Friday, February 12, 2016

'Who Shall Stand in This Holy Place?' - SUSAN MICHAEL/ICEJ CHARISMA NEWS

A visit to Jerusalem can take you to a place of spiritual ascent.

'Who Shall Stand in This Holy Place?'

A visit to Jerusalem can take you to a place of spiritual ascent. (Wikimedia Commons )
The city of Jerusalem is the highlight of any pilgrimage to the Holy Land. It is not just a city that has some 4,000 years of history, making it one of the oldest cities on earth, but it is mentioned 806 times in the Bible with names as beautiful as "City of God," "Joyful City" and "Desired One."
Jerusalem in Hebrew is Yerushalayim and is often translated as "City of Peace."
It is situated on the southern Judean plateau which at its highest point is 2,500 feet above sea level. Only 37 miles west of Jerusalem is the Mediterranean Sea, and 22 miles to its east is the lowest point on earth, the Dead Sea. This explains why in John 5:1 Jesus "went up to Jerusalem," and in the parable of the Good Samaritan, the poor man that fell among thieves was going "down from Jerusalem" (Luke 10:30).
This idea of ascending to Jerusalem does not merely refer to geography though; Jerusalem was the site of the temple of God, therefore a place of spiritual ascent. "Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord?" asks the psalmist, "or who shall stand in his holy place?" (Ps. 24:3).
Psalms of Ascent
In fact, 15 of the biblical Psalms (120-134) bear the label "song of ascent." They've also been called "songs of steps" and "pilgrim songs." Many scholars believe that these psalms were sung by worshippers walking up the road to Jerusalem at the time of the three great pilgrimage festivals: Passover, Tabernacles and Pentecost. The notion of "ascending" to Jerusalem persists today. For example, Jews who immigrate to Israel are said to be making "aliyah," or "ascent."
Many Christian tours recite the Psalms of Ascent as their buses climb the road to Jerusalem. What a fitting way to prepare one's heart for the special experience of visiting the city that God chose for Himself (Ps. 132:13-14). The Psalms of Ascent end with verse 3 of Psalm 134, which is the pilgrim's prayer that they would be blessed by God while in Zion.
Jerusalem in the Bible
Jerusalem is mentioned in the Bible as early as Genesis 14:18, where it is referred to as Shalem, the city ruled by Melchizedek. Later it is called Jebus, which was captured from the Jebusites by King David and made the capital of Israel. David also bought a certain threshing floor there from its owner and kept it as the site of the future temple. That site is also referred to as Mt. Moriah in 2 Chronicles 3:1, which indicates that King Solomon built the temple on the same mountain where Abraham had earlier bound Isaac.
Zion was another name given to the hill where the Jebusite fortress stood, and was later applied to the Temple Mount, or Mt. Moriah, just to the north of the fortress. Zion has also come to be used as a synonym for the city of Jerusalem as a whole.
Sites to See
In biblical times, Jerusalem covered territory similar to what is known today as the Old City, a 35 square-mile walled area divided into four sections carried over from Ottoman rule: The Jewish, Christian, Muslim and Armenian quarters. The Old City has been surrounded by walls for its defense since ancient times, but the walls that are visible today date back to the 16th century. The Old City was the entire city of Jerusalem until the mid-19th century when building began outside of the city walls.
While an exhaustive list of important sites in Jerusalem is not possible for this article, everyone must see the Western Wall, the only remnant of the Temple walls; the Temple Mount on which is built the Muslim Dome of the Rock; the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, built over the likely site where Jesus was crucified and buried; the Garden Tomb, a rock-cut tomb in a skull-shaped hill considered an alternative site of Jesus' crucifixion and burial; and the Mt. of Olives.
The Capital of Israel
As you can imagine, Jerusalem today is a very diverse and fascinating modern city inhabited by over 800,000 people. It is a sprawling city with beautiful vistas from hill-top housing developments. In addition to being Israel's spiritual, political and administrative capital, Jerusalem is also a leader in education and health care, and its religious, historical and cultural attractions make it the country's premier tourist destination.
It was some 3,000 years ago that King David captured Jerusalem and made it the capital of Israel. Since then, the city has been destroyed, besieged, attacked and rebuilt many times. But it always remained in the hearts of the Jewish people who longed to one day return and re-establish sovereignty there.
The Zionist movement, while a modern political movement, is in many ways a continuation of this ancient attachment of the Jewish people to Jerusalem. The current refusal of the nations to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is an attempt to rob the Jewish people of their spiritual and scriptural heart.
This is why the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem recognizes Jerusalem as the eternal and undivided capital of the State of Israel. 
Note: This is the second in a series of articles introducing Israel and various biblical sites of interest to the Christian reader. Click here for the first, "8 Reasons Why Every Christian Should Visit Israel."
Susan Michael is the U.S. Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem and leads tours to Israel
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Does the Promised Land Still Belong to the Jewish People? - SAM NADLER CHARISMA NEWS

Does the Promised Land still belong to the Jewish people?

Does the Promised Land Still Belong to the Jewish People?

Does the Promised Land still belong to the Jewish people? (Wikimedia Commons )
Today there are many different opinions regarding critical issues about Israel and the Jewish people, even among believers. Many have questions such as:
1. "Can a religious Jewish person be saved apart from faith in Yeshua?"  
2. "Are the Jewish people still the 'chosen people'?"  
3. "Does the promised land (Israel) still belong to the Jewish people?"
Such questions tend to create a spiritual ambiguity in the minds of many, which produces an uncertain rather than fervent witness to the Jewish people. As believers, this brings us to a foundational issue: the need for proper discipleship concerning God's promises, plan and purpose for the Jewish people according to His Word.
Let us now look to this plumb line for our faith in order to help clarify the issues raised by these three questions:
1. "Can a religious Jewish person be saved apart from faith in Yeshua?" No. No matter how religious, no one can be forgiven of their sins and accepted by God without personal faith in Yeshua. It was to Jewish men that Yeshua spoke when He said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). Think of it this way: If there were some other way for Jewish people, or any people, to be saved other than through faith in Yeshua, then God the Father would have been a fool for letting His Son die on a cross! If keeping the Law of Moses could save people, Yeshua would have told people to keep the Law. But instead, Yeshua declared that Jewish people and all people need to trust in Him: "If you believed Moses, you would believe Me, for he wrote about Me" (John 5:46).
2. "Are the Jewish people still the 'chosen people'?" Yes, according to the Law of Moses (Deut. 7:6; 14:2), the Prophets (Is. 41:8; Amos 3:2), the Writings (Ps. 33:12; 135:4), and the New Covenant (Rom. 9:3-5, 11:1-2). But isn't the body of Messiah called a chosen people as well? Yes, 1 Peter 2:9 declares all believers in Yeshua to be "a chosen generation (or people), a royal priesthood." However, please note that Peter refers to the body of Messiah as "a chosen people," but not as "the chosen people." Though Israel is chosen for a specific purpose (see next question), during this time of Israel's national unbelief, they are "sidelined" from being God's instrument of service until they return to God and confess Yeshua as the Messiah (Matt. 23:39; Hosea 5:15).  
For the present time, the body of Messiah is the spiritually active instrument of ministry, "a royal priesthood" for service and worship. Though Israel is chosen to be a "witness people" for the Lord (Is. 43:10-12, 44:8), they cannot be an active witness until they first believe in Yeshua as Lord (Rom. 10:14, 15). Israel is chosen as a people for God's purpose, which, in the past, was to bring Messiah into the world (Rom. 9:5), and in the future, to bring about the return of Messiah to planet earth (Matt. 23:39; Zech. 12:10). This will happen when the Jewish people collectively confess their national sin of rejecting Messiah (Is. 53). Though nationally chosen for God's purpose, each individual Jewish person still has to have personal faith in God's salvation on God's terms to be saved. Otherwise they are as lost and unsaved as any pagan (Jer. 9:25, 26).
3. "Does the promised land (Israel) still belong to the Jewish people?" Yes! The present spiritual condition of Israel does not change the promises of God, for even though Israel is nationally unfaithful, He is still faithful. This is Paul's argument in Romans 11:1-2, where he writes, "I say then, God has not rejected His people, has He? May it never be! For I too am an Israelite. ... God has not rejected His people whom He foreknew." Israel returned to the land after the Babylonian exile, but that wasn't to be their last return. In fact, Isaiah prophesies Israel's return to the same land for the second time in Isaiah 11:11-12: "Then it will happen on that day that the Lord will again recover the second time with His hand the remnant of His people ... from the four corners of the earth."  The Jewish people's present return to the land is the fulfillment of this promise in Isaiah.
Now this doesn't mean that everything the present Israeli government does is praiseworthy, but it does mean that Israel is entitled to the land, and that we, as believers, must support them in this. Even though this and their status as the chosen people remains unchanged, each Jewish person can only be saved through personal faith in Messiah. For all people, Jew and Gentile, Israeli and Palestinian, there is no peace apart from the Prince of Peace.
By understanding these critical, sometimes volatile issues, and having biblical answers to address them, believers in Messiah can have a boldness and confidence to share their faith with Jewish people. Outside of God's miraculous, heart-changing power found in the Good News, there is no solution to the present and future problems we see in the Middle East, and the world.
So get involved! Share this with your friends! You can help get the message out. Since God has not forsaken the Jewish people, let us not forsake our responsibility to proclaim Yeshua to Jewish people.
Dr. Sam Nadler is a Jewish believer in Jesus who has been in Messianic Jewish ministry for over 40 years. Sam is the president of Word of Messiah Ministries, which is bringing the Good News to the Jew first but not to the Jew only, and planting Messianic Congregations in Jewish communities worldwide. To encourage and equip the Body of Messiah in our shared calling, Sam is invited to speak in churches across the country, and has written multiple books on Jewish evangelism, discipleship, and the Feasts of Israel. For more information and resources, or to invite Sam to speak at your church, visit:
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Thursday, February 11, 2016




It is possible to never make a mistake in guidance. Your spirit man hits the bulls eye 100% of the time. So often after we err we say ” something was telling me not to do that.” That “something” was your spirit.
Most people miss the fact that being “led by the Spirit” means being led by your recreated human spirit. Your spirit is made up of three parts: conscience, intuition and communion.
This is one of the most mind blowing teaching ins the Bible, namely the triune nature of man. Spirit, soul and body.
With our spirit we contact the realm of God.
With our soul (mind, will an emotions) we contact the realm of men.
With our five physical senses we contact the realm of earth.
Being led by the Spirit happens in our spirit – the part of us that is born again and made a dwelling place for the Spirit of God. “The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God” (Romans 8:16)
This is what the Bible means when it says “you are the temple of the Holy Ghost” and “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”
What we miss is the fact that CONSCIENCE is the voice of the Spirit in our spirit. This is why the Bible warns about those who violate conscience ending up shipwrecked in their faith. The secret is to have a biblically educated conscience. Insufficient truth leads to lawlessness. Too much truth without corresponding grace leads to legalism. BUT- (and most people miss this) Proverbs tells us that INTEGRITY will be our guide! This is another way of saying – conscience.

I Have Received My Personal Prophecy, Now What? by Georgina Buchanan Identity Network

I Have Received My Personal Prophecy, Now What? by Georgina Buchanan

Identity Network
Is Prophecy Really Relevant For Me

The Apostle Paul tells Timothy in 1 Tim 4:14 (NIV): "Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you."

Strong's Concordance 4394 says "Prophecy, the gift of communicating and enforcing revealed truth."

The Greek Dictionary (Lexicon-Concordance) G4394 says: prophecy 1a) a discourse emanating from divine inspiration and declaring the purposes of God, whether by reproving and admonishing the wicked, or comforting the afflicted, or revealing things hidden."

My personal belief is that "prophecy is the declared intentions of God." So when we receive a personal word or when a corporate word is given, that word is declaring what God intends to do.  Unfortunately, a large portion of the church world has done away with the prophets; therefore prophecy, both personal and corporate are not recognized or accepted, but God has not done away with it.  The office of the Prophet is still alive and active as a vital part of the fivefold ministry.  Because of the elimination of prophets in the local church there is a lack of teaching, training and understanding of what prophecy is and how it functions today.  However, God has not done away with his friends the prophets; and where there are prophets, there will be prophecy. 

In the Old Testament the only way God spoke was through his prophets, but in the New Testament, after the indwelling of the Holy Spirit was released to the believers we can now come directly to the Father by the Holy Spirit.  However, that does not eliminate the purpose of the prophet, or his job.

Jesus himself set up the five fold ministry as spoken in Ephesians 4:11 (KJV) "And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers;"

As with everything, some person somewhere is going to mess something up.  When it comes to religion, mankind has excelled at messing it up, but you see religion is mankind's idea of what and who God is, and as with most things; what we don't understand - we tend to exclude from our daily lives, and prophecy is no exception.

What are the Conditions?

It greatly saddens me to see that God's own people do not believe that he wants to speak to them in such a personal way.  He is our Abba Father, and our Father knows everything about us, from beginning to end.  With every prophecy, both personal and corporate, there are conditions that apply. The first condition is simple; you have to believe to receive. Secondly, we have to live our lives in alignment with the word of God. God can, and will say what he has planned for you; but if you are living outside his word, his promises will not come to pass for you. You are the one that determines the final outcome.

God told Abram that he would be a father of many nations when at the time Abram had no children. (see Genesis 17:5)  Our physical circumstances will often be opposite of what our prophecy is saying. That's why God changed Abrams name to Abraham, so that every time Abraham said his own name it reminded him of God's intended outcome for him.  Our words must speak not what we see, but what we are believing for.  It is sad, but many people will stand back with their arms folded, waiting to see before they believe, but spectators never become recipients, because receiving requires believing.

Time:  the Great Enemy of Believing

We too often judge a prophecy by our natural timetable.  When it does not come to pass, when we think it should, then we dismiss it as false.  God knows no time, yet he is well aware of every passing moment of our lives.  So much of what was spoken of in the Old Testament has yet to take place.  Some will say, "it's in the Old Testament so it is past."  NOT SO my friends! Much of what was spoken then is for such a time as NOW. There is an appointed time for God's word to be fulfilled and when we keep our minds and spirit turned toward God, his word spoken over us will surely come to pass.

A word from the Lord will always be impossible with man, that's why we cannot receive it with our carnal minds.  The carnal mind is the enemy of God. Romans 8:7 (NIV) tells us; "the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so."

Wanting the word to come to pass our way may sound good to our natural hearing, but it can only be fulfilled through the mighty hand of God. Unfortunately, that is why so many believers disregard the prophetic, because they are living with a carnal mindset.  It is crucial that we allow God to fulfill his word, in his time and in his way.  We cannot dictate how and when God does anything. 

We often are disappointed because we think God failed to fulfill his promises to us when in reality he just didn't do it in our time frame.  Abraham pleaded with God to allow Ishmael to be the appointed heir, (see Gen 17:18-22) but God replied to him by saying he would bless Ismael but he could not be the covenant heir. Why, because Ismael was from Abrahams natural ability - not by God's supernatural power.

It Shall Come to Pass

The longer we wait for the fulfillment of our promises to take place, the more confused we can become. We begin to wonder if we heard God right.  Did we miss a turn or a step somewhere along the way?  Our friends seem to lose interest in standing with us, and we get words of "advice" about what we should or should not do.  We are told to give a certain amount of monies, or pledge an odd amount for a certain amount of time, all in the effort to make God's promises come to pass.   

My friend, all God requires of us is that we believe that he will do exactly as he promised.  We are in a season of time that has never existed before, and it is only the beginning of the greatest outpouring of God's glory man has ever experienced.  The breakthroughs we are waiting for will not be just an ordinary breakthrough, but they will break us through into the extraordinary move of God.

Though you may have already waited a long time for your prophecies to come to pass, the answer will be so much greater than you ever imagined. TRUST GOD with your life and ALL that concerns you.  You will not be disappointed anymore than Abraham was when Isaac was born.  When we are resting in our Heavenly Father, time will draw us closer to him, not further away.  God will not only sustain you in the wait for His word to be fulfilled, but He will draw you closer to him.  

My friends, you can be totally assured that God's word will be fulfilled in your life.  Do not judge God by our natural timetable; choose to believe, receive, and act on what He has said. Then let him do what only he can do, in whatever way he chooses. You will not be disappointed.  God will not fail you. His promises to you will be fulfilled, and your personal prophetic word will come to pass.

Georgina Buchanan

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"A Leafy Olive Tree" ✡ Beautify the Land with Your Own Tree - ISRAEL365

The LORD called thy name a leafy olive-tree, fair with goodly fruit; with the noise of a great tumult He hath kindled fire upon it, and the branches of it are broken.

JEREMIAH (11:16)

זַיִת רַעֲנָן יְפֵה פְרִי-תֹאַר קָרָא יְ-הוָה שְׁמֵךְ--לְקוֹל הֲמוּלָּה גְדֹלָה הִצִּית אֵשׁ עָלֶיהָ וְרָעוּ דָּלִיּוֹתָיו

ירמיהו יא:טז

za-yit ra-a-nan y'-fay f'-ree to-ar ka-ra a-do-nai sh'-maykh l'-kol ha-mu-la g'-do-la hi-tzeet aysh a-le-ha v'-ra-u da-li-yo-tav

Today's Israel Inspiration

Can you guess where the olive tree first appears in the Bible? In the story of the flood, Noah sees that life has begun anew when the dove returns with an olive branch in its mouth (Genesis 8:11, 21). One lesson from the olive is that just as an olive only yields fine oil when pressed, so too, when we are pressed between the millstones of life, our best selves emerge. It is often only when forced that we rise to the occasion to meet life’s challenges. Celebrate life in the Holy Land and help us make it even more beautiful and green by planting a tree today!

The Persistence of the
Olive Tree

Learn all about the strength of the Israeli olive tree that bears bountiful fruit despite the warm dry climate it endures year after year.

Astounding Irrigation in
Ancient Israel

An ancient canal system used 2,000 years ago to irrigate terraced agricultural plots has been unearthed in an excavation near the Roman-era fortress of Metzad Bokek in southern Israel.

Tree of Life Jewelry Set

This matching set of Tree of Life necklace and earrings makes a perfect gift for that special someone in your life. The necklace, designed by Diane Fuller, includes a set of glass crystals and a turquoise bead that have both a fun and inspirational look, perfect for any occasion.

Today's Israel Photo

Olives growing in the Holy Land by Yehoshua Halevi.

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Israel Prepares for War With Hamas - Israel Today Staff

Israel Prepares for War With Hamas

Thursday, February 11, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
Senior commanders in Israel’s Southern Command are warning their troops to be prepared for possible preemptive action against the Hamas terrorist infrastructure in Gaza.
Israel knows that Hamas is digging terror tunnels into southern Israel in preparation for the next war. In fact, Hamas itself has admitted as much.
On Wednesday, IDF officials cited by Israel’s Yediot Ahronot assessed that some 1,000 terrorists are currently engaged in digging tunnels into Israel, including a massive central tunnel that could already extend deep into Israel’s southern Negev region.
Many in Israel, most especially the residents living in the vicinity of Gaza, want the army to strike first and not give Hamas the chance to infiltrate their communities.
One officer told Walla! News that “the various units should prepare for the possibility that the political echelon will lose patience or that the threat of tunnels in the Gaza Strip will not allow for restraint, and they will try to initiate treatment of the tunnels in Palestinian territory.”
In recent weeks at least a dozen Hamas terrorists have been killed when the tunnels in which they were working suddenly collapsed. There is much speculation that IDF engineering units were behind those incidents.
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EU Attempts to Heal Schism With Israel Over Product Labeling By JNS - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

European Union flags. (Wikimedia Commons)

European Union flags. (Wikimedia Commons)

EU Attempts to Heal Schism With Israel Over Product Labeling

“When a man’s ways please the LORD, He maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)
Israel is discreetly holding talks with the European Union (EU) in an effort to resolve a diplomatic crisis following the EU’s recent decision to remove “Made in Israel” labels from products originating beyond Israel’s 1967 lines.
The EU and Israel are jointly working on ways to restore relations so that negotiations can resume in the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, the Jerusalem Post reported, citing Israel Radio.
NO to BDS and YES to Israel!
A delegation led by Helga Schmid—the EU’s deputy secretary general for the External Action Service and a senior adviser to EU foreign affairs chief Federica Mogherini—last week secretly met with Israeli Foreign Ministry Director General Dore Gold, representatives of the Israeli National Security Council, and other officials in Israel, according to Haaretz.
“We told them that the decisions of the EU’s council of foreign ministers and the decision on the labeling of products [beyond the 1967 lines] were unilateral and in fact adopted the Palestinian narrative. That’s no way to conduct a respectful dialogue,” an unnamed Jerusalem official was quoted as saying.