Showing posts with label God's presence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label God's presence. Show all posts

Monday, July 7, 2014




Morris E. Ruddick

"Oh, the depth of the riches: both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways!" Rom 11:33

During His earthly ministry, Jesus made a very profound statement to His followers. He told them that He had come to send fire on the earth and how He wished it were already kindled; but that He had a baptism to be baptized with and how distressed He was until it was accomplished (Luke 12:49).

Jesus' earthly ministry progressively laid the foundation and model for the fire He mentioned and the baptism this fire requires. It is the model for those embracing the call of being His followers.

From Deuteronomy to Hebrews, God's presence is described as a consuming fire. Jesus' presence progressively unveiled this dimension of the anointing, of being a carrier of God's presence. God's power is simply an outworking of the consciousness of His presence.

Simultaneously, John 1:5 reveals that darkness was unable to comprehend His presence.

There is a cost to stewarding God's presence. It is the cost for displacing darkness. It taps the depths that transcend the natural and for that matter, darkness. Jesus paid that cost at the highest level and changed the spiritual code governing the earth.

The cost begins by completely yielding our lives for His. Jesus said: "He who loves his life will lose it; but he hates his life in this world will gain it for eternal life." (John 12:25) Jesus understood the sacrifice that lay before Him. It was the price and the pathway into which Jesus admonished His followers to "follow Him."

His death and resurrection fulfilled all the covenant promises and God's intentions for His own. It opened the gates to the potential for all His followers to become aligned with and one with God's heart.

Entering the Depths
From this "baptism of fire" that Jesus went through, He gave His followers, those willing to pay the cost, the keys and strategies to enter the depths, this dimension of reality. They are the keys to employing righteous power in corrupt settings. From these depths comes the change that shakes nations.

In 1997 we met a most unusual woman of God named Agnes Numer. Born in 1915, Agnes was older and spiritually more seasoned. She had an equally unusual ministry that had at its core, the feeding of the poor. Her ministry was a faith ministry, simple in its execution, but profound in its impact.

Her efforts had no formal fund-raising program. Yet it consistently fed and housed its active contingent of workers and visitors. It was birthed after she had hit the age of 60; after what she described as years and years spent in her "prayer closet;" following a time she had memorized almost the entire book of Isaiah.

The Dynamics
At the time we met her, her ministry Somerhaven, had several simple things that distinguished it. First, it was devoted to God's heart for the needy (Isaiah 58), in daily sending out two 18-wheelers filled with food for the poor across her state.

Agnes' facility was also a safe-place where leaders came to get perspective from God and be refreshed. It was a safe place because the presence of the Lord was there. While there were regular meetings for prayer and for worship; it was clear that Agnes was the catalyst for God's prevailing presence at that place.

Agnes' wisdom and anointed prayers were sought by leaders from across the globe. She would receive phone calls in the middle of the night from around the world, from leaders seeking the flow of the Spirit in which she walked. She remained active until the time of her graduation from this earth when she was 95. Agnes was a carrier of God's presence. She was a carrier and catalyst of revival.

We have entered a time, when those, prepared like Agnes, are being mobilized as carriers of God's presence and of revival. Their presence will create the spiritual sparks that nudge others out of their status quo.

True revival is a foundational threat to the status quo. It challenges and displaces darkness. Characterized by the power of His presence, its depths are beyond the boundaries of human dimensions and descriptions.

The Equalizer
In more places outside the West than not, people fear the powers of darkness. They fear and give homage to the powers of corruption. Even within circles of believers, the unspoken response can be that the devil is the prevailing power, with God's minions operating as comparative weaklings.

Yet, in our work around the globe, we have been uniquely blessed in working together with ones whose identities and callings are uncompromised against the forces of Babylon and Chaldea (Jer 51:20). They have touched the depths. We've likewise touched and been touched by an infrastructure of ones who hold significantly potent keys to what the Lord is doing in their nations and then globally.

These are ones whose common ground impels them as doers of the essentials of God's heart, along with flowing in the outworking of His presence. Untouched by the approval of man, personal ambition or the trappings of power, they produce spiritual ripples with roots that go deep.

The balance, between the agendas of God's heart and flowing in His presence can only come from the Spirit. One without the other will digress into deception and fall short. Simultaneously, together they are unstoppable.

The crux demands a grasp of applying this unique dimension of the anointing, together with the discipline of operating within the confines of God's set-times in applying His strategies. Stated alternately, in terms I have previously expressed in these posts: "It's not what we can do for God, but rather what we allow Him to do through us."

God's Strategies and Opportunity
For communities of believers bridging the gap with the broader community, one of the most effective strategies to maintain this balance and to release this anointing involves food.

Throughout the Bible are spiritually significant instances of eating together or of the provision of being fed. The practice has involved times of settling differences, making peace and establishing agreements.

Similarly, are the instances in which God's people are the catalysts of provision when the world encounters famine and judgment (Isaac, Joseph). In the same fashion, the biblical mandates of the feast-days have their foundations in God's people coming together and eating, as they are spiritually be refreshed and strengthened.

These are God's strategies that give opportunity for His presence.

Jesus' time with His disciples repeatedly describes significant spiritual times involving food and eating. From multiplying the loaves and fishes, to the disciples on the road to Emmaus, who after being with Him, only recognized Jesus in the breaking of bread, to Jesus feeding the disciples on the shore after His resurrection; again and again His power and presence find release through the provision of and the breaking of bread.

Within Agnes' ministry, along with feeding the poor, there was always ample food for those assembled and with that food, a fellowship that centered on the Lord.

Years ago, Carol and I began and led a home gathering that met on Saturday evenings. It was designed as a setting for the unreached international community of our city. It began with an hour of worship and prayer. We then would break for an array of international dishes brought by those attending, who also brought their unchurched friends.

People enjoying plates of food would stand around in small groups, discussing lives, needs and the Lord, many praying for one another, often leading members of their group in prayers ranging from repentance to needy requests. Because of the unique answers to prayer that the unchurched attending received, those gathering swelled to over 50. One month we had 16 people from this group who, having seen the reality of the Lord, got baptized in our church.

Gatherings with meals have served as strategies to effectively penetrate spiritual hardened cultures. I know of many instances of believers in tough spiritual climates having actuated change in the hearts of guests through the hosting of meals that included the simplicity of praying for their guests.

In each case, His presence was revealed. From the beginning, in God's order of things, it has been the simple things that confound the wise.

The Challenge
Having ministered in over 20 nations constrained and ruled by the forces of darkness, the issue involves tilling the spiritual soil that cover the roots of darkness and simply releasing His presence. Sometimes the barriers can be broken with nothing more than the simple request: "May I pray a blessing over you?" or "How can I pray for you?" to "May I speak a (prophetic) word of encouragement to you?"

While in Afghanistan in May of 2002, visiting with a high level minister of that nation, a bond of trust was created with our small group, when Barbara Wentroble opened the doors, with permission, with a "word of encouragement" to this man. He recognized and embraced it for what it was, a good word from the Lord. While the gifts employed may be different, they each serve to challenge the spiritual status quo with the goodness of God enabling His presence.

It's in the simple things that the depths are revealed. There is an intimacy and bond that comes from sharing a meal.

During our younger days, when our older kids were in high school, I established a practice on each Saturday of taking one of them out for breakfast. It was an opportunity, one-on-one, to listen and to close the gap on matters that made a difference. One summer, my nephew stayed for the summer, so I included him in this practice.

The first time we met, I sat there staring at him as he gave undistracted focus to digging into the array of items on his plate. I finally stopped him with the words, "Look, this is not about food!" Well, actually it was, but I needed to pull back the superficial in order to allow the entry into the depths. From that, came some really meaningful chats. Years later, as an adult, he shared with me the impact that those words and those times and what was released following them, had had on his life.

Touching the depths begins with opportunity that allows the consciousness of His presence. When that takes place, everything else realigns to the extent to which we then become carriers of His presence.

The Power from the Depths
What we refer to as miracles, in reality, are manifestations of the consciousness of His presence: the parting the Red Sea, Elijah calling down the fire, Jesus casting out demons, healing the sick and raising the dead. With His presence, darkness flees.

The consciousness of God's presence is both the end and the beginning in knowing Him. It is also the reality imparted in making Him known. At the same time, with His presence is His power, albeit the application of His power being the most misunderstand dimension of God since the days of the early church.

Whether as individuals or as a people, the constraints of man's spiritually-fallen condition limit our natural perceptions of the realities tied to an unlimited God. What we refer to as revival is, in short, a piercing of those constraints, as His conscious presence manifests to those, who together, have touched and held-on to this dimension of the reality of God.

"To the eyes of Israel the appearance of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the mountain top. So Moses entered the midst of the cloud, as he went up to the mountain." Ex 24:17-18

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world. 

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" and "Leadership by Anointing," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from and other popular outlets. 

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or email us for access information on our secure web-site.

Likewise, email us to schedule a briefing for your congregation on the state of the persecuted church and how you can more effectively pray for them. 

2014 Copyright Morris Ruddick -

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:
Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Thursday, June 5, 2014

THE UNSEEN - Morris Ruddick

Morris Ruddick

THE UNSEEN (c) Morris Ruddick

Note: This post was birthed as I was praying for the brethren in Benin, West Africa, where we are currently ministering. The ministry of SIGN has, from the beginning, been based on what I refer to as the Issachar context, of understanding the times and knowing what to do.

We have entered times of great change, yet times of even greater opportunity for God's kingdom. The truth described in this post is a critical requirement in fruitfully navigating in these times.

More than in any time in this last generation, there is a connection taking place globally within the Body, a convergence of God's alignments, as a new generation emerges to assume their mantles, as modern-day Josephs and Daniels. Please pray for us and for the Body in Africa, and for those we have been sent to minister to in Benin.

 (c) Morris Ruddick

"Do you hear the secret counsel of God, and limit wisdom to yourself?" Job 15:8

Throughout the Word of God, reference is given to a dimension described as "secret." The secret place is used to refer to God's presence. The secret things allude to God's wisdom. Job points to the secret counsel of God.

These dimensions are likewise described as the hidden and the unseen.

Jesus taught that prayer works effectively when we get alone and pray to our Father, who is in the secret place. The NIV version of this passage depicts the Father as the One who is "unseen."

"But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." Matt 6:6-7 NIV

Paul illuminated this nugget of truth in his letter to the Corinthians with his admonishment to give focus, not to the seen, but to the unseen.

"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." 2 Cor 4:18 NIV

This dimension being referred to is the spiritual.

Despite being beyond the normal human perception of things, the "unseen" is foundational. It drives the reality we live in rather than the other way around. Our grasp of this dimension provides insight into the priorities we select in our pathway of life.

Applying the Unseen to the Seen

The unseen dimension is the distinguishing characteristic of those we characterize as the heroes of faith: ordinary people doing extraordinary things by means of applying the unseen to the seen, through God.

During his time in Egypt, Joseph bridged the seen with the unseen. In spite of his position as a slave in Potiphar's house, he made a significant difference. The scripture in Genesis 39 indicates that everyone recognized the difference operating through Joseph. They saw that the reality of God accompanied Joseph and made all that he did to prosper. Joseph effectively wielded the mantle of his great-grandfather Abraham: to be blessed to be a blessing. The means toward this end has always been in bridging the seen with the unseen.

I like being around people who bridge the gap between the seen and the unseen. Yet, I have experienced backlash, just as Joseph innocently experienced spiritual repercussions with Potiphar's wife, as something beyond the seen challenges us operating in the unseen.

This process and what is unleashed challenges the focus which resides solely in the seen. It can trigger the forces of darkness, which seek to usurp and bypass the dimension of the unseen controlled by God. It can be deadly.

Within the unseen are the realms of the real and the counterfeit. Reaching for the unseen that is truly God extends beyond the natural and human realms. It involves a process. It is a process of unfolding dynamics which challenge both the counterfeit and the seen. The process begins with individuals, but evolves to be facilitated by the community. When this process is traversed according to God's standard, it releases God's glory. The process defiled or short-circuited triggers the counterfeit.

Operating in this domain, bears uniquely on the choice of being a God-pleaser rather one whose destiny conforms to the ways of man or to the trappings of power that sidestep the Lord.

The Dynamic Operating

2 Kings 6 describes the king of Syria being troubled, when it was recognized that on each occasion that he sent out his army against Israel, that they walked into an ambush. He surmised that there might be a spy in his inner circle. However, his advisors explained it was the prophet Elisha, who was discerning their secret plans and warning the king of Israel. Through God, Elisha penetrated the unseen realm.

This is one of the reasons intercessors need to prevail in unraveling the burdens they carry, to get past the seen, in order to gain a grasp of the unseen, in order to know what to do. Many years ago, I was in prayer. I kept having bad thoughts concerning a certain person. I initially thought I might have had a hidden attitude toward them and began praying in an effort to correct it. Then the Lord spoke to me and told me what I was sensing was that they were speaking against me.

I was skeptical about this premise and asked the Lord for a scripture to confirm that this was so. In the same hour, I began my regular Bible reading and came across the passage in Ecclesiastes 10:20 that admonishes: Curse not the king or the powerful in your bed-chamber, not even in your thoughts, for winged creatures will make the matter known.

The unseen realm is where both the angelic and the demonic operate. Those with backgrounds or encounters with the occult and witchcraft understand this reality. It explains why Jesus taught His followers to seek first God's Kingdom, along with His standard of righteousness. God's Kingdom has its foundations in the domain of the unseen.
"Bless the LORD, you His angels, who excel in strength, who do His word,
heeding the voice of His word. Bless the LORD, all you His hosts, you ministers of His, who do His pleasure. Bless the LORD, all His works, in all places of His dominion."  
Psalm 103:20-22

There's a reason that Paul, operating within his apostolic mantle, refers (1 Cor 13) to the two primary dimensions of tongues, as tongues of men and of angels.

The Entrance and Cost

Entrance into the unseen arena comes only at a cost. That cost requires a choice, an ongoing choice and a discipline to stay the course. Joseph's high calling carried a requirement beyond his already significant prophetic gifting. It necessitated a wisdom and authority beyond anything he had previously known.

It called for the harnessing of the resources of Egypt to avert the impact of the judgment triggered by his brothers. Joseph's brothers self-righteously, but deceitfully and dishonorably, broke covenant and sought revenge against Shechem for defiling their sister Dinah. Dishonor defiles what honor established in covenant.

The issue of honor is essential in navigating God's dimension of the unseen.  
"Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. So Jabez called upon the God of Israel."1 Chron 4:9 

The story of Job is a story of honor. Job, as God's emissary, begins with Job having only a superficial grasp of the honor needed as God's representative. Zeal is not enough. Personal accomplishment while acknowledging God is not enough.

Like Joseph, Job had to be stripped of his superficial exploits to be able to truly wield the mantle he bore. In that process, his spiritual eyes were opened to the unseen that he had never before grasped. It is a dimension requiring a total dependency on God.

The manner in which Joseph was so abruptly thrust into Egypt gave him every reason to give up. He had every reason in the natural, or the seen realm, to turn his back on God and the unseen, which had caused him to lose everything, including his freedom. Yet, Joseph chose to press into God more fully.

While yet a slave in Potiphar's house, Genesis 39 tells us, that everyone saw that the Lord was with Joseph and made ALL that he did to prosper. Joseph walked out the principle of "bringing every thought captive" to God's standard and will. Despite his circumstance, he put into practice the mantle of his great-grandfather Abraham in being blessed to be a blessing. Without position, he did so honorably and righteously.

These consistent choices of honor and the discipline they require are the mark of true Kingdom leaders.

Harnessing the Imagination

Taking every thought captive involves harnessing the imagination. Jesus gave extremely strong warnings about not allowing your anger or lusts to run rampant in your imagination. James alludes to the dangers of jealousies and selfish ambitions. The imagination holds great potency and is the bridge into the unseen dimension.

This taps the truth that James gave to be doers of the word and not hearers only, who deceive themselves. Living in the seen alone is not enough. It's more than personal exploits. Walking out a call of God requires the gap to be bridged into the unseen and then walked out in the seen.

Going onto the Offensive

Years ago, I served in a Marine combat unit that went deeply into enemy territory. Tactically, we were trained and disciplined to move about largely unseen. These real-life experiences imparted a wisdom that the Lord has revealed to me to apply in intercession, in spiritually navigating through enemy territory while remaining hidden.

When the unseen is fully embraced, the result will be a moving onto the offensive. It doesn't happen immediately, but takes time and faith. Yet, it will override the seen and the counterfeit. Jesus said, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, nothing will be impossible to you (Matt 17:20).

The unseen also requires appropriate authority. By the time Joseph faced the baker and wine-taster when in prison, he possessed the know-how and authority that operated deeply in the hidden realm. Going into enemy territory, discerning and preempting the enemy's intentions, and setting the stage for God's counter-purposes sometimes call for obedience that only "sees" the next step. Yet, this dynamic is strategic to this hour, in preparing the way for those who follow.

Prevailing in the unseen world means discerning, from God, the path to be taken from what is discerned. God always imparts strategy to those willing to pay the cost and prevail in this dimension of reality.
"The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and delivers them."  
Ps 34:7 

God's purpose is for the community of his people to be restored to operating in this dimension. This will be the result from what Jesus referred to as being a light to the world, a community set of a hill.

The Community Dimension

Moses wasn't just speaking to an elite inner-circle when he gave the instruction to listen carefully to the voice of the Lord and do what is right in His eyes. He was speaking to the entire community.

When the community begins bridging the seen with the unseen, God's glory is released. When that dynamic prevails, the first evidence will be the spiritual climate changing.

As this dimension of reality gains momentum, then God's converging purposes and priorities will align. The consciousness of God will become evident to even non-believers. What we call revival then begins manifesting.

When revival manifests, the unseen has penetrated the seen. As this spiritual dynamic gains increase, it ignites a high-level flow of unity driven by a broad obedience and flow of the Spirit. This release of God's glory, orchestrated by the Spirit, overcomes evil with good, with the common ground of His glory manifesting and the supernatural becoming natural

When the Life of God within a community truly manifests, it goes beyond a warm feeling or a pristine doctrinal focus. It is Life itself and cannot be stopped.

The Bible is full of stories of prophets, priests, kings, apostles and everyday people who penetrated the unseen and refused to turn loose, and by prevailing they changed the course of history for God's people, setting the stage for eternity.

Abraham staked all on bringing the unseen into the seen. Joseph restored the promises to God's heritage and blessed Egypt in the process. Moses made the connection and infused the truths of his insights into all future generations of God's people. David did all the Lord expected of him and connected the seen and the unseen and in so doing, brought God's people into kingdom unity. Jesus bridged the gap, giving His life as an example to those who would grasp this dimension, establishing the foundation that will restore God's original reality for all eternity.
"The secret things belong to the Lord, but those that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever." Deut 29:29

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.  

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World;" and "Leadership by Anointing," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from and other popular outlets.  

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted church to be the head and not the tail. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or email us for access information on our secure web-site.

Likewise, email us to schedule a briefing for your congregation on the state of the persecuted church and how you can more effectively pray for them.  

2014 Copyright Morris Ruddick -

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN advisor. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Friday, January 31, 2014

SHARED ANOINTINGS (c) Morris E. Ruddick




(c) Morris E. Ruddick

"Elijah said to Elisha, 'Ask! What may I do for you, 
before I am taken away from you?' Elisha said, 
'Please let a double portion of your spirit be upon me.'" 
2 Kings 2:9

Elijah's God-encounter in the cave which followed his 
exploits against the prophets of Baal and Asherah began 
a transition for Elijah's ministry, as well as for Israel. After 
challenging Elijah's hideaway with the words: "What are you 
doing here;" the Lord then restored him to fulfill his next task. 
Soon afterward, Elijah was connected with Elisha as his 
protege and the process of Elisha's nurturing began. 
(1 Kings 19:16).

The authority of Elijah's anointing shut up the heavens and 
brought judgment on a reprobate Israel. Then his daring 
confrontation with evil changed Israel's spiritual climate. In 
so doing, God's people began coming out of the closet.

So when Elisha asked for a double portion of Elijah's spirit, 
it was no small thing. Elijah bore a disruptive anointing; an 
anointing that short-circuited the inroads of evil. His authority 
in the spirit stopped the sorcery in its tracks. It had no equal 
in that day.

The fulfillment of Elisha's request for a "double-portion" was 
evidenced not only by the startling miracles of his ministry, 
but by the angelic host unveiled around him in his encounter 
with the army of Syria (2 Kings 6:17). 2 Kings 13:21 then tells 
of a burial interrupted by a band of raiders. The dead man was 
abandoned in the tomb of Elisha and scripture indicates that 
when "he was let down and touched the bones of Elisha, he 
revived and stood on his feet." So Elisha's double-portion of 
Elijah's anointing not only worked unusual miracles, it commanded 
the authority of a host of angels and carried a presence that 
even transcended his death.

God's highest priorities are always about His people. For 
both Elijah and Elisha, their greatest accomplishments 
involved the impact on the spiritual climate to mobilize God's 
people and impart the prophetic wisdom as advisers to 
protect those known by His Name.

These dynamics raise two very important issues. First is what 
Elisha reached for: a dimension in God beyond the incredible 
spiritual threshold that operated through Elijah. The second 
is the issue of the anointing itself, and with the anointing the 
authority, available for the challenges within the church of 
this day.

The release of the anointing comes at a cost. It involves a 
stewardship. The stewardship is in the reach one makes for 
God's presence; which in turn abides in the place of His glory. 
The operation of the anointing requires a God-perspective, 
which means adjusting our mind-sets, to thinking according 
to God's order and standard. The release of the anointing 
manifests when operating in the Spirit beyond ones human 
capacities. Shared anointings come from mentoring and 
cooperative assignments directed by the Spirit for the 
purpose of the community at large.

Operation of the Anointing

Jesus taught his followers how to apply righteous power in 
corrupt settings. This is the way of the Kingdom. It begins 
with our thinking. "Let this mind be in you which also was 
in Christ Jesus." Phil 2:5

The anointing flows when there is not one vestige of 
variation between God's order and purposes; and our 
actions or words. It is an emptying of ourselves in 
humility to allow the unhindered flow of the Holy Spirit 
through us.

"Who emptied Himself, taking on the form of a 
bondservant." Phil 2:7

Jesus taught His followers to abide. Jesus spent hours 
at night in prayer with the Father. He imparted the 
wisdom that He always did what He saw His father 
doing. "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who 
abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for 
apart from Me you can do nothing." John 15:5-6

Upon His resurrection, a new thing happened. Jesus made
the Holy Spirit available to all believers (John 14:26-27).
The ongoing release of the Spirit follows the pattern of
Jesus in spending time with the Father and abiding. Many
were those who followed after Elijah, but only Elisha
stayed the course to embrace the "double-portion."

The Release of the Anointing

The anointing serves as a catalyst, an igniter of
righteous power. Abiding in the place of His presence,
the place of His glory penetrates the veil. It is the
place where the supernatural power of God to trump
evil is revealed.

Yet the anointing is released when what we see in
the Spirit-realm is put into action. From his place of
abiding Elisha discerned the very words the King of
Syria spoke in the privacy of his bedchamber. From
that he advised the King of Israel. So in 2 Kings 6
when the armies of Syria came by night and surrounded
Elisha's city, he knew exactly what was unfolding and
he knew what he was to do.

Joseph the Patriarch, a slave without position, brought
blessing to the household of Potiphar. Genesis 39
indicates that everyone saw that the Lord was with
Joseph and made all that he did to prosper. Joseph
knew what it meant to abide in God's presence, but
as a faithful steward Joseph put in action what God
showed him. He carried the mantle of his great-grandfather
Abraham, as a catalyst of blessing to those around him,
indeed to the nations.

Shared Anointings

Individual anointings are multiplied exponentially
when combined and released with the anointings
of others. The scope of Elisha's mantle expanded
as Elijah mentored, nurtured and prepared him. It
is the reason why biblical community represents a
safe-place to foster the diversity of gifts and
anointings; where they are allowed to incubate
and work together. However, since Jesus' resurrection
and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, shared
anointings have taken on an even greater potential.

The charismatic revival of the late sixties and
early 70s began when believers hungry for more
of God, began gathering to seek Him more diligently.
What resulted was shared and passed on by the
laying on of hands. Ripples went out that became
a torrent of revival as the anointing was imparted
and the presence of God manifested to satisfy
the growing hunger of those not satisfied with
the status quo.

Over the years, within my calling in the marketplace,
I have been given opportunity to apply my gift and
impart my anointing as a consultant to a number of
respected ministries, ranging from CBN to Oral Roberts,
to Morris Cerullo to Marilyn Hickey. In each of these
cases not only did result come from the application
of my gift; but I emerged with a dimension of the
anointing from these ministries I had served.

When anointings merge to serve God's purposes,
new dimensions are released on each side.

Many years ago, I received a prophetic word from
a minister I had never met before who had no
awareness of my situation or background. His
words to me simply were: "You sir, have a spirit
of prosperity on you. Financially, you may be
broke or you may be a millionaire. It doesn't
matter. Prosperity is not about money; but comes
from within to bring blessing and increase to others."
That word came not long after I had lost my position
with a firm I had been working for. My financial
situation at the time was not good.

Yet, the words of truth this man of God spoke
penetrated the darkness trying to enshroud me
at that time. It bore significantly on assignments
I had had in the past bearing on opportunity and
increase for my clients; as it has become foundational
to the role I now serve with the persecuted church
within God's purposes in making them the head
and not the tail.

Yet, what has resulted, as a consultant, a board-member
and a teacher-mobilizer comes from shared anointings,
which combine the dimensions of my own anointing
being blended with the unique dimensions of those
I have served and am serving.

As a young Christian, I was greatly influenced and
mentored by two incredible men of God. Both might
be described as world-class prayer warriors; men of
faith. Yet one also had a unique anointing for
developing strategy; while the other's distinctive
anointing was tied to being a catalyst for revival.
Now over forty years later, prayer, developing
strategy and revival are still by-words of the way
my anointing operates.

The more you impart to apply and give your anointing
away, the more it grows. It is a dynamic of the Kingdom.

The Cost and Application

The issue comes down to two factors. The first is the
cost of the anointing. The second is in applying the
anointing. The anointing of an Elijah or Elisha does not
come passively. It is developed and nurtured. It flows
with ones gifts and calling.

Every believer has a sphere (2 Cor 10:13), an area of
influence of their anointing. Within the boundary of
that area of influence is the authority to break asunder
what Paul refers to as the bondage of corruption.
Presumption in operating outside that sphere is
asking for trouble. The bottom line ties to changing
the spiritual climate.

Daniel excelled professionally and spiritually in a
culture of sorcery to the level that he was described
as ten times better than ALL the sorcerers within the
king's realm. From that juncture and standard, there
came stages of challenge: the king's dream; walking
in the fire; and the lion's den. Changing the spiritual
climate will not generally go unchallenged. However,
there comes a point in prevailing when one's spiritual
authority becomes established.

So it was, later in Daniel's tenure as advisor to the
court. It was in that context that the handwriting
on the wall manifested. It was a major shift from
the lion's den and walking in the fire. The handwriting
on the wall parallels Joseph's promotion alongside
Pharaoh, when the anointing prevails and has established
God's authority in a domain. When it does,
everything changes.

Yet, the mantle bearing the anointing will require
a cost. Many years ago, a great man of God I studied
under told the story of a young man who came to him
and audaciously told him he "wanted" his anointing.
Very few in that generation had an anointing to equal
the authority this man of God wielded. His response
to the young man very simply was: "Are you willing
to pay the cost?"

We impart and share the anointing generously.
However, to fully embrace the anointing of others,
a cost will be paid.

Sometimes the cost already has been paid at the
point of impartation and reflects a "next step" for
what the Lord has planned. That very much has
been the case with the persecuted segment of the
church we have been honored to be working with.
They have been through and have been purified by
fire. Elisha had been prepared by the best and was
ready for the double-portion.

Yet for others, the impartation will result in having to
face and then walk into the fire. It has never been
about man's glory, but God's; and His alone. The Word
of God tells us that God is a consuming fire. His presence
does not "abide" with the soulish. It disrupts and then
consumes it.

God's anointing applied will bring change and the
restoration of the order required to establish His
purposes. The key for the Elijah-Elisha impact, the
"double-portion" in today's time of turbulence, is to
be found in exercising the anointing through community.

We need the authority of Elijah's anointing to shut
up the heavens and bring judgment. We need God's
people to come out of the closet. We need those
who are either aligned with or overwhelmed by the
world to arise and take their place among the remnant
of the faithful, who have been applying their anointings.

It is time for the spiritual climate to be challenged
with the explosive power of shared anointings from
God's chosen.

The release of the anointing 
involves stewardship. 

Shared anointings ignite one another and bring 
enlargement. This type of prophetic stewardship 
requires a consistent priority of spending time with 
Him so that our perspective is a God-perspective. It 
means defining our gifts and like Daniel, becoming 
the best in the sphere we've been given. That means 
operating in the Spirit beyond our human capacities.

Entering this dimension requires focus given to mentoring
and cooperative assignments directed by the Spirit that
provide opportunity for shared anointings to manifest at
the community level. This premise will evoke what will
manifest as revival, as the fullness of His presence takes

"I will make them and the places around My hill a blessing. 
And I will cause showers to come down in their season; 
they will be showers of blessing. Also the tree of the field 
will yield its fruit and the earth will yield its increase, and 
they will be secure on their land. Then they will know that 
I am the LORD." Ezek 34:26-27

Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for 
the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As 
founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of 
the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, 
Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community 
builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and 
non-Western world.  

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, 
Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" 
and "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World," which address the 
mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to 
impact their communities with God's blessings. They are 
available in print and e-versions from, and other popular outlets.  

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is 
a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled 
by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors 
whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the persecuted 
church to be the head and not the tail. 

Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives 
and mailed to 

PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 

or email us at 
for access information on 
our secure web-site.

Likewise, email us to schedule a briefing for your congregation 
on the state of the persecuted church and how you can more 
effectively pray for them.  

2014 Copyright Morris Ruddick -

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a 
SIGN adviser. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) 
has mobilized prophetic intercessors and leaders committed to targeting
 strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous 
posts or more information on SIGN, 


Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Supernatural Manifestations Are Needed in the Church Today - Larry Sparks

Dream-like supernatural state.
Modern Pentecostalism is increasingly wary toward supernatural manifestations and unusual phenomena.
I believe this article is coming in due season, particularly with all of the recent talk of "strange fire" concerning modern Pentecostalism and an increasingly wariness in the charismatic movement (of all places) toward supernatural manifestations and unusual phenomena. Also, Jennifer LeClaire recently posted a most timely article about how a church that was birthed in the flames of Pentecost—namely, speaking in tongues—has all but abandoned this glorious gift in pursuit of "relevance." This is unacceptable, and I contend that to be relevant for the kingdom, we should not only tolerate but earnestly desire supernatural manifestations and phenomena. 
My Encounter With Supernatural Manifestations
Last November, I had an unforgettable experience at Bethel Church in Redding, Calif., that completely rocked my world. This experience was hardly limited to just me or even those attending that particular service. Supernatural phenomena has been gaining momentum in places like Bethel and in other houses of worship across the globe. The physical, visible glory of God is being revealed in an increasing measure—and rather than approach it with immediate skepticism, I believe we need to adopt an entirely new approach to supernatural phenomena and unusual manifestations of God's presence. 
He might just be saying something to us.
The Travesty of Toning Down the Supernatural
Yes, even we—the charismatic church that has a rich history in the supernatural—have had the tendency in recent years to try and tone down the supernatural in fear of excesses. But there will always be excess. There will always be those who abuse and misuse something genuine and authentic. We need to deal with it, learn how to biblically navigate it, shut down the distractions, kick the dust off and continue pursuing the real deal. Counterfeits will always follow the genuine, and tares will always grow alongside the wheat. Counterfeits are the enemy's strategy for getting believers to throw important truths and realities out the window.
My theory? If there is something circulating in the body of Christ that produces confusion and uncertainty and cannot be easily categorized, it demands careful study, observation and evaluation through Scripture. Supernatural manifestations are just such a topic.
The Glory Came Down
Back to my Bethel experience. I was attending a Friday night service. Everyone was worshipping ... and then the glory came. Now, when I say "the glory came," people have all sorts of impressions and responses.
I stand shocked at what we have reduced the glory of God to be. We use the phrase God's glory as flippant Christian jargon, so it can mean anything from God being the focus of a worship song (and, by default, He receives glory) to a warm flutter in our chest and a tear trickling down our cheek. I refuse to devalue those experiences, as God's presence produces a myriad of responses, from simple and quiet to electric and overwhelming. At the same time, I also refuse to equate emotional behavior and feelings with a manifestation of God's glory.
What I saw and experienced at Bethel did not require faith. It was not in my head. It was not some spiritual vision or hallucination. I, along with 1,000 other worshippers, witnessed what has become identified as the "glory cloud." Shiny, transparent, golden, sparkling embers started falling out of the sky near stage right of the church platform. This caused some commotion and excitement. Rightly so! The commotion was not at all distracting, but rather fuel for more intense worship and focus on Jesus. 
I was excited, but of course still a bit unsure, as my natural mind was in full swing, trying to make sense of the supernatural—that is, until the embers started coming up out of the ground. At this point, I was thoroughly convinced that some person was not up in the rafters sprinkling glitter on the congregation. God was in the house, and this visible manifestation of His presence filled my heart with incredible joy and praise but also intense fear and awe. 
God is bigger than my box. He comes in unusual, unexpected ways. He is glorious and actually enjoys sharing this glory with His awestruck children. That is where I want to land this article, as I believe there is a powerful purpose for signs, wonders and unusual supernatural manifestations—such as the glory cloud phenomena.
A few things to know:
1. Unusual supernatural phenomena should be expected and welcome, as they are scriptural validation that we are living in the last days' outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
"I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth beneath: blood and fire and vapor of smoke. The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the great and awesome day of the Lord" (Acts 2:19-20).
The "last days" signify the Pentecostal era since the book of Acts, as all these items originally listed in Joel have been coming to fruition—from the initial outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost to sons and daughters prophesying to young men seeing visions and old men dreaming dreams.
Even as a charismatic community, we have embraced the outpouring of the Spirit, dreams, visions and the prophetic. But for some reason, we stop short of the wonders in heaven and signs in the earth. Why? They are noted very plainly in Scripture. 
2. Unusual supernatural phenomena reintroduces the fear of the Lord to a generation that has become overly comfortable with the church experience.
Time after time, we note a correlation between extraordinary supernatural phenomena and the fear of the Lord.
Jesus raises a young man from the dead. This is undeniably supernatural phenomena. The result? Fear of the Lord. We read, "Then fear came upon all, and they glorified God, saying, 'A great prophet has risen up among us'; and, 'God has visited His people'” (Luke 7:16).
The early church moved in the fear of the Lord, and this was directly connected with the demonstration of signs and wonders: "Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles" (Acts 2:43).
When God shows up in ways that bust open our 21st-century "safe" spiritual boxes, we come face to face with the fear of the Lord. Let's be honest: In many contexts, church has become overly predictable. We know what to expect from the church service, and we assume we know to expect from God. I believe it's high time leaders embrace the shift and earnestly contend for the Spirit to break out once again. 
Sadly, many poorly respond to this glorious invitation to tremble before Almighty God. Supernatural phenomena is purposed to increase our reverence for the awesome One who is uncontainable, indescribable, and does what He wants, moves how He wills and is utterly supernatural. We poorly respond to supernatural manifestations when we either reject them as a whole or place inappropriate emphasis on the signs or wonders. 
The pursuit is never the manifestation. Many contemporary charismatics have made that very clear, and I totally agree. However, we must welcome and celebrate the manifestations, for they are invitations to experience a truly awesome God. I'm tired of worship songs with lyrics that describe experiences and revelations of God that we as the church are living beneath. It's time to finally catch up with what Rich Mullins wrote about in his classic praise chorus "Awesome God"—and experience God as such.
3. Unusual supernatural phenomena should be experienced, as they are part of our Pentecostal inheritance.
Modern Pentecostalism was actually birthed out of unusual manifestations. Many of our contemporary Pentecostal denominations emerged from the revolutionary outpouring at Azusa Street in 1906 to 1909, which included visible flames of fire appearing over the Azusa Street mission to similar glory cloud phenomena to limbs literally growing out of people's bodies. 
To divorce ourselves from a rich heritage in the supernatural is to simply consent to an insidious form of "seeker sensitive" Christianity. Many of us may be under the banner of a historically Pentecostal denomination, but if someone walked into our churches, they would not be able to distinguish it from the seeker-friendly congregation down the street. We cannot afford to live beneath our supernatural Pentecostal inheritance, for it is actually the spiritual birthright of all born-again believers.
Whether we define ourselves as Pentecostal (by denomination or paradigm) or not, all believers have a Pentecostal heritage. If we are born again, we received the same Holy Spirit that was poured out at Pentecost. This is the same Spirit that empowered Jesus to work miracles and even rise from the dead. This is the Holy Spirit who resides in every believer on the planet. Everything the Holy Spirit did, He is fully capable of doing again. It's not a matter of waiting for some new sovereign outpouring or us crying out for heaven to open. Heaven has been opened for 2,000 years. So here's the kicker of a question: What are we going to do about it?
Pastor Bill Johnson summed it up perfectly in his response to the manifestations Bethel has experienced over the years: "You can't invite God into the house and not have something outside of your box happen. He's bigger than our understanding." 
Of course, we keep our eyes and focus on Jesus. We are God-centric. Bethel is one of the most Jesus-centered, God-focused churches I've ever experienced. That said, it is time to pursue His presence—without strings attached. Let's welcome Him and everything He brings. Let's take one step deeper into our Acts 2, Pentecostal inheritance and contend for everything promised—that His glory would be seen, the church would be struck again with the fear of the Lord and "many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord" (Ps. 40:3).
Larry Sparks is host of Life Supernatural, a weekly radio program that features best-selling authors, emerging filmmakers and key ministry leaders. In addition to serving as the director of curriculum resources for Destiny Image Publishers, Larry is president and founder of Equip Culture Ministries—an organization that equips believers to experience a life of sustained victory through the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. Visit him at or on Twitter at @LarryVSparks.


Larry Sparks


Larry Sparks is the host of Life Supernatural, a weekly podcast that features bestselling authors, emerging filmmakers, and key ministry leaders.
In addition to serving as the Director of Curriculum Resources for Destiny Image Publishers, Larry is president and founder of Equip Culture Ministries—an organization that equips believers with tools and resources to experience a life of sustained victory through the supernatural power of God. He lives in Florida with his wife and daughter.
Visit him at or on Facebook /followlawrencesparks or on Twitter@LarryVSparks.