Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Grammy Winner the Media Ignored: The Holy Spirit - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Francesca Battistelli

The Grammy Winner the Media Ignored: The Holy Spirit

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You go, Taylor Swift! And what was up with Adele's sound? Did you see that Hamilton performance? 
The 2016 Grammy Award headlines fill social media streams, but few mention how the Holy Spirit won.  
"Holy Spirit," which proclaims: Holy Spirit, you are welcome here/Come flood this place and fill the atmosphere won best contemporary Christian music performance by Francesca Battistelli. 
 "I'm so grateful for @BryanTorwalt & @katietorwalt. They wrote an incredible song, & the Lord is honoring it! I'm thankful to get to sing it!" Battistelli tweeted after the win.  
Other Christian winners include TobyMac for Best Contemporary Christian Music Album and Kirk Franklin for Best Gospel Performance/Song. 
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

Francesca Battistelli took home her first Grammy Award for Best Contemporary Christian Music Performance/Song for “Holy Spirit.” The song is from her 2014 album, "If We’re Honest," an album that netted three Grammy nominations. Battistelli, who is anticipating the birth of her third child, was unable to attend the 58thAnnual Grammy Awards, which took place Monday, February 15 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

“Holy Spirit” (written by Bryan and Katie Torwalt) spent 15 consecutive weeks at No. 1 and topped 5 radio charts simultaneously in 2015, becoming her third consecutive No. 1 from the album, If We’re Honest, following “Write Your Story” and “He Knows My Name.”
This Grammy Award win caps off an extremely fruitful awards season. Francesca was voted Female Artist of the Year at the KLOVE Fan Awards last spring, received her first Billboard Music Awards nomination, and received three more nods at the 2015 GMA Dove Awards.

For more information, visit

In Israel, US Jewish Leaders Study 'Timely, Realistic, Frightening' Middle East - MAAYAN JAFFE-HOFFMAN/JNS.ORG CHARISMA NEWS

 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses visiting leaders from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations at the Inbal hotel in Jerusalem on Feb. 14, 2016.

In Israel, US Jewish Leaders Study 'Timely, Realistic, Frightening' Middle East

Photo above: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses visiting leaders from the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations at the Inbal hotel in Jerusalem on Feb. 14, 2016. (Kobi Gideon/GPO)

Standing With Israel
"Timely, realistic and frightening" were the words that William Daroff, senior vice president for public policy and director of the Washington Office of the Jewish Federations of North America, used to describe reports about the Middle East security situation. 
Speaking on the second day of the leadership mission of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Daroff's remarks came after an hour-long session focused on Iran after the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), otherwise known as the nuclear deal between Iran and world powers, and just before another hour-long panel discussion on "the Middle East volcano."
The 42nd annual Israel mission for the Conference of Presidents, an umbrella body representing 50 U.S. Jewish organizations, kicked off Feb. 14 as the group of more than 100 delegates was welcomed with a speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 
The meeting minutes and panel discussions reflected the current gloom-and-doom picture of the region.
"Syria will leave us with two bad options: We will have either Daesh (Islamic State) or Iran on our border," said Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon on Feb. 15.
"I don't think Israel has lost. I think the world has lost," Member of Knesset Yair Lapid, the Yesh Atid party's leader, said regarding Iran.
The Middle East has always been a region wrought with contradictions, but the conference highlighted how in the realm of security, Middle East experts are now unsure what is truth and what is façade, if what will happen tomorrow will be indicative of what will happen in 10 years, and if those we assume are our enemies might just be our friends (or vice versa).
Take the Iran deal. Dr. Emily B. Landau, senior research fellow at Tel Aviv University's Institute for National Security Studies (INSS), quoted IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Gadi Eizenkot as saying at the INSS conference last month that the Iran deal entails both opportunities and dangers. Landau said both are true. 
"We are working on different timelines; there is a five-year timeline and there is a 15-year timeline," she explained. "On the five-year timelines, yes, this is a strategic turning point because [Eizenkot] believes the threat has been delayed. ... Iran will be focused on upholding the deal to get the economic and diplomatic benefits of the deal."
But nothing has changed in terms of Iran's strategic goals, and in 15 years Iran will likely have nuclear weapons, which translates into a nuclear Middle East, according to Landau.
"Delaying a threat is not taking care of a threat," she said.
Here's the next dichotomy: Conference experts said that while they feel the JCPOA has stunted the immediate growth of Iran's nuclear program, the deal has empowered Iran in other ways. The reintegration of Iran into the world economic system has led to a real change in Iranian behavior, said Michael Segall, senior analyst for the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs think tank. He said Iran has moved from covert operations in the Middle East to overt operations.
"No one is trying to hide behind secrecy anymore," said Segall. "We see Iran going from being perceived as part of the problem in the Middle East to part of the solution."
But Segall said that is only a perception and that Iran remains a very dangerous threat for Israel. While Iran partners with Russia to keep in power Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, who the Americans were confident would be out of office a few years ago, the Islamic Republic is simultaneously training and bolstering the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah. Even if Hezbollah is beaten down and banged up by its participation in the Syrian civil war, Segall said that ultimately, "Hezbollah will come out strong and experienced in fighting. Hezbollah will be even more threatening in the future."
How could the United States let this happen? Delusion? Ignorance? Innocence? It is likely a combination of all of the above, according to what Dr. Michael Doran, senior fellow at the Hudson Institute think tank, told the Conference of the Presidents. There lies the next contradiction: a world superpower entrapped by what Doran called "fantasy."
"The president (Barack Obama) doesn't understand Iran the way we do," said Doran. "The president represents a trend in the U.S. national security elite, which sees Iran as a natural ally of the U.S. This is a strongly held secret opinion. They don't like to advertise it because it is unpopular politically."
Doran said this false belief is widely held—not only by Democrats but by Republicans too. He said President Obama has convinced himself that in the end, Iran and the U.S. have the same interest of defeating Islamic State and that Iran doesn't really want to destroy Israel. 
"That is what Iran tells the U.S. behind closed doors. ... I don't believe it for a second," said Doran. 
In the meantime, according to Segall, the U.S. has lost its place in the game—and it lost it in August 2013 when Obama's "chemical redlines were crossed" by failing to push through military action against Syria following Assad's use of chemical weapons. Russia has moved in to fill the American void.
"We all know the end result," Segall said.
In Israel, the U.S. seems to be losing its foothold too. In January, one Israeli poll named Russian President Vladimir Putin as its "person of the year" for 2015. Putin, whose country in 2015 was considered by international analysts to have surpassed North Korea as the United States's greatest adversary, was the clear winner of the Jerusalem Post poll, with almost 30 percent of the vote. 
Netanyahu told the Conference of Presidents, "We live in an era where there are two parallel but contradictory trends regarding the State of Israel." On the one hand, Israel faces ongoing diplomatic hostility from longtime friends, including from the European Union and its member countries. On the other hand, nontraditional partners like India, China, Japan, Russia, and African and Latin American nations are warming up to Israel.
"The first reason is the concern with the spread of militant Islam, which has become a global plague and the terrorism that it produces," said Netanyahu. "And countries want to have, to benefit from Israel's experience, our intelligence. I mean military intelligence, special service intelligence, operational experience. They want to partake of that experience to help defend themselves."
The old Middle East is gone, said Segall, and we don't really know what the end result of the shifting dynamics will be.
Avi Issacharoff, the Middle East correspondent for the Times of Israel, added, "The new Middle East is not about black and white. It's about 50 shades of gray."
For the original article, visit
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Heidi Baker's Prophetic Vision Over America: 'I Was Undone by What I Saw' - JESSILYN JUSTICE CHARISMA NEWS

Heidi Baker's Prophetic Vision Over America: 'I Was Undone by What I Saw'

Iris Ministries' Heidi Baker told a conference audience she had a vision of famine sweeping across America.  
"I had a vision in your church and it wasn't what I expected to see. ... I saw bread lines, soup kitchens, and I saw people wearing beautiful clothing. Their clothing was not worn out. Now in my nation when people are hungry you can tell. I mean they are in shredded rags. They don't have shoes or they have flip flops. Most of them [have] no shoes. They are hungry and they know they are hungry. They come for food, not because they are beggars, but because they are hungry," Baker said. 

"I have held starving children in my arms. I know what starvation is. I know what pain is. I know what suffering is. But in this vision that I had that was in your nation, my nation, which the Lord is helping me to say, I will identify with America as well as Mozambique," Baker continued.  
Watch the video to see the rest of her vision. 
For a limited time, we are extending our celebration of the 40th anniversary of Charisma. As a special offer, you can get 40 issues of Charisma magazine for only $40!
NEW from CHARISMA: Do you want to encounter the Holy Spirit and hear God speak to you? Increase your faith, discover freedom, and draw near to God! Click Here

Innovative Israeli Cancer Cure Seeing Amazing Results - Israel Today

Innovative Israeli Cancer Cure Seeing Amazing Results

Wednesday, February 17, 2016 |  Israel Today Staff
An innovative Israeli-developed cure for leukemia that is currently being tested in the US is seeing amazing results.
The clinical tests have been run primarily on patients with advanced leukemia that were given only a matter of months to live. An astonishing 94 percent have reportedly shown improvement, and in more than half symptoms related to the cancer have disappeared all together.
Professor Stanley Riddell of the University of Washington, who is running the tests, cautioned that much work remains to clarify the results of the study, and it is still unknown if the treatment managed to remove the cancer completely, or if it will return in the aforementioned patients.
The treatment was originally developed by Professor Zelig Eshhar (pictured) of Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science.
In a Wednesday morning interview with Israel Radio, Prof. Eshhar said the challenge was now to expand the range of this treatment to target other forms of cancer, including those involving solid tumors.
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Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Morris & Carol Ruddick


"My heart burns with the fire of God when I talk with you." This was a recent comment of a Vietnamese pastor I work with. This man is a part of those who embody the future of Vietnam, who are paving the way for the new thing God is doing globally.

Our time in Vietnam since mid-January has been rich, full and fruitful with a series of unexpected God-things taking place.

All we've been working toward is maturing. It is dovetailing with God's sovereign moves across the earth, as we're witnessing the fire of God manifesting. It is linked to the shift that we believe is the forerunner of the new thing the Lord is doing between the generations. So, thank you for your prayers.

At the forefront of our strategy has been an approach that mobilizes Vietnamese to help Vietnamese. Our aim has been to help them become self-sufficient as a culture within a culture, to mobilize believers to be a people of God who bring influence, as they become a blessing within their communities.

Our goal has been to build community builders as we work toward establishing God's blueprint in the roles served by both pastoral and business leaders bridging the generations. These are ones who are a part of the ground-swell of God's purposes manifesting for Vietnam's believers.

While we have started (and have continued) with a unique business startup program, our efforts plant what we call the God's economy program, "how to do business God's way." It is business with a purpose. In many ways, it's a different way of thinking. It is not unlike that of the Jews, the people of the Book, who have had to think strategically over the centuries to survive. But it is more than just survival. God's pathway has been for His people to be the head and not the tail.

As our efforts have taken root and begun bearing fruit, we have begun preparing experienced business leaders to mentor the next generation. We have also long had the vision to tap the secular community with our efforts. This has spilled over into the field of education.

From Orphans to Community Influence

Here is one story to illustrate what is emerging. One of our closest associates, a successful business owner, has been caring for a group of orphans he and his wife have taken responsibility for. With very little help from the West, he has built the housing for this group of orphans on a property he owns. We have prayed with him as he has taken steps of faith and the opportunity has morphed.

Through the orphanage now they reach out to their neighbors with gifts and food onholidays. They also conduct free English classes for many in the neighborhood who want to come, which broadens the spiritual foundations of those attending.

However, their long-term vision is to establish a private Christian school. Taking one step at a time, their application for a private kindergarten is expected to be approved soon.

New Emerging Opportunity

In another "unexpected" from this trip, we were introduced to and broke bread with the boss of a close Vietnamese associate of ours. Our friend is in charge of the language program for a private college. Interest was expressed in our program for these students.

Having been a part of a group (ICCC) that prepared a video series for the Chinese educational TV system in the late 90s, I am acquainted with the challenges of communicating spiritual things to a non-believing audience. It is an additional challenge when there are governmental restraints over spiritual things.

Within the arena of doing business God's way are matters tied to the wholesomeness of faith, the spiritual values which comprise the faith-culture for doing business successfully. Interestingly, many within China, promoting the Chinese video series have surmised THIS to be the key edge defining Western business success.

This premise ties in to the biblical mind-set of why the Jewish people have been so successful in business over the centuries. So we have been discussing the applicability and uniqueness that our approach will offer the students of this college. Before our departure, we conducted an informal workshop with a group of these students at a private Bistro.

Our expectations were exceeded as we shared openly on topics related to the Lord andpertinent to these students. The matters we broached ranged from how to discover their gifts, discerning their destiny, God's plan for their lives, entrepreneurship, factors of leadership, community and the cultural similarities between the Jews and the Vietnamese. This wonderful time of exploration was concluded by my praying a prayer of blessing over them and then our being encouraged by these students and invited back for "more."

Ripples from Generational Blessings

One of our God's economy programs on this trip was done for the Methodists. Both pastoral and business leaders attended. One of those attending is the owner of a private kindergarten program. Her comment upon completion of our time together was that God had spoken to her about expanding her already successful operation into a K-12 school.

This is the same thing the Lord has spoken to our business friend with the orphanage, who is awaiting approval for the first step with their kindergarten.

Many business leaders from this workshop indicated they now understand how to better use their businesses for the Kingdom as they serve as community builders.
I have a friend who has commented that he has enough in-laws to make a denomination! The family that has spawned the leadership of the Methodists in Vietnam didn't start that way. However, they have become an example of what is now significant with the generations strategically cooperating to bring in the "new thing" God is doing.

Not long after the government change in 1975, the oldest of nine siblings came to faith. He then brought all the other members of the family to the Lord, including their parents. The parents went on to become pastors and half the siblings are now pastors and half are business owners with all the extended family being believers. From the beginning to this day they have supported one another. And their influence now extends across the nation.

Yet, at the time they came to faith, things were not easy for believers. They formed a close family-community and prayed. They reached out and blessed their friends and neighbors. The youngest son (the pastor hosting us), is almost a generation younger than the oldest. As a young teen he felt a strong call into the ministry and upon completing school in Vietnam, they all came behind him and he was sent first to Korea and then to the US to study for the ministry. He has his doctorate from a respected U.S seminary. Their Bible School, where members from across Vietnam attend and where we did our workshop was property that was owned and donated by their parents.

Unexpected Multiplication

The participants of another of our workshops felt so strongly about the significance of what we taught that they asked us to do another workshop in conjunction with another group in another part of the city. We did. These folks are not only ready but eager to put into action what our program teaches.

What was distinctive about this group was the number of successful business owners, who in addition to running quite successful businesses, have opened their homes to their friends and now are also pastoring congregations of 45 to 60!

One of the most unusual "unexpecteds" was a request from a secular source to minister spiritually to a business professional. We did and it was received and embraced, an indication of the spiritual hunger that is resulting from the years of prayers and the spiritual climate change underway at this time in Vietnam.

Unexpected Convergence

Yet among all the things that took place, personally the most exciting was the start of plans for a coalition of Christian business leaders to mentor the next generation. Strategies have been laid out and steps taken for what we believe will trigger the opening of unusual doors for spiritually hungry people eager to do business patterned after the ways of the people of business described "in the Book."

After these steps, before leaving, we "unexpectedly" were invited to share a meal with a group of three Vietnamese businessmen and a pastor. Two of them had gone through our program about four years ago. They were on their way back from another Asian locale putting on a seminar on how to start a business It was for an expatriate Vietnamese group preparing to return to Vietnam. They are the mobilized business community already doing what we are talking about. They are eager to bring our program into their efforts.

These are the highlights. There was more, but I think you get the idea. God has been bringing it all together.

It has been eight years since Easter of 2008, when the Lord opened the doors for usinto Vietnam. With the God's economy program at the forefront, we've invested over two years into our efforts with these amazing people. Now the fruit is coming forth as we plan for our next two trips, as we expand our efforts with strategies in education, make plans for successful business owners to mentor the next generation, get key materials translated, and walk through the open doors with university students hungry to embrace alternatives to the world's pathway of success with new (biblical) mind-sets.

Again, thank you for your prayers. The fire of God is truly burning in Vietnam. Our efforts have been supported by literally a couple of handfuls of dear friends. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I pray that you recognize the shift and the opportunity we have before us and that your very vital support continues and should the Lord speak to you, will increase. The opportunity has never been greater.

For those who may have only considered helping us, we are prudent with our expenditures and do a LOT with a little. We pray that you'll consider getting in the boat with us for this time of opportunity the Lord is opening for us.

The year that began with Christmas of 2014 proved one of our greatest times of challenge. Our dear grandson Isaiah unexpectedly died. Twice while we were ministering in Vietnam in 2015, the ground floor of our home offices flooded. In the time following, my computer crashed with the loss of important data. We KNEW that God had something significant coming soon. That "something more" is happening now.

Thank you again for your prayers and support.

In His love and ours,
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

Global Initiatives is a 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization


Rally calling for boycott of Israeli products. (Photo: Wikimedia Commons)

UK Latest Nation to Boycott BDS

“And I will bless them that bless thee, and him that curseth thee will I curse; and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” 
Genesis 12:3 (The Israel Bible™)
Israel Hayom
New British government directives are aiming to prevent public bodies, universities, and student unions from boycotting Israeli products, The Independent reported Sunday. According to The Sunday Times, the move “follows mounting concern among Jewish leaders about anti-Semitism.”
British media quoted U.K. Cabinet Office Minister Matthew Hancock as saying such boycotts are divisive, potentially damaging to the U.K.’s relationship with Israel, and risk fueling anti-Semitism.
The new bill, already described as a “controversial crackdown,” seeks to prevent any public body from imposing a boycott on a World Trade Organization member, which Israel has been since 1995.
NO to BDS and YES to Israel!
The regulation will essentially outlaw boycotting Israeli products—a threat often made against goods produced in Judea and Samaria—and allow the British government to take legal action against organizations that impose such boycotts.
Under the plan, all publicly funded institutions would be barred from excluding goods produced by their idea of “unethical companies,” such as companies involved in arms trading, fossil fuels, tobacco products, or companies based in Judea and Samaria.
Any public bodies that continue to pursue boycotts would face severe penalties, The Independent reported. Critics of the initiative said it constituted a “gross attack on democratic freedoms.”

Palestinians Receiving Plenty of Public Opinion Passes - NOAH BECK CHARISMA NEWS

Israeli and Palestinian flags

Palestinians Receiving Plenty of Public Opinion Passes

Israeli and the Palestinian Authority are no closer to peace these days than they have ever been. (Wikimedia Commons)
Activists who genuinely want to see peace between Israelis and Palestinians need to internalize a memorably alliterative warning: plenty of Palestinian passes perpetuate the impasse. The more global opinion ignores or rewards irresponsible behavior by Palestinians, the more likely renewed violence (rather than peace) becomes.
There are enough instances of unfair and counterproductive "Palestinian passes" to fill a tomb, but here are some recent examples.
Passing on Hamas Bellicosity
Probably the most important pass currently given to the Palestinians is the global silence over news that Hamas is preparing to launch another war against Israel while distressing ordinary Israelis with their ominous tunneling sounds. Such silence by the world's most important media, international bodies, political leaders, NonGovernmental Organizations and academics helps keep Hamas in power, and when Hamas eventually launches new hostilities against Israel, many of the same voices that are now silent will blame Israel for the resulting suffering.
Hamas bellicosity is constant, and constantly ignored. Rather than prepare Palestinians for peace, Hamas glorifies death and promotes viciously hateful ideologies. A Hamas TV broadcast announces, "We have no problem with death. We are not like the children of Israel ... we yearn for death and Martyrdom ... Every mother ... must nurse her children on hatred of the sons of Zion."
Last April, Iran reportedly sent Hamas tens of millions of dollars to rebuild tunnels and restock missile arsenals destroyed in 2014 by Israel during Operation Protective Edge. Instead of global sanctions or censure over its support for terrorism, Iran was rewarded with a nuclear deal that just unlocked $100 billion in frozen assets, some of which are expected to support more terrorism.
Hamas regularly starts pointless wars with Israel that doom Gaza to inevitable devastation. Then, when international sympathy and donations pour in, Hamas diverts the resources to rebuilding its offensive capabilities/tunnels (rather than destroyed homes in Gaza).
Hamas recently accelerated its tunnel-digging program. Indeed, three collapsing tunnels killed eight Hamas diggers in late January and another two last week.
Such reports establish that Hamas is diverting resources from rehabilitating Gaza to attacking Israel, and yet the world still blames Israel for Gazan misery.
Passing on Hamas Abuse of Gazans
Ironically, those who claim to excoriate Israel out of their concern for the welfare of Gaza don't seem to care when Hamas causes Gazan suffering.  At least 160 Gazan children died digging Hamas' tunnels intended to kill Israeli children. Hamas tortures political prisoners next to a girl's school and kills its critics (it executed 25 in 2014). Hamas executed 120 Gazans for breaching a curfew. Hamas kills fellow Palestinians when its rockets fall short. Unsurprisingly, in a poll last September, Gazans actually preferred Israeli rule to Hamas.
Passing on Palestinian Incitement
Facebook tolerates Palestinian incitement but quickly responds to complaints about Jewish racism. The company is clearly able to control the threats circulating on its site, as shown by Facebook's recent decision to stop gun sale promotions, making the continued incitement against Jews and Israelis on Facebook all the more outrageous. Facebook has much to learn from its tech rival, Google, which is reportedly directing jihadi search queries to sites that deradicalize.
Global opinion seems indifferent to how incitement (including in Palestinian pop culture) contributes to Palestinian violence. Instead, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon blames Palestinian terrorist attacks on Israeli policy (settlements), which is like blaming the November Paris attacks on France's policy against Islamic veils in schools (ironically, Israel actually allows such veils in its schools).
When Israelis kill knife-wielding Palestinians in self-defense, Sweden's foreign minister calls for a probe into Israeli "extra-judicial killing," but she was conspicuously silent after French police preemptively killed a machete-wielding Islamist trying to hack them in a Paris police station.
Except for attacks on Israelis, world leaders and commentators never try to blame the victims of Islamist terror. This hateful, blame-the-victim exception for Jews is not limited to the Jewish state. According to recent polls, many of the French believe that Jews in France are responsible for a rise in anti-Semitism.
Diplomatic Passes
Those who claim to want Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation should recognize that pressuring only Israel actually reduces the prospects for peace (as an architect of the Oslo Peace Acords observed about the Obama administration's fruitless efforts). Unfortunately, France is repeating Obama's mistakes with its latest threat to recognize Palestine if Israelis doesn't make enough concessions to those trying to stab them.
Passing on Israeli Victims
Phyllis Chesler shows how the New York Times employs a double standard in reporting on victims of violence. Palestinians are personalized with names, ages, and sympathetic eyewitnesses. That rarely happens with Israeli victims.
More recently, CAMERA highlights how leading U.S. papers downplay or ignore the recent Palestinian stabbing murders of Israeli women.
A CBS News headline last week provided a classic example after gunmen attempted a terrorist attack outside Jerusalem's old city. Three terrorists died after killing a 19-year-old policewoman. The headline? "3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on." Thankfully, the network apologized and changed the headline. But the original version would have been akin to a 9/11 headline saying, "19 Muslims Die in Plane Crashes."
Passing on Israel's Positive Stories
A corollary of the pro-Palestinian pass on negative coverage is passing on positive coverage of Israel. There has been virtually no mention of Israel's disproportionately generous humanitarian aid efforts, or its exceptional contributions to solving global problems relating to health, energy, agriculture, security, (as Israel has done in Africa).
If the world knew just how important Israel is to solving some of the planet's toughest problems, and how Israelis can also be victims of war and terror, global opinion might be less judgmental and more protective of the only democracy in the Middle East, as the tiny Jewish state does its best to survive in the world's toughest neighborhood.
All of these types of passes grow exponentially worse whenever war breaks out, usually after Hamas launches one too many missiles at Israeli civilians. When Israel can no longer accept about 40 percent of its population living in range of deadly rocket attacks and finally does what any normal country would do—take military action against those attacking it – the global media bias moves into overdrive, enabled by "Pallywood," journalistic malpractice, and fear of Hamas retribution.
Casualties inevitably mount, especially thanks to Hamas's unethical use of human shields, emotions run high, and media outlets compete to get "breaking news" out first, resulting in less time to check facts and more group thinkpressure to favor the perceived underdog. The media slant then exacerbates the bias from world leaders, international bodies, NGOs, academics, and anti-Israel boycott movements.
Thus, with each war, Israel gets more demonized while Palestinians are increasingly presented as blameless victims. Tragically, these biases actually perpetuate the conflict. Those who genuinely want peace should focus global media attention, lobbying, and resources on Palestinian intransigence and Hamas' obsessive focus on attacking and trying to "destroy Israel."
Reprinted with permission from
Noah Beck is the author of The Last Israelis, an apocalyptic novel about Iranian nukes and other geopolitical issues in the Middle East.
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"Cut Off the Wounds From the Past and Come Into a New Season!" by Cindy Jacobs THE ELIJAH LIST

"Cut Off the Wounds From the Past and Come Into a New Season!"by Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX  THE ELIJAH LIST

From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

Steve ShultzDear Elijah List friends,

We are coming into a time when it is more important than ever to leave old wounds behind so we can prosper and flourish in the days to come.

We must not take INTO THE NOW what was THE "THEN" as far as our hurts and wounds.

Here is a special short word from Cindy Jacobs about this very thing.
Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here:


Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"Cut Off the Wounds From the Past
and Come Into a New Season!"

by Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX

This is a prophetic word by Cindy Jacobs that was recorded on February 10, 2016 about the new season God has for you. You can listen to the word through the audio player as well just click here.

For the Lord would say, "You are moving into a new season." And the Lord says, "You must not lead the remnants of the old season behind you." And the Lord says, "This is a time to take stock of things that have troubled you, old pain, old wounding." And the Lord says, "You must shake the dust off your feet or the pain of your yesterday, so I can bring you into a new tomorrow."

And God says, "Come up to a higher place. I'm going to show you how to walk in a new place where the fiery darts of the enemy do not wound your heart, but you are immediately able to deal with what comes at you," says the Lord. "You are able to resist the devil and he will flee from you," says God.

And the Lord says, "Know this, I am giving you a time of wearing new armor, for some of your armor is so battered and bruised from the last season; but I would say to you, close the holes in your armor—those things that have hurt you."

And the Lord says, "If you will do that, you are going to come to a triumphant place where, even though the enemy will try to pull you down, it will not be lasting but momentary. Those things that used to take you down emotionally and it would take you days to overcome—it will be fleeting," says God.

"For I have given you authority to overcome; I have given you authority to walk in a new and higher place with me," says God.

So the Lord says, "Come into a time where even you form prayer alliances because, if there is a challenge before you that you're not able to overcome on your own," the Lord says, "I will bring two, and I will bring three to agree with you. Ask Me for those people who will stand with you in agreement."

And God says, "If you will do that, you're going to be strong, a three-fold cord. Who can break? I want to strengthen you. I want to bring people into your life who will stand with you," says God, "even in the midst of the difficult moments."

So God says, "Rise up, My beloved, rise up; come away with Me. Let Me show you those wounds of the past, so you can cut them off, so you can come into your new season.You cannot bring them into a new season, for if you do, the new seasons will become like the old season. I want everything to become new and do a new thing in your life," says the Lord.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International

Cindy Jacobs is an author, speaker, and teacher with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and prophetic gifts. She and Mike – her husband of 41 years – co-founded Generals International in 1985. She is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Her first calling is and always will be prophetic intercession. 

Each year she travels, and she has spoken on nearly every inhabited continent to tens of thousands. Cindy has authored books, loves to travel and speak, but one of her favorite past-times is spending time with her husband Mike and their children Daniel and Mary Madison, along with her grandchildren.