Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Prophetic Dream: A Nasharite Army Is Rising in America - JEREMIAH JOHNSON

God's army
Prophetic Insight, from Charisma Media
On Feb. 16, 2015, I had a prophetic dream where I saw two armies who were facing one another on American soil. One army had a flag that said, "Prayer Movement" and the other army had a flag that said, "Awakening Movement." Riding on white horses, two generals of the movements came out to meet one another.
As these generals gathered, the Spirit of God spoke to me in the dream and said, "These men and these movements must join together to fulfill my purposes in America. For surely intercession gives birth to awakening and awakening gives birth to more intercession. This three-chord strand cannot be easily broken. Many moves of My Spirit have known intercession unto awakening, but I am releasing awakening unto intercession in America that will sustain the coming outpouring of My Spirit. The awakening that is coming to America will give birth to many houses of prayer."
As the Holy Spirit spoke this, these prayer and awakening generals got off their horses and took off their helmets. They got down on their knees and extended a hand to one another. As they grasped hands, lightning from heaven struck the ground and a great shaking began to take place in America. The two armies that were facing one another began to embrace and sharpen one another's swords.
The Spirit of God spoke again in the dream and said, "This is My Nasharite Army that will fulfill My end-time purposes in America. They will intercede for awakening and out of awakening in America will come much intercession. It is not enough to pray for awakening, this Nasharite army must pray through awakening."
In a previous dream on May 5, 2014, I was given greater insight into this Nasharite army as I found myself in a medieval-looking city with thousands of saints who were oppressed and fearful because the enemy had laid siege to the city. I began to rally the people and tell them not to be afraid. Suddenly, several key leaders of the prayer movement in Kansas City, Missouri, appeared and told the people to get ready for battle.
As the army assembled, I began to prophesy in the dream and say, "For every one voice of awakening that God is raising up in America, He is releasing seven voices of prophetic intercession that will prepare the way for the coming revival." This Nasharite army carries the DNA of man named Daniel Nash who at age 48, gave himself to prayer for the meetings of revivalist Charles Finney during the Second Great Awakening in America. Nash would go into territories before Finney's revival meetings and travail and intercede until he won heaven's blessing upon the meetings.
Similar to Daniel Nash, I believe God is raising up a Nasharite army in this hour who will not only cry out for awakening, but labor in the secret place to see it come to pass. As awakening comes, it will be the fuel that drives these men and women back to the place of prayer. It was said that when Daniel Nash died, the ministry of Charles Finney ended. We cannot underestimate the power of prophetic intercession and how directly connected it is to awakening and revival. We must move past simply showing up to revival services and actually give ourselves as believers to travail and intercession. As we begin to experience the burden of God for our generation and watch Him release awakening, it must drive us even further into abiding in Him. Apart from Him we can do nothing (John 15:5).
I prophesy that a uniting of the prayer and awakening movements is coming to America. There will be many strategic gatherings of awakening generals and prayer generals to release the word of the Lord and to deliver clear prayer agendas to the body of Christ. I see a Nasharite army rising in America whose bread is travail and whose water is awakening. These men and women will intercede for awakening and when it comes, it will be a sign to pray some more. We must see awakening sustained in America through a consistent lifestyle of prayer and fasting. There is not other way forward.
Want to know more about the next great move of God? Click here to see Jennifer LeClaire's new book, featuring Dutch Sheets, Reinhard Bonnke, Jonathan Cahn, Billy Graham and others.
Jeremiah Johnson is the servant leader of Heart of the Father Ministry in Lakeland, Florida. A gifted teacher, book author, and prophetic minister, Jeremiah travels extensively throughout the United States and abroad as a conference and guest speaker. Jeremiah and his wife, Morgan, reside in Florida with their two children: Bella Grace and Israel David.
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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Benjamin Netanyahu Speech to Congress 2015 | The New York Times

Benjamin Netanyahu Speech to Congress 2015

Streamed live on Mar 3, 2015
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel delivered a contentious speech on the Iranian nuclear threat before a joint meeting of Congress.

"Why does Netanyahu want to address Congress? He told me..." - Joel Rosenberg

Why does Netanyahu want to address Congress? He told me in this interview about a threat the West “misunderstands.”

by joelcrosenberg
Netanyahu-AIPAC2014(Washington, D.C.) -- Why does Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu want to address a Joint Session of Congress despite intense – even unprecedented -- political attacks against him from the Obama administration, the media, and the left-wing in Israel?
Because he understands something too few in the West do – that the most serious threat we face today is not simply from “Radical Islam,” but from “Apocalyptic Islam.”
“I think the West misunderstood, and still misunderstands, the threat” posed by Iran, Mr. Netanyahu told me during a 2007 interview for a documentary film I was producing. “It is a fanatic, messianic ideology that seeks to have an apocalyptic battle for world supremacy with the West. It seeks to correct what it sees as an accident of history, where the West has risen, and Islam had declined.  The correction is supposed to be done by the resurrection of an Islamic empire and the acquisition of nuclear weapons and the use of nuclear weapons, if necessary, to obliterate Islam’s enemies, and to subjugate the rest.”
“This is a pathological ideology, much like Naziism was,” Mr. Netanyahu, then out of office, continued. “It poses a threat, in my judgment, in many ways bigger than Naziism. Because Hitler embarked on a world conflict and then sought to achieve nuclear weapons, where as the leading Radical Islamic regime – Iran -- is seeking to first acquire nuclear weapons and then embark on a world conflict. And that is what is not yet understood in the West, and certainly, if it’s understood, it’s not acted upon.”
Today, for the first time in human history, the world faces not just one but two nation states whose rulers are driven by an apocalyptic, genocidal, End Times eschatology that seeks not simply to attack us but to annihilate us.
The first is the Islamic Republic of Iran. The second is Islamic State (also known as ISIS or ISIL). The leaders of the former are Shia. The latter are Sunni. Both believe the End of Days has come. Both believe the Islamic messiah – known as the “Mahdi” — is coming at any moment. Both are trying to hasten the coming of the Mahdi so that he can conquer the earth and establish justice and peace. They speak often of such things.
That said, each has a different strategy to speed up the Mahdi’s arrival. ISIS wants to build a caliphate. Iran wants to build The Bomb. ISIS is committing genocide now. Iran is preparing to commit genocide later, openly stating it seeks to wipe Israel off the map and create a world without the United States, which they describe as the “Great Satan.”
In the immediate term, ISIS is more dangerous, as journalist Graeme Wood explains in a must-read article in The Atlantic. Why? Because ISIS is on a jihadist rampage right now – robbing, killing, destroying, enslaving, raping, torturing, beheading and burning people alive.
Longer term, Prime Minister Netanyahu argues that Iran is the most dangerous, especially if the President approves this disastrous nuclear deal. Why? Because the apocalyptic leaders of Iran are biding their time to build a nuclear arsenal capable of killing tens of millions of people in a matter of minutes. Thus, the Prime Minister will urge Congress to do everything in its Constitutional power to block ratification and implementation of treaty with Iran giving the mullahs a legal path to uranium enrichment, plutonium development, building ICBMs, and building nuclear warheads.
Far too few people in the West truly understand the nature and threat of Radical Islam. Fewer still are aware of — much less understand — the nature and threat of Apocalyptic Islam. Indeed, many dismiss these concerns all together.
However, according to a 2012 report by the Pew Research Center, “in most countries in the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia and Southeast Asia, more than half or more of Muslims believe they will live to see the return of the Mahdi.” In a world of 1.5 billion Muslims, that means more than 750 million Muslims believe not only that the Mahdi is coming, but that his arrival is imminent.
In Egypt, 40% of Muslims believe the return of the Mahdi is imminent. In Jordan, the number is 41%. Among Palestinians, it’s 46%. In Iraq, a stunning 72% of Muslims believe the Islamic messiah is coming soon.
What’s more, the Pew report found that an enormous number of Muslims believe that Jesus is literally coming back to earth. In Islamic eschatology, Jesus is not the Savior, nor the Son of God. Thus, Muslims do not believe Jesus will reign as the “King of kings and Lord of lords,” as prophesied in the Bible. Rather, Apocalyptic Islamic eschatology asserts that Jesus will come as a deputy, serving under the Mahdi, forcing people to convert to Islam or die.
In Jordan, 29% of Muslims believe Jesus is coming back to earth. In Egypt, the number is 39%. Among Palestinians, the number is 46%. In Iraq, a remarkable 64% of Muslims believe Jesus is coming back. Not all of these Muslims are dangerous, of course. But the leaders of Apocalyptic Islam are seeking to mobilize the masses who share their End Times theology towards violent, even genocidal, ends.
The President is ignoring such facts and their implications. The Prime Minister is not.
“The Obama presidency has two great missions: fixing the economy, and preventing Iran from gaining nuclear weapons,” Mr. Netanyahu told a reporter in March of 2009, upon coming back to power after a decade in the political wilderness. Speaking of the Iranian leadership, he said, “You don’t want a messianic apocalyptic cult controlling atomic bombs. When the wide-eyed believer gets hold of the reins of power and the weapons of mass death, then the entire world should start worrying, and that is what is happening in Iran.”
Mr. Netanyahu is still sounding the alarm. Mr. Obama is still refusing to listen.
God help us all.
joelcrosenberg | March 3, 2015 at 3:36 am | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Even Saudis Want Netanyahu to Address Congress

Even Saudis Want Netanyahu to Address Congress

Tuesday, March 03, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
As Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepared on Tuesday to address the US Congress regarding the Iran threat, in direct defiance of the Obama White House, at least one nation outside of Israel was supportive of the move: Saudi Arabia.
Writing in the Saudi daily newspaper Al-Jazirah on Monday, columnist Dr. Ahmad Al-Faraj called Netanyahu’s appearance before Congress under such circumstances “unprecedented in US political history.”
Obama Administration officials and Netanyahu’s political rivals in Israel insisted the speech is a mistake and would only serve to damage US-Israel relations. But Dr. Al-Faraj said the Israeli leader was providing a vital service not only to the Jewish state, but the entire Middle East.
“I am very glad of Netanyahu’s firm stance and [his decision] to speak against the nuclear agreement at the American Congress, despite the Obama administration’s anger and fury,” wrote the Saudi. “I believe that Netanyahu’s conduct will serve our interests, the people of the Gulf, much more than the foolish behavior of one of the worst American presidents.”
Al-Faraj hinted Obama’s naive and dangerous behavior in the Middle East had necessitated someone like Netanyahu taking a bold stand.
“…Obama is the godfather of the prefabricated revolutions in the Arab world, and…he is the ally of political Islam, [which is] the caring mother of [all] the terrorist organizations,” he wrote, suggesting that any deal struck by this particular American president could simply not be trusted.
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Netanyahu in US for 'Fateful, Historic Mission'

Netanyahu in US for 'Fateful, Historic Mission'

One day before his address to the U.S. Congress, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu received a rousing reception Monday at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) gathering in Washington.

After weeks of controversy over his appearance in the capital, Netanyahu downplayed differences with President Barack Obama, saying the strong bond between Israel and the United States will continue in spite of deep differences over the approach to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.

"My speech is not intended to show any disrespect to President Obama or the office he holds," Netanyahu said. "I have deep respect for both. I am deeply grateful for his support and show should you be."

What should you expect from Netanyahu's speech before Congress Tuesday? Sr. Political Editor John Waage has more.

Israel's second-longest serving prime minister also highlighted sharp disagreements between U.S. and Israeli leaders in the past, including Secretary of State George Marshall's "vehement" objection to Israel's declaration of statehood in 1948, which Israeli Prime Minister went ahead with over Marshall's protest.

About Iran, Netanyahu said it "envelops the entire world with its tentacles of terror."

"This is what Iran is doing now without nuclear weapons. Imagine what Iran would do with nuclear weapons. And this same Iran vows to annihilate Israel. If it develops nuclear weapons, it would have the means to achieve that goal. We must not let that happen."

For the Israeli prime minister, this trip to the U.S. is a "fateful, even historic, mission."

Netanyahu says he sees himself as an emissary for all Israelis and for the Jewish people. His mission, he believes, is to protect Israel and the Jewish people from the threat of a nuclear Iran.

"As prime minister of Israel, it is my obligation to see to the security of Israel; therefore, we strongly oppose the agreement being formulated with Iran and the major powers, which could endanger our [Notes:Israel's] very existence. In the face of this danger we must unite and also explain the dangers stemming from this agreement, to Israel, to the region and to the world," he said before boarding his flight.

Netanyahu arrived in Washington on Sunday evening ahead of his speeches at the pro-Israel lobby, AIPAC, and what has become a politically controversial address to Congress Tuesday on Iran.

Democrat lawmakers reportedly plan to sit out Netanyahu's speech, calling it an affront to the president because it was allegedly set up without consulting the White House.

Netanyahu considers any deal with Iran that doesn't end its ability to produce nuclear weapons unacceptable -- a clear contrast to the diplomatic negotiations that President Barack Obama is spearheading to try to make a deal with Iran over that program.

And according to a Bethlehem-based news agency, a Kuwaiti newspaper reported Saturday that Obama prevented an Israeli military attack on Iran's nuclear facilities in 2014 by threatening to shoot down Israeli jets before they could reach their targets.

Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry said the diplomatic nuclear deal with Iran will help ensure Israel's security.

"We want to recognize the main goal here is to prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon. And on that, Israel and the United States agree. And the testimony, in fact, to the efficiency with which we've been able to pursue that is the interim agreement that is in place today. Israel is safer today because of the interim agreement that we created," Kerry stated.

U.S. and Iranian officials reported progress in the latest talks on a deal that would freeze Iran's nuclear program for 10 years but then allow it to slowly restart during the final years.

Netanyahu hopes to encourage U.S. lawmakers to question the administration's plan and delay the March 24 deadline for an agreement.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Restore by Steve Porter (Identity Network)


by Steve Porter

Identity Network

"I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts." (Isaiah 57:15)

Rise up, man and woman of God! Rise Up! Shake off that slumbering spirit - there is a mighty warrior within you that needs to awaken! Submit to God; make the choice today to become that person of God, to honor God, and pursue virtue, purity, and holiness.

You say you've blown it big time and you're drowning in the mire of your poor choices? Is it too late? Can God restore my heart? Can I once again walk in purity and holiness before the Lord? YES, you can! YES, you will! YES, He is able! He is the God of the second chance! We all desperately need this revelation, so grab hold of it with all that's in you.

Begin today by letting go of your obsession with the past, where captives stay bound in the prison of their own making. Stop looking back with regret, and instead press on! Yes, PRESS ON! Press forward past the blunders of the past, press on through the guilt and the shame, and press on through the confusion and doubt. He is already standing there bidding you come to the secret place; He is ready to blot out your sins with His holy blood. He is ready to make all things new in your life. He is ready to restore your honor and give you a fresh, new start.

Humble Yourself

Your past may cause you to feel "crushed and overwhelmed" beyond your ability to endure, thinking you'll never get past it, yet humble yourself before your God! Stretch out on the floor, desperate before Him, and share your deepest desire for Him alone. Unload your heartache and brokenness at the foot of His cross and leave it there so He can raise you up brand new.

The Lord responds to a broken, humble heart, to a soul that knows how to repent and admit where it missed the mark. As we rid ourselves of layers of self-love, control and pride, we are clothed anew with the beauty of the Lord.

He desires to restore you and revive your spirit. He desires for you to begin again. Let me say it once more: only humble yourself before the mighty hand of God and:

"...then the LORD your God will restore your fortunes. He will have mercy on you and gather you back from all the nations where he has scattered you." (Deuteronomy 30:3)

You are My Child

I say again, you no longer need to hang your head with guilt and shame; once you have confessed and forsaken your sin, you are a brand new creation in Christ Jesus, and through His shed blood He has made you righteous. And when the devil comes to accuse you of things you've done in the past, use your authority to tell him he's talking to the wrong person, because you are a blood-washed child of God. When you stand up to him and testify to what Jesus did, Satan will have to flee, because the only power he has against you is when he can convince you his lies are true. Refuse to believe a negative word, because Jesus took everything to the cross, and wants to restore to us everything that was lost when Adam sinned. Live as if it is so, because it is!

Because of your longing and love for Him, you will walk in the Spirit again as you pursue faithfulness to Him alone, giving Him first place in your life. Picture this: He gently calls your name, and you approach the Lord. Rays of splendor pour from his hands and heart, and His face shines with a love so pure it drives you to tears; His voice is like the sound of many waters running through your soul when He sings a song of rejoicing over the very day you were born, and His presence captivates you with incredible joy and peace.

He says over you even now:

"I am your Father.  You are my child.  I have never stopped loving you, even while you were turned away. Because you have humbled yourself and repented I will restore all that locusts have eaten, and through my blood you are made whole!"

Steve Porter

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Netanyahu Arrives in US Capital Sunday - CBN News

Netanyahu Arrives in US Capital Sunday

Courtesy GPO
JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu arrived in Washington Sunday evening ahead of his speeches at the American Israel Policy Action Committee (AIPAC) and what has become a highly controversial address to Congress on Iran's nuclear program.
Before boarding the plane with his wife, Sara, Netanyahu said he's embarking on an historic mission just days before Jews observe the Fast of Esther, commemorating the three-day fast in ancient Persia, modern-day Iran, when the Jewish queen risked her life to save her people from annihilation (see Esther 4:16).
"A few days before the Fast of Esther, I am leaving for Washington on a fateful, even historic, mission," Netanyahu said. "I feel that I am the emissary of all Israelis, even those who disagree with me, of the entire Jewish people. I am deeply and genuinely concerned for the security of all Israelis, for the fate of the nation, and for the fate of our people and I will do my utmost to ensure our future."
After praying at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site, in Jerusalem's Old City Saturday evening, Netanyahu told the press he believes in the strength of U.S.-Israeli relations and the ability to overcome "differences of opinion," as it has been in the past and the future as well.
"On the eve my trip to the U.S., I came here to the Western Wall. I would like to take this opportunity to say that I respect U.S. President Barack Obama. I believe in the strength of the relationship between Israel and the US and in their strength to overcome differences of opinion, those that have been and those that will yet be."
Netanyahu said he's obligated to speak out on behalf of the Jewish state.
"As prime minister of Israel, it is my obligation to see to the security of Israel," he said. "Therefore, we strongly oppose the agreement being formulated with Iran and the major powers, which could endanger our [Israel's] very existence. In the face of this danger we must unite and also explain the dangers stemming from this agreement, to Israel, to the region and to the world."
Netanyahu is scheduled to address participants at the annual AIPAC policy conference mid-morning Monday and a joint session of Congress Tuesday. CBN News will live stream both addresses on its website.
Some experts speculate Netanyahu may share details about Iran that will force the U.S. president to justify the deal he's working on with the Iranians.

Is Christian Persecution Reaching Biblical Proportions? - Franklin Graham on 700 Club

Is Christian Persecution Reaching Biblical Proportions?

Evangelist Franklin Graham says President Obama is sympathetic to Islam and is giving Muslim groups access to influence U.S. foreign policy, which eventually will lead to persecution of Christians and Jews in America. In an exclusive interview on CBN’s 700 Club Interactive program, Graham told host Gordon Robertson that the president’s upbringing is the reason he favors Islam.

“We’re going to see persecution in this country because our president is very sympathetic to Islam and the reason I say that, Gordon, is because his father was a Muslim, gave him a Muslim name, Barack Hussein Obama. His mother married another Muslim man, they moved to Indonesia, he went to Indonesian schools. So, growing up his frame of reference and his influence as a young man was Islam. It wasn’t Christianity, it was Islam,” he said.

Graham, who heads the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and the Christian relief agency Samaritan’s Purse, has been outspoken in his criticism of President Obama. He said the president has opened the doors of the White House to Muslim groups who are shaping foreign policy, including how the administration views the war on terror and especially U.S. relations with Israel.

“There are Muslims that have access to him in the White House. Our foreign policy has a lot of influence now, from Muslims. We see the Prime Minister of Israel being snubbed by the President and by the White House and by the Democrats and it’s because of the influence of Islam. They hate Israel and they hate Christians, and so the storm is coming I believe Gordon,” the evangelist said.

Graham agreed it was President Bush who first sought out Muslim groups for advice after the terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in 2001.

“After 9-11 the Bush Administration began to allow Muslims to come into various governmental agencies to advise us how to respond to Muslims and how to respond to Islam. …What’s happened is you now have radical Islamists who are advising various levels of government and it’s going to get worse and nobody seems to be alarmed about it. Nobody is saying anything about this and we as Christians are going to lose.”

Viewers can see the full interview on the 700 Club Interactive on Monday, March 2 on the ABC Family at 9:30 am EDT.

Click here to see watch the entire interview.

Political Activist: ‘Blacks Must Continue to Support Israel’

Political Activist: ‘Blacks Must Continue to Support Israel’

Political activist Star Parker
Political activist Star Parker (Facebook)
The of the United Kingdom reported recently that the White House sent a message to members of the Black Caucus to "skip" Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on March 3. Syndicated columnist, author and conservative political activist Star Parker says this "sends a powerful message to Americans—especially the black community—that being black requires opposition to Israel.
"Members of the Black Caucus have agreed to make a spectacle out of Israel and walk out of Benjamin Netanyahu's speech," Parker said. "We must not let this happen. We must show the media that the black community is NOT united with the president nor the Black Caucus.
"Like abortion, homosexual marriage and gun rights, African-Americans are once again not represented by the black liberal leadership. We need to tell the truth! Blacks have long supported Israel—Dr. Martin Luther King was outspoken in his support of Israel and today there is a street named for him in Jerusalem. We can destroy the impact that the Black Caucus will have when they walk out.
On Thursday, Parker plans to hold an emergency press conference with many black pastors whom she invited to Washington, D.C.
"In front of the media, we will stand firm with Israel," Parker says. "And we will stand against the Black Caucus who want to try to speak for the black community."
Parker is feverishly attempting to raise funds for the press conference by Thursday. She says it will cost a total of $25,662 to do so, and she already has raised more than $16,000. If you wish to donate to this cause, please click here and visit
"You know we will get the media's attention," Parker said. "We did it before when black pastors stood with me in support of gun rights. We did it again when we demanded Congress to protect black babies and black women from predatory abortionists. Your sponsorship of this press conference will go a long way to change our culture."
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Christian Soldier: I Defend Israel, I Have No Other Home

Christian Soldier: I Defend Israel, I Have No Other Home

Sunday, March 01, 2015 |  Ryan Jones  ISRAEL TODAY
News has been swirling that ISIS is again on the rampage against Christians in Iraq and Syria.
Reports indicate that no fewer than 35 Assyrian Christian villages have been targeted in northeastern Syria in recent weeks. Most of these villages are now empty of inhabitants. The lucky ones fled, but dozens and perhaps hundreds have been abducted by ISIS and await a grizzly fate.
Those monitoring Arab media reported last week that at least 15 of the Assyrian Christians taken by ISIS have already been publicly beheaded because they had dared to take up arms in defense of their homes.
In posting that story to Facebook, a young Israeli Christian named George said it was a harsh reminder of why he and so many young Israeli Christians like him willingly and happily volunteer to serve in the Israeli army.
“I will continue to defend and protect the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state, the Holy Land,” wrote George. “I have no other country,” he added, echoing the Jewish cry for the Land of Israel.
George further noted how ludicrous it was for activists on campuses around the world to protest Israel as an “apartheid” state when he and other Arabic-speaking Christians are free to speak out and defend this nation, even as fellow Christians are butchered just for being Christians in a neighboring country.
The young Christian soldier’s words were posted to the Facebook page of the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum, which encourages local Aramean Christian youth to serve in the IDF as a first step toward full integration with Israeli Jewish society.
PHOTO: Father Gabriel Naddaf, spiritual leader of the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum, joins several young Arabic-speaking Aramean Christians as they are inducted into the Israel Defense Forces.
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