Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Satan. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

End-Time Prophetic Vision Reveals 'Satan and God Revival'

End-Time Prophetic Vision Reveals 'Satan and God Revival'

Dr. Mark T. Barclay
Dr. Mark Barclay prophesied about a coming revival in both kingdoms of light and darkness. (Facebook)

The Flaming Herald, by Bert Farias
The following is an end-time vision given to an established, seasoned minister of the gospel, Dr. Mark Barclay, and told in his own words. My heart was quickened when I read it and I thought: "This vision needs to be circulated to the body of Christ worldwide for we are seeing the increasing effects of it being unfolded in this hour, although it was given more than 25 years ago."
If you are skeptical of these things I would encourage you to listen to your heart as you read it and allow the Holy Spirit to bear witness with you.
"But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things. ... But the anointing which you have received from Him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to teach you. For as the same anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and just as it has taught you, remain in Him" (1 John 2:20, 27)
Here then is the vision told in the minister's own words:
"In 1987 I was a speaker at a camp meeting in Tulsa, Oklahoma. I spoke during the Thursday evening service. Dr. Kenneth E. Hagin spoke during the Friday evening service. I remember that I had just flown in from meetings in Paris, France. I mentioned to my wife how much I would like to stay and hear Dr. Hagin speak. She agreed.
As Dr. Hagin entered the pulpit, he began to pray in tongues. When he started, I started. A moment later, I was caught up in a vision (I was told later that it was probably more like a trance). As I went into this vision, I remember how Dr. Hagin's voice was getting quieter and quieter, until I could hear him no more. It was so quiet all around me I felt like I could hear my own heartbeat.
All of a sudden I felt evil, as if it were surrounding me. Anger rose up in me, and fear tried to get a grip on me. Suddenly, something caught my attention out of my left eye. I turned hard to the left to see what it was. I saw the circumference of the earth, from one edge to the other, and this horrible black, dark cloud was rising up over the horizon. Somehow I knew it would eventually fill the entire earth.
An alarm went off in me, screaming to me to run away from it as fast as I could. I felt like I should scream at it, to stop it in its tracks by using the name of Jesus. I began to rebuke it and started to say, "In the name of Jesus ... " I didn't quite get it out, and the Lord said, "That will do you no good."
"What?" I said.
The Lord said, "Son, you cannot use My name to stop what I prophesied. I am not causing this dark cloud, but I did prophesy it would happen in the last days."
I remember in the vision that I asked the Lord "What is this? What is this evil, tempestuous, dark cloud?"
The Lord said, "This is what I showed My prophet, Isaiah (Isa. 61:1-2). This is every evil thing you can name. It is every demon, it is every disease, it is sickness and bacterial attacks that haven't even been discovered yet. It will cause humans to do things to humans that aren't even human. It is filled with insanity, and many people will lose their mind and their faculties. It is murder, terror, rape, abuse, terrorism, torture and much worse. It is filled with deceptions, heresies, perversions and filth."
Some things the Lord showed me I have not had permission to speak.
I also saw people—many, many people. Some were running into the dark cloud, and some were being sucked into it. It reminded me of this very powerful Shop-vac I have. It will not only suck up the dirt but also my tools, if I don't pay attention.
I saw may people screaming with terror and actually being dragged into this cloud. Though they were refusing it and resisting it with all their strength, they still did not possess the power to stop it.
I was so disturbed when I saw a cross on someone's pocket or jewelry. I remember saying to the Lord, "Who are those people being drawn into this filth and terror, wearing the Christian symbol of the cross? Who are these people, not even resisting? And who are these people, resisting with all their might but it does them no good? They just keep disappearing into this horrible, evil cloud of gross darkness."
The Lord answered me and said, "Oh, these are those who do not have clean hands and a pure heart. They have been warned but ignored the warnings. Some even wanted this filth as their lifestyle."
I asked, "Well, who are these wearing the cross?"
"Oh," the Lord said, "These are the people who claim Me as Savior. Many of them have desired this filth and even fought for it. They make excuses but are not excused. The ones who are resisting thought My prophets were exaggerating and from the old school, and they denied the warnings. Now that this evil has come, they possess little to no power, and certainly not enough to resist and overcome this horrible onslaught of enemy power. Only those with clean hands and a pure heart will be able to totally resist this. It will cover the earth."
There was much more to this, but I began to come out of the vision and once again heard Brother Hagin speaking in tongues from the pulpit.
I asked my wife what had happened, and she said, "Nothing, he hasn't done anything but pray in the spirit."
I began to realize that nobody seemed to see this vision or get caught up into this trance but me. I held my wife's hand a little tighter and began to pray fervently in the spirit. As I did, I got caught up in the spirit again.
Just like before, Brother Hagin's voice got quieter and quieter until it was gone. I found myself alone again. It was so quiet I could hear my own heartbeat. Suddenly, a piercing light hit the corner of my right eye. It was so bright that I instantly shrouded my head with my hands and arms. It reminded me of the intense light that my optometrist uses to examine the back of my eyes. Actually, it was much brighter than that.
Everything within me said, "Turn and look into it. Turn now, and run into it." Yet there was this hesitation because it was so bright it seemed to shine through me. Finally I gave in to it and looked directly at it. With both eyes I saw the depth of this bright cloud. Just like the dark cloud I had seen before, it was coming up over the horizon of the earth. I could tell that it was going to cover the planet. I just knew that I knew that nothing could stop it.
I remembered asking the Lord, "What is this? What is this massive, earth-consuming, bright cloud?"
The Lord answered me and said, "Oh, this is My glory. This is the glory cloud that I showed My prophet Isaiah (Isa. 61:1-2). This is what I promised, that My glory will fill the whole earth."
"Well," I asked, "what is inside the cloud?"
"It is filled with the greatest miracles humans have ever seen. It is filled with healing for every disease, and a cure for every sickness. It is power to overcome sin and filth—to receive the truth and reject error, heresy and doctrines of demons. It is a full manifestation of My Spirit. It is the full anointing of Jesus Christ and more, much more."
He showed me other things that I have no permission to speak at this time.

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Monday, November 17, 2014

"Satan Is Attacking Many With Depression – That's About To End" by Al Thomas

"Satan Is Attacking Many With Depression 
– That's About To End"
Al Thomas, Hagerstown, MD
The Elijah List

Many Years Ago God Delivered Me From Depression and Worry

As a young man, I was living in California, and after a hard day at work and just returning from an evening Bible college class, I was greatly depressed. I wanted someone to talk to and share my heavy heart, but I met an empty house. At that time, a lot of pressures were weighing me down. My family life was in turmoil, my job frustrating, and all the while my stress level was increasing to an explosive point. My mind was confused and bewildered. All alone, I felt an urge to pray.

I went to my bedroom, fell to my knees, and cried out to God in desperation. After briefly praying, I was so emotionally exhausted I crawled up on the bed and fell fast asleep. After twenty minutes or so, I was awakened by a majestic voice that said, "ISAIAH 26:3." The voice was full of authority and love.

I grabbed my Bible and read the verse, "[I] wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on [Me]." As soon as I finished reading, an amazing thing happened: I felt as if hot oil was being poured on my head, going right through me. It seemed as if His peace claimed me and took up residence. (Photo via Flickr)

Proverbs 12:25 says, "Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad." I had received a good word. Since then I have faced many trials and a few life-altering catastrophes. Pressures and problems still come, but I can honestly say I have rarely worried about anything since that time or experienced depression. I do not put my head in the sand when troubles come; I simply have a divine perspective about them and a great peace within. This was a manifestation of Jesus' promise of peace and it has abided.

Depression Is One of the Most Lethal Weapons the Enemy Uses

The world is in a perilous state. Fear of war, another terrorist attack, or any number of uncertainties abound. Many are facing health problems and financial woes. Others are facing despair because of family members who are not walking with Jesus or are simply in disunity. As long as we are on this earth, there will always be some kind of trouble facing us. Job 5:7 says,"Yet man is born to trouble as surely as sparks fly upward." No one (as long as they are breathing) is exempt.

Before despair wedges its way into your life, you must learn how to deal with it and overcome it. Yes, I said overcome it.

David said "Why art thou cast down, O my soul?" (Psalm 43:5). Don't be ashamed if you're depressed, but recognize that Jesus said we don't have to live with it (see John 16:33). Joy is your inheritance, not depression. Jesus said: "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full" (John 15:11). Depression robs you of energy and makes you think God is not pleased with you.

Stop Looking In the Rearview Mirror

This is often the root cause of depression. But it is the last place you should go – the past. There is nothing there but despair. Before all the "wringing of hands," the "sweating of the brow," and the "woe is me," talk to yourself and others and go to the Source: God Himself. You may say: "Come on, that's too simple; I've cried out time and time again, etc." Some say, "I did, He didn't say anything."

Here is the key: Then put your anchor down and start waiting. Read Hebrews 6:15-19. Also, remember what David said: "The Lord is a refuge for the oppressed" (Psalm 9:9). Psalm 25:5 says"Lead me in Thy truth and teach me; for Thou art the God of my salvation; on Thee do I wait all the day." (Photo via Freeimages)

People want an instant solution. Instead, God wants us to trust and be patient. Some don't like to hear that, but that is where maturity is manifested. The Hebrew word for "wait" means to "expect." He is waiting for you to wait on Him."For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in His pavilion: in the secret of His tabernacle shall He hide me; He shall set me up upon a rock"(Psalm 27:5).

God is calling: "When thou saidst, 'Seek ye My face'; my heart said unto Thee, 'Thy face, Lord, will I seek'" (Psalm 27:8).

God has been described in many ways. One of my favorites is, "God is a huge guy with a big coat that has millions of pockets. Some are small and others larger," and if you get close enough, He will reach in one of those pockets and "give you something." 

God is an amazing Giver. God gave the Son. The Son gave the Spirit. The Spirit gives gifts. The Father is a contagious giver. Get close to Him. He has something for you, and it is always good. Be waiting, be expectant... joy is coming in place of depression.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

See God's View – No Room For Depression

Have you ever felt like you were wasting your time and bearing no fruit? Sometimes depression is a lack of proper focus. God is never depressed. Keith Green sang, "The view from here (earth) is nothing near to what it is for You."

The way God sees you and the way you see yourself must come into alignment. Why?Because how God views problems is different from how we do. (Photo via Pixabay)

Elijah thought he was the only prophet in the land. "...I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away" (1 Kings 19:10). Elijah was telling God false information – and not only once, but twice (see verse 14)! Elijah's problem? He didn't have all the facts.

Tip: Elijah wasn't alone (see verse 18). Neither are you. The enemy wants you to feel trapped and come up with a worldly solution to your problem rather than waiting for God. Remember King Saul? He didn't wait for the prophet (Samuel) to arrive for the sacrifice; instead he goes ahead (see 1 Samuel 13:9). He felt pressured, got nervous and... the devil fooled him. That foolishness cost him a kingdom (see verses 9-14).

Ask God to open your eyes. You're not surrounded, your enemies are (see 2 Kings 6:16-17). It's how you view things. Get God's perspective, He's got 20/20 spiritual vision (past, present, and future). He sees all, knows all, and never panics. When we have His perspective, joy rules our hearts. Peter said we would "be glad... with exceeding joy" (1 Peter 4:13). That word "exceeding" means "super abundant."

See God's Solution – Not Your Own

Too often we want to "figure things out" instead of waiting on God. David (Saul's replacement) wrote, "Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD" (Psalm 27:14). God is not ignoring the seriousness of your dilemma, nor about to give you the usual shallow "Christianese" buzz words, expecting you to suddenly start jumping for joy. Yet, at the same time, God's answers are usually quite simple.

The greatest discoveries are those that reduce complex things into very simple things. Often, we start to imagine in our own minds how God is going to help us. Don't do this. You see, God is always going somewhere. Don't start going somewhere until you know for sure that is the direction God is going. Blessed is the man who finds out which way God is moving and then gets going in the same direction.

Sometimes Biblical trust has nothing to do with logic or circumstances. God's peace can come even though understanding escapes us (see Philippians 4:7). We are looking through a glass darkly (see 1 Corinthians 13:12). So don't let anyone rob you of God's "on-the-way" blessing. Firmly resist satan (see James 4:7), then listen for the sound (see Psalm 89:15).

Heaven is making a sound. Faith hears that sound. The train is coming around the corner, the whistle is blowing. I hear shaking and I see chains falling off of many (see Acts 16:26). If I were you, I'd start rejoicing by faith (see Philippians 4:4). You see, that Engineer is wearing a huge coat... and if you pay attention, you'll see all kinds of blessings fall out of His pockets and depression suddenly disappear.(Photo via Pixabay)

Al Thomas
Celebrating His Life

Al Thomas is a noted Bible teacher who travels mostly east of the Mississippi with a ministry of encouragement to the Body of Christ. He teaches heavenly truths with down-to-earth practicality and humor. Al and his wife Sherry publish a free teaching newsletter that reaches many homes each month. 

Al has pastored in California and Wisconsin and was mentored by evangelist Jim Spillman. Al and Sherry minister in churches of all denominations, and are known for the gift of faith to be in operation in their meetings. Al and Sherry move prophetically and see many healed in their meetings. They have four children and six grandchildren. They reside in central Maryland.

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Monday, October 20, 2014

Wrestling With Wicked Witchcraft—and Winning by JENNIFER LECLAIRE

Wrestling With Wicked Witchcraft—and Winning

In this season of spiritual darkness, are you having witchcraft dreams? (Flickr/Christine Zenino)

The Plumb Line, by Jennifer LeClaire
It started a little later than usual, but spiritual witchcraft is rising—and rising rapidly—in South Florida this October. My community is home to a large population of witches, pagans, Wiccans and other heathens who practice one form of witchcraft or another. Your community may not have palm trees and beaches, but it's likely got a few witches, pagans, Wiccans and heathens practicing witchcraft.
A quick scan of the latest news reveals that reports of witchcraft-related child abuseare on the rise in London; two children were tortured and dumped on the streets over witchcraft in Akwa Ibom; a pastor who runs several churches in Kiambu and Meru was found practicing witchcraft; authorities have tied Texas drug smugglers to witchcraft, cartels and a house explosion; and seven people accused of witchcraft were burned to death in Tanzania.
When I first moved to South Florida, I battled Jezebel and her witchcrafts (see 2 Kings 9:22) with limited success for at least a year before I learned to discern the attack of this spiritual enemy at its onset, submit myself to God's Word, resist the devil and command it to flee in the name of Jesus (see James 4:7, AMP). Now, I am much quicker to sense witchcraft operating in the spirit, but sometimes witchcraft attacks in your sleep.
Witchcraft Dreams
Earlier this year, I wrote an article called When Jezebel's Witchcraft Keeps You Up at Night. I wrote it in March, which, along with October, is a prime time for witchcraft manifestations. In March, it has more to do with the spiritual climate that stems from false Mary worship. In October, it's more about the witches, pagans, Wiccans and heathens practicing witchcraft.
As I explained in my article earlier this year, the enemy has used a different tactic in 2014. Since the spiritual forces of darkness could not slow me down by day, the attacks are coming at night. I've started having what I call witchcraft dreams. A more complete way of explaining it would be to say I've experienced dream activity inspired by witchcraft rumbling in the spiritual climate.
While we watch kids dress up as witches and knock on doors asking for candy, bona fide witches are celebrating their holy day and Witches' Sabbath. October 21 is also Samhain, a Gaelic festival that marks the finale of harvest season and the start of winter. One Paganism/Wiccan expert explained, "It's a good time to contact the spirit world with a séance, because it's the time when the veil between this world and the next is at its thinnest."
Symptoms of Witchcraft
People who are especially sensitive to the spiritual realm can sense witchcraft in the atmosphere. As demonic activity increases, people report feelings of oppression, fatigue, strong spiritual warfare against the mind that makes you feel like quitting, and even physical manifestations for which doctors can't find a reason. Are you experiencing any of these things?
When witchcraft is particularly heavy in the spiritual climate, my eyes actually burn. Everything seems like a much bigger deal than it really is because witchcraft works to take your eyes off Jesus by magnifying the problem. The enemy can use people to release witchcraft against you through word curses, but this spiritual force seems to sometimes hang over your head like a dark cloud—unless you break it.
In my book, Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft, I write: "We need the gift of discernment to truly understand what we're battling. We can't effectively take authority over false authority in the name of Jesus if we can't discern what we're taking authority over. Sure, there are the generic 'I bind every spirit that is not of Christ, in the name of Jesus!' prayers but my experience tells me those will only take you so far in battle."
Combating Spiritual Witchcraft
Just because you are exhausted, feeling oppressed, are battling in your mind, or otherwise sense a struggle doesn't mean that you are necessarily battling witchcraft. You need the Holy Spirit to show you what is going on. That said, if it's October and you are consistently facing these symptoms—and specifically if you are having vivid nightmares suddenly—you should ask the Holy Spirit if witchcraft plays a role.
With nightmares and bad dreams, it could just be that you ate too much too late at night, that you are processing internal fears in your soul, that your subconscious mind is dredging up strong emotions from your past, or some other natural cause. However, it could also be spiritual witchcraft. If it is, what do you do?
I wrote more about this in a past article called Overcoming Witchcraft Attacks Against Your Mind and Body. If you are experiencing nightmares, I'd also suggest reading that and also remembering and confessing this: "You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day (Psalm 91:5). And this: 
"When you lie down, you will not be afraid; yes, you will lie down and your sleep will be sweet" (Prov. 3:24).
Pray over yourself before you go to sleep—plead the blood of Jesus and command these spirits to cease their operations in the name of Jesus. And if you wake up with one of these bad dreams, do it again. The spiritual climate is intense for these next couple of weeks, but we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Amen.
Click here to download a free chapter of Jennifer's new book, Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraftand The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating JezebelYou can visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Monday, September 29, 2014

What the Python Spirit Really Wants - JENNIFER LECLAIRE (CHARISMA MAGAZINE)

The Python spirit is out to get you. But what is it really after? (Flickr/Tambako The Jaguar)

The Plumb Line, by Jennifer LeClaire
I didn't realize how strong is the spirit of python's chokehold on my region until I started to personally experience the effects of its presence. One of the only named spirits in the Bible, the python spirit is a coiling spirit that works to squeeze out the breathe of life (the Holy Spirit) and cut off your lifeline to God (prayer).
To accomplish its deadly agenda, this spirit will remind you of wounds from your past, surround you with ungodly influences that tempt you to compromise the Word of God—or just barrage you with circumstances that knock the wind out of you.
Symptoms of a python attack may include weariness, a loss of passion to worship and pray, feeling pressured, overwhelmed, helpless and even hopeless. The severity of those symptoms depends on how long this enemy has been coiling itself around you and how much pressure it has applied.
Let me show you this spirit in the Bible. You'll find it in Acts 16:16 when Paul encounters a girl possessed with a spirit of divination. The word divination in this verse comes from the Greek word for puthon, which translates in English as "python."Vine's Dictionary explains how Greek mythology believed the Pythian serpent guarded the oracle of Delphi until Apollo slew it (and then took on the name Pythian). The word was later applied to diviners or soothsayers, inspired by Apollo.
Attacking Your Prayer Life
Python can attack anyone. You don't have to be in sin to find python trying to slide under your door. Paul was a man of prayer. The Bible says he spoke in tongues more than anybody else in the Corinthian church (1 Cor. 14:18)—and probably more than anybody else in the early church.
Despite Paul's relationship with Christ and a strong prayer life, he still had to wrestle against principalities and powers and rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (see Eph. 6:12). Paul had to wrestle against python—and so may we. Let's look at Paul's encounter with the python spirit.
"Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. This girl followed Paul and us, and cried out, saying, 'These men are the servants of the Most High God, who proclaim to us the way of salvation.' And this she did for many days" (Acts 16:16-17).
The python spirit had a stronghold in Philippi. When the man of prayer started heading for the house of prayer, this spirit launched its first attack against him—a distraction followed by a full-blown trial that aimed to take him out of his purpose. Python knows it has no authority in a city that prays in the presence of God, so it works to distract people from praying so they can't fulfill their purpose.
Python would rather watch you lick your wounds than pray to a healing God. Python would rather hear you complain or gossip than take your problems to a miracle-working God. Python would rather distract you with attacks, trials and persecutions than see you press into a gracious God for deliverance. Again, python's ultimate goal is to put you in bondage and thwart your purpose. You may be going through the motions but you feel dead on the inside because python has squeezed the life out of you.
Loosed From Python's Grip
When you rise up in your Christ-given authority against python, the battle ensues. Paul cast the demon out of the girl, which meant her masters could no longer profit from her false prophecies. "They seized Paul and Silas and dragged them into the marketplace to the authorities" (Acts 16:19). From there, they were falsely accused, had their clothes torn off, were beaten with rods and thrown into prison with stocks on their feet.
Paul and Silas were in physical pain. They had been publicly humiliated. They were slandered and maligned. And they were in the grip of the python spirit. At this point, they had several options: They could lie there and lick their wounds. They could complain to one another about their situation. They could meditate on the persecution and decide to abandon their purpose in exchange for being set free. But they didn't do any of that. Thank God, they left us a model for how to break free from the python spirit.
"But at midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken; and immediately all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed" (Acts 16:25-26). Prayer and praise are what python is trying to stop, but prayer and praise will set you free.
In next week's article, we'll take a closer look at the python spirit and what it takes to combat it in a region. Florida has 43 houses of prayer across the state—more per capita than any other state—but the python spirit is so active that the Everglades are overflowing with these dangerous snakes. In a state known for prayer, why is python so dominant? More on that next week.
Click here to download a free chapter of Jennifer's new book, Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of Awakening House of Prayer in Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including Satan's Deadly Trio: Defeating the Deceptions of Jezebel, Religion and Witchcraft, and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Satanists Take Culture Wars to Deadly Level - Jennifer LeClaire

Watchman on the Wall, by Jennifer LeClaire

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Satanists Take Culture Wars to Deadly Level

McChicken swastika
A McDonald's in Morehead City, North Carolina, served this McChicken—with a swastika on the bun—to a guest. (News 12)
First an artistic, devil-inspired barista took demonic to a whole new level with one lady's latte—crafting a satanic symbol in a Catholic woman's Starbucks drink. That's only somewhat surprising, given Christian complaints over Starbucks' so-called Jezebelic logo over the years.
Now, a burger chain symbolized by its golden arches is making headlines for something nearly as sinister: a golden swastika depicted in butter on a chicken sandwich bun she bought from a McDonald's drive-thru in Morehead City, North Carolina. Swastikas are anti-Semitic symbols made famous by Germany's Nazi Party during the Holocaust that killed millions of Jews.
"Is this a joke? Does somebody really think they're funny?" Charleigh Matice, the customer who discovered the swastika when she set out to put mayo on her sandwich, told "Many people died because of that symbol, and it's not something that should be taken lightly. It's not something that should be thrown around. I really didn't have an appetite at that point, so I said I'd rather have my money back."
Satan Growing Bolder
McDonald's fired the employee involved in the incident, but what does this incident—and the occult symbols in the Starbucks latte some months ago—really say? What's going on in the spiritual realm? Clearly, it's one more manifestation of Satan's subtle—and increasingly not-so-subtle—works in a sinful world.
The pentagram and the 666 in the Starbucks lattes were easy enough to discern as demonic in nature, but the swastika is more than just offensive to Jews or anyone who fought against the Nazis in World War II. It's also rooted in false gods.
According to the Holocaust Teacher Resource Center, the swastika is a symbol in both Jainism and Buddhism. Moreover, it's considered a representation of the sun that is associated with the worship of Aryan sun gods. Images of Aryan sun gods are unmistakably demonic. It doesn't take a prophet to discern that Adolf Hitler was demon-controlled in his reign of terror. The symbol he chose to represent his movement is now widely considered an antichrist—and an anti-Semitic—sign.
It doesn't take a prophet, either, to see that satanism is on the rise; their moves are all over mainstream media. Satanists are using the Hobby Lobby decision to play devil's advocate, ABC reports, while a Houston teen is being tried as an adult in a girl's satanic ritual killing. Satanic rituals are being performed in a so-called Black Mass in the Civic Center Music Hall in Oklahoma City. Meanwhile, a Satanist gallery recently brought Charles Manson to Chinatown.
The list of headlines goes on and on. Satan's army is highly organized (see Eph. 6) and his human followers are rallying the troops. Satanists are actively working to get monuments erected to the false god they serve even while others kill in his name. The prince of the power of the air is no longer willing to work behind the scenes in our media. He wants a place of prominence in our culture.
Beyond Culture Wars
Satan, who often disguises himself as an angel of light (see 2 Cor. 11:14) is coming out of the darkness and into public arenas—even making his presence known in our fast-food chains with demonic symbols in our coffee and burgers. I'm glad Matice spoke out about the swastika on her bun, and I'm glad McDonald's fired the employee who painted it on there. But this is just one small manifestation of a growing issue with satanism in America.
Folks, this is much different than culture wars against atheists who want prayer taken out of the public square or our doctrinal differences with Catholics, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses and  other religions. This is Satan himself working to get a stronghold in our nation through the legislative branch of our government, through arts and entertainment, and through public gatherings in mainstream venues. This is brash, bold—and prideful. Would you expect anything less from Satan?
Listen to what one ex-Satanist said about America and judge for yourself:
"Our society is submerged in the occult; Harry Potter has filled the minds of our children for a decade and vampirism meets our teens with the illusions of grandeur. Witchcraft went mainstream decades ago, and Wicca is its offspring," Jeff Harshbarger, author of Dancing With the Devil, told the Christian Post. "'Christian' witchcraft is on the up-rise, and new-age spirituality fills the church pews. Time has come for the church to be equipped and be effective."
Amen. Peter warned us to, "Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour" (1 Peter 5:8). And Paul warned us to "give no opportunity to the devil" (Eph. 4:27). Finally, 1 John 5:19 says, "We know that we are of God, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one."
The bottom line: Satan has been working subtly to lull us to sleep, but he's growing bolder in these last hours. Don't be deceived. Get anything that has occult markings out of your home—and away from your eyes and ears—and stay watchful in prayer.
Jennifer LeClaire is news editor of Charisma. She is also director of IHOP Fort Lauderdale and author of several books, including The Making of a Prophet and The Spiritual Warrior's Guide to Defeating Jezebel. You can email Jennifer at or visit her website here. You can also join Jennifer on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Monday, July 21, 2014

3 Reasons Why Satan Hates You and How to Respond

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Whatever you want to call him—Satan, Lucifer, the big red fellow, or just the plain old devil—understand this fact: He is real. He's not a little red cartoon character with pointed ears, a pointed tale, and a pitchfork. He is far more sinister and diabolical than that. Satan is alive and well, and he seeks to destroy you. In 1 Peter 5:8 the Bible says, "Your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour."
Even within Christian circles many today are choosing to ignore him and act as if he doesn't exist, and you know what? That's exactly what he desires! This is perhaps one of the most effective and deceptive spells hell has cast on humanity today. He knows the more covert he is, the more potent he can be.
The late Keith Green had incredible insight when he penned some sobering words concerning Satan. The song "No One Believes in Me Anymore" is a narrative from the viewpoint of Satan concerning his own existence. He describes how easily he is gaining power by the hour because no one believes in him anymore. Satan is most effective when he is not acknowledged or believed in, and he knows it. Never forget: It's impossible to defeat an enemy that you refuse to admit exists.
On of the greatest tragedies of the day is that much of the church is filled with unbelieving believers—people who want only to believe the portions of the Bible that make them comfortable. Those who scoff at the existence of a literal devil surmise that to believe in such a being is illogical and unrealistic. But the questions must be asked: Who's really unrealistic? How else can we explain the moral and spiritual abyss that our society has plunged into? How can we justify the millions of lives that have been wrecked, robbed, and ruined by war and famine? What about the Holocaust or the bombing of the World Trade Center? Every time a child is abused, a child is raped or someone is persecuted because of the color of his skin, it further reinforces the reality of an existing devil.
The ones who take exception to the belief in a real devil and his influence in the world would certainly then deny that he has any influence at all over their lives. The truth, however, is quite the contrary. Satan and his demons are consumed with influencing and affecting the individual lives of everyday people.
The longer I've lived the more I've come to realize: The devil has a scheme but God has a plan. Satan will do—and is doing—everything he can do to thwart the plan of God for your life. Satan doesn't just hate the world. He hates you. The hatred the devil operates in is so volcanic and intense that it really defies logic. It's hard to imagine that there is such a being that has absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever. Satan is pure evil. He exists, and he is supremely dedicated to his unholy cause.
I want to say this with great conviction and clarity: Satan is your adversary. He is more than just an enemy of God, the church or the pastor. Satan is your personal adversary, and you will never have a greater foe than the devil.
Satan hates you because every time he sees you, he sees God. Now I am certainly not saying that we are God, but we are a reflection of Him. We are made in the image of our Creator.
Satan hates you because you have stolen his job, and you're better at it than he was! Remember now, Satan was the worship leader in heaven. The worship he brought to God was the most beautiful thing in all the cosmos, but he lost his way and when he lost his way he lost his job. There is now a new reflection of God's light today. The new reflection of God's light and glory is you and me. It's His children who have been redeemed by the power of the cross of Jesus Christ. Our song is the loveliest song in the entire universe because it's the song of the redeemed!
Satan hates you so much because God loves you so much. God loves you so much. Stop for just one moment and let that peace-bringing, hope-giving statement sink into every fiber in your being. God. Loves. You. So. Much. In fact, why not make that statement personal? Declare this very moment, "God loves me so much!" (See Romans 8:31-39).
Wow! With that kind of promise from the Word of God it would be an incredible tragedy to sit around and worry about a hater named Satan! Don't waste your days focused on Satan's hate, but spend your days feasting on God's love! God loves you personally, and there's not one thing the devil can do about it—and by the way, you can't either!
Adapted from Hell's Spells by Jim Raley, copyright 2012, published by Charisma House. Cutting through the sensationalism and spookiness of spiritual warfare, Jim Raley enables you to identify, understand, and break every bewitching spell the devil wants to launch against your life, your family, and your purpose. To order your copy, click here.
This week focus on the fact that God loves you unconditionally and take time to sit in His presence and meditate on that. Thank Him that no power from hell can everseparate you from His great love, and ask Him to increase your discernment and make you more sensitive to His leading. Ask Him to help you recognize any scheme, diversion or distraction the enemy may bring to steer you away from His plan and purpose for you. Continue to pray for revival and unity in our churches, for racial reconciliation and a return to God's ways in our nation, and for the expansion of God's kingdom around the world. Ask the Lord to show you're how you can share His love with those in desperate need. Rom. 8:31-39; 1 John 4:10-21; 1 Thes. 5:17
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Why I Am Not the Least Bit Discouraged - MICHAEL BROWN

Michael Brown

Why I Am Not the Least Bit Discouraged

It is true that there is a lot of bad news in the world today, and much of it comes as a direct assault on our faith. Radical Islam is rising. Aggressive atheism is spreading. Much of the church in the West is backsliding, and our culture is rapidly deteriorating.
But from the bottom of my heart I can honestly say that I am not in the least bit discouraged. In fact, I am more encouraged and hopeful in the Lord at the age of 59 than I was when the Lord saved me in 1971 at the age of 16. The best is yet to come!
Here are 10 reasons why I am full of faith and hope:
1. God is ruling and reigning from His throne. There is no fear or anxiety in God's presence, nor is there the slightest trace of worry or concern. The purposes of God will come to pass, and He will work out His plan on the earth. Although His heart grieves because of human sin and suffering, He is the undisputed King of the universe, and in His presence there is fullness of joy (Ps. 16:11).
2. Jesus is Lord. The name of Jesus remains the highest name in all creation, and at His name, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess (Phil. 2:9-11). If this was the only thing I knew, namely, that Jesus died for my sins, rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven, I would rest secure and be full of anticipation and expectation.
3. In the end, God will vindicate His people. I honestly feel sorry for those who fight against God's purposes, knowing that in the end, they will be the losers—and the ultimate losers, at that. We who love and serve the Lord will shine like stars while they will fade away into darkness (Dan. 12:2-3). We should pity them rather than fear them.
4. Everything Satan and this world mean for evil, God can turn around for good.It's really hard to overuse Romans 8:28: "Now we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to His purpose" (TLV). Often, in the Lord, the very worst things that happen to us become the best things, and that which was intended to destroy us backfires in the enemy's face. In Jesus, stumbling blocks become stepping stones.
5. God is doing amazing things in the earth today. It is true that Islam is spreading and that false religions and cults continue to grow. But for decades now, the greatest spiritual growth taking place worldwide is in born-again, Spirit-empowered circles. The harvest continues to be reaped at an unprecedented pace, and even in countries like Iran, countless tens of thousands are being saved every year.
6. He who began the good work in us will bring it to completion. I have seen the Lord's faithfulness for more than four decades now, and my confidence in Him is greater than ever before. My trust is in His wisdom and power and goodness, not mine, and I know that I am standing strong today because He is the author and finisher of my faith (Heb. 12:2). Why shouldn't I have confidence for tomorrow?
7. Revival has turned things around in the past. Revival can turn things around today. We have had some very dark periods in our history, including the decades following the Revolutionary War, when some of our most prestigious college campuses—schools which were founded for exclusively Christian purposes—did not have a single professing believer. (This was stated in a famous lecture by the revival historian James Edwin Orr.) All this was changed dramatically when awakening came, and a greater, more radical awakening can turn things around again in our day.
8. Political pundits have been wrong before. Many are telling us that the culture wars are over and that gay "marriage" will soon be the law across America. Many Christian leaders believe this to be true as well.
But we were once told that the war against abortion was over and that American sentiment against the outlawing of abortion had turned for good. Today, it is pro-abortion advocates who are panicking as the pro-life movement continues to grow, especially among the younger generation.
9. Worldly ways are self-defeating. All of the ways of the world—sexual promiscuity, drug and alcohol abuse, abortion, no-fault divorce, homosexual practice, materialism and greed, just to name a few—bring a society down, not up. But God's ways bring life and blessing and stability. When the dust settles—and it may get very "dusty" for a while—the righteous will be standing strong.
10. I have seen God's past promises to me fulfilled gloriously, and I am confident that the rest of His promises to will come to pass as well. None of us can boast about tomorrow (Prov. 27:1), and so I mean this as a boast in the Lord, not as a statement of presumption. As David once said, "Adonai, who has delivered me from the paw of the lion and from the paw of the bear, will deliver me from the hand of this Philistine [meaning, Goliath]" (1 Sam. 17:37).
To share my own story, the Lord spoke to me in 1983 that I would be in the center of a revival that touched the world, and by His grace, that promise came to pass, as I had the privilege of serving as a leader in the Brownsville Revival from 1996 to 2000, where people came from more than 130 nations to be ignited by the fires of revival. And those fires continue to burn around the globe today, not the least through the grads of our ministry school who are making a great impact in many nations.
Since the late 1990s, the Lord has spoken to me about a coming revolution—a gospel-based moral and cultural revolution—and if I am faithful to Him, I believe I will be right in the thick of that revolution. I feel this so deeply I can reach out and touch it.
What promises has God made to you personally? And what has He promised to all of us in His Word?
Take hold of His promises and rejoice. Those who put their trust in Him will never be ashamed. Let the encouragement come!
Michael Brown is author of Can You Be Gay and Christian? Responding With Love and Truth to Questions About Homosexuality and host of the nationally syndicated talk radio show The Line of Fire on the Salem Radio Network. He is also president of FIRE School of Ministry and director of the Coalition of Conscience. Follow him at AskDrBrown on Facebook or at @drmichaellbrown on Twitter.