Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts

Thursday, September 24, 2015

It Is Time for the Daughters of the Lord to Arise - Amanda Shiflett

God is raising up courageous women in this hour to war against the enemy.
God is raising up courageous women in this hour to war against the enemy. (Ministries for Life)

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As I've been praying about this new Hebrew year of 5776, the Lord revealed some amazing things that I want to share. Since we have now moved from 5775 to 5776, and to see what this year may hold prophetically, we look at the number six to see its meaning in Hebrew.
The number six is vav. a word meaning "peg" or "hook."  
As I was studying this, the Lord immediately brought back to me the story of Jael in Scripture, which you can read about in Judges 4. In this epic event, the Lord delivered the Israelites out of the hands of the oppressive Canaanites, and He did so in a remarkable way!
He used an unknown woman who was not even an Israelite to defeat the head of the Canaanite army, a man named Sisera. The Bible says that the Canaanites had "harshly oppressed the children of Israel for 20 years." The Israelite army, along with their leader, Barak, had come up against the army of the Canaanites, and began to drive them back. As a result, their leader, Sisera fled on foot, and came upon the tent of a woman name Jael, who was a Kenite, not an Israelite.
As he lay down to rest in her tent, and fell asleep, this audacious woman took a tent peg and drove it through his head. Although her tactics were unconventional, they were extremely effective! She used what she had to defeat the enemy, and in doing so, her name is forever blazoned in biblical history as a hero!
In killing Sisera, she made it possible for the Israelites to win the battle, as Scripture tells us that from that day forward Israel grew stronger and stronger against the Canaanites until they utterly destroyed them. Jael used the only thing she had, which didn't seem like much, but it destroyed the "head," in more ways than one.
The Spirit spoke to me and said, "I will be raising many up in this year—5776—who will use what I have placed in their hand (the tent peg) to destroy the plans of Satan and take out the 'head' of the enemy who has kept them oppressed and defeated ... the enemy who is waging war in their family, their city  and their nation!"
He also began to show me that many of those He will be raising up will be the most unlikely ones ... those whom no one would suspect, who have no rank or title. He will use them to destroy the enemy who has kept so many bound for far too long.
They may not seem to be the strongest or the most qualified, but if they will obey the Lord and use what is in their hand, they will forever change their destiny, their territory and their generation.
I also felt the Lord saying that, just as He did then, He is especially raising up courageous women, for such a time as this, to war against the enemy. It is time for the daughters of the Lord to arise, and take their place in His army. We must fight the our soul's enemy, who has kept us oppressed and who is seeking to destroy us as well as all those around us.
The Lord has given us His tools, and though at times they may not seem like much to fight with, He will show us how best to use what He has given us, to destroy the "head" of the armies that are fighting against us. Something else the Lord began to show me about this story in Judges 4 is that Jael was alive during the reign of Deborah, the judge and prophetess. Deborah was truly a prophetess of the Lord, but she was also a judge, which means she carried an apostolic anointing.
This is why the Israelites were able to throw off the oppression of the Canaanites during her lifetime. Not only did Deborah prophetically hear what the Lord was saying and what was coming, she equipped and charged the Israelite army and its leader, Barak, to go forth in battle and fight for their freedom. In addition to the women the Lord is raising up, the Lord will be placing many men of God into leadership positions alongside these women.
They, like Barak with Deborah, will be able to listen and heed the voice of the women of God that He has anointed for this hour. They will not care who gets the credit. They will have no prejudice, and will be able to discern those whom the Lord has appointed to be apostolic and prophetic leaders in the kingdom during these last days.
Jael was not an Israelite, but she was close enough to the boundaries of Israel to most likely have heard of the judge and prophetess Deborah. I do not believe it is by mere chance that the Lord used a woman of no consequence to kill the head of the enemy army, during the very time that the entire nation of Israel was being ruled by a woman.
In fact, Deborah even prophesied that the Lord would use a woman to destroy the enemy army. She tells Barak, the leader of the Israelite army, that she will go with him into battle at his request, but also tells him that there would be no glory for him because Sisera would die at the hands of a woman.
I believe Jael was only able to have the courage and wherewithal to strike a fatal blow to the enemy, because she had already heard of a mighty woman of God who ruled the entire nation of Israel, a woman who was a prophetess as well as an apostolic leader.
The Lord told me that He is also raising up Deborahs in this hour who will lead an entire army and put the enemy on the run. They are a hybrid warrior of apostolic (judge) and prophetic leader. These women will raise up many "Jaels" under them, who will strike deathly blows against the enemies in their own territory and sphere of the kingdom. 
These are the daughters of Deborah, and this is their year. Armed with the hammer of authority and the "peg" of purpose, they will pursue their destiny and make their mark in kingdom history.
Amanda Shiflett and her husband, Darin, are a unique and anointed ministry team with a heart for equipping the body through worship, prophecy, evangelism and deliverance. At God's leading, they co-founded Ministries for Life not long after their marriage in 2009. God has blessed and anointed them to work together to impact this end-time generation.
For the original article, visit
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Sunday, September 20, 2015

4 Unfailing Defenses to Combat Torment in the Night

Here's how you can sleep peacefully in victory over Satan.

Here's how you can sleep peacefully in victory over Satan. (iStock photo )

4 Unfailing Defenses to Combat Torment in the Night

Satan isn't creative, but he is predictable. He operates from a playbook of strategies, which he launches systematically on person after person.
But, don't mistake predictability for stupidity: He's certainly cunning and knows just when to attack. Many of his plays are set in motion—not when we're alert and strong—but when our defenses are down. It's no surprise, then, that one of the most popular questions I receive regarding spiritual warfare relates to how to combat torment in the night—persistent nightmares, sexual dreams or even the presence of hovering figures.
Nighttime Attacks in Scripture
Satan's work under the cloak of the night isn't without biblical precedent. To be certain, it's what led to the near-destruction of Job. Allow me to elaborate. Job was considered by God to be "blameless and upright, fearing God and avoiding evil" (Job 1:1).
But unbeknownst to Job, a wager was made in the heavens, instigated by Satan. The devil argued that if God's blessings were removed, Job wouldn't maintain his righteousness. And God allowed, then Satan immediately went to work attacking Job's character, stealing his property, children and health. Eventually, when word got around of Job's tribulations, his friends came to determine just what was going on. They remained quiet, for the most part, seeking to properly discern the situation. But it all radically changed after an attack in the night.
In the midst of deep sleep, Job's best friend, Eliphaz, reported, "A word was brought to me secretly" (Job 4:12–13). It was an experience so intense, in fact, that he was overcome with dread and shaken to his core (Job 4:14). Shortly after, Eliphaz felt a spirit glide across his face, causing his hair to bristle. When a form stood before him, he heard a voice:
"Can a mortal be more righteous than God? Can a man be more pure than his Maker?" (Job 4:17).
These were no innocent questions about humanity's position compared to God. No, this spirit was planting impure thoughts to put into question the very declaration God had previously made about Job. That is, it questioned Job's righteousness. And it worked. Eliphaz quickly broke his silence to indict Job for his own distress.
So many of us have experienced something similar—dread and trembling in the night that shakes our very cores. What should be a new day filled with God's new mercies (see Lamentations 3:22), turns into a day of feeling dirty and defeated.
Your 4 Defenses
Thankfully, God never leaves anyone to be the devil's doormat. And even in your sleep, you don't have to be defenseless. Nighttime is a crucial time to trust in God's power to combat the enemy on your behalf. And I've learned four unfailing ways to do so—sure to end nighttime attacks for good.
1. Close open doors. Yes, you may sleep more peacefully if you close—and lock!—your bedroom door. But that's not what I'm talking about here. There may be spiritual doors left open in your life, welcoming the enemy in to attack. These often include lifestyle sins such as offense and unforgiveness, occult practices or sexual promiscuity. To close these doors, simply acknowledge the sin and thank God for His finished work on the cross that removed it. Then ask Him to manifest the power of the cross in your life to sever the sin's hold on you.
2. Plead Jesus' blood. Speaking of the accuser, John wrote that we overcome him "by the blood of the Lamb" (Revelation 12:11). I've found that invoking the power of Jesus' blood is especially critical to ending attacks in the night. Before you go to bed, speak aloud, "I cover myself in the blood of  Jesus." I believe this places a spiritual force field around you that the enemy can't penetrate. The blood of Jesus freshly applied on you repels Satan with a reminder of his defeat at Christ's cross.
3. Ask God to surround you with leagues of angels. Within God's heavenly hierarchy are hosts of angel armies that He charges to guard and protect us in everything that we do (Psalm 91:11). Many find it particularly effective to pray aloud before retiring for bed, "God, I ask you to send leagues of angels to protect me as I sleep." You probably won't see them, but be assured that an angelic line of defense will report to duty to surround you in your slumber.
4. Meditate on God's Word. God gives us His Word as a weapon in spiritual warfare. In fact, God's Word is the final piece Paul lists in the full armor of God (Ephesians 6:17). To keep the enemy at bay, maintain a practice of running God's Word through your mind and your mouth. Additionally, many find it helpful to saturate their environments with the Word by playing Scripture set to music. My new Experience Freedom album (available on CD and iTunes) is a powerful resource for this. It guides you in speaking the Word over yourself, and is useful to set a peaceful environment while you work or sleep. One thing is certain: The father of lies has no power when the truth of the Father is present.
It's easy to get into battle mode, believing that we must fight Satan in our own efforts. But God revealed to me that spiritual warfare isn't about having a bloodbath with a devil that's defeated.
No, it's about standing in the victory of the One who defeated him. And in this case, you can sleep soundly in victory by activating God's defenses on your behalf: His cross, His blood, His angels and His Word.
Kyle Winkler teaches people how to live in victory. His mobile app, Shut Up, Devil!, is the No. 1 spiritual warfare app; and his recent book, Silence Satan, has helped thousands shut down the enemy's attacks, threats, lies and accusations. Kyle holds a Master of Divinity degree in biblical studies from Regent University. Get daily encouragement from Kyle on Facebook and Twitter.
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Jonathan Cahn - See the Face of Satan on The Dome of the Rock

Jonathan Cahn

Published on Jun 8, 2015
See the face of Satan stamped onto the marble entrance of the Dome of the Rock. The Temple Mount a Holy place of God where his temple stood and will stand again. A high place, a place of worship where Satan has attempted to put his image and direct worship towards himself via the dome of the rock. See how Satan attempts to place himself in high places all over the earth and attempts to direct people away from Jesus and instead worship him.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Charleston Attack: When God Is at Work, Satan Reacts

Charleston Attack: When God Is at Work, Satan Reacts

A woman mourns after the shooting at Emanuel AME Church outside of Charleston.
A woman mourns after the shooting at Emanuel AME Church outside of Charleston. (Reuters)
"There is no greater coward than a criminal who enters a house of God and slaughters innocent people engaged in the study of Scripture." So said NAACP President and CEO Cornell William Brooks, condemning Wednesday night's shooting in Charleston, South Carolina.
Emanuel AME Church, the scene of the attack, is historically African-American, tracing its roots to 1816. One of its founders tried to organize a slave revolt in 1822; white landowners had his church burned in revenge. Members worshipped underground until after the Civil War. Wednesday's shooting took the life of the church's pastor and eight others, and has been labeled a hate crime (For more, see Nick Pitts's article Tragedy in Charleston). 

Wherever God is at work, Satan reacts. His first strategy is "to steal and kill and destroy" (John 10:10). When Jesus' movement gained a national following, Satan led Judas to betray our Lord (John 13:2, 27). When Peter preached at Pentecost and 3,000 were converted, Satan incited the religious authorities to arrest them and demand that they cease preaching (Acts 4). When Paul's ministry reached global status, Satan led the authorities to arrest and eventually behead him.

More people are coming to Christ today than at any time in human history, and Satan is again responding through violence.  According to John Allen, longtime Vatican journalist, 80 percent of all acts of religious discrimination around the world are directed at Christians. Ninety percent of all religious martyrs are Christians. Terror attacks against Christians escalated 309 percent between 2003 and 2010.

Persecution is strongest where the kingdom is advancing the fastest. In the Muslim world, where more have come to Christ in the past 15 years than the previous 15 centuries, attacks on Christians are more common than ever before. Newsweekrecently reported: "In recent years the violent oppression of Christian minorities has become the norm in Muslim-majority nations stretching from West Africa and the Middle East to South Asia and Oceania." The magazine then stated, "The conspiracy of silence surrounding this violent expression of religious intolerance has to stop." (For more, see my book Respected to Irrelevant to Dangerous.)

Persecution against Christians is increasing in China, where as many as 100,000 people come to Christ every day. It is increasing in sub-Saharan Africa, where as many as 28,000 come to Christ daily. It is increasing in Cuba, where more than a million have come to Christ in the last decade. The pattern is clear.

How can we pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters? Acts 12:5 tells us that after Peter was arrested by Herod, "earnest prayer for him was made to God by the church." Their intercession was passionate: "earnest" translates ektenos, fervent, zealous. It was continual: "prayer was made" is in the imperfect tense, literally "prayer was constantly being made." It was specific: "for him." And it was collective: "by the church."

God is calling his people to pray passionately, continually, specifically and collectively for Emanuel AME Church and for all who are risking their lives to follow Jesus. And he has calling us to pray in the same way for the spiritual awakening we desperately need.

Charles Spurgeon: "I know of no better thermometer to your spiritual temperature than this, the measure of the intensity of your prayer." What is your spiritual temperature today?
Jim Denison, Ph.D., is founder of the Denison Forum on Truth and Culture, a non-sectarian "think tank" designed to engage contemporary issues with biblical truth. Join over 100,000 who read Dr. Denison's daily Cultural Commentary: For more information on the Denison Forum, visit To connect with Dr. Denison in social media, visit or
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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Satan, Keep Away from My Bloodline! by Perry Stone

Satan, Keep Away from My Bloodline! 

by Perry Stone

Identity Network

Have you ever wondered why, after raising your children in the ways of God, they choose to walk away from Him and go their own way?
The heaviest burden for a parent to carry is for his or her own bloodline - his or her children and grandchildren and their eternal destiny. Children are a heritage from the Lord and the greatest weight on a parent's heart.
I have met thousands of parents whose children were raised in a local church but today are spiritually AWOL. Why?
Root Causes
Here are three often-undetected root causes why your family members may avoid church. There are social reasons. Some feel uncomfortable meeting new people, are not sure how to dress and feel awkward when asked to hold the hand of the stranger next to them. There are also neurological reasons. People suffer from a variety of disorders that may cause them to feel uncomfortable in a service. Some neurological disorders like Autism cause difficulty in sitting and are disturbed by loud music or noise. Some have economic reasons for not attending because they believe the church is always asking for money.
But the ultimate reason for many avoiding a Christian gathering is spiritual. First, according to John 12:40, the adversary has blinded the eyes and hardened the hearts of some, preventing them from receiving knowledge and being converted. Another reason is simply unbelief. It is impossible to receive any spiritual or, for that matter, physical and financial blessing or breakthrough if a person abides in unbelief. Their wrong thinking prevents it.
Wrong thinking creates what we call strongholds. The word stronghold was used by the Greeks when speaking of a castle or a military fortification that was built to prevent access. In Paul's writings strongholds are mental blocks of thinking that prevented spiritual breakthroughs.
The adversary will use a person's wrong thinking to build up a mental stronghold, hindering them from going to the very place where their mental and spiritual chains can be broken. Believers must also deal with wrong thinking and never allow human reasoning to exalt itself above the knowledge of God, but to pull down mental strongholds (2 Cor. 10:4-5).
When parents have asked me how they should pray for their prodigal son, daughter, or at times grandparents are concerned about their wayward grandchildren, I share how I pray for my own children. The first thing I do is thank God for giving me two wonderful children - a boy and a girl. I then declare that anyone who carries my DNA or my name (Stone) that is linked to my family will all be in the kingdom of God and not one will be missing. I ask God to protect them from harm, danger, and any disabling accident, and I assign a generational angel to be with them. 

At times when I have seen someone in my bloodline struggle and knew a demonic spirit was attacking them, my prayer became aggressive and a rebuking anointing began flowing through me as I rebuked the powers of the adversary, demanding them to "get their hands off" that person and for God to bring relief and restoration. It is also important to discover if there is a "root source" to their resistance to God such as a hurt, an offense, a misunderstanding that should be dealt with.
Parents should also pray in advance for the friends their children have, beginning at an early age, as many of their choices as teenagers will emerge out of peer pressure from those surrounding them.
At times it takes very intense and consistent intercession to initiate a life-changing breakthrough in family members. Often when a parent or any believer engages in intense intercessory prayer coupled with a prayer burden, the seeker will receive an assurance before they see the actual breakthrough. The Greek word for assurance in the New Testament means a complete and peaceful confidence in a matter (1 Thess. 1:5; Heb. 6:11, 10:22). Once this inner assurance is received, it releases a calming effect that settles your mind or spirit, as God's still, small voice prompts your perception that everything will be all right and you can move from asking God to thanking Him in advance (see Isaiah 32:17).                 
When Faith and Assurance Collide
When I was a teenage minister, I canned this feeling of assurance, "I know in my knower!" For example, there have been times I have prayed for individuals whose situations were so bleak that it required a supernatural intervention, or what we term a miracle to bring them back from the brink of death or destruction. However, when prayer was offered under the anointing of the Spirit, a peaceful calm erased the doubts and confusion. We left the hospital knowing that everything will be well.
Never cease to pray for your lost family members and begin thanking God when you sense an assurance. Remember, the peace of assurance will precede the actual breakthrough, often by days, weeks, and months. The best way to disrobe the assurance is in the words of Paul, when he wrote, "For we which have believed do enter into rest" (Hebrews 4:3, KJV). When faith and assurance collide, you will be at rest, even in the midst of the most severe storm ... for even Christ could sleep through a storm knowing He was going over to the other side (Luke 8:22-25). God's assurance that He is and will be moving on your behalf will bring a mental, physical, and spiritual rest to you.
Perry Stone

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Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Bobby Conner: Prophetic Intercession That Changes History

Prayer was never intended to be a monologue but a dialogue. (Lightstock )
Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
Never underestimate your prayers. Your prayer life is a sweet fragrance before the face of Almighty God! Our prayers are a vital part of the worship and adoration at the throne of God. It is important to understand what the Word of God has to say concerning what happens to our prayers in the heavenly realm.
"When He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each one having a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of saints" (Rev. 5:8).
This passage gives outstanding, divinely inspired insights and revelatory information concerning the value of our prayers uttered on earth. What our prayers accomplish is absolutely awesome. Your prayers have the potential to alter history! Many of the defining moments in the affairs of mankind are the result of someone's prayers. Truly our prayers move the hand of God.
Today we discover that the church is at a crossroads and in transition, the saints of God must spend time in God's presence, asking for divine wisdom and Holy Spirit guidance (see James 1:5). It is almost unbelievable to think that the cries of our soul on earth have such a place of prominence in heaven. It is truly stunning to note what Scripture reveals is taking place in heaven's realm because of our prayers.
Our prayers have a place of prominence before the Lamb upon His throne in heaven. Each golden bowl is filled with the flowing fragrance of the incense of our prayers that are ever rising before the Lamb. The aroma of faith-filled prayers is scenting the throne of heaven. Our prayers, being precious and extremely valuable in heaven, are caught and kept in vessels of the purest gold.
Many times the foe of our soul, Satan himself, will seek to hinder and even stop us from praying by slandering and saying, "It's no use! God will not hear nor heed your prayers." We must be reminded that every time the devil speaks, he speaks a lie (see John 8:44). A lie is the direct opposite of the truth, so be encouraged when the enemy tries to lie to you in that way. If he attempts to convince and persuade you that your prayers are worthless, understand the truth: Your prayers are powerful and priceless.
Be confident of this fact: Your prayers are heard in heaven and watched over by powerful, holy angels. The Word of God contains countless precious promises of God's willingness to answer our prayers. The Spirit of God is releasing an anointing for intercession on an extremely high level.
All across the nations saints are being mobilized to pray. It is awesome and thrilling to see prayer meetings are beginning to take place in many of our public schools once again. Powerful prayer gatherings are being led by some outstanding, young radicals who have one goal in mind: establishing God's kingdom on earth.
We can clearly see from these verses that our prayers are priceless. We read in Revelation 8:3-5:
"Another angel, having a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer with the prayers of all the saints on the golden altar which was before the throne. The smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, ascended before God from the angel's hand. Then the angel took the censer, filled it with fire from the altar, and threw it onto the earth. And there were noises, thundering, lightning, and an earthquake."
One can clearly see that our prayers always result in action. Never forget your prayer engages heaven's action. We would be blessed to take time to observe some of the examples of answered prayer in Scripture. One such example is the church praying for Peter and the Lord dispatching a mighty angel to deliver Peter from certain death and prison.
Observing the prayer spoken by the Church in Acts 12 on Peter's behalf, we clearly see this was a life and death situation. James had been beheaded and the same fate was facing the Apostle Peter. However, Scripture states, "So Peter was kept in prison. But the church prayed to God without ceasing for him" (see Acts 12:1-12). This reminds us that nothing is too hard for God (see Gen. 18:14). Our prayers release the hand of God to move on our behalf.
When your prayers are spoken on earth and begin to ascend before the throne of God, heaven begins to respond and things are shaken. Notice when the disciples prayed there was an earthquake, "And when they had prayed, the place was shaken where they were assembled together; and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and they spoke the word of God with boldness" (Acts 4:31). Never forget that prayer is a powerful force.
In Revelation 8:3-5 we see not only was there an earthquake but also lightnings, which speaks of God's light and power being released when our prayers are released from heaven back to earth. Thunderings and noises speak of the "Word of God being released." Our prayers release an awesome response from Heaven. When God's voice speaks we will again see the entire world shaken" (see Ex. 19:10-20).
Prayer moves the hand of God. God can do anything (see Job 42:2). The question is posed in Genesis 18:14: "Is anything too difficult for the Lord?" As we enter into the realm of the prayer of faith, we will discover that absolutely nothing is impossible with God.
God has made us a promise that if we will ask, He will answer. We read this powerful promise in Jeremiah 33:3 which states, "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things which you do not know." Prayer makes visible the things that have been concealed. The word "mighty" is literally "fenced in" with the connotation of being "cut off" or "inaccessible." In this we understand that God has many things to reveal to us and through us, but we will never receive them unless we call to Him in believing prayer.
God is able to reveal that which has formerly been hidden and He is committed to deliver and to preserve His people. In Deuteronomy 29:29, we discover that God has some secrets that He desires to release to us, if we are willing to set our hearts to seek Him: "The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may do all the words of this law."
This truth is revealed again in Isaiah 48:6, which states, "You have heard; see all this. And will you not declare it? I have shown you new things from this time, even hidden things, and you did not know them."
Our prayers release God to reveal the things that He desires to show us. Remember the warning, "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you" (Matt. 7:7).
Once, in a prophetic experience, I was caught up into heaven, into something like a large warehouse filled with arms, legs, hands, feet and eyes. Stunned I questioned, "What are these things?" and was told, "This is what you can have restored on earth if you will pray, believing." In that moment I was painfully aware that much more is available to us if we truly approach the throne of God with pure faith. We have not, because we ask not. It is the Father's good pleasure to give to us the kingdom.
Prayer was never intended to be a monologue but rather a dialogue. What is a monologue? It is when one person is doing the talking. God promised us that if we would ask, He would answer. There are two sides to true prayer—the human and the heavenly. The human is the asking; the heavenly is the answering. In Psalm 91:15 God states, "He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him ... ."
Jesus stated in Matthew 21:22 these encouraging words concerning the promise of answered prayer, "And whatever you ask in prayer, if you believe, you will receive." There is a readiness in the heart of God to answer true prayer. In Isaiah 65:24 God promises, "Before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear."
Answered prayer will always release an overflow of joy and raise our confidence in God (see John 16:24).
Bobby Conner: This "Gentle Giant" is uniquely anointed with refreshing humor and razor-sharp prophetic accuracy, which has been documented around the world. Bobby's dynamic capacity to release outstanding demonstrations of the miraculous—healings, signs and wonders—reveals the very heart of the Father toward us! 
Surviving a dramatic abortion attempt by his mother, being rescued again by the hand of God from drug dealing and suicide, the story of Bobby Conner is a display of a man who now walks in his God-ordained destiny to set others free! Highly esteemed as an internationally acclaimed conference speaker, Bobby has ministered effectively to over 45 foreign countries as well as here in the States for many years. Visit him online at or email
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Thursday, April 9, 2015

Checks Are in the Mail by Doug Addison

Checks Are in the Mail 

by Doug Addison

The Identity Network

Checks for Repayment are in the Mail

This is the start of the seven-year cycle that is being broken from 2008. I have been prophesying for a while that God is repaying us for losses we have suffered over the past seven years.

I got a prophetic word that "The Checks Are in the Mail." Watch for repayment to come in many forms.

Not just money but in lots of different and creative ways such as: healing, favor, spiritual gifts and restoration of relationships. Prayers you have been praying for a while are going to be answered. Be open to the answers looking different than you once expected.

"I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten … " Joel 2:25 NIV

For us, we took a huge hit financially in 2008 and went into debt for five years. Although we got out of debt, we have still not fully recovered all that was lost.

There were things that God had promised us that never came about. This was because the enemy has overplayed his hand against people like you and me.

If you have been following my prophetic words over the last few years, you might remember I have been saying to make a list of things that have been stolen or never came about since 2008. Well, what is on your list?

Renewing Vows from Ten Years Ago

God spoke to me that He is now renewing promises from ten years ago. In 2005 my ministry received a grant for $125,000 to do an outreach coffeehouse in Los Angeles. God had spoken to us clearly and we got a lot of favor and prophetic words for it.

It was during that time that many people around us in Hollywood were leaving, burning out, blowing out, and sadly, even dying. We ended up under intense warfare. We returned the grant and moved to Moravian Falls, North Carolina. This is a time to look back to the things that God had promised you ten years ago because He is renewing these promises and commitments as well.

Here it is 2015 - exactly ten years later and we are back in L.A. and going for the things that God has spoken to us. God is renewing ten-year commitments right now. They will come with interest and upgrades! Call out to God for the things that have been stolen from you.

Spring Forward on March 8

God spoke to me that again this year, when we set the clocks forward in the spring that things are going to spring forward in the spirit. For the U.S., this was March 8. Watch for something significant to begin to happen around this day and season.

This month will align things to come into a greater level of fulfillment. What is happening right now is a time of being propelled, and for some even - catapulted forward.

Twenty-seven years ago I had a radical encounter with Jesus and came out of the occult on my birthday, which is March 8,1988. Yes, "3.8.88" was the date. Eight represents new beginnings. It was the greatest birthday present ever! In fact, every year after that I would always get a special gift of blessing on my birthday.

That was until 2008. It was the worst birthday ever and we went through a terrible time of testing and betrayal and every birthday after that I suffered losses instead of gains. God spoke to me that this is a breakthrough year for me and many others who have suffered losses over the past seven years.

This year my birthday is on the same day as we "spring forward." God is saying to us all to expect to see radical turnaround and changes. You can trust this time. Watch for sudden good breaks.

"Unrelenting disappointment leaves you heartsick, but a sudden good break can turn life around." (Proverbs 13:12 The Message)

Your Case is Being Heard in Heaven

On February 24, I saw that many people's lives and ministries were being called into the courtroom of Heaven. This is happening to many people right now to reevaluate your life callings to determine your new assignments.

As each person was brought in, I saw Satan and others lined up to bring accusation against the people who are being called into a new season of advancement.

I heard the cries of people as the enemy's accusations were spoken before the courtroom of Heaven. It was gut-wrenching and I wept for them, crying out to God for mercy for all these people. They all had one thing in common: the enemy had overplayed his hand against them.

Then suddenly it was my turn. I stepped up and the accusations of Satan and the cries of many of my accusers were hurled at me like insults. The spirit of condemnation was so strong and thick that I could hardly stand. I fell down, crying out for mercy.

Then, Jesus was standing there. Like all the others in line, He pleaded our cases and many were promoted. These were the ones who have made it through the extreme testing and losses over the past seven years.

And the Lord says, "You are going to move forward into this new season and the voice of the accuser has been silenced." This was a result of people crying out against those who are up for promotion.

Many people who are reading this right now are in this season of promotion. Don't believe the lies or accusations of the enemy. Watch as Jesus steps up for you. But you will need to receive this by faith and get ready to move forward.

Shaking Happening Right Now

I came out of that experience shaking. God spoke to me that there is a shaking happening in the Kingdom. We are going to see a lot of movement and shifting.

Many people are misinterpreting this to be judgment on America. This shaking is designed by God to get us back on track with our callings.

"At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life. They came out of the tombs after Jesus' resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared to many people." Matthew 27:51-53

The shaking happening right now is going to shake open some ancient things, like when Jesus was crucified, the earthquake opened and brought the old prophets back to life.

The shaking happening now is not judgment but it is going to open up the tombs that have held callings, gifts and anointings from the past.

"… the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom." The veil that is holding people from entering into the "Holy of Holies" or the deeper things of God has been removed.

We are going to see deep revelation come and deeper intimacy. People who were thought to not be fit to encounter God are going to have radical experiences!

This is an amazing time to be alive! Focus on the promotions you are receiving and ask God to reveal the new assignments available to you now.

Doug Addison

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Martyrdom - Now Think On This by Steve Martin

- Now Think On This
by Steve Martin

“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death. For this reason, rejoice, O heavens and you who dwell in them. Woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has come down to you, having great wrath, knowing that he has only a short time.” (Rev. 12:11-12 NASU)

Fear, especially of death, can grip a person, a city and a nation. It can keep you from doing the right thing, or speaking the truth when it is your time to stand for truth. Fear keeps us from love, and from walking in righteousness and justice.

Do you know who is the one who is the most fearful of all? It is the devil. The master of fear is the one who is the most afraid of all, for he fears the Almighty One Who will end his reign of terror on the earth. Out of this eternal fear and hatred, he continually seeks to kill, destroy and martyr the saints of God who have taken the Name of Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

During this short time of hellish destruction, while he yet been given time on the earth, men, women and children will give up their lives by the edge of the sword, rather than give up their souls to eternal hell. Because they are called Christians, these believers of Jesus will die by the hands of hateful “followers of God”, or more accurately, believers of Allah. These evil ones have masked themselves as the conquerors, when in fact their soon coming end will result in eternal damnation, along with Satan himself.

While it is gruesome to see our brothers and sisters blood flow from beheadings and ruthless torture, we need not fear that which may come to us too. We have a promise we can stand on.

“…they did not love their life even when faced with death.” (Rev. 12:11) Our temporary life on earth is nothing compared to the eternal life in heaven with our Lord. Therefore we can stand without fear when faced with death. For this reason, heaven rejoices at the death of a godly one.

"These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful."
(Rev. 17:14, NASU)

Our brothers and sisters in the Middle East, Africa, China and more, are with the Lord, and He with them, for they have been called and chosen. They will be faithful even to the end, as they face the edge of the sword. The lord of Lords and King of kings’ strength and love will empower them to give their lives for the greater glory, to later join Him in heaven when others will be judged and condemned to the eternal lake of fire for their murderous actions.

We need not fear our coming time of martyrdom, should that also be the end of this temporal life for us. I for one do fully expect that at some point I too will be called upon to proclaim my faith in Jesus, and be killed as a result of my conviction and belief. By His compassionate grace, I will look into His eyes of love, rather than the eyes of the evil doers.

“Then he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of God and of the Lamb, in the middle of its street. On either side of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. There will no longer be any curse; and the throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it, and His bond-servants will serve Him; they will see His face, and His name will be on their foreheads. And there will no longer be any night; and they will not have need of the light of a lamp nor the light of the sun, because the Lord God will illumine them; and they will reign forever and ever.

And he said to me, "These words are faithful and true"; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, sent His angel to show to His bond-servants the things which must soon take place.

"And behold, I am coming quickly. Blessed is he who heeds the words of the prophecy of this book." (Rev. 22:1-7 NASU)

A glorious time awaits those who give their lives for the One Who gave His life for us. These are the faithful and true words that we can believe, now and forever.

Now think on this,

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

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Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)
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Now Think On This #168 “Martyrdom” by Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2015 (02.27.15) Friday at 8:00 am in Charlotte, NC

All previous editions of Now Think On This can be found on this Blog, and on the website: Now Think On This