Thursday, October 10, 2013

Together for Israel - Scott Volk

Scott Volk was born on January 4, 1965 in Brooklyn, New York.
His father, Shelly, along with his mother, June, were successful 
American Jews enjoying an upper-middle-class lifestyle when 
Jesus radically transformed their lives in the early 1970′s you can 
read their riveting testimony in June Volk’s book 
The God Who Answers By Fire: A Jewish Saga). 

It was in the summer of 1975, while the Volk family was visiting 
Art Katz’s community in Northern Minnesota, that Scott 
gave his life to the God of Israel, recognizing Jesus as the 
Messiah of Israel and the savior of the world. One year later, the 
Volks moved to Northern Minnesota and served with Art in 
what was to be a life-long relationship until Art went home to
be with the Lord in 2007.

After graduating high school in 1982, Scott completed two years of 
study at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas, and then transferred 
to North Central University in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where he 
received his bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Studies. Upon graduating in 
1988, he married Beth and moved to Scottsdale, Arizona, where he 
served on the pastoral staff of a church until 1996. It was late in that 
year when Dr. Michael Brown ( invited Scott 
to join him in Pensacola, Florida, to serve as personal assistant to him 
and help with the administrative details of his growing ministry.

From 1997-2005, Scott had the privilege of serving in ministry with 
Dr. Brown as they traveled together around the world in all sorts of
 ministry settings. When the ministry that Dr. Brown birthed moved to 
Charlotte, North Carolina, a church was planted and Scott was 
asked to serve as the lead pastor of FIRE Church. He remained in 
that position until September of 2012, when he stepped down to 
dedicate himself to seeing Hineni expand into all that the Lord 
has destined it to be.


Although a Jewish believer in Jesus since age 10, Scott rarely 
identified with his Jewish roots or the Messianic culture; he actually 
felt more comfortable and at home in ‘church’ settings. After completing 
a tour which he leads annually to Israel, Scott was returning home on 
his trans-Atlantic flight when the unexpected happened:

“It was in June of 2010 while on a flight home from Israel that the 
Lord did a remarkable and most-unexpected work in my life. It was 
as if everything that I’ve heard from my childhood about Israel and 
God’s burden for that land and its people, went from my head to
 my heart. I felt at that moment as if God, Himself, gave me 
revelation as to the calling that He had on my life with regard to the
lost sheep of the house of Israel. Before this time, I’m ashamed to 
say that Israel was barely on my grid. In a nondescript and totally 
unexpected moment, I feel as if my life was radically changed. I now 
feel as if I’ve been born again again.”

As a result of that momentous flight, doors are miraculously opening 
for Scott to express this message to churches, bible studies, and 
conferences around the globe.


Another amazing aspect of Scott’s story is that his family is a living 
demonstration of the one new man message. Scott, a full-blooded 
Jew, and Beth, a full-blooded Arab (grandparents from both sides 
from Lebanon), have been happily married for over 23 years and 
have five beautiful children.

“I think it’s amazing that my kids have a little bit of Ishmael and a 
little bit of Isaac inside of them all. I’m foolish enough to believe 
that somehow, through the simple message of our family being truly 
united, that we can bring an empowering message of hope and 
reconciliation to the seemingly hopeless situation that faces many of 
our Arab and Jewish brothers in the world today. The Messiah’s 
prayer in John 17 indicates that the world would know that He was 
sent from the Father when those that believe in Him are one. The 
greatest evangelistic tool that we have today is the unity of the Spirit 
and it’s my prayer and desire to contend for that unity wherever I 
am privileged to go.”

The Volks reside in Charlotte, North Carolina along with their 5 
children Alysa, Jonathan, Joseph, Emily, and Olivia.

Left to Right: Olivia (2), Joseph (18), Alysa (22), Jonathan (20), Emily (16)

Ben Kinchlow and Israel

Ben Kinchlow Exposes Truth About Israel

Thursday, October 10, 2013 |  Jonathan David, Israel Today  
Related Stories
BibleBen Kinchlow is a former co-host of the 700 Club and a regular contributor to major conservative American news website WorldNetDaily. Israel Today's Jonathan David spoke with Mr. Kinchlow and presented him with several important questions regarding Israel. Here are his answers:
Israel Today: How should Christians relate to Israel?
Kinchlow: Some years ago, the Queen of England asked then-Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli for proof of the existence of God: “What is there to prove the existence of God, Benjamin?” His response was simply, “The Jew, Your Majesty.” A simple answer on the surface, but profound in its implications. The Jew points at the heart of every human being hostile to the concept of God. Man has tried “scientifically” to explain away creation and has altered history to explain away the Exodus. We can dispute almost every human evidence of God’s existence, except one…the Jew.
Israel Today: How do you see modern Israel in light of biblical prophecy?
Kinchlow: Israel is mentioned by name in 1207 BC on an Egyptian monument and 2,300 times in the Bible by name. Then there is Jeremiah 30:1-4 (KJV):
“The word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord, saying, Thus speaketh the Lord God of Israel, saying, Write thee all the words that I have spoken unto thee in a book. For, lo, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel and Judah, saith the Lord: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and they shall possess it. And these are the words that the Lord spake concerning Israel and concerning Judah.”
May 13, 1948: A dream...a hope...people without a country
May 14, 1948: Independence: "A nation is born in a day"
Israel, a country about the size of Rhode Island, with a population about equal to New Jersey, sits in the heart of more than 100 million Muslims, many who have expressed their dedication to the annihilation of this tiny nation.
Today, substitute almost any radical Islamic leader for Haman in the Old Testament book of Esther and discover that the goal is identical…the total destruction of the Jewish people.
Israel Today: Is America really Israel's best friend?
Kinchlow: Comparatively speaking, America is still Israel’s best friend. When you objectively view how most of the rest of the world views and responds to the Arab-Israeli conflict, America, thus far, has to rank at the top. However, viewed against the backdrop of past presidential and congressional responses to Israel, the reality is we have fallen far below our past commitment to the State of Israel. The present administration, in particular, has indicated by its actions, despite protestations to the contrary, that it expects Israel to accede to the demands from the Palestinians and other Islamic regimes… that Israel surrender much of its land to sworn enemies.
Israel Today: How do you view President Obama's policies regarding Israel?
Kinchlow: It appears President Obama has made a conscious effort to reassure the Muslim world that Israel is just “another” ally and no special bond exists between us. For example, in his visit to Egypt during his first term, in an apparent attempt to reach out to and/or reassure the Muslim world, he gave a speech entitled “A New Beginning.” Many in the Israeli leadership objected to his apparent linking of the Holocaust to the creation of Israel. It seemed he was attempting to imply that Israel was new and has not always been a part of the Middle East.
Obama has also given the impression that he was distancing himself from the leadership of Israel, in part to exert pressure on them to reach a peace deal with Palestinians.
Israel Today: Surrounded by enemies, what do you think Israel's future looks like?
Kinchlow: “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt. And I will bring again the captivity of my people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land, and they shall no more be pulled up out of their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.” (Amos 9:13-15)
Minister, broadcaster, author, and decorated US Air Force veteran – Ben Kinchlow is known throughout the world as the long time Co-Host of The 700 Club, and Host of the International Edition of The 700 Club, as seen in more than 80 countries. Recently, Kinchlow founded the independent ministry Americans for Israel.
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The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple - Anne Elmer

Anne Elmer:
The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth;
Then Into a Buddhist Temple
The Best-Selling Elijah List Book EVER!

Steve Shultz
Dear Elijah List Readers (and your friends),

The Lion of Judah, LITERALLY Transported Anne Throughout the Whole Earth; Then Into a Buddhist Temple.

Now, as the fourth Printing of this amazing book by Anne Elmer has arrived, we can tell you that "Transported" has already sold more copies all over the world than any book we've ever carried.

This is one of the most amazing AND TRUE stories I've ever read and it's by a person I know very well. My wife and I have stayed in Anne Elmer and her husband's home in France. When she shared her story with me, I KNEW this had to be a book. Anne agreed and our readers have spoken by purchasing so many copies of this amazing narrative at what REALLY HAPPENED TO HER as THE LION FLEW HER THROUGHOUT THE EARTH! 

Jesus, as the Lion of Judah, literally came into Anne's room and offered to take her on MULTIPLE trips throughout the earth . . . including into a Buddhist temple. The Lion (Jesus) was so intense, it surprised Anne. Growling, the Lion scared off demons and yet insisted to Anne that HE had the RIGHT TO BE HERE in this Buddhist temple because so many Christians had toured this place and prayed that Jesus would reveal Himself to many in this place—even though it was currently dedicated to the huge Buddha in the building! The LION was fierce with PURPOSE because of those prayers!

Though this whole book is true, you'll find yourself exclaiming, time after time, "UNBELIEVABLE!!" 

Our readers have loved this book so much, we have to keep going back to press. Our fourth printing is just hot off the press so you can now order a copy of the book (or two). You'll want to give this book as a gift or a stocking stuffer for Christmas!

Prepare to have your view of "The Church" changed forever, and I mean it! Trust me when I say that you will not want to miss reading this book. We are encouraged by the Lord to learn HIS WAYS. This book will go a LONG WAY to LEARN HIS WAYS and HIS THOUGHTS. Again I ask you to trust me that you will say to yourself, "I never thought of it that way before!"

That's how it was for me! I just was amazed at God's way of thinking about the saved and the unsaved!

You'll remember that Paul, the Apostle was literally "caught up" into a "transported" experience, as was John the Revelator, probably more than once. Often they didn't know if their experience was "in the body or out of the body" but they knew they were caught up....

...And they were allowed sometimes to tell us some or all of what they saw. Yet other times they were DIS-allowed from sharing the content of their visitation experience.Fortunately for you, the reader, Anne is allowed to speak of her experience through this book.

I can tell you that this story has forever changed my heart and my understandings about how God loves those...even those "caught" in very DRY will be amazed. And even those people who don't seem to practice the Gifts of the'll learn the amazing grace of God's heart. And for those who are seeking but have not found Christ yet—you'll learn the heart of Jesus and His plans for them too!

You will be just amazed at how your thought processes will be altered FOR LIFE because of "Transported By The Lion Of Judah!" You'll want to order this before we need to go into a 5th printing!

This incredible Book is available to you in your choice of 4 different formats, Paperback, Audio Book-on-CD, Downloadable Audio Book, and E-Book in PDF format. Click on the one(s) you wish to purchase:

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Formats 1 and 2 will be shipped to you, while formats 3 and 4 are download files—you will receive a link at the end of your purchase to immediately download either format to your computer.

Get one or get more....These life changing, paradigm shifting stories are priceless!


Steve Shultz
Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
The Apostle Paul was caught up and shown things so spectacular, he wasn't even allowed to tell some of them. Phillip was transported in the Spirit from the baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch to another city. John the Revelator was told to "come up here" so that God could show him things to come.

And still today, hundreds, if not thousands, of God's people are continuing to have "caught up" experiences where God shows them marvelous revelation for the Church.

Anne Elmer
Anne Elmer never saw it coming. Yet before she knew it, the Lord was transporting her all over the earth, in multiple experiences, on a "literal" Lion—THE Lion of Judah—to see God's people from many different people groups, and in many countries—but no longer from her perspective. This is a "wow" book if I've ever read one. So we published it. 


Audio Book
on CD

Audio Book
on MP3


Here is what others are saying about

"...a great read and helps to demonstrate how actively the Lord is at work in all of our lives." – Lisa Cooke Doyle

"I was absolutely amazed when reading chapter 13. Although this 'church' was set in Denmark, it was the exact same situation of a church on the Gold Coast in Queensland, Australia where I have been going. I had been 'sent' from 60 miles away, two times per week, 'to lift Jesus Higher' from within this place, for a period of over 3 years.

Although it has been an absolute pleasure before God, it has been sad and difficult, even heartbreaking, on the ground. Here I felt deeply moved and 'saw' the precious 'church' I have been attending for so long, and am now in CERTAIN anticipation of the Lord's own marvelous work. Not that I doubted, but now I am POSITIVE. It is exactly the same. Exactly!

I do indeed Praise the Lord, for what He has shown me is indeed in process. What He has shown Anne is indeed in process. God, Himself, shall indeed redeem His people. His Church shall indeed arise on eagle's wings. He shall indeed deal with the matter for His victory and His glory. Praise His Holy Name. Blessing and Honor, Glory and Power, be unto Him who sits upon the throne.

Blessings and Love in Him who first loved us. Agape."
  M. Austin

About the Author:

Originally from the north of England, Anne and her husband have lived for the last 30 years in France where they run a small Christian publishing company. They have 3 children and 11 grandchildren. Anne's heart is for unity among Believers and to see every Christian living up to their potential in Christ.

FIRE IN MY BONES - J. Lee Grady - "8 Qualities We Need in Today's Leaders"

Fire in My Bones, by J. Lee Grady

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Bricklayer at work
The book of Nehemiah begins and ends with a prayer.
Five years ago, I had a birthday with a zero in it—and it scared me! But instead of fighting the aging process, I made an important decision: From now on, regardless of what else I do, my main priority is tomentor the next generation. That’s why I spend a lot of my time investing my time in young leaders.
There are some great resources on the market today about discipleship, but one of my favorites has been around a long time: the book of Nehemiah. I find in his story the best leadership principles recorded anywhere. And I love to share these with anyone who feels called to build something for God. 
At a time when many Christian leaders today are failing, we need to reclaim these eight vital qualities:
1. You must have a sure calling. Nehemiah said to the king: “Send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers’ tombs, that I may rebuild it” (Neh. 2:5, NASB, emphasis added). Nehemiah was a “sent one.” He was called by God, and he surrendered. You must be convinced that you are called. You may have great preaching skills, a powerful anointing or a magnetic personality, but human abilities and God-given talents alone will not make you successful. You must know that you know that you know that God has sent you.
2. You need a heavenly burden. When Nehemiah heard that Jerusalem’s walls were destroyed and that the Jews were displaced, he wept (1:4). His call to leadership flowed out of true compassion for people. The most successful leaders step into their assignments not because they want to make a name for themselves or because they want a paycheck from a church, but because they want to help others. If love is not your motivation, do us all a favor and wait until God’s compassion grips you. The church today does not need any more leaders with personal agendas or selfish ambitions.  
3. Your life must be saturated in prayer. The book of Nehemiah begins and ends with a prayer—reminding us that any successful leader must live a life of intercession if he wants to build successfully. Charles Spurgeon wrote, “Prayer has become as essential to me as the heaving of my lungs and the beating of my pulse.” Phrases such as “So I prayed ...” or “But we prayed ...” (2:4; 4:9) are inserted often in Nehemiah’s narrative. Any successful leader will experience the same rhythm of heartfelt prayers and joyful answers.
4. You must be a team player. Nehemiah was consumed by a great vision, but he did not attempt it alone. He went to the people and said, “Come, let us rebuild” (2:17, emphasis added). He was also willing for the members of his team to get credit. About 40 key men and women who repaired the gates and walls of the city are mentioned in the third chapter. Like the apostle Paul—who bragged incessantly about his co-workers—Nehemiah was not afraid to share the spotlight. You must make a habit of empowering and praising the people God has called to serve with you.
5. You must be humble. The governors prior to Nehemiah were oppressive and greedy. They demanded feasts and royal treatment, but Nehemiah set a new example by living frugally (5:14-19). Leaders today must reject the attitude of entitlement that has been practiced by many of our predecessors who thought Christian leadership was about limousines, tailored suits and luxury accommodations. Nehemiah set a new trend when he said, “I did not demand the governor’s food allowance” (5:18). Let’s model servanthood.
6. You must have a practical plan. When the king asked Nehemiah what he wanted to do about Jerusalem, he didn’t hesitate to whip out his blueprint. He needed money, specific building supplies and official letters of authorization. And when Nehemiah got to Jerusalem, he did a detailed assessment of the damages. He knew how much work was required. If God has called you to build a church, a ministry or a business, a heavenly burden isn’t enough. Count the cost, make a budget and plan your steps.
7. You must be a fighter. As soon as Nehemiah set foot on Jerusalem’s soil, Sanballat and Tobiah began their demonic campaign to stop him. When you volunteer for any spiritual assignment, you automatically become a target. If you want a life without trials, difficulties and spiritual warfare, don’t attempt something big for God. The warfare was so intense for Nehemiah that the people had to carry swords in one hand and tools in the other (4:15-17). Good leaders are multitaskers: They know how to fight and build at the same time.
8. You must be committed to God’s Word. Nehemiah 8:4 is the only reference in the Bible to a pulpit—and it was built so that the regathered Jews could hear God’s Word read aloud in the restored city. Good leaders give the Word the platform it deserves—and they don’t rewrite the message to fit their culture or distract people from the Word with religious sideshows. Always make God’s truth the main event—and discipleship your primary mandate.
God, give us leaders like Nehemiah! In this crazy season of apostate denominations, backslidden preachers and clueless Christians, let’s commit ourselves to build God’s way.
J. Lee Grady is the former editor of Charisma and the director of the Mordecai Project ( You can follow him on Twitter at @leegrady. He is the author of The Holy Spirit Is Not for Sale and other books.
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