Wednesday, June 14, 2017

LoveMusic! (Love For His People) - Mark Schultz - All Things Possible

Special announcement: 
Music Friday! 
has now become our weekly...

(Thanks to Ben Martin for your great artistic, logo-making skill!)

This week's featured Christian music video is Mark Schultz's All Things PossibleI hope it encourages you as it often does me.

Love music!

Steve Martin
Love For His People, Inc.

Mark Schultz - "All Things Possible"

June 14, 2017

Published on Oct 2, 2012
I don't own any rights. This is just for entertainment purposes only.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Praise Adonai - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship 1999

Praise Adonai 
Steve & Laurie Martin
All Nations Church worship 1999

Published on Jun 13, 2017

Praise Adonai - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship 1999
Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Charlotte, NC - Westinghouse/Granite St. location 1997-2000

Original recording - sound man John O'Leary
Video recorded by Steve Martin June 13, 2017 at 7 am in Charlotte, NC one mile from our home.

Worship team: Patti McPherson, Terry Lafferty, Gilbert Crespo, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Bob Smith, John Kirwin (electric guitar), Ruth Davis, Little Big Eagle (bass guitar)

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

Sunrise..."I hear the voice of one crying...Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" - Steve Martin

"I hear the voice of one crying...
Prepare Ye the Way of the Lord" 
Steve Martin

Published on Jun 13, 2017

Sunrise..."I hear the voice of one crying...Prepare Ye the Way" - Steve Martin -- All Nations Church worship 1999
Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Charlotte, NC - Westinghouse/Granite St. location 1997-2000

Original recording - sound man John O'Leary 1999
Video by Steve Martin June 13, 2017 Tuesday at 7 am Charlotte, NC

Worship team: Patti McPherson, Terry Lafferty, Gilbert Crespo, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Bob Smith, John Kirwin (electric guitar), Ruth Davis, Little Big Eagle (bass guitar)

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.

V'ahavta (...and you shall love...") Hadassah from Jerusalem - "My Israeli Neighborhood"

וְאָהַבְתָּ    ‘…And you shall love…’ 

V'ahavta (...and you shall love...")
Hadassah from Jerusalem

"My Israeli Neighborhood"

וְאָהַבְתָּ    ‘…And you shall love…’
Today I want to share with you our village. It’s actually a settlement just outside Jerusalem. I don’t know what kind of image the word ‘settlement’ brings to mind, but I thought you’d like to see for yourselves a bit of where I live. There will be more glimpses in the future, but for today, enjoy this brief invitation to my neighborhood.
The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance. Psalm 16:6

Nissim & Hadassah
Jerusalem, Israel
June 2017

Hadassah and Nissim, her accountant husband, live in a settlement just outside Jerusalem with their dog Molly. After making Aliyah (immigrating) from the U.S. with their 5 children in 1989  they are now semi-retired and open their home to guests and those wishing to make Aliyah. When not busy with their 16 'GrandWonders', they enjoy a quiet life of study, prayer and learning to serve the LORD.

06.13.17  #2

When the Arabs Shuttered Al Jazeera, but Israel Couldn't - Israel Today

When the Arabs Shuttered Al Jazeera, but Israel Couldn't

Tuesday, June 13, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
The current regional crisis with Qatar has again demonstrated the bizarre position in which Israel often finds itself in the volatile Middle East.
Israel is often the victim of media slander, and even incitement. Sometimes, those media voices slander and incite against Arab governments, too.
One of the biggest differences is that the Arab governments, authoritarian as they are, quickly shut down the offending media, while Israel, the region's only true democracy, must endure the slander.
Such is the case with Al Jazeera.
Founded and largely owned by the rulers of Qatar, Al Jazeera has become a thorn in the side of Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan and other "moderate" Arab states.
Using the crisis with Qatar as an excuse, Saudi Arabia and Jordan this week shuttered the local Al Jazeera bureaus in their respective states.
Israel wishes it could do the same.
"Al-Jazeera is not media, it’s not journalism. It’s an incitement machine. It’s pure propaganda, of the worst variety, in the style of Nazi Germany or Soviet Russia," said Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman during a Knesset meeting on Monday.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly convened the relevant government agencies to explore the option of shuttering Al Jazeera's office in Jerusalem.
But for a nation that holds to true democratic rule of law, such things aren't so simple as they are in neighboring countries.
For starters, if the government moved against Al Jazeera, the network's first move would be an appeal to Israel's Supreme Court on the basis of freedom of the press. Even if the court ultimately sided with the government, the spectacle of an Arab news network suing Israel over freedom of the press wouldn't play well on the international stage.
And that's if the court sided with the government.
Israel's Supreme Court is notoriously liberal when it comes to the right of detractors to slander the Jewish state. Losing such a case would look even worse.
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Israel Prepares for Major Earthquake - Israel Today

Israel Prepares for Major Earthquake

Monday, June 12, 2017 |  Israel Today Staff
At Sunday's cabinet meeting in Jerusalem, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held an urgent discussion on home front preparations for a major earthquake that is expected to hit Israel in the coming years.
The discussion kicked off a nationwide emergency drill involving rescue forces from the army, police and medical organizations.
"As part of our efforts and actions to improve home front emergency preparedness, we are beginning today a national earthquake exercise, called 'Earthquake 2017,'" said Netanyahu. "There are enough earthquakes around us in all senses of the word, but we live adjacent to the Syrian-African rift, and an earthquake can hit at any moment. They already have and they undoubtedly will."
Should an earthquake hit, the prime minister reminded the public that the emergency procedures are quite opposite to those during a missile or terrorist attack.
"In the case of an earthquake, in contrast to other scenarios which threaten the home front, the basic rule is to get out of your homes, get out of buildings. The safest place to be is in open space."
Photo: Marc Israel Sellem / Pool / Flash90
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"Who Is Like Him Praise Adonai" - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship team 1999

"Who Is Like Him Praise Adonai" 
Steve & Laurie Martin
All Nations Church worship team 

Published on Jun 13, 2017

"Who Is Like Him Praise Adonai" - Steve & Laurie Martin - All Nations Church worship Charlotte - Love For His People

Pastors Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda

Charlotte, NC - Westinghouse/Granite St. location 1997-2000

Original recording - sound man John O'Leary
Video recorded by Steve Martin June 13, 2017 Tuesday at 7:07 am Charlotte, NC near our home.

Worship team: Patti McPherson, Terry Lafferty, Gilbert Crespo, Ron Bowen, Brian Johnston, Bob Smith, John Kerwin (electric guitar), Ruth Davis, Little Big Eagle (bass guitar)

Videos filmed and shared by Steve Martin - to give appreciation to and love for those we support, through Love For His People, Inc.