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Former NFL star and committed Christian Tim Tebow is searching for love. He wants to settle down with a wife and start a family of h... |
 | | Pregnant Ciara Says She Is "Thankful For God's Grace" After Car Accident
When singer Ciara was involved in a road traffic accident last week, she feared the worst for her unborn child. But God protected her... |
 | | Mike Pence: The Sanctity Of Life Will Be Protected Under 'Trumpcare'
Pro-life Vice President has assured pro-life leaders that the repeal of Obamacare and the introduction of President Trump's alternative w... |
 | | Rick Warren: "Stop Looking For Satisfaction Somewhere Besides Jesus"
True satisfaction is ALWAYS found in Jesus Christ. Whilst the world will try and convince you otherwise, only through Jesus will you satisf... |
 | | 10-Yr-Old Prodigy Seeking To Prove Atheist Stephen Hawking WRONG: "God DOES Exist"
William Maillis is on a mission: to prove Atheist Stephen Hawking wrong, and to assert that God DOES exist. Whilst his friends are playing... |
 | | Tim McGraw On 'The Shack' And God's Gender: "I Just Think We Don't Know"
Since William P. Young's 'The Shack' movie adaptation hit theatres, it has been shrouded in controversy. Certain Christian groups label... |
 | | Wyoming Gov Signs Bill Requiring Women To Be Offered To Watch Ultrasound Before Abortion
Wyoming Gov. Matt Mead has just signed a historic piece of pro-life legislation into law requires that women be offered the chance to see... |
 | | Esther and Mordechai's Tombs Still Stand in IRAN Even After 2,500 Years
It may be difficult to believe, but two highly significant Biblical tombs still reside in the nation of Iran. Even though Iran is not afraid to open... |
 | | Jeremy Lin: 'God Convicted And Challenged Me To Surrender My Life To Him'
Jeremy Lin ha spent the last year struggling with serious injury. But now that he is back in action, he can reflect on the work God has... |
 | | Homosexual Attorney OBJECTS To Disney’s ‘Gay’ Moment, Says It Steals Innocence From Children
A homosexual attorney in Mississippi has openly objected to the "gay" moment portrayed in Disney's new Beauty and the Beast movie. H... |
 | | Jesus Did Not Die For Us To Be 'Comfortable'
Too often, in the Western world, we start to think that our 'comfort' is Jesus' number one priority. But we need to snap out of th... |
 | | 3 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Sharing On Social Media
In our social media age, we often forget to engage our filter before blurting all our thoughts and opinions across the internet. Too often,... |
 | | 'Why Hasn't Jesus Healed Me?'
Have you ever found yourself desperate for the healing touch of God? Perhaps it was an emotional issue, or a physical ailment. You may... |
 | | Transformed Gang Leader: "Let Me Show You The Love Of Jesus"
A former gang leader who had a radical change of heart after meeting Jesus Christ now wants to spend his life spreading the good news... |
 | | 5 Things That Keep Every Pastor Awake At Night
Being a pastor is a taxing job. There is a lot of stress and pressure as you seek to steer your Church in the right direction, and deal w... |
 | | 4 Pieces Of PROOF That Christ Rose From The Dead
The Christian faith hinges on the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. It is the centre point of our hope. But what proof is ther... |
 | | China Has Started Deleting Christian Podcasts
Christians in China have reported that podcasts on a mobile app that contains religious materials are being deleted, reports Persecution.o... |
 | | Pope Francis Says Married Men Could Be Considered For Priesthood
Pope Francis has asserted that married men may be considered to the priesthood, providing they are of older age and have been longtim... |
 | | 'Non-Republican Christians DO Exist'
"I am a Christian and I am not a Republican," writes blogger and pastor John Pavlovitz. It is a myth that you cannot be both a C... |
 | | Pastor Raymond Koh May Have Been Murdered, Footage Emerges Of Abduction
A pastor in Malaysia that has been abducted has not been heard from for weeks. The abduction, which was caught on CCTV involved th... |
 | | Death Sentence Given For Murderer Of Egyptian Coptic Christian
The killer of a 61-year-old Coptic Christian in Egypt is to be sentenced to death. Adel Abu al-Nur el-Sayed was handed the judgement on... |
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA