Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Calling Shiloh Home: Committed to the Promise - CBN News

Calling Shiloh Home: Committed to the Promise

CBN News
SHILOH, Israel -- Twenty years ago, Israel and the Palestinians signed the Oslo Accords. Since then there have been countless rounds of negotiations, stalemates, terror attacks and still no peace.
Israel and the Palestinians are once again back at the negotiating table. At stake for many Israelis is a huge chunk of the Promised Land where Palestinians want to establish a future state free of Jews.
CBN's Scott Ross recently talked with Israelis who live in Judea and Samaria about their commitment to the Bible and the land.
Known to many as the West Bank, Judea and Samaria today is home to some 360,000 Israelis and at least 1.4 million Palestinian Arabs.
David Rubin, former mayor of the Samarian town of Shiloh and author of Peace for Peace: Israel in the New Middle East, spoke with Ross about the biblical significance of Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria.
Rubin reminded Scott that Shiloh was the first capital of ancient Israel where the tabernacle stood for 369 years.
Rubin: This is where Joshua stood before the Israelites and he said, 'How long will you wait before coming to take possession of the land that the Lord God of your fathers has given you?' This is the place where the woman, Hannah, came to pray for a son. The son, who was born from her prayers, was Samuel the prophet, who grew up in Shiloh, along with the people of Israel.
Ross: And that is the issue that remains today. This is the land that God gave you.
Rubin: …as a special responsibility to cherish it and to take care of it.
Rubin's commitment to the land came at a personal price when he and his son were ambushed by terrorists while traveling on the road home.
Rubin: The car was hit by a massive hail of bullets, and I was shot in my leg, my son was shot in the head.
Ross: Is your son still alive today?
Rubin: Thank God, my son is alive today. He had a miraculous recovery. The bullet missed his brain stem by one millimetre.
Ross: Why do people choose to live in the middle of the threat of violence, your children, so forth, being exposed to this? Why do people want to be here?
Rubin: We've come home. We're fulfilling prophecy in these times.
Today, 35 years after it was re-established in 1978, 230 Jewish families call Shiloh home.
And yet Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas said recently that a future Palestinian state in this area must be completely free of Jews.
Rubin: There never was a Palestinian state. It's all an illusion. It's all a political game by the Islamic world to try and make sure that Israel doesn't have the right to exist anymore.
Ross: How do you feel about the land-for-peace negotiations -- that you give up the land [and then] there's going to be peace?
Rubin: It's time for a new plan, which is called "peace for peace."
Ross: Which is….
Rubin: Which is -- we extend our hand in peace, they extend their hand in peace, we shake it, and we have peace. We sign a peace treaty. And all is well. That's a fair deal.
Shiloh is in biblical Samaria, north of Jerusalem. Judea and Samaria and including the Jordan Valley is 79 miles long and between 19 and 34 miles wide.
To the south of Jerusalem and Bethlehem is a large block of Jewish communities in Judea called Gush Etzion, another part of what the world calls the West Bank.
Ross also spoke with Ruth Lieberman, a wife, mother and CEO OF Jaffe Strategies, Ltd.  Originally from Ohio, Lieberman is raising her family in a community called Alon Shvut, which means "return to the oak tree."
Standing at the highest point in Gush Etzion, Lieberman called it the "backbone of the hills that control the lowlands in both directions."
From that one point it is possible to see the Mediterranean Sea and the coastal plain, Tel Aviv, Ashdod, and Ashkelon on down to Gaza.
"You can see the rockets come out of there," Lieberman said.
Looking east is the view to Jordan -- the Moabite Hills. From that same point she indicated it's possible to see the hills of Hebron all the way to Jerusalem with Jordan on the other side. 
"That's it, that's all we got. This is the width. And we're on top," she said.
Jews established several farming communities here before the modern State of Israel was established in 1948. But during Israel's War of Independence, the communities were destroyed and the residents killed or driven away. After the 1967 Six-Day War, the Jews returned to Gush Etzion to rebuild.
Ross: Who are your neighbors?
Lieberman: I think having Lebanon in the north, Syria to the northeast, then we come around and have Egypt to the south. We're not in a great area.
There are 24 Muslim states surrounding Israel from Morocco to Iran - 8 million square miles of land - 500 times the size of Israel, where some half a billion people live.
Judea and Samaria stand between Israel's major population centers and the Arab world. Without it, in some places Israel is just 9 miles wide.
Ross: The Arabs, many factions of Palestinians, hate the Jews. But do you hate the Arabs?
Lieberman: I don't think the Arabs who live nearby in the village over there, I don't think they hate me. I think they're taught to hate me. We have our Arab friend whom I know by name, I know his profession, I know the names of his kids. He's behind the cheese counter with this huge cleaver. And he's, you know, what can I get you? And he's our friend. And I'm not afraid. I'm actually encouraged.
Twenty years ago, then Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO leader Yasser Arafat signed the Oslo Accords and shook hands on the White House lawn. And still there is no peace.
Ross: Do you see that this could possibly become a future Palestinian state?
Lieberman: If it were to become a Palestinian state, I would imagine it would be because there's some huge breakthrough and the whole world believes that now we have peace in this part of the world. And if that's true, then I can live here. I'm Jewish, I bought the land, and I should be able to keep my home. In every talk that we hear, we're out of the picture. We'll have to pack up and go.
Ross: Do you feel like God is watching over you, watching over this land?
Lieberman: I can't imagine that we would be succeeding at this venture that's called Zionism in our time if we didn't have God behind us 'cause this is a -- it's a bit crazy.
Ross: The scriptures teach us to pray for Jerusalem, pray for Israel. Do you think it makes any difference?
Lieberman: I hope that all of you continue to pray for Jerusalem every day. It strengthens us, it strengthens our psyche. It strengthens our hopes. We know that we're not alone.

The Elijah List - Kathie Walters: Vision: A Season of Open Doors is Here

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

This last week, I received INDEPENDENTLY, at least three separate words from three different prophetic people, who received fresh revelation, on their own – that we are entering into a season of "OPEN DOORS".

In every case, from what I could discern, we are asked to COOPERATE WITH THE LORD, both in prayer and obedience, and taking steps of faith – to be certain we don't miss our personal and "corporate" open doors that are suddenly flung open before us.

God is opening doors before YOU in this very season – not only YOU but around the earth toward HIS BODY. This IS A SEASON OF OPEN DOORS. I'll be sharing other words on this in coming days.


Note from Steve Shultz: People ask me, "How can I support The Elijah List?"

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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

The City of The Great King - 16-month Jewish Photo Calendar 2013/2014

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Kathie Walters:

Kathie WaltersI had the same vision twice this week for two different people. Both were making decisions about an opportunity. In the vision I saw someone laying in the back of a hay cart which was being drawn by two horses. The person was laying in the straw and the sun was shining on them. It seemed like one of those lazy kind of days.

Then I got the words, "Make hay while the sun shines." I don't know if Americans use that expression, but I hear it in England all the time. I looked it up and it said this in the way of a meaning: "Take opportunities that are given." Or, another way of putting it is: "Go through open doors."

This is a season of opportunities and open doors. Don't waste the opportunities. Doors can open and close, windows of opportunity can open and shut – quickly. You have to be at the door so that when it opens you jump through.

Go through open doorsI was in a church one time and I saw a door in a vision. The door was closed, but there were people leaning on the door so that when it opened they fell through it. Some other people were doing something a little ways away, but they were keeping an eye on the door.

There were other people who were so busy working – "working for Jesus" – they weren't even aware that there was a door. They didn't realize there were opportunities all around them.

I tell people all the time, "Jesus isn't so much interested in you working for Him as He is in you yielding to Him, so that He can work through you. 'For it's God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.'" (Philippians 2:13).

ElijahList Prophetic Resources

When I was on a Delta flight a while ago, I read the airline magazine. In it, there was an article by a successful businessman. He said about five to seven opportunities to make money pass by the average person every day, but they don't even see them because most of us are not geared that way. Or, as I always say in the meetings, we don't have our antenna up sometimes...

It's Time To Take Opportunities

This is not the time to sit back – it's the time to take opportunities, go through doors, climb a few mountains. I had that word a while ago, given in the article "God Is Raising Up An Army of Wild Grandmas" (see Elijah List).

My friend, Beverly, who lives in San Antonio, lost her husband a couple of years ago. She was sad for the loss of her friend and life-long love. But instead of getting a cat and sitting around, she decided to get up and see what there was out there. Well, she found lots of exciting things to do. There were doors all around her, and she packed her case and started to go through them.

Take that opportunityRemember the little lady in the Bible who had been sick for so long? She had an issue of blood. Well, one day, this lady saw the Source of her healing. She saw Jesus; He was the door for her. Jesus said, "I am the door" (John 10:7).

Well, let me tell you, it would have been very easy for her NOT to take that opportunity. She must have been very weak, having that hemorrhaging. And, there was a crowd around Jesus. But she pushed through the crowd and touched Jesus. He was her door.

God is moving in a wonderful way – the wind is blowing, it's raining. Doors and opportunities are there for you – take a look around – put your periscope up and see. You know, you only have one life to live down here. You may as well have some fun and adventures.
Kathie Walters
Good News Ministries


Kathie Walters is an international speaker who brings freedom to those who feel they have to "qualify." She also ministers in the supernatural and believes that the supernatural realm is for everyone.

Kathie Walters' Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. We suggest you always check first with the event contact listed here and/or directly visit their website for latest updates on each event.

September 19-21, 2013
Vladimir, Russia

October 4-6, 2013
Two Locks Family Church
Two Locks Road, Cwmbran, South Wales, NP44 7HG
Contact: 01633 863527 or

October 11-12, 2013
The Garden Room
Moggerhanger Park
Park Road, Moggerhanger, Bedfordshire, MK44 3RW, England

Rick Joyner & Don Potter - - Prophetic Perspectives - "The Don Potter Story"

The Don Potter Story
Rick Joyner
Don Potter
Monday, September 9, 2013

In this episode of Prophetic Perspectives Rick Joyner is joined by one of this week's special guests and long-time friend of MorningStar, Don Potter. Don shares his personal experiences from the beginning of his career as a producer.

Watch here:

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Promise - available now on - worldwide

Both the paperback and the Kindle edition 
are now available. 

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Strategies of the Conflict & Countering Evil Strategies - Morris Ruddick

Morris Ruddick

Strategies of the Conflict

Spiritually, at the core of the dynamic unfolding is the battle between God's blueprint and the blueprint of the devil. The heroes of faith are the ones who identify God's blueprint. They pay the cost and prevail so that God's purposes are established. The bottom line in Kingdom leadership is discerning God's blueprint in a situation and in a people and then bringing it forth for those they lead.

One of the more subtle deceptions operating in the Body today is the myopia of those whose focus is in discerning the devil's blueprint for a situation and then trying to stamp it out. That was never the pattern for God's best; for establishing His order. The heroes of faith face the fire and give birth to restoring God's order.

The subtlety is that it is never about what we can do for God, but rather what we allow God to do through us. Otherwise, when the fires come, we are overwhelmed; we're blinded and fall victim to the full impact of the devil's blueprint.

There are firestorms raging in the heavenlies. It's important to be discerning the right things. It's important not to be overreacting. It is likewise vital when God tell us to act, to be prepared and to know how to do it decisively.

Countering Evil Strategies

So it is when I see something in someone else, such as a blind spot, that I begin by searching my own heart for blind-spots. EVEN if it is only at a 1% level, I first repent for the beam in my eye, before I can truly begin to intercede for them.

This truth ties into a subtlety with which witchcraft/sorcery tries to entwine itself within those who love God. This process, in intercession, of first removing any elements of a "beam" in your own eye, helps to flag and remove the subtle snares that so mark the times we have entered.

This process helps eliminate the defilements that can be picked up when penetrating enemy territory. It keeps us in that place of fearing God and no other; a dimension that is needed to break the bondage of corruption.

It is the reason why judgment first comes to the household of faith. When properly responded to, the judgment that first comes to the household of faith, becomes the means of "turning" that brings the restoration of God's order. It's another reason why we fear God and no other.

Signs of the Times

Less than two weeks before this Indonesian mission, I received a revelation. It bears on the timing of this, our first mission to Indonesia. In short, there is a network, an evil infrastructure in the natural that parallels and fuels the activities emanating from the dark spiritual world; being orchestrated by high-level principalities; which has been subtly preparing for intrusions to spread its tentacles.

It targets seats of power and influence. It has epicenters around the world, recognizable only by the "swirls" of confusion, division, counterfeit religious influences, along with demoralization and the dismantling-type of destruction that is manifesting like huge "sink-holes." This evil infrastructure involves shrouded, entangled funding and investors from interests with legitimate business covers which reflect very subtle and distorted connections.

Its largely unreported and shrouded activities range from human trafficking; to the abortion trade, but also pograms reemerging in places like Russia; and initiatives to undermine Israel; and strategies to divide the Body. Insights into this shadowed, creeping evil can be gleaned from the stories of Gideon and the sword of the Lord against the Midianites; as does the story of Joseph in preparing; as does the story of Daniel and his influence in changing the spiritual culture of an infrastructure of sorcery.

A Time of Preparation

The Joseph-type preparations underway by those with ears to hear are a significant counterforce to these hidden gateways of evil. That's why the mobilization of the marketplace is so key; it's one of those "secret things" that the Jewish people have wielded over the centuries. So it has been, as we've ministered around the globe, the Lord is connecting us with those who are mobilized and those who are preparing.

An important key in all this will be the ones to be given a voice and influence that counteracts and disentangles these hidden gateways of evil. The importance of Jew and Gentile, operating as "one new man" in all this is going to be very strategic. Likewise, there is emerging, a very significant and unexpected impact that will result from heretofore under-the-radar and new, unconventional Christian media initiatives; along with alliances with "righteous" mainstream secular media outlets.

All this calls for heightened discretion and discernment; and a need NOT to give in to, nor especially to overreact to the enticements and diversions of "blind passions" or religious spirits. The snare is in premature action which short-circuits the needed preparation.

Back in 2006, after hearing of the tsunami that had hit Indonesia, I cried out to the Lord for the people. The Lord then gave me insight into this event. It came from Psalm 107. Knowing of the tragedies of persecution against believers that had preceded this event, Psalm 107 unveils that when God's people are "brought low through oppression, affliction and sorrow," there comes a time when the Lord pours out "contempt" (His judgment) on princes (those who abuse power). Yet He sets the poor on high, far from affliction and makes their families and communities like a flock. The righteous see it and rejoice and all iniquity stops in its tracks. So it has happened in Indonesia. The church in Indonesia is a forerunner for our times.

Discerning the Shifts and What's Next

There's more. But in short, there has been a paradigm shift. We need to understand that shift as we discern the times; and glean from the wisdom of what has been unfolding in these most vibrant Asian segments of the Body. We need to understand what's next.



Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" and "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from, and other popular outlets. 

Mr. Ruddick is also a contributor in the just released five-volume "Aligning with the Apostolic," edited by Bruce Cook with Forwards by Peter Wagner and Bill Hamon. It is available

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the least of these our brethren. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or email us at for access information on our secure web-site.

2013 Copyright Morris Ruddick -

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN adviser. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation 



(c) Morris E. Ruddick

"Men of Issachar, who understood the times and knew what to do." 1 Chron 12:32

Because of the significance of what the Lord is doing in Indonesia, this SIGN post merges the focus of my prayerful insights into understanding the times with conclusions from our August/September mission in Indonesia.

Despite an unusual level of spiritual warfare; God's plan for this Indonesian mission has prevailed. Upon arriving, our host noted that having hosted many over the years from around the world, that none matched the warfare he encountered tied to the preparations for our God's economy program. So, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for praying.

Each of the three God's economy workshops was eagerly received. From successful
business owners to those eager to start new businesses, those attending were prepared for the times we're entering.

The Kingdom Leadership Conference launched the second half of our time in Indonesia. It was sold-out with 2000 in attendance. Reconnecting with Myles Munroe was very meaningful. My marketplace leadership sessions were well attended and well received. Business leaders traveled from outside Indonesia to attend.

The business community in Asia is truly a mobilized one. All are intent on discerning God's strategies for the time; intent on applying the biblical secrets that have made the Jewish people so successful economically and culturally influentially over the centuries.

Strategies of the Conflict

Spiritually, at the core of the dynamic unfolding is the battle between God's blueprint and the blueprint of the devil. The heroes of faith are the ones who identify God's blueprint. They pay the cost and prevail so that God's purposes are established. The bottom line in Kingdom leadership is discerning God's blueprint in a situation and in a people and then bringing it forth for those they lead.

One of the more subtle deceptions operating in the Body today is the myopia of those whose focus is in discerning the devil's blueprint for a situation and then trying to stamp it out. That was never the pattern for God's best; for establishing His order. The heroes of faith face the fire and give birth to restoring God's order.

The spiritual climate of the two islands on which we ministered on this Indonesian mission was totally different. We went from a Muslim dominant culture to a Hindu/New Age domain. The difference was striking. Yet the impact being made by the Indonesian church in both domains has been the same. They're changing the spiritual climate. They are impacting the culture. It's why it's the fastest growing church in the world. Carol's observation nails it: "Indonesia's greatest treasure is their people."

In one of my messages, I gave an example of the turning point for a company we had association with years ago. The turning came at a time in the early 70s when this firm was a successful $10 million company. They decided to make a corporate acquisition. The firm they intended to acquire was more than a $100 million in size; more than 10 times their size. Remarkably, they pulled it off. The Wall Street Journal wrote an article on this unusual happening. The title of the WSJ article was "The Minnow Swallows the Whale." That describes what's happening in Indonesia.

God is doing the impossible through ordinary people doing extraordinary things. That's been the bottom line of what we've seen on this entire trip. God has been doing some of the most remarkable things; far beyond our expectations. So once again, thank you so very, very much for praying.

Targeting God's Elect

Simultaneously, the dynamics and realities of what we see swirling all around us have brought home the truth of the importance of not going on our own strength. Many years ago, a man of God we were close to encountered a horrible tragedy with the unexpected death of his 17 year old son. Yet his response was an even worse tragedy. This man of God, whose exploits I couldn't hold a candle to, lost it. He left the Lord and left his family.

The subtlety is that it is never about what we can do for God, but rather what we allow God to do through us. Otherwise, when the fires come, we are overwhelmed; we're blinded and fall victim to the full impact of the devil's blueprint.

There are firestorms raging in the heavenlies. It's important to be discerning the right things. It's important not to be overreacting. It is likewise vital when God tell us to act, to be prepared and to know how to do it decisively.

I still intercede for that friend who lost his son back in the mid-80s. In interceding for one's like him; I'm intimately aware that but for the grace of God and the prayers of faithful friends, of the fine line of our response to the loss of our 30 year old daughter Trish in 1996.

Countering Evil Strategies

So it is when I see something in someone else, such as a blind spot, that I begin by searching my own heart for blind-spots. EVEN if it is only at a 1% level, I first repent for the beam in my eye, before I can truly begin to intercede for them.

This truth ties into a subtlety with which witchcraft/sorcery tries to entwine itself within those who love God. This process, in intercession, of first removing any elements of a "beam" in your own eye, helps to flag and remove the subtle snares that so mark the times we have entered.

This process helps eliminate the defilements that can be picked up when penetrating enemy territory. It keeps us in that place of fearing God and no other; a dimension that is needed to break the bondage of corruption.

It is the reason why judgment first comes to the household of faith. When properly responded to, the judgment that first comes to the household of faith, becomes the means of "turning" that brings the restoration of God's order. It's another reason why we fear God and no other.

Signs of the Times

Less than two weeks before this Indonesian mission, I received a revelation. It bears on the timing of this, our first mission to Indonesia. In short, there is a network, an evil infrastructure in the natural that parallels and fuels the activities emanating from the dark spiritual world; being orchestrated by high-level principalities; which has been subtly preparing for intrusions to spread its tentacles.

It targets seats of power and influence. It has epicenters around the world, recognizable only by the "swirls" of confusion, division, counterfeit religious influences, along with demoralization and the dismantling-type of destruction that is manifesting like huge "sink-holes." This evil infrastructure involves shrouded, entangled funding and investors from interests with legitimate business covers which reflect very subtle and distorted connections.

Its largely unreported and shrouded activities range from human trafficking; to the abortion trade, but also pograms reemerging in places like Russia; and initiatives to undermine Israel; and strategies to divide the Body. Insights into this shadowed, creeping evil can be gleaned from the stories of Gideon and the sword of the Lord against the Midianites; as does the story of Joseph in preparing; as does the story of Daniel and his influence in changing the spiritual culture of an infrastructure of sorcery.

A Time of Preparation

The Joseph-type preparations underway by those with ears to hear are a significant counterforce to these hidden gateways of evil. That's why the mobilization of the marketplace is so key; it's one of those "secret things" that the Jewish people have wielded over the centuries. So it has been, as we've ministered around the globe, the Lord is connecting us with those who are mobilized and those who are preparing.

An important key in all this will be the ones to be given a voice and influence that counteracts and disentangles these hidden gateways of evil. The importance of Jew and Gentile, operating as "one new man" in all this is going to be very strategic. Likewise, there is emerging, a very significant and unexpected impact that will result from heretofore under-the-radar and new, unconventional Christian media initiatives; along with alliances with "righteous" mainstream secular media outlets.

All this calls for heightened discretion and discernment; and a need NOT to give in to, nor especially to overreact to the enticements and diversions of "blind passions" or religious spirits. The snare is in premature action which short-circuits the needed preparation.

Back in 2006, after hearing of the tsunami that had hit Indonesia, I cried out to the Lord for the people. The Lord then gave me insight into this event. It came from Psalm 107. Knowing of the tragedies of persecution against believers that had preceded this event, Psalm 107 unveils that when God's people are "brought low through oppression, affliction and sorrow," there comes a time when the Lord pours out "contempt" (His judgment) on princes (those who abuse power). Yet He sets the poor on high, far from affliction and makes their families and communities like a flock. The righteous see it and rejoice and all iniquity stops in its tracks. So it has happened in Indonesia. The church in Indonesia is a forerunner for our times.

Discerning the Shifts and What's Next

There's more. But in short, there has been a paradigm shift. We need to understand that shift as we discern the times; and glean from the wisdom of what has been unfolding in these most vibrant Asian segments of the Body. We need to understand what's next.

Before us is a full schedule in October with our return to Vietnam. We've witnessed the

Lord doing remarkable things, from the far North to deep within the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. The church in Vietnam is a praying church. It is a church that has gone through the fire. It is a church whose mantle is spiritually becoming like that of the "sword of the Lord" spoken of when Gideon, like the minnow swallowing the whale, penetrated the camp of the Midianites and sent them fleeing.

We're honored and we're blessed to be able to serve these brethren in Indonesia and those in Vietnam. We're poised and we're eager for the next steps the Lord is opening before us and them. Thank you again for your prayers as we depart for the long trek back on 12 September.


Morris Ruddick has been a forerunner and spokesman for the call of God in the marketplace since the mid-90s. As founder of Global Initiatives Foundation and designer of the God's Economy Entrepreneurial Equippers Program, Mr. Ruddick imparts hope and equips economic community builders where God's light is dim in both the Western and non-Western world.

He is author of "The Joseph-Daniel Calling;" "Gods Economy, Israel and the Nations;" "The Heart of a King;" "Something More;" and "Righteous Power in a Corrupt World," which address the mobilization of business and governmental leaders called to impact their communities with God's blessings. They are available in print and e-versions from, and other popular outlets.

Mr. Ruddick is also a contributor in the just released five-volume "Aligning with the Apostolic," edited by Bruce Cook with Forwards by Peter Wagner and Bill Hamon. It is available through

Global Initiatives Foundation ( is a tax-exempt 501 (c) 3 non-profit whose efforts are enabled by the generosity of a remnant of faithful friends and contributors whose vision aligns with God's heart to mobilize the least of these our brethren. Checks on US banks should be made out to Global Initiatives and mailed to PO Box 370291, Denver CO 80237 or email us at for access information on our secure web-site.

2013 Copyright Morris Ruddick -

Reproduction is prohibited unless permission is given by a SIGN adviser. Since 1996, the Strategic Intercession Global Network (SIGN) has mobilized prophetic intercessors committed to targeting strategic-level issues impacting the Body on a global basis. For previous posts or more information on SIGN, check:

Morris Ruddick
Global Initiatives Foundation

How to make a shofar - a TV interview from a factory in Israel. One of only three worldwide.

We first saw this on our friend's blog, and wanted to share here also. You can check out The 2 Spies blog with the link below, and sign up to get their communications. You will like them!
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The Promise - Steve's first book