Sunday, February 7, 2016

Life After Death: What 1,000 Near Death Experiences Can Teach Us - CBN News

Life After Death: What 1,000 Near Death Experiences Can Teach Us

Everyone has thought about life after death at some point. But millions of people have gone beyond thinking about it to actually experiencing it.
One Gallup study shows millions of people have had "near death experiences" that gave them a glimpse into the afterlife.
So what did they see?
Pastor and author John Burke has explored that question, by researching 1,000 of these near death experiences, writing about them in a new book called Imagine Heaven

CBN News Reporter Lorie Johnson spoke with the New York Timesbestelling author about what he learned. He talked about people who have experienced the afterlife encountering a "man of light."
Burke contends it's clear from their descriptions that this man is in fact God, pointing out that those who believe in Jesus recognized the man as Jesus.
Each person said they had the remarkable sensation of being completely known and yet completely loved at the same time in the presence of the "man of light."
Burke also tells the story of a blind person who experienced the afterlife and was able to see for the first time ever. He observed a bright world where light was emanating from everything, just like the Bible describes the source of light in heaven. 
These brushes with eternity have even made believers out of skeptics. Burke talks about skeptical doctors who became convinced about life after death, after hearing amazing stories from their patients.
While some patients experienced heaven, others were given a glimpse of hell. Overall, Burke said his research provides modern-day evidence for the biblical account of eternity.
So, where will you spend eternity? Click here to learn more about God's plan of salvation.

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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.

Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA