Thursday, October 24, 2013

When You Can't Forgive Yourself By R.T. Kendall

When You Can't Forgive Yourself By R.T. Kendall

R.T. Kendall

First Corinthians 13, the great love chapter of the Bible, is a perfect demonstration of the cause and effect of total forgiveness. The apex of this wonderful passage is the phrase found in verse 5: Love "keeps no record of wrongs" (NIV).

The Greek word that is translated as no record is logizomai, which means "not to reckon or impute." The word is important to Paul's doctrine of justification by faith.

For the person who believes, his faith is "credited" to him as righteousness (Rom. 4:5). This is the same word used in 1 Corinthians 13:5.

Therefore, not to reckon, impute or "count" the wrongs of a loved one is to do for that person what God does for us, namely, choose not to recognize his sin.

In the same way, forgiving oneself means to experience the love that keeps no record of our own wrongs. It is one thing to have this breakthrough regarding others; it is quite another to experience the greater breakthrough - total forgiveness of ourselves.

So many Christians say, "I can forgive others, but how can I ever forget what I have done? I know God forgives me, but I can't forgive myself."

We must remember that forgiving ourselves is a lifelong commitment. In precisely the same way that I must forgive others every single day, I must also forgive myself (Luke 6:37).

The Process of Forgiving

We must renew our commitment to forgive others each and every day for the wrongs done to us. Forgiving ourselves is also a daily process.

We may wake up each day with the awareness of past failures. We may have feelings of guilt - or pseudo-guilt, if our sins have been placed under the blood of Christ.

But forgiving yourself may bring about the breakthrough you have been looking for. It could set you free in ways you have never before experienced.

Sometimes we are afraid to forgive ourselves. We cling to fear as if it were a thing of value. The truth is, the very breath of Satan is behind the fear of forgiving ourselves.

Jesus knows that many of us have this problem. This is a further reason Jesus turned up unexpectedly after His Resurrection in the room where the disciples were assembled both in terror and in guilt.

Jesus wanted them to know they were totally forgiven; He also wanted them to forgive themselves. He spoke to them as if nothing had happened (John 20:21). This gave them dignity and showed them that nothing had occurred that would change Jesus' plans and strategy for them.

I remember one Sunday just before I was to preach at the 11 a.m. service. I had an argument with my wife, Louise, and stormed out of the house, slamming the door in her face.

Before I knew it, I was bowing my head on the upper platform at Westminster Chapel before several hundred people. I was thinking, I should not be here. I have no right to be here. Lord, how on earth could You use me today? I am not fit to be in this pulpit.

There was no way to resolve the situation at that time. I could only ask God for mercy and try my best to forgive myself. Never in my life had I felt so unworthy.

But when I stood up to preach, God simply undergirded me and enabled me to preach as well as I ever had. When we are emptied of all self-righteousness and pride, we enable God to move in and through us.

Why We Can't Forgive Ourselves

At the end of the day, I believe there are several causes for our inability to forgive ourselves.

Anger. We may be angry with ourselves. Look at the Old Testament story of Joseph. As a type of Christ, Joseph said to his brothers, "And now, do not be distressed and do not be angry with yourselves for selling me here, because it was to save lives that God sent me ahead of you" (Gen. 45:5).

These brothers were beginning to get the message that Joseph had forgiven them; he didn't want them to be angry with themselves. That is the way God forgives. Jesus does not want us to be angry with ourselves for our sins.

Not forgiving ourselves is self-hatred. Joseph's brothers had hated themselves for selling Joseph into slavery. They could not take back what they had done.

Some Christians who can't forgive themselves are, underneath it all, angry with themselves. But God can begin today to cause all that happened to fit into a pattern for good.

God will take the wasted years and restore them to good before it is all over. It is just as Joel promised: "I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten" (Joel 2:25).

In some cases it is fear more than anger that is a barrier to our forgiving ourselves. Regret leads to guilt, and guilt can lead to fear: the fear of missing "what might have been" or the fear that what has happened cannot possibly turn out for good.

True guilt and pseudo-guilt. There are two kinds of guilt most of us will struggle with: true guilt (a result of our sin against God) and pseudo-guilt (when there is no sin in our lives). When we have sinned, we must confess it to God (1 John 1:9). The blood of Jesus takes care of true guilt by doing two basic things:

1.    It washes away our sin - as though it never had existed.

2.    It perfectly satisfies God's eternal justice.

Whereas discipline is necessary because we are sinners, sin that has been confessed to God is totally forgiven by Him. Any guilt we feel after that is pseudo-guilt.

There are two kinds of false guilt:

1.    The kind that comes when sin was never involved in the first place.

2.    The kind that comes when sin has been forgiven by God.

Pseudo-guilt - though it is false - s also very real; we feel keenly guilty. But there is no good reason for the sense of guilt.

Take, for example, a person who is driving a car when a child runs out into the street at the last second and is struck down. The guilt can be overwhelming, but there was no sin. It doesn't need to be confessed to God.

The other kind of pseudo-guilt comes when you have confessed your sins but you don't feel forgiven. Once we have acknowledged our sin, we should accept our forgiveness and leave the rest in God's hands.

During the years I have developed a sense of failure as a father. I wish I had given more time to T.R. and Melissa in my early years at Westminster Chapel.

I now understand that putting them first - rather than my church or sermon preparation - would have allowed the Chapel to carry on just as well. Of course, I can't change the past.

But for me to continue to feel guilty over this is not pleasing to God because He has already totally forgiven me. If I let myself dwell on my failure, I am giving in to pseudo-guilt and sinning as I do because I am dignifying unbelief. I must keep destroying the record of my wrongs - every day.

Not forgiving ourselves is a subtle way of competing with Christ's atonement. God has already punished Jesus for what we did (2 Cor. 5:17). Instead of accepting Jesus' sacrifice, I want to punish myself for my failures. This competes with Christ's finest hour.


Fear is one of the main reasons we do not forgive ourselves. The person who fears has not been made perfect in love, and fear "has to do with punishment" (1 John 4:18).

Recognizing that fear - and punishing ourselves for our mistakes - displeases God should result in an ever-increasing sadness for this self-loathing spirit. We are required to walk away from our past folly and not look back.

My wife was greatly blessed by the music ministry of Janny Grein and her song "Movin' On" at a Rodney Howard-Browne meeting. Louise remembers Janny shouting out the words, "Let the past be past - at last." God speaks those words to us.

Let the past be past at last. Forgive yourself as well as those who have damaged you.

Pride, self-righteousness and self-pity. Our unforgiveness of ourselves may be traceable to pride. We, in our arrogance, cannot bear having the Lord do everything for us so graciously, so we think we must help Him out a bit.

Our pride must be eclipsed by humility. We must let God be God and the blood of Christ do what it in fact did: remove our guilt and satisfy God's sense of justice.

Just as fear and pride are like identical twins, so are self-righteousness and self-pity. We feel sorry for ourselves and show it by not forgiving ourselves.

Pseudo-guilt can develop into very real guilt before God. It is false guilt, since God says, "You're not guilty." We make it into real guilt when we in effect reply, "Yes, I am."

The bottom line is this: Not forgiving ourselves is wrong and dishonoring to God. But God will use the sorrow we feel over what we've done to draw us to Himself.

Guilt and Grace

The initial work of the Holy Spirit is that He convicts of sin. When we walk in the light we know the blood cleanses us of sin, but walking in the light also reveals sin in us that we may not have seen before (1 John 1:7-8).

The sense of guilt God instigates is temporary. God uses guilt only to get our attention. When we say, "I'm sorry," and mean it, that's enough for God.

He doesn't beat us black and blue and require us to go on a 30-day fast to supplement Christ's atonement. He convicts us of sin to get our attention, but having done that, He wants us to move forward.

The ability to forgive ourselves therefore extends from an understanding of grace. Grace is undeserved favor.

Mercy is not getting what we do deserve (justice). Grace is accepting what we don't deserve (total forgiveness).

It may seem unfair when we have been so horrible. We have let God down; we have let others down.

But it is fair (1 John 1:9). The blood of Jesus did a wonderful job. God is not looking for further satisfaction.

All accusations regarding confessed sin come from the devil, who works either as a roaring lion to scare or an angel of light to deceive - or both (1 Pet. 5:8; 2 Cor. 11:14). Never forget, perfect love drives out fear (1 John 4:18).

Let the Past be Past

The sweet consequence of not keeping a record of all wrongs is that we let go of the past and its effect on the present. We cast our care on God and rely on Him to restore the wasted years and to cause everything to turn out for good.

We find ourselves accepting ourselves as we are with all our failures (just as God does), knowing all the while our potential to make more mistakes. God never becomes disillusioned with us; He loves us and knows us inside out.

Moses, David, Jonah, Peter - all these men in the Bible had to forgive themselves before they could move into the ministry God had planned for them. It's time for you to follow their example.

That is exactly what God wants of you and me. Let the past be past - at last.

R.T. Kendall

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Islam Posts Rapid Growth in US—Are Christians Ready?

Islam Posts Rapid Growth in US—Are Christians Ready?

The Crescent Project is helping Christians learn how to reach out to Muslims. (Facebook)
According to the United States Census Bureau, the number of mosques in the U.S. soared 74 percent between 2000 and 2010. The report also found there are now 2.6 million Muslims living in the U.S.—an increase of 66 percent.
What are Christians doing to reach out to them? According to the Crescent Project, they're not doing enough.
Fouad Masri, founder and president of the Crescent Project, says Christians need to listen to Jesus.
"Jesus says, 'You are the light of the world,'" Masri says. "Jesus is asking us to shine our light. Today, more than ever, Muslims see that they are in darkness. Muslims, for the first time, are asking questions."
Unfortunately, Christians don't know how to be a light to Muslims today. Masri says that's why the Crescent Project is holding its Oasis Conference in the Dallas area next week.
"We're asking Christians to come to the conference," he says. "Join us in praying for Muslims. Join us and learn how to share the gospel with Muslims."
According to Masri, you probably have Muslims in your hometown.
"It could be someone who's a student, an immigrant, somebody who's a refugee," he says. "We're asking Christians to lock arms with us and [share] this beautiful message about Jesus with our Muslim neighbors."
The Oasis Conference is being held at 121 Community Church in Grapevine, Texas, a suburb of Dallas. Masri says the training is highly effective.
"Three out of four [people] who come to our training have never shared the gospel with Muslims," he says. "However, after they go through the training, 74 percent of them get involved in reaching Muslims."
The training does even more than that.
"Four out of five [alumni] become mobilizers," Masri says. "They start talking to churches [and] friends about the issues of Islam in America, about the issues of Islam overseas and about how to build bridges with Muslims."
According to Masri, because many Muslims are searching for truth, many are surprised when they hear Jesus is still alive. He references two Afghan women who watched the story of Jesus on video and began to cry. Was it because of the crucifixion scene?
Masri explains, "They said, 'No. We're crying because Jesus rose from the dead, and nobody has told us for 2,000 years. For 2,000 years, we never heard that the end of the story was resurrection.'"
This article originally appeared on

Coming back home...

I shall take you one from a city 

and two from a family and 

I will bring you to Zion.


וְלָקַחְתִּי אֶתְכֶם אֶחָד מֵעִיר

 וּשְׁנַיִם מִמִּשְׁפָּחָה וְהֵבֵאתִי אֶתְכֶם צִיּוֹן

ירמיהו ג:יד

ve-la-kakh-TEE et-KHEM eh-KHAD may-EER 
oo-shna-YEEM mee-meesh-pah-KHA
ve-hay-VAY-tee et-KHEM tzee-YONE

Jerusalem Inspiration

Jeremiah describes the return of the Jewish people 
to the Land of Israel in two ways. They will come from 
certain places and they will return as families. Today 
"Israel Returns" is helping to fulfill Jeremiah's words 
by bringing families of lost Jews back to Israel, after

Relive the excitement and emotions of an Aliyah flight 
from North America arriving at Ben Gurion Airport. 
The immigrants step off the place and become the 

Despite numerous assertions that he is an Anti-Semite, 
polarizing Hobby Lobby president Steve Green has 
donated his collection of ancient Codex Climaci 
Rescriptus to the Jerusalem Bible Land Museum.
Check out this line of cool Jerusalem t-shirts. These 
lightweight shirts sent directly from Israel are great to 
buy as a present for a loved one, or for yourself!
Check out this Amazing Deal »

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Today's Jerusalem picture courtesy of Nefesh B'nefesh 
features new immigrants from the United States and 
Canada who immediately enlisted in the IDF.

Help Bring the Jews Back Home »

Thank You
Today's Jerusalem Scenes and Inspiration is 
sponsored by Tine Van der Meer of Brazil in honor 
of her sister's birthday.

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Someone Out There With the Same Dream as Mine”

Stay in Touch »
Shalom, It was one of my long lost dreams since 
2005 to visit Jerusalem, and I always thought it 
would be impossible. But the Holy One of Israel
is in charge and He made it possible so I am visiting 
Jerusalem/Israel next year. Then I will see with my 
eyes your beautiful city and country. Thank you for 
your wonderful photos and news you share every 
day with us. If there is someone out there with the 
same dream as mine, just keep faith the Holy One 
will provide in His perfect time. Baruch HaShem! 
Erika, South Africa

Blessing from Jerusalem,

Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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More Ladders? Seems to be the word...for 5774.

The Year 5774 - Moving Into Your Season of the "Open Door" and Ladders...Jeff Jansen

A Season of Great Transition is Upon Us

We are now well into the new Jewish year of 5774, and for many the year 5773 has been a year of the beginning of transition from one cycle or old season with God into the new. 

The old season, though challenging for many, was good as it has prepared us for where we are going and what we are coming into.

Chuck Pierce called the year 5773 the year of "the Camel". Camels are uniquely designed to be able to carry an individual with his or her belongings through the wilderness with great ease.

This past year we have been in the beginning of a season of transition that is preparing the corporate Body of Christ for what I believe to be – a season of great provision, visitation and personal, corporate and national revival.

We see a picture of this coming season in Genesis 31 with Jacob as he had worked for his unrighteous father-in-law, Laban, in the far country; 7 years for Rachel and 7 years for Leah – a total of 14 years. Laban was untrustworthy in his dealings with Jacob and had changed his wages 10 times.

For many, you have come through a season of great testing and difficulty as you seem to have been in the far country, but the Lord is calling you up and out of that place into the new.

The Lord speaks to Jacob and says, "Return to the land of your fathers and to your people, and I will be with you" (Genesis 31:3). And again the Angel of the Lord said to Jacob in a dream, "I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you vowed a vow to Me. NOW ARISE, get out from this land and return to your native land" (Genesis 31:13).

Do you see how the Lord told Jacob to "Now arise"? It's time to NOW ARISE!

Jacob's First Encounter with the Open Door

Be prepared to cooperate with this transition as the Lord is opening the door to move you into new places with Him

The Lord had greatly blessed Jacob in this season, but it was NOW time for him to get back to the place where he had first encountered God which was at Bethel. Genesis 28:11-19 tells his experience at Bethel.

In Bethel, Jacob encountered the Open Door in a dream with the angels of God ascending and descending upon a heavenly ladder. He called it the "Gateway to Heaven". It's where the Lord reminded him of his covenant with Abraham and Isaac and pronounced blessing upon him and his offspring.

Then in Genesis 31, the Lord told Jacob it was time to get back to Bethel. Jacob made preparations to move into the new season according to the word of the Lord: "Then Jacob rose up and set his sons and his wives upon the camels" (Genesis 31:17). 

Jacob fled on camels with his wives, children and all of his belongs for Bethel, and Laban, his father-in-law, was not told about it for three days. Laban was enraged that Jacob would leave this way and he pursued him with the intent of doing him harm; but the Angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and warned him to not speak or act against him.

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Rise Up and Move

As we are transitioning to get back to the place of the Open Door, the old season may not want to let you go, but rise up and move – for God is with you! The Angel of the Lord will protect and watch over you and your family as we continue to move in this season.

There are many things that transpired between Jacob and Laban in Genesis 31 but the point I want to make is this – Jacob is symbolic of the new order, as Laban represents the old. The old order is most always threatened by the new and wants to stop it if at all possible. Laban did not want to let Jacob go, but in the end he pronounces a blessing upon him and releases him.

"And early in the morning Laban rose up and kissed his grandchildren and his daughters and pronounced a blessing [asking God's favor] on them. Then Laban departed and returned to his home." Genesis 31:55

As we are making the transition into the new we will have to tie up loose ends with the last season. This is important as we do not want to be bringing any offense from the old season into the new.

Mahanaim – The Dance Between the Two Armies

Jacob had found a peaceable release from his father-in-law as Laban blessed Jacob, his daughters and grandchildren and returned to his home. Immediately in Genesis 32, we see a picture of where we are headed in this new season of 5774. "Then Jacob went on his way, and God's angels met him. When Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's army! So he named that place Mahanaim [two armies]" (Genesis 32:1-2).

As Jacob is heading back toward Bethel, it says that the angels of God met him. Jacob called that place "Mahanaim" which means two armies! Song of Solomon, chapter 6, goes on to describe that "Mahanaim" means "Shulammite girl".

"Return, return, O Shulammite; return, return, that we may look upon you! [I replied] What is there for you to see in the [poor little] Shulammite? [And they answered] As upon a dance before two armies or a dance of Mahanaim." Song of Solomon 6:13

The Mahanaim is a dance between the two armies! As Jacob turned his heart toward Bethel, the place of his original encounter with the Lord, where he saw the angels in a dream, immediately it says that "God's angels met him. So he named that place Mahanaim [two armies]". Jacob called the place Mahanaim because Heaven's army (the angels) met Jacob's army (family in transition) and they danced the dance of the Mahanaim! 

Jacob danced with the angels in the new season!

As we are moving back into a season of the Open Door, God is sending His army to assist us. We need to dance, dance, dance into this new season with great expectation, and God's angels will be with us to protect, guide and deliver us – but we have to keep dancing!

It's a time to rejoice for all God has brought us out of and what He is delivering us into. We are transitioning out of an old season with all that God has blessed us with into the new season of visitation, revelation and renewal.

In Genesis 28, Jacob saw the angels in a dream. After his wilderness experience 14 years later, he is now dancing with them in another dimension! 

Prepare for another dimension in God! Prepare for a greater glory to be revealed to you! 

Prepare for a fresh new season of the Open Door!

Jeff Jansen, Senior Leader
Global Fire Church & Global Connect
Global Fire Ministries International

Jeff Jansen is Founder of Global Fire Ministries International in Murfreesboro, TN. The mission of GFMI as an Apostolic and Prophetic ministry is to pave the way for personal, city, regional, national and World revival. 

The ministries of GFMI include: Global Connect, Global Fire Churches, Kingdom Life Institute, Global Fire TV, and international conferences and crusades. 

Jeff Jansen is well known for his Miracle/Healing anointing and Prophetic ministry worldwide, often giving revelatory directives for not only individuals but regions and nations. Jeff is also founder & Senior Leader of Global Fire Church Murfreesboro, from which the Global Connect initiative of church planting and networking was birthed.

For more: The Elijah List

Israel Wary of American Promises on Iran

Israel Wary of American Promises on Iran

Thursday, October 24, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff  
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu walked away from Wednesday's meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in Rome seemingly still unconvinced that Washington knows what it's doing vis-a-vis Iran's nuclear program.
Israel has grown increasingly uneasy as the US and other Western powers appear ready to drop sanctions against the Islamic Republic in return for what amount to "cosmetic concessions."
At the start of Wednesday's meeting, Kerry sought to calm the Israelis by stating, "We will need to know that actions are being taken, which make it clear, undeniably clear, fail-safe to the world, that whatever program is pursued is indeed a peaceful program."
America's top diplomat reiterated his position that "no deal is better than a bad deal."
But during their marathon seven-hour sit-down, The New York Times cited Netanyahu as telling Kerry that "a partial deal that leaves Iran with these capabilities is a bad deal."
Indeed, the deal currently being touted by both Iran and the Obama Administration would permit Tehran to keep most of its nuclear program intact, including its uranium enrichment facilities, so long as Iran promises to never build an atomic bomb.
"We, of course, cannot agree to that," Israeli Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz said later in an interview with Israel Radio.
Like Netanyahu, Steinitz believes the West is making a big mistake by not actually increasing sanctions in order to bring Iran to a breaking point and truly bring an end to the nuclear crisis.
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Kathie Walters: Heavenly Ladders and Tables

Kathie Walters

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

Within days of each other, both Jeff Jansen and Kathie Walters received similar types of revelations about open doors, heavenly ladders, and tables. God is at work, all over the earth, at SEEMINGLY an accelerated pace to provide these same doors and "tables prepared for you".

Just as we are witnessing a confirmation of the Open Doors and Ladders from both Jeff and Kathie at almost the same time, you too can have confirmation that these articles today will bring to you. 

I know many of you are getting this same type of revelation and these words will serve as a confirmation to you from the Lord.

Read and be encouraged as Kathie lays before you a number of angelic visitations and God encounters, both in history and in the present time! Understand the vision on the earth today from the Lord...and then run with it!


Steve Shultz

Note from Steve Shultz: People ask me, "How can I support The Elijah List?"

My answer: The Elijah List articles are emailed for FREE to you and your friends  or published on our website  365-Days-a-Year – to readers all over the world. Your support helps to pay for this effort by simply purchasing your prophetic resources directly from

We appreciate our dear readers and we thank you for supporting your Elijah List staff!

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News


Kathie Walters:
Heavenly Ladders and Tables

Kathie WaltersOct. 23, 2013 

I just returned from a trip to Wales, England, and Scotland – three conferences and a group tour of Wales. It was wonderful, as any God adventure is. 

While I was traveling, every day I kept having dreams of "ladders and tables". They were painted lovely colors - purple, red, blue, green, lilac, etc.

While doing a conference in Bedford, England with "His Fragrance Ministry", I again saw a ladder (over Bedford). I was still wondering what was going in the spirit and what God was saying with the ladders and tables. 

On Friday night at the end of the meeting, I was talking to someone, and out of the corner of my eye I saw a huge angel standing to the side of the room.

I mentioned it to a few women standing nearby and one of them who was with our tour group, Carol, went over to that place at the side. Next thing I saw was Carol totally taken up in the spirit and she was "gone" from us.

We eventually helped carry her back to the bus. Later she told us that she had an encounter with an angel from William Wilberforce's ministry. Someone else, separately, had a vision of slaves in the hold of a ship. I was still seeing the ladder with angels going up and down it over Bedford, England.

Spirit of Liberty

William Wilberforce was a great abolitionist born in 1759. For years he fought for freedom from slavery in Britain. He was also discipled by John Newton – writer of the famous Hymn, "Amazing Grace". 

It was in Bedford also that John Bunyan wrote "The Pilgrim's Progress" and many other books when he was in prison there. (Photo: William Wilberforce)

So then, after that conference in Bedford, I saw many ladders and tables being put in place. What does that mean? 

Well, William Wilberforce, John Newton and John Bunyan were all proponents of grace – they all disengaged from organized religion where people were controlled by a hierarchy. Bunyan was put in prison twice for preaching that ordinary people could read the Bible for themselves.

Galatians 5:1 "It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery."

There is a mighty move being stirred – many great callings being released. 

But God is sending a great spirit of LIBERTY because we have to hear God for ourselves. It's a wake up call for people who already think they are awake. 

It's a new calling for many people who think they have nothing much to offer. God wants to break that box you have put yourself in or you have allowed others to put you in.

Ladders in Different Places
I know Jesus is THE ladder – in that He is the One that connects us to God, our heavenly Father. 

But there are ladders and places where people have been praying and getting rid of the enemy in the gates and opening up many heavenly portals. 

That's part of the churches ministry – to take the enemy from the gates in the Name of Jesus.

When I was in New Zealand last year, we discovered an ancient spirit guarding the coastline near Ohope. When the pastor and Margaret Knight and I kicked it out, a huge angel came into NZ to call the intercessors to pray for certain things. 

Just like Daniel, the angels of God do get held up sometimes. That's why we have to live in the spirit realm.

By the way, there is nothing hard in that – every one of us can live in the spirit realm. It's our inheritance in Christ. You don't have to qualify – Jesus died and rose again and qualified you forever and He lives and is always making intercession for YOU. 

Maybe you are one of the groups who have been praying, allowing God's ladders to be set up where the angels of God can bring the things God has prepared for you and others.

In these places I've discovered what I call "Table-layers". These are people who lay a table and provide food for others to come and eat. In different areas there are those who make available the tables of God. 

They invite the various ministries to come and then they open the table for others to come and eat. These are going to be tables and ladders to bring great freedom to the Body of Christ. 

That is why angels like the one in Bedford, who helped Wilberforce bring the freedom to the slaves, are involved in this move of liberty. We must be free from our concepts and boxes and listen to what He is saying in this time.

I know there are many surprises for all of us and open doors

Do you remember the angel from New Zealand who came to my house a few years ago and sang me the whole song from Aladdin, "A Whole new world"? It starts off with an invitation. Remember, the prince says to Jasmine, "Do you trust me?" and she replies, "Yes," and the she takes his hand and he takes her on a wonderful ride where she sees things from a whole new perspective.

We seem to think sometimes that for God to bring a move to our place (house or church or meeting place) we sometimes have to do something to "qualify". Well yes, you do – you have to just believe. He is a covenant keeper and He will do as He says.

Hebrides Revival

In the Hebrides Revival (see my book "Bright and Shining Revival") the pastor on the Isle of Lewis (Hebrides Islands) and six men from his church got together in a barn and called out to God for a visitation. Guess what? God heard them because He said, "When you call I will answer." 

When He said, "If you call on Me, if you seek Me... I will heal the land." They did what He said (seek Him) and then started to declare what He said. They believed Him and told people, "God is coming, He is healing the land." They didn't keep praying because they got the answer when He said it the first time.

Then the power of God came and whole towns were saved. The Spirit of God chased people in the bars and dance halls. They ran out to the church or the police station. 

I spoke to people myself who told me that when the presence of God came down they packed up and left the Islands and went to live on the mainland until it was over. They told me, "If we stayed, God would get us." 

They didn't qualify for a spiritual ladder – they just prayed and believed. God sent a ladder, an open Heaven, and they laid a table for people to comer and dine.

Liberty = Freedom

Maybe you are praying and believing – maybe you are a table-layer. You don't have to qualify for that either. You have to step out in faith as you are led by the Spirit to do what He tells you to do, go where He tells you to go, and say what He tells you to say. 

Come on, let's run after Him. Jesus died and rose again to purchase your freedom, not your religious mindsets.

Take that opportunityDon't be in the hold of the ship when the captain is inviting you to His table. The seating is in the heavenly places already prepared for you.

Don't miss the beautiful setting that has your name on it already. There's not another you – you're it. 

God didn't make a spare one of you in case you don't work out.

This is a note from Carol Bengele, who had the initial encounter with the angel from William Wilberforce's ministry:

"I am not sure what the total significance of that encounter is but I know it was monumental. Keys are being given to those who have been crying out to see the religious slavery broken off of God's children. Keys to set the captives free, both saved and unsaved. 

The new Abolitionists are arising who will do whatever is necessary to loose the bound and oppressed
"As for Moggerhanger (the meeting place in Bedford where the conference was held) I believe it will become a place where freedom will be ministered at every level and to every level of society. 

People will come to breathe in the atmosphere and receive a key to influence the lives of those in their own nations. It will be known as "The Freedom Center". Cast off the shackles that keep you bound to anything but Christ. Freely you have received now freely give."

God is sending "cows" (a continual means of provision) – small businesses, to help you to prosper. 

We all have things to do and places to go. I just returned from a wonderful trip to the U.K. Now I am headed for Australia and New Zealand next week. I would love to see you.

Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries

Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

Love. Where are you looking for it?

Look no further. 
He is right by you.
God IS Love.

Jesus (Yeshua) IS God.
The Messiah.
He IS Coming Again.

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