Pro-Life Women Organize an Alternative to 'Day Without Women'
When Catholic Lady Blog author Colette Zimmerman learned that the same feminist organizers who put on the Women's March on Women were going to launch a general strike March 8 called "A Day Without Women," she wondered if pro-life women could put together an alternative.
During "A Day Without Women," women are urged to stay home from work in support of causes like Planned Parenthood, abortion and same-sex "marriage." As an alternative to the pro-abortion feminists and their shockingly vulgar antics, participants in "Lady Day" will instead "go to work in an especially ladylike manner, in elegant and modest dresses, to go out to tea with friends and to do works of charity."
Zimmerman's idea took off almost immediately, becoming a nationwide phenomenon. Hundreds of small groups of pro-life ladies with come together Wednesday, March 8, to "celebrate the purity and goodness of true womanhood, which in turn, fosters higher moral standards in society and among children."
"What a wonderful idea!" Moriah Webinger of Chardon, Ohio said. "I have 15 women already signed up for tea—it is a treat really! We are also informing the local paper too."
"I want my daughters to be truly feminine; pure and good," Brenda Asso, a mother of nine from Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said. "Abortion! Never! Don't even think about it. It's contrary to our maternal instinct."
Marie Sallinger of Lafayette, Louisiana, added that Zimmerman's idea of celebrating true womanhood is "inspired."
"I understand the evils of feminism and want to do something about it," she said. I have many good Christian lady friends. And I'm so happy to celebrate this day as a lady."
The slogan of Lady Day will be "Pure Goodness at Work." Click here for more information on Lady Day celebrations in your area. 
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA