Showing posts with label Authority. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Authority. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Doug Addison: Clarity is Coming! Some New Radical Positive Events Will Start Happening in March

Doug Addison:
Clarity is Coming! 
Some New Radical Positive Events 
Will Start Happening in March
The Elijah List

Doug AddisonExpect Things to Clear Up

If things don't seem all that clear right now, don't worry. February's uncertain times will become clearer towards the end of the month.

Clarity is coming and some new radical positive events will start happening in March. Expect to see the clouds lift by the end of the month while God pours out encouragement in March through April.

Attacks of 2013 Become Authority

What were your struggles and how did the enemy attack you in 2013? Your attack in 2013 is the area of your new authority this year. In many cases, the enemy overplayed his hand against you and 2013 was about trying to get you to quit.

For those who stuck with it, God is giving new levels of authority and anointingBut there is a key to this new promotion this year: we must get rid of accusations against others.

God is releasing new anointing and authority to those who are humble and able to love others.

A key verse for this time is Matthew 7:12, "So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets."

God spoke to me that if you have anything against someone else, it is time to put it behind you. Especially if you are holding evidence saved to prove you are right. Let it go. 

It's time to trust God to fight your battles and let go of any grievances because they will disqualify you from promotions this year.

New Ideas and Inventions

Covenant Promise by Jennifer PageI had a prophetic dream this month that God is releasing from Heaven new strategies, ideas and inventions right now. 

I was standing next to an angel and suddenly a high-tech umbrella appeared in my hand that not only shielded me from the elements but also had a mist of refreshment falling down on the inside. The dream means that God's angels will shield us while bringing a creative, inventive spirit. 

When we are protected by God, new divine strategies and inventions create Kingdom finances even through tough times.

I also had several dreams of violent weather. God is saying do not worry about how things look but trust that God will open up opportunities to be blessed in any situation.

God gave Isaac a strategy to reap a hundred times during a terrible famine.

"Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him." Genesis 26:12

In every downturn there's always a way to reap. Ask God for eyes to see what you can do right now in your situation.

Super Bowl Score

Even though the Super Bowl was not that super this year, unless you are a Seattle Seahawks fan, the final score was intriguing to me. I felt it was significant and knew that again, like last year, it was not intended to say that God is judging.

Taking a look at the final score, Seahawks 43 to Broncos 8, God led me to some powerful verses packed in Isaiah 43 which many of us know. 

Here God brings comfort during rough times, forming us into people of godly character, able to lead others by following Holy Spirit into new things (Isaiah 43:1-2, 5-8 and 18-19).

Check out the verse corresponding to the final score, 43-8 to Isaiah 43:8: "Lead out those who have eyes but are blind, who have ears but are deaf." Isaiah 43:8 NIV

God is opening people's eyes and ears. People who have no idea about the power of His Spirit will be led by those called by God's name. Like the power of God's Spirit, who helped deaf Seahawks fullback, Derrick Coleman, who "stuck with it" and despite his disability, gained much new authority.

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland."Isaiah 43:18-19

God's challenge in the game of life is to take comfort during character-forming times. Your heart's re-shaping helps you and others show God's awesome goodness. Read through the entire chapter of Isaiah 43 because it is packed full of promises from God to pray into your life.

Get Rid of Judgment

When God does something new, quite often the previous movement is judgmental towards it. This is repeated throughout Church history. 

God is doing something new right now to draw in people who have been rejected by Christianity. I have been encouraging people everywhere to embrace anyone who needs God and not judge them.

Before we can help others, we must ask God to look at our own hearts and see if there is any judgment against others.

I've been praying a prayer for a while, "God, show me what the enemy does not want me to see about myself." 

And also, "God, reveal to me anything I might have in my heart towards others." 

As we get rid of judgment, we are better able to embrace people who are different than us.

Let's pray together that God would help us be more persistent so we can "stay in it." And we would have judgment-free eyes to see clearly and find new ways to hear how to use our new authority to touch many.


Doug Addison
InLight Connection

Doug Addison is a prophetic dream interpreter, speaker, writer, Life Coach, and stand-up comedian. Doug travels the world bringing a message of love, hope, and having fun! His unique style helps open people to discover their destiny and experience God's supernatural love and power.

From the desk of Steve Shultz

Doug Addison's word is very much needed for the Body in this hour. I know some of you have been dealing with great struggles and storms...and this word will really help and encourage you.

What an encouragement from Doug as he shares: If things don't seem all that clear right now, don't worry. February's uncertain times will become clearer towards the end of the month. 

Clarity is coming and some new radical positive events will start happening in March. Expect to see the clouds lift by the end of the month while God pours out encouragement in March through April.

Be greatly blessed!


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bookUnderstand Your Dreams Now:
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Friday, January 31, 2014

SHARED ANOINTINGS (c) Morris E. Ruddick




(c) Morris E. Ruddick

"Elijah said to Elisha, 'Ask! What may I do for you, 
before I am taken away from you?' Elisha said, 
'Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.'" 
2 Kings 2:9

Elijah's God-encounter in the cave which followed his 
exploits against the prophets of Baal and Asherah began 
a transition for Elijah's ministry, as well as for Israel. After 
challenging Elijah's hideaway with the words: "What are you 
doing here;" the Lord then restored him to fulfill his next task. 
Soon afterward, Elijah was connected with Elisha as his 
protege and the process of Elisha's nurturing began. 
(1 Kings 19:16).

The authority of Elijah's anointing shut up the heavens and 
brought judgment on a reprobate Israel. Then his daring 
confrontation with evil changed Israel's spiritual climate. In 
so doing, God's people began coming out of the closet.

So when Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit, 
it was no small thing. Elijah bore a disruptive anointing; an 
anointing that short-circuited the inroads of evil. His authority 
in the spirit stopped the sorcery in its tracks. It had no equal 
in that day.

The fulfillment of Elisha's request for a "double-portion" was 
evidenced not only by the startling miracles of his ministry, 
but by the angelic host unveiled around him in his encounter 
with the army of Syria (2 Kings 6:17). 2 Kings 13:21 then tells 
of a burial interrupted by a band of raiders. The dead man was 
abandoned in the tomb of Elisha and scripture indicates that 
when "he was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he 
revived and stood on his feet." So Elisha's double-portion of 
Elijah's anointing not only worked unusual miracles, it commanded 
the authority of a host of angels and carried a presence that 
even transcended his death.

God's highest priorities are always about His people. For 
both Elijah and Elisha, their greatest accomplishments 
involved the impact on the spiritual climate to mobilize God's 
people and impart the prophetic wisdom as advisers to 
protect those known by His Name.

These dynamics raise two very important issues. First is what 
Elisha reached for: a dimension in God beyond the incredible 
spiritual threshold that operated through Elijah. The second 
is the issue of the anointing itself, and with the anointing the 
authority, available for the challenges within the church of 
this day.

The release of the anointing comes at a cost. It involves a 
stewardship. The stewardship is in the reach one makes for 
God's presence; which in turn abides in the place of His glory. 
The operation of the anointing requires a God-perspective, 
which means adjusting our mind-sets, to thinking according 
to God's order and standard. The release of the anointing 
manifests when operating in the Spirit beyond ones human 
capacities. Shared anointings come from mentoring and 
cooperative assignments directed by the Spirit for the 
purpose of the community at large.

Operation of the Anointing

Jesus taught his followers how to apply righteous power in 
corrupt settings. This is the way of the Kingdom. It begins 
with our thinking. "Let this mind be in you which also was 
in Christ Jesus." Phil 2:5

The anointing flows when there is not one vestige of 
variation between God's order and purposes; and our 
actions or words. It is an emptying of ourselves in 
humility to allow the unhindered flow of the Holy Spirit 
through us.

"Who emptied Himself, taking on the form of a 
bondservant." Phil 2:7

Jesus taught His followers to abide. Jesus spent hours 
at night in prayer with the Father. He imparted the 
wisdom that He always did what He saw His father 
doing. "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who 
abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for 
apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5-6

Upon His resurrection, a new thing happened. Jesus made
the Holy Spirit available to all believers (John 14:26-27).
The ongoing release of the Spirit follows the pattern of
Jesus in spending time with the Father and abiding. Many
were those who followed after Elijah, but only Elisha
stayed the course to embrace the "double-portion."

The Release of the Anointing

The anointing serves as a catalyst, an igniter of
righteous power. Abiding in the place of His presence,
the place of His glory penetrates the veil. It is the
place where the supernatural power of God to trump
evil is revealed.

Yet the anointing is released when what we see in
the Spirit-realm is put into action. From his place of
abiding Elisha discerned the very words the King of
Syria spoke in the privacy of his bedchamber. From
that he advised the King of Israel. So in 2 Kings 6
when the armies of Syria came by night and surrounded
Elisha's city, he knew exactly what was unfolding and
he knew what he was to do.

Joseph the Patriarch, a slave without position, brought
blessing to the household of Potiphar. Genesis 39
indicates that everyone saw that the Lord was with
Joseph and made all that he did to prosper. Joseph
knew what it meant to abide in God's presence, but
as a faithful steward Joseph put in action what God
showed him. He carried the mantle of his great-grandfather
Abraham, as a catalyst of blessing to those around him,
indeed to the nations.

Shared Anointings

Individual anointings are multiplied exponentially
when combined and released with the anointings
of others. The scope of Elisha's mantle expanded
as Elijah mentored, nurtured and prepared him. It
is the reason why biblical community represents a
safe-place to foster the diversity of gifts and
anointings; where they are allowed to incubate
and work together. However, since Jesus' resurrection
and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, shared
anointings have taken on an even greater potential.

The charismatic revival of the late sixties and
early 70s began when believers hungry for more
of God, began gathering to seek Him more diligently.
What resulted was shared and passed on by the
laying on of hands. Ripples went out that became
a torrent of revival as the anointing was imparted
and the presence of God manifested to satisfy
the growing hunger of those not satisfied with
the status quo.

Over the years, within my calling in the marketplace,
I have been given opportunity to apply my gift and
impart my anointing as a consultant to a number of
respected ministries, ranging from CBN to Oral Roberts,
to Morris Cerullo to Marilyn Hickey. In each of these
cases not only did result come from the application
of my gift; but I emerged with a dimension of the
anointing from these ministries I had served.

When anointings merge to serve God's purposes,
new dimensions are released on each side.

Many years ago, I received a prophetic word from
a minister I had never met before who had no
awareness of my situation or background. His
words to me simply were: "You sir, have a spirit
of prosperity on you. Financially, you may be
broke or you may be a millionaire. It doesn't
matter. Prosperity is not about money; but comes
from within to bring blessing and increase to others."
That word came not long after I had lost my position
with a firm I had been working for. My financial
situation at the time was not good.

Yet, the words of truth this man of God spoke
penetrated the darkness trying to enshroud me
at that time. It bore significantly on assignments
I had had in the past bearing on opportunity and
increase for my clients; as it has become foundational
to the role I now serve with the persecuted church
within God's purposes in making them the head
and not the tail.

Yet, what has resulted, as a consultant, a board-member
and a teacher-mobilizer comes from shared anointings,
which combine the dimensions of my own anointing
being blended with the unique dimensions of those
I have served and am serving.

As a young Christian, I was greatly influenced and
mentored by two incredible men of God. Both might
be described as world-class prayer warriors; men of
faith. Yet one also had a unique anointing for
developing strategy; while the other's distinctive
anointing was tied to being a catalyst for revival.
Now over forty years later, prayer, developing
strategy and revival are still by-words of the way
my anointing operates.

The more you impart to apply and give your anointing
away, the more it grows. It is a dynamic of the Kingdom.

The Cost and Application

The issue comes down to two factors. The first is the
cost of the anointing. The second is in applying the
anointing. The anointing of an Elijah or Elisha does not
come passively. It is developed and nurtured. It flows
with ones gifts and calling.

Every believer has a sphere (2 Cor 10:13), an area of
influence of their anointing. Within the boundary of
that area of influence is the authority to break asunder
what Paul refers to as the bondage of corruption.
Presumption in operating outside that sphere is
asking for trouble. The bottom line ties to changing
the spiritual climate.

Daniel excelled professionally and spiritually in a
culture of sorcery to the level that he was described
as ten times better than ALL the sorcerers within the
king's realm. From that juncture and standard, there
came stages of challenge: the king's dream; walking
in the fire; and the lion's den. Changing the spiritual
climate will not generally go unchallenged. However,
there comes a point in prevailing when one's spiritual
authority becomes established.

So it was, later in Daniel's tenure as advisor to the
court. It was in that context that the handwriting
on the wall manifested. It was a major shift from
the lion's den and walking in the fire. The handwriting
on the wall parallels Joseph's promotion alongside
Pharaoh, when the anointing prevails and has established
God's authority in a domain. When it does,
everything changes.

Yet, the mantle bearing the anointing will require
a cost. Many years ago, a great man of God I studied
under told the story of a young man who came to him
and audaciously told him he "wanted" his anointing.
Very few in that generation had an anointing to equal
the authority this man of God wielded. His response
to the young man very simply was: "Are you willing
to pay the cost?"

We impart and share the anointing generously.
However, to fully embrace the anointing of others,
a cost will be paid.

Sometimes the cost already has been paid at the
point of impartation and reflects a "next step" for
what the Lord has planned. That very much has
been the case with the persecuted segment of the
church we have been honored to be working with.
They have been through and have been purified by
fire. Elisha had been prepared by the best and was
ready for the double-portion.

Yet for others, the impartation will result in having to
face and then walk into the fire. It has never been
about man's glory, but God's; and His alone. The Word
of God tells us that God is a consuming fire. His presence
does not "abide" with the soulish. It disrupts and then
consumes it.

God's anointing applied will bring change and the
restoration of the order required to establish His
purposes. The key for the Elijah-Elisha impact, the
"double-portion" in today's time of turbulence, is to
be found in exercising the anointing through community.

We need the authority of Elijah's anointing to shut
up the heavens and bring judgment. We need God's
people to come out of the closet. We need those
who are either aligned with or overwhelmed by the
world to arise and take their place among the remnant
of the faithful, who have been applying their anointings.

It is time for the spiritual climate to be challenged
with the explosive power of shared anointings from
God's chosen.

The release of the anointing 
involves stewardship. 

Shared anointings ignite one another and bring 
enlargement. This type of prophetic stewardship 
requires a consistent priority of spending time with 
Him so that our perspective is a God-perspective. It 
means defining our gifts and like Daniel, becoming 
the best in the sphere we've been given. That means 
operating in the Spirit beyond our human capacities.

Entering this dimension requires focus given to mentoring
and cooperative assignments directed by the Spirit that
provide opportunity for shared anointings to manifest at
the community level. This premise will evoke what will
manifest as revival, as the fullness of His presence takes

"I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing. 
And I will cause showers to come down in their season; 
they will be showers of blessing. Also the tree of the field 
will yield its fruit and the earth will yield its increase, and 
they will be secure on their land. Then they will know that 
I am the LORD." Ezek 34:26-27

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for 
the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As 
founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of 
the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, 
Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community 
builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and 
non-Western world.  

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, 
Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" 
and "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World," which address the 
mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to 
impact their communities with God's blessings. They are 
available in print and e-versions from, and other popular outlets.  

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is 
a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled 
by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors 
whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted 
church to be the head and not the tail. 

Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives 
and mailed to 

PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 

or email us at 
for access information on 
our secure web-site.

Likewise, email us to schedule a briefing for your congregation 
on the state of the persecuted church and how you can more 
effectively pray for them.  

2014 Copyright Morris Ruddick -

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a 
SIGN adviser. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) 
has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting
 strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous 
posts or more information on SIGN, 


Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Barbie Breathitt: Christlikeness From the Life of Elisha: Tests and Double Mantle (The Elijah List)

Barbie Breathitt:
Christlikeness From the 
Life of Elisha: 
Tests and Double Mantle

Barbie BreathittTests and a Double Mantle

After Elijah trained his servant Elisha to look and see, listen and hear, and prophesy the word of the Lord, it was time for him to return to Heaven. The heavenly chariot of God carried Elijah away from Elisha into the spiritual expanse of Heaven's eternity outside of time. Elisha was told by Elijah, "If you see me when I am taken from you, [you will receive a double portion of my spirit]..."

Elisha had to pass many tests and persevere in order to walk in Elijah's double mantle (see 2 Kings 2:1-18). 

Elijah asked Elisha to stay in Gilgal, the place of cutting, circumcision, and the rolling away of reproach, but he refused. This is a picture for us that when God removes our past failures and reproach, we must walk through the gates of authority into the new place with God; and so Elijah then moved on to Bethel, the place or house of God, the gates of Heaven. Bethel was a place where people went to seek counsel from God. Elisha followed Elijah to Bethel to learn how to obtain God's counsel.

We must follow the leading of the Holy Spirit to the next place of testing to progress spiritually. We cannot remain complacent or stagnant; the river of God always flows.

Elijah calling ElishaNext, the sons of the prophets came to Elisha in Bethel and said, "Do you know that the Lord will take away your master from over you today?'And Elisha said, "Yes I know; be still!" Elijah told Elisha to remain in Bethel while he went on to Jericho. But Elisha said, "I will not leave you" (2 Kings 2:3 NASB).

The sons of the prophets in Jericho, a place of fragrance and warfare, had also been shown that Elijah was going to be taken away from Elisha that day.

From Jericho, Elijah and Elisha traveled on to Jordan, a place of flowing down or descending, where fifty men of the sons of the prophets stood opposite them at the Jordan River. Elijah took his mantle, folded it together, and struck the waters of the Jordan, which divided, allowing both prophets to cross over on dry ground.

When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha, "Ask what I shall do for you before I am taken from you." And Elisha said, "Please, let a double portion of your spirit be upon me." He said, "You have asked a hard thing. Nevertheless, if you see me when I am taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if not, it shall not be so." 

As they were going along and talking, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire and horses of fire which separated the two of them. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind to Heaven. Elisha saw it [the chariot] and cried out, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!" And he saw Elijah no more. Then he took hold of his own clothes and tore them in two pieces. 2 Kings 2:9-12 NASB

However, Elijah did not hand his mantle onto Elisha; Elisha had to pick it up after Elijah was taken into Heaven.

What Was the Significance of Elijah's Mantle For Elisha?

The word mantle in Hebrew is addereth; its root word being adar, which is also the word for the last month on the Hebrew calendar. The month of Adar is the best time to remove any personal barriers to holiness, thus it is a time to create the potential for the greatest joy. Adar is the final month of the year, i.e. it completes the year, and hence it is a time of completion. 

The root meaning of adar is glorious, splendid, marvelous, and mighty. In a noun form it is rendered as a cloak or mantle.

Crossing JordanHe also took up the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and returned and stood by the bank of the Jordan. He took the mantle of Elijah that fell from him and struck the waters and said, "Where is the Lord, the God of Elijah?" And when he also had struck the waters, they were divided here and there; and Elisha crossed over. 2 Kings 2:13-14 NASB

Jewish traditions indicate that the mantle that fell from Elijah was a tallith or prayer shawl. The tallith of a prophet or master teacher would have dark purple-blue threads in the corner tassel. People believed that the purple thread contained miracle power. 

This is why the woman with the issue of blood wanted to touch the hem of Jesus' tallith or garment. When she was healed, Jesus said, "Who touched Me?...I felt virtue leave Me." Then He told her, "Your faith has made you whole," not a purple thread (see Matthew 9:20-22 and Luke 8:43-48).

Elijah's tallith, mantle, or "adar" symbolized that Elisha had removed any barriers to his relationship with God. He was no longer the servant but now stepped into the place of the prophet he had served. Elijah's mantle was a doorway to God's power. 

Elijah told Elisha that if he saw him taken, he would have his desire to carry on the prophetic ministry with a double portion of his spirit.

ElishaThe mantle is a symbol of joy and completion. Elijah left his mantle as a sign that he had completed his assignment. Elisha picked up Elijah's mantle indicating the start of a new year; he was picking up where Elijah left off and beginning his own ministry as a prophet. 

Elijah's mantle was a symbol of an agreement of power and authority between Elijah and God. Elisha's picking up Elijah's mantle symbolized that he was entering into the same agreement with God. When Elisha used Elijah's mantle to part the Jordan River, God established His agreement or covenant with Elisha.

What The Double Portion Looks Like

Everyone is at a different level of hearing and seeing in their spiritual understanding. Elisha had walked and been personally trained by Elijah for years. He had been tested and tried in spiritual disciplines. The sons of the prophets had been through training as well, yet they did not possess the level of seeing that Elisha had developed. Elisha saw the chariot of fire and the horses come to separate him from Elijah. He cried out, "My father, my father, the chariots of Israel and its horsemen!" (2 Kings 2:12 NASB).

The sons of the prophets only saw the whirlwind the chariot created. The sons of the prophets were left wondering if Elijah had been translated to Heaven or if he had possibly been transported to another geographic location. They had to search for three days in the natural to come into peace. Elisha knew Elijah had been taken to Heaven because he saw beyond the natural into the invisible realm of the Spirit.

Elijah's MantleNow when the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho opposite him saw him, they said, "The spirit of Elijah rests on Elisha." And they came to meet him and bowed themselves to the ground before him. 

They said to him, "Behold now, there are with your servants fifty strong men, please let them go and search for your master; perhaps the Spirit of the Lord has taken him up and cast him on some mountain or into some valley." And he said, "You shall not send." But when they urged him until he was ashamed, he said, "Send." They sent therefore fifty men; and they searched three days but did not find him. 

They returned to him while he was staying at Jericho; and he said to them, "Did I not say to you, 'Do not go'?" 2 Kings 2:15-18 NASB

The New Testament shares an example of the audible voice of God speaking from Heaven when Jesus foretold of His death. Some that stood by didn't hear anything. Others who were present in the crowd heard God's voice manifested in thunder, while still others thought it was an angel.

So the crowd of people who stood by and heard it were saying that it had thundered; others were saying, "An angel has spoken to Him." Jesus answered and said, "This voice has not come for My sake, but for your sakes." John 12:29-30 NASB

The names of both Elijah (meaning "the Lord is my God" or spiritual champion) and Elisha (meaning "God will save me" or protected) carries the record of what they represent, but not necessarily how they saw, if they are thought to be seers. Elijah's name means God is Jehovah or YHVH is my God. He functioned as the Father's recorder on earth.

In the case of God's servant Elijah, the chariot was a trans-dimensional carrier of God's servant. The chariot of God transported Elijah out of time into the eternal realm where Elijah had always existed in heavenly places. When the fullness of time came, God reached down to retrieve the recording of Himself He had placed within Elijah.

Elijah came to restore all things back to God. He was called to turn the hearts of the Fathers back to the sons, and to turn the sons' hearts back to the fathers', to make ready a people for God lest God curse the earth (see Malachi 4). Elijah's anointing was to restore righteousness and protect the earthly realm from being struck with a curse caused by sin.

Elisha's name means "GOD is salvation" or "My God is salvation." He functioned under a double portion of Elijah's spirit.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Walk Like the Prophet Elisha

Elisha's eyes saw beyond the veil of the natural into the supernatural realm where God's army of fiery angels and chariots reside. His eyes were not limited by situations or hard facts. He knew to look beyond the natural to see God's provision. He trusted more in the realm of faith than what seemed to appear in the natural.
Prayer opens our eyesWhen fear blinded Elisha's servant, the prophet's prayer was able to open the attendant's spiritually blind eyes to see the coexisting spiritual realms of angels. 

Knowing that there are more for us than against us brings a peace beyond our present understanding.

Prayer delivers us from fear. Prayer opens our eyes to see God's ever-present answer, while at the same time prophetic decree will blind our enemies and place them at our mercy. For God to trust us at this level, it requires us to develop greater levels of obedience of compassion. God wants to trust us with the lives of our enemies. 

God tests and tries us until He knows that we will not execute our own judgment or harm people in any way.

When God delivers our enemies into our hands, we must return good for evil, blessing for cursing, and lovingkindness for abuse. The Lord is the only one who should ever move in judgment. He said, "Vengeance is Mine." We have no right to be vengeful. 

It is God's place to vindicate us.

We are called to love our enemies, to be kind to those who persecute, use, and abuse our kindness. 

We should lead our enemies to salvation, and their eyes will be opened to God's saving word, loving spirit, and grace. It is time to love like God loves; see like God sees; obey what God's Word says, and then do what God does.

Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, "Alas, my master! What shall we do?" So he answered, "Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them." Then Elisha prayed and said, "O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see." And the Lord opened the servant's eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2 Kings 6:15-17 NASB

Elisha prayedWhen Elisha's enemies came down off the mountain to pursue him, Elisha prayed. We should follow his example. Elisha's prayers struck his enemies with blindness. This removed the enemy's power and control. They were forced into a vulnerable place, wandering in darkness and confusion. 

The army had come to do the prophet great harm, but God protected him. The prophet placed his trust in God. In this new state of total dependence and humiliation, the enemy had to trust and blindly follow Elisha to Samaria. Elisha said, "Follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek" (2 Kings 6:19 NASB). (Photo courtesy: Global Recordings Network)

When they came down to him, Elisha prayed to the Lord and said, "Strike this people with blindness, I pray." So He struck them with blindness according to the word of Elisha. Then Elisha said to them, "This is not the way, nor is this the city; follow me and I will bring you to the man whom you seek." And he brought them to Samaria. 2 Kings 6:18-19 NASB

Elisha's enemies had to walk through the process of trusting the one they were sent to destroy. Once they arrived at the promised location, Elisha prayed that God would reopen their blind eyes. Their vision was restored. New vision was given in the midst of their enemies.

When they had come into Samaria, Elisha said, "O Lord, open the eyes of these men, that they may see." So the Lord opened their eyes and they saw; and behold, they were in the midst of Samaria. 2 Kings 6:20 NASB
Many of us have been wounded by an enemy or betrayed by a close friend, but we are to respond to them with God's lovingkindness and compassion.

Then the king of Israel when he saw them, said to Elisha, "My father, shall I kill them? Shall I kill them?" He answered, "You shall not kill them. Would you kill those you have taken captive with your sword and with your bow?... 2 Kings 6:21-22 NASB

CompassionElisha told the King of Israel to respond according to the greatness of God's loving-kindness, to make his enemies the objects of compassion in the presence of all their captors. Elisha encouraged the king to feed the Arameans, to provide for and care for his enemies instead of killing them. The king prepared a feast for the enemy soldiers and they ate to their fill.

"...Set bread and water before them, that they may eat and drink and go to their master." So he prepared a great feast for them; and when they had eaten and drunk he sent them away, and they went to their master. And the marauding bands of Arameans did not come again into the land of Israel. 2 Kings 6:22-23 NASB

Elisha's mercy triumphed over judgment. 

Great grace leads us to victory. The King of Israel's enemies were delivered into his hands. The King was eager to execute judgment and destroy his enemies, but the prophet carefully redirected his focus to blessing and not destruction.

Good will always triumph over evil. Love will also bring forth a better result than hate.

Never greet your enemy in the same malignant spirit. Never return evil for evil but learn to bless instead of curse. We are not of this world, so we cannot respond in the spirit of this world. God is love so we must respond in the power of His might.

Barbie L. Breathitt Ph.D.
Breath of the Spirit Ministries


Barbie Breathitt is the author of Dream EncountersSeeing Your Destiny From God's Perspective, and her new book Gateway to the Seer Realm: Look Again to See Beyond the Natural. She is an ordained minister, dedicated educator, and respected teacher of the supernatural manifestations of God. 

Barbie's dynamic teaching skills, intelligence, and quick wit keep her a favorite with audiences everywhere. Barbie has become a recognized leader in dream interpretation, traveling to more than forty nations. Her prophetic gifting and deep spiritual insight have helped thousands of people understand the supernatural ways God speaks to us today.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Report: Israel covering up major biblical archeology find

Report: Israel covering up major biblical archeology find

Monday, April 22, 2013 |  Israel Today Staff

Israel's Makor Rishon Hebrew daily reported at the weekend that a major biblical archeology find in the Judean hills south of Jerusalem is apparently being covered up by the government.
Last week, a member of the Kfar Etzion Field School in the Eztion Bloc of Jewish communities stumbled across an ancient ornate pillar as he descended into a cave in the Judean hills.
The pillar and its attached capital clearly belonged to a royal structure, and local archaeologists said it certainly dated back to the times of the Judean kings, if not David himself.
The undisturbed nature of the find suggested that a large part of the ancient palace was probably buried intact beneath where the pillar was found.
"We appear to have a complete castle here," Kfar Etzion Field School Director Yaron Rosental told the newspaper. "Those who lived here after it did not know of its existence and thus, instead of using its stones to build a new building as was the usual practice, left it intact."
But, when Rosental contacted Israel's Antiquities Authority, he was harshly rebuffed and told to "keep [his] mouth shut" about the find.
The Antiquities Authority later confirmed to Makor Rishon that the find exists, and had actually been first discovered last year, but that present political sensitivities prevent archaeologist from exploring the site at this time.
It was pointed out that the find is located in territory claimed by the Palestinian Authority. Uncovering a major and even unprecedented archaeological site that solidifies the ancient Jewish presence in and control of these lands could upset the peace process.