Saturday, September 7, 2013

Holiday in New York City - Rosh Hashanna - 1900's

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 03 Sep 2013 06:39 PM PDT

Tashlich prayer on the Brooklyn Bridge, 1909.
The Near Year prayer is traditionally said at a body
of water where the worshipper "casts" his/her sins
Israel Daily Picture normally focuses on pictures of the Holy Land in the Library of Congress archives' American Colony collection.  

In honor of Rosh Hashanna, we present pictures of the holiday in New York City, taken in the early 1900s by George Bain and also housed in the Library of Congress archives.

Jewish boy in prayer shawl on Rosh Hashanna (1911)

Tashlich prayer on the Brooklyn bridge (1919)

Jews praying on the Jewish New Year (circa 1905)

Rosh Hashanna worshippers (1907)

Tashlich on the Brooklyn Bridge (1909)

Going to prayers (circa 1910)

Going to synagogue (circa 1910)

Selling New Year's cards, East Side, New York City (1910)

"New Year's Parade" (1912)

Jewish New Year's nap, East Side (1912)

MADE IN ISRAEL - The 700 Club with Gordon Robertson

Click here to Watch:

Part 1: Agriculture

Gordon Robertson looks at Israel's remarkable agricultural innovation, with special focus on the role of the kibbutz in Israel's agricultural success, growing crops and orchards in desert, rocky land and swamps with hard work and ingenuity.


Part 2: Water

Because more than half of Israel is desert, the lack of clean water is a life-or-death issue. Gordon Robertson examines several of the ways that Israel conserves water, including desalination, drip irrigation and recycling.


Part 3: Medicine

Israel's life expectancy is four years higher than that of the USA. Gordon Robertson takes a look at some of the medical breakthroughs that have come from Israel, including cancer and diabetes treatment and technology to help blind people see and crippled people walk.

Part 4: Clean & Green

Saving the environment is a popular cause today, but Israelis have been "going green" since before they were even a state. Gordon Robertson looks at a few of the creative "environment-saving" ideas that Israelis have either invented or improved upon, including reforestation, solar energy, and the battery-powered car.


Part 5: Technology

Gordon Robertson looks at many of the things we use every day that had their start in Israel. He also focuses on why Israelis have had such great tech success, getting answers from some of Israel's top businessmen and military leaders. 
Special focus is placed on the role of the Israeli army in fostering high-tech success.


Watch Now:

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Circuit Riders and the Lost Coin - Bob & Bonnie Jones

Editor's Note: I appreciate Bob Jones. He ministered a prophetic word to me in 1995 that at the time I thought was really weird. But lo and behold, it is now coming to pass in my life. Keep on sharing Bob Jones! The Lord loves your heart of love, and how you share His simple, and yet profound, word.

Steve Martin, Love For His People (and Bob and Bonnie too!)

Bob and Bonnie Jones:

Circuit Riders Released With Power

I saw a white light come out of Heaven; it looked like it was a mile wide. I was looking to see where it was going to land. But it didn't land; it kept going and made a circle. As I observed the circle it became a huge circle of light and a silver ring like a wedding ring. I prayed for the meaning of this and this is what I felt the Lord was saying.

"This light has been My circuit riders that I've given small circles for them to deliver mail in. The Church is My post office and the circuit riders are the ones I send from My post office to other people that they might hear My words."

And He said that, "I have been testing the people in small things and I've given them small routes, like small rings. But now I'm going to enlarge their rings. And those who have been totally obedient, I'm going to enlarge their rings worldwide and they shall deliver the mail to the saints over the whole earth. They shall deliver the Father's message, which is the message of love."

As Bob and I discussed the circuit riders revelation, it was quickened to us that a circuit is an electrical device that provides a path for electrical current to flow. We believe these circuit riders are being released with power. That was like the line coming out of Heaven. It's the breaker anointing being released with the power of the Word. And it was like a direct power line coming straight out of Heaven.

All of our power down here on earth works through circuits. I believe the Lord is saying, "I'm turning your power on through these circuit riders and they'll reveal the power of God in greater circles than they've ever been before." Get ready to see the power of God revealed!

I saw this in the United States and I believe the United States is getting ready for a breakthrough in power. Those who have been faithful in taking their commission to different places and cities are going to go back with greater power than they've ever had before and with greater breakthrough. He's going to be releasing some of these circuit riders worldwide and now they're going in power.

"They will also deliver the message of salvation unto many. Where they have seen one salvation in their ministry in the past, now they will see a ten because I'm increasing them ten times. And I'll be with them in their circuits. They will go out like a circle and come back to the post office to be regenerated and renewed and get their mail."

Uncovering the Lost Coin
In a trance I saw earth that had been spaded up like with one spade. I looked at the earth and on top of it was a coin. I looked at the coin and it was a silver shekel. I asked, "What is this?" The Lord told me, "That which is lost has been found and it's two places in Scripture." The same coin was like two stories; the parable of the lost coin from Luke 15 and the temple tax from Mark 17.

Marriage Dowry

One was the shekel that the woman lost and she went through the house and looked everywhere to find it because it was the top coin in the marriage dowry. She couldn't get married without it. So that which was lost, she has found.
"Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp, sweep the house, and search carefully until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls her friends and neighbors together, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the piece which I lost!' Likewise, I say to you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Luke 15:8-10
I believe the woman is the Church, and we're getting ready for a marriage of Isaiah 62:3-4 because the Father is blessing the marriage. Then the Lord is taking the hand of the royal diadem (the Bride). The Church will then have the Father over it and it will be a family of Believers. And what we believe in we will receive and what we doubt, we'll do without. That doing without is coming to an end and that which we believe is getting ready to produce faith. Faith will come out of our belief and we'll see a change in things. So get ready for faith.

Peter and Jesus went up to the temple to pray. When they got to the temple the guards wouldn't let them in because there was a temple tax of ½ shekel a piece. Jesus was the Temple but they didn't recognize Him. He and Peter went outside and the Lord told Peter to go down to the lake and there will be a fish that you'll catch. When you do, take the coin out of the fish's mouth. 

So Peter did what the Lord told him to do. He went down to the lake and caught the first fish and removed the silver shekel from its mouth and brought it back to Jesus. Then Peter paid the tax for both of them and they entered the temple.

When they had come to Capernaum, those who received the temple tax came to Peter and said, "Does your Teacher not pay the temple tax?" Matthew 17:24, Amplified

Get ready for the Lord to be welcomed into His temple now. Things are changing here too because He'll be recognized.

 His temple is being made now in Ephesians 2:21 on the foundation of apostles and prophets. The purpose is for cohabitation with our Father. That temple is coming into place now with living stones. It's a round temple that no wind can get hold of to harm in any way. There the Father will cohabitate with us in the spirit. Get ready now for the living stones to be built into a living temple of relationships and intimacy joining together the Body of Christ in a common purpose.

Message of the Circuit Riders

The message that the circuit riders will deliver is "the Father loves you." The Father wants to cohabitate with you in the spirit (Ephesians 2:22.) So get ready for the living temple of God and for the presence of the Father to cohabitate with His sons and daughters. The temple itself is the Lord Jesus Christ and the living stones likened to Him joined together in a total complete unity.

The circuit riders will go forth throughout the whole earth with the breaker anointing releasing power of the Word as the Holy Spirit endues them with power from on high. This power goes forth on the wind (Ecclesiastes 1:6) so everyone born of the Spirit will recognize its sound, and salvation shall be plentiful as the prodigals come home.

The wind goes toward the south, and turns around to the north; The wind whirls about continually, And comes again on its circuit. Ecclesiastes 1:6

Out of the mouth of the fish the blessings come. The coin is grace, evangelism and a spiritual marriage. Get ready to see the release of power like the earth has never experienced before. I believe the white light out of Heaven is the glory of God in power being released to touch the whole earth by these circuit riders.

Bob and Bonnie Jones
The Prophetic Ministry of Bob and Bonnie Jones


To contact Bob Jones send your inquiry to:

Bob and Bonnie Jones Ministries
White Horses Publishings
P.O. Box 838
Pineville, NC 28134-0838

Bob and Bonnie Jones: Bob Jones is known as a contemporary prophet with a great love for the Lord Jesus and His truth. His prophecies have spanned over four decades as the Lord has enabled him to foretell earthquakes, tidal waves, comets, and weather patterns. Like Daniel who functioned at an incredible level, Bob has often told leaders their dreams and experiences, as well as the interpretation. 

After his death experience in 1975, God sent him back to minister to Church leadership and reach the multitudes with His love and truth, and to equip the saints with understanding of the spiritual gifts. God promised Bob that he would see the beginning of one billion souls coming into the Kingdom in one great wave of the end time harvest. 

Bonnie has a great love for the Lord, the Word and the Cross of Jesus. She loves children and enjoys blessing them with a gift of joy, truth, love, and encouragement. Bonnie moves in a seer prophetic gifting as well as healing and miracles. Her passion is to see women set free from the fear of man and step into their gifts and calling. She is a great advocate of women stepping forth into their rightful place beside their husband.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Ahava Love Letter - "The Hiding Place" (Steve Martin)


             “The Hiding Place” 

“Protect me like the pupil of your eye, hide me in
the shadow of your wings from the wicked, who are
assailing me, from my deadly enemies, who are all
around me.”
(Psalm 17:8-9 Complete Jewish Bible)

“On hearing about this, Yeshua left in a boat to
be by himself in the wilderness. But the people
learned of it and followed him from the towns
by land.”
(Matthew 14:3, Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

As I know I have, I believe you at times too just want to run away from a given situation. Someone is attacking you in word, deed, or any other method under the sun that man thinks of. You just want to run from it. Get away and hide.

Whether it is the company boss pressing down hard on you at work; the family member railing against you once again for some incident that happened days, months or even years ago; the news anchor telling all about the terrible crimes happening in the world today; or your loving little kids, old enough to scream and run around, but not yet fully understanding their mom's need for rest - you just want to run and hide sometimes, and get away from it all. At least for a few minutes, right?!

Don Moen, one of my all-time worship leaders, came out with a CD in 2006 entitled “The Hiding Place.” It was another one of those that got worn out, as much as CDs can. The title song, of the same name, particularly struck “a chord” in my heart, and the Lord used it to bring encouragement and comfort during that time.

The first lines are sung, “You are my hiding place. I run to you. I need your mercy and grace, to see me through. So I’ll run to you.”*

I certainly can relate. And I know King David could too. He had the “hounds of earth” on his heels, tracking him down like a dog, even when he had done no wrong. He sought the Lord and he was heard. He just wanted to be hid in the shadow of His wings, from the wicked who surrounded him. The Lord did protect him, and he became the king of all Israel.

Jesus Himself had times when He just needed to get away from the pressing crowds and the masses who followed Him for a miracle. There are several passages we read in the Gospels where He went “to be by Himself in the wilderness”, or when He would get up early in the morning, when all others were still asleep, just to be in the Father’s presence.

Having examples like these, for us to pattern our life after, helps make it a bit easier to cope with, and yes, overcome, the daily grind and onslaught that comes our way. We need to get our own batteries “recharged” as is commonly shared from some pulpits.

Our spirits were created to have that void filled only by His ability to fill it, and thus we need the quiet times alone with Him. My personal morning prayer time with the Lord, which includes reading a chapter of His word on a daily basis, replenishes that which had gone out the day or night before.

Playing praise and worship music in our home, car, or on a walk fills the atmosphere around us with His glory. The powerful sound waves of good, wholesome music vibrating in our ears and hearts can replace the energy lost due to the pressures on us each and every day.

To be honest, I don’t know how people live without the Lord. I guess we know the answer by seeing that which is used instead, in place of the Lord, to fill that emptiness and stress they experience. Lord help them.

Give the Lord time today to refill your spiritual being with refreshing water and nourishment. Have some daily manna from Him. First take time to hide away in Him, and know that He will build you up and send you out.

It can be a mad house out there, but we have One Whom we can run to. His love is what He has for you as you do..

Ahava (love in Hebrew) to my family of friends,

Steve Martin
*(Don Moen, The Hiding Place, Integrity Media 2006)

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

 Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless Israel with our humanitarian ministry. 

Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134

Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin  and  Love For His People 
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

Full website:

YouTube: Steve Martin (loveforhispeopleinc)

Ahava Love Letter #74   “The Hiding Place”  ©2013 Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (09/05/13 Thursday at 8:35 pm in Charlotte, NC)

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog:

Here are the last few:
Why Is A Gentile Like You Celebrating the Feasts of the Jews? (#73)
They Are Loved Too (#72)
Oskars Needed Again? (#71)
Little Orphan Chuckie (#70)
Demons & Fire Trucks (#69)
I Like Mike (#68)
Disappointed with Small Beginnings? (#67)
Rise Again (#66)
The Cities (#65)

How Can You Mend A Broken Heart (#64)

Good seed sown. Good tree grown. Good fruit given.

"The upright (honorable, intrinsically good) man out of the good treasure [stored] in his heart produces what is upright (honorable and intrinsically good), and the evil man out of the evil storehouse brings forth that which is depraved (wicked and intrinsically evil); for out of the abundance overflow) of the heart his mouth speaks." 
(Luke 6:44-46 Amplified Bible)

During these Feasts of the Lord and the natural harvest season many are entering into, may our spiritual harvest be abundant, as a result of good works done and good words spoken in the name and honor of the One we serve, Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach.

A good tree bears good fruit. It just happens to be so. Enjoy a good harvest, if you planted right, and enjoy good fruit, if your tree within is capable.

Steve Martin
Love For His People

Celebrate Rosh Hashanah with CBN - with Paul Wilbur leading Messianic worship

Gordon Robertson leading in opening prayer

Click here:

Shofars ready to be blown!

Blow the trumpet!


Crown of Glory!

Messianic worship leader Paul Wilbur

Paul Wilbur

Leading Messianic worship

Beautiful dance to bless Yeshua

We bless you Lord!


Flags, banners and all in praise

Boys, men and women 
dance unto the Lord 
in celebration of 
His great love and mercy!
It is a New Year!

Great is the Lord Yeshua, 
and worthy of our praise!

Watch the full video: