Monday, April 13, 2020



April 13, 2020 New post on Lana Vawser Ministries

I had a dream recently and I heard the Lord saying over and over “I am about to deal with and break the spirit of religion.”

God is going to deal with the religious spirit in this new era in ways we have never seen. I still remember the day many years ago when the Lord whispered to me “A mighty move of My Spirit is coming and if you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear and live close to My heart you will be greatly offended by the move of My Spirit”

Immediately I was taken back to story after story in the Gospels where there Pharisees were so offended by Jesus and by His acts. The pride that was carried by the Pharisees when Jesus walked the earth is the same pride that God is dealing with in the Church right now and it has only just begun.

The Lord is cleaning house. His love is so ferocious and so deep for the world and for His Bride, that He is bringing a deep purification to His Church. My friend Anita Alexander had an encounter with the Lord where she heard the Lord say “I love the world enough to deal with My house” and that’s exactly where we are now.

The WAY that the Lord is going to move is going to shake the religious mindsets and expose the spirit of religion in the Church in a way we have never seen. The Lord’s heart in shaking up His house in such intense ways in this new era is to bring forth His true ecclesia and to see His people walk in humility and purity before Him and carry His Spirit.’

‘There is going to be great demonstrations of offense in the way the Lord is going to move, where He will move, how He will move and those areas of offense will expose the religious spirit but He is about to deal with it and break it. The dealings of the Lord to bring down this religious spirit and expose it is going to be intense and there may be mess in the shaking but the Lord is going to bring forth healing to His bride, He is going to bring forth freedom in His Bride, He is going to bring total reformation to His Church.

The Lord has had me in Luke 7:36-50 so much lately, the story of the woman who anointed the feet of Jesus. There is MUCH in this story that the Lord is revealing for the era we have entered that I will be sharing over the coming months but there will be radical demonstrations of worship, a deeper level of worship than we have ever entered and encounter with the Lord and WHO the Lord will use and the WAY we see Him move in this era that will OFFEND if you do not have eyes to see and ears to hear.

There is a sound of worship, adoration and “undignified” expression of love for Jesus that is going to be seen in the Church and in the harvest coming in, in this new era that if we don’t carry the heart of God and know Him well, could find the people of God criticising or standing against a move of God and that is not a place we want to be. This deep undignified worship of Jesus that doesn’t care what others think or are caged by the fear of man, will arise in the earth like never before, it will be so undignified that religious mindsets and where the religious spirit resides will find it offensive. (2 Samuel 6:14-22) This will be key in the Church moving out of Saul’s house and the David’s arising in the earth.

The Church will transition into a deep place of worshipping the Lord in spirit and in truth. (John 4:24)The move of God that’s coming and the fear of the Lord being restored to the Church is going to expose the religious spirit and the pride of man, and bring forth such a beautiful work of His Spirit bringing cleansing and purification for a greater positioning of Isaiah 60.

There’s such a deep invitation into His heart right now, deeper than ever to hear His heartbeat, hear His voice and see and hear as He sees. God is dealing with this spirit of religion, He is dealing with elitism, and with pride. He is thundering to His people that humility is the key.

“He has told you, O man, what is good;

And what does the Lord require of you

Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion),

And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?” (Micah 6:8 – AMP)

One of the ways God is going to deal with the spirit of religion is He is going to DISRUPT and INTERRUPT in this new era and He is going to move in such a powerful way, He is going to demonstrate that He is the God who cannot be controlled or contained.

He is going to raise up the true ecclesia. He is going to raise up the Church in ways we have never seen. He is truly looking for those who truly love Him and follow Him. He is bringing His people into freedom. He is bringing His Church into freedom. Where the religious spirit has contained, suffocated and killed there is a dealing of the Lord upon that religious spirit.

There is a great urgency of the hour as we move further into this new era that we embrace the move of God whatever it looks like, to live so close to His heart that we recognise Him and His move even if/when it looks different to what we expect and not be offended or kill a move of God because it doesn’t fit into our box.

There has been a civil war in the Church and it will flare up louder than ever as God deals with this spirit of religion in this new era, but know in the ‘noise’ when it happens, that there is a mass deliverance upon the Church and the sound of freedom will resound and as the shaking and deconstruction happens, as we transition into the new thing God is doing and going to do, the true ecclesia is going to arise in unity (John 17) strength, humility, boldness and power.

In the deep dealing of this religious spirit in the Church by the hand of God, the true Bride will arise in His love and power and shine in the earth like she has never shone before.

Lana Vawser Ministries | April 13, 2020 at 6:36 pm | Categories: Prophetic Words | URL:

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Walk With Me, Steve Martin -“Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, Jesus, Yeshua, crucifixion, burial, tomb” – video

Steve Martin 1.53K subscribers
Walk With Me, Steve Martin – “Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem. Jesus, Yeshua, crucifixion, burial, tomb, Resurrection” Sept. 29, 2019
Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin – to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.
Also watch the Garden Tomb video:

Friday, April 10, 2020

Mike Evans Says David Wilkerson’s Prophecy of a ‘Plague Coming to New York’ Is Being Fulfilled Before Our Eyes – Steve Strang

Mike Evans Says David Wilkerson’s Prophecy of a ‘Plague Coming to New York’ Is Being Fulfilled Before Our Eyes – Steve Strang

David Wilkerson (Facebook/David Wilkerson)

Is David Wilkerson’s Prophecy of a ‘Plague Coming to New York’ Being Fulfilled?

I recently spoke with Mike Evans, who shared a word with me that was absolutely powerful. He says that when he picked up his Bible one day, a handwritten note from the late evangelist David Wilkerson fell out. The message it contained shook Mike to his knees.
The note was from a meeting he had with Wilkerson—or Brother Dave, as Mike calls him—at the Embassy Suites near the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport in 1986. The letter was to Rev. Richard Dortch, who ran PTL under Jim Bakker.
Mike read the letter aloud on my podcast. It said: “Within 12 months from the date of this letter, the judgment of God will fall on PTL. You are fornicating with brick and stone. Flee now and repent. Bats will fly through the empty building.”
Exactly a year later, the Charlotte Observer broke the PTL scandal that involved Jim Bakker. (He has since repented and been restored.)
But that wasn’t the only prophetic word Wilkerson gave. He also said: “I see a plague coming on the world, and the bars and churches and government will shut down. The plague will hit New York City and shake it like it has never been shaken. The plague is going to force prayerless believers into radical prayer and into their Bibles and repentance will be the cry from the man of God in the pulpit. And out of it will come a third Great Awakening that will sweep America and the world.”
You can click here to request to read the full message.
But how could something so terrible lead to an awakening of that magnitude? Mike says this is how God often works. If you look at the first two Great Awakenings, they came around times of hardship.
“The two Great Awakenings that America has [had that shook] the entire nation happened around the time of the American Revolution and the Civil War,” he says. “… The pilgrims came to this country on fire for God, but their children didn’t. Their children became cold in their souls. And America started pushing away. And then all of a sudden, here comes this manifested Great Awakening that shook the nation. And then you had the American Revolution. You had another one, and you had the Civil War. And I thought, Wow[Wilkerson] said there’s going to be a third Great Awakening.”
Could it be that this COVID-19 pandemic we’re experiencing is the trial that will usher in the next Great Awakening?
Mike says for that awakening to happen, God needs to uproot idols from this nation.
“People have taken and allowed things to become their idols; money and materialism has become an idol of their success and the reputation has become an idol,” he says.
Even Trump has become an idol for some Christians, Mike points out. All this must go. God demands our whole hearts and nothing less.
“I think that God is shaking us because He’s taken all of our security away,” he says. “All the things that [made us] comfortable [have] been removed.”
Make sure you listen to my full interview with Mike Evans. What he shares is powerful and, if believers truly listen to his message, I believe we could see another massive awakening in our country. Today, as you celebrate Good Friday, may your heart rid itself of every idol so you can make way for the glories to come.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

“The Blood of Jesus” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

“The Blood of Jesus” – Now Think On This by Steve Martin

April 9, 2020 Love For His People in Charlotte, NC USA
“And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”
Revelation 12:11, NASU
Growing up in the Roman Catholic Church and going to Mass more than just the required Sunday morning, or later to the scheduled Saturday night option, tended to de-sensitize my mind, soul, and spirit to the true meaning, and purpose, of the Eucharist, or more commonly known as communion. Some call it the Last Supper, when in fact it is the Jewish Passover celebration.
I was missing the revelation that Jesus (Yeshua) wanted to give to all at His last Passover on earth, starting with His Jewish disciples. As instructed, they had gathered in the Upper Room in Jerusalem on Mount Zion, next to Mount Moriah, a short distance from where Abraham had also gone centuries before in obedience to God, to sacrifice Isaac upon the altar. This was a foretaste of the Father sacrificing His Only Begotten Son.
Abraham and Isaac on Mount Moriah
Try as I might, I had a real hard time believing that when we were given the host communion wafer that it had been transformed into His Body, which Catholics call the transubstantiation. What originally was matzah bread, or unleavened bread in Jesus’ day and even today in Jewish and believing homes, the concept escaped me. Even when dipped in the wine cup by the ordained, celebrate priest, rather than sharing the cup of the fruit of the vine as then, this whole idea of Jesus’ Body and Blood, broken and shed for all of us, remained unclear and uncertain.
Roman Catholic Mass – chalice, wine, crucifix
During the growing years at my elementary grade school at St. Patrick’s in Cedar Falls, Iowa, as the altar boy dressed in the black and white and catching a few hosts that on occasion were about to drop onto the floor when it missed the kneeling, or standing, recipient’s tongue (good thing we had the golden platter with the handle attached to catch it) it still didn’t help in understanding the reverence of the moment. It seemed though many did grasp this understanding, judging by the solemn look on their face when receiving, I certainly did not.
For many years following, as I became a member of several Protestant churches as the years went by, where having communion wasn’t the main center point of the church service, and less shared given the weeks or months that would pass without it, my heart still wasn’t quite there.
The revelation of the body and blood of Jesus just hadn’t reached me yet. Even now, on my way to the 7th decade of life, there must be something more than what my mind has yet to realize.
It truly is a thing yet to be grasped. For me at least. Our finite minds cannot grasp the full measure of what the Lord had done beginning at that Passover, and continuing on through the crucifixion that followed, at least on this side of heaven. It truly is a matter of faith, believing that which we cannot see, but what we know in our hearts is the truth.
But as I continue to contemplate the cruelty of the crucifixion, the scourging that Yeshua’s body was given with the severe beating, and whipping to the point of what was believed to be one less swing that would have brought death at any moment (being He received 39 out of the 40 lashes that typically brought death), my heart begins to beat fast with grief, but also with thanksgiving.
Painting on a full wall at Calvary Daycare in Charlotte, North Carolina
O the love of Jesus, to do what He had done. For you and for me.
As Jesus Himself said to the disciples, He could have called on multitudes of angels to deliver Him from the Roman death sentence, but He didn’t.
He could have walked away from the death ahead, and live for Himself, but He didn’t.
He could have said, “Let this cup pass from Me, Father. I will not go through with this.” But He didn’t.
He gave Himself for us. He would let His precious blood flow, the saving blood that carried the forgiveness needed for all of mankind, for the redemption of the world.
He had come to save the world, and being He Alone was the perfect sacrificial Lamb, the Passover Lamb, the One without spot or wrinkles as the Just and Holy God the Father demanded because of His holiness, Yeshua the Messiah completed the mission He had come to accomplish.
The Blood of Jesus, as the hymns of old were so properly versed, is the only solution that can wash away our sin. (“Nothing But the Blood”, Robert Lowry 1876)
We are now called to be “…looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrew 12:2, NKJV
Throughout the year, and not just during Passover or Good Friday when all this is more prominent and in the forefront, we must meditate on the life given for us, that life being of His laid down, when He shed His blood for you and me.
My prayer for you and me is for a fuller revelation of what it cost Yeshua when He gave His redeeming Blood, poured out for us. I am convinced that when more revelation does come, the Power in His blood that flows will further propel us into the glorious mission He has given to us, to take the Good News to the ends of the earth, preaching and teaching with all boldness, assurance, and understanding.
Nothing but the Blood of Jesus saves.
Thank You, Lord, for giving us Your Blood. The Blood of Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach, Who is the Savior of the world.
Now think on this.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin, Founder/President  Love For His People, Inc.
P.S. This being my 500th Now Think of This, having the first one written and published in 2013 (now for the 7th year!), it is quite appropriate that it is centered on the One Who gave His all, and continues to reach out to us, drawing us after Him. Jesus Christ, Yeshua HaMashiach, the Living God of Israel, the soon returning King.
SPECIAL NOTE: Our ministry’s new mobile app is available for iPhones and Androids is available. These are free app downloads! Look here: Love For His People free phone app
Please sign up for my bi-weekly newsletter: Now Think On ThisThe sign-up form is on our new ministry website:
COMING July 10-11, 2020
You are welcome to help support the work of this ministry, including the assistance we give to families in Israel: DONATE online now. You can also send checks to: Love For His People P.O. Box 414 Pineville, NC 28134
Please share Now Think On This with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr, and LinkedIn.  Others will be thankful you did. And I thank you too.
Now Think On This #500 – in the year of our Lord 04.09.2020 – “The Blood of Jesus” – Thursday, during Passover, 5:33 am in Charlotte, NC USA
Published April 7, 2020
Paperback $7.95 Kindle $0.99
Use the link below to buy now.

Monday, April 6, 2020

LoveMusic! “I’m Held By Your Love” (lyrics) by Bob Fitts & Adeline Gan

LoveMusic! “I’m Held By Your Love” (lyrics) by Bob Fitts & Adeline Gan

April 6, 2020 Love For His People ministry in Charlotte, NC USA
Greetings LoveMusic! listeners.
The love of God is overwhelming. The way He speaks to us, draws us to Himself, Leads us in the way we should go.
Do you know His love? Do you know Him? Do you want to be held in His arms, and be secure, safe, and protected at all times?
Love the Lord your God. He loves you. Always.
Ahava and shalom,
Steve Martin, Love For His People ministry
LSwe1 34.5K subscribers
Title: I’m Held By Your Love (lyrics) Artists: Bob Fitts & Adeline Gan Written by: Karen Lim New Creation Church Singapore
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