Showing posts with label Kingdom of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kingdom of God. Show all posts

Monday, November 9, 2015

COMMENTARY: Is Israel a Chosen People? - November 09, 2015 | Brian Hennessy - ISRAEL TODAY

COMMENTARY: Is Israel a Chosen People?

Monday, November 09, 2015 |  Brian Hennessy

To ask whether the family of Abraham was uniquely chosen by God may sound like a foolish question to those who call themselves ‘Zionists.’ Yet entire Christian denominations today hold fast to a theology that denies God the freedom to show special favor to anyone, including the Jews. And I’m not speaking of Replacement Theology.
The theology I’m referring to is Arminianism. It was named after Jacob Arminius who obviously didn’t take seriously the words of God spoken by the prophet Amos, “You only have I chosen from among all the families of the earth” (Amos 3:2). Or Jesus: “You did not choose me. But I chose you” (John 15:16). Or Paul: “He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1:4).
Instead, Arminius’s belief informed him it would be unfair for our Heavenly Father to favor one part of His human creation above the rest. It insisted all should be treated equally. In so teaching, Arminius completely ignored Paul’s response to man questioning God’s freedom to do as He pleases, when he wrote, “Who are you, O man, who answers back to God?... Does not the potter have the right over the clay to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use?” (Rom. 9:20,21)
Worse, this teaching feeds into the anti-Semitism of Replacement Theology that specifically wants to remove all consideration of the Jewish people from having any favor with God today. It may grudgingly admit God chose Israel for a time in order to bring forth the Messiah. But once Yeshua came it’s believed God did away with the idea of having a chosen people and the Jews are just like every other unsaved person now. 
Of course, when Arminius first promoted his ‘unchosen’ theology in the late sixteenth century the Jews were not uppermost in his mind. Replacement Theology, along with the Jews’ fallen state of affairs, had pretty much taken them out of the running. No, he was mainly trying to counter the teaching of John Calvin who had taught God was graciously drawing to Jesus only those He had pre-chosen to be saved (as John 6:44 clearly states). Arminius insisted God had left it up to each individual to choose his own fate by either his acceptance or rejection of the Gospel. For him man’s free will was inviolable, and God’s free will must bow to it. But that not only undermines God’s sovereignty, it mocks the very definition of a Supreme God…”who works all things after the counsel of His will” (Eph. 1:11).
I bring up this centuries-old controversy of Arminianism because I believe it is contributing greatly to the confusion among believers today regarding the restoration of Israel. For if God is not hand-picking those who are to be His people in the Israel of God, how can He call forth the remnant of Abraham’s seed? Doesn’t the very word ecclesia mean “called-out ones?”
For me, one of the strongest arguments that shows God reserved for Himself the right to choose who He wants as His people is Paul’s teaching on the twin boys, Esau and Jacob. “Though the twins were not yet born, and had not done anything good or bad, so that God’s purpose according to His choice would stand, not because of works but because of Him who calls, it was said [to their mother], ‘The older shall serve the younger.’ Just as it is written, ’Jacob I loved, and Esau I hated” (Rom. 9:10-13).
Now I don’t believe God actually “hated” Esau. He was just trying to convince Israel of His everlasting commitment to bless them by using strong contrasting language. Malachi even reminds Israel that God’s choice of Jacob over Esau was the proof of His love! (Mal. 1:1-3)
I’m convinced the fact that God has a chosen people has been the underlying cause of anti-Semitism in the world. Look at how angry and jealous Joseph’s brothers became when they saw the extreme favor their father showed towards him.
Nevertheless, that’s how God set it up. That’s why if you have received the gift of faith to believe in Yeshua (of whom Joseph was a foreshadowing) – be in awe! It means you are among those few chosen by Almighty God to be part of the remnant of Abraham and the coming Kingdom of God. 
Just don’t be surprised when the world hates you for no apparent reason. 

Brian Hennessy is the author of Valley of the Steeples, available at:ketchpublishing/BrianHennessyBooks.htm
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Thursday, May 28, 2015

God of the Turnaround - A Prophetic Word by Steve Porter

God of the Turnaround
- A Prophetic Word by Steve Porter

Identity Network

"I am the God of the turnaround! For some time now you have been asking Me when things are going to turn around - when the winds of change are going to start blowing, when the winds of favor will head your way. Well, the time is now, and I'm going to begin to restore everything that the locust has eaten!
"It's time for your turnaround. Did I not make a pathway for My people through the Red Sea? Did I not provide water from a rock to give refreshment? Did I not send manna and quail to feed My people? Did I not give direction by a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night to lead them?
"If I did that for My people then don't I care just as much about you? Can I not bring order from your chaos or refreshment from the dry places in your life? Can I not resurrect even the dead things?"
"For I know the plans I have for you,' says the LORD. 'They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope." (Jeremiah 29:11)
"This is not a time to fold your hands and fall asleep. It's a time to decree and declare that you have victory through Me. So ask Me today for your turnaround.
I'm releasing favor over you. I'm restoring your honor and giving you a fresh mandate from heaven. I am ready to arise and scatter your enemies." (See Psalms 68:1)
New Influence and Favor
New territory, New anointing, New favor!
Time is short; your days on this Earth are numbered.  Don't squander the precious moments you have left. Life's curtain will close suddenly before you know it, but today I see The Lord Jesus reaching out to you and gently calling your name - wooing you closer to Him in 2015.
But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33
Jesus was pretty clear when He said to forsake all and follow Him. What He said then He also means now; even if that means doing things with which we're not comfortable, pushing away anything that hinders our relationship with Him, or sacrificing the things we want most.  "I desire to give you new territory, a new anointing and divine favor...but will you seek me first? I desire to establish you but will you first establish me in your heart?" 
As you seek the Lord first and make Him your first love, He will honor you and bring you forth as pure gold.
God honors us when He is honored as our top priority. He's jealous of us. (Deuteronomy 4:24)
I encourage you to let Jesus Christ be at the forefront of your thoughts and the guide of your heart this year. He will put everything else into place. He will establish you; give you a new beginning and a fresh start. He will place a fresh anointing and favor on your life as He has already promised. Seek intimacy with the Lord, lay at His feet, resting in His presence this coming year and watch Him establish you beyond what you could ever imagine!
"Begin again! New beginnings! Fresh Starts," says the Lord!
Steve Porter

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Monday, March 23, 2015

Time of Sifting Turning to Shifting by Doug Addison

Time of Sifting Turning to Shifting 

by Doug Addison

Identity Network

Jesus told Simon Peter in Luke 22:31 "Satan has asked to sift all of you as wheat."

When we step into higher callings or promotions, it requires us to go through a time of testing. We have all been going through this. Notice it says, "Satan has asked to sift all of you." We have ALL been going through a time of shifting and sifting. But this testing time is coming to an end.

God is Readjusting Kingdom Assignments

Mantles are major callings from God that require years of preparation. Often many people value mantles instead of recognizing God's assignments. But what we miss is that the Kingdom of God operates more along the lines of assignments.

We are used to hearing about demonic assignments. Satan imitates the things of God. We know that there are angels and that assignments are given to us to advance God's Kingdom on earth.

An example of this is in Acts 1:8 when Jesus spoke to His followers, the apostles, just before returning to Heaven. He gave them an assignment: they got the power of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:17-18 and they became His witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea. But they never ventured outside of their comfort zones to Samaria and the ends of the earth.

It took ten years for God to raise up others to fulfill the assignment to Samaria. In Acts 8, it was Phillip, a deacon, who went to Samaria. Then in Acts 13, Paul and Barnabas took the message of Jesus to what they considered the ends of the earth.

These were assignments, not mantles. As you step into an assignment and go through the testing, it then develops into spiritual authority. An office or mantle can further be established in your life and ministry. It takes years. And honestly, most people give up.

Our Gifts are Functions, not Titles

When we stay with what God has called us to do then God can promote us into a closer relationship with Him. He grants us greater authority to do the work we are called to on earth.

I am a prophet but it has been decades in the making and it wasn't until 2010 when it started to take shape.

But after a commissioning time in 2010, I went through three years of extreme rejection. I was banned from speaking in the churches I helped start, people lied against me, there was jealousy and misunderstandings. I had both Christians and the occult praying against me. I ended up very sick, depressed and in debt.

But in 2013 I was given prophetic strategies to get out of debt and the favor of God and man is rapidly returning. Jesus also visited me on August 31, 2013 and gave me new strategies for breakthrough.

If you resist or give up during the testing times, you then adjust back down to the level of authority you can handle in your life. This is God's grace and love and not a demotion. He does not want you to die - because higher callings can indeed kill you if you are not prepared.

Assignments and Callings Reshuffled

You have to understand the aspect of assignments to grasp what I am about to share with you. We have assignments and we are being sent by God to fulfill them.

"Nevertheless, each person should live as a believer in whatever situation the Lord has assigned to them, just as God has called them." 1 Corinthians 7:17 NIV

I have been seeing assignments being reshuffled and dealt out to new people. This is because others either said no, got under warfare and quit, or whatever. This is the time to ask God for an assignment that has been discarded and the grace to carry it out.

Spiritual Promotions

Often times we don't recognize when we are promoted spiritually. This is because it usually is not announced but suddenly, we feel extra pressure.

Think about taking on more responsibility or getting promoted in your job. You are really encouraged and feel good at first. Then you realize that the new job is stretching you, causing you to learn and use more effort.

This is the same as when you get a spiritual promotion. You move into a new season where you are being stretched. And just like with a job, there might be people who treat you differently or are jealous.

This happens with the demonic realm and you may encounter some "spiritual bullying."  Promotions are major shifts in our life that after you begin to grow more from the experience you settle into the new authority you have in the spirit.

Everything Happens to You

The most beneficial thing for you right now is to realize that everything that happens to you is allowed by God to help you mature and grow. Once you realize this, you can gain a higher perspective on your life and the trials you are facing.

Life is never without trying times and pain. The key to it all is how you view it. If you think everything that is happening to you is punishment from God, then the enemy has succeeded in short-circuiting your spiritual growth.

If you think bad things happen to you because you must have done something wrong, then you will most likely not get out of the loop of discouragement.

The fastest way to grow and mature is to realize that God loves you and is not your enemy. Begin to see your pain or disappointments as a time of learning.

You can change anything in your life right now by changing the way you view it and how it affects you. Here's some good news for you: people who have a higher calling and great destiny receive lots of discouragement and setbacks. This is because what you will learn through it all goes into a firm foundation that God can build your tall calling on.

Doug Addison

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Tuesday, April 15, 2014

What Has Already Been Set in Motion - Part 3 by Bill Click

What Has Already Been Set in Motion 

- Part 3 by Bill Click

Identity Network

Jesus commanded the Apostles to continue what He had set in motion. It was a succession of faith that would reproduce the very same dimension of who He had not only been to them, but  was getting ready to release into them and then throughout the earth (Acts 1:4-8).

While they were with Jesus, the Apostles evangelized under Christ’s authority with an anointing (Mt.10:8). This power was also released to the seventy.  The effectiveness of all was verified by the testimony that they, “seventy returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your Name” (Luke10:17). 

Such is to be God’s normal for the Great Commission today (Mt.28:18-20). But to be and do this, we must abandon the old wineskins that make these commands no longer valid (Mt.22:29).

Our experience leads us to form doctrines that say being healed, delivered and experiencing God supernaturally is either false, unnecessary or a bonus to salvation, instead of being an essential part of its total package.

Moving from the Concept to Conception

Jesus came to institute Spiritual reality, true relationship, and divine authority. For years, however, the dimension of the apostolic most of us have witnessed is primarily one of doctrine, networking and structure. There is so much more. But that is what happens when we take what we have received in seed form and prematurely call it a tree. The seed of the revelation of the apostolic was not planted prematurely, but any evaluation of it being either fully established or a finished product is. 

Whenever we take whatever is only ours in seed form and run with it prematurely, what we ultimately see is only the result of our own efforts. Then the obvious disparity between “this is that” and what it is discredits not only the realm of the Spirit, but also the Lord Himself (Acts.2:16).

Our desire for something to be does not make it so. Even when whatever we may perceive reaches to the farthest extent of what has been understood to that point. Instead, what the Lord is calling His people into is the very substance and evidence of apostolic faith which brings power with its revelation (Heb.11:1; Ro.10:17). 

This is not only more but also completely different from understandings acknowledged and agreed upon by groups based on principles that are rooted in the mind rather than the power of the Spirit (1Cor.2; 2Tim.3:1-5). What you just read above was the very definition of denominationalism: common ideals of truth about God and the church designed to identify who is “one of us” and who is not.

Deepening in the Spirit without Complicating it in Soul

To move past the framework of what is true about God into the actual house Christ is building, we first need to get into His living room. We need the intimacy and resulting power that makes the foundation not only identifiable, but sustainable. The foundation itself is essential, but God has more than just acknowledging gifts, ministries and offices, their place, and what their function should look like in serving the Church. The foundation is about the whole body doing likewise, because of what Christ’s work in each of us is to result in.

Through Him we both have our access in one Spirit to the Father. So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and are of God's household, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (Eph.2:19-22).

Paul was emphasizing that through Christ, both he and those who would read have our access in one Spirit to the Father (19). The same Spirit that was on the Apostles and Prophets came on the body at Ephesus. Although Apostles and Prophets lay foundation, it is not so they can do so over and over again. It is so that the whole building, being fitted together will be growing into a holy temple in the Lord (21). Paul gave them (& also us) the word of the Lord. I the same way Apostles and Prophets receive and release Christ in the Spirit, you (we) also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit (22).

With a foundation alone you have the appearance of what can become a house. Set apart for building purposes, its future use is determined, but it is only the beginning. That doesn’t change too much just by adding a frame. Without the Spiritual reality, true relationship, and divine authority of the foundation actually becoming that which belongs to body members, only the framework of what has been promised is established. But the Lord has given us all we need to become that completely finished house. Not only observed and defined as such, but inhabited and functioning as one. That way, the house becomes a home.

We are to become His home on Earth, just as His home will be ours in eternity. Jesus came to occupy us in such a way that He not only resides, but we abide (Col.1:27; Jn.15:7). It is a mutual, ongoing experience shared by those who have entered into His abundant life (Jn.10:10). And by doing so, we cannot only work the works of God but come to the place in our shared housing that we do greater works than these “because I go to the Father.” (Jn.6:28; 14:12)

We want to get caught up in qualifications, so that we may excuse and explain away what we are not seeing. But how many times have we said, “God qualifies those He calls, He does not call the qualified.”  We tend to get caught in criticism of people or manifestations, then reject what does not match our “jot and tittle” of doctrine or lack of Supernatural experience (Mt.5:18). But we have neither seen it all, heard it all, nor experienced it all. God WILL definitely use His Word as a confirmation for what He does in the Spirit, but He has called us to understand it and apply His Word by His Spirit, not our soul (1Cor.2:12-16).

God Goes Beyond Our Understanding in Ways which Require Us to Receive as Children

It is clear that the Kingdom of God belongs to those Jesus personally touches (Mt.19:13-15). No one can understand the extent to which people are physically impacted by a true visitation: not only what happens in the Spirit realm, but also in their bodies and how it often transforms their mind, will and emotions. The adult in most of us says, “all that is not necessary, we just need the anointing to get the job done.”  But Jesus said that the gist of what it means to truly be converted is to become as children (Mt.18:3).

Throughout Scripture and Church history, God chooses to manifest His Glory by granting His children moments of visitation which not only feature down loadings of anointing, but demonstrations of the extent to which our bodies, souls and cultures are so obviously vacant and powerless compared to His presence and power. Phenomena such as visions of Jesus, revelations of past or future, loss of bodily control and/or waves of glory which emanate and affect those who get near them (spread the experience). The laughing, crying, vacillation between the two or even other unusual sounds which come forth not only cleanse but empower and are truly signs and wonders.

We need more than just the witness of the Spirit (Ro.8:9,16). We need more than just the call of God (Ro.11:29). We need much more than just the revelation of our gift (Ro.12:6). We even need more than just to move in spiritual gifts (1Cor.12:11; 14:1). Years ago, during a time of training: the Lord called us into His depths by having me exhort that, “you need to get inside the One who is inside you.”  It will take that to begin to see things through His eyes and not our own. And it will take even more to become fully occupied by Christ. We need to actually “receive power when the Holy Spirit has come…” (Acts1:8).

Jesus made it mandatory for the Apostles who were to make it mandatory for those who followed them (Mt.28:20). And we have inherited both their promise and its command: “I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high” (Luke.24:49).

At the end of part 1, I emphasized that we need to seek the Lord until we find Him. After finding, we must then ask Him what He wants. After receiving His direction, we must then believe that following His process will result in becoming those who will truly be houses of his power. In part 2, I encouraged that we do not have to stop all human activity to do so, neither do we have to refuse to be available for use by the Lord. Instead, that we are to give away what we already have received as we seek Him for the “more” that will make the difference in this next, upcoming and ongoing release of His Glory.

The Power will Reveal what has not Yet Been Discovered

Again, we need more than just the witness of the Spirit, the call of God, the revelation of our gift, and even moving in the spiritual gifts (1Cor.12:11; 14:1). Most if not all have been designed to flow in gifts which have never been activated, even if already received. On occasion you may have been used in the anointing in ways that have yet to become consistent or even seasonal. There are times when God will do something sovereign through us, but at the same time point toward what can become more than just a momentarily experience or even sporadic occurrence.

For God to use us more consistently (& increasingly) in power, we must receive greater impartations of His power. For Jesus to extend Himself through you prophetically, you must receive more significant impartations of revelation.

But to increase what you already have, you must use what you have been given while you seek for more of Him. Instead of just trying to “hold on till the end” or “hold on to the horns of the altar” or “hold onto faith” or “hold on until things change,” it is time to take hold of what He has taken hold of us for (Php.3:12).

All through Scripture we are reminded that we will reap what we sow. Paul exhorted us to “sow after the Spirit” (Gal.6:7-9). What puts to death the misdeeds of the body and enables us to live that abundant life only happens through the Spirit (Ro.8:13). So that is how we will demonstrate being true sons and daughters of God (Ro.8:14).

Sow with a view to righteousness, Reap in accordance with kindness; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the LORD Until He comes to rain righteousness on you. (Ho.10:12)

Bill Click

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Monday, March 31, 2014

A Profound Shift - Dave Yarnes Video | Prophetic Perspective on Current Events

Dave Yarnes - MorningStar VP, KBA leadership

A Profound Shift
Dave Yarnes
Friday, March 28, 2014

Dave Yarnes talks about a shift happening in the kingdom of God. God is empowering and equipping us to reach our “mission field.”

Dave Yarnes

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Prophetic Word - March 11, 2014 from Jeremy Lopez

Prophetic Word 
March 11, 2014
Jeremy Lopez - Identity Network

First of all I want to tell you that you are such a blessing to the Body of Christ. I don’t have to even know you completely in the natural to know that so many people’s lives you are going to touch. You are such a light and a beacon to so many people and you are going to lead them with good direction and guidance and instruction. I really felt that in my spirit and I wanted to share that with you. It is good sometimes that we encourage and exhort one another but especially knowing that God shared that with us to tell someone else.

I want to thank you for being who you are in the Body of Christ. You are a big, big blessing.

Here is one thing the Lord spoke into my spirit for you. As I prayed earlier to ask the Lord what He wanted to say to you.

My son I want you to know today that there is going to be a new season approaching you, a new atmosphere, a new environment, one that is going to be different for you. It is not the fact there will be a time bomb effect exploding. It will be a little bit here, a little bit there. Line upon line, precept upon precept, where something is going to be radically changed within your life.

There is such a drive in you, a call in you to want to touch lives and do things for the Kingdom of God. Also remember that there is such a financial ability about to come upon you. It is almost as if there are shackles about to come off of you because you have been faithful to the Kingdom of God, even faithful in small things, you’ve been faithful in small areas.

This is a season where I will make you faithful and ruler over many things. There is a new anointing of authority coming upon you that is going to begin to give you the strength to let your yeses be yeses and your nos be nos.  To begin to speak the word of the Lord and speak the promises of God. And speak and give your word, and when you give your word people are going to look at you and say, “Now that’s a man who follows through with his word. Whatever he tells you he will do, you know he is going to follow through with it.”

Son, that is who you are. You are a man of wisdom and integrity. And in this season you are going to begin to see life, and light to begin to come out of you. The light is going to shine in dark places for people to be able to see and have hope. It is Christ in you the Hope of Glory. And as I work in you and through you I am opening up this season a treasure chest within your earthen vessel, within your belly and I am going to speak treasure to come out of you. I am going to speak wisdom and principles and impartations to come out of you.

But I also am going to release the rivers inside of your belly of creativity. You have got a vast array of creativity. I see light upon light, almost as if you look through a prism, when you shine a light through it you have different colors. That is how it is inside of your belly. It is a prism of many different colors waiting to be released and launched out. God says the light in Me is going to be the light in you. I am going to shine bright through you, and the brilliance and the radiance of My glory is going to shine through you.

I have called you to be such a leader, such a man of integrity in this hour. Be the man with the plan. Always find yourself ready in season and out of season. And I am going to begin to transform and change lives around you. But I also am going to start even with your own natural family. Even those around you that are blood kin to you. I am going to change those you haven’t even seen in a long time, that are in your family. You are going to begin to see transformation take place like never before.

In this season I have given you a strong anointing. You have an anointing to start something. It is time to rev your engine. It is time to put your key into the ignition and start it and crank it up. The car won’t go unless you crank it up. It is the season you have the keys, you hold the keys to begin to unlock, to loose and to turn on. You must understand that you first and foremost must first rev your own engine before you can rev the engines in lives of other people. You must get yourself in the place to jump start yourself. Be motivated and encouraged in My strength and My glory and My kingdom to where everything you do in your life will begin to be with top quality.

This is a season for you to understand that you are going to begin to touch. Here is what the Lord began to put in my spirit – I heard the name Tom or Thomas. This is going to be in the next year to two years, you are going to come across a Tom, or a Tommy or a Thomas – that is how the Lord put it to me, because he actually goes by three different names to different people in his life. You are going to run across a Tom, Tommy or Thomas, and when you do you, remember this word, for I am going to give you a word of prophecy for him, in the sense of a word of encouragement, a word that is going to begin to speak into his life and it will begin to help transform his life.

Get ready son for I see different places with your face on it. I am going to cause your face to be made known. In fact I will confirm it with you, that you are going to be in a conversation within the next six to 12 months, and when you are, this person to whom you are talking to will say, “Hey, you know what, I totally get it. I am very good with faces and not names. That is actually going to be a confirmation to let you know that your face is going to be made known among people that you talk to everyday. Everyday people you come across will remember your face. And people will say, “You must have a twin, because your face looks so familiar to me.”

These are going to be signs to you to let you know that I am working in you and through you and that people will remember your face. As they remember your face they are also going to remember how you touched their lives, whether it is in passing conversation, whether it is a joke, whether it is laughing, or whatever you give to them is going to be part of My kingdom being stretched in you to begin to plow the ground of their heart, to begin to let them know there is hope and a bright future for them as well says the Lord.


Jeremy Lopez
Identity Network
March 11, 2014

Prophetic Word Testimonies:  Identity Network - Jeremy Lopez

Friday, February 7, 2014

God is Raising Up Pioneers - Who Live In the Breaker Anointing - Michael Krysty

Michael Krysty:
God is Raising Up Pioneers - 
Who Live In the Breaker Anointing
The Elijah List

Michael Krysty
It's Breakthrough Time

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are followers, then leaders, and then there are pioneers. Lately, God has been speaking to me about a forerunner authority. Some would call it a pioneer, some would say apostolic, yet even others would say a breaker anointing.

Jesus Christ, as the supreme Apostle ("...Jesus, the Apostle and High Priest whom we confess," Hebrews 3:1), was the One who broke through the temple and made a new and living way for us to follow into the presence of God.

...Since we have confidence to enter the Most Holy Place by the Blood of Jesus, by a new and living way opened for us... Hebrews 10:19-20

I believe that is exactly what the pioneer, apostolic, or breaker anointing does. It opens up new and living ways.

Roads that were totally unknown and unfamiliar to a community of people are now available, and this community is equipped in strength to travel the new road. I believe it is important to understand that when a forerunner interprets his findings from this new arena, it can generate far reaching effects for the rest of the community – both positive and negative. The anointing of a pioneer is powerful!

Jesus: A new and living wayJesus, our chief Apostle, broke through and opened a new and living way. I believe, in order to truly be effective in the Great Commission, the forerunner must do the same in their efforts to establish the Kingdom of God. I want to say this: You have access to a great breaker anointing within you.

It is Jesus inside of you. I praise God that Jesus opened up a new and living way for us into the Kingdom of God through salvation.

Yet now, with Christ in us, we can take His power into the earth and open up new roads of opportunities for His Kingdom to expand on the earth.

Right now, in this season, God is opening up the nations, ministry opportunities, and business opportunities for His children, His pioneers! Get ready for new's breakthrough time!

(Photo via icanthrugod.tumblr)

A Brand New Way

The pioneer is the first to enter into new atmospheres. Because they tread on new roads, the message is not always well received. In Numbers 13, we read about pioneers that are given the responsibility of exploring Canaan. They go and find great assets and potential.

Frankly, they are mesmerized by what they discover. They want the land. They come back and give the description to Moses, Aaron, and the rest of the Israelite community. They say, "We went into the land to which you sent us, and it does flow with milk and honey! Here is its fruit" (Numbers13:27).

The testimony of the spiesYet, just as they were giving the awesome testimony of what they saw, what God had promised to them, they then switched into another testimony of impossibilities and danger. The testimony of why it could never work.

"But the people who live there are powerful, and the cities are fortified and very large. We even saw descendants of Anak there" (Numbers 13:28). A spirit of fear was released to a whole community of people even though there was visible fruit of what could be accomplished.

(Photo via Garden of Praise/by Gospel Services, Inc.)

Yet, in the midst of doubt, one spoke up: Caleb. Caleb believed they could take the land – Caleb did not see through the eyes of a normal person, nor did he have the same spirit as the other forerunners. There was something different about him in comparison to the other pioneers; he saw a super reality.

In fact, he was rewarded. The Lord said of him that he had a different spirit and that he followed Him wholeheartedly. With Caleb, Joshua also stood, believing they could take the land.
Caleb and JoshuaIt was a new way for the all of the Israelites, and they could not believe the message of Caleb and Joshua. There were other forerunners with Caleb and Joshua, yet it was only Caleb and Joshua who carried the breaker anointing.

The Lord has been telling me that there are many forerunners in this hour, yet there are few that carry a breaker anointing. There are many people that are walking in a new way and obeying directions to explore this new land, but there are few that see in super reality.

In fact, there are many that have had experiences and have seen life from many angles, but when it comes to taking the land and establishing the Kingdom, their actions and words communicate that there is no hope. They release doubt and fear, and operate out of a natural reality.

A true pioneer is one that stands even in the midst of everyone affected by disbelief.

For them, there is a brand new way, yet it is a possible one. The authority of a pioneer is many times challenged; but their authority is weighty and can shift societies, cultures, and nations.

(Photo via Distant Shores Media/Open Bible Stories)

Also, a true pioneer is one that breaks through not only the blocks to create a new path, but also breaks down the walls that would keep them from dwelling in the destination continually as a culture. Caleb and Joshua were these types of men. They not only opened a new way and went into the promised land, their heart was to establish a living way. God wants to establish not just an experience where we taste fruit and see the great land or experience Heaven on earth as an event or service.

He wants us to know it as a continual dwelling place as a culture.

A Living Way

Abundant lifeGod is not interested in merely a good time or an event by itself. In fact, He is not interested in a new way alone. He is interested in abundant life; life that is ongoing. He is interested in a new and living way; a revival torch that will not only spark, but ultimately grow into an ongoing fire. That is the Kingdom. God is interested in a lifestyle of revival and outpouring.

(Photo via

If we never take revival out of the service or make it a dwelling place, we become like the pioneers that give a report of the impossibilities. They believed they couldn't dwell in the fullness of the riches because of the giants.

But, there is a voice saying, "We can take the land, we can live in an ongoing outpouring because it is a living way."

It is not just a way that is new and never seen; it is a way that is alive and unending – a living way. The path that Christ torched for us to come into the Kingdom was completely new and could not be opened by any besides Himself. Yet the path is still open today, and it is living – Kingdom living.

The Kingdom of God is 24/7. It is continually in season and out. It must become a dwelling place, a place that is inhabited. If it isn't, the normal Christian life will be seen as just a series of intermittent events. It will be seen only through an earthly reality when, all the while, we have available for us a super reality...Heaven on earth.

God has made available for the Body of Christ open Heavens that will not shut, and we can dwell in these places. A living way is a breathing path that has limitless fruitful encounters.
Heaven openedStephen carried this type of anointing. The Bible describes him as one that was full of faith and the Holy Spirit. He was the first person in the New Testament who was martyred for following the ways of Jesus.

As he was being stoned, Stephen was literally brought into an open vision as he saw physically what was happening in the spiritual realm. He shouted out, "Look...I see Heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:56).

Yet, even though Stephen literally saw this open Heaven over his life, I believe he had it over his life even before then. I believe that Stephen was one that saw in a higher level, a super reality.

(Photo via Wallpapers Wide)

Stephen was truly a forerunner. His death caused the Church to grow and spread in a new and living way. We read right after his death in Acts 8:1-4 that when the persecution of the Church broke out, the whole Church scattered. But they were not just scattered; rather, the Church was being relocated and the Kingdom advanced.

Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went. Acts 8:4

Those that were scattered spread the fire outside and beyond their normal living quarters. Stephen's act birthed a community of missionaries! It was as if a boulder had been dropped from one-hundred feet in the air into a lake of lava, causing lava to splash out into many other areas. The breaker anointing – it stays open for others to dwell in and operate out of!

Lions Traveling Unfamiliar Paths

Like lionsCaleb, Joshua, and Stephen were not followers, nor were they just leaders – they were pioneers. Yet these were not pioneers merely out to make a new discovery; they were men dedicated to bringing an entire nation into this discovery with them. They took the initiative and did not wait for others – they were courageous lions. 

(Photo via DesertUSA)

The remnant of Jacob will be in the midst of many peoples like dew from the Lord, like showers on the grass, which do not wait for man or linger for mankind. The remnant of Jacob will be among the nations, in the midst of many peoples, like a lion among the beasts of the forest... Micah 5:7-8

I believe God is raising up super-breakers or super-pioneers to not only make a new way, but to make it both a new and living way. They are the ones that take initiative and do not wait for others to do it for them. They are young, old, and middle-aged. They are learned, unlearned, and of all classes.

God is taking people in this hour and turning them into a generation who sees through eyes of faith a super reality to destroy the works of darkness.

Not only do they want to taste the fruit of the land, they want the whole land! This is the call of the revivalist in this hour, this is the call of the teacher in this hour, this is the call of the entire five-fold ministry in this hour. To pioneer what God is commanding us to move into, and bring entire nations into it to dwell!

We must not wait for others; we must not see like others, we must be like lions!

What will you see?God is not just raising up forerunners.

God is asking the forerunners: What type of report will you give? What type of reality will you see? What type of kingdom will you release?

God is calling the forerunner to carry a breaker anointing and be led on unfamiliar paths to take an entire nation into a living way – birthing a supernatural community! NEW AND LIVING.

I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth. These are the things I will do; I will not forsake them. Isaiah 42:16

Lord, lead Your family into a super reality. Take us into Your breaker anointing. Teach us to decipher the many voices we hear and cancel out every voice that isn't Yours. May we hear Your whispers and know them from the rest. Release boldness into Your people.

I pray for the eyes of their hearts to be opened, that they may carry Your presence into the world. They are world changers. Thank You, Holy Spirit! Amen.

Michael Krysty
Inhabit Fire Ministries


Michael Krysty is a unique, emerging radical revivalist with an uncompromising message of the supernatural power of Jesus. He is the founder of Inhabit Fire Ministries, and walks in a powerful and accurate realm of the word of knowledge and gifts of healing.

He was introduced to the Gospel while in drug rehab and had a dynamic encounter with Jesus Christ, and he has never been the same. Now, Michael and his wife, Amanda, travel the world preaching and demonstrating the message of the raw power and love of the Kingdom of Heaven. They reside just outside of Charlotte, North Carolina, and attend MorningStar Church when home.

Source: The Elijah List