Friday, July 10, 2015

One Year Since Operation Protective Edge ✡ "A Stronghold to Save Me"

Incline Your ear to me, quickly rescue me; be a rock of strength to me, a stronghold to save me.

PSALMS (31:4)

הַטֵּה אֵלַי אָזְנְךָ מְהֵרָה הַצִּילֵנִי הֱיֵה לִי לְצוּר מָעוֹז לְבֵית מְצוּדוֹת לְהוֹשִׁיעֵנִי

תהילים לא:ד

ha-tay ay-lai az-n'-kha m'-hay-ra ha-tzee-lay-nee he-yay lee l'-tzur ma-oz l'-bayt m'-tzu-dot l'-ho-shee-ay-nee

Shabbat Inspiration

This week marks the one year anniversary of the start of Operation Protective Edge. While the Iron Dome was highly praised for the protection it provided, Israel's only southern hospital, Soroka Medical Center, gained its own nickname, “Israel's Iron Dome for Health.” Soroka was the safe landing ground for injured IDF soldiers and civilians during the war. Since learning of its role in treating IDF soldiers, LIBI USA has committed to donating much-needed funds to expand Soroka's Trauma Unit. We pray that God will be "a rock of strength" for the soldiers of the IDF, and keep all of the People of Israel safe and secure in these dangerous times.

What it Takes to Become an IAF Pilot

He's only 22 but he has what it takes to be a top fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force.

Israeli Hospital Prepares for War

The only Israeli hospital on the southern front prepares for the next breakout of Hamas rockets.

IDF Paratroopers Sweatshirt

This great hooded sweatshirt bears the emblem of the Paratroopers Brigade, an elite combat unit of the Israel Defense Forces. Stand in solidarity with the soldiers and wear this awesome sweatshirt with pride!

Today's Israel Photo

A rare glimpse into the work of IDF paratroopers as they land in their new training field in the Negev desert of southern Israel.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“Thank You For All Your Hard Work”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

I am from Bethel, Alaska and enjoy reading your posts every day. Thank you for the beautiful photos and Scriptures and thoughts that you share. My prayers are with Israel that as the nation seeks to serve the living God and follow His plan that His blessings and protection will be very evident. From a fellow member of the family of God, Celia Picazo, Alaska

Shalom, I enjoy your daily news and videos that brings back some memories when my husband David and I were in Israel in 2010... Our hearts are always there in Israel. Thank you for all your hard work in your daily news. May you know you have friends here in Maryland with us. Sincerely, Debbie & David Brant, Monkton, Maryland  USA
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz

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Jonathan Cahn Offers Biblical Insight on Elul 29—The Day of Nullification

Jonathan Cahn Offers Biblical Insight on Elul 29—The Day of Nullification

The New York Stock Exchange went dark on Wednesday. The nation of Greece is seeing its financial crisis grow worse by the day and some are wondering if China could be facing a 1929 moment.
The New York Stock Exchange went dark on Wednesday. The nation of Greece is seeing its financial crisis grow worse by the day and some are wondering if China could be facing a 1929 moment. (Reuters)
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The New York Stock Exchange went dark on Wednesday. The nation of Greece is seeing its financial crisis grow worse by the day and some are wondering if China could be facing a 1929 moment.
Against this backdrop, the Bank of International Settlements has warned that the world is unable to fight the next global financial crash because central banks have spent everything they have to overcome the last meltdown.
None of this is any surprise to prophets who understand the end times. Jonathan Cahn, author of The Harbinger and The Mystery of the Shemitah, has some sobering thoughts on the events unfolding before our eyes.
"We are now approaching the final two months of the Shemitah," says Cahn, who stunned millions across America and the world with the mysteries revealed in his New York Times best-seller The Harbinger. He now uncovers and reveals a new realm of astonishing mysteries so big they lie behind everything from world wars, the rise and fall of nations, economic recession and financial collapse and your future. 
As he sees it, this is the most crucial time on the biblical calendar. 
"In September, the Shemitah reaches it peak on Elul 29, the Day of Nullification, when all debt and credit are wiped away. The markets have been largely expanding for several years. So to see the sudden destabilization of the global financial realm, in Greece, Europe and China, just as we head toward the Shemitah's climax is especially striking," Cahn says.
"Added to this, the Greek crisis specifically deals with issue of debt and debt relief—the central issue of the Shemitah. Whether or not the Greek crisis finds a resolution, the very fact that such sudden destabilization occurred as the Shemitah nears its conclusion may be taken as a first alarm."
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Israel: 3K French Jews to Make Aliya this Summer

Israel: 3K French Jews to Make Aliya this Summer

JERUSALEM, Israel -- Some 130 French Jews arrived in Israel Monday, with an additional 400 expected by week's end, in the first leg of a summer aliyah that's expected to bring up to 3,000 new immigrants from France, according to The Jewish Agency.
Another 80 French tourists who decided to make Israel their home also received their citizenship.
Summer is an ideal time for families with school age children to make aliyah -- immigrate to Israel under the Law of Return, which says if you have one Jewish grandparent, you're eligible for Israeli citizenship.
Last year, more French Jews immigrated to Israel than from any other country, in part as a result of rising anti-Semitism and a spate of recent terror attacks, including one this past weekend.
Israeli Absorption Minister Ze'ev Elkin welcomed the new immigrants "with open arms."
"Every plane that arrives in Israel strengthens Israel and strengthens the French Jews who have come home," Elkin said. 
"As anti-Semitism increases, terrorism surges, and sick ISIS operatives carry out murders in broad daylight, Jews around the world know they have a country and a family to return to," Elkin said. "We welcome you with open arms."
Jewish Agency chairman Natan Sharanksy said Europe is becoming "an uncomfortable place for Jews."
"We are seeing an unprecedented wave of aliyah from European countries, which indicates not only how Europe is becoming an uncomfortable place for Jews, but even more importantly, the extent to which Israel is becoming a magnet for Jews interested in a meaningful Jewish life in freedom, personal security and a sense of belonging to a country that is integral to the future of the Jewish people," Sharansky said.

The Beautiful Breaking Process of God (Deeply Cut) by Michelle Holderman

The Beautiful Breaking Process of God (Deeply Cut) 

by Michelle Holderman

Identity Network

I am broken.

I am cut.

Deeply to the core of my being.

And God did it.

I liken it somewhat to Jacob and his limp (Genesis 32:22-32). Wrestling with God will bring you to a place of complete brokenness, and perhaps less hair, but there is also a divine beauty in the breaking He brings. It changes you. And absolutely no one can understand this unless they've experienced it too.

It's a lonely, painful place to be. But it also produces something of great worth: refining us as gold. I call it a painful but precious process.

Through it, we find Him out. And I'm not talking about superficial things. I'm talking deeper layers. Deeper within deeper and then even deeper places. We're brought into greater depths in Him because we are in His breaking process.

Many people don't want to hear this or even entertain the thought that He works in this way, but I have found He does. And He has a purpose for it, which we don't often fully understand while it's happening.

The truth is it's gut-wrenching. It's maddening. And it feels like you're going to die. Actually in a way you do. There is a death to self. A beautiful death. We die with Christ and are also raised with Him (Ephesians 2:6, Colossians 3:1). But we also die more to the flesh in order to make room for the Holy Spirit to expand within us.

Real Talk Moment

In this place God seems harsh, distant, and uncaring. Suddenly, and rather shockingly, He's not exactly who we thought He was. This is not as awful or fatal as it sounds but it is true. It's not fun when we're going through it, but if The Father is going to use us in a great way, we must go through His great breaking process. And through this necessary process, we come to know parts of Him we never would otherwise.

It can feel like a paradox. His kindness seems to take a back seat to the breaking that's underway. It seems severe like He's tearing us a part. It also seems awesome because He's teaching us so much and revealing more of Himself and His ways to us. It's altogether wonderful and painstaking. The key is in realizing it won't last forever. However, we will be forever changed.

You can't go deep with Him and not come out changed.

Just as Jacob left limping after His encounter with God at Penuel, He also left with a new name. He found out who he really was called to be. He found out his true identity.

"What is your name?" the Man asked. "Jacob," was his reply. "It isn't anymore," the Man told him. "It is Israel - one who has power with God. Because you have been strong with God, you shall prevail with men." Genesis 32:27-28

So it is With Us

We will all have our Penuel times with The Lord. And if we keep holding onto Him, if we don't let go, we'll emerge forever changed. We will be empowered by God because of the struggle. The question isn't will we struggle. The question is, will we keep holding onto God despite the struggle?

The holy breaking process is ordained by God himself, and will leave us cut and empowered with His will and His purposes. And it will reveal our true identity in Christ.

Just like Jacob's limp was a sign of his struggle to never let go of God, so is the proverbial cut.  His cut on us is our mark from Him, so to speak. It says we've been in the deep places with Him.

So many believers are only concerned with how trustworthy God is but that's a two-way street. He is also looking for those He can trust as well.

How do You Find Out Who You can Trust?

It's usually in the most painful of places this is revealed. You'll see who you can really depend on there. Not everybody will get in the dirt with you; or for you, for that matter. Not everyone can tolerate the deep places or the heat and pressure that comes with it. But those who can, those who will, are the ones you'll find you really can trust. And they'll trust you back. It's a place of revealing.

So not only do we find Him out, He finds us out too. It's a unique place of exchange that transpires through much difficulty and controlled chaos. Like a birthing process, the pain produces something beautiful. I know that might not make much sense - unless you've experienced it. If that's the case then you know what I'm saying is true. And it's one of the most difficult truths to convey because it is such a deeper revealing of how He desires to lovingly work in our lives.

In his book, The Root of The Righteous, A.W. Tozer pens this difficult truth so well. Or at least I think he does:

"The flaming desire to be rid of every unholy thing and to put on the likeness of Christ at any cost is not often found among us. We expect to enter the everlasting kingdom of our Father and to sit down around the table with sages, saints and martyrs; and through the grace of God, maybe we shall; yes maybe we shall. But for the most of us it could prove at first an embarrassing experience. Ours might be the silence of the untried soldier in the presence of the battle-hardened heroes who have fought the fight and won the victory and who have scars to prove that they were present when the battle was joined. Thus, it is necessary for God to use suffering in his holy work of preparing his saints, it is doubtful whether God can bless a man greatly until he has hurt him deeply." 

Two Ways to Look at This

We can ultimately look at this in one of two ways.

We'll either see God as being a cruel and uncaring taskmaster.


We'll see the love and wisdom of our Heavenly Father at work; preparing us and purifying us for His greater purposes. And greater, deeper intimacy is always a result.

God doesn't entrust His power to just anybody; especially novices. He's looking for people who will allow Him to take them through His process. People who are truly led and walk by the Spirit. People who allow Him to operate outside of the box in their lives. This is why the breaking process is so costly. He's looking for those He can entrust His heart and His purposes to. And that's no small thing.

I've found the more He does this in my own life, the more of himself He pours into those broken open places, and the more abiding friendship I have with Him there; unlike any other place. What I realize most is how very much I need it.

Please don't mistake this for something it's not. God isn't being mean or on some kind of sadistic power trip. The breaking process is vital in a believer's life. And that process looks different for each of us. Nevertheless, through it, we learn to surrender our will to His so that we ultimately know how to walk in true obedience.

Just as Jesus learned obedience through the things he suffered (Hebrews 5:7-8), so do we.
Mind you, it's for different reasons, but as we truly follow after Christ, as we take up our own crosses daily, we learn to walk in obedience as our Lord and Savior did. Not in an overbearing or legalistic kind of way, but in the way Jesus was yielded to The Father. As a result, we become more deeply rooted in Him. We also take on more of His nature. It's really a transformative process. And while it is often painful, the outcome is truly beautiful and freeing.

Listen, The Lord doesn't just cut us open and then leave us exposed. Instead, He fills those places with Himself - with His beauty. As a result, we come to know Him better, and in turn; we're better able to reflect more of who He really is. He shines brighter through us.

And that's always a beautiful thing.

Michelle Holderman

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Knesset Cuts Tax Benefits to Messianic Group

Knesset Cuts Tax Benefits to Messianic Group

Yachad Ramat Hasharon Facebook page
JERUSALEM, Israel -- The Knesset Finance Committee voted Wednesday to cut tax benefits to a Messianic Jewish congregation, saying it breaks the law by baptizing Jews.

While the committee, chaired by United Torah Judaism MK Moshe Gafni, extended tax benefits to 54 other organizations for contributions to their work, Yachad Ramat Hasharon will no longer be eligible.

"The state does not need to fund groups that break the law," Israeli media quoted Gafni. "An organization that baptizes Jews is breaking the law and we certainly do not need to strengthen its activities. Any organization that we find breaking the law will not get the benefit."

"It's against the law to baptize Jews as Christians and if we would have authorized the benefit for this organization, it would mean that the government is allowing and even encouraging fund-raising for missionary activities that undermine the Jewishness of the state," Gafni concluded.

Despite the Finance Committee chairman's accusations, the decision is illegal under Israeli law so the congregation has firm footing to appeal and win a reversal.

Israeli law stipulates two illegalities in its penal code for missionary work. The first prohibits enticing conversion to another faith with material remuneration of any kind and the second prohibits proselytizing minors under the age of 18.

On its Facebook page, Yachad Ramat Hasharon describes itself as Watchmen on the Wall, providing a format to discuss revelation, prophecy and salvation.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Biblical Greeting Cards Will Touch Your Heart ✡ "They Will Buy Fields"

For so says the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel; Houses and fields and vineyards shall be purchased again in this land.

JEREMIAH (32:15)

כִּי כֹה אָמַר יְ-הֹוָה צְבָאוֹת אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל עוֹד יִקָּנוּ בָתִּים וְשָׂדוֹת וּכְרָמִים בָּאָרֶץ הַזֹּאת

ירמיהו לב:טו

kee ko a-mar a-do-nai tz'-va-ot e-lo-hai yis-ra-ayl od yi-ka-nu ba-teem v'-sa-dot u-kh'-ra-meem ba-a-retz ha-zot

Today's Israel Inspiration

As the Babylonian army surrounds Jerusalem, Jeremiah receives a truly confusing instruction from God. He is told to purchase a piece of the Land, though the Jewish people are on the verge of exile! This signified God's promise that He will never forget His people, and they will yet return to their Land. This summer marks ten long and painful years since the Israeli towns of Gush Katif and others were handed over to the Palestinians in Israel's tremendous quest for peace. Over 8,000 Jewish residents were evacuated from their beloved homes, made even more tragic as most had nowhere to go. A former Gush Katif resident, Tina Nagar, turned her beautiful photography into a set of greeting cards. The photos commemorate her lost garden, and represent her hope to return to her home.

The Fall of the Last Jewish Community in Gaza

You'll be so moved by the spirit of the evacuees who keep their focus on rebuilding in the Holy Land, even as their world crumbles.

Leading Israeli Rabbi Declares the Messiah as Imminent

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, a leading authority in mainstream Ultra-Orthodox Judaism, has been giving clear messages recently that the coming of the Messiah is imminent. He is urging Jews to make Aliyah as soon as possible.

My State Stands with Israel

Does your U.S. State support Israel? Show the drivers of the world that you are not ashamed to stand with Israel and the Jewish people! We'll personalize this bumper sticker according to your U.S. state.

Today's Israel Photo

These gorgeous fields take our breath away! Noam Chen took this photo in the Upper Galilee.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

“I Find Your Daily Messages Interesting and Morally Uplifting”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I find your daily messages interesting and morally uplifting. Were I to believe in the efficacy of prayer I would certainly direct mine to the people of Israel. Kind Regards, Ronald Westwood, Australia

Love all the informative articles and beautiful photos! Truly a blessing! Sandy from Tennessee, USA
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Remember This When You Tirelessly Stand With Israel

Remember This When You Tirelessly Stand With Israel

The relationship between the United States and Israel continues to deteriorate.
The relationship between the United States and Israel continues to deteriorate. (iStock photo )
Standing With Israel
Have you ever needed encouragement in your stance with Israel? You would hardly be human if you didn't.
For example, here is a partial, short list of global events targeting Israel in the past several days, even as the prayers and labors of many continue on her behalf:
  1. The United Nations issues unbalanced condemnation against Israel for last year's Gaza War.
  2. Palestinians submit war crimes charges against Israel to the International Criminal Court.
  3.  The U.S. does not abide by its own law to withhold funding to the Palestinian Authority for submitting the criminal charges.
  4. A new U.S. law permits boycott of products from Israel's West Bank—which is consistent with previously stated American intent for Israel to retreat to its 1949 Armistice lines.
  5. The U.S. and other nations appear to surrender to Iran's strategy for obtaining nuclear weapons with which to annihilate Israel.
  6. The U.S. Supreme Court concludes that West Jerusalem is not inside Israel
  7. The Islamic State, aka ISIS, gains a presence inside Israel and issues a threat to overrun it
  8. France revives efforts at the U.N. to create a Palestinian state (that would quickly be overrun by the Islamic State) based on 1949 Armistice lines and dividing Jerusalem
  9. The large Church of Christ denomination joins the global BDS movement
  10. Internationally funded, murderous terror by Palestinians against Israelis escalates during Ramadan. 
Israel is a stand-alone nation, and prophesied to be such, in Numbers 22-24. The Numbers passage takes on special significance this week (July 4-10) according to Jewish tradition. This is because observant Jews read and study set portions of the Hebrew Scriptures appointed for each week of the year.
At the end of a year, the entire Torah will have been read, along with most of the other Hebrew Scriptures. Then the cycle repeats. Numbers 22-24 comprises the reading set for this week. Some Messianic believers note a remarkable convergence of the traditional weekly portions and international events.
In Numbers 23:9, God describes His people as set apart and not "reckoned," or "counted among," or "considered the same as," all other peoples and nations. In context, He is blessing His people through a beautiful prophetic oracle.
But the Hebrew text does not refer solely to God's perspective of Israel. It implies that Israel does not—and should not—consider herself the same as the other nations. Therefore, perhaps we should not be too surprised that she is increasingly isolated, disenfranchised and even scapegoated by the world in these last days.
To be sure, God does not approve of the nations' unjust mistreatment of Israel. He does not want us participating in, or ignoring, that mistreatment. The more the nations curse her, the more He wants His followers from among the nations persevering by grace to bless her. The same passage reminds us, "May those who bless you be blessed and those who curse you be cursed" (Numbers 24:9).
God will bless you who bless Israel, but that doesn't mean you're exempt from battle or hardship in this life. Blessing, as you know, can be costly. Yet God's rewards are ultimately of much greater value.
So when you find yourself tempted by discouragement in your stance for Israel, turn quickly to Him. Don't let discouragement morph into fleshly anger, or doubting His Word, or love growing cold, or quitting from weariness in doing well.
Instead, interact heart to heart with Yeshua, who was personally tempted by all these things. Tell Him how you feel. (He already knows but verbalizing is powerful.) Worship and praise Him as good, sovereign and victorious. Let the sure hope and beauty of His Word saturate into you. Soak in His Spirit, who is your Helper. And expect God to respond to you.
Maybe He wants simply to strengthen you with His limitless love and joy. Perhaps He wants to tweak your understanding or perspective, or refine you to be more like Yeshua.
Israel is about Him. Remember that neither Israel, nor you or I were ever meant to be "reckoned" among the nations. We have something and Someone much better than that to live for.
Sandra Teplinsky has been in the Messianic Jewish ministry since 1979. She is president of
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Why the Pope Should Be Worried About Latin America - J. Lee Grady

Why the Pope Should Be Worried About Latin America

Pope Francis
Pope Francis
Pope Francis, leader of the world's Roman Catholics, arrives today in Bolivia—the second country on his three-nation tour. He will meet with President Evo Morales, visit bishops and nuns, and wave at countless adoring fans on the streets of La Paz. His visit will be upbeat, but this revered "pope of the poor" has a big concern: Millions of Latin Americans are leaving the Catholic Church to join Pentecostal groups.
Even though this popular pope is from Argentina and speaks Spanish, he is losing his grip on the region.
The Pew Research Center reported last year that 40 percent of the world's Catholics—more than 425 million—live in Latin America. Yet nearly 1 in 5 Latin Americans now describe themselves as Protestants. The Catholic population of Brazil—the largest Catholic nation in the world—has slipped by more than 20 percent in the past 13 years, according to the Washington Times. Today, about 40 million Brazilians are evangelicals, and this number is expected to grow to 109 million by 2020.
Guatemala was 90 percent Catholic in the mid-1950s. Thanks to a Pentecostal revival that hit the country after the 1976 Guatemala City earthquake, and subsequent waves of church growth, 1 in 3 Guatemalans are now evangelical Christians. Similar growth is occurring in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Paraguay, where Pope Francis will end his tour next week.
I have seen this Pentecostal revival up close during the past two weeks, when I ministered in Guayaquil, Ecuador and five cities in Bolivia. The statistics don't lie. There is a spiritual hunger brewing in Latin America that outshines what I have seen anywhere on the planet.
In Ecuador I preached at Centro Cristiano de Guayaquil, an Assemblies of God congregation that has grown to 9,000 members in 30 years. It has been pastored all those years by an American couple, Jerry and Janice Smith, who built a 3,300-seat auditorium and a K-12 school that now has 4,600 students. The church ministers to more than 1,600 children every Sunday.
When I spoke at the Guayaquil church I witnessed a spiritual hunger that is rare in the United States. People jammed into the sanctuary for an 8 a.m. service, and some returned for the 10 a.m. and noon service just because they wanted to hear more of God's Word. In each meeting people came to the altar to give their lives to Christ for the first time.
I arrived in Boliva on July 1 to work with Ekklesia Church, a movement that began in the early 1970s after a charismatic revival erupted in the capital city of La Paz. Today the church has planted congregations in dozens of cities all over the mountainous country. The pastor, Alberto Salcedo, and his wife, Silvia—who hosts the popular Vaso Frágil program on the Enlace Network—are training an army of Christians through cell groups, intense worship and leadership classes.
When I visited the Ekklesia church in the mining city of Potosí (which has an elevation of 13,420 feet), hundreds of people packed into a conference center near the center of town. More than 50 people came to the altar for salvation, including a man who had alcohol on his breath. When I prayed for him, he told me that it was the first time he had ever visited a church with his wife and young daughter. He prayed to receive Christ and said he wants to end his alcohol addiction.
I saw similar responses in meetings in other Bolivian cities such as Sucre, Cochabamba and Oruro. Many of the people who have joined these churches are former Catholics who now prefer a lively Pentecostal worship style and more contemporary sermons. They have traded rote tradition for relevant teaching on family, sexual purity and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Pentecostals in Latin America are also challenging long-held cultural traditions, including superstitious idolatry, witchcraft and male superiority. In a meeting I did in La Paz earlier this week, a man who has been regularly beating his wife came to the altar in tears to repent of his abuse.
Another thing I noticed on this trip was the striking number of youth and young adults in the meetings. In Ecuador, more than 1,700 came for a Saturday night youth service, and some literally ran to the altar when I challenged them to go deeper with God. In Bolivia, teenagers often came to the front of the church during worship so they could dance freely—and many responded when I challenged them to pursue the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
These young Latin American believers represent a new generation that is passionate for God. They want so much more than tradition. If Pentecostal churches continue to grow at the pace we are seeing today, it's likely we will witness a total spiritual transformation of the region that Pope Francis calls home.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of The Mordecai Project. You can follow him on Twitter @leegrady. Check out his ministry at He flew home from Bolivia the day Pope Francis arrived there.
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Did You Notice America Saw No July 4th Fireworks Until It Was Dark Enough? - Bill Yount

Posted: 07 Jul 2015 
 While singing the song, 10,000 reasons, this verse gripped me, "Let me be singing when the evening comes." I don't know about you but I want to be singing when the evening comes. It's easy to sing in the morning but in the evening is when darkness sets in. Did you notice America saw no July 4th fireworks until it was dark enough? I can imagine 10,000 children asking their parents, "Daddy, Mommy, when will the fireworks start?" Parents in vain tried to explain to their children, "It's not dark enough!" I wonder if there's a blessing about darkness that we as God's children don't understand yet?

 Did you notice when the fireworks began you no longer focused on the dark night but were mesmerized by the awesome bright lights exploding, sounding like giant boom boxes penetrating the dark sky and shaking the earth? The darkness only enhanced and seemed to energize the fireworks as they danced on heaven's ceiling. As I watched, I sensed the Lord saying, "Bill, that's you! That's My people. The world will begin to see My people like fireworks in their darkest night.

 I'm setting the stage using the backdrop of gross darkness. So far the world has only heard the enemy play his out of tune instrument since he fell like lighting from heaven. He lost his place in the choir. But I have an orchestra about to be heard from in the nations. And this is the part where My grand finale comes in to be seen and heard from. My explosive fireworks will cause multitudes to look up and be in awe and draw them out of darkness. My salvation, healing, deliverance, and glory captivating those in darkness will begin to fall down upon them shaking the earth.

Keep singing and worshiping Me as the evening comes. You are My grand finale in the darkness.


Bill Yount