Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lord. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Keys of Strategy are Turning Concern to Confirm and He is the Key to Your Family by Lana Vawser

Keys of Strategy are Turning Concern to Confirm and He is the Key to Your Family by Lana Vawser

Dec. 23, 2015 Identity Network
This morning the Lord has been showing me keys of strategy that He is releasing through prayer. This is the second or third time this year that the Lord has shown me these keys and when I asked the Lord why He was showing me again, He began showing me many who were feeling "stuck."  They have tried "so many different avenues" and nothing has seemed to break open and highlight the way forward.

As the Lord was releasing these "keys of strategy" I saw many with a very shocked looked on their faces. It wasn't what they expected, and as the Lord handed them the key, He smiled and spoke, "This key is going to bring about a great REARRANGE, but keep moving forward, for the GREAT REARRANGE is moving you onto a NEW PAGE."

These keys of strategy even though they may not "look like" what you expected are actually going to lead you into a HUGE new beginning. They are actually unlocking the "shift of season."

The Lord then spoke again "I am going to turn CONCERN to CONFIRM. Where many are concerned about these keys of strategy because they are so "out of left field," I am going to begin bringing SUPERNATURAL CONFIRMATION.

Confirmation in a way that only "I" could confirm. These keys may not be what you expect, but they are going to RESURRECT things of old and IMPLEMENT things of the NEW. DOUBLE PORTION FOR YOU."

Trust Him with the key He has given you. Stay prayerful and watch and see the radical fun confirmation He is going to release to you to turn your CONCERN into CONFIRM.

I Am the Key for Your Family

In a vision I was walking past many houses and these houses were lit up with the glory of God. But as I walked past many of the houses, I could hear sobbing. A deep sobbing coming from inside the houses. Instantly, I knew that these houses represented families in the Kingdom. Many crying out for a "strategy" to bring healing, breakthrough, freedom and restoration to their families.

In this vision Jesus was standing next to me and with such sadness and tears in His eyes, He spoke, "Many families are feeling like they have been left in ruins by the enemy's schemes and the brokenness that he has brought upon them. 

I have heard EVERY PRAYER, I have CAUGHT EVERY tear and now I am coming to REPAIR, REBUILD and RESTORE TO BETTER THAN BEFORE. A divine TURNAROUND in family!" I could feel the heartache in His heart for the pain, sorrow, loss and betrayal many families have faced, but I could also feel the HOPE of what was to come.

Suddenly the Lord spoke words that He had spoken to me in my dream at the start of the week, again:


I saw Him moving into houses that were crying out to Him for healing, for restoration, for deliverances, for freedom, for rebuilding and restoration.

As He moved through room after room, person after person, I saw Him pull out scrolls and they contained ALL THE PRAYERS PRAYED concerning families and family members.

Joy Will Return

He ministered individually and corporately in these houses. Leading many in prayers to forgive one another, removing trauma, imparting vision and hope for the future concerning the family unit through sharing the dreams in His heart for them. Some rooms, He moved into, He closed the door, and I could not see what He was doing, but I KNEW it was a deep, private, beautiful moment with many. 

That He was going into places in the heart that many within families were so afraid for other family members or anyone to see. As He walked out of one house the SOBBING turned to LOUD LAUGHTER. He turned and looked at me and with a smile and tears in His eyes, He began to share His heart.

"JOY will return to MANY homes again. LAUGHTER and HONOR is being restored. The time for UNPRECEDENTED MIRACLES in FAMILIES HAS ARRIVED."

"Next year 2016 will be a year of MANY PRODIGALS COMING HOME!!!

He then began to share with me how He is doing a deep work in families right now and it is going to hit a POINT OF ACCELERATION AND INCREASE next year. Next year will be a year of greater RESTORATION OF FAMILY!!! One of the waves of revival to be poured out across the earth is going to be released in unprecedented ways through the testimony of the restoration of the FAMILY UNITS."

Lana Vawser

MP3 Digital Download
By Katie Souza, JoAnn McFatter, Dutch Sheets,
Larry Randolph, Jeremy Lopez and Deborah Jones
Price: $110.00
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Click HERE to order.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Get a 2016 Israel Calendar & a FREE Devotional Book ✡ "Return to the Land" - ISRAEL365

And the Lord said to Jacob, "Return to the land of your forefathers and to your birthplace,
and I will be with you."

GENESIS (31:3)

וַיֹּאמֶר יְ-הוָה אֶל יַעֲקֹב שׁוּב אֶל אֶרֶץ אֲבוֹתֶיךָ וּלְמוֹלַדְתֶּךָ וְאֶהְיֶה עִמָּךְ

בראשית לא:ג

va-yo-mer a-do-nai el ya-a-kov shuv el e-retz a-vo-te-kha u-l'-mo-lad-te-kha v'-eh-ye i-makh

Today's Israel Inspiration

With these words God implies that He will be with Jacob only if he returns to the land of his fathers, the Land of Israel, but not if he stays with Laban in Haran. Rabbi Meir Leibush Weiser explains that God intentionally removed His protection from Jacob in order to motivate him to return to the Land of Israel. After spending so much time outside the Holy Land, it is time to go home. Celebrate the Land of our forefathers with a Photography of Israel Calendar for 2016! Includes 12 frameable photographs, along with Shabbat candle lighting times and a Prayer for the Soldiers.

Roadtrip to Israel's Beautiful Northern Mountains

A family of new American immigrants to Israel explore some beautiful parts of northern Israel, including a visit to the snow-capped Mount Hermon.

Stop Missionizing Jews

In a landmark document, the Vatican recently announced that Catholics should stop missionizing Jews and should work with Jews to combat anti-Semitism.

Book: "Daily Life in Biblical Times"

Explore difficult biblical concepts in "Daily Life in Biblical Times" which tries to paint a real portrait of ancient history for our generation. Author Dr. Liora Ravid is a native Israeli, and has shared the language and landscape of the biblical characters throughout her life. In each chapter, she escorts the reader on a visit to their homeland. This insightful and witty book presents a realistic picture of the daily lives of the heroes who have accompanied us for thousands of years. Paperback, 468 pages

Today's Israel Photo

Winter in Safed (Tsfat) with the mountains of Meron in the background, by Jodi Sugar. Get this beautiful photograph and more in the Israel Calendar!

Yesterday's Photo Trivia

Yesterday's photo by Yehuda Poch featured the Keshet (Rainbow) Cave in the Galilee. The Keshet Cave is one of the most beautiful natural wonders in the land of Israel, and a popular spot for rappelling adventurists.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Teresa Young of Orlando, Florida. Todah rabah!

“Such a Blessing to Get News from Israel”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!

Dear Rabbi Tuly. Thank you for your faithful e-mails. The photos of the Holy Land fill me with a longing to be there. They show us the beauty all around. It's such a blessing to get news from Israel. I continue to keep the Jewish people in my prayers. Also praying for all your armed forces along with those behind the scenes who are working to keep Israel and your people safe. We love you and stand with you. EL SHADDAI is watching over you. He who watches over Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. AMEN. SHALOM PEACE. Margaret Sinclair in the Shetland Islands UK

I live in Clearwater, Florida in the USA. I love everything I can learn about Israel.
Elva Kimura
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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Sunday, December 6, 2015

My Favorite Flower Is An Iris - Bill Yount.

Posted: 05 Dec 2015
One morning during a three month sabbatical I was walking to my prayer room passing by our bay window that was filled with beautiful flowers called Irises. They were in full bloom, shouting a grand finale of colors and majesty. As I walked past them, I heard the Lord whisper. "Bill, I want you to sit down and behold the flowers." As I did, I found myself mesmerized by their beauty and I began to repeat their name out loud..."Iris, Iris, Iris and then out came, "I Rest!"

It's the first time a flower ever preached to me. I kept gazing upon their glory and studied them. I couldn't find one flower that looked like it was struggling. I couldn't find one flower that looked like it was worried. Have you ever seen a flower that looked worried? ( unless you don't water it ) These flowers were just being and growing into what God had called them to be with no struggle, no sweat and no worry. They looked like they were rejoicing.

The Lord spoke through those Irises saying. "Bill, I am calling you to rest in Me. As you rest in Me you will naturally grow into all that I've called you to be. There is a rest to them that believe. You not only must believe in Me but believe Me to bring to pass what I have spoken to you. I am the faithful one who has called you who will also do it. Only believe."


Bill Yount

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Thank You Lord!

To the Lord Most High,
The Creator of the Universe;
The One Who Gives Life,
Who Loves Us Everyday...

We give thanks!

Steve & Laurie Martin
Love For His People, Inc.


Sunday, November 22, 2015

A Nugget for Living Life by Steve Martin - "A Longing Heart"

A Nugget for Living Life
Steve Martin

"How can you receive that which your heart longs for?
Be a friend of the Lord, Who created you. He gives life."

Psalm 37:4

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

Sunday, November 8, 2015

A Nugget for Living Life - "New Thing" - Steve Martin

A Nugget for Living Life
Steve Martin

"The Lord says He is doing a new thing.
So why do we hang onto the old?"

Love For His People, Inc.
P.O. Box 414
Pineville, NC 28134

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Friday, November 6, 2015

Invisible to the World but Known to God by Steve Porter - Identity Network

Invisible to the World but Known to God by Steve Porter

Identity Network
According to the world's system, our visibility or value to others is determined by who we know or what others can do for us - it's all about networking and connections. Not so in the economy of God. In the Kingdom it's about knowing Christ, adoring Him, and being content to rest at His beautiful feet while building God an intimate House of Devotion, to the exclusion of all else. 

Do you feel invisible to others? If so, take heart, because God knows your name. When you're invisible to others and no one knows your name, choose to be content to worship before an audience of One, because it's in that place that God will equip you for your destiny and whatever ministry He has for you. 

Scripture says our ways are not God's. In fact, He often does things in ways that seem illogical to our human understanding. Case in point: it's not about rubbing shoulders with those who can open doors for us; nor is it about hoping and praying someone will notice our special talents. Sadly, we often see people trying to climb the ladder in the flesh, even within the church. And while some may be discovered by those who help them up and out, it's not that way for you. Any kingdom built by man will fall, while only those built and established by God will stand. Any kingdom built by man will suffer loss, the chaff burned because it wasn't God at all.

Psalm 127:1 says this: "Unless Jehovah build the house, in vain do its builders labor in it; unless Jehovah keep the city, the keeper watcheth in vain."

According to the Kingdom of God

Build your ministry according to the Kingdom of God, not according to the dictates of the world. Time spent alone in His presence is never wasted but wisely invested. You see, it is in the waiting that He prepares us to fulfill our destiny. The Lord will purify our motives when we are alone in His presence unnoticed by man until we no longer care who knows our names or how popular we become. We are too busy worshiping the FAMOUS ONE - JESUS.  

If we are passionate about Him and submit to His leading He transforms us, helping us die to our old desires and motivations, so we can live and move and have our being in Him alone. In fact, He says that until we die to our old nature and even our gifts, and submit to Him, we get in His way, hindering Him from moving as He desires. So how do we do that? We ask Him to open our eyes to see where we've been deceived and are content, stuck in preconceived notions that are not of Him - where we hold on to opinions that must go if we are to become that bride in white garments. Until we let go of all the things that our "old man" brought into the relationship, we drag garments of flesh with us, coloring everything we do and say.

It is not about getting a million Facebook likes or a big name promoting our ministry name. It's about being transformed in the secret place, so that we see through heaven's eyes instead of the eyes of the flesh. It is about asking Him for His point of view and moving in harmony with His Spirit.

Early on in ministry I sent out letters to hundreds of churches hoping someone would invite me to speak. Few responded. As you can imagine, I felt confused, trying to discern what it meant to be a wise steward of my gifts and callings, and whether or not I was to promote my ministry. In nearly twenty-three years since that time I've learned that the best approach is to hide in the secret place and become desperate for God, because then He will move us and bring us into our destiny. 

I have found if we focus on His face people will then seek us out because we carry something special. If you carry the goods people will pursue you! When all is said and done, the world's approach leads to feelings of hopelessness and desperation that motivate us to operate in the flesh, while God builds a kingdom inside of us that reflects His character, where He alone makes the connections that will produce real, life-changing fruit in us and everyone we meet. He can place you at the right the right time...that will surpass anything you do in your own ability.   

The Bridegroom Knows Your Name

At the end of this process He will get the glory for our rise to fulfill our God-given destiny, and man will get no credit for placing us into our promise. In human terms, it's not who we know - it's knowing Christ and being content to love Him and follow His lead wherever it takes us. If He keeps you hidden away for a lifetime, all is not lost. Having your name known in heaven is worth more than millions singing your praises on Earth. 

As you sit back and watch others in the body of Christ climbing the ladder, leaving you behind, choose to rest in His good plan, refusing to be desperate or antsy. He has you right where He wants you. Stop looking to people to promote you, and be like King David, who sang and worshiped with all his heart before an audience of One. 

Hold on to the incredible truth that you are hidden away in the garden of the Lord. Your heavenly Bridegroom knows your name, and His sweet presence embraces you with such tenderness and love that man's ways pale in comparison. Even if your name is never shouted from the rooftops on Earth, you can rest as you hear your Bridegroom tenderly whisper your name in the secret place. 

His whisper touches your heart, reminding you that, like a pearl of great price, He is all you need. He is altogether lovely. He alone satisfies your soul and fills it with His good treasures, enabling you to live out His desires and to ultimately fulfill His incredible plan for your life. 

"If you build God a house of devotion, He will build you a house of ministry." - Walter Beuttler

Steve Porter

E-Book PDF Download
By Matthew Payne
Price: $11.99
Sale! $2.99
Click HERE to order.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 2015...and then November. (Hebrew year 5776) What will come?

A lot happened in the heavenlies
and on this planet
during this month of October 2015,
in the Hebrew year 5776.
Were you aware of it?

What has the Lord planned for November 2015, 
(Hebrew year 5776)
as part of His end time purposes?
Be watching.
Don't be caught off guard.

Love For His People Editor's Note: Above photos by Steve Martin, of the "Up To Zion" calendar, from Israel. It is available from The Elijah List.

P.S. Our ministry does not receive any "royalties", payments or any other benefit from sharing this. We just appreciate our friends at The Elijah List, and want to support them. We hope you do too!  

Steve Martin, Founder, Love For His People

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"I Am Awakening Talents All Over the World… Use Them!" Dr. Theresa Phillips

Church – Use Your Talents!
An encounter: I was driving to church when the Lord invaded my car. He began to speak to me in a profound way...He was teaching me discernment once again. I was contemplating on the hours ahead when He spoke to me and said,"Give this word to the Church. Theresa, there is a difference between ministry and the talents."
"Yes, Lord." I said.
He said, "The talents I have given to the Church need to be used. I'm calling them forth," says the Lord! "So long now many have been delayed from using the desire of their imaginations because of teachings that have hindered them. I am releasing that mindset even now and calling forth the talents of My Church to give them wealth."
"I have said in My word that YOU shall be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). The lender not the borrower (Deuteronomy 15:6). Now I say to you, O Church – arise and use what I have given you: media, entertainment, arts/dance, music, creative arts, inventions, books, and all the more... Even the silversmith will come back into the forefront – the goldsmith, the carpenter, and the carver...
Artistic Expressions Over the Nations
"Yes, I am releasing the artistic expressions to overtake polluted airways and visionaries. I am even giving nation's artistic expression. 
In CanadaAustralia, and New Zealand, many of these expressions will catch the eyes of the media and souls will come to salvation," says the Lord. "This is the use of My talents I have given to assist in the blessing of ministry," says the Lord. 
(Photo by Lillis Boyer "Embracing the Glory: Empowered From on High" via
"Australia, I have called you out to share in the prophetic blessing of artistic glory. An artist will come forth out of Australia who has My heart and the paintings will make one weep for the hunger of My Presence,"says the Lord.
"Canada, I can set a seal upon you with angelic help to CREATE a medical system for cancer research. This will bring a cure in colon cancer," says the Lord.
"New Zealand, I have My eye on you! Be prepared for a media blitz concerning the workings of miracles. The artists of the local media will try to fake it, BUT out of you will come a group to prove them wrong," says the Lord.
"America, You have a dance inside of you... a dance group will emerge strong and take the stage by storm. Get ready, in their feet they will have the sound of thunder.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources
"Tonga, Yes TONGA, I have a gift for you! The Church in Tonga will sing a new song and will be recording an album that will touch hearts around the world. Watch Me and see this happen.
"Creativity is being released all over the world NOW as a celebration of My presence in these dark times.
"A songstress will emerge from Great Britain. She had endured hardship, yet her voice is one like a trumpet calling many into a sphere of glory. She will carry a new sound.
Releasing Talents – Awakening Talents Now!
"You see, I love your talents... I gave them to you! Use them or forfeit them," says the Lord (Matthew 25:14-30). "I am calling them back to you. I am releasing old dreams and desires. I am doing this, for you shall be a witness to the world that you are blessed in My presence," says our Lord. "You are Blessed to be a blessing."(Photo via pexels)
• Talents: flair, aptitude, facility, gift, knack, technique, touch, bent, ability, expertise, capacity, faculty; strength, forte, genius, brilliance; dexterity, skill, artistry.
• Gifts of the Spirit: special abilities provided by the Holy Spirit to Christians for the purpose of building up the Body of Christ, meaning – the anointed ones.
• Ministry: the extension of the Presence of GOD doing what He is asking you to do in that given moment.
"Yes, My Church, you are alive and doing well. Go forth and Dream Big and use what I have given you. No talent is too small or insignificant. Do not measure your talent against another's, for this will compromise what I have given you. I call you now to use your talents," says the Lord.
Dr. Theresa Phillips
Global Prophetic Voice

Dr. Theresa Phillips is an ordained apostle under Dr. Renny McLean of Global Glory Ministries. She is Senior Pastor and founder of Praise Ministries Church and Christian Seminary in St. Charles, Illinois. She has served there for 24 years. Her ministry spans 28 years, seeing many signs and wonders, including eight risen from the dead. 
She has authored eight books, recorded one album, and is often commissioned to write poetry. Her knowledge of God's glory and His ever-advancing monarchy of Heaven is known by many. She is a regular contributor to the Elijah List and she is also the editor of, an online publication of prophecy and prophetic glory. Theresa often moves in the prophetic gifts and word of knowledge.

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Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Why, Oh Why All the Delays? Fear Not! The Encourager Hears You! by Mary Lindow - Identity Network

Why, Oh Why All the Delays? Fear Not! The Encourager Hears You! by Mary Lindow - Identity Network

A Prophetic Word of Hope

I have an unusual stirring in my spirit from the Holy Spirit as I write this message.

The Lord is revealing a sound in the earth coming from the hearts and deep cries of so many of His people right now.  Perhaps it might even be you as you read.  There is a cry of hunger for His sure, safe, presence in difficult times and in changing times.

A Need for "Quiet"

The world and it's voices of influence, humanistic subtleties, and constant technology and it's sounds, bring about an overload of weariness to all people, and there is a greater need for a place of rest for the warriors of truth who are very aware of the pressures that have not stopped mounting for many years now.

There is much treachery occurring in the evil plans of darkness and the people held captive by it these days.

It can bring a real sense of despair, broken heartedness, and shock when you encounter this type of thing and when it attempts to destroy your hope and confidence in what the Lord Jesus has set you apart for to express in His Power and in His name.

Why, Oh Why All the Delays?

I don't know fully why it seems as if good people who are sincere and pure hearted seem to go through more persecution and repeated difficulty than those who seem to be the ones perpetuating the majority of it!!

So many right now are nearly at their wits end waiting for God to relieve them of sorrow, disillusionment and battle fatigue!

"My soul faints with longing for your rescue, but I have put my hope in your word." Psalm 119:81

Fear Not!  The Encourager Hears You!

"You hear, O LORD, the desire of the afflicted; You encourage them, and you listen to their cry." Psalm 10:17

What is this verse saying to you and I right now?

It is saying that the Lord Himself will encourage us!

That is why we must continue to fight for that place of Divine "refuge," that "get away from it all" place of craving and longing for His comfort.

He knows our hurt, our loneliness, our scorched and heart torn issues!

He understands how agonizing and bled out we can get when it seems as if battle after battle we begin to wonder if something might be wrong with us!

"Hope delayed makes the heart sick, but when dreams come true, there is life and joy."Proverbs 13:12 (NAT)

Nothing can Satisfy Dry Lips Like Water!

We are in a time where no persons opinions, no one's books, no one's TV shows are going to satisfy that craving, that need for a thirst quenching drink of companionship with God.

We long to hear words from someone that tell us everything is going to be all right! That our children will be safe, our homes protected, our basic needs provided! And yet! Nothing "out there" satisfies us fully!

You See Dear Beloved One….

…The season of great hunger for the simple walk with Jesus has blossomed!

Only time spent with him like a dear friend will fill the gaping ache you have.  He will speak, He will comfort, and He will show you what is true and what is false in the days ahead if you will return to that Place of companionship with Him, away from the opinions of men and the noise of this life. 

"Every word you give me is a miracle word - how could I help but obey?  Break open your words, let the light shine out.  Let ordinary people see the meaning.

Mouth open and panting, I wanted your commands more than anything.

Turn my way, look kindly on me, as you always do to those who personally love you." Psalm 119:129-131 (The Message)

A Prophetic Whisper to Your Heart from the Savior

"To know of My ways, you must know ME!  To Know Me, you must spend time with ME.  To spend time with Me, you must purpose, to put aside the lists of things you have to do, before you can spend time with Me."

"Order you days first in My Presence, and watch the desires of your heart be fulfilled.  Man and his counsel will always fall short of the full truth of My Wisdom. I have blueprints and a Master plan for so many things yet to build upon in your life." 

"Come. Let us talk again together."

"You are the temple, the house of My Holy Spirit. I desire to build you up in spiritual strength as you walk in prayer conversations with me.  I will fulfill your longing for peace and direction as you step up again into a heavenly trust and rest."

"People will change, man will fail you, friends will turn, if they are not seeking My Voice above the clamor of the day. And you My child will fail others, if you listen to your own voice of reason and intelligence.  As you turn to Me, you will see My compassion poured out upon you and you will then have My power of pure godly compassion and wisdom driven grace to pour out on others."

"I too, long for you as well!  Seek Me with all of your heart, your longings, your heartaches, your dreams. And I will be there with arms of strength to rescue you from despair."

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13

"The LORD is good to those, whose hope is in Him, to the one who seeks Him."Lamentations 3:25

Mary Lindow

E-book PDF Download
By Lynn Thrush
Price: $15.99
Sale! $10.99
Click HERE to order.