Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Israeli Unity? Only in Times of Crisis

Israeli Unity? Only in Times of Crisis

Tuesday, July 28, 2015 |  Israel Today Staff
The results of a new survey published by Israel’s Ynet news portal this week suggest that Israelis are united only in times of crisis, such as wars or other disasters, and that the norm for the Jewish state is division and internal conflict. This is especially true when considering the secular-religious split.
The survey was conducted to mark Tisha B’Av, the solemn fast day held this week in commemoration of the destruction of Jerusalem’s Temple, considered a divine punishment for division within Israel.
While the results painted a fairly bleak picture, they also provided reason for optimism.
Participants in the survey were asked how much attention they pay to the various divisions between Israel’s Jews. A 45–46 percent plurality said that religious and economic divisions were of great concern to them, while 44 percent said that the ethnic divide between Ashkenazi (western) and Mizrahi (eastern) Jews was of little importance.
Deeper analysis revealed that the religious divide between “secular” and ultra-Orthodox Israelis was of much greater importance to secular and traditional Jews than it was to the ultra-Orthodox community.
A full 80 percent from all societal groups recognized that Israel as a people are only united in times of crisis, and a 41.5 percent plurality expect the situation to get worse.
One of the biggest contributing factors to this is a lack of willingness to integrate between the groups. While daily contact is frequent in such a small country, the survey found that, for instance, both secular and ultra-Orthodox Israeli Jews are largely to marry someone from the “other” side. When it came to doing business together or living in close proximity, both sides were a little more tolerant.
On a positive note, a 43 percent plurality of Bible-believing religious Israelis (situated somewhere between “secular” and ultra-Orthodox) expect the situation to improve. Furthermore, most of the respondents from all sectors agreed that despite the differences, the Jews of Israel are in this together, and that their shared heritage does provide common ground for unity, even if only temporarily.
Asked how to solve this problem, 40 percent wanted better education on the topic, while 23 percent called for increased dialogue.
Ilan Gal-Dor, director of the “Gesher” research institute that conducted the survey concluded optimistically: “The results indicate a willingness for dialogue amongst the different sectors. However, there is much work before us. We [Israelis] attach great importance to dialogue and understanding between ourselves as a nation, in service to a better common future - especially [considering the lessons] of Tisha B’Av.”
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It's YOUR time now! - Lance Wallnau

Lance Wallnau

About a month ago the Lord began talking to me about an unusual thing that is beginning in the United States. I am hopeful it is the beginning of a movement. It feels as if the devil made a couple of strategic chess moves with the Supreme Court and same sex marriage. The media obsession with Kaitlin Jenner has been equally depressing, as it is indicative of our increasingly deteriorated culture. It looked like he had gained a solid position to checkmate America.

Then this strange other voice started trumpeting a confrontation with the leadership of the nation. Taking on a battle that nobody else ever survived, billionaire Donald Trump has challenged the corrupt alliance of media, government, and business lobbyists in Washington DC - and walked away without being destroyed.

Honestly, I did not take this “other voice” seriously at first. Then as I listened to him I realized, “here is a man who is more dangerous to the devil’s plans than most think.” Why? Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Cornelius Vanderbilt, J. Paul Getty and others were the billionaire titans of their day who became radical philanthropists at a certain point in their life. The problems America has cannot be solved by business as usual. They call for an unusual business mind.

“Mammon” is the spirit that attaches itself to wealth and influence in order to control the flow of money and power that works on the political mountain. Here’s how this works:  candidates collect money from donors and once in office these donors and special interests become the forces that define an administration’s commitments.

Donald Trump on the other hand owes no favors to any man. He comes with no external favors owed to anyone. He is the only candidate that actually knows how to talk turkey with the business leaders and financiers who shape the global economy. He is the one man who can talk with authority about the American Dream. He is a WILD CARD! And yes I know the danger of a third party candidacy and a repeat of the Ross Perot debacle that enabled Bill Clinton to defeat George Bush Senior…but honestly, listen to Trump’s logic. He says there is little difference between Republicans and Democrats in Washington anymore. Both are dysfunctional in taking on the BIG issues from immigration to trade and the massive Federal deficit.

I can’t help but agree with him. I am not endorsing him as a candidate, I am simply celebrating the way he is shaking up the establishment elites on the left and right. At a minimum I believe this man is anointed by God as a TRUMPet to change the game in how issues will be discussed and perhaps dealt with.

He is entering a period of convergence in his own destiny. This is where secular prophets have often shown up in history, men such as Lincoln and Churchill and Reagan. To my knowledge Reagan was the only one who entered office as an Evangelical.

BUT who can deny these men were an answer to the prayers of God’s people?


Ever hear of a Professor named Bobby Clinton? I encountered his body of work while I was teaching as an Adjunct Professor.

Dr. Clinton is the only academic I know of who did a 20 year study on the subject of “Destiny”! After reviewing his data he began teaching about a phenomena Christian Leaders call “Convergence”.

What’s convergence? Probably the most important word missing in your vocabulary!

Simply put, “convergence" describes a point in life when…

You step into a role that so matches your gifts and calling that it “converges” you right into the work you were uniquely created to do - before you were born! It’s the ultimate language for fulfilling “destiny” and “calling.” The divine appointments, epiphany experiences, world changing ideas, unique contributions, even the financial vehicle you need to get you from "A to B" and all the money needed in between is already provided and written into the script God has for your life. You enter the calling and work created for you in Christ before you were born. We access that “which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)

The benefit of CAREER CONVERGENCE is that you don’t sweat to make money as much as you walk into that which God has prepared for you to step into and manifest!

Imagine - the kingdom of God wants to manifest through you! There is a future seeking to manifest in your life. What is that future and how do you get out of the way so it can show up? Who is helping you with this?

At the end of August I will be doing convergence and business coaching with a small group of friends. The video is a free preview of what we will cover. It’s excellent material for entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants.


  • 80% of believers never enter “convergence.”
  • But YOU don’t have to miss convergence. You can be in the 20% that actually hit the mark!  
  • You can “finish the work you were given to do.” I believe there are a few key areas that can enable you to BREAK OUT!

How does God build a nation or disciple nations? He does it through Fathers (and Mothers) who become the Patriarchs of their society. He does it through those with influence at the Gates of Influence. This is the story of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! They were not Rabbis or wilderness Prophets. They were three generations of Hebrew entrepreneurs who had successful family businesses!

Family, business, convergence, get it? God wants to build a habitation for His presence in your work and your house! The presence of God is visiting you in a unique way RIGHT NOW. The Garden of Eden is being restored in your home. You are being challenged to enter the “rest” so you can “war according to prophecy” without sweat. That’s convergence.

Here is my gift to you: 15 minutes of concentrated Convergence Coaching!

In this FREE PREVIEW I am sending you 15 minutes of pure gold! This video contains a TON of new material on what we are doing to make convergence possible for multiple people and couples and business owners!

And I do it in a FUN cool entertaining whiteboard type technology I learned on the last two days of my vacation in Aruba.


We are cheering for you.

Lance & Annabelle

P.S. Watch it while it’s posted! We have to take it down in a couple of days. Our August event will fill up fast because it is limited to a small group of 25-30 people.

P.S.S. If you have any problems with video or want to make sure you get access to the August event before it fills up, contactAmy@Lancelearning.com and put Great Awakening in subject line.

The Day that Shook the Heavens ✡ "There Was Thunder and Lightning"

It came to pass on the third day when it was morning, there was thunder and lightning, and a thick cloud on the mountain, and the sound of the shofar was very powerful, and the entire nation that was in the camp shuddered.

EXODUS (19:16)

וַיְהִי בַיּוֹם הַשְּׁלִישִׁי בִּהְיֹת הַבֹּקֶר וַיְהִי קֹלֹת וּבְרָקִים וְעָנָן כָּבֵד עַל הָהָר וְקֹל שֹׁפָר חָזָק מְאֹד וַיֶּחֱרַד כָּל הָעָם אֲשֶׁר בַּמַּחֲנֶה

שמות יט:טו

va-y'-hee ba-yom ha-sh'-lee-shee bi-h'-yot ha-bo-ker va-y'-hee ko-lot u-v'-ra-keemv'-a-nan ka-vayd al ha-har v'-kol sho-far kha-zak m'-od va-ye-khe-rad kol ha-am a-sher ba-ma-kha-ne

Jerusalem Inspiration

Today's verse from the chapter in Exodus entitled Jethro/Yitro, describes the greatest event of human history, when God revealed Himself to man through His giving of the Ten Commandments. Rabbinic commentators point out that Jethro is singled out and rewarded by having this special reading eternally connected with his name because he was a righteous gentile who recognized the great miracle the One True God performed for the Jewish people. Jews have always shown admiration and appreciation for the righteous gentiles throughout our history who have stood by the People of Israel; indeed Israel has always stood by its credo of equality and compassion for all those in need despite, race, religion or ethnicity.  Likewise, Israel's national blood bank provides life saving care to all those in need regardless of their personal history.

Hebrew Music Monday

Enjoy Neshama Carlebach's fantastic rendition of 'Nachamu', 'Comfort My People', God's response to the catastrophic destruction, and His promise for compassion.

Preparing for the Worst

The Israeli Defense Forces is preparing for a possible future which includes a nuclear-developing Iran.

Israeli Manicure Decals

Show your support for Israel in fashion! These nail stickers, featuring images of Israeli flags, symbols and famous landmarks, go over your manicure and last for 10 days. This set of manicure decals includes 46 stickers.

Jerusalem Daily Photo

Boruch Len's captivating photo of lighting over the Land of the Israel.

Thank You

Please help us continue to spread the beauty and significance of the Land of Israel!

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  Thank you for all the articles, scenic pictures, information, and news about Israel. I am from Malaysia. We Christians have been praying for Israel, and the peace of Jerusalem.  May the peace of God continuously reside in Jerusalem.  Shalom and God bless.
- Jen Ooi
Blessing from Jerusalem,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Monday, July 27, 2015

Franklin Graham: Obama Exporting Acceptance of Immorality - Jennifer LeClaire

Franklin Graham: Obama Exporting Acceptance of Immorality

President Obama with Kenyan President Kenyatta.
President Obama with Kenyan President Kenyatta. (Reuters)
Connect with the newsmakers and storytellers who are impacting our world. Listen to Charisma Connection at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

Kenya's leaders made it abundantly clear that they did not want to discuss President Barack Obama's views on gay rights. Nevertheless, the defiant Democrat pushed the gay agenda into his Kenya talks.
In fact, Obama publicly lectured Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta about gay rights on Saturday. And evangelist Franklin Graham isn't standing silently.
"I didn't know that we were sending our president halfway around the world to promote the gay and lesbian agenda! Samaritan's Purse has an office in Kenya and has worked there many years, and I can tell you that the churches in Kenya know what the Bible says about homosexuality—it is a sin," Graham says.
"Sin should not be embraced, but recognized truthfully for what it is and for its serious consequences. God's Word says, 'the wages of sin is death.' Thankfully though, sin does have a remedy—forgiveness is available through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. As a world leader, the United States of America is now exporting the acceptance of immorality via our president. What will the cost of that be?"
Historically, the United States has been known for exporting the gospel—for sending out more missionaries to the world than any other nation. Now, we're exporting the acceptance of sexual immorality.
Graham is asking the right question. What will the cost of that be? Sound off.
The Charisma Podcast Network is now live. Featuring a variety of programs including news, leadership, inspiring stories, women's topics, sports, and even more.
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Ciara Responds to Boyfriend Russell Wilson's Jaw-Dropping Celibacy Announcement

Ciara Responds to Boyfriend Russell Wilson's Jaw-Dropping Celibacy Announcement

Russell Wilson and girlfriend Ciara at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards.
Russell Wilson and girlfriend Ciara at the Nickelodeon Kids Choice Awards. (Reuters)
Connect with the newsmakers and storytellers who are impacting our world. Listen to Charisma Connection at charismapodcastnetwork.com.

There's "absolutely" no sex happening before marriage for pop sensation Ciara and boyfriend Seattle Seahawks star Russell Wilson. 
"It's until the deal is sealed," she told a reporter
The two have been in the spotlight recently after Wilson told pastor Miles McPherson God asked the two to wait until marriage. Both admit it's been a struggle to remain hands off. 
"I think both of us look at each other and we're like—whew!" Ciara says. "But we take it one day at a time and keep it going with each other, and I'm really enjoying every day that we're sharing."
Though their choice has been criticized by some, McPherson has vocalized his support for abstinence. 
"There are some in the media (who) claim waiting until marriage to have sex is 'stupid'. I bet you that this would not be a 'stupid' idea if he were dating their daughter. The thought is: The prettier the girl, the more unrealistic it is to wait. It's as though there is no other option," McPherson says. "... To all of you questioning why there is a hole in your heart after all of the sex you've had—it won't go away by having more sex." 
The Charisma Podcast Network is now live. Featuring a variety of programs including news, leadership, inspiring stories, women's topics, sports, and even more.
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Will God or the Messiah Build the Third Holy Temple? - Rivkah Lambert Adler

Will God or the Messiah Build the Third Holy Temple?

“And they shall make Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst.” (Exodus 25:8)
Efforts are underway to make the Third Jewish Temple a reality. From preparing vessels to be used in ritualistic service to raising red heifers, controversy arises when questioning who can exactly prepare for and construct the Third Temple on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.
The opinion that the Third Temple will be built by human hands and that the Messiah will have a major role in its rebuilding is most famously ascribed to the Rambam, a renowned 12th century Jewish Bible scholar from Spain. Rambam taught that the very fact that the Temple is being rebuilt will be a major sign that humanity has reached the End of Days.
There is an opposing Jewish philosophy that asserts that the Third Temple already exists in Heaven and will descend onto the Temple Mount at the time God deems is proper. This position is generally associated with Rashi, the preeminent Biblical commentator who lived in 11th century France.
Which is correct? And what will the role of the Messiah be in building the Third Temple?
One way of reconciling these points of view is related to the two accounts of Temple construction in the Bible. The details of the First Temple, known as Solomon’s Temple, are described in the Book of Kings, beginning in the sixth chapter. This description is extensive and quite detailed. The First and Second Temples were built according to the directions that appear in the Book of Kings.
Let's Rebuild the Temple Now!
There is another description of Temple architecture in the Book of Ezekiel, beginning in chapter 40. This description is much less detailed, veiled in ambiguous prophecy and much more difficult to understand.
The two descriptions come together in the teaching that the Messiah will oversee the construction of those elements of the Third Temple, which can be understood from the Book of Kings. Following that stage of work on the Third Temple, God will explain the construction elements from the prophecy of Ezekiel that are not currently understandable. It is this knowledge that will come from Heaven, allowing the Messiah and his laborers to complete the building.
Another way to reconcile the two opinions is to consider that the Jewish people are commanded to build a Temple in Jerusalem to serve as a Sanctuary for God. Thus, the physical building is in the hands of the Jewish nation. Once the Messiah and his workers complete the external structure, the Presence of God will descend, filling the Third Temple with holiness.
Until the End of Days, we will not know which of these opinions is correct. However, world-renowned Temple Mount activist and founder of the Temple Mount Heritage Foundation Rabbi Yehuda Glick told Breaking Israel News why he is solidly in the camp of those who believe that the Third Temple will be built by human hands.
“Anyone who understands the concept of Bet Hamikdash – The Temple – knows that there nothing that contradicts this concept more than a Temple from heaven! The whole idea of the mikdash [a holy place] is that we build Him a sanctuary just as He creates us a world.”

Read more at http://www.breakingisraelnews.com/45847/will-god-or-the-messiah-build-the-third-holy-temple/#O1gs7IRFxwQxfRXW.99

With ISIS on the rampage, “is this the end of Christianity in the Middle East?” - Joel Rosenberg

(source: New York Times)

(source: New York Times)

With ISIS on the rampage, “is this the end of Christianity in the Middle East?” So asks a must-read feature story in the New York Times.

by joelcrosenberg
(Denver, Colorado) -- In my recent novel, The Third Target, a New York Times reporter  criss-crosses the Middle East, trying to understand and explain to the world the rise of the Islamic State and the objectives of its leaders. Among the questions my fictional character -- J.B. Collins -- is trying to answer:
  1. Why are ISIS jihadists are so blood-thirsty?
  2. Why do ISIS leaders want to establish an Islamic kingdom or caliphate?
  3. Are ISIS leaders are really serious about slaughtering and/or enslaving all of the Christians of the region, in addition to annihilating Jews and all Muslims who don't subscribe to their theology or eschatology?
Now, in real life, a must-read feature story has been published in the New York Times magazine by a reporter who has crisscrossed the epicenter, documenting the slaughter of Christ-followers by ISIS, and asking the provocative but very relevant question: "Is this the end of Christianity in the Middle East?"
I highly recommend that you read and share the article with others. But I also urge you not to be discouraged. Here's why:
  • Bible prophecy is clear that wars and revolutions will increase and intensify in the Middle East and around the world in the "last days" as the return of Christ draws increasingly near. "You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famines and earthquakes. But all these things aremerely the beginning of birth pangs." (Matthew 24:6-8; see also Luke chapter 21, Ezekiel 38-39, Zechariah 12-14, etc.)
  • Bible prophecy is also clear that persecution of Christ-followers will increase and intensify in the last days before Jesus returns. "[T]hey will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name." (Matthew 24:9)
  • The prophecies found in the Biblical book of Revelation indicate that many Christians in the Middle East will be martyred for their faith. "When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained; and they cried out with a loud voice, saying, “How long, O Lord, holy and true, will You refrain from judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth?” And there was given to each of them a white robe; and they were told that they should rest for a little while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brethren who were to be killed even as they had been, would be completed also." (Revelation 6:9-11)
  • The prophecies of Revelation also make clear that many followers of Jesus Christ will specifically be beheaded in the last days before the Lord's return. "I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God..." (Revelation 20:4)
  • That said, Bible prophecy further makes clear that amidst all the wars and persecution of believers in the last days, the good news of God's offer of salvation and forgiveness and eternal life through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ will be communicated to every person in every nation, including throughout all of the Middle EastThat is, as chaos and carnage spread, the boldness of Christians to share the Gospel with all those who are lost -- including throughout the Muslim world -- will also deepen and intensify. "This Gospel of the kingdom [of Jesus Christ] will be preached in the whole world, as a testimony to all nations, and then the end shall come." (Matthew 24:14)
  • Not only will all people in the Middle East (and around the world) hear the Gospel during the End Times, so many will repent and receive Christ as Savior and Lord that the total number of new believers will be difficult to count. "After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and palm brancheswere in their hands; and they cry out with a loud voice, saying, 'Salvation to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.' And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures; and they fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God..." (Revelation 7:9-11)
In short: yes, this is the most dangerous moment in the history of the Middle East for Christianity, but no, this is not the end of Christianity in the epicenter -- rather, this is the dawn of Christianity's greatest waves of evangelism, conversion and discipleship. Even now, millions of Muslims are converting away from Islam and becoming truly devoted disciples of Jesus Christ, as I have written about in my non-fiction book, Inside The Revolution, and in blog columns like this one.
I'll discuss this more at the August 6th event I'll be speaking at in Denver. (please click here to register).
  • One hundred years ago, the fall of the Ottoman Empire and World War I ushered in the greatest period of violence against Christians in the region. The genocide waged by the Young Turks in the name of nationalism, not religion, left at least two million Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks dead. Nearly all were Christian. Among those who survived, many of the better educated left for the West. Others settled in Iraq and Syria, where they were protected by the military dictators who courted these often economically powerful minorities.
  • From 1910 to 2010, the number of Christians in the Middle East — in countries like Egypt, Israel, Palestine and Jordan — continued to decline; once 14 percent of the population, Christians now make up roughly 4 percent. (In Iran and Turkey, they’re all but gone.) In Lebanon, the only country in the region where Christians hold significant political power, their numbers have shrunk over the past century, to 34 percent from 78 percent of the population. Low birthrates have contributed to this decline, as well as hostile political environments and economic crisis. Fear is also a driver. The rise of extremist groups, as well as the perception that their communities are vanishing, causes people to leave.
  • For more than a decade, extremists have targeted Christians and other minorities, who often serve as stand-ins for the West. This was especially true in Iraq after the U.S. invasion, which caused hundreds of thousands to flee. ‘‘Since 2003, we’ve lost priests, bishops and more than 60 churches were bombed,’’ Bashar Warda, the Chaldean Catholic archbishop of Erbil, said. With the fall of Saddam Hussein, Christians began to leave Iraq in large numbers, and the population shrank to less than 500,000 today from as many as 1.5 million in 2003.
  • The Arab Spring only made things worse. As dictators like Mubarak in Egypt and Qaddafi in Libya were toppled, their longstanding protection of minorities also ended. Now, ISIS is looking to eradicate Christians and other minorities altogether. The group twists the early history of Christians in the region — their subjugation by the sword — to legitimize its millenarian enterprise. Recently, ISIS posted videos delineating the second-class status of Christians in the caliphate. Those unwilling to pay the jizya tax or to convert would be destroyed, the narrator warned, as the videos culminated in the now-­infamous scenes of Egyptian and Ethiopian Christians in Libya being marched onto the beach and beheaded, their blood running into the surf.
  • The future of Christianity in the region of its birth is now uncertain. ‘‘How much longer can we flee before we and other minorities become a story in a history book?’’ says Nuri Kino, a journalist and founder of the advocacy group Demand for Action. According to a Pew study, more Christians are now faced with religious persecution than at any time since their early history. ‘‘ISIL has put a spotlight on the issue,’’ says Anna Eshoo, a California Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives, whose parents are from the region and who advocates on behalf of Eastern Christians. ‘‘Christianity is under an existential threat.’’
joelcrosenberg | July 27, 2015 at 6:21 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:http://wp.me/piWZ7-3k2