Monday, July 27, 2015

Study: American Evangelicals Stand Behind Israel

Study: American Evangelicals Stand Behind Israel

A recent LifeWay Research study shows, as a whole, American Evangelicals stand behind Israel.
A recent LifeWay Research study shows, as a whole, American Evangelicals stand behind Israel. (iStock photo )
Standing With Israel
A recent LifeWay Research study shows that American evangelicals remain among the strongest supporters of the nation of Israel.
Most believe God has plans for that nation, both now and in the future. And many of America's preachers say Christians need to support Israel.
Those are among the findings of a LifeWay study of American attitudes toward Israel and the Bible. As part of the study, researchers conducted two separate surveys of 1,000 Americans, along with a survey of 1,000 senior pastors of Protestant churches.
"No piece of literature has had more impact on American culture than the Bible," said Scott McConnell, vice president of LifeWay Research. "No country is more intertwined with the ancient biblical narrative than Israel, and evangelical Americans see a contemporary connection with the nation."
Researchers found evangelicals see a close tie between God and Israel.
About 7 in 10 (69 percent) say the modern nation of Israel was formed as result of biblical prophecy. A similar number (70 percent) say God has a special relationship with the modern nation of Israel. And nearly three-fourths of evangelicals (73 percent) say events in Israel are part of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation.
While evangelicals remain convinced about a tie between Israel and God's plans, Americans generally are less certain.
Less than half (46 percent) believe the formation of modern Israel is a fulfillment of biblical prophecy. More than a third (36 percent) disagree, while 17 percent aren't sure.
Americans are split down the middle over whether Jews are God's chosen people as referenced in the Bible, with just under half (46 percent) saying they agree. A similar number (44 percent) disagree, while 10 percent are not sure.
And some Americans think God was closer to ancient Israel than to the modern-day nation.
About two-thirds (64 percent) of Americans say God had a "special relationship with ancient Israel." About 1 in 4 (27 percent) disagrees, while 9 percent are not sure.
In contrast, only 48 percent of Americans say God has a special relationship with modern Israel—fewer than the 53 percent of Americans who believe God has a special relationship with the United States, according to previously released LifeWay research.
About 4 in 10 (39 percent) disagree that God has a special relationship with modern Israel, while 13 percent are not sure.
Evangelicals (70 percent) are much more likely to agree than Americans who don't identify as evangelicals (38 percent).
Overall, nearly half (47 percent) of Americans believe events in Israel are tied to the Book of Revelation. Forty percent disagree, and 13 percent are unsure.
Younger Americans, those 18-24, are less likely (36 percent) to see a tie between Israel and the Book of Revelation than those 45 and older (52 percent).
Women (52 percent) are more likely to agree than men (42 percent). Those with graduate degrees (24 percent) are much less likely to agree events in Israel are part of the prophecies in Revelation than those with a high school degree or less (55 percent).
Support for Israel
Schooling and prophecy both play a role in how Americans view Israel. When asked whether they support Israel's statehood, 42 percent agree, while 35 percent disagree. One in four (23 percent) is not sure.
Higher levels of education correlate to higher levels of support for Israeli statehood. Those with a graduate degree are most likely to be supporters at 61 percent, followed by those with a bachelor's degree (56 percent), those with some college (43 percent), and those with a high school diploma or less (31 percent).
Slightly more than half of men (51 percent) say they support Israeli statehood, compared to a third (33 percent) of women. Support is also significantly higher among evangelicals (50 percent) than others (39 percent).
Supporters are split on the reasons they back Israel. Sixteen percent say the Bible tells them to, and 9 percent say it's because Israel is important for biblical prophecy.
Some (13 percent) say they support Israel primarily because Israel is America's best friend in the Middle East. Others say it's because Jews needed a refuge after the Holocaust (11 percent) or because Israel is the one and only Jewish homeland (15 percent).
Though the term Zionist is synonymous with believing Jews should have their own state, only eight percent of Americans claim this label. A third (32 percent) of Americans are not sure whether they are Zionist.
Among the most ardent of Israel's supporters are senior pastors of Protestant churches. Most (80 percent) agree "Christians should support Israel." About one in 7 (14 percent) disagrees.
Even though they support Israel, some pastors have their doubts about Israel's military actions. About 4 in 10 (41 percent) agree with the statement, "It is hard to defend Israel's military tactics." Fifty percent disagree, while 9 percent are not sure.
McConnell noted, "It is surprising that evangelicals, who have such a fascination with Israel's biblical connections, are no more likely to have an opinion about Israel's statehood than other Americans."
Bob Smietana is former senior writer for Facts & Trends magazine.
The first phone survey of Americans was conducted September 19-28, 2014. The second phone survey of Americans was conducted September 26-October 5, 2014. The calling utilized Random Digit Dialing. Sixty percent of completes were among landlines and 40 percent among cell phones. Maximum quotas and slight weights were used for gender, region, age, ethnicity, and education to more accurately reflect the population. The completed sample is 1,000 surveys. The sample provides 95% confidence that the sampling error does not exceed plus or minus 3.5 percent. Margins of error are higher in sub-groups. Those labeled evangelicals consider themselves "a born again, evangelical, or fundamentalist Christian."
The phone survey of Protestant pastors was conducted September 11-18, 2014. The calling list was a stratified random sample drawn from a list of all Protestant churches. Each interview was conducted with the senior pastor, minister, or priest of the church called. Responses were weighted by region to more accurately reflect the population. The completed sample is 1,000 surveys. The sample provides 95 percent confidence that the sampling error does not exceed plus or minus 3.1 percent. Margins of error are higher in sub-groups.
LifeWay Research is a Nashville-based, evangelical research firm that specializes in surveys about faith in culture and matters that affect the church.
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Israel Spurns US Warnings on Rejecting Iran Deal

Israel Spurns US Warnings on Rejecting Iran Deal

AP file photo
JERUSALEM, Israel -- Israeli officials rejected U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry's latest warnings against Israel's opposition to the Iranian nuclear deal.
"I fear that what could happen if Congress were to overturn it, our friends in Israel could actually wind up being more isolated and more blamed," Kerry told the Council on Foreign Relations Friday.
Responding to Kerry's remarks, an Israeli official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told The New York Times, "We reject the threats directed at Israel in recent days."
"The U.S. Congress will make its decision based on American interests, which include consideration of its U.S. allies," he said. "The regrettable attempt to intimidate Israel will not prevent us from voicing our concerns about this deal, which poses direct threats to Israel's security."
Earlier Friday, Kerry told NBC's "Today" show it would be "an enormous mistake, a huge mistake with grave consequences for Israel and the region" should Israel decide on a military or cyber-attack on Iran.
Israeli National Infrastructure Minister Yuval Steinitz called Kerry's remarks "unacceptable."
"This hint that if the agreement will be rejected by Congress, then Israel will turn into a scapegoat is unacceptable to us," Steinitz said.
Kerry has warned Israel of dire consequences on several occasions.
In 2013, he predicted Israel would be increasingly isolated and delegitimized if an agreement were not reached with the Palestinian Authority.

Prophecy: The Apostolic Mantle Is Coming on First Nations People

Prophecy: The Apostolic Mantle Is Coming on First Nations People

Native American churches like this one will be part of a great spiritual renewal.
Native American churches like this one will be part of a great spiritual renewal. (Flickr )
In the Bible "firsts" are always sanctified or set apart by God. The Bible begins in Genesis, the book of beginnings or "firsts" of things, and then throughout His Word "firsts" continue to hold a special place with God.
The firstborn is blessed, first fruits are desired and first love is the term God uses to describe man's relationship with Him. It was during my recent trip to the Southwest that God showed me how much He honored "firsts" with His love for the First Nations people in America.
I was enjoying a great time of ministry in Arizona with my wife and son. We had taken some down time to relax and take in the sites. During our travels in the state, I shot some footage in Sedona and really felt a strong stirring in my spirit about the Father's prophetic plans for that part of the country. 
Traveling across the state to take in some canyon views, we pulled into a park that hosted several craft stands with Native American jewelry and other items. I walked over and was looking at all the beautiful pieces when something deep inside of me broke loose. It was like a dam releasing a rushing river. I was overtaken with a surge of love and intercession for the Native American people. I had to walk off by myself and begin to pray in the Spirit.
When we left that area what was happening on the inside of me did not leave. We traveled on to Williams, Arizona where I was scheduled to minister. It was during this meeting that we began to pray for the Native American population and First Nations people throughout the world. Again, I experienced a tremendous surge of the Father's love and His dreams for the people who have often been mistreated, misunderstood and overlooked. 
Then the word of the Lord began to burst forth from my belly:
I am sending the apostolic into the Native American population to give the young men and women hope and dreams not from natural men but from the hand of God Himself, the ultimate Father."
The apostolic mandate and mantle is coming upon the Native American lands and the First Nations people. The reservations shall become revival zones. The Lord is raising up revival hubs in Native American lands. He's raising up places of power, apostolic destiny and glorious outpourings. I see Houses of Prayer being established upon the reservations. These are places that will host the presence of God and release intercession. 
I see apostolic mothers and fathers being sent to the land to release dreams, destiny, strategy and apostolic DNA. There is a sending mantle and assignment coming forth in this hour for First Nations people. 
This word bubbled up out of my spirit with such passion that it was evident God was speaking and proclaiming His love for these people. I had not studied or had much exposure to the Native Americans, nor heard much about First Nations people but this word was connecting me to these people.
Although this word was new to me, it was a validation of what God has been speaking. Jeremy Stands Overbull, pastor of Arrow Creek Christian Center in Pryor, Montana, and founder/director of Crow Awakening writes this ...
"I believe that the Crow Nation is being raised up to play an integral role in what God is going to do with the next great outpouring. It is our belief that America will never walk into the fullness of revival until Native America steps into their rightful place as the host people of this land. We are no strangers to revival. We have had several revival outbreaks that seemed to happen right before a revival in America. As of late, our tribe has been one of the only nations in the world to make public law proclaiming Jesus Christ is Lord over the Crow Nation. This law is significant because we have the right to govern our people without having outside influence from the United States Government. We believe this will be important because, as the laws in America will target churches and ministries and try to govern what they say, ministries and churches on native reservations will be able to freely preach a true gospel without threat or interference from the government. We believe there is about to be a shift, with reservations becoming revival outpost pockets throughout the United States." —Jeremy Stands Overbull
I see and hear in the Spirit prophetic sounds coming forth from the reservations and First Nation lands. There is a new breed of Native American warriors and Davidic minstrels coming forth. I see a movement of musicians, intercessors and minstrels arising from the First Nations people. There are sounds that will release the glory of God over the land.
It is a new era in worship in the territory! This is a now moment for worship to arise. There are Davids tucked away in the wilderness with a sound of desperation that will burst forth releasing captives and bringing forth glory.
Dr. Billy Graham was quoted as saying that the greatest moments of Native history lie ahead of us if a great spiritual renewal and awakening should take place. He went on to say that the Native Americans have been a sleeping giant and that the original Americans could become the evangelists who will help win America for Christ! Remember these forgotten people.
This is a call in the Spirit for prayer! God is releasing a burden in the hearts of people to begin to pray for the Native American people and First Nations people around the world. He wants His light to shine forth upon them and within them. I call forth intercession now to partner with heaven's heart towards these precious people. There is a birthing in prayer that will bring forth the fruit of this word.
There is an urgent call in the Spirit for apostolic fathers and mothers to go and sow into the reservations! This is key to what God is saying. It is going to take divine partnership and a tearing down of walls that would try to separate. It is also going to take a strong apostolic thrust. Hear the call, heed the call and go forth! There is a David call for young Native American and First Nation men and women to arise with dreams, vision and unity to give birth to revival hubs minis-tries, houses of prayer and outpouring meetings. The favor of the Lord is coming upon those who will step out and do what Abba is putting in their heart. 
"When the poor and needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongues fail for thirst, I, the Lord, will hear them, I, the God of Israel, will not forsake them. I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys; I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia, the myrtle, and the olive tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together" (Is. 41:17-19).
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Sharing Love From Sweden - FREE TO DO THE WILL OF GOD by Eva Haglund

Eva Haglund, Sweden

A bird flies free without anything hindering it. God wants us to fly free like birds without anyone hindering us. We need to be free from control by anybody else. We need to make our own decisions in what we feel peace in and not let other people rule over us who want to control. We must not do what we do not feel peace in. We need to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.

There are some people who are very dominant and want to rule over others by controlling them. I am not talking about the usual way of being submitted to leaders you have confidence in but when a person wants to control a person in a wrong way.

There are certain people who want to take over the leadership in a congregation if they are allowed controlled by the spirit of Jezebel. We must not be bound but must say no when it needs said, and not let any one rule over with this spirit.

Christ has called us to freedom. There are certain Christian leaders who do not know the heart of the Father with love and compassion. They have hard hearts and are controlling the members in certain congregations. Some members do not dare leave the congregation or to say no. All leaders do not know God's heart of love and do not have love for the sheep. We need to choose a congregation where the leader/leaders love Jesus and have His love for the people. By their fruit you will know the tree, as Jesus said.

As Christians we also can hear from God. We can get teaching from the Word. We also need good advice from spiritual mothers and fathers in Body of Christ who are mature persons in Body of Christ. I believe there needs to be more spiritual mothers and fathers after God's heart in the Body of Christ. In some congregations there are just young people, but old and young need each other. Jesus says in John 19, "Mother, see your son!" and "Son, see your mother!"

In Proverbs 29:25 is written, "The fear of men brings a snare" but we need to be like eagles who fly high. We all have our unique calling and it is written in Joel 2:8 "They do not push one another.
Everyone marches in his own column."

There are some people who are manipulative and who have egoistic motives. They want to control others. We need to say no when we sense it is wrong. It is more love by saying no because then you can teach that person that this behavior is wrong. It is good to help other people but it needs to be in a right way.
Parents ought to be the ones who are the ones who decide and not the children who rule over the children. God wants us to have have our freedom in Christ and not let our wings be bound and heavy.
We also need to tell the truth in situations as Paul did to people.

Esther, Stephen and John were also bold and we can learn from them. There are situations when we also need to be quiet as Jesus was in Mark 14:6, where we read that He "kept silent and answered nothing."

In another situation Jesus spoke as in Luke 16:14: "Now the Pharisees who were lovers of money , also heard these things and they derided Him. And He said to them, "You are those who justify themselves before men, but God knows your heart . For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God." Jesus told the truth. We can also be bold and say the truth in situations, but it is good to have patience and not be angry and condemn anybody.

In Luke 6: 22 is written, "Blessed are you when men hate you, and when they exclude you and revile you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven. For in like manner their fathers did to the prophets."

We can sometimes get badly treated following God but then the reward is great in heaven. It is good to know when it is tough that God gives back. God is faithful and good to know that Jesus suffered most and suffered this because of His so great love to us.

He gave also His life for all people. We read in John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." 

In Yeshua/Jesus name is salvation.

19th Century Painting of the Western Wall Posted by the Ottoman Imperial Archives

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 27 Jul 2015

In commemoration of Tisha B'Av

Original caption: "Jews Praying at Wailing Wall in Jerusalem" by Johann Martin Bernatz in 1868 (?)

We are thankful to the archivists at the Ottoman Imperial Archives for digitizing and  posting vintage pictures from Palestine on their website.

On July 14, 2015, this incredible painting was posted. Note the Jews' lamentations. They are barefoot (their shoes are in the foreground), suggesting that the scene may be commemorating Tisha B'Av, a day of Jewish mourning for the destruction of the Jewish Temples and other calamities in Jewish history. 

The painter, Johann Martin Bernatz, was born in Germany in 1802.  He traveled in the Middle East and Asia in 1836 and published 40 pictures from his journey in a book, "Pictures from the Holy Land, Drawn from Nature" in 1839.  We suggest that the painting was painted 30 years prior to the year in the Archives' caption. 

Israeli Christians Take Aim at Anti-Israel Boycotts

Israeli Christians Take Aim at Anti-Israel Boycotts

Sunday, July 26, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
The Christian Empowerment Council based in Nazareth has released a new, freely available digital book aimed at debunking Christian anti-Zionism and the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement it facilitates.
Presented earlier this month by CEC spiritual leader Father Gabriel Naddaf, Test the Spirits: A Christian Guide to the Anti-Israel Boycott Movement demonstrates the decidedly unpeaceful agenda of BDS and calls on Christians the world over to recognize God’s true purposes for Israel.
The CEC and the Israeli Christian Recruitment Forum have for the past several years been leading a camp to more fully integrate local Christians into the Jewish State of Israel. The first and most important step has been encouraging young Christians to join their Jewish brethren in physically defending Israel.
The book can be read online by visiting the new CEC website:
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Ancient Scroll Shows Bible Hasn't Changed

Ancient Scroll Shows Bible Hasn't Changed

Monday, July 27, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
Last week archaeologists with the Israel Antiquities Authority announced the successful deciphering of a fully charred Torah scroll first discovered in the ruins of an ancient synagogue 45 years ago.
The scroll was unearthed in 1970 during excavations at Ein Gedi on the shores of the Dead Sea. It was found inside a Holy Ark situated in the remains of a synagogue dating to the 6th century AD.
For decades, the 1,500-year-old scroll sat in storage, far too burned to be legible.
But recently, Israeli archaeologists decided to throw caution to the wind and subject the delicate scroll to scrutiny using new advanced 3D imaging technology.
The gamble paid off, and the first eight verses of the Book of Leviticus were soon made clear.
Outside of the Dead Sea Scrolls, this scroll is the oldest fragment of the Bible to be found in modern times. It is significant for two reasons.
  1. The scroll is yet more proof of the ancient connection between the Jewish people and this land, contrary to present-day claims that the Jews are invaders and usurpers;
  2. As the Messianic blog One For Israel pointed out, the text on the scroll matches perfectly to modern Hebrew editions of the Bible. “This shows that the accusations flung from other faiths that the Biblical text has been corrupted are untrue: we have yet more proof that it hasn’t changed one iota! Not in 1500 years!”
PHOTO: Scroll fragment as it was delivered to The Lunder Family Dead Sea Scrolls Conservation Center (IAA)
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"Do You Need a Miracle in Your Marriage?" Bill Yount

"Do You Need a Miracle 
in Your Marriage?"
Bill Yount, Hagerstown, MD
The Elijah List

Marriages are being bombarded by severe, raging storms like never before. Did you know that when you were even thinking about marriage, God was already thinking of miracles? God spells the word marriage... m-i-r-a-c-l-e! The Lord actually created marriages with a built-in need for miracles. The Lord ordained marriage to not only require miracles but to demand them. Marriages demand miracles!

Marriages and Miracles Go Together

From Heaven's perspective, here is how it works. The Lord will allow your wine in your marriage to run out to get you on miracle territory... just like at the first marriage wedding feast in Cana! Did you know that when the Lord brought you and your spouse together, He knew you would need a miracle? In fact, there is something wrong if your marriage doesn't need a miracle sooner or later. Marriages and miracles just go together!

I believe Jesus chose to create His first miracle on earth where He knew it would be needed the most – at a wedding feast, so everyone will know they can have a miracle in their marriage. Study the couples throughout the Bible who had great destinies and you will find that they faced the greatest impossibilities and nothing less than a miracle brought them through to God's purposes. (Photo via Wikipedia)

Abraham and Sarah were destined to conceive and bring forth a son of promise. But "Houston, we got a problem!" Sarah wasn't able to conceive. Let's forget about this miracle stuff and get Hagar ("another woman is what I need" ) to fulfill my destiny..." they thought.

A Man-made Solution

Sarah agreed, "No, I don't have what it takes, go ahead and have Hagar... I am tired of this unfulfilled marriage" (paraphrased).

Through painful experiences Abraham and Sarah learned that they needed more than each other (and a third party) to have their fulfillment in life. Finally they realized that their answer was not in each other.
God waited until they both could not possibly have a child in the natural. Not only was Sarah's womb dead, but Abraham was about a hundred years old... out of commission also. They finally had to take their eyes off of themselves and look to the Lord realizing it was an "impossible mission."

God was waiting all those years to hear from them what He knew all along... "WE NEED A MIRACLE IN OUR MARRIAGE!"

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

The Greater the Call On a Marriage – the Greater the Need For Miracles!

In the first chapter of Luke, Zechariah and Elizabeth have an "impossible" area in their marriage. There is a barren place in their marriage also. Elizabeth could not conceive. Zechariah, a priest, was in the temple and had the greatest experience of his life. The Angel gave him the word of the Lord about his destiny of having John the Baptist for a son... representing the prophetic move coming to prepare the way of the Lord.

Luke 1:23 " soon as the days of his ministration (duties) in the temple were accomplished, he departed to HIS OWN HOUSE." Then his wife Elizabeth who had been barren conceived! Many men today in the temple or ministry are being called by God to return to their own house to their own "barren" situations. Not until we men learn and experience spiritual intimacy with our own wife, so they can spiritually conceive, can we fulfill God's purpose for both of us in our marriage... and this includes bringing forth a godly seed as well, children of destiny!
Wise Men Sought Jesus But Mary Conceived Him!

Women are "Conceivers" both physically and spiritually. Men are "Seekers." Ministries can go no further than marriages if we want children of destiny (godly seed). It's really out of spiritual intimacy with our spouse that ministry is birthed. I sense husbands and wives will have to hold hands (spiritually) to bring forth the next move of the Spirit. Men will have to cleave to their wives because it will take two for what God wants to do next.

God is coming to couples in their own house this hour. (Photo via deviantart)

Many men and women have received great visions and words from the Lord in churches. But the real conception of these words must take place in our home where we live. "Spiritual Conception" must also take place in our homes if we are going to see our destiny fulfilled and the Kingdom of God advance. Have we men failed to take home what we receive in God's House and neglect spiritual intimacy with our wives at home?

I sense the wine (intimacy) has run out in many marriages but I hear the Lord saying to the angels, "Get the water pots and fill them with water. I'm going to turn water into wine again and marriages into miracles. I have saved My best wine that has been aging for centuries for this last hour. I have saved the best wine for last to be tasted right at home between husband and wife."

Is there spiritual barrenness in your marriage? Need a great miracle? Your great need for a miracle qualifies you to receive one! They say marriages are made in Heaven... so is lightning and thunder. Expect miracles in your marriage today!

Bill Yount
Blowing the Shofar Ministry


Bill Yount has been a member of Bridge of Life in Hagerstown, Maryland, for the past 36 years where he is now an elder and a home missionary. He is currently an advisor at large for Aglow International. Bill faithfully served in prison ministry at Mount Hope for 23 years and now travels full-time, both in the U.S. and internationally, ministering in churches and Aglow circles.

"Humility and humor" characterize his ministry as he brings forth a fresh word that is "in season," proclaiming the Word of the Lord! The shofar (or ram's horn) is often used in his meetings, breaking the powers of darkness over regions, churches, and households. The shofar represents God's breath blowing into the nostrils of His people, reviving them and awakening the lost. Many of God's messages, which Bill ministers prophetically, come out of his everyday life with his family and friends.

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Sunday, July 26, 2015

The darkest headlines I have read in years - Joel Rosenberg

Joel Rosenberg

The darkest headlines I have read in years.

by joelcrosenberg
"The Satanic Temple is set to unveil its...monument in Detroit." (AP/CBS Detroit)
"The Satanic Temple is set to unveil its...monument in Detroit." (AP/CBS Detroit)
Earlier this week, I flew back to the U.S. from Israel for several speaking engagements.
In the coming days, I will continue to write about the crumbling U.S.-Israel alliance, the Iran nuclear alliance, the horrific advance of the Islamic State across Syria and Iraq, and what happens to America, Israel and the nations of the Middle East according to Bible prophecy.
But I need to draw your attention to some of the most troubling headlines I have seen in years. The news in the Middle East is dark and getting darker, to be sure. But the headlines here in America are getting very dark as well -- mass shootings around the nation (see here and here); Planned Parenthood executives caught discussing how best to sell hearts, lungs and brains from aborted babies; and now the unveiling of a sculpture of Satan in Detroit in what is being promoted as the largest public Satanic ceremony in American history.
No, this is not fiction. These are not plots of my future novels. This is all happening across America this month.
Consider the following:
I am absolutely sickened by these videos in which Planned Parenthood executives discuss -- so coldly, so cruelly -- the selling of human body parts over a lunch of salad and wine.
Captured on tape by the undercover video sting operation of a pro-life organization, these two executives discuss without shame or remorse how they would be happy to ask doctors who perform abortions on human babies to be extra careful to kill the babies in such a way that their livers, lungs, brains and other body parts can be extracted intact and sold. One Planned Parenthood leader says the babies can be killed in a "less crunchy" way. The other casually jokes that she'd like to make enough money from the sales of these body parts to buy "a Lamborghini."
Have you watched the videos? Please do, and please share them with others. People need to know the truth. The mainstream media is giving some coverage to the story, but not nearly enough. This is sick. This is barbaric. This is the stuff of Dr. Mengele and the Nazis, and it isn't happening on the other side of the world in Auschwitz; it is happening right in America every day.
Planned Parenthood is an organization that kills more than 300,000 babies in the womb every year. It also receives more than a half-billion dollars a year of federal money -- that's right, your taxpayer dollars and mine. Congress should immediately cut off all taxpayer funds to the group. PP should be investigated for criminal activity (it is illegal to sell body parts for profit). Congress should also immediately pass pending legislation to ban abortion after 20 weeks. And pro-life legislators and activists in Washington, D.C. and the States need to make a new push to end abortion once and for all in this nation.
Since 1973, more than 57 million babies have been aborted in this country. Their innocent blood is crying from the ground for justice, and God is listening. If we do not plead for His forgiveness and turn this thing around, judgment is coming.
These headlines alone would be horrific enough. But it gets worse. Consider this headline just published today:
Here are excerpts from this story, published by the Associated Press and CBS News in Detroit:
  • A group is planning to unveil an 8-foot-tall bronze statue featuring a goat-headed Satan in Detroit during a gathering that’s being billed as the “largest public satanic ceremony in history.”
  • The Satanic Temple has said Saturday’s private event will be open only to people with tickets, $25 each.
  • Invitations to “The Unveiling” summoned guests to prepare for “a night of chaos, noise, and debauchery… Come dance with the Devil and experience history in the making.” The event location is not being announced publicly and is known only to those with tickets.
  • The group said the bronze Baphomet monument, which weighs about one ton and has never been seen before in public, “is not only an unparalleled artistic triumph, but stands as a testament to plurality and the power of collective action.” The statue, which backed by an inverted pentagram and flanked by statues of two young children gazing up at the creature, shows Satan with horns, hooves, wings and a beard.
  • The group went on to say the unveiling event “will serve as a call-to-arms from which we’ll kick off our largest fight to date in the name of individual rights to free exercise against self-serving theocrats.”
  • Photography is strictly prohibited at the 18-and-older event unless, of course, you’re a $75 VIP ticket holder. Those partygoers will have an exclusive opportunity to be photographed seated on the Baphomet monument.....
  • The statue had been planned for the state Capitol in Oklahoma City until Oklahoma’s Supreme Court banned a monument of the Ten Commandments on Capitol grounds.
  • Detroit was ultimately selected for the unveiling because The Satanic Temple in the city has a “strong congregation,” with more than 200 registered members....
It is sobering how rapidly evil is rising in this country, how brazen, how public. We need to humble ourselves. We need to get on our knees. We need to seek Christ's forgiveness and His mercy on this country. We need to do it now, or we will face the consequences foretold in the Bible thousands of years ago.
Consider just one passage of many:
"At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy itif that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it10 if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it." (Jeremiah 18:7-10)
joelcrosenberg | July 25, 2015 at 11:34 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Aaronic Blessing - expanded Hebrew and English versions, including rabbi's singing - Warren Marcus

The Aaronic Blessing - expanded Hebrew and English version - Warren Marcus

Published on Jul 25, 2015

The Aaronic Blessing - expanded Hebrew and English version - Warren Marcus

Warren Marcus, Founder of One New Man, give a study on the expanded full Hebrew meaning of the Aaronic Prayer, line by line.

Spoken at the annual Evening To Honor Israel, July 24, 2015 at Beit Yeshua (Curtis Loftin and Doug Williams Co-Founders) in Lincolnton, NC. Joined by Highway To Zion (Cathy Hargett) and Love For His People (Steve Martin) ministries. Warren then plays a recording of a Rabbi singing the blessing in Hebrew.

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.