lord. 

The new working mentality and the new pattern of acceleration is literally going to be where your anointing is. For some reason I felt in my spirit as if your call and your anointing has been locked up for season. And this is why I say it to you.

I don’t know what you are doing exactly right now in your life, and what you do you are good at it. Everything you’ve been doing you’ve always put God’s heart into it, but the Lord showed me that that season has been over. God says you are on overtime and I want you to shift into the dawning of a new day. Shift into a new work force, a new work place, a new working of who you are. That is your elevation. It is your time for promotion.

That is going to be your promotion, is moving into the new. And when you move into the new and move into the now, God says that is when you are going to start seeing this new anointing and this new knowledge, begin to increase in you and to put you where you need to be in your life,” says the Lord. 

Brother I  hope this ministers to you because most of the time, as you know, I will go, “Thus says the Lord” but I felt for you that every time I begin to prophesy, “Thus sayeth the Lord” that God began to shift me into educating you on what is going to be happening in  your life. And I tell you brother that I know sometimes that you think sometimes that you are going round and round, like a broken record, so to say, but I felt as if it is time for you to shift and move on.

I don’t know what that looks like exactly; I don’t know if it is a workplace, I don’t know if it is just a pattern in a working that you are doing within your life style, but it’s like God is saying it is time to move on into something new.

I don’t tell it to everybody, because everybody needs to move on, but I felt as if there is a new you coming to the scene in this hour. So I want to encourage you in that.

Also I will encourage you with the schooling process.   I don’t know what it is with you as well but it is a schooling process coming that God wants you to educate yourself on.   

I don’t know what it is, but there is a schooling for you, that God wants you in the school of the Spirit, that God wants to teach you and train you. The main thing that I want you to grab hold of in this schooling process is learning the voice of God.

I don’t know what it is about you but it is like God says I want to teach you and train you how to hear My voice.  He wants to teach you and train you to hear His voice and also how to speak His voice.  That is a big thing that God is going to move you into.

I want you to pray about that as well. He wants to teach you and train you about His voice. It is very imperative that you begin to hear the voice of the Good Shepherd the way that God wants you to. That is what I really felt. That is one of the struggles I felt as if you have been having recently. So pray about that as well brother."

Aug. 8, 2013


 verb \-lə-ˌrāt\

Definition of ACCELERATE

transitive verb
: to bring about at an earlier time <accelerate their departure>
: to cause to move faster <accelerated his steps>also : to cause to undergo acceleration
a : to hasten the progress or development of <accelerate our efforts>
b : increase <accelerate food production>
a : to enable (a student) to complete a course in less than usual time
b : to speed up (as a course of study)
intransitive verb
a : to move faster : gain speed <the car slowly accelerated>
b : growincrease <inflation was accelerating>
: to follow an accelerated educational program
— ac·cel·er·at·ing·ly adverb