Heaven is ready to invade the earth with undeniable power as in the days of the Book of Acts. There is a great awakening on the horizon filled with glorious revival. This revival will not happen in a vacuum. Prayer must precede revival.In Isaiah 62:6-7, those who make mention of the Lord are prophetic intercessors God is raising up on the earth. The phrase "make mention" is key in describing the function of those with an Anna anointing. "Make mention" comes from the Hebrew word
zachar. It means "to remember, bring into mind, recollect; also, to mention, meditate upon, mark down, record, recall and retain in one's thoughts." The special company of women with the Anna anointing will take hold of the altar of God in prayer, reasoning with the Lord and reminding Him of His promises for mankind. I believe Anna was the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophetic promise. There is a generation of women who will fast and pray, preparing the way for the glory and power of the Lord to come on the earth.
Prayer is the primary way God has chosen to release His power on the earth. The prophetess Anna's primary assignment was in the temple or house of God. She was an intercessory prophetess. Through her fasting and prayers she helped prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. I believe she represented the wise virgins in Matthew 25—she had her lamp trimmed, burning and filled with oil of the Spirit. She was not sleeping or slumbering—she set up a prayer vigil, and she paid a price. Her praying day and night represented the power of the watch of the Lord. It represented relentless, urgent prayer. Those with the Anna anointing will understand the power of praying in the day and praying in the night.
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Thanks for sharing. Blessings on your head from the Lord Jesus, Yeshua HaMashiach.
Steve Martin
Love For His People
Charlotte, NC USA