Friday, March 18, 2016

Shabbat Shalom ✡ "Flowers Appear on the Earth" - ISRAEL365

The flowers appear on the land;
the time of singing is come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land.

הַנִּצָּנִים נִרְאוּ בָאָרֶץ עֵת הַזָּמִיר הִגִּיעַ וְקוֹל הַתּוֹר נִשְׁמַע בְּאַרְצֵנוּ

שיר השירים ב:יב

ha-ni-tza-neem nir-u ba-a-retz ayt ha-za-meer hi-gee-a v'-kol ha-tor nish-ma

Shabbat Inspiration

King Solomon's beautiful description of the Land in springtime rings just as true in our days, in the modern State of Israel! When "the winter has passed, the rain is over and gone" (verse 11), travelers come out to see the gorgeous blossoms, and the songbirds can be heard throughout the Land. Celebrate the arrival of spring and plant your very own tree in the Land. You'll receive a special certificate attesting to the tree that you planted to beautify the Holy Land. Makes a wonderful gift!

Ben Gurion Airport Displays Israel’s Pride in 60 Images

While taking off from Israel, travelers can now peruse a unique new exhibit launched at Ben-Gurion International Airport. On display are 60 Israeli developments and scientific breakthroughs that have influenced the world.

Weekly Torah Portion:
Sin and Guilt Offerings

Two types of sacrificial offerings are discussed in this week's portion, and both atone for the intentional transgression of God's laws. Find out why community unity and proper speech are vital lessons that we learn from the offerings.

"Ruth and Naomi in the Fields of Moab" 2-Disc CD Set

This 2-Disc CD set captures the biblical tale of Ruth, ancestor of King David, and her Mother-in-law, Naomi and their famous return to the holy land after becoming dishonored and destitute. Their story is retold in this uplifting and inspirational show made by theater group “Raise Your Spirits” from Gush Etzion. Get set to enjoy a musical extravaganza produced by women for women.  2 disc soundtrack of a live performance of the musical “Ruth and Naomi”.

Today's Israel Photo

Noam Chen's beautiful photo of cyclamens in full spring bloom in the Judean forest.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Dawn Fernando of Australia. Todah rabah!

“I Try Not to Miss a Day”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I try not to miss a day, because my greatest enjoyment is the Scripture post. Though I do not speek Hebrew, these will help in my quest. As for my location, just remember, in my mind I am at that great wall we pray at. I pray you and your family incur many blessing from our L_rd. I bless you and desire you receive my blessings in the humility they are sent. Micah Be-Yehudah
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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What is Israel’s Secret Weapon Against Hamas Tunnels? You’ll Never Guess by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz - BREAKING ISRAEL NEWS

Rabbi Shriki prays at the fence. (Photo: הרב נתנאל שריקי שליט''א Facebook page)
Rabbi Shriki prays at the fence. (Photo: הרב נתנאל שריקי שליט”א Facebook page)

What is Israel’s Secret Weapon Against Hamas Tunnels? You’ll Never Guess

“And call ye on the name of your god, and I will call on the name of the LORD; and the God that answereth by fire, let him be God.” I Kings 18:24 (The Israel Bible™)
As Hamas blames everything from Israel to Egypt to bad weather for the collapse of their terror tunnels, the true source may be a lone rabbi with enough faith to bring down the tunnels with the power of prayer.
Hamas has invested millions of dollars and much of its manpower into building its network of terror tunnels, used to deadly effect against Israel in the last war in 2014, under the Gaza-Israel border. However, despite all the concrete and effort, several tunnels have inexplicably collapsed in recent weeks.
In the last two months, nine tunnels have collapsed, leading tunnel workers to refuse to continue digging. Earlier this week, a high-ranking Hamas officer was killed in a tunnel collapse, bringing the total number of militants killed in tunnel accidents since the beginning of the year up to 17.
Students of Rabbi Netanel Shriki from Netivot, a town on the Gaza border, believe their rabbi is the cause. Rabbi Shriki, deeply concerned about the growing threat to southern Israel, decided to call for divine intervention. About six weeks ago he began praying at the border fence, a dangerous area, asking God to help Israel. To his students, it is clear that Rabbi Shriki’s prayers have been answered.
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The students told Haredi 10 they have witnessed him go out to the fields pray for the tunnels to collapse, and each time, a collapse has been reported.
“This is already not a case of a string of circumstantial accidents,” the students told Haredi 10. “Five times in a row he went out to pray for the tunnels to collapse, and each time, it happened.”
The rabbi went out to the fence to pray last Thursday morning, and by the afternoon, it was announced in the media that another tunnel had collapsed.
About a month ago, some soldiers asked to take part in the prayers but the IDF refused and Rabbi Shriki was left alone at the fence. But the rabbi continued, undaunted.
Even the enemy has taken notice of Rabbi Shriki’s influence with the Heavens. Last week, the Palestinian Authority media published a story about the rabbi who prays for the tunnels to collapse.
Rabbi Shriki is the grandson of the Rabbi Shalom Ifergen, known as the Baba Shalom, a well-known kabbalist whose hilula (celebration commemorating the anniversary of his passing) draws thousands of participants every year. Rabbi Shriki runs the charity organization Tehila Shalom, which provides food for families in need.

Bathsheba Took a Bath by Kathie Walters - Identity Network

Bathsheba Took a Bath by Kathie Walters 
Identity Network

"Bathsheba took a bath." That's what the Lord said to me on the way to a meeting at my friend's church in Cwmbran, Wales - Freedom Church.

I must say I was a bit surprised. I had about 5 minutes to find out what the Lord was saying about the word because Pastors Robert and Helen King were already into the worship when we went into the church.  

So anyway - we are looking at Bathsheba who was on the roof, taking a bath.  To be quite honest that was really not a very wise thing to do as obviously you can be seen from other rooftops and I won't say anything else about that.

Now King David was out there on his own roof taking a stroll around, maybe thinking about things - maybe praying.  And suddenly he caught sight of a beautiful lady, and even more mind-boggling she was not just strolling around, she was taking a bath right there.
But Bathsheba took David way out of the will of God.  He SAW, and then followed his eyes and he ditched his communion with God. It wasn't that God stopped talking, but David stopped listening.  David enjoyed his adulterous relationship and then Bathsheba got pregnant. What gets your attention gets you.

When David stopped listening it was a bit like a snowball rolling downhill. It gathered momentum. One thing led to another. I mean adultery, lies and fierce manipulation, when David tried to get out of his problem. First, he tried to trick Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, into sleeping with his wife, so he would assume the baby was his.

When Uriah proved to be too loyal to his soldiers David arranged to have him put in the front of the battle while the other soldiers drew back - pretty much like murder I would say. Then Joab had to lie and incidentally, when Bathsheba's husband, Uriah, was killed, others who were with him were killed too.

A Man After God's Heart

David married Bathsheba and the baby died - very sad.  Do you know that in spite of all this, God referred to David as "A man after My own heart."  That's pretty amazing isn't it?  Do you know why God said that?  Because when God sent Nathan, the prophet  to confront him and challenge him  and  let him know what God thought about it, David didn't try and wriggle out of it and blame others, he said, "That's true."  Then he repented and carried on with his life. He still had a destiny to fulfill. 

When you mess up, don't run away from God, run to Him. He is the most amazing deliverer. The Bible even says that. He can turn it around and even make it work for your good, if you believe. That's very awesome is it not?  He will never leave you in a mess, if you're honest about the mess. Stop blaming others and making excuses. "Thou art the man," the prophet said to David, and David said, "You got me." 

God is a Redeemer - that means to "buy back."  He can redeem even our messes. He is such an awesome God full of mercy and grace.    
Really this word was to say this, "Avoid Bathsheba."  There is a great move beginning to happen and the enemy would LOVE to get you distracted by something that even might seem good for a while. But your enemy would like to lead down the garden path, if he can. And that's a path full of weeds, they only look like flowers from a distance. 

There is so much anointing and adventures for you in the will of God.  When you yield to the Lord He puts His desires in your heart, so when you serve Him, it's delightful.  Everything you want and need is in the will of God.  He has the most amazing plan for you, so don't take seconds when you can have the prize.

God didn't Make a Spare You

There isn't another you in case the first you doesn't work properly. We are living stones being built into a temple for God to dwell in. The stones are not any old stones, each one is specially made and God breathed. The temple will come forth as gold. God doesn't have throw-aways, because He is the REDEEMER. "A new heart and a new Spirit I will put within them and they will be my sons and daughters."

When you run a race and you want to win, you don't keep looking around to see what everyone else is doing. Don't be distracted, keep your eyes on the prize. You can't meet every need that you see and respond to everyone, but you can do what He tells you to do, and go where He tells you to go and say what He tells you to say.

It's funny that we can forgive others easier than we can forgive ourselves. But you can't move on if you keep looking back. So lift your eyes to the skies and get excited. When He sees you, He sees His very own darling and beloved child.

Kathie Walters

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Is the Current State of Israel the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy? - SAM NADLER CHARISMA NEWS

Is the evolution of modern-day Israel the fulfillment of biblical prophecy?

Is the Current State of Israel the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy?

Is the evolution of modern-day Israel the fulfillment of biblical prophecy? (Wikimedia Commons )

Standing With Israel
Recently I was asked to be a guest on Dr. Michael Brown's radio show, "The Line of Fire," for "Thoroughly Jewish Thursday." As we discussed the topic of the day, "Why Support Israel?", one of the listeners, a Hasidic Rabbi, called in with some concerns.
Though surprising to some, Rabbi Benjamin's* viewpoint on the modern nation of Israel is one that is commonly held by many in the Ultra-Orthodox Jewish community. As I addressed this rabbi's concerns from the perspective of Scripture, I sought to point him to Israel's only hope in both the present and future: Yeshua the Messiah!
Our discussion went as follows:
Q: Hi Sam, my name is Benjamin* and I'm a Hasidic rabbi. From my understanding of a biblical perspective, today's state of Israel is a bastion of evil; a country filled with immorality. Also, Scripture also tells us not to awaken or arouse love before God desires. I don't believe in Jesus, but I'm waiting for Messiah to come. Until this happens, I see the existence of the state of Israel as being against what the Bible teaches. God sent us into exile to be a light to the nations, not to go and hide in one little part of the world. Israel is the Holy Land, but today it's filled with heresy and wickedness. And even if it wasn't, according to Scripture, it's just not the time yet for this return to the land.
A: Shalom, Rabbi Benjamin. I can certainly understand the point you make. Of course, the critical issue here is going to be Mashiach (Messiah); if what He tells us is true, and if how He interprets Torah is the way it is to be interpreted. In light of this, we see in Scripture that there is a twofold return of Israel: first, to the land (Ezek. 37), and second, to the Lord.
According to the prophet Daniel, we see that the Jewish people have to return to the land and make a bad deal with the anti-Messiah, a deceiver. Nonetheless, according to prophecy, the Jewish people return to the land prior to their national return to the Lord. Today, we see this falling into place according to prophetic Scripture. 
I've been to Israel many times, and I see that the people there are simply sinful people, just like any of us. Certainly, these are ordinary people needing to hear about the extraordinary atonement in the Messiah that makes people right with God. We need to understand the simplicity and purity of faith in what God has done for us in the atonement that Messiah has made for us.
This is how we get right with God so we can then live a life to His honor; not merely a life that reflects the beautiful traditions of our people, but a life that brings God honor through our teshuvah (repentance), meekness, kindness and mercy. The very forgiveness we have received in Messiah, this is what we are called to share with the nations.  
In other words, the message that our people were to bring to the nations was the message of Mashiach, the Good News of who Yeshua is and what He has done for us. This is vital for each one of us to deal with! We see the nation of Israel today with its failings and flaws, but none of us can throw the first stone.
All of us need to have sympathy and compassion, realizing that we each need to trust in Messiah individually and then pray for the peace of Jerusalem!
*Name changed to protect privacy of individual
Dr. Sam Nadler is a Jewish believer in Jesus who has been in Messianic Jewish ministry for over 40 years. Sam is the president of Word of Messiah Ministries, which is bringing the Good News to the Jew first but not to the Jew only, and planting Messianic Congregations in Jewish communities worldwide. To encourage and equip the body of Messiah in our shared calling, Sam is invited to speak in churches across the country, and has written multiple books on Jewish evangelism, discipleship, and the Feasts of Israel. For more information and resources, or to invite Sam to speak at your church, visit: 
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The Most Misunderstood Verse in the New Testament (Part 2) - Ron Cantor MESSIAH'S MANDATE

The Most Misunderstood Verse in the New Testament Part 2

Ron Cantor —  March 9, 2016 

We take a look at Galatians 3:28 and share why it is misunderstood and tell you what it really means.
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Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta) Through the Enemy's Lens. World War I Photos Taken by a Captured German Officer

Israel's History - a Picture a Day (Beta)

Posted: 17 Mar 2016 

Historical photos treasures are still waiting to be uncovered around the world.

A German officer photographed Be'er Sheva before its capture by Australian Light Horsemen in October 2017 (Mitchell Library, New South Wales State Library)
Presented here are photographs of World War I in Palestine that we found in the Australian New South Wales State Library. The photographs were taken by a German officer who was captured by Australian troops.  Details about the officer are not available, but his camera contained pictures from Nazareth in the north to Jerusalem, Hebron, Gaza, and Be'er Sheva in the south. The officer also took several gruesome pictures of a military hanging across the Jordan River in Salt.

Be'er Sheva before its capture (1917, Library of Congress)
The German and Austrian armies were allied with the Ottoman army in their attempt to force the British army from the Middle East.  German officers commanded the joint forces.  On the other side, the British army included forces from Australia, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong, and Jewish soldiers from Palestine -- all under a British commander.

In the north, the German officer took the picture below of the Turkish and German soldiers' muster at their Tiberias headquarters.

Turkish and German soldiers at muster in Turkish Tiberias headquarters.
(Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

He also took several pictures of the shoreline of the Sea of Galilee which can be viewed here.

In the Spring of 1917, the British army, traveling north from the Sinai Peninsula, attempted two frontal assaults on Turkish lines holding Gaza.  The results were disastrous for the Brits, and Gaza was left in ruins.  Compare the picture on the left by the German officer before the battle and the colored one on the right, taken by an Australian soldier. Both show the central mosque in Gaza.

Gaza before the British attacks, a photo from the German's camera 
(Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

Australian Light Horsemen after the capture of Gaza, note the remains of the mosque.
(Hurley Collection, Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

Turkish infantrymen holding the line in Gaza, photo by German officer 
(Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

The following pictures may be difficult for some viewers.

Photos by German officer of German soldiers "hanging
spies" in Salt, east of the Jordan River
(Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)

Photos by German officer of German soldiers "hanging
spies" in Salt, east of the Jordan River
(Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales)
Caption: "Hangings outside Jaffa Gate, Jerusalem. Arabs, Armenians, Bedouins, Jews - official Turkish photo"

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Ancient Hebrew Scroll Given to Regent Univ. a 'Magnificent Gift' - CBN News Charlene Aaron

Ancient Hebrew Scroll Given to Regent Univ. a 'Magnificent Gift'
CBN News Charlene Aaron

A special day of celebration surrounded the donation of an ancient Hebrew Torah scroll to Regent University.
The Torah, also known as the law, is the first five books of the Old Testament.
"This scroll was copied or written in 1750 before the establishment of the United States of America, before the constitution, and we will treasure this, it is a magnificient gift," said the school's chancellor Dr. Pat Robertson. "We thank you for your dedication; we thank you for your commitment."
Dr. Pat Robertson
The Torah scroll has survived some of the darkest periods of human history and it serves as a powerful testament to God's faithfulness and the enduring power of His Word.
"This particular scroll that was donated to the School of Divinity here at Regent University is a Yemenite scroll," explained Dr. Corne Bekker, dean of the School of Divinity.
"It's a scroll that's roughly about 265 years old and it comes to us from that area Yemen where of course the king of Sheba came from and it was a time period where Jews were severely persecuted that kind of run for their lives and they brought these Torah scrolls with them."

The condition of the scroll demonstrates the meticulous care and commitment to the biblical text. Members of the local Jewish community attended the dedication service, calling it a bridge between the Jewish and Christian communities.
"We have a common goal both to continue the Judeo-Christian teachings, but also to support Israel and how critical it is for the both of us," said Jay Klebanoff,president-elect of the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater (UJFT).
"Today really brought that together and gave it so much meaning that we could both share in appreciation of the Torah and now it's going to be at Regent - it's just fantastic."

Ken and Barbara Larson, who donated the scroll, have also gifted Torahs to several other institutions. They hope it will encourage students to develop a deeper appreciation for God's word.

"When you come to grips with how God brought this Torah here, our hope would be that the students would have that kind of appreciation for what He's done to keep His word accurate, relevant, so we can all learn and grow," said Ken.     
"I think long after we're gone, long after you're gone, the Word of God will live forever and in a Torah that's several hundred years old (and) will still continue to live and speak and many students will be able to gain from it," Barbara added. 
It's a goal echoed by Regent's administration. 
"We've made the committment that the Word of God is the foundation for absolutely everything we do," said Bekker. 
"It's at the center of our education. It's at the center of the formation of our students and to receive this ancient Torah scroll that students can look at and they can handle and in some instances even touch enforces, solidifies this committment that we've made to the Word of God." 

Joel C. Rosenberg: The Obama administration (finally) accuses ISIS of genocide.

genocide-graphicNew post on Joel C. Rosenberg's blog: The Obama administration (finally) accuses ISIS of genocide. Here's the latest.

by joelcrosenberg
It finally happened today. After months of calls by religious leaders and Mideast lfor the White House and State Department to call the ISIS slaughter of Christians, Muslims and Yazidis what it really is -- genocide -- the administration finally did so.
Now, of course, the question is: How serious is the administration going to be about crushing ISIS and stopping the genocide once and for all?
One step at a time, apparently.
"The Islamic State is committing genocide against Yazidis, Christians and Shiite Muslims in Iraq and Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry declared on Thursday, a historic announcement that nonetheless is unlikely to spur greater U.S. military action against the terrorist network," Politico reported.
"The declaration is a rare one — the U.S. has a record of trying to avoid the term 'genocide,' which carries with it political, moral and some legal obligations," the article noted. "The only other time the U.S. has used the term in an ongoing conflict was in 2004, when it described the atrocities in Sudan's Darfur region."
  • The Islamic State "is genocidal by self-proclamation, by ideology and by actions, in what it says, what it believes and what it does," Kerry said in an appearance before reporters on Thursday morning. "Naming these crimes is important, but what is essential is to stop them."
  • Kerry's decision was welcomed by lawmakers and faith-based advocacy groups who have lobbied for months to ensure that Christians would be included among the genocide victims of the Islamic State, which is also known as ISIS, ISIL or Da'esh. Kerry's inclusion of Christians also defuses a potential Republican attack line during this year's presidential campaign, even though Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton has already declared she believes the Islamic State is committing genocide against Christians.
  • Earlier this week, the House of Representatives unanimously passed a non-binding resolution declaring that the Islamic State was committing genocide against a range of groups including Christians. Congress had given Kerry until Thursday to make his determination, but on Wednesday, the State Department said he would need more time, making his announcement a bit of a surprise.
  • Still, administration officials have long warned that a declaration of genocide does not mean that the U.S. is legally obliged to step up its military involvement in the battle against the Islamic State in Iraq or Syria. The U.S. already is leading a coalition of dozens of countries who are backing up Iraqi forces battling the jihadists. U.S. Special Forces also are on the ground in Syria carrying out operations against the group, whose members subscribe to a severe form of Sunni Islam.
  • Advocates of using the term genocide, however, insist that it is important because it could help galvanize the international fight against the terror network, possibly spur potential recruits to stay away from it, and in the long run help bring perpetrators to justice in international tribunals.

joelcrosenberg | March 17, 2016 at 2:28 pm | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: