Showing posts with label purpose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label purpose. Show all posts

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Morris Ruddick - shares believers' stories "from the field" of SE Asia - courage, endurance, perseverance and the Lord's expansion

Morris Ruddick

On March 7, 2014 at the Inspiration's City of Light, Morris Ruddick shared believers' stories "from the field" of SE Asia - courage, endurance, perseverance and the Lord's expansion. 

As he and his wife Carol have now made several trips to Vietnam, he tells of the Lord's move in that country, for spiritual and economic provision, based on Biblical, centuries old Jewish methods.



Click here for more: Morris Ruddick website

You may contact Morris at:

3838 South Wabash - Suite 201
Denver, CO 80237-0291 USA
Phone: (303) 741-9000
Fax: (303) 741-9100

We invite you to partner with us in our labors 
to expand the Kingdom of God.

Please visit Morris' website and click here: Partnership page.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Morris E. Ruddick - Global Initiatives Foundation - Purpose and Mission

Morris Ruddick 
- Global Initiatives Foundation

Gathered together for the day

Willie Jordaan - South Africa
MorningStar Missions staff member


David Cerullo - Inspiration CEO



Sharing the needed for touching the nations


Click here for more: Morris Ruddick website

You may contact Morris at:

3838 South Wabash - Suite 201
Denver, CO 80237-0291 USA
Phone: (303) 741-9000
Fax: (303) 741-9100

We invite you to partner with us in our labors 
to expand the Kingdom of God.

Please visit Morris' Partnership page.

Monday, February 3, 2014

“Get Your Blinders On” - Ahava Love Letter/Now Think On This (Steve Martin)

                            Now Think On This...

 “Get Your Blinders On”

“Keep your eyes on Jesus, who both began and finished this race we’re in. Study how He did it. Because He never lost sight of where He was headed—that exhilarating finish in and with God—He could put up with anything along the way: Cross, shame, whatever. And now He’s there, in the place of honor, right alongside God.

When you find yourselves flagging in your faith, go over that story again, item by item, that long litany of hostility He plowed through. That will shoot adrenaline into your souls!” 
(Heb. 12:2-3 The Message)

The big game just finished. Not as great as we expected. In fact, it was a letdown for many.

On other past occasions, we have experienced days we so looked forward to, which then came and went. It turned out not being the big deal we had so longed for. We think, oh well, we’ll start looking to the next one, which will be better of course.

We have expectancies. We have fulfillments. We have disappointments. They come and they go. Personally, I get weary of some of them. But then I am reminded of Him.

Back in the day, yes, even before my time, farmers used to plow their fields with the one horse powered implement. Or if they were on the more affordable side of profits, they had even two or three horse power pulling. Literally. Before tractors manufactured by John Deere and Harvester International were invented, horses and mules were it. And these powerful animals wore blinders.  Even today you will see horses with these things on their head called blinders. Why?

In one article, it reads, “Horse blinders are firm leather squares or plastic cups that attach to a horse's bridle or hood and prevent a horse from seeing behind and beside him. Horses that pull wagons and carriages wear blinkers to prevent them from becoming distracted or panicked by what they see behind the wagon.

In fact, horses can see a nearly full circle around themselves except for a small blind spot in front of their noses and behind their tails. Blinders cover the rear and side vision of the horse, forcing him to focus only in a forward direction.

During World War I, horses were essential to transportation of weapons and cavalry units. Horses used during battle often wore blinkers to block out distractions like artillery and approaching armies form their view. (Alie Maheux, Demand Media )

I like how The Message Bible has written the Hebrews 12:2-3 verses, used as the encouraging word for this message. It says of Yeshua (Jesus), “He never lost sight of where He was headed. He plowed through.” Makes me think He had blinders on, in the spiritual sense of the word.

Having spiritual blinders on can keep us focused on the plan and purpose the Lord has for each. With daily distractions continually coming our way, we can easily lose track of the field’s row in front of us, that we are planting in that which the Lord has placed us in. World news, national news, the local new, which is ever before us, can get us looking away from the Author and the Finisher of our faith. We can get so caught up in the now moment that we get our eyes off THAT which the Lord has asked us to keep our eyes on.

We need to get, and keep, our blinders on.

A little odd looking, but you get the point!

Focusing on the big picture ahead of us can keep our emotional health in better shape than if we don’t. If we allow ourselves to get caught up needlessly in distractions around us, we will become weary, our faith will dwindle, and we simply may miss the mark that we are aiming for, to hit, in the long haul.

In addition to the large worldview perspective the Lord has given us and wants us to maintain, in seeing His Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven, each of us has at least one specific calling, which we need to know. Having that true sense of purpose, giving us direction to our steps along the way, comes with the help of the Helper, the Holy Spirit (Ruach HaKodesh, Hebrew).

Each of us has a direct call and assignment on our lives which we need to give ourselves to. It may be the teaching gift you have, the administrative work you do, the passion to see the next generation know Him, the Giver of Life, as their own personal Lord and Savior. Whatever it is, our focus must remain steady and enduring, persevering to completion.

For me, my calling is to support and stand with the nation of Israel, and the Jewish people. As a Gentile, I know that is my assignment, and when I get distracted by all that which happens around me, I need to put my own blinders on, and get refocused on the vision I have been given. This, one of His primary heart beats, has become mine also.

Encourage yourself today in the fact that you have been given a specific purpose, needing continual focus and attention. As you maintain vision, you will complete the assignment you have been given. As it has been said, keep the main thing the main thing in your life.

May His Holy Spirit make this even clearer in your walk with Him today. That is His desire.

Steve Martin
Love For His People. Inc.

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA humanitarian organization started in 2010 to share the love of the Father in the nations.

If these letters minister to you, please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless known families in Israel, whom we consistently help through our humanitarian ministry. Your tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation. Fed. ID #27-1633858.

Go here for safe ONLINE GIFT GIVING THROUGH  OUR WEBSITE using major credit cards: Love For His People If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 

Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew – Thank you very much.)

Please share this Ahava Love Letter with your friends.


Facebook pages: Steve Martin and  Love For His People  
Twitter: martinlighthous, LovingHisPeople and ahavaloveletter 

           Ahava Love Letters
  Full website: Love For His People

Ahava Love Letter #106   “Get Your Blinders On”   Steve Martin 
Date: In the year of our Lord 2014 (02.03.14) Monday at 7:00 am in Charlotte, NC).

All previous editions of Ahava Love Letter can be found on this Blog, and our newest website: Ahava Love Letters

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Garris Elkins: You are Entering a Season of Justice and Restoration - The Elijah List

Garris Elkins:
You are Entering a Season 
of Justice and Restoration
(The Elijah List)

We are entering a season where those who have experienced injustice are about to receive supernatural restoration. 

Throughout history the justice of God has brought restoration to His people who have suffered injustice at the hands of the enemy. This is not a time for despair and sorrow. This is a time to begin living in expectancy. Something wonderful is about to take place.

The Lord is speaking a word of hope in the middle of injustice:

"I am about to right this wrong. The injustice done to you cannot stand in the presence of My justice. The enemy came to steal, rob and destroy, but watch what I am about to do. My court has issued an official order against this work of injustice in your life. 

Give Me your sorrow. Give Me your despair. These are illegal orders issued from the courts of darkness. I have destined this season to be a time when My goodness and purpose will be revealed. My mercy and justice is coming. This injustice you are experiencing is about to become a place of celebration and restoration."

An Accident of Despair

In early December I slipped on some ice and ruptured a tendon in my knee. It was one of most painful things I have ever experienced. This injury was not on my radar or included in my life-plan. Within days I was in surgery to repair the torn tendon. My entire life was rearranged in one moment of time.
Immediately following the accident, I was isolated to a chair or couch with a brace on my leg to keep it uncomfortably extended during the initial healing process. 

During this time of recuperation I read, I wrote, I ate food lovingly provided by friends. I did all of these same things each day with no break in my routine. My life became a series of repeats.

One morning I was standing in our bathroom with the support of my crutches. As I was drying my hands, I felt the overwhelming presence of despair enter the room. I had never before felt the presence of despair in my life.

The best way I could describe what I was feeling was that I was being slowly pulled by the current of a powerful river towards the edge of a huge waterfall. It was a power that seemed impossible to resist. What I was going through felt similar to being in the hospital in preparation for my knee surgery and going under anesthesia. As someone goes under anesthesia reality begins to slip away and you are taken to another place.

In the moment just before despair came with its dark vision, the reality of my injury had hit me with full force. 

I had been told I would be in this brace for several months followed by a season of rehabilitation not able to do all the things I love to do.

As I stood there looking into the bathroom mirror, the sorrow of my situation was setting me up to embrace hopelessness. As I drifted towards the edge of despair, I even heard my surgeon's words, "You should be back to normal in 6-8 months." I became overwhelmed with sorrow. My sorrow began to anesthetize me to accept what appeared to be inevitable, taking me to a place I had never been before. The closer I got to the waterfall the deeper I went into the numbing effects of my sorrow.

Over the years, I have ministered to people who have drifted towards this edge of despair and sometimes gone over its falls. Some never returned. Some came back after years of counseling. I was scared.
Out loud, with the hand towel still hanging from my hands, I said, "I have no despair. I have hope in God." 

In that moment the image disappeared and the despair was gone. This was no magic, memorized formula. This was a cry from the depth of my heart in a desperate moment of great need. I left the bathroom and told my wife, Jan, what had just happened. I felt shaken and emotional.

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

His Goodness and Purpose

In the next few minutes we took communion and prayed. Jan walked me through some directed prayer about despair and we made sure any residue of this lying visitor was no longer present.

A week earlier, the day after my knee injury, the Lord said two words to me that would guide me during this season of recovery. He said this would be a season where I would experience His goodness and purpose. The vision of despair came to try and rob from me of the goodness and purpose God had planned.

What happened to me was an injustice. God did not cause me to slip on the ice. Hell used this situation to attempt to steal, rob and destroy through an act of injustice. God had other plans. His intent was to bless, affirm and build my life in the midst of my suffering.

Calling On the God of Justice

The despair I felt had to be challenged or the injustice I experienced would try to define my life. My future freedom depended upon me confronting despair and the hypnotic influence of ungodly sorrow. 

My only hope was found in calling on the God of justice.

Hope is a person, not a theory. He has authority over the power and imagery of despair. He has given that same authority to us. Despair cannot stand in His presence, nor can despair continue to pull us towards its place of eventual death, if we call upon God in our time of need. Lies have no power in the light of His presence.

As I began to experience a new sense of personal freedom, the Lord said this coming season would be a time of an unusual outpouring of justice for His people. 

Scriptures about His justice began to flood my mind.

"Righteousness and justice are the foundations of Your throne." Psalm 89:14

"For the Lord loves justice, and He will never abandon the godly." Psalm 37:28a

"The Lord gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly." Psalm 103:6

"For I, the Lord, love justice. I hate robbery and wrongdoing. I will faithfully reward My people for their suffering and make an everlasting covenant with them." Isaiah 61:8

"My mercy and justice are coming soon. My salvation is on the way." Isaiah 51:5

If you have experienced an injustice, God wants you to hear His heart. 

If you have suffered a financial injustice, listen. If you have suffered injustice in your marriage, listen. If you have suffered an injustice concerning the destiny of one of your children, listen. If you suffered an injustice at the hands of another Believer, listen. Listen to the heart of the God of justice.
His mercy and justice is coming. His salvation is on the way.

Garris Elkins, Senior Leader
Living Waters Church – Medford, Oregon

Garris Elkins' ministry, Prophetic Horizons, is a ministry of teaching, writing and prophecy committed to raising up a prophetic generation to speak to the cultures of our world with the empowered voice of Heaven. Garris and his wife, Jan, are the Senior Leaders of Living Waters Church in Medford, Oregon, and have two grown children, Anna and David.
ElijahList Prophetic Resources

Monday, January 6, 2014

SpiritLed Woman: Why It Takes Faith to Find Your Purpose - SANDRA CLIFTON

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Why It Takes Faith to Find Your Purpose

I was in my car at an intersection, waiting for the light to change. Through the window of the car to my right, I saw a woman standing on the curb. It was the view of her upper body that caught my eye. She was grinning from ear to ear and highly animated, with hands pointing to the traffic light, while she talked and talked—to herself. Poor thing!
Then the light changed and the car next to me moved on, revealing the whole scene. A young boy was standing by the woman—indicating that she was a mom talking with her son, instead of a disturbed woman talking with phantoms. Her young son had been there all along, hidden from view.
My original assessment of this scene reminded me of the way in which we often misjudge people and situations based on our limited view. We notice a fellow employee in a lower position who is a hard worker and determine that he is contending for our job. We consider a bad report from the doctor and determine that it is the final verdict. We look at the mistakes of our past and determine that we are failures. If we are not careful, we end up living—and being ruled—by the judgments we make based on what meets the eye.
Consider Joseph of the Old Testament. He is an example of someone who could have been deceived by focusing on what met the eye. The pit his brothers threw him into after he revealed his prophetic dreams to them looked like the end of his dreams! (See Gen. 37.) Joseph could have considered himself defeated, but he kept the faith.
In Potiphar’s house, when things turned from bad to worse for him, Joseph continued to trust God—who took the pit and made it the very vehicle that moved Joseph in the direction of the palace, the fulfillment of his dreams (see Gen. 39-41).
Now think about your own life. Regardless of the way things look, God has a wonderful purpose for you. Where is the evidence? Since God is Spirit (see John 4:24), He often moves in ways we can’t see. That’s why we need faith—defined in Hebrews 11:1 as, “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” We get glimpses of God and the evidence of His work through our faith.
Today, I challenge you to join me in dwelling not on the evidence of your calling, but on the God of your calling—the God who is faithful (see 1 Thess. 5:24), the God who will make it happen, just as His Word promises (see Phil. 1:6), the same God who brought Joseph from the pit to the palace.
The God of your calling cares about what you see. He also cares about what you don’t always see—the evidence of things yet to come.
This week thank the Lord for His faithfulness in leading you to fulfill His plan for your life. Pray that those persecuted for the sake of Christ would stand firm, and that God would develop an army of prayer warriors and youth to carry on His worldwide purpose. Continue to pray that our President and those working with him would recognize their need for God and seek Him for guidance when making decisions affecting our nation and the world. Pray for those embattled by horrific winter weather, job losses, crime, broken relationships and health issues. Ask the Lord to show you what you can do to be a blessing this year. Lift up Israel as well as our military, their families, and our national, civic and spiritual leaders. Heb. 11:1-16.
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Monday, October 28, 2013

“Your Assignment” - Ahava Love Letter (Steve Martin)


          “Your Assignment” 

“and the young man did not put off doing what was asked of him, even though he was the most respected member of his father’s family, because he so much wanted Ya‘akov’ s daughter.” Genesis 34:19 
(CJB – Complete Jewish Bible)

Dear family of friends,

Lance Wallnau has a unique way of sharing truth in a way that makes sense. When he speaks, I listen. Others do too.

He reminds me of how Bob Mumford taught God’s Word in the 1970’s and onward, for those who know Bob and experienced his words coming at you. Both he and Lance have such practical ways of delivery that I have come to really appreciate. If you haven’t caught my recommendation already of these two, I do encourage you to!

In a message I heard at a KBA gathering (Kingdom Business Association) at the MorningStar/Heritage International Ministries location in 2013, Lance spoke on our assignments as individuals. As I listened again to his heart stirring message, on the CD driving into uptown Charlotte to my accounting job, a crisp fall Monday morning at 6:15 am, the Lord continued to give clarity to my new assignment. His ongoing encouragement caused me to share this Ahava Love Letter with you.

Do you know your assignment?

Each one of us has been given a purpose, a plan, a gifting which fits together with the Lord’s purposes and plans of those He connects us with. Your “talents” and skills acquired, which are unique in the fact that there is no one else exactly like you, are given to fulfill His perfect plan in the nations.

Do you know what they are? Have you asked Him lately?

Over a period of two decades (literally – no “evangelistically” speaking here) I have received many prophetic words about what the Lord has called me to do. For about 30 of those years I literally denied it, thinking “That is not me.” My job and training had put me in one sector of the business/ministry realm, which I was at least somewhat comfortable in. (In case you are wondering, I was the Director/Administrator of three international ministries for a period of 24 years total. Administration, finances and conferences were my thing.) The prophetic words which I actually despised hearing always told me, “You are a teacher.”

In my denial of not being that, for I wasn’t a real student of the Bible, hadn’t memorized Scripture chapters over my growing years, let alone a lot of single verses, my brain thoughts convinced me that the job I was doing was it for the rest of my life. Even if I was not satisfied and fully fulfilled in doing that.

When I finally “Got it” in the heart, the teaching aspect of my calling, my assignment, started to blossom. I didn’t have to be the “Derek Prince” or the “A.W.Tozer”, or even a “Charles Spurgeon” in my lifetime. I could be me, just as the Father of All created me to be. And so my teaching gift is mostly that of sharing life’s experiences, and encouraging you to do the same in your gifting.

Our assignment here on this planet is simple. Do what the Father has put in your heart to do. You don’t have to be the rocket scientist if you are the graphic artist. Be the graphic artist you have been born to do to your fullest! Give it all you got, and learn more in the giving! Many will be blessed in your fruitful contribution to the Body of Christ, along with the nations who long to see His Creative working in their own lives.

If you are not sure yet of your assignment, your calling, your purpose, don’t be discouraged. The Lord has so much love for you that as you seek Him, He will reveal it to you. Walk in that which you know to do already. Be obedient in hearing His voice - in your prayer time, as you do your daily job, as you sleep at night and He speaks to you in dreams. Be encouraged that He wants to show you far more than we even think or know. He is the Faithful One. His fullness of faith will become yours.

Believe me, denial in your walk may last a while, but if your heart is to follow after the Lord Jesus with all your heart, His plan and purposes will be revealed to you.

And all of us will be on the receiving end of you walking in your assignment! Thanks!

Ahava to my family of friends,

Steve Martin

Love For His People, Inc. is a charitable, not-for-profit USA organization. Fed. ID#27-1633858.

Please consider sending a charitable gift of $5-$25 today, and maybe each month, to help us bless Israel with our humanitarian ministry. Tax deductible contributions receive a receipt for each donation.

Use this link for safe online giving now: Love For His People - support link

If you don't have a PayPal account you can also use your credit card or bank account (where available). 

Contribution checks can be sent to: 
Love For His People, Inc.  P.O. Box 414   Pineville, NC 28134
Todah rabah! (Hebrew - Thank you very much.)
Be sure to get my two books The Promise (CreateSpace/Amazon 2013) and Ahava Love Letters (Xulon Press, 2013). Both available through, Xulon, Barnes and Noble, plus other website book stores.
You can also order both books, The Promise (on for $7.19 plus $3.95 S/H) and Ahava Love Letters Xulon Press for $14.90, plus $3.80) direct from our office for $29 total. Please send your check to the address above. I will autograph all copies ordered through our office. (Hey, and please include a contribution for Israel too!)
Ahava Love Letter #82   “Your Assignment” ©2013 Steve Martin (But you can share this to all that you want to. Please do!)

Date: In the year of our Lord 2013 (10/28/13 Monday at 7:40 am in Charlotte, NC)

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Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple - Anne Elmer

Anne Elmer:
The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth;
Then Into a Buddhist Temple
The Best-Selling Elijah List Book EVER!

Steve Shultz
Dear Elijah List Readers (and your friends),

The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple.

Now, as the fourth Printing of this amazing book by Anne Elmer has arrived, we can tell you that "Transported" has already sold more copies all over the world than any book we've ever carried.

This is one of the most amazing AND TRUE stories I've ever read and it's by a person I know very well. My wife and I have stayed in Anne Elmer and her husband's home in France. When she shared her story with me, I KNEW this had to be a book. Anne agreed and our readers have spoken by purchasing so many copies of this amazing narrative at what REALLY HAPPENED TO HER as THE LION FLEW HER THROUGHOUT THE EARTH! 

Jesus, as the Lion of Judah, literally came into Anne's room and offered to take her on MULTIPLE trips throughout the earth . . . including into a Buddhist temple. The Lion (Jesus) was so intense, it surprised Anne. Growling, the Lion scared off demons and yet insisted to Anne that HE had the RIGHT TO BE HERE in this Buddhist temple because so many Christians had toured this place and prayed that Jesus would reveal Himself to many in this place—even though it was currently dedicated to the huge Buddha in the building! The LION was fierce with PURPOSE because of those prayers!

Though this whole book is true, you'll find yourself exclaiming, time after time, "UNBELIEVABLE!!" 

Our readers have loved this book so much, we have to keep going back to press. Our fourth printing is just hot off the press so you can now order a copy of the book (or two). You'll want to give this book as a gift or a stocking stuffer for Christmas!

Prepare to have your view of "The Church" changed forever, and I mean it! Trust me when I say that you will not want to miss reading this book. We are encouraged by the Lord to learn HIS WAYS. This book will go a LONG WAY to LEARN HIS WAYS and HIS THOUGHTS. Again I ask you to trust me that you will say to yourself, "I never thought of it that way before!"

That's how it was for me! I just was amazed at God's way of thinking about the saved and the unsaved!

You'll remember that Paul, the Apostle was literally "caught up" into a "transported" experience, as was John the Revelator, probably more than once. Often they didn't know if their experience was "in the body or out of the body" but they knew they were caught up....

...And they were allowed sometimes to tell us some or all of what they saw. Yet other times they were DIS-allowed from sharing the content of their visitation experience.Fortunately for you, the reader, Anne is allowed to speak of her experience through this book.

I can tell you that this story has forever changed my heart and my understandings about how God loves those...even those "caught" in very DRY will be amazed. And even those people who don't seem to practice the Gifts of the'll learn the amazing grace of God's heart. And for those who are seeking but have not found Christ yet—you'll learn the heart of Jesus and His plans for them too!

You will be just amazed at how your thought processes will be altered FOR LIFE because of "Transported By The Lion Of Judah!" You'll want to order this before we need to go into a 5th printing!

This incredible Book is available to you in your choice of 4 different formats, Paperback, Audio Book-on-CD, Downloadable Audio Book, and E-Book in PDF format. Click on the one(s) you wish to purchase:

1. Paperback Book
2. Audio Book on 2 CDs
3. Audio Book in MP3 Download
4. E-Book in PDF Download

Formats 1 and 2 will be shipped to you, while formats 3 and 4 are download files—you will receive a link at the end of your purchase to immediately download either format to your computer.

Get one or get more....These life changing, paradigm shifting stories are priceless!


Steve Shultz
Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Apostle Paul was caught up and shown things so spectacular, he wasn't even allowed to tell some of them. Phillip was transported in the Spirit from the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch to another city. John the Revelator was told to "come up here" so that God could show him things to come.

And still today, hundreds, if not thousands, of God's people are continuing to have "caught up" experiences where God shows them marvelous revelation for the Church.

Anne Elmer
Anne Elmer never saw it coming. Yet before she knew it, the Lord was transporting her all over the earth, in multiple experiences, on a "literal" Lion—THE Lion of Judah—to see God's people from many different people groups, and in many countries—but no longer from her perspective. This is a "wow" book if I've ever read one. So we published it. 


Audio Book
on CD

Audio Book
on MP3


Here is what others are saying about

"...a great read and helps to demonstrate how actively the Lord is at work in all of our lives." – Lisa Cooke Doyle

"I was absolutely amazed when reading chapter 13. Although this 'church' was set in Denmark, it was the exact same situation of a church on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia where I have been going. I had been 'sent' from 60 miles away, two times per week, 'to lift Jesus Higher' from within this place, for a period of over 3 years.

Although it has been an absolute pleasure before God, it has been sad and difficult, even heartbreaking, on the ground. Here I felt deeply moved and 'saw' the precious 'church' I have been attending for so long, and am now in CERTAIN anticipation of the Lord's own marvelous work. Not that I doubted, but now I am POSITIVE. It is exactly the same. Exactly!

I do indeed Praise the Lord, for what He has shown me is indeed in process. What He has shown Anne is indeed in process. God, Himself, shall indeed redeem His people. His Church shall indeed arise on eagle's wings. He shall indeed deal with the matter for His victory and His glory. Praise His Holy Name. Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power, be unto Him who sits upon the throne.

Blessings and Love in Him who first loved us. Agape."
  M. Austin

About the Author:

Originally from the north of England, Anne and her husband have lived for the last 30 years in France where they run a small Christian publishing company. They have 3 children and 11 grandchildren. Anne's heart is for unity among Believers and to see every Christian living up to their potential in Christ.