Showing posts with label ship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ship. Show all posts

Monday, March 17, 2014

Why Who You Fellowship With Is Important - SpiritLed Woman

(© Colicaranica /

Why Who You Fellowship With Is Important

Fellowship. What a great word! It comes from the idea of two people sitting together in a ship. These two men or women would be companions, working or relaxing together, sharing community and conversation. Together they could enjoy the strength of relationship and experience the smooth sailing that camaraderie brings.
But what would happen if one of the men in those close quarters was not a nice guy, but instead rude and arrogant? What if one of the women in that boat was a constant downer, endlessly complaining about her troubled marriage or deviant children? The ride would be rough, to say the least. Fellowship like that could cause you to look for the nearest port of call or even tempt you to jump overboard!
It’s important who you fellowship with; that’s an obvious truth. The Bible says, “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals’” (1 Cor. 15:33, NASB). But this Scripture can apply to more than the people you hang around with.
What if we considered it in light of the attitudes we fellowship with? If we were to check the passengers that are on board in the cabins of our hearts, whom would we find there? Would it be the stowaways of discouragement and depression? Perhaps we would find pride, bitterness or faultfinding.
Maybe you have never thought about fellowship in this way before, but the attitudes we stow are as important as the company we keep. We fellowship daily with our own thoughts, and the attitudes that develop as a result of them, like friends, affect our behavior. If we are bound to a negative thought life, are we not fellowshipping with darkness?
The Bible says, “Do not be bound together with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness?” (2 Cor. 6:14). This Scripture is clearly speaking of our human associations, but it’s interesting to apply the truth to our fellowship with our own attitudes.
If we are listening to the voices of anxiety, we may be fellowshipping with the darkness of fear. How can we launch out into the deep places with God if fear is rowing against us? That fellowship would keep us anchored to the shores of safety and comfort.
Or how could we set sail with negativity as our navigator? We would find ourselves seeing everything through a dense fog and then be surprised when we arrived at the wrong destination. Clearly, not the kind of fellowship we need!
Because we are with ourselves 24/7, we are feeding our spirits all the time. Therefore it is important to know with whom—or what—we are fellowshipping. If faith comes by hearing (see Rom. 10:17), what do our hearts hear us say? Does the inner fellowship of our attitudes increase our faith, or do we discourage ourselves and provoke our own unrest?
Faith does indeed come by hearing, but so do doubt and fear. If I hear a negative report, these two shipmates are all too ready to climb on board and set sail with me. There on the open sea of my soul, I wrestle with the fellowship of darkness.
How much better it would be to voyage with the peace of Christ—to descend into the bottom of the vessel and find Jesus at rest there in spite of the storm around me. How inviting it sounds to raise the sail of hope and embark on a journey, knowing that joy and wisdom will travel with me. This is the fellowship I long for.
Of course there may be times when pirates invade our fellowship. The hostile takeover of our serenity is often a real threat. We must be diligent to carefully watch the compasses of our thought lives so we do not wander into enemy territory. Random thoughts, like pirates of the seas, will try to enter your boat and ride with you, tormenting your mind and heart.
If you had to take inventory of the passengers on your ship, what would you find there? Are you on a five-day cruise with criticism, perhaps? This little cabin boy seems to hitch a ride on many of our vessels. How easy it is to point a finger and judge what we see in others while at the same time excusing ourselves from similar flaws!
Or would your inventory reveal that you have braved the open sea with anger as your co-captain? This is one navigator that will steal your peace and take you in the wrong direction.
Whatever you find in the hold of your ship that causes you to fellowship with darkness, throw it overboard now! We are called to fellowship with the light. We do that by inviting Jesus’ thoughts into our minds and asking the Holy Spirit to pilot us into the safe waters of the Word of God.
Paul prayed that “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit” would be with us all (2 Cor. 13:14). Those are companions we can safely take anywhere!
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Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Other Side of the Lake Part 2 by Doug Fortune

The Other Side of the Lake 

- Part 2 by Doug Fortune

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Here is what He said, "Let us go over unto the other side of the lake..." Keep in mind that if Jesus said they were going to the other side, that meant they were absolutely going to the other side. Nothing could stop His words from coming to pass because they originate in the Spirit and they produce life and action that impacts this natural realm! 

The particular wording, "Let us go over" is dierchomai in Greek, and it means to TRAVERSE. Perhaps I am making more of it than should be, but I love that word "traverse!" The word traverse seems to be filled with adventure and destiny, and as we will see, their traverse to the other side of the lake indeed was filled with adventure and destiny. 

Dierchomai is from the Greek words dia and erchomai. The word dia is a primary preposition denoting the channel of an act. The word erchomai has meanings that include - to accompany, appear, bring, come, enter. As I looked through the frequent usage of this word erchomai in the New Testament, it seemed to be used mostly in the context of "persons" coming, appearing, entering; it is used much less frequently in the context of "things" coming. I believe this is significant.

When we put these definitions together, we seem to have this declaration, Let us TRAVERSE as a channel of the act of the PERSON of Christ appearing and entering! I believe that He is calling us today to "Traverse in life as a channel through which the Person of Christ enters our sphere of influence!" 

Traversing Through Life 

He also said where they were going, "Unto the other side of the lake..." The word translated as "unto" is eis in Greek. It is a primary preposition meaning "to or into (indicating the point reached or entered), of place, time, or purpose." The particular wording, "the other side" is peran in Greek, meaning "to 'pierce' through, that is, across, BEYOND, farther." When we put ALL these definitions together, here is the bold declaration, Let us TRAVERSE as a channel through which Christ can pierce through into the BEYOND! 

Friend, I believe that He is calling us today to "Traverse in life as a channel through which the Person of Christ enters our sphere of influence, piercing through obstacles and taking people BEYOND their current experience! 

"And they launched forth..." What are we waiting for? It is time to launch forth into a new dimension of life... Christ is in the "ship" with us and nothing can stop His words from coming to pass. 

Our verse goes on to say, "And when they had sent away the multitude, they took him even as He was in the ship. And there were also with Him other little ships. And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. (Mark 4:36-37) 

I don't know about you, but I do not want to be in one of those "other little ships." I want to be in the ship that Christ is in! 

It seems in life that there are always those in "other little ships" that want to be around Jesus, but do not necessarily want to be in the ship WITH Him. I find it interesting that there is no more mention of those "other little ships" perhaps they did not make it through the storm. 

Talk About Storms 

"And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full." I believe that this is perhaps a prophetic picture of the times we are living in. Now then, I am NOT saying we are heading into a storm! I AM saying that there is a lot of TALK about storms and uncertainty! 

It seems that everywhere you turn there are: 

Political storms and uncertainty... Economic storms and uncertainty... Moral storms and uncertainty... The world seems to be full of storms and uncertainty... and it always HAS been! Unfortunately, we tend to look at the past through a lens of nostalgia and longing for a simpler time. 

The trouble is, that time only exists in our memories and imaginations. I have been around long enough to know that there is always something potentially unsettling happening. 

However, those who are wise always come out on top during storms and uncertainty! And why is this?  Because they refuse to let FEAR be their motivator! 

Our verse goes on to say, "...and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full." (Mark 4:36-37) Now then, let's think about this for a moment. What usually happens to a ship that is full of water?  It sinks. Notice, they were NOT sinking! I believe that there was a miracle happening right before their eyes, but they did not see it because of their fear. Friend, you may be going through a storm in your life right now... there may be waves of adversity, waves of doubt, waves of discouragement crashing into your "ship" to the point that it is full. 

However, I want to prophesy over your life that because Christ is in your "ship" you will NOT sink! 

The "point" is really this - What will WE do in the midst of storms and uncertainty?
To be continued... 

Doug Fortune

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Monday, October 21, 2013

Lighthouses. Shine on!


I like lighthouses. Always have. I named my business decades ago, "Martin Lighthouse Services". I believe it was the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh in Hebrew) guiding me even then.

It may be cliche', but let His light shine through you today. The darkness needs to be broken!

Shalom and ahava (love in Hebrew),

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Friday, July 12, 2013

Ahava Love Letter (#61) - "Get Back On The Boat" - Steve Martin


“Get Back On The Boat”

“Then, without warning, a furious storm arose on the lake,
so that waves were sweeping over the boat. But Yeshua
was sleeping. So they came and roused him, saying, “Sir! Help!
We’re about to die!”

He said to them, “Why are you afraid?
So little trust you have!” Then He got up and rebuked the winds
and the waves, and there was a dead calm.”

(Matt 8:24-26 CJB Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

There has been a lot of rain in our state of North Carolina this current summer season. The local weatherman reported that the 12” above normal level has been the most in the 75 years of their record keeping. Cutting my grass between the falling bullets just hasn’t been working. I can attest to that fact.

As I drove in the pouring rain to my former boss’ house during the latest downpour, to receive his wise counsel about book publishing, I was speaking to another on the cell phone. Flooding was occurring in her home. She conveyed that she felt she had been under spiritual attack lately, and the excess water was the latest incident indicating that.

My response, after listening for about 15 minutes, wasn’t just a quip to “come up with a quick solution,” as they say men do (so we can get on to being the answer to the next problem.)

I said, "Seems like you are in a lifeboat, connected by only a lifeline to the big boat. So get back on the boat.”

It wasn’t meant at all to be a pun, as the rain outside my speeding car might suggest, or as her house foundation continued to seep water through it. I believe I was moved by Holy Spirit, Ruach HaKodesh (Hebrew). She really seemed to be hanging on, connected in her little raft on the mighty ocean, by a single lifeline. She needed to get into the boat, get on the ship, where the rest of the people were safely being cared for. I am speaking about the local body of believers.

Some of you may say, “I am connected,” as her response back to me was.

What? You no longer belong anywhere as a member, due to some incident? But now you do watch your favorite TV teacher/preacher on TV? Or you have a long distance phone conversation with an older saint in your former congregation, and you call that “being connected?” As one would say, “How is that working out for you?”

Explain that logic to me from the Scriptures, which basically commands that we are to be “joined and fitted together” in His Body. 

Sometimes being direct, in your face, sharing tough love as James Dobson wrote decades ago, needs to be just that – a realistic look at where you are at now, and where He actually wants you to be, in experiencing His purposeful life.

We all have excuses why we can or cannot do something. If your spiritual, and possibly natural life depended on it, will you use that excuse to just stay in your little raft? Does that hold water with Him?

If you are as one floating in a raft, hanging onto to the Father Ship by a lifeline, I highly suggest you really ask the Father where you are supposed to be connected, and start pulling on the line in that direction.

The TV man or woman, or the cell phone person, as good and needed as they may be, won’t quite make it in the days ahead for you, when the real spiritual floods come. That hand extended through the airwaves can’t be the one you will need - right at hand.

It is best to be connected, within a ship, with those the Lord intends for you to be connected with. He said so. It can happen. It should happen. When will you let it happen?

Ahava (love in Hebrew) to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

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©2013 Steve Martin      Love For His People, Inc.  12120 Woodside Falls Rd. Pineville, NC 28134      

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Ahava Love Letter #61   “Get Back On The Boat”

 Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (07/12/13 Friday 5 am in Charlotte, NC)

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on my Blog:        

Here are the last few:
Need Money? (#60)
Rejected? (#59)
In Your Building – Guard Against Distractions (#58)
Connections (#57)
Your Name (#56)
Lost, But Not Forgotten Friends (#55)
Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? (#54)

We Speak To Nations (#53)